FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

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Page 1: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container


Page 2: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container


Your cargo, whether large orsmall, is handled with money-saving efficiency at the Port ofHouston. In fact, we have elimi-nated heavy lift charges on ship-ments up to 35 tons moving directto or from rail or truck, which wiltsave shippers "money by theton." To lift your cargo there is achoice of four 82-ton truckcranes, two revolving gantrycranes, one Paceco containergantry crane, seven locomotivecranes, two 50-ton mobile cranesand a big variety of smaller units

as well as a huge 500-ton bargecrane. There are wharves with

spacious transit shedsfor cargoes that need protectionand there are open wharves with-out an obstruction so we canhandle your larger cargoes withease.Handling Your Cargo Is The Busi-ness We Want/


Pride of fhe Gulf

Executive Office: 1519 Capitol Ave.P.O. Box 2562 ¯ Houston, Texas 77001

Serving America’s Heartland


Page 3: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

Ample Unloading SpaceIt s easy for ships, trucks and rail carsto load and unload cargo with no delay.

..... Uana~ng~.~..,.ii~ Experience, equipment and con-modern

crete wharves conveniently located to

~i~ warehouses mean quicker service.

Manchester s modern convenient facilities include:

¯ Concrete wharves ¯ Automatic sprinkler system¯ Two-story transit sheds ¯ Large outdoor storage area¯ High-density cotton compresses ¯ Rapid truck loading and unloading

i¯ Modern handling methods and equipment


For complete cargo handling service, use Manchester Terminal.

¯ ICManchester Term,na orporat,onP. O. Box 52278 General Office: CA 7-3296

- Houston, Texas, 77052 Wharf Office: WA 6-9631 -


FEBRUARY, 1969 3

Page 4: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container



What’s betterthanknow-how?It takes know-how mtd imagination to masterthe dimcuh, the unexpected, the challenging. AtStates Marine this combination is brought tobear ml lhe many problems faced by shippers.Operating one of America’s largest cargoneet.~, we can tailor services to fit your needs.Our people have knowledge, experience, initiative¯ . . You can count on their expert adviceand personalized service.

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STATES MARINE-ISTHMIAN AGENCY, INC.U.S. National Bank Bldg., SOuthfield 3-2441States Marine Lines Gulf-South and East Africa ServiceStates Marine Lines Red Sea/Persian Gulf ServiceStates Marine Lines Mediterranean ServiceStates Marine Lines Far East ServiceStates Marine Lines Continental ServiceStates Marine Lines World Wide Full Cargo ServiceIsthmian Lines Gulf-India/Pakistan Service


Page 5: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

Jan U TERWYK Co., Inc.


Houston New Orleans

Service will be resumed on conclusion of I. L. A. strike


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Service will be resumed on conclusion of I. L. A. strike


Service will be resumed on conclusion of I. L. A. strike

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Your Vessel will be met at the Barand Piloted to the Port of Houston by




Page 6: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

Before you trade(or travel) overseas,

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Page 7: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container


Volume 11

Official PublicationOf the Harris County Houston Ship Channel Navigation District

FEBRUARY, 1969 No. 2

Directory OfPort Commissioners

And StaffFOR THE

Navigation DistrictHOWARD TELLEPSEN, ChairmanR. H. PRUETT, CommissionerE. H. HENDERSON, CommissionerW. D. HADEN, II, CommissionerFENTRESS BRACEWELL, Commissioner

J. P. TURNER, Executive DirectorGEORaE W. ALTVATER, Deputy DirectorC. E. BULLOCk:, Director of Port OperationsHENRY M. BROADNAX, General Sales ManagerJ. L. LOCKETT, JR., CounselS. B. BRUCE, County AuditorVAUCHN M. BRYANT, Director of International

RelationsLLOYD GREGORY, Director o/ InformationRICHARD P. LEACH,

Director of Engineering & PlanningGENE E. STEWART, Chief EngineerJ. R. CURTIS, Terminal ManagerK. P. RODEN,

Manager of Grain ElevatorW. J. STAGNER, Manager, Storage WarehousesRXCHARD J. SHmOSKY, Superintendent,

Bulk Materials Handling PlantJ. K. HENDERSON, ControllerL. T. FRITSCH, Purchasing AgentA. B. LANDRY, Personnel Manager and

World Trade Building ManagerC. L. SHUt’TRINE, Chief Security O~icerW. E. REDMON, Maintenance SuperintendentT. E. WHATLEY, Administrative AssistantV. D. WILLIAMS, Administrative Assistant


Sales ManagerFRANK WARD, Assistant

25 Broadway, New York, New YorkHUMV A. HENDERSON, Chicago District

Sales Manager401 E. Prospect, Mount Prospect, Illinois

JOHN R. WEILER, Houston DistrictSales Manager

C. A. ROUSSER, JR.,District Sales Representative1519 Capitol Avenue, Houston, Texas


1519 Capitol Avenue at Crawford StreetTelephone CApitol 5-0671

P. O. Box 2562, Houston, Texas 77001

Houston Is Focal Point For HPI .................................. 8

Three ’Consulates Post New Officers ............................. 12

Scene At The World Trade Club ................................. 14

Visitors See The Port of Houston ................................... 16

Houston Leads The Nation In Rail Car Unloadings ................... 17

Netumar Line Serves ’Houston’s Petrochemical Industry ............... 18

The Houston Port Bureau Reports ................................. 20

Houston Steamship Agents ......................................... 29

Sailing ’Schedule of General Cargo Ships ........................... 30

Port of Houston Shipping Directory ............................... 32


This month we feature a very young steamship company that has showntremendous growth. To find out about the Netumar ’Line see Page, 18.

