)V - febc VOL. IX. NO. 1282. H. I., F1UDAY, MARCH 8, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE BULLETIN DUSTED AND fUtlLISllKD EVERY A FT KK NOON Kxcicrr roniiav nv tiik Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'i, AT THE OKMCE, J36 & 328 Mnrcuant St., HonoVu. H I. BUB8UHIPTION-- B x Dollars Yr.n, Delivered In Honolulu at fifty Csnts ' Mohth, In advance. THE -I- B l'lTHLIHUK' E2VXCK.Tr MONDA V At FOUR DuLLAOn A YlAU I" OolliritlC. and Fit DollarHu Koroiisn "tilixiTilmtt. paynhle in advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTINC. ooa :s scrtnios itui TELEPHONE :50. J'. 0. UO.X S3. lm Daily Bulletin Im printed a no d by the DtUy Hullctin Publislmii Company, Limited, at 1U ollite, Me- rchant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Id andii. Daniel Logan, editor, reside, on Alakea street. Honolulu afoiecalri Addrets letters (or the paper "Kdilor Bulletin," and huslnesn letters " Mnnn") Dally Hullctln I'nmishlu using a personal nuurnHs nmy ran uri: In attention. Bualnesa Card. LBWKBB ft OOOKK. iMrORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER AND ALL KINDS or UOILDINO MATEBIAI.iJ, Fort HtretJt, Honolulu H. HAOKFELD A OO GEKERIL COMMISSION AllENTB. Cornet Fori and lueen Htreou, tiunuiinn. mo. a. BMiTHiEs , AUCTIONEER AND GeNERlI1'B1NsAIENT. Mahukoua, Kohala, Hamuli. THOB. LINDSAY. AlANurACiuniNfi Jeweler atd Watch- maker. Knkal Jewelry a specialty I'urticuiMt attention paid to all kinds oi repair) Campbell Dlock, Merchant Street. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Eimjikkh, Bi'uar Mills, 13oilrh, Coolers. Iron, Brass ani Lead Casting. ? Atlas Co. 03T X.OXTSOX7 ASSETS, P. W. SCHMIDT & for Hawallnn Islands City Comer King and Sis BOTH 113 Fine Carriages & Civil Driver To be had at alt hours J. S. inv-t- f ManHiit-- r Consolidated Soda Go,, ld Cor. & Port Honolulu. Hni,l,ISTFR .V CO., If Arnnl patll lioif Eiiiiiir. W. F. IlBynuldb, Prup. NEWSDEALER SUBSCRIPTIONS FOB N(vq)0. PIIOMITLY ATI ENDED TO. Fine Blotlnnfry and Cheap Smt'onaiy. Optician, Spectacles & Eyeglasses CnrctilHv suited to nil Sights. Kxumliu'lun Free. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER Sol J Agent. Domestic Machines Bole Audit. Games, Toys, Dolls, Always Kept on Hnnd. Diaries 5 - Diaries ! BOOKSELLER : A Stock Alwava Kept on Hand to Select from uruercu uy every steamer. GUITARS FROM 4.00 UP. Flu'es. Cornets, Piccolos. Ukuleles an1 Instruments. Also Violin, Banjo and, Oultar airings and Fit- tings. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES fcr all kinds of Machines. Our Great Drive - A HAND for $8.50. WH. 6. IRWIN & Limited OFFER FOR BALE FERTILIZERS ALEX. CROSS & SONS' Hl&ti Grade Cane Manures. Wo are also prepared to take orders for Xtmntrra. N. Ohlandt - Oo.'m Insuring prompt delivery. lucol i snrfana Ltrxie Itellncd Sugars, Salmon, Fatrfiaak Co.'s Corned Boel PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S Roofing & Papers, Iiid'i Patent Steam Conoi J0"' Uiamond, Enamel A Cior- - lastino Palm Especially designed for Vacuum Pans B. DWIOHT Does all kinds of Work In Ci mem & stone & He has ou hand a lame s'iniilv of Chi- - nfte Grant Curb and alway- - treps Ha- - wnliRn (lilrlilnu RtmiH. .,ln a and . lowest prlcrs Hured ItollTelrimone .. .L . . The Daily Iiulletln, 50 cent per MOnJi, Mivrrtd bv rarrtVr. Orf'K'AmllftLte'ffitoBhW -- Thl. ' Paint Prtor Oil, con-g- g ,Be!i:, - P'g- -nt O, and Notice. . nMdnwltn drler "it ,TM , iDundld donr 110,000,000. SONS Agents Co., Bethel TELEPHONES Water Allan Sis., 10W. ill Sewing -- 189 Nlee uwno other MACHINE GO. CaleDnted irartlUxorai Canning Pipe- - O. Sldwaiks CnrtDg. Llnse Cold Water Faint A SUBSTITUTE FOR OIL PAINT AND WHITEWASH. AN 'EXCELLENT FIRE RETARDANT AND DISINFECTANT. INDUBINE (TRADE MARK) Especially Designed For inside Work on factories and Public Buildings It is u dry iowlor which can ho prepared for uto hy niniply ttirriny in COLD WATER nml can ho np-- wi" alwnys 1,ro JESinwork.,,n'1 It is VERY WHITE, extremely re-- i flcctivo and hurdciia on a wall liko stone. , U W,U ust jor years. Mill IS UH- - alloc ted hy gases. Ono coat covers hotter Ihun two coats of oil paint or whitewash. It can he used on any surface and for all clashes of work, oven for the lineal, ilnnnralinir. '1.11.11 not ruh, or cnt-jk- , nor win it solcn wilh ng0 or ,liPColor. It will not cot in the mixing vessel, I," fnct il ml'",VM b' 6ljuuUnK n fow days. It can hu used to good advantngo over old whitewash witliout scraping. IT DRIES OUT WHITE AFTER BEING WET. It is cheaper than whitewash, dura- bility considered. Is is supplied in barrels from 300 to 400 lbs., also in boxes of 100, f0 and 25 pounds. FOR SALE BY m .Sim LiI2IXT:H13. Agents for the Hawaiian islands A New BpsJDess! Real Estatel Insurance ! Commissions ! Collections ! I am now prepared to transact bufiness that may be entrusted to my care with promptness nd dis- patch. Collections made, Buildings Jnsurod against loss from fire. Real Estate properly cared for. Waterhouse Queen. Street. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING KE- - Le""3 ' the Estate of Henri O. McGrew, hereby n'akoi demand upon all persons Having priirty UeinnKinj; to sa-- 101 e- - liver SHM0 to llllll. Notlre IH IllsO llCrebv ' Riven 10 all creditor of the deceased to ill air nlftlmb fliilv a lit liAtitf. tit-- w thin ill months fiom this dnt-- . J. U. UAHTKU. Administrator, 20X Merchant strf et. Honolulu, Jan. 21, 1W K'lt-l- Bnllcttn HONOLULU, DAILY WBRKLY BOLLUTIN Assurance Carriage ANDRADE, EJSFT-.AJSTAD- EJ liolih I'lriiiiCilii STATIONER: boiled Oemont. Compounds, &".WSr. MC Henry THE S S. KAHULUI. Sho Drops In from Knhulul to Com- plete Her Cargo. Tho S. S. Kahului, Captain Mit- chell Lyron, arrived oir port from Kahului this morning and came to anchor. SI10 was brought in and her nuehor thrown out between the lighthouse and Pacific Mail wharf. This was done as a precaution in case the southerly wind becoming stronger would bump her against tun wharf. Ono hundred and twenty , fathoms of chain woro put out, but ' was insufficient, and tho auchor had to bo taken in again. This delayed . the doekiug of tho steamer. The Kahului left Kahului yester- day evening. Sho has ou board eight hundred tons of sugar and eamo to Honolulu to finish loading. Her sugar carrying capacity is be- tween nineteen and twenty thousand bags. Tho passonger aeeommoda-tiou- s are comfortable Stio can tweuty-fou- r cabin and fifty steerage passengers. S. Perry, t toward on tho steamer,, is a very obliging fellow, nml is apparently well likod. He was formerly on the S. S. City of Sydney, and is not a stranger here. Following is a list of tho Knhului's ofiicers: Captain, M. Lyson; chief oillcor, Parker; sec- ond mat, Swoiifou; chief engineer, Macmillau; assistant, Cloak; second, Orundell; third, Jacobin. The Kahului is owned by tho Spreckuls liros. with Captaiu Chas. Nelson as managing ownor. Cap- tain Lyson is a nephew of Captain Nelson, and was formerly master of the Hawaiian bark Loahi. Ho loft that vessel to take charge of the Kahului. Tho avorago speed of tho steamer is UJ knots an hour. She will take about two thousand bags of sugar from the steamer Pole. Sho is expected to get away afternoon (or San Francisco. The steamer was besieged by a crowd of curious people this afternoon. - OHE FA RAID. Officer Ktapa Captures a Comploto Outfit. Tho oho fa gamesters are starling up again. Ou Sunday last Ah Tan, Lau Heo and Ah Hiu, three well-know- n Chinese, began operations ou Pauahi street, Chinatown. They introduced a new system which they thought would batlle tho polic. Four runnors were employed whoso duties were to go out aud collect tickets and bring them into the bank. Tho runners were to go sin- gly, each man being allowed teu minutes. No outsiders were allowed to deposit a ticket with tho bank, other than through tho rim-ner- 8. The game wont on serenely until this morning, when officer David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars in small coin. In a room adjoining the banking room a lot of looso coin scattered all over tho floor was found by the oflicor. Besides the evidenco money, cho fa papers aud books wore Touud. Tho men woro locked up. Officer Kaapa states that a num- ber of cho fa banks have started up receutly, and it will only bo a matter of Umo when thoy will bo broken up. m OKF FOB A VACATION Two Natlvo Police Hurooa aro Sent to tho Volcano. Lieutenant Holi and Polico Officer Lokana, tho two men who wore wounded in tho conflict with thu rebels at tho liurtelmann premises ou Sunday night, Jan. 0, tho first night of tho trouble, have beon given a vacation, thoy having not fully rocovered from their injuries. They left this morning by tho W. G. Hall for a month's sojourn at the Volcano. Holi is still suffering in tho side where the bullet struck him, aud it is bolieved ono of his rib3 has beon shattered. Ho may bo unablo to resume an active position ou the force. Tho Marquis of Salisbury says that tho enormous growth of protection in Franco and Germauy has every- where checkod British commerce-- , aud demanded that they should uo longer delay the opening up of a now territory in East Africa. MORE THIEVING Gold Watshand Bioach Ktolen from Mrs. Hopkins. About three or four wooka ago Mrs C. L. Hopkins had stolon from her Kahabaauiaua reiidenco a lady's gold watch and a boar's tusk brooch. Mrs. Hopkins had moved from that place and wa residing in town. She sont her sou down to Kahakaaulana, and ho made thu discovery. The matter was reported to Captain Larson, but thatollicial being other- wise engaged he was unable to at- tend to the matter. Yesterday tho eao was put iulo tho hands of ollicer David Kaap.t. Tho ofllcer immediately began work- ing on the ease. He visited the dif- ferent Chinese jewelry stores iu town, and filially located a lady's gold watch in a Chineso watch- maker's shop on Nuuauu street, nearly opposite Qoo Kim's store. Tho watcliuinker stated that tho watch hail been sold to him by a native boy. Tho otlicer borrowud tho watch. He saw Mrs. Hopkins and asked her if sho could identify her proporty. She repliid in tho allirmative, and was shown tho Holi- er. Tho lady immediately identified tho article as her proporty. Thu native who had sold tlio untch to tho Chinaman was found nud he confessed to the theft. Notliiug could be gained from him, however, as to what ho had done with the brooch. It is believed, however, that he has made a present of it to kis best girl, and it will not be long before the sleuth hound will be upon the trade of the mi,sing article. ASSAULT IN THE STATION. Ono Pollcoman Strikes Another a Knockdown Blow. There was a fistic encounter bo twoon Captain Jim Sheehan. of the mounted patrol.and P. O'Sullivan, a patrolman, at 5:30 o'clock yestorday morning in the Deputy Marshal's office. It appears that during tho night previous O'Sullivan and a com- panion mot two other patrolmen on tho road aud began a conversation. Captain Slioohau happoned aloug and noticed the members of bis squad standing there, wheu they should have been patroling on thoir beats. He used somewhat fiery words and ordered them to move ou. O'Sullivan said ho had just met tho men and would move ou immediate- ly. Tho captain disappeared iu the distauce anil no moro was thought about the incident. O'Sullivan. Captaiu Warsou andothois ntiiruuii to tho Police Station and were iu tho Deputy Marshal's otlicu wheu Captain Sheehan camo iu. As soon as O'Sullivau en:v tho captain ho gave vent to strong language. Shoe-nan- 's Hibernian blood boiled aud he made a rush at O'Sullivau, plant- ing a right-hande- d blow on his muth, which knocked out two front teeth and cut Ms lips. O'Sullivan fell and Shoehan was only provouted by two native policemen from fol- lowing his man up. O'Sullivau will not prosecute the captaiu. m w m How to Oupo Rhouinatlam. Aiiaoo, Coos Co., Oni:aos, Nov. 10, 181K1. I wish to inform you of the great good Chamborlaiu's Pain Balm has dono my wife. She has boon troubled with rheumatism of tho arms nud bauds for six mouths, aud has tried many remedies prescribed for that complaint, but found no re- lief until she used this Pain Ilalm; ono bottlo of which has completely cured her. I take pleasure in recom-mondin- g it for that trouble. Yours truly, C. A, Bi'LLOim. HO cent aud $1.00 bottles. For sale by all dealers. Benson, Smith k Co., agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Fino Horao Soon. Tho famous stallion July was takon through on the S. S. Arawa rohtorday in charge of II. Dent of Now Zealand. July has boon pur- chased by tho California horseman J. B. Haggiu, and is being taken to Sacramento July comes from the Middlopark Stud Co.'b ranch, Christ-chund- i, Canterbury. He was foaled in 1881. Sir Modred, a brother of July, which parsed through hero some time ago, is also the property of Mr. Haggiu. Tho stalliou was visited by a number of horsemeu on the Arawa yestorday.

febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars

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Page 1: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars



febcVOL. IX. NO. 1282. H. I., F1UDAY, MARCH 8, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS.



EVERY A FT KK NOONKxcicrr roniiav nv tiik

Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'i,


J36 & 328 Mnrcuant St., HonoVu. H I.

BUB8UHIPTION-- B x Dollars Yr.n,Delivered In Honolulu at fifty Csnts 'Mohth, In advance.




At FOUR DuLLAOn A YlAU I" OolliritlC.and Fit DollarHu Koroiisn "tilixiTilmtt.paynhle in advance.


ooa :s scrtnios ituiTELEPHONE :50. J'. 0. UO.X S3.

lm Daily Bulletin Im printed a no d

by the DtUy Hullctin PublislmiiCompany, Limited, at 1U ollite, Me-rchant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Idandii. Daniel Logan, editor, reside, onAlakea street. Honolulu afoiecalri

Addrets letters (or the paper "KdilorBulletin," and huslnesn letters " Mnnn")Dally Hullctln I'nmishluusing a personal nuurnHs nmy ran uri:In attention.

Bualnesa Card.




Fort HtretJt, Honolulu



Cornet Fori and lueen Htreou, tiunuiinn.

mo. a. BMiTHiEs ,


Mahukoua, Kohala, Hamuli.


AlANurACiuniNfi Jeweler atd Watch-maker.

Knkal Jewelry a specialty I'urticuiMtattention paid to all kinds oi repair)

Campbell Dlock, Merchant Street.


Steam Eimjikkh, Bi'uar Mills, 13oilrh,Coolers. Iron, Brass ani Lead



Atlas Co.03T X.OXTSOX7



for Hawallnn Islands

CityComer King and Sis

BOTH 113

Fine Carriages & Civil DriverTo be had at alt hours

J. S.inv-t- f ManHiit-- r

Consolidated Soda Go,, ld

Cor. & Port Honolulu.

Hni,l,ISTFR .V CO.,If Arnnl

patlllioif Eiiiiiir.

W. F. IlBynuldb, Prup.



Fine Blotlnnfry andCheap Smt'onaiy.

Optician, Spectacles & Eyeglasses

CnrctilHv suited to nil Sights.Kxumliu'lun Free.


Domestic MachinesBole Audit.

Games, Toys, Dolls,Always Kept on Hnnd.

Diaries 5 - Diaries!


A Stock Alwava Kept on Handto Select from uruercu uyevery steamer.


Flu'es. Cornets, Piccolos. Ukulelesan1 Instruments. Also Violin,Banjo and, Oultar airings and Fit-tings.

SEWING MACHINE NEEDLESfcr all kinds of Machines.

Our Great Drive -A HAND for $8.50.

WH. 6. IRWIN &



Hl&ti Grade Cane Manures.

Wo are also prepared to take orders for

Xtmntrra. N. Ohlandt - Oo.'m

Insuring prompt delivery.

lucol i


LtrxieItellncd Sugars, Salmon,

Fatrfiaak Co.'s Corned Boel


Roofing & Papers,

Iiid'i Patent Steam Conoi

J0"' Uiamond, Enamel A Cior- -lastino Palm

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans

B. DWIOHTDoes all kinds of Work In

Ci mem & stone &

He has ou hand a lame s'iniilv of Chi- -

nfte Grant Curb and alway- - treps Ha- -wnliRn (lilrlilnu RtmiH. .,lnaand

.lowest prlcrs Hured ItollTelrimone. . .L . .

The Daily Iiulletln, 50 cent perMOnJi, Mivrrtd bv rarrtVr.

Orf'K'AmllftLte'ffitoBhW -- Thl. ' PaintPrtor Oil, con-g- g

,Be!i:, - P'g--nt O, andNotice. . nMdnwltn drler "it ,TM , iDundld donr






Allan Sis.,




-- 189










Sldwaiks CnrtDg.


Cold Water Faint




Especially Designed

For inside Work on

factories and Public Buildings

It is u dry iowlor which can hoprepared for uto hy niniply ttirrinyin COLD WATER nml can ho np--

wi" alwnys 1,roJESinwork.,,n'1It is VERY WHITE, extremely re--i

flcctivo and hurdciia on a wall likostone.

, U W,U ust jor years. Mill IS UH- -

alloc ted hy gases.Ono coat covers hotter Ihun two

coats of oil paint or whitewash.It can he used on any surface and

for all clashes of work, oven for thelineal, ilnnnralinir.'1.11.11not ruh, or cnt-jk- , norwin it solcn wilh ng0 or ,liPColor.

It will not cot in the mixing vessel,I," fnct il ml'",VM b' 6ljuuUnK n fowdays.

It can hu used to good advantngoover old whitewash witliout scraping.


It is cheaper than whitewash, dura-bility considered.

Is is supplied in barrels from 300to 400 lbs., also in boxes of 100, f0and 25 pounds.


m .SimLiI2IXT:H13.

Agents for the Hawaiian islands

A New BpsJDess!

Real EstatelInsurance !

Commissions !

Collections !

I am now prepared totransact bufiness that maybe entrusted to my carewith promptness nd dis-patch. Collections made,Buildings Jnsurod againstloss from fire. Real Estateproperly cared for.

WaterhouseQueen. Street.



the Estate of Henri O. McGrew, herebyn'akoi demand upon all persons Havingpriirty UeinnKinj; to sa-- 101 e- -liver SHM0 to llllll. Notlre IH IllsO llCrebv

' Riven 10 all creditor of the deceased toill air nlftlmb fliilv a lit liAtitf. tit--

w thin ill months fiom this dnt-- .

J. U. UAHTKU.Administrator, 20X Merchant strf et.

Honolulu, Jan. 21, 1W K'lt-l-


















Sho Drops In from Knhulul to Com-plete Her Cargo.

