February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

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Page 1: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager
Page 2: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

February 13, 2015

Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program

Athena Mison FulaySenior Manager for Institutional EngagementInstitute of International Education/CIESWashington, D.C.

Page 3: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Role of Campus Representative – Critical Allies

Peer to Peer Outreach

• Promote Fulbright Scholar Programs• Educate Faculty and Administrators about Programs• Encourage and Support Applicants• Recognize Fulbright Grant Recipients• Support the Development of Fulbright-Friendly


Page 4: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Release Time

• Fulbright Scholar grants range from 2 to 12 months.• Is release time set or scheduled as needed?• Can junior faculty get release time? Does it affect tenure

clock?• Can adjunct faculty go on a Fulbright and be offered work

on their return?

Case Study: Albion College grants sabbatical leave to faculty who have been selected to receive a Fulbright grant.

Page 5: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager


• Does international experience count towards tenure, promotion of merit?

• Are faculty development benefits of lecturing awards recognized equally with research awards?

• Can junior faculty accept a Fulbright without jeopardizing tenure? Some campuses stop the tenure clock for the duration of the Fulbright grant.

Case Study: Texas State University at San Marcos gives an automatic salary increase to returned Fulbright Scholars.Case Study: University of Louisville highly values international teaching, research and service in tenure decisions.

Page 6: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager


• Most Fulbright Scholar grants do no equal faculty salaries.

• Fulbright Scholar grants cover: • Stipend• Maintenance• Travel/Relocation for grantee

Case Study: Appalachian State University tops off the Fulbright grant to match current faculty member salary. Gives equivalent of Fulbright funding to affected department to hire replacement faculty.

Page 7: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager


• Fulbright Scholars need uninterrupted coverage with their regular health insurance.

• Grants offer only supplementary coverage that includes medical evacuation, but not preexisting conditions, or coverage for family members.

• Are other benefits continued, for example, retirement?

Case Study: Texas A&M University maintains full benefit package at the university’s expense.

Page 8: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Recognition and Multiplier Effect

• Fulbright Scholars returned energized with new ideas for international collaboration, invigorating curricula, involving students. Don’t lose this energy to disinterest – use it benefit your campus!

• How does your institution recognize returning Fulbright Scholars?

• Is there support for new courses of collaborative projects?

Case Study: Montana State University – Bozeman hosts Fulbright Ambassadors to speak with key administrators involved in international education and schedules panel discussions of past Fulbrighters in conjunction with the visit.

Case Study: College of Central Florida displayed Scholar photographs and hosted a workshop with area alumni group entitled, “the Fulbright Experience: Visual Conversations From Afar.”

Page 9: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Promote Fulbright Scholar Programs

• Host a Fulbright Day on Campus! Sponsor IIE/CIES staff to travel to campus for a series of presentations with faculty, administrators and alumni

• Share Campus Representative updates with faculty

• Speak at faculty meetings, introduce yourself as the Fulbright Campus Rep, suggest Fulbright as an agenda item at meetings

• Link www.cies.org to your website

• Order additional materials for distribution around campus or to have on hand for meetings with faculty

• Invite a Fulbright Ambassador or Outreach Lecturer

• Hold your own Campus Workshop!

Page 10: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

SRI International Outcome Assessment & ORC Macro Comprehensive Evaluation

ORC 2005

• 83% Publish• 94% Seek Additional Grants• 72% Continue Collaboration

with Host• 85% Encourage students

and colleagues• 91% Share knowledge of

host country with broader community

SRI 2002

• 95% Expand Professional Activities

• 75% Continue to Collaborate with Host

• 73% Incorporate Aspects of Fulbright Experience into courses

• 70% Initiate Educational Exchanges

Page 11: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Promote Fulbright Scholar Programs

Case Studies:

Cleveland State University uses Catalog of Awards to match faculty to opportunities, reviews project statements, invites staff annually.