The Port o/ Houston Magazine


Published monthly by the Harris County Houston Ship Channel Naviga-tion District, the PORT OF HOUSTON Magazine is distributed free to maritime,industrial and transportation interests in the United States and foreign coun-tries. This publication is not copyrighted and permission is given for the re-production or use of any original material, provided credit is given to thePort of Houston. Additional information, extra copies of the magazine oradvertising rates may be obtained by writing the PORT OF HOUSTON Magazine,1401 South Post Oak, Houston, Texas 77027.

FEBRUARY, 1969 7

Page 8: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container


BY GEORGE B. GIBBSEditorial Director, Hydrocarbon Processing Magazine

T HE LARGEST manufacturing in-dustry in the United States in terms

of capital expenditures is fhe hydrocar-bon processing industry (HPI).

The HPI is the manufacturing part ofthe petroleum industry, consisting of re-fineries, petrochemical plants and nat-ural gas processing plants. Capital ex-penditures for these plants in the U.S.will approach $3 billion in 1969.

The focal point for the hydrocarbonprocessing industry is Houston. This isbecause of the large concentration ofHPI plants already built and some 27new plants that are under construction.Many of these vital units are located outhe Houston Ship Channel’s 50-mile-long, $3 billion-plus industrial complex.

Petroleum refining in the Southwest(Texas Gulf Coast area) amounts over two million barrels per day, whichis 74 per cent of the Texas total and ]9per cent of the U. S. operating capacity.Twelve major oil companies have gen-eral headquarters in Houston and eigh-teen refineries are operating in theSoutheast Texas Gulf Coast area.

For petrochemicals (chemicals pro-duced from petroleum), Houston is inan even more pre-eminent position. Atleast 40 per cent of every basic petro-chemical produced in the United Statescomes from Houston and for some prod-ucts, such as synthetic rubber, this re-gion produces as much as 80 per cent.Two-thirds of the nation’s ethylene isproduced here.

THE COST of equipment to supplythis industry amounts to about

$140,000 per man in the HPI. This isnine times greater than the average ofall manufacturing industry and is morethan four times greater than the nextranking industry--chemicals. The type

of cquipment used by this industryvaries all the way from simple piping tocomplicated, esoteric equipment such ascyclone separators.

Of just as much importance to theHouston area is the maintenance of ex-isting plants. Maintenance, as a per centof replacement value, is approximately11/2 per cent for U. S. refineries. Petro-Chemical plants average about 31/2 percent. Natural gas processing plants havea maintenance cost of less than 1 percent.

The stakes are very high for keepinghydrocarbon processing plants running24 hours a day. It costs almut $1,600per hour for a 1,000 ton per day am-monia plant to be shut down. A recentpower failure at a refinery lasted threeand one-half hours and cost $250,000 inlost products. So, it is not surprising thatannual maintenance expenditures in theUnited States are $1.4 billion just tokeep the plants running.

I N ADDITION to new capital andmaintenance costs, the industry could

not get along without huge expendituresfor operating material. Exclusive of la-bor costs and capital depreciation, it isexpected that $21.2 billion will be spentin the U. S. as operating costs.

Because of the industry’s need of itsown raw materials and by-products forcertain essential processes, a heavy per-centage of crude oil and petrochemicalfeedstocks will be captive and not avail-able for purchase on the open market.Table 3 details the refining requirementsfor chemicals and catalysts, one of theimportant elements in operating costs.

Although the hydrocarbon processingindustry is the supplier of most of theenergy in t’he U.S., it also accounts for271/e per cent of all fuels and electric


Page 9: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

power consumed by the manufacturingindustry. In addition, the HPI generates15 per cent of all plant-generated power.Looking at the entire manufacturing in-dustry, the HPI is the largest single mar-ket for electric energy and fuels in theUnited States.

What ties refineries, petrochemicalplants and natural gas processing plantstogether is that they are very similar indesign and construction. The refineries,petrochemical and natural gas process-ing plants all perform the same basicfunction--processing of oil or gas tomanufacture fuels and chemical prod-nets.

All three types of plants derive theirraw materials from petroleum resources,wit’h refineries and petrochemical plantssending feedstocks back and forth toeach other. They are similar in raw ma-terials, processes and operations, equip-ment, personnel and organization. Infact, the most highly developed applica-tion of this idea is in Houston, where thetie-in, interdependence and relationshipof these plants has been called the "spa-ghetti bowl."

Certain fundamental unit operationsare characteristic, such as the principlesof fluid flow, heat transfer, reaction ki-netics, process control and others. Theseprinciples are used in the selection ofequipment such as pumps, pipes, valves,vessels, heat exchangers, reactors, instru-ments and many other items.

GAS AND OIL will continue to fur-nis’h most of the world’s energy

needs well into the next century. Evenmore capacity will he required of refin-eries in the years ahead to fulfill thegrowing energy demands. Refining runsare catching up to refining capacity.Overcapacity is now around 5.4 per centas opposed to 16.7 per cent in 1962.