Tho S. S. Kahului, Captain Mit-chell Lyron, arrived oir port fromKahului this morning and came toanchor. SI10 was brought in andher nuehor thrown out between thelighthouse and Pacific Mail wharf.This was done as a precaution incase the southerly wind becomingstronger would bump her againsttun wharf. Ono hundred and twenty ,

fathoms of chain woro put out, but '

was insufficient, and tho auchor hadto bo taken in again. This delayed .

the doekiug of tho steamer.The Kahului left Kahului yester-

day evening. Sho has ou boardeight hundred tons of sugar andeamo to Honolulu to finish loading.Her sugar carrying capacity is be-tween nineteen and twenty thousandbags. Tho passonger aeeommoda-tiou- s

are comfortable Stio cantweuty-fou-r cabin and

fifty steerage passengers. S. Perry,t toward on tho steamer,, is a veryobliging fellow, nml is apparentlywell likod. He was formerly on theS. S. City of Sydney, and is not astranger here. Following is a listof tho Knhului's ofiicers: Captain,M. Lyson; chief oillcor, Parker; sec-ond mat, Swoiifou; chief engineer,Macmillau; assistant, Cloak; second,Orundell; third, Jacobin.

The Kahului is owned by thoSpreckuls liros. with Captaiu Chas.Nelson as managing ownor. Cap-tain Lyson is a nephew of CaptainNelson, and was formerly master ofthe Hawaiian bark Loahi. Ho loftthat vessel to take charge of theKahului. Tho avorago speed of thosteamer is UJ knots an hour. Shewill take about two thousand bagsof sugar from the steamer Pole. Shois expected to get awayafternoon (or San Francisco. Thesteamer was besieged by a crowd ofcurious people this afternoon.


Officer Ktapa Captures a ComplotoOutfit.

Tho oho fa gamesters are starlingup again. Ou Sunday last Ah Tan,Lau Heo and Ah Hiu, three well-know- n

Chinese, began operations ouPauahi street, Chinatown. Theyintroduced a new system which theythought would batlle tho polic.Four runnors were employed whosoduties were to go out aud collecttickets and bring them into thebank. Tho runners were to go sin-gly, each man being allowedteu minutes. No outsiders wereallowed to deposit a ticket with thobank, other than through tho rim-ner- 8.

The game wont on serenelyuntil this morning, when officerDavid Kaapa made a raid on the

"bank, capturing tho wholo outfit,tho three baukors aud four runners,besides more than fifty dollars insmall coin. In a room adjoining thebanking room a lot of looso coinscattered all over tho floor was foundby the oflicor. Besides the evidencomoney, cho fa papers aud bookswore Touud. Tho men woro lockedup.

Officer Kaapa states that a num-ber of cho fa banks have started upreceutly, and it will only bo a matterof Umo when thoy will bo broken up.



Two Natlvo Police Hurooa aro Sentto tho Volcano.

Lieutenant Holi and Polico OfficerLokana, tho two men who worewounded in tho conflict with thurebels at tho liurtelmann premisesou Sunday night, Jan. 0, tho firstnight of tho trouble, have beongiven a vacation, thoy having notfully rocovered from their injuries.They left this morning by tho W.G. Hall for a month's sojourn at theVolcano. Holi is still suffering intho side where the bullet struckhim, aud it is bolieved ono of hisrib3 has beon shattered. Ho may bounablo to resume an active positionou the force.

Tho Marquis of Salisbury says thattho enormous growth of protectionin Franco and Germauy has every-where checkod British commerce-- ,

aud demanded that they should uolonger delay the opening up of anow territory in East Africa.


Gold Watshand Bioach Ktolen fromMrs. Hopkins.

About three or four wooka agoMrs C. L. Hopkins had stolon fromher Kahabaauiaua reiidenco a lady'sgold watch and a boar's tusk brooch.Mrs. Hopkins had moved from thatplace and wa residing in town. Shesont her sou down to Kahakaaulana,and ho made thu discovery. Thematter was reported to CaptainLarson, but thatollicial being other-wise engaged he was unable to at-tend to the matter.

Yesterday tho eao was put iulotho hands of ollicer David Kaap.t.Tho ofllcer immediately began work-ing on the ease. He visited the dif-ferent Chinese jewelry stores iutown, and filially located a lady'sgold watch in a Chineso watch-maker's shop on Nuuauu street,nearly opposite Qoo Kim's store.Tho watcliuinker stated that thowatch hail been sold to him by anative boy. Tho otlicer borrowudtho watch. He saw Mrs. Hopkinsand asked her if sho could identifyher proporty. She repliid in thoallirmative, and was shown tho Holi-er. Tho lady immediately identifiedtho article as her proporty. Thunative who had sold tlio untch totho Chinaman was found nud heconfessed to the theft. Notliiugcould be gained from him, however,as to what ho had done with thebrooch. It is believed, however,that he has made a present of it tokis best girl, and it will not be longbefore the sleuth hound will beupon the trade of the mi,singarticle.


Ono Pollcoman Strikes Another aKnockdown Blow.

There was a fistic encounter botwoon Captain Jim Sheehan. of themounted patrol.and P. O'Sullivan, apatrolman, at 5:30 o'clock yestordaymorning in the Deputy Marshal'soffice. It appears that during thonight previous O'Sullivan and a com-panion mot two other patrolmen ontho road aud began a conversation.Captain Slioohau happoned alougand noticed the members of bissquad standing there, wheu theyshould have been patroling on thoirbeats. He used somewhat fierywords and ordered them to move ou.O'Sullivan said ho had just met thomen and would move ou immediate-ly. Tho captain disappeared iu thedistauce anil no moro was thoughtabout the incident. O'Sullivan.Captaiu Warsou andothois ntiiruuiito tho Police Station and were iutho Deputy Marshal's otlicu wheuCaptain Sheehan camo iu. As soonas O'Sullivau en:v tho captain hogave vent to strong language. Shoe-nan- 's

Hibernian blood boiled audhe made a rush at O'Sullivau, plant-ing a right-hande- d blow on hismuth, which knocked out two frontteeth and cut Ms lips. O'Sullivanfell and Shoehan was only provoutedby two native policemen from fol-lowing his man up. O'Sullivau willnot prosecute the captaiu.

m w m

How to Oupo Rhouinatlam.Aiiaoo, Coos Co., Oni:aos, Nov. 10,

181K1. I wish to inform you of thegreat good Chamborlaiu's Pain Balmhas dono my wife. She has boontroubled with rheumatism of thoarms nud bauds for six mouths, audhas tried many remedies prescribedfor that complaint, but found no re-

lief until she used this Pain Ilalm;ono bottlo of which has completelycured her. I take pleasure in recom-mondin- g

it for that trouble. Yourstruly, C. A, Bi'LLOim. HO cent aud$1.00 bottles. For sale by all dealers.Benson, Smith k Co., agents for theHawaiian Islands.

Fino Horao Soon.

Tho famous stallion July wastakon through on the S. S. Arawarohtorday in charge of II. Dent ofNow Zealand. July has boon pur-chased by tho California horsemanJ. B. Haggiu, and is being taken toSacramento July comes from theMiddlopark Stud Co.'b ranch, Christ-chund- i,

Canterbury. He was foaledin 1881. Sir Modred, a brother ofJuly, which parsed through herosome time ago, is also the propertyof Mr. Haggiu. Tho stalliou wasvisited by a number of horsemeu onthe Arawa yestorday.

Page 2: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars


A Ohot With tho Evnnu liBt H.U Re- -

coat TravelsSydney Tolcra(h, Feb IS

Mr. TTonry Varloy, tho woll-kuow- u

ovauKolint, who is passing throughSjduoy on his way to San Francisco,preached to a largo congregationyesterday morning in tho Centenaryhall, York streot, ami to a congro-gallo- n

almost as largo at night intho Congregational Church, liourkostreet.

In tho course of a short conver-sation with a representative of ThoDaily Telegraph at th conclusion oftho morning service, Mr. Varley said,"I havo boon homo only eight weeksfrom England. Melbourne, an per-haps you know, is horn.' Thruo ofmy sons aro there; but, as for myself,I havo been wandering all over thoworld of late. Since last I was heroI havo been in India at Madra.Bombay, B tugalore, Poouah, andsoveral other places in America, atChicago, New York, and Brooklynin Canada, and in England and Scot-land. 1 do not know hon manycities and towns in Great Britain 1

havo visited. I hold services at Ex-oto- r,

Plymouth, Salisbury, London,Shelllold, Abordi'en, Glasgow, Edin-burgh, and a number of otherplaces.Lately I havo boon holding a mis-sion iu Melbourne, but I had tobreak it up on account of tho iutousoheat. Last Sunday I had a trouion-dou- s

audieuco in tho Town hall,Hawthorn. Tho heat was so fright-ful, however, that I told tho friendsthat I should go away whore I couldget atmospheric conditions underwhich wo could expect a blessing. Ido not think it is irrovereut to saythat very fow peoplo aro brought totho Lord with tho thermometerstanding at !R) degrees.

"I was iu Chicago, with Mr.Moody, at the time of tho exhibi-tion. Social life iu Chicago is veryterrible. Tho iniquity of tho placeis almost boundless. Thoy foundfault with Mr. Stead for bis book,but, judging from what I saw there,I should say that there is an amaz-ing amount of truth in what ho says.When I was there there wore nearly100 murderers confined in tho citygaols awaiting trial. Societythroughout tho United States, how-ove- r,

if wo except tho Now Englandstates, is in a bad way. From thooUicial returns 1 find that duringtho year 1892 there were no foworthan 7330 murders committed invarious parts of tho country. Nowtho United States has a populationof about CO millions! whilst Euglaudhas a population of 38 millions, andduring tho same period there weroonly 100 murders recorded in Eng-land. So much for tho utter disre-gard for tho sacreduess of humanlife in tho Unite I States. Otherforms of crimo and vie aro rifothere, too. Political crimes aro verycommon, and municipal govorumoutis pormoated with corrupt influences.At the same time, it is true thatthere aro a great many dovotodChristians in owm tho most corruptof American cities. It would suemthat tho intensity of the flow on tho '

ungodly and lawless side begetsstrength of character and a lot offibre iu tho men and women whoaro identified with law and ordermid righteousness.