University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and University of Northern Iowa share funding to sponsor IIE/CIES staff to travel to their region annually.

Kapi’olani Community College speaks at UH system wide events regarding the value and importance of Fulbright as a resource for their campuses. Special attention is made to address how Fulbright facilitates meeting institutional goals, mission statements and accreditation requirements.

Page 12: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Educate Faculty and Administrators About Programs

• Increase the number of campus representatives at your institution

• Have a discussion about where Fulbright Programs should be on campus

• Invite CIES staff to conduct a tailored administrator workshop to facilitate conversation on institutional support

• Work with returned Fulbrighters to publish articles about their experience and the impact it has had on the institution

Page 13: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Educate Faculty and Administrators about Programs

Case Studies:

University of Houston reviewed sabbatical policy and discovered non-research activities weren’t eligible for funding, and rewrote policy to allow for Fulbright grants.

Ana Mendez System invites Outreach Lecturers to speak at all their campus locations in Puerto Rico and makes a point to have administrators visit IIE/CIES when they are in DC.

Wayne State University actively uses social media to share messages and announcements with their campus community.

Page 14: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Encourage and Support Applicants

• Suggesting combining Fulbright to sabbatical eligible faculty

• Coordinate application review using Fulbright Alumni on Campus

• Serve as a Peer Reviewer to get an inside look at the application process

• Draft and share a document outlining institutional policies related to Fulbright, including leave, benefits and case studies

• Understand that candidates may take 3 to 5 years to apply once they start thinking about a Fulbright grant

Page 15: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Encourage and Support Applicants

Case Studies:

Ohio State University shares successful project statements with interested applicants as a guide on how to prepare a strong application.

Pepperdine University encourages faculty to speak with their Office of Sponsored Programs to discuss faculty benefits and additional supplemental funding for those considering Fulbright.

Willamette University connects returned Fulbrighters with interested applicants to discuss project ideas.

Page 16: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Recognize Fulbright Grant Recipients

• Host a reception, coffee hour, luncheon upon their return

• Publish names of grant winners in campus publications, newsletters and announcements

• Send letters of congratulations to grantees signed by the President, Vice President or Dean

• Highlight Fulbrighters during International Education Week or any international focused event on campus

• Acknowledge overseas experience with merit salary review and tenure decisions

Page 17: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Recognize Fulbright Grant Recipients

Case Studies:

University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee publishes interviews with Fulbright Scholars in annual reports and external publications.

North Carolina State University developed a standard letter for senior administrators to sign for returned Fulbright Scholars.

Whitworth College includes both U.S. and Visiting Scholars in their annual President’s Reception.

Emory University created a website that lists all Fulbright recipients and serves as a reference for interested faculty to consult.

Page 18: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Support the Development of Fulbright-Friendly Policies

• Assert how Fulbright demonstrates a commitment to faculty development and international programs

• Make faculty exchange part of the campus strategic plan

• Permit sabbaticals for Fulbright assignments

• Top-off Fulbright grants

• Continue to provide important health and other benefits to faculty receiving Fulbright grants

• Acknowledge overseas experience with merit salary review and tenure decisions

Page 19: February 13, 2015 Campus Representative Case Studies: How Institutions Support and Promote the Fulbright Scholar Program Athena Mison Fulay Senior Manager

Support the Development of Fulbright-Friendly Policies

Case Studies:

Brown University stresses the relationship between participation in the Fulbright Scholar Program and Study Abroad.

University of Central Florida encouraged administrator participation in the IEA program, developing a pool of Fulbright champions within their senior level administration

Tulane University researched policies at peer institutions and encouraged development of similar or better for their own campus

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IIE/CIES is a Resource For YOU!

Tell Us What You Need

• Share your best practices for inclusion in this presentation

• Suggest materials and content for the Campus Representative website and virtual toolkit

• Submit articles, photos, stories for the Fulbright Scholar Blog and Twitter

• Stay in Touch!