This margin is about as low as can

be tolerated by the industry--and it isthe primary result of strong demandrather than any slowdown in any newrefinery construction. During the nextten years plans call for the installationof refining units that will add approxi-mately 2 million barrels per day capac-ity. Outside the U. S. A., the growthwill be even greater.

From two to three years are requiredto plan, construct, and put onstream (inproduction) additional capacity. Thelarge oil and chemical companies arediw~rsifying to an extent not contem-plated even five years ago. Entry intothe marketing of liquefied petroleuln gasand the manufacture of petrochemicalsarc generally the first steps of these com-panies’ diversification programs.

These fields are natural growth areasfor the HPI because of the raw materialsinvolved as by-products of other process-ing steps. Both of these areas are grow-ing more rapidly than the parent indus-tries, with annual gains of 8-10 per centin revenues expected to continue wellinto the future.

T HE PETROCHEMICAL industrydemands extremely heavy outlays in

capital for new plant construction. Thisis a proven medium for investors ofsubstantial capital funds.

Agricuhural chemicals have also beena very important area of expansion, withmany old-line (ompanies in this fieldhaving been acquired by mergers. Thishas caused the HPI to develop othermineral resources, particnlarly sulfur,potash, and phosphate.

Perhaps the most striking diversifica-tion move in recent years by the HPIhas been in the coal industry, primarilyby means of several large mergers. Themost important attraction here is thehuge reserve position enjoyed by thecoal industry and the potential for de-

This 12,000 pound unit for a petrochemical plant was shipped to Europe by a major oil company.


A refining unit is being loaded for export.

riving fuels and chemicals from coal bymeans of one vast HPI processing com-plex. Growth in the industry has hecnespecially rapid for the past( few yearsas electric utilities stepped up their pur-chases. Further mergers are anticipatedand it is expected that HPI companieswill soon be the principal producers ofcoal.

The hydrocarbon processing industryis truly international. There are ahont3,400 HPI plants in the Free World. Upuntil 1958, the U.S. refined more thanhalf of the petroleum products. Now,countries outside the U. S. refine twicethe amount of petroleum as does theU.S.

At present, the U. S. has a 65 percent share of total natural gas sales. TheU. S. is also predominant in petrochemi-cals. However, both natural gas process-ing and petrochemicals are growingfaster outside the U. S. and will soon

Page 10: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

A few of the major parts for a refinery arrive at the Port of Houston.

be in the same position as refining isnow. Here are trends to watch in a dy-namic industry throughout the world.

G IIOWTH IN crude oil refiningthroughout the world continues at

a fairly steady pace. The countries lead-ing in refinery expansion are France,Germany, Japan, Netherlands, theUnited Kingdom, and the United States.Each makes an average yearly additionof approximately 200,000 daily barrelsin capacity. Yet percentage growth forthese countries varies widely because oftile differing sizes of their refining in-dustries. Actually, the average world-wide growth rate in refining is about 7per cent per year.

Total capital expenditures in refiningfor 1969 in the Free World will be $2.6billion. The United States will accountfor eight-tenths of a billion dollars whichrepresents a 3-4 per cent growth rate.Processes employing thermal operationsincrease as a function of crude oil charg-ing capacity and therefore follow thesegrowth rates. However, in the UnitedStates, a fabulous corollary market ex-ists because of the installation of down-stream processing units, or industrieswhich make further use of the oilrefineries’ basic products.

At the present time, the pressing needfor newer and more modern units to re-main competitive, and the widespread

Engineering and Construction of New HPI Units in Houston Area*


Alamo Polymer Pasadena PolypropyleneAmerican Oil Texas City Expand refinery; sulfuric acidAmoco Chemicals Texas City Styrene monomer; polybuteneCelanese Chemical Clear Lake City Ethylene oxide; ethylene glycolCoastal States Gas Producing Houston LPG FractionatlonCrown Central Houston Expand refinery; crude units; fluid cat cracker;

catalytic Reformer; delayed coker; electricdesalter

Dow Chemical Freeport Expand ethylene, light hydrocarbon Plant No. 6Enjay Chemical Baytown Polypropylene ResinFMC Bayport Synthetic glycerinGAF Corp. Texas City Acetylene chemicalsGulf Oil Mont Belvieu Expand LPG fractionating; CO2 removal;

Merox; depropanizing; expand storageJ. M. Huber Baytown Carbon blackHumble Oil & Refining Baytown Catalytic reforming; electric desalter; hydro-

finer Unit #4Conroe Revamp gas processingClear Lake Revamp gas processing; fractlonationTomball Revamp gas processingKaty Revamp gas processing

Marathon Oil Texas City Expand cat reforming; expand treatingMonsanto Texas City Expand HD polyethyleneNational Petrochemicals Corp. Houston Expand polyethyleneOxirane Chemical Bayport Propylene oxide; plant offsitesPan Am Gas Texas City Gas processingPetro-Tex Chemical Houston Chloroprene monomer; neoprenePhillips Petroleum Houston Polyethylene (particle form)Premier Petrochemicals Co. Pasadena MelamineShell Chemical Houston EthyleneShell Oil Houston Sour water tripper revision; electric desalter;

OP-II offsltes; hydrocracker; hydrogen manu-facturing; catalytic reformer; saturates gasplant

Signal Oil & Gas Co. Houston Distillate hydrotreaterSinclair Oil & Gas Houston Delayed cokerSinclair Petrochemicals Channelview Isophthalic acid; metaxyleneUnited Gas Houston HydrogenUSI-National Distillers Houston Vinyl acetate

* Hydrocarbon Processing, "Construction Boxscore," February 1969.


installation of pollution control systems,has somewhat offset the wave-like pat-tern of the U. S. refining industry’s newprocess technology which heretofore hascome every 5-6 years. However, the fast-est growing downstream processes willcontinue to be hydrocraeking and cata-lytic hydrogen treating. Because of this,the construction of ’hydrogen units willsoar.