"And now a word about England.1 should say that tho spiritual life ofEngland is not so widespread as itwas. That is, as far as appoaraucosaro concerned. 1 think that tho'higher criticism' has really inducedwhat tho Apostle would call 'a fall-ing away iu some; but it has alsohad tho effect of intensifying thograsp of those who stick to tho oldfundamentals of tho Gospels. Ithas intensified thoir earnestness forreal truth; and I hayo no doubt that ,

now thoro is a distiuct swing of thopendulum against both evolutionand tho 'higher criticism.' Evidencoof this is furnished by tho trend ofthought iu tho Gorman uuivorsities.Hut, unfortunately, as tho old sayiugis, tho Lio gotH half rouud tho worldbefore Truth has got his boots on.Mou seom to take a pleasure in get-ting hold of tho poison. That, 1

think, arises out of tho conditions iuwhich so many live. Thoy live liveswhich thoir own judgmeuts eou-dem- u;

aud thoy don't want thosethings to bo truo.

"Is practical Ghristiauil you the in-

crease? you ask. I should say that itmost cortaiuly is. Look at tho workdone in London by Dr. Baruado,ond in Glasgow by Mr. Quarrior andAnnie M'Phorson. Why, if youwore to tako tho whole populationof llobart it would uot givo you thonumber that Dr. Baruado has re-

claimed from tho humau rofuso ofour groat English cities. More than27,000 has ho rescuod. And wheuyou come to recollect that ho hastaken three boys out of conditionsthat could scarcely fail to makecriminals of thorn, aud sent thornaway amidst tho wholesome sur-roundings of Cauadian farm life,and, further, that only 2 percout ofthese lads havo turned out badly,you can realize something of thoenormous amouut of good ell'outod

1 TVpc vJ'JWMmw'fwfr''


through the agency of his Homo forDestitute Boys. What bettor thingcould happen to oithor Sjduoy orMelbourne than to get a lot of yourunused city life transplanted on totho laud.and employed iu tho growthof cereals or other produce. In Eng-land thoy deplore t huso aggregationsof human lift. Thoy recognio thattho best portion of tho populationfa boru in tho country districts, andyot that tho percentage of peoploliving in tho country is all tho timodecreasing."

Alluding to the sooial lifo of Aus-

tralia, Mr. Varley said: "I shouldthink that the conditions obtainingiu Melbourne partake very much oftho depressi u tint has been inducedby tlitt unhappy in 11 it ion in laudvalues. Ttio banks were, to mymind, the greatest sinners iu c nuec-tio- n

with that land .boom. Banksrxit primarily a centres of depositand mediums of easy circulation.They wero never designed as moneymaking institutions. Admitting, evenas you say, that a bank must givo areturn for capital itnested, that doesnot justify the distribution of divi-

dends amounting to 30 percout purannum. A capitalist onco said tome, 'You know I havo tho greatestpossiblo repect for tho English i

Funds.' 'WhII,' I replied, 'you onlyget about 3 percent interest onyour money.' 'Oh,' ho said, 'that istho roison. Tho Funds never involvea temptation to unwholesome specuallion.' Tou or fifteen percout uvory '

half-yea- r, however, means tho op-pression of tho customer. It nieaus0 And 10 percent on overdrafts, anda fearful turning of the scrow whoncrises occur. My ideal bank is onowhoso operations do uot givo riso toprofits. Mouoy was intended to aidcommerce not to oppress it, anathat is unfortunately what, in toomany instances, the banking institu-tions of Australia havo done."

lira. Judge PecU

DyspepsiaMrs. Judge Pock Tells How

Sho Was CurodSufferers from Dyspepsia should read th fol-

low Ins letter from Mrs. II. if. reck, wlf otJudge reck,nJustlcetTracy,Cal , and writerconnected wtlti tho Associated Press i I

"Ilya deep sense ot gratitude for the groatbenefit I have received from the use of Hood's8 imp trllM, I have been led to write the follow-lu- ir

statement for the hcucfU ot sufferers whonuy he similarly amirted. For 11 ears I havebeen great sufferer from dyspepsia and

Heart TroubleAlmost everything I ate would distress me. Itried different treatments and medicines, butfailed to reallie rrllof. Two years ngo a friendprevailed upon me to try Hood's h irsaparllta.Tliu first hiittlo I noticed helped me, so 1 con-tinued taking It. It did mo so much good thatmy friends spoke of the Improvement. I havereceived such great benefit from It that

Gladly Recommend It.I now have an exielldit appetite nnd nothing teat over distresses mo. It also keeps up my

Hood's5ssCuresflesh aud strenrth. I cannot praise Hood'sHir&.ipnllH too much." Mux. II. M. 1'rcK,Tracy. California. (IU HQOIl'H. ,

Hood's Pllla are ham m idu, and perfectluprupoitlouunduppeuraiice. 25c. a box.

Hobron Drug Co., L'd.,goto Agents fur the Kemibllo of Hawaii.


i.Younous will actGROiim: Camailnos uiulot full powerof alturnoy tluring the latter's absence.John Kenindy will represont Mr. Coma-rln-

ot tho Calif urnla Fruit Market.1'. O. 0AMAK1N0S.

Honolulu, March 7, 18!)5. 1J81-3- 1"


MY TKMl'OIUKYDl'ltlNU the Hawaiian Inland, VnII. V. Murray will attend to my practicennd not for me In all matters of businessunder n full now or of attorney.

1'JsO-l- w JOHN llHObli:, M. D.


MAN ItESIDING WITHIlls parents, who writes n good

hand and Is willing to learn a MercantileBusiness. Address, btatlug ago. "X.,"1IDLLETI.N Olllcu. 1270-l-




holsnot afraid of work, toenter an Importing House In Honolulu,Iiavliig a good connection and which Ucaiiahlo of bulng extended. Preferencewill be given to ono niqunliited on thoIslands. All communications will bo treat-ed as strictly conlldeHtlal, and returned Ifdesired. A good living Halnry guiirantoedor an Interest In tho business. Must linvoBoniu capital. Principals only treated with.Tor further particulars ttddrnas.

X. Y. .,12s0-t- f UuLtLETih Office, Hoiioluln.



Ayer's SarsaparillaMrs. M. A. C'ummlnff, of Vnrrnvlllc,

Victoria, Australia, sn)t '

"About a jcnrftKC I hid a evero attack j

of Influenza, which It ft mo ery wonk, with-o-

energy, appetite, r Intt rut In life.little or no rdlif from doctors, or

from tho many rcilicttlei i ernminiiided to mo,I nnally trlcit A)er' H.impiilth.nnrf fromthat time, I began to r.iIii health an J strength,

m v asNf VT

I continued ttio treatment until fully recor-crci- l,

ami now h.ie very great pleasure tntelling my friend of ttio merits of A cr's Sapsap.irllla, nntl tho happy results of IU use. Iconsider It tho best lilootl-purlfl- known."

Ayer's SarsaparillaHas curod others, wilt euro you,Midctiy Pr. J C. AjtT.t Co .Lowell, Man A7.S.A.

Hollister Drug Co., L'd.,Sole Agents for tho Republic of Hawaii.


Morciianl Tailor,333 ITwutniM Ctxaat.


Kngllsh, Scotcb and imencao Goods.

Htyle and Fit Ounraiitved.

Oleauing fe RepairingVntoal Tele. 66S. P. 0. Box 144.


Jewelry !

Our stock of HolidayGoods aro now ready forinspection at our NowStore (Wenner's oldstand) on Fort Street.A carefully selected stockof Jewelry bought withan eye on tho HolidayTrade and will be sold atreasonable prices.



Wholesale Dealers In

Liquors and Manila CigarsAUD

General Chinese Merchandiseaeon as -

Nut Oils, IMce, Matting,Chinese Silks, Teas, &U..

BngllBb and American GrocerieaHy Every Coast Steamer.


Regan Yapor & Pacific Gas

Engines ife Launches !


They cannot be surraseed for motivepower.


JOS. TINKER,1033--tl Bole Agent, Nuuanu street.

If you are oal of Hill Heads, tetterHeath, etc, we can supply them.

"VnPWWWR,'4W f'l'fffWf"'




Honolulu, H. I., January 7, 1895.)

Tho right of WRIT OF HABEAS

CORPUS is horoby suspended and

MARTIAL LAW is instituted and

established throughout tho Island

of Oahu, to continue until furthernotice, during which lime, howovor,

tho Courts will continuo iu sessiou

aud conduct ordinary business as

usual, except as aforesaid.

By tho President:


President of the Republic of Ha-



Minister of tho Iutorior.1231-- tf

2STOTIOE.ConimoDciug MONDAY, March

lth, 1895, all liquor saloons will beallowed to remaiu opou as por thocouditious of their liconso?, frontB:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m.

During such timo liquors of alldescriptions will bo allowed to bosold, providing same bo drunk ontho promises.

No liquors shall bo taken awaytrom such saloons except Brar, Aloand Stout

Tho presence of any porsou undertho influence of liquor upon anysaloon premises will cause suchsaloon to bo immediately closod, aswill also tho violation of tho ruloallowing

'liquors to bo takeu away.

E. G. HITCHCOCK,Marshal, Republic of Hawaii.

1278-t- f

aSTOTIOES.All persons who deposited Arms

and Ammunition at tho Police Sta-

tion in response to an order to thateffect, are requested to call and re-

ceive tho ftanio between tho hours of2 and 1 r. m.

E. G. HITCHCOCK,Marshal Republic of Hawaii.

Honolulu, March 5, 1895.

1279 tf


All porsons aro horeby notifiedthat they are strictly forbidden touse 11 ro crackers, Chiuese bombs orany fireworks whatover within tholimits of Honolulu.

