February 2013 Updates: Alma’s Art Projects!. Alma explored various ways to work with oil pastels

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Alma enjoyed making 3D puffy sand creations. First you mix everything together... From the book: Weird Wacky & Wild Stuff You Can Make At Home! By John E. and Danita Thomas

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February 2013 Updates: Almas Art Projects! Alma explored various ways to work with oil pastels Alma enjoyed making 3D puffy sand creations. First you mix everything together... From the book: Weird Wacky & Wild Stuff You Can Make At Home! By John E. and Danita Thomas And then you squirt the mix unto paper. The pictures dry into a cool puffy design with a nice colour. Another sand related activity: making pictures by sprinkling sand over glue. First I drew a picture with glue and Alma sprinkled the sand. Then Alma did both, once with the glue container and then with a brush. Afterwards, she just drew with the sand and her finger. I tried to show Alma how to write her name in sand but she was more interested in making up a story with little stones and my hand was the monster... Creating with dried beans: Alma made a mosaic style self portrait She enjoyed working with the beans very much and asked to do another one. Hahgoot was interested too and made a garden scene with bean-flowers. The weird, wild and wacky book inspired us to make another project: bird biscuits! I taught Alma how to break eggs by herself. As we were not going to eat this, she could touch all the ingredients as much as she liked. Wild birds seeds feel nice! It starts like a regular dough but it isnt sweet, its salty. Then she helped cut out shapes. With a straw she made little holes, to put strings through after baking (these biscuits were going to be hanging from trees!). We discovered that the bird seeds wouldnt stick on the cookies so we spread honey on top, and that helped. They came out very nice from the oven! Alma helped me hang the biscuits from trees and bushes in our yard. We also gave a bunch to her day care to hang in their yard as well. It worked! A week later most of the biscuits were gone! We didnt get to see any birds, though... In our next presentation: More of Almas creative adventures!