Outside the United States the $1.8billion to be spent will go mostly forrefinery enlargement. Certain areas ofthe world, such as Canada and Europehave embarked on the construction ofvast superhighway networks which willinevitably create a demand for thelarger U. S. type automobile which inturn will require high octane gasoline.

Petrochemical growt’h rates in theUnited States have been spectacular--averaging 10 per cent in recent years.Petrochemicals now account for 36 percent of the total chemical output andsurpass 58.I million tons per year. Saleshave passed the $10 billion mark andexceed 63 per cent of total chemicalsales. Outside the U. S. growth rateshave averaged much higher and, in mostcases, about twice our domestic growth.Demand for petrochemicals world-widein the next 10 to 15 years ~hould qua-druple.

SYNTHETIC detergents, coatings and

rubber have already captured over50 per cent of the market. Syntheticfibers have made substantial inroads inthe replacement of natural fibers. Plasticuses, fantastic as their growth may seem,have resulted from only modest appli-cations in vehicles, appliances, packag-ing and many other smaller applicationsassociated with increasing standard ofliving in developed countries.

By 1980, we can expect world plastics’consumption to he over six times thepresent rate; synthetic rubber should ex-ceed present production by three timesand synthetic fibers s’hould be morethan twice the present consumption. An-other really large growth area for petro-chemicals is fertilizers. Here the base is


Page 11: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

larger, and 1980 should see plant nu-trients being produced in excess of threetimes the 1965 level of 36.6 tons an-nually.

Petrochemicals represent the largestsegment of HPI capital expenditures, ofwhich about half will be spent in theUnited States. In 1969, total Free Worldcapital expenditures are estimated at$3.8 billion. In the 1970 to 1975 periodthis is expected to increase to a yearlyaverage of $4.4 billion.

W ITHIN THE next ten years the

United States’ share of the naturalgas sales will drop from 65 per cent ofthe world total to around 50 per cent.This doesn’t indicate a decline in theimportance of natural gas in the U. S.but rather the immense gains in naturalgas usage all over the world. Americangas sales will increase at a healthy 5per cent while the rest of the world willbe experiencing a gain three times thatof t’he United States.

Natural gas liquids will continue toplay an important role in the industry’sexpansion. Gas liquids in the UnitedStates will grow at a rate of 5.6 per centduring the next ten years. Outside theU. S. the growth pattern is more diffi-cult to predict.

Sulfur, a commodity in extremelyshort supply in the last few years, has

This big tank will be used in a refinery being constructed in South America.

become a prime by-product of naturalgas processing. Once only an objection.able product that had to be removed, itis now a high-priced profit maker.Within the next 10 years it is quite pos-sible, if not probable, that sulfur re-covered from natural gas will replacemined sulfur as the main sulfur source.

By 1975, liquefied natural gas will

play an important role in the world’senergy market. About 10 per cm~t ofWestern Europe’s natural gas demandwill be filled by LNG. The United Stateswill be importing LNG, the amount de-pending on variables such as future in-digenous discoveries and governmentpolicies. Japan, already an LNG im-porter will increase imports.











~ c~c~~






















FEBRUARY, 1969 11

Page 12: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container


Great Britain SendsVeteran To HeadBig Office Here

The Hon. A. J. W. Hockenhull, O.B.E.,has assumed his new duties as HerBritannic Majesty’s Consul General inHouslon, succeeding the Hon. GeraldSimpson, who has returned to the For-eign Office in London after three and ahalf years as consul general here.

A veteran of the Britis~h OverseasOffice since 1936, Mr. Hockenhull bringsto his Houston post a vast experience inforeign service which has seen ]aim inposls in China, Southeast Asia, the Mid-die East and South America. Here hewill head the largest foreign eonsulategeneral in the Southwest, with jurisdie-tion in Texas and Oklahoma, and inCaddo and Bossier parishes (Shreveportarea) in Louisiana.

Consul General Hoekenhull said hischief task in the Houston office will beto stimulate British exports into theSouthwest, and his office has a busy andactive staff working constantly towardthis end. It maintains trade specialistsin the Consulate General in Houstonand also has a trade development officein Dallas.

The United Kingdom is one of thechief trading partners of the Port ofHouston (others arc Japan, West Ger-many, The Netherlands and Belgium)and in 1966 exported nearly $10 millionin goods through the Port, weighing652.000 tons. More than one-fourth ofthis was in spirits, principally Scotchwhiskey.

It is earning more dollars here inwhich Britain is interested, and asteadily growing market is being foundin the Southwest for her automobiles,precision machinery, highly manu-factured products, textiles, steel andother speciahies of the United King-dom’s humming industries.

Mr. Hockenhull spent two months inLondon preparatory to coming to Hous-ton and after leaving his former post.During that time he talked to a number


Britain’s new consul general was introduced to Houstonians at a reception in the World TradeClub last month shortly after his arrival. Here, at left, he is shown receiving a floral arrangement ofthe British Union Jack from H. R. Matrisciani, president of the World Trade Club.

o[ industrialists in Britain and became"enthusiastic over what they told me of

Houston and the Southwest. I certa!nlymust say that I find it measures up.