E. G. HITCHCOCK,Marshal Republic of Hawaii.

Honolulu, Jan. 22, 1895.1213-- tf



" 1ST U To :r,oveAnd tho Thorough-bre- d Stallion

kTYTTTrTP. QT3i?.Ttrr rr.i?"

Are avallablo this rcainu (or a limitednumber ot Mares.

TBRDMIS $30.00.Wo also olTcr Good Pasturace bv

me nioniii or year. iotj-i-w


Fine Cassimeros, Sorges,White Linens, Etc.

Suits Made to OrderON SHOUT NOTICE.


O. AKIMA, - - 40 Nuuauti Slroot.taXMJni





Four great requisites of

Men's Wearing Apparel to

be found in all the Suits

made by Johnston & Sto- -

rey. Mr. Storey was for

some vears one of tho best

known cutters on tho Coast,

consequently the best dress-

ed men in town wear clothes

made by

Johnston & Storey,

4 13 Fort Street


Grocery v Storei' NUUANU STUEET.

Between Hotel nnd King Street, next toShooting Gallery.

GEO. MCJLNTYREHas opened a First-cla- ss Grocery Storeas above. Ho will keep always on handthe Peat and Freshest

American and Eng!fc.li Groceries

Provisions, Apices,Canned Goods, Etc.,

And do lili best to please allCustomers.

l'urchusos delivered to all partsot the City.

CvLtta.al Tolespliosio 257.

Wire -:- - Nails.XiXj SIZES.


FinishingV333R-5-T CHEAP.

WILDER &" CO., L'd.UH7-3- m



Practical Carriage Trimmer(Has no connection with any car-

riage shop.)

TOPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONFenders, Dashes, Btorm Aprons, Etc.,

at Lowest I'osslblo Trices, nndWorkmanship of the Dost.

I use First-clas- s Material of my own Im-

porting. Manufacturer ot all kinds ofHarness.Workshop 210 King Street near Mauuakea.

P. O. Box 490.

California Fruit MarketCorner King and Alakea Sts.

Camariao's RefrigerateBy Every Steamer from San

Francisco with

Fresh Fruit, Oysters,Balmoii, Poultry, Ktc., Etc.


Per nay $ 2PerW-e- k $12


The Best of Attendance, the Best Situationand the Finest Meals In the City.

T. KR0USE, .... Proprietor.



Page 3: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars

',:vSi,:y,,' " Tg'ffffltsW" r ." , "WpT!!5fW:i W''? -- '" .. ,wr


ptUICATE, I . .

will ptWe their neri?

Stop That Cough. !



HOLLISTER DRUG CO.,523 Fort Street.

316 Fort Street.Medical Hall, - -

H. Hackfeld & Co.,Offer to tho trade on the most liberal terms their

large and varied stock of


Boots and Shoes, Hats, Shawls,Clothing, Saddlery, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Furniture $ Hardware,Bags, Bagging, Building Material, Crockery and Glass-

ware, Groceries, Wines, Liquor, Etc., Etc.


of 9.





20 lbs. W Your doctor

will tell you

it la thesafest dietfor baby


DRUG CO., L'D,Agents (or the Hawaiian Inland.

If your subscription h expired now

it a Bond time tn renew il






Safe Deposit Investment Co.


SAFES of Various Sites for Kenti.. ii. n xrni. n- - vA

MU VAULTS open from 8:30 a. m.

until J r. m. except on Saturdays, whenthey will be closed at 2:30 r. u.

BV-W- E Hny Mid Sell Frst-ulaa- a

STOCKS and BONUS and makeon tame.


InEG TO NOTIFY MY OLD OUS.and ilm puhlio gonerally that I

am now connected with MoHiirs. W. t).Peacock A Co., and shall he pleased to

orders on their accounts. To ophono40. P, O. llox Ml W. B L1I0E.

Hoiinlu'u, Feb. 21, 18'5. LXKMv

Golden Gate Jflovir,Sperry's Flour,

JDietxrioxicl Flour,Merchant

Fort &D 0,13.33X1 Streets




Proposition toOivo tho People a LittleShow of Liberty

A short tiniM ago. a London paperpublished tlio outline of a schemefor creating a constitution for llm-si- a,

in view of tho young Czar's pro-fessions of liberalism, on his acces-sion; but, his recent deliverances onautocracy have, nut a diiTorcut com-ploxio- n

upon this matter. Tho docu-ment ha been I'irctilatcd anions thoLiborals, Radical, ar.d lxtremistsofRussia, but il is not likely that auyfavorable ollieial attention will hegiven to a movement of tho kind furmany years to come. If, however, itoriginates with a sincere desire forgenuine reform, and this view of thematter can gradually bo impressedupon tho miud of tho new Czar,there may come, at no very distantdate, some valuable concessions totho cause of national and individualliberty. Theproject contains ninety-thre- e

paragraphs, and tho impor-tance of some of them can be ap-praised only when wo remember thorestrictions which are placed uponhomo life in Russia. For example,ono paragraph claims the right ofevery adult citizen to choofo hisplace of residence, his mode of life,to exprcsshis opinions, and to con-vene meetings and form pour ties ofevery kind for the purpose of attain-ing common ends. To tiuglish earsthat seems an iuuocout demand, butin liussia tho open advocacy of itwould no doubt be considoro.' aserious crime.

A gravo blot upon official life inRussia at present is that every subor-dinate has to blindly carry out theorders of his superior, oven thoughknowing them to bo il'egal. With aview to romovo this evil a paragraphruns to this effect: "Orders issuedby Ministers aro obligatory only sofarastheyaroin accordance with tholaw and do not encroach upon thopowers of tho officials or bodies towhom they aro addressed." It isalso provided that no official orprivate person shall be entitled toplead 'not guilty for having carriedout an illegal order at the commandof the Council of Ministers, of bisimmediate superior, or any otherofficial. These is nothing extraor-dinary in tho wish to establish sucha principle as this in tho system ofgovernment, but wo fancy a con-siderable interval will elapse bo foretho existing rules of law aro abro-gated in its favor. There are many

I other provisions of a similar charac-ter, and naturally enough, one aimof the scheme is to secure a form ofrepresentative govorumont. And- -land Herald.


A Paternal Town.

Tho Tillage of --Vuw Hartford, inConnecticut, has one matter of townpride; tlfe sails of the Vigilant wore '

made there. The duck mills wherethey were made aro tho solo indus- -try of tho place, and they aro man-aged with a sort of. paternalism. '

For fully two generations it hasbeen the custom of tho managors tolook after the comfort of tho em-ployes in a variety of littlo ways on

' tho thoory that bettor work andmoro of it is produced thereby. Oneof tho patornal institutions that hasbeen established is tho "potato bell."At ll:JiO o'clock every morning thobig bell of tho mills rings loudly.This is tho "potato boll."

The wives of tho workmeu knowthat when that boll rincs it is timeto put tho potatoes on to boil fordinner. No workman's wifo would ,

think of putting on tho potatoes i

until the bell rings, and as a cons-equent dinners aro alwajs on timowhen the men reach homo. There ,

is no excuse therefore for any manbeing late on returning to work .

whon tho noon spell is ended. Thowatchman of the mill is compelledto ring tho bell every hour of thonight to malto sure that ho is awakeand doing his duty. Nobody in thevillage is disturbed by tho nightbell, it is said, although visitors '

aro kopt awako by it Philadelphia I


Read tho following extract from aletter of Chan. M. Gut fold, of Heed-- 1

ley, Fresno Co., Cal.: ,4lt is withpleasure I toll you that by ono day'suse of Chamberlain's Cough remodyI was relieved of a vorv aovoro cold, i

My head was completely stopped upand I could not Bleep at night. Ican recommend this remody." Acold nearly always starts in tho headand afterwards extends to tho throat '

and lungs, By using this remedyfreely as booh as tho cold has boeu


contracted it will cure tho cold atonce and prevent it from extendingto tho lungs. For sale by all dealers.Benson, Smith & Co., agents for thoHawaiian Islands.

If you want to buy a really goodclock or watch at Coast prices in-

spect tho stock of Brown iV Kubey,at No. 1. Masonic Temple; there youwill find tho largest variety in Ho-nolulu at tho lowest prices; clocksaud Iwatches sold on weekly andmonthly payments. Brown it Kubeymake a specialty of rubber stamps.

Truly MarvelousA Cure Seldom Equalled in Med

ical History


Long Reach, ChI.

Over all dUcutescuii-odh- y or arisingfrom Impure blood, Hood's Sarcnpii-till.- 'i

seems to hnvo almost magical con-

trol. Even where till kind of treat-ment utterly fail, Ilood'n Snrsupiirllliiaccomplishes the mo-- t remarkablecures. In illiistr.ittou of thN, pleaseread tho following fnuil; letter ot Mr.Freeby, voluntarily endorsed by thePostmaster mid Druggist of the (own:

"My wlto sprained her ankle ten yeanago. It apparently got well to all outwardappearance, it being a littlo larger thantho other ankle, but in a low monthi

Hood's S Curesthree, aorc broke out on l.cr knee, herankle, and foot. They becamo

Large Running Ulcerand tho doctor could not do anything tohelp. I then took my wife to tho hospitaland tho aurgcona scraped all tho fleshround tho sores, and aald they would getwell. They almost healed up, but aoontwo littlo specks came, ono on each sldo of


Tiie Hawaiiia imw Co,, LM Baldwin. Locomotives.


jist car leaves I'nlauia Wulklkl 0:t7p. m.

iU enr leaves l'ularrn for Town and n,

via King street, 10:17 p. in.Last car leaves Wollokl forralama, 10:10

p. in.Last car leaves Fort street for Walklkl,

10:flp in.Saturdays, 11:3 p. in,Last car leaves Fort street for I'ulaina,

U:B3p. m.Last car leaves Nununu Valley tor Town

and I'unahou, 10::S0 p. in.Last car leaves l'uiialiou for Town and

Nmmnn Valley, 9:60 p. in.Last car leaves (uceii street for Nuuanu

Valley, 10:1 p. in..Last car leaves Town for I'unahou via

Ilcrutania street, 10:15 p. in. 1277-l- w


The Best Lunch in Town.

re. and OotttmIT ALL nOCS.1


Cigars and Tobacco1LWAYS ON UAHD,

H. J. JTOT.TB3. FrojD.

AT THE ANCHOROyster Cocktails

Hauor BrunnonFredericksburg Boor

Straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kinds and llest Quality.

Southwest Corner. King & Nuuanu Bta.

the first aore. The doctors said theywould not amount to nnythln", but In afew days they turnedout to he moro ulcere,and In a short tlmo they hid atcn Intotho original Horoimd made a largo wound.Tho ourgeon mxt decided that an

Oporatlon Must Bo Pcr'otmod.My wife would not coiiHvut to thlt. waxabout dhconrnged and decided to havtihrrtry alKtttuo(giving her this incdcluo wo bandaged tierfoot In Ntcepcd leave and roota and con


I f r






tinued this treatment for live month. Atthe end of that tlmo alio had taken eleven

'bottle of flood's Harxaparllla, tho sores'were all healed and alio Is perfectly well.

My wifo in ft! years old and Is In tho bestof health." Joseph C. Frkkhy, LongIlcncli, California.

Postmaster Holmanof Long Reach, Cal., says ho know n Mr.Freeby to Ik a man of his word, and hebelieves his itatcment to bo strictly true.

Hood's Pills aro purely vegetable, andcarefully prepared from tlio best Ingrcdkott.

.1. t.

The underslgiied having been appointed

Sole Agents for (be Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFllOM THE WOUK8 OF

Burham, Williams & Co.,PhllidelpliU, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give Estimates andreceive Orders for these Engines,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation PurposesA number ot which havo recently been

received at theso Islands, and wo will havopleasure In furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

Tho Superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes Is known not onlyhero hut Is acknowledged throughout thoUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Sola Agents lor (be Hawaiian Islands.


THE ANNUAL MBEriNCl OF THICof tho Iium Island

Steam Navioatiow Co.. tL'd.j, will boheld at the Olllco of tho Company, onTUESDAY, March 10. tH'K, at 10 o'clocka. u. w. H. Mclean,

rJTS-'J- w Secretary,

Page 4: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars

Shv jOuihi tlUlin.

Pledged to neither Sect nor 1'iirty,Hut Iislablithcd for the Jlentfit of AV.

FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 181)3.


They Eloct 0 111 cora nnd Fix Dtito forOpening tlio Season.

Urtv. V. II. Kitoat, prefiiloiit, lillodthu chnir nt Um nnmial meeting oftho Honolulu Crickot Club yosttir-dn- y

ovouhitf. II h pruRuutetl anreport on lat year's work,

rouotninondniK, aha, that a lettur ofeoiuloloneo b i aotit (o tho nearest ofkiu to tho lato Charles L. Carter,who win a member of tho club.Mo3sr?. Kiteat, IJrasch and L. J.Iovoy were appointed to draft suchlo ter.

Mr. Kiteat, (.win; lo a proasuro ofother dulief, would not stand foranother term as president, and thofollowing now ollieers were eleetedfor tho current year:

M. Braseli, president.Thomas Lishman, t.

It. L. Auorbaeh, seeretary andtreasurer.

A. H. Hatfield, eaptaiu.F.JAuorbach, viee-eaptai-

W. L. Stanley, A. 11. Garvio and P.C. 1'aotow, board of management.

It was decided to havo a uniformin accordance with tlio rule fixiugtho club colors as blue, and tho cap-tain, vice captain and president weroappointed a committee to attend tothat business.

It was decided to hold a smokingconcert in tho immediate future,and the following committeo wasappointed to manage it, viz.: W. L.Stanloy, A. R. Garvio. A. St. M.Mackintosh and V. H. Kiteat.

Tho season was appointod to beopenod on April 13.

Votes"of thanks wero passed totho retiring president, for his valu- -ablo service of two yours, and toThomas Krouse, landlord of thoArliugtou Hotel, for kindly grantingtho use of a parlor for tho meeting. '

There was much enthusiasm mam- -festod at the mootiug, giving pro- -

mise of a good season. '


Several Matters In Probata andBankruptcy.

William Wntorhoiiso Dimond byhis counsel, Carter it Kiunoy, de-murred to tho complaint of Johu T.,Henry and William Waterhouse, onthe grounds that it doos not statufacts sufficient to constitute a causoof nctiouj and that it is uuiutolligi-blo- ,

ambiguous, vague aud uncer--'

tain, otc. Judge Coopor having ,

over-rule- d tho demurrer, Dimondenters exceptions to tho ruling.

In Kuauiu and Luka and ClarissaE. Cummings vs. Mrs. Njau Iaukeaaud Mrs. E. M. Xukuiua, potilion tohave lease declared effective andvalid for five years ouly, Mrs. Naku-iu- a

has filed an answer to tho com-plaint.

Judge Coopor has ordered lettersof administration to issue to C. II.Bishop ou the estate of Kobachi,deceased, uudor $1000 bond. C.Brown for potitiouor.

Maria S. Davis, as next friond toJ. K. Sumner, has filed a bond fit j

JroiXJ with John K. Wilder as surety,for costs iii her suit against M. F.Crandell.

Johu Cook denies ho is indebtedto Johu Emmeluth iu tho sum of$1014.

Judge Cooper has approved theaccouuts of trusteos of estato ofMaria King. J. M. Monsarrat fortrustees. A balauco of $992.00 waspaid by Bruco Cartwright, trusteo,to Mrs. Brown.

Au execution has issuod iu thecase of W. C. Achi vs. J. Alapai audMary Alapai for $21.85.

Judge Cooper has given an orderfor hearing of petition of JacobCoorpor aud Richard Strauch, bank-rupts, for discharge,


The first of a now series of Frenchdinners will bo given at tho Hawai-ian Hotol ovoning. Therewill be music by the Hawaiian quin-totclu- b

during, aud a danco afterdinnor.

A Chinaman was arrested this af-ternoon for alleged stealing of chick-ens. Tko theft ocourrod about aweek ago at Kalihi aud tho prosocu-tio- n

was instituted ou accouut of aconflict between tho owuor of thofowls aud tho accused yesterday.

If you waut to buy a roally goodclock or watch at Coast prices in-

spect tho stock of Brown it Kuboy,at No. i. Masonic Tomploj there youwill liuu tho largest variety in Ho-nolulu at the lowest prices; clocksnnd watches sold on wookly andmonthly payments. Brown it Kuboymake a specialty of rubber stamps.


Various Ponnlttfs Imposed for Trn-so- n

and Misprision Thoreot.

Sentences wero announced in thofollowing cases of treason to-da- y asstated:

Kiliona Poopoe, five years and' $5000 tlio fiuo remitted and sen-

tence of imprisonment suspended bythe President.

William K. Pua, five years and.?"000 the lino remitted and sen-

tence of imprisonment suspended.Haha, John Kaolowi, J. K. Ka-mal- i,

John James Matthews, Wil-liam Joepli, Xahiualaii, Kanihue,Henry Euoka. Pihena, Kaholo, ui

Kaniela. John Pio, JoeWuiinma, Kakaio and

William Kauwotiaole, five years andS.1000 tho fiuo being remitted byclHiueticy of tho Executive.

Tho following eases of misprisionof treason have beou adjudicatedupon as follows:

Johu C. Lnno guilty or fourth,fifth, tenth, eleventh and thirteenthspecifications, and of tho charge,not uuilty as to the eight oilierspecifications sentenced to sixmouths' imprisonment and to pay$100 fine.

Kaimimoku guilty of fourth audfifth specifications and of the charge

six months aud $100.Alexander Smith guilty of lirt

and second specifications and of thecharge, having pleaded guilty six

; months and .$100, but tho Presidentremits tho fine.

Johu K. 13ak-- r guilty of fourthaud fifth specifications aud of thocharge, having pleaded guilty threemonths aud $10.

James Aylett guilty of first andspeond specifications aud of thechargo, having pleaded guilty ouomouth aud $50.

Jonah Kalaniauaole guilty offourth, fifth, tenth, eleventh andthirteenth specifications, and of thocharge one year aud S1OG0 and boimprisonod until the fiuo is paid.

William K. Hutchison guilty ofall specifications oxcoptiug t ho sixth,twelfth and thirteeuth, and of thochargo two years and $500, miti-gated, on thu recommendation of thoJudge Advocate, to a fine of $250and imprisonment uutil such fiuoshall bo paid.

By Jan. F. morgan.

Household -:- - Furniture


On TUESDAY, March 12,AT in O'CLOCK A. M

AttliB Residence of HON. C. It. I1IS1I01',Knmn street, I will suit at l'uu- -

liu Auction

Tho : Entiro : Housohold : Furnituro,Comprising In part


With Marble Mantels;Mahogany Chairs and Tables,

French Walnut Oulco Table,

itibony Parlor Suite,Upholstered In Drocadod Silk;inlaid Center and SIdo Tables,

1 Koa State Bedstead,Mnliogany nnd Koa Wardrobes,1 11. W. Sflrror Front Wurdrobo,11. W. rillar Extension Table,

French Walnut SideboardBureaus, H. W. S'dcboard,

Kou Tables, Ko , Ktc, Etc.

Promises open lor Inspection onMonday, Mitruli 11th, from 0 a. m. to 3 r. m.

I2700tJab. 1 Morgan,


By Lewis J. Lovoy.


Household -:- - Furniture

On MONDAY, March 11th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M

I will soil at Public Auction, at the Ileal-done- e

of J. 0. WHITE, 10 Knkul street,tho Entire Household Furniture, consist-ing of

1 B. W. Bedroom Set,1 Oak Hodroom Bet, lounge,Spring Mattressu, Mosquito Nets,Hugs, Pictures, M. T. Table, Piano,

B. W. Chairs and Rockers,Clock, Lamps, Bureaus, Wardrobe,II. W. Kxtonalou Dining Tnblu,

Crockery aud Glassware, Single Dudstead,

"Fairy" Stovo nnd Cooking Utensil',

Qardon Hose, Brake, Ktu,, Etc.