The new consul general cited the closeeconomic as x~cll as political ties whichlink the United Kingdom and the UnitedStates. There is a slight imbalance intrade against the U.K. of $200 million,with approximately $800 million beingbought from the b.S. and British ex-ports to this country totalling about$600 million.

"For us to prevail we mnst develop abetter share of the [-.S. market and thiswill in turn provide a better market forthe U.S. in Britain and insure a betterreturn there on U.S. investment capital,"he said.

"I find Houston and the Southwest adynamic and expanding environment inwhich to live and look forward to mywork in assisting British exporters to gettheir full and fair share of this rapidlyexpanding market", he added.

"During my stay in London I gainedthe impression the British economy is onthe up and up and very skillfully con-trolled".

Houston’s exports to the United King-dom out-valued the imports brought in

wilh a total of some $73 million in 1967against imports of $13 million. Muchof the tonnage concerned in British ex-ports to Houston were in iron and steel,farm machinery, automobiles and otherw’hicles.

The new British consul general waseducated at Clifton College and at Ox-ford Uniw~rsity where he obtained anHonours Degree in Law and a Masterof Arts. He went directly into the Over-seas Service and a good deal of hiscare, er was spent in Southeast Asia. Dur-ing World War I[ he was imprisoned inSingapore by the Japanese from 1942-45.He continued to serve principally theSoutheast Asia area afterward, but inaddition was also posted to the MiddleEast and to what is now Guyana on thenorth coast of South America.

Mr. Hockenhull’s last post was inKuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he wasCounsellor in the British High Commis-sion and Director of British InformationServices. He was made an Officer of theOrder of the British Fmpire (O.B.E.) I]le New Year’s Honours List of QueenElizabeth II published in January, i966.

The Hockenhulls have two daughters,aged 9 and 11, who are in school inEngland but will join their parents inHouston during vacations.


Page 13: FEBRUARY, 1969 page 1 to 20.pdfsave shippers "money by the ton." To lift your cargo there is a choice of four 82-ton truck cranes, two revolving gantry cranes, one Paceco container

POST OFFICERSInternational TradeExpert Is NamedDanish Consul

King Frederick IX of Denmark hasappoinled Paul B. Hansen of WilsonIndustries. Inc., the Honorary DanishConsul for the Houston area. He suc-ceeds Bernhard Daugbjerg who hadheld the post for more. than a dozenyears before retiring.

Hansen’s appointment was announcedby King Frederick on September 16,1968, arrd he was officially recognizedby the United States as the HoustonConsul ~,hen his appointment papers re-ceived the approval and signature ofPresident Johnson and Secretary ofState Rusk on October 22.

"It is a great honor to represent Den-mark here in Houslon," said Hansen. "llook forward to many challenges andrewards serving as the Danish Consul.

"One of mv many duties as Consulwill be to furtl~er dewdop tire wholesomerelationship between Denmark and thelocal government here," said Hansen."Also, another duty will be to certifyofficial papers for Danish citizens visit-ing this eounlry, and to issue passportsto Danish citizens in tire Houston areawishing to visit their homeland."

Other duties of the Consul includeprotecting interests of the Danish citi-zens ill the Houston area; certifying thelog books of Danish merchant vesselswhen necessary; and authorizing pas-sage home for Danish citizens whoqualify for such authorization.

A native of Ronne, Denmark, Hansencompleted Iris formal education in Den-mark. He served as a British para-trooper during World War II and afterthe war became an export manager fora Swedish company in South America.

A naturalized citizen of the UnitedStates for many years, Hansen joinedWilson Industries in 1959 as a regionalexl)ort manager. Then in 1964 he waspromoled to his present position as man-ager of international operations.

Houston enjoys a healthy trade withDenmark and in recent years there hasbeen a striking increase in furnitureexports [rom that Scandinavian countryto Houston, where several Danish fur-niture stores now thrive where therewere none a decade ago. The DanishUnited Steamship Company is a regularcaller at the Port of Houston, and sev-eral other steamship lines also linkHouston and the Port of Copenhagen.

Panamd’s new consul general, Maria Ehrman-Lefevre, is shown here in the Consulate Generalflanked by the country’s coat of arms.

Paul B. Hansen, Denmark’s new honorary consulin Houston, is shown in the consulate officesstanding by a Danish flag with a photograph inthe background of King Frederick IX of Denmark.

Representative From

Panama Is RelatedTo Two Presidents

Panamfi’s new corrsul general In Hous-ton, Texas, is the great grand-niece ofthe founder (1903) and first presidenlof the Isthmian republic, Dr. ManuelAmador Guerrero.

She is Maria Ehrman-Lefevre andsire assumed her consular general dutiesJanuary 8.

A striking and affable woman, sirealso is the niece of another Panamanianpresident of the 1930’s, Ernesto T.Lefevre, her mother’s brother.

The new consul general was namedafter the wife of Dr. Guerrero, Mariade la Ossa, considered by Panamaniansas the "Martha Washington" of theircountry.

Mrs. Ehrman-Lefevre attended theColegio Mada hnmaculada Concepcior~in Panamfi, attended school in Bahbmore, Maryland, and finished her studiesat the Sorbonne in Paris.