LowId !f. Liovoy,12St-- 3t AUCTIONEER.





March 4, 1S95.

The fourth of Atorch is al-

ways a gala day in Washingtonon account of the gathering ofthe clans. This time it is par-

ticularly "gala" on account ofthe change in the politics of a

majority in Congress. Whilethey have not the necessarytwo-thir- ds majority to pass billsover the President's veto theycan make it very interesting.Legislation will probably be soclogged through fillibusteringthat the newspapers in the Stateswill spend the next six monthscrying "Wolf."

The success of the AveryPlantation Improvements is farbeyond our expectations. Theplanters using them on Hawaiiare as pleased with them asmen who recognize a goodthing when they see it can be.We publish below a coupleof letters received from wellknown managers on Hawaii:

Onomea Sugar Co.Papaikou, Hawaii,

February 25, 189 5.

Ar. John A.Scott,Wainaku, Hawaii.

Dear Sir:"The Onomea Sugar Co., has

now in use three of the Stub-ble Diggers.

"1 think these machines areindispensable for the propercultivation of rattoons.

"We have never had an im-

plement that would so thor-oughly loosen the earth aroundthe stools and put the soil in

such condition that the air,moisture and fertilizer wouldso readily find access to thefine roots of the cane and theroots around them.

"I am glad to testify' to themerits of these tools. Thesugar land Diso Cultivatorsarrived too late for much usein cultivation of the last youngplant and rattoons, but I be-

lieve they will prove to be veryuseful and labor saving imple-ment in districts where cane israised without irrigation.

"Yours truly,(Signed)

W. W. Goodale.Ar. Ross, manager of Ha-kal- au

Plantation has the im-

plements in use and says:

Hakalau, Hawaii,February, 16, 189 $.

To Mr. E. R. Hendry,President and Ahnager, Ha-

waiian Hardware Co., Hono-lulu, Oahu.

We use the Avery StubbleDigger Fertilizer Distributorand Cane Cultivator. Theysave labor and do the workclaimed for them. The Stub-ble Digger I consider a particu-larly good implement.

We keep all of these imple-ments in stock and will bepleased to show them or mailphotographs to parties interest-ed in the cultivation of sugarcane.

Tic Hawaiian Hardware Ge. Ltd,

Oj pofclt Rjttvcfcehf Block,KxCt-- ETOXST WfJf KI "







JCS1" Tho Automatic Pkaiu, kwxioLitest . Modern Attachments suitable Light and

Heavy Purchasers; luntruotions in Arisene,Tinsel, and Fanny Embroidery Work will be given.

IHinds' AlmondHoney Cream

Unsurpassed as a Toilet Requisite.




Superb Just Shaving.

BEST FORPIMPLES,cuafinq, itohino,scaly eruptions,Eczema, etc.

tho only



eclls those


withthe for

Work To




ilunso.v, N. II., l'eb. 21, 1800.Mr A. 8. Hindi,

Dear fir: I think it my duty to write yon In regard to yourwonderful Honkv ami Almond Oiifav. Whui I commenced aiingIt, my hands would crack upon, and were so bad that I could notclose them without making them bleed, and my fiuu was roughand chapping 1 have had one botilp, and hit hands and faco uroentirety cured, aud I think It my duty to nralsn this wonderful re-medy. JllKS Marv O. Durnt.

Recommended by Everywhere






from all the Celebrated U

Factories In the United tcBtntea V

Pipes and




L. B. J










m&! zmiVMLm-jiw- "wm


Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Cigars,

HOLLISTER Sb OO.Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

Page 5: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars


Hawaiian Council, A. Lwill meet this evening.


of H.,

Mrs. Nakuina offers fine chancesfor investment in land.

S. M. Damon offers wood, stone,coral and salt from the BishopEstate

The concert by tho Governmentband this ovoning will bo at ThomasSquare

Tho steamer V. G. Hall took fivopassengers for tho Volcano thismorning.

Honry Kttallf, who succeeds W.Kaapa as pound master, has a noticoin this issue about a cow.

Martial law hours being ended,tho Scottish Tliitloi Club will

its weekly meetings this ovon-in- g.

.Very reasonable fares are offered

by tho steamer Kahului for SanFrancisco by II. Hack fold & Co.,agents.

While a nativo was travoling toHookona to meet tho steamer W. G.Hall on her last trip, he droppeddown dead in tho road.

Clifton extract fromKhodes, Mayno0. 13. American, Uor of Chas. Gutfeld of Keed-- n

r.i,;.,,.... 'i,n Fresno Co., Cal.: ''It withoath to tho Constitution.

Mechanics' Homo, corner HotelNuuauu streets, day, stopped

week or month. Terms: 25 and 50cents per night; $1 and $1.25 perweek.

Thoro was largo crowd thodoparturo of tho S. S. Arawa for SanFrancisco yesterday. Tho friendsof tho exiles woro at the wharf infull forco.

Tho baseball nine the U.Philadelphia nud the KamehamohaSchool nine will piny on schoolgrounds at o'clockafternoon.

Tho Government band did notplay at tho departure the S. S.Arawa yesterday, on account of thoboys having to play during tho ovon-

ing at tho Hotel.

L. Kalawaia aud Sam, two na-

tivo omployoes of the Office,were dismissed on Wednesday, bo-cau-

thoy dKl not shouldor gunduriug the trouble.

President Dole aud W. E. Rowoll,Superintendent Public Works,started on an overland tour of thisisland to-dn- y, to inspect roads,bridges, landings, etc.

W. F. Wilson returns to Konathe W. G. Hall, after two weeks'visit to His many friendswero glad to see him. Mr. Wilson isono of the now coffee-grower- s ofKona.

Carl Klommo's portrait in hisGorman regimontals appears in thoPacific Hardwaro Co.'a window. Itis enlarged from photograph byMr. Fruebis in colors is muchadmired.

A half-Chine- girl gathoringseaweod at Hookona, Hawaii,wcok, whon wave her off herfoot. Sho was gone by nativoin canoe, who took ashore, butBUU IUW UllUUlUDi

United Carriago Company's stand,besides having superior hacks al-

ways ready at tho call of "290," fur-nisn- es

fino livory outfits at tho short-est notice good horses nice car-riages, from buggy to wagonette.

R. Harrison, practical pianoaud organ maker ana tuner, fur-nish best faotory references. Ordersleft Hawaiian News Co. re-

ceive prompt attention.guaranteed to be the samt rinnin factory.

A pamphlet of oight pagos is be-

ing distributed about to-da-

It written bv John Sheldon, isHawaiian, and treats about tho an-- 1

noxation of Hawaii to tho UnitedStates. It is dated Kaalaea, Koo-laupok- o,

March 3.

If you your watch ropairod.If you jewelry made neatly.If you want souvenir spoons, or any-thing in the jewelry lino. H. G.Blart, at C. Gertz's store, Fort stroot,is your mou. for yearstho practical watchmakor Won-no- r

& Co.

Clarence W. Ashford was re-

cipient of numerous bouquots offlowers kisses from tho femalesex yesterday prior to his boardingtho S. S. Arawa. Ho was heavilyburdened with flowers when horeached tho dock. Tho Arawa nailedshortly aftor o'clock for Snu Fran-cisco.

Tho Syduoy Tolegraph copiescartoon from tho WostminstorBudget, tho subject of which isA. J. Wilson, editor of the Investors'Roviow and editor of tho Lon-

don Mr. Wilson, who isof tho fiuaucial authorities of

Euglaud, is brother of F. Wil-

son, residont of theso islauds.


Six Bent on the W. Uall toFunaluu,

There was no little excitement ontho Inter-Islan- wharf prior to thedoparturo of tho W. G. Hall thismorning, through tno amies 01 sixbulla wuioh woro boing shippedW. G. Irwin Kau, Ha-waii. Everybody crowded vfp closeto seo how each bull would behavewhen ho was being hoisted on boardin sling. Tho crowd didu't staythoro very long. The bulls didn'tappreciate tho way they wero beinghandled, aud began to snort aud

Tho crowd soon scattoredpellmell in all directions. Somecould not got nway quick ououghaud not few fell over trucks andboxes. Tho W. G. Hall's men, how-ovo- r,

stuck to the animals like bull-dogs, and thoro va no fear of thoirinjuring anyone. Tho little Hawai-ian mustangs stuck to chargobravely aud tho imported stock hadto acknowledge that it could notbudgo tho mustangs. Tho bullsworo safely placed on board. Thoyworo brought from San Franciscoon tho barkentino W. II. Dimond.

Carl 0. ',

Koad the following aand Ld .Yards, and ,

M.rn a: i.lfn Mm ley, ts

pfeasuro day'sCuamberlatn's Cougureliovod

lodging by head completely up

a at

of S










a tookafter a

a hor111 U


atAll work


townis in


Ho was tonfor





onea W

Are O






I tell you that by ououso ol remouv .

I .io of .. very sovoro coleaud My was .











and I could not sleep at night,can recommend this remedy."cold nearly always starts in tho hoadand afterwards oxtouds to tho throatatTd lungs. By using this romodyIreoly as soon as tho cold lias beencontracted it will cure tho cold at (

once and prevent it from extending i

to tho lungs. For sale by all doalors. !