Following her marriage, she joinedthe Panamanian Diplomatic Corps in1947. One of her first assignments wasas attache to the Panamanian delegationto France. Later she served as secretaryto the Panamanian Embassy in Paris.

Her next diplomatic post was as con-sul general to Le Havre, France. Shethen served as consul general in Beirut,Lebanon, and in IstanbuI, Turkey. be-fore assuming her present post in Hous-ton.

In addition to speaking Spanish andEnglish, sire is fluent in French andItalian, and has, she says, a "smattering"of Arabic and Turkish.

A frequent visitor to the United Stah’s(she has relatives in New 5’ork andWashington, D.C.), she also took everyopportunity to visit other countries whileserving in her European posts.

Mrs. Erhman-Lefevrc voiced her de-sire to add to the friendly relationsexisting between the two countries andto furt’her help in strengthening tradethrough the Port of Houston gatewa~fand other Texas areas of commerce.

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Long before the Swedish training vesselHSWMS ALVSNABBEN called at the Port ofHouston in mid-February, plans were underwayfor her reception and for entertaining her40 officers, 30 chief petty officers, 65 cadets and115 ratings. Shown here in the World TradeClub going over some of these plans areSweden’s Consul General, Tore Hoegstedt, andLt. F. M. Turbeville, USN, of the NROTCUnit at Rice University who was the Navy’sproject officer for the visit.

A recent visitor at the World Trade Clubwas Carl Wischmann, left, manager of drycargo chartering for Victory Carriers, Inc., ofNew York, part of the Onassls shipping interests.He is seen here in front of a ship model fromhis native Norway with Raul Camara,manager of the marine division in Houston ofA. J. Fritz & Co.

Noel Hemmendinger, legal counsel to theUnited States--Japan Trade Counciland a veteran with the U.S. Department of Stateand Justice, was guest speaker of the WorldTrade Club at its monthly meeting in January.He is shown in the photo at left flanked byHouston attorneys William B. Dazey, left,and E. E. "Pat" Murphy, who was programchairman. In the photo below, Hemmendlngeris shown with prominent members ofHouston’s Japanese bus|ness colony. Fromleft are Koichl Ueda, Japanese Consul; K. Shlraki,C. Itoh & Co.; M. Enoki, Mistui & Co.;Arao Ohta, Japan’s consul general in Houston;T. Hashimoto, Marubeni-lida Ca., and T. Oda,Nissho-lwai Co.


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This authentic mannequin from the Belgianexhibit at Hemisfair literally stole the show last

month at the World Trade Club’s BeneluxNight in which the Club honored the Low Coun-

tries of Belgium, The Netherlands andLuxembourg. The costume dates from the 16th

century and is worn even today duringCarnival celebrations in Belgium. It purports

to be the idea of the 16th century Belgian as towhat the Aztec and Inca Indians of Mexico

and Peru looked like, based on reports broughthome by Belgian sailors. Here B. Wayne

White, left, chairman of the Benelux Night, andF. A. Hoefer, right, consul general of

The Netherlands, look over the figure as BelgianConsul General Herman Matsaert explains

some of the details.

Lunching at the World Trade Club last monthwith the Port of Houston’s District Sales

Manager, John R. Weiler, left, were two unrelatedRyans. Right is James T. Ryan, regional

manager of the Toyota Motors Distributors, Inc.,and in the middle is Charles R. Ryan, a

veteran of the steamship business who is nowtraffic coordinator of the Houston

division of the far-flung Flour Corporation, Ltd.

More than two dozen British manufacturersof sporting goods and related equipment

participated in Houston’s National Sports Showthis month in the huge Astrohall adjacent to

the Domed Stadium. The British government co-operated with the manufacturers as a

co-sponsor and E. A. Pyne, left, of the ExhibitionDivision of the Central Offlce of Information

in London was on hand to assist. He isseen here in the World Trade Club with

Andrew Kettles, British Consul in Houston.

Swedish engineer and port planner Lars-AkeJondell, center, was in Houston last month

to study container operations and portfacilities, as part of an extensive tour of ports

all over the world in connection withplanning concepts he is doing for ports in

England, northern Europe and Sweden. Hevisited and discussed railroad freight rates while

here with William Fincher, right, manager ofthe Houston Port Bureau, and James Cashen,

the Bureau’s transportation analyst.

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Visitors See Port of Houston From the Sam Houston

! Recent guests aboard the Port of Houston’s in-spection vessel SAM HOUSTON were these Na-tional Assemblymen from South Korea. From theleft, Won Kook Lee, Legislative Counsel; Choon HaYe, chairman, and Won Young Song, New Demo-cratic Party Spokesman. All are members of theNational Assembly’s Commerce and Industry Com-mittee. On the right is Joel M. Lambert of theGulf Oil Corporation. The group presently is on aworld tour under the auspices of Gulf.

Presbyterian ministers from throughout Texasand the Southwest visited Houston industry lastmonth as members of the Presbyterian Instituteof Industrial Relations, and while here viewedthe multi-billion industrial complex along the ShipChannel from the SAM HOUSTON. They areshown here on the bow of the vessel with theirHouston host, the Rev. Taft Lyon, foreground inclerical collar, pastor of the Trinity PresbyterianChurch and active in the church’s ministry toseamen visiting the Port of Houston.

F. Val Thompson, llne manager with Biehl andCompany, and Mrs. Thompson, left, were hosts fora trip aboard the SAM HOUSTON to Miss Elly P.Lopez, second from left, office manager of Granel,S.A., exporters of grain, resins and other rawproducts, based in Mexico City. At right is MissJere Thompson, Mr. Thompson’s niece, also ofMexico City.

The Port of Houston’s inspection vessel SAMHOUSTON is collecting an impressive array ofplaques from various groups of military and navalpersonnel from all over the world which havemade trips aboard. The most recent was from theIndustrial College of the Armed Forces in Wash-ington, D.C., and here Chief Engineer OzroSheppard is shown hanging it in the vessel’s aftersalon. Just below, partially visible is a plaquefrom the Imperial Defence College in London andto the right, not visible, a plaque from theN.A.T.O. Defense College in Rome.


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Box cars are lined up at the Public Grain Elevator where inland grain will be unloaded for export.


IN BAILtlHMI EARS UNLIIAHEHThe Port of Houston led the nation in rail ear unloadings

in 1968 with a total of 84,345 cars handled, a report by the

Car Service Division of the Association of American Railroadshas revealed.

This was an increase of 2A,151 cars, or 14 per cent, over1967. and was largely due to greatly increased grain ship-

mcnts. Of the Houston total, 55,523 cars unloaded containedgrain, an increase of 69 per cent over the 32,899 cars un-loaded in 1967.

Tampa was second in the nation in car unloadings with

76,631 cars, of which 75,306 cars were bulk carriers. Thiswas a jump of 23 per cent over 1967.

New Orleans, a traditional leader, was tllird in the nation

in 1968 showing only a 2 per cent increase over 1967 andunloading 69,803 cars. The vast majority of these ears, or52,199, carried general cargo and the port showed a 30 percent drop of some 1,689 cars in grain unloaded.

Mobile was another Gulf Coast leader with 33,903 cars fora 9 per cent increase, nearly two thirds of the cars carryinggeneral cargo.

On the Atlantic Coast, New York was the leader with 56,067cars unloaded for a 13 per cent drop under 1967, all of thecars handling general cargo. San Francisco led fhe PacificCoast ports with 45,217 cars unloaded, all but 639 of themcarrying general cargo. This was a 2 per cent increase over


Pre-formed pipe to be used in the construction of an oil refinery is unloaded direct from rail car to ship.

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From The Headwaters of The Amazon

NE TUMA R LINE GROWSTo Serve Houston’s Petroehemieal lndustrg

Some 10 years ago the Amazon Val-ley, whose reaches drain as much landas the entire continental United States,was still an isolated jungle, hiding richesalong its vast river unimagined by theoutside world.

There were no nlodern means of wa-ter transportation, with only the mostobsolete system of navigation available.There were no scheduled arrivals anddepartures, no guarantee of safe arrival,no way of transporting sizeable quanti-ties of the raw materials so abundant inBrazil’s fabulous Amazon River country.

Then three enterprising businessmenwith sharp insight into the potential ofthe huge, untapped wealth just waitingdevelopment decided to create a ship-ping company which, if they had theirway, would break all shipping recordsin Amazon cargo transportation. This

they did--with new, modern ships andmodern technical facilities.

The three men were Dr. Ariosto M.Amado, Dr. Jose Carlos Leal and WalterGainsbury. The company they createdwas the Netumar Line.

They reduced the shipping time fromSantos on the Atlantic coast of Brazil toManaus, from 40 days to 12 days on thismost difficult and extensive route. Op-erating without subsidies of any kind,they took pride in being an entirely pri-vate enterprise.

The company’s first goal accom-plished, Netumar extended its obviouslyefficient services to the south, beginningoperations to Argentine ports, loweringfreight costs and opening new marketsfor the Amazon’s jute fibre, lumber, rub-ber and other products.

To do this Netumar added new units


The VINCITA takes on a cargo at Baytown.


to its fleet and continued to exert allits efforts and know-how in maintainingand upgrading its fast, reliable services.

Now, a decade later, the Amazon Val-ley is shipping 86 per cent of its pro-duction out of this South Americanbonanza-land with Netumar and bring-ing in three-fourths of all its capital andconsumer goods on the same line.

When the Netumar maritime firm be-gan its operations in 1958, it had twosmall, though modern, vessels. But from1960 on it has expanded its fleet eachyear, with the company’s highly quali-fied technical personnel exercising per-manent vigilance over the efficiency ofthe ships, overhauling them periodicallyand insuring maintenance to meet thehighest standards of the InternationalClassification Societies.

In 1967 the Brazilian Federal Govern-ment changed its policies on overseasservice and appointed Netumar, by nowfirst among Brazilian coastwise shippingcompanies, to perform Brazilian trans-portation to and from foreign countriesin combination with the governmentcontrolled Lloyd Brasileiro Line.

In this new service the first Brazilianvessel--a Netumar ship--left Canada


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The VARVARA moves up the Houston Ship Channel.

November 29, 1967, thus beginning itsprofitable Brazil/U.S.A./Canada route.Its efficiency was immediately recog-nized and supported by internationalshippers.

In order to fulfill its new shippingrole Netumar purchased two 12,000d.w.t, vessels and contracted for eightmore, four of them 7,000 d.w.t, shipsand four others of 12,000 d.w.t, with 23knot service speeds.