S. Benson, Smith & Co., agents for thoHawaiian Islands.





American legion of honor, mootsTHIS (Friday) at 7:30 o'clock, SlOtCS WnOBO V31 10USat tlOllS arc laid befoiC

1282 It



OTIUE 13 GIVEN TO Ml, ! llOW thcTO wl, wllOSOpersons that.there are .at the 'flown, aiC and Yi, WHO

incut Pound at Slaklkl, March 0, lbitt,Eitray Animals, viz.:

1 llay Cow with no brand, b'dh nrs areclipped off, wlilto spots on forehead, backaud under tho I

Any person or persons owning theso ani-- '

mal are requested to ronio and take thexauin on or before 12 o'clock noon HAT UK- - ,

March 23d, othcrwlio snld ,

will bo fold at public: auction on snld dato i

and hour. HKNKY '1282 3t Pound Mnstcr. I

NOTICES.for tho purchase of

Wood, or Undressed Stone,Coral Hock for road making andKakaako Salt tho Bishop Es-tat- o

can bo made to Wm. Mutch,who is authorized to receipt for thosame.

S. M. DAMON,Treasurer.

Honolulu, March 8, 1895.1282-l- w

For Francisco


The Hawaiian Steamship

"KAHULUI"TYSON, Commander;

Will sail for the above ports

On TUESDAY, Maroh 12,AT 0 A. M.

Cabin Passage ,. f0Bteorage 23

. Tor Freight aud apply to

H. HAdU'ELI) & CO.,

1L'82 3t ARents.

TOjLEiT.Several Cottages at Moderate Rentals.a




DAY, animal


11 on bo Ivots, 1W miles from l'oit Ofllco, onand near King Street, a few stops

beyond the KamehamehaSchool grounds.

Ufc. This oilers a good chance to seoureHomesteads at moJoruto prices. With aniiHxatlon assured in thu near future, nHouse Lot so near tho business cuntuivforms one of the most desirable Invest. I

uieuts for a small sum of money.Vk-- Corporations or anjoeo

to Invest in Large Tracts of SuburbanLand can be accommodated nt reasonable)llgurcs with Trae's of from 0, 10 to WAcres.

CA- - Land on tho other ItriniuR In '

Tracts suitable for a Dairy, Hog ltnnoh orCollee aud Sisal l'lautatlon for salo orlease. Ktmulro of

12-8- iii iVcEE. St. NAKUINA.






ACo- -

$- -

tfo- -

0 -- rt


:UW IMlil

LOOK YOULEAP. When you go outwhopping, consider ; think of

) tho inonoy in pocket,Gso.itaKct

account or me manyEVENING

Harmony HallKtagreoU ,


tions in the form of















says lie is the man for yourmoney. PLExVSE PAUSE !

And remember your pocketis concerned.

STOP AND THINK!Would it not be well to gowhere for forty yearsHONEST GOODS andHONEST PRICKS go handin hand. Beauty and dura-bility, instead of mere show

' and display, from the virtueof goods handled by us.

To sell at a Small Profit inevery Department is tho fun-damental law of oun house ;

to carry the best and newestgoods tho markets ot theworld afford is our constantaim.

Among the many nowthings found on our countersth's week, we wish to callyour especial attention to whati generally known as TABLEFWLT, TABLE PELT,TABLE PELT, though it iscontinually used for fancywork. Wo have an extra fineline of this cloth in all colors.EIDERDOWN, EIDER-DOWN, EIDERDOWN.

To look at it is to buy it,soft as velvet, just the thingfor Capes or Children's Jack-ets. We have it in blue, pink,and cream. You will want itm all these colors after oncelooking at it.


Put Him to the TestBy having him do a

Job of Plumbing for You,And seo if it is not handled

To your entire satisfaction.You will easily

his signAt 15 Bethel Street.



STEWART, Plumhek,Tn Blue and White.

Daily Bulletin 50 cents per month .


New Goods! -:- - New Goods!


1ST. S. S520 Fort St,


LATEST NOVELTIES:Van Dyke Collars! New Veilings!

Children's Stockings In shades ot Tan In all size.

SHORT CORSETS!Ju:t the thing for riding or for short people. We have them in all sites.

New Hand Bags, New Buckles,New Jet Trimmings, New Silk Trimmings

Black Drapery Net for Dresses f

IFor tlieitThirsty FeelingWhich you will experience very often duringthis season the most delightful remedy in theworld iH to


Hires' Root Beer.This delicious temperance drink not only

quenches thirst, but promotes and preservesgood health.

The roots, herbs, barks and berries, fromwhich Hires' Eoot Beer is carefully made, havebeen the main dependence of physicians in allages.

Everybody everywhere is better for everyswallow of Hires' Root Beer, and cveryhoily

should always

itIn the Family.

Ask your storekeeper for it. Made onlyby tho Ciiaklus E. Hires Co., Philadelphia,U. S. A.

I'estiasn.ora.ials :"I buo your Root Beer took tho nrizo ut tho World's Fair.

Wo arc glud of it. It cortuinly dcacrvca it, uh it in tho bestdrink wo havo over used. Maiioauet S. Houston, 5 Lindon St.,Koohcator, N. Y U. S. A."

"I lmvo used a groat many bottles of your ltoot Uoor tholiibt five years, and havo given a gauiplo of it to a great manypeople. A. W. Spuinklk, E. 7th St., Cliarlotto, N. C, U. S. A."

JOBBERS:Iloimox Duug CompanyBenson, Smith & CompanyHolmsteu Dnua Company, Ltd. .


Wholesale Druggists

t( nLewis & Company Grocers


E2P Are now making Frames for War Photographsat $1.25 and upwards. These aro beauties.

FBESH 0001)8 IN

Shelf Hardware, Mechanics' Tools,Mixed l'aluts, Oils and Varnishes, Brushes, Carriage Whips,

Oeir"Doline-u.m- . AvenariusFOlt rit&SKUVINU WOOD.

Giant and Blasting Powder, Fuse and Caps.- AGENTS FOlt THE CKI.KHUATEI) --A-a-ur-cr:! oils,Tho Iiest Lubricants Known to Commerce.

IDHritlllUTINO WAREHOUSES In England, France, Italy, Oormany. Boot-lan-d,

Wales, Ireland, Cuba, China, Japan, Java, India and the principal cltios otthe United State.

Page 6: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars

' ' " .- -yfflKSMQPim

Houses For Rent

it,ianCity Houses, Eeasldo Boosts, Pento-nla- r

(Peart Harbor) Houses

At Bucclal Hates. Furnished or Unfur- -


Building Lots on Long ImIn Desirable location nt WA1KIKI.

A Hotel on Nauann Avenueroil 11KNT.

Information furnished and housesopened for Inspection at any tliuo.

H. WATEE HOUSE,1273-t- f Queen Street

WAIKIKIBeach. Residence !



reaidenco of Jas. II. Castle. Isfor Kent, I,eao or Sale; urnlshed or Unfamished. Also, fur 8a'e or Lease

1 Acres of Good Pasta Land,Situated on Wilder Arena.For further particulars, apply to

JOHN NOTT,lW.tl Dlmond Block, King streot.

To Let or Lease !

dmSA Yery Convenient New Cottage

On Wlldr Avcnuo (near IVnsacoln streot),with all modern Improvements, Ser-

vants' Itoem. Carriage Ho'ibe,Stables, Ktc, Etc. Alto


Alto, Family Hone tod Garrliga For Sals' For particulars, Inquire on thn pre-o- r

raises, of P. M. BOONE Y.1209-l- W

Beach House To Let I

A FURNISHED HOUSE StIs to let at Walktkibeach, a few minutes' vralkJISBfrom the traracar. It haslCook House, Uath House, and Good SeaBathing. Household Utensils and Dishesare all complete. Fish pond on premises.Rooms mav be let, with bathing privileges,If the whofo house Is not taken.

Also, a House above tint brldgo on Nuu-n- u

street.Also, a Uou-- on Young street.Also, Houses In other parts of the town.

Inquire of DAVID DAYTON,1277-- tf VI Merclmnt street.


A FIV1M100M COT-Youn- n

XX togo onstreet Annly to

j. ii. .Mcuiinoanx,1270-t- f Queen street.


TOOM8 AND UOAltDIX for a few persons can be i

had at Uanlwal, on the Wkklkl beach.W. B. BAltTLETT.

W5-t- f Proprietor.




Cottago, all modernImprovements, with Stuble, mBarn and Servants' Roomon premises, on Klnau street, one blockfrom horse-cars- , lor particulars apply to

N S. 8AOH8,1252-t- f fl'."J Fort street.


rpHE "ALMA COTTAGE"J. nt the terminus of thetramcars, Walklki. Lothasja frontaue on tho sea suit- -'able for bathing purposes. Tho House iscommodious, kituatcd on a well Improvedlot containing Fruitand Ornamental Trees.For particulars Inimlro of

121,0-l- G. E. BOAKDMAN.


rnHOSK DESIHABLEJL premises situate ou theenstsV'eol the old Mnklklplayground, formerly occupied by A. Garlonberg, K&n. The build- -lugs are modern and commodious and thosnarlous urounds are Inld out in fruit amiornamental trees. Easy terms to n deslra-bi- o

tenant. For further particulars pleaseapply to BRUIJE OAUTW1UGHT.

12J8-t- f

qot vtitst.Srrtro Uft )tt thr V'rlAt fliivrliaan

Coiitnuiro Jjtcrc milt li

iroitnitIt tttii'iittrdtp.

loth Telephone. 16.nf RVAfv ,locniln.JOB PRINTING lion done bv the

llui let in rruLisniNa Co . Lii. First clussCommerdal Work a Specialty. Estimatesgiven. Ordt is promptly executed, i


sumTKThe Best Coisd in EWorld

for the Honey,"


Look at Them !

TaKe Them Home!


Thpm On !I


And return them if they don'tsuit you.

These Corsets are made in

St.tmM'They aro in forty-seve- n

different styles and range inprice from 1 to 5 per pair.

Ask to nee tho Extra LongWaist Soxxkttk for $2.25.They can't bo beaten. .

If you can't get Corsetslong enough, remember youcan get tho Sonnette withsix HOOKS.

Should you want a Corsetwith Real. Whale Bone,get tho Sonxettk.

3?" Anyway come in andsee them.


Sole Agent for the Ila- -

waiian Islands.

IF-cir- e Drills:Tho business of tho country is

sottling into its