Today Netumar operates around 23ships, either owned or chartered, and 10of these are in the Brazil/U.S.A./Can-ada trade with sailings every 12 days.

The surge in the petrochemical indus-try in recent years, with its large num-ber of new products and its correspond-ing expansion, promoted Netumar Lineto take advantage of the increased de-mand for more specialized tonnage. Todo this the company established its pet-rochemical trade service in 1965, whichcalls at Houston.

Netumar first acquired the M/TVINCITA’s services from its owners,Halfdan Ditlev-Simonsen & Company ofOslo, Norway, for use in transportingthe petrochemical industry’s products inthe vessel’s 47 fully coated and heatedtanks.

Recently Netumar put into operationt’he M/T VENTURA, also owned by theNorwegian firm and recently convertedto meet the requirements for safe andefficient handling of the very sensitivepetrochemicals and solvents now in use.The 20,000 d.w.t, vessel has 34 coatedtanks with heating coils and two addi-tional stainless steel tanks on deck, eachdivided into three compartments of ap-proximately 100 cubic meters.

Halfdan Ditlev-Simonsen & Companyhas many years of experience in operat-

ing such multi-grade carriers, having itsvessels chartered to many different com-panies abroad over the years.

The Port of Houston is probably the

most important terminal for these pet-rochemical operations, certainly inTexas and the U.S. Gulf. Now, with thetwo vessels, VENTURA and VINCITA,the Brazilian line offers monthly sailingsfrom the United States to the Caribbeanand South American ports to all inter-ested petrochemical shippers.

Because of the prominenee of the Portof Houston in petrochemicals, officials ofthe Netumar Line have decided to estab-lish their own port captain in Houston.He is Captain Bjarne Bruland, formerlymaster of the M/T VINCITA who hasmany years of experience in this spe-cialized petrochemical trade.

The offices for Netumar’s port captainare planned to be in operation by Marchof this year. Captain Bruland will workin coordination with Texas Transport &Terminal Co., Inc., general agents forthe maritime firm in the U.S. Gulf.

Solvent is being unloaded at Santos direct totank trucks.

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THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION hasdecided, upon reconsideration, to allowmotor carriers to maintain separate rateson the generic pipe and machinery groupon commodities that are not to be used inthe oilfield industry. The amended matterdates back, in part, to the Commission’sdecision in MC-C-1891, (300 ICC 409), 1957.The Commission, in the aforementionedorder, had prescribed minimum reasonabledistance rate scales applicable upon oil-field commodities which were divided intotwo broad groups, pipe and machineryand embraced hundreds of items includingmany of which have a variety of uses inother industries. The Commission had statedthat it did not encourage commoditydescriptions based upon use but that oftenthat was the only practicable way toauthorize a carrier to render a completeservice in a specialized line of transpor-tation, and at the same time restrict it tothat particular field. The Commission saidthe record established that there is asubstantial volume of general commoditytraffic unrelated to the oil industrysubject to the minimum rate order becausethose articles are named in the oilfieldhauler’s list of oilfield commodities inboth the "machinery" and "pipe" groups. Itfurther stated that since the non-oilfieldtraffic affected by this order could notbe handled under the oilfield haulercertificated authority this could havelittle effect on that rate structure.

THE BUREAU OF ECONOMICS of the InterstateCommerce Commission has just issuedstatistics which cover reports filed withthe Commission in Docket 34364, (containers20 feet or more in length). The figuresindicate approximate decreases for theyear 1967 as compared with the all-timehigh year of 1966 as follows: rail--4.6percent; motor--12.8 percent; forwarder--9.3 percent; and water--26.9 percent.The railroads terminated 140,226 containersin 1967; the motor carriers 53,350; theforwarders, 14,307; and the water carriers,49,079. It is interesting to note thatwhile the total piggyback traffic (trailersand containers) showed an increase by bothrailroad and forwarder, the number ofcontainer units handled in each case in-dicated a decrease.


THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, uponrequest of interested parties, has furtherpostponed the date for commencing hear-ings in I&S Docket 8419, Rules GoverningAverage Demurrage Agreement, (proposed re-quirement for two demurrage credits tooffset a single debit), to January 27, inWashington, D.C. before Examiner Robert N.Burchmore. It was felt by all parties thatthis postponement would do much to al-leviate problems of securing hotel space,etc. during the inauguration of PresidentNixon. The railroads also voluntarily ex-tended the proposed effective date of thissuspended rule to September 25, 1969.

COMMISSIONER VIRGINIA MAE BROWN, thefirst and only woman to serve on the Inter-state Commerce Commission, has been electedChairman of the Commission for the year1969. Commissioner George M. Stafford wasnamed Vice-Chairman. The I.C.C. also an-nounces the following assignment of Com-missions to Divisions and Committeesfor 1969:


DIVISION ONE --Commissioners(Operating Rights) Rupert L. Murphy

DIVISION TWO(Rates & Practices)


(Chairman) Paul Tierney and DaleW. Hardin

--CommissionersLaurence K. Wal-ruth (Chairman)John W. Bush andWallace R. Burke

--CommissionersKenneth H. Tuggle(Chairman) Willard

Deason and GeorgeM. Stafford


LEGISLATION--Virginia Mae Brown (as exofficio Chairman) George M.Stafford and Dale W. Hardin

RULES --Virginia Mae Brown (as exofficio Chairman) George M.Stafford and Wallace R.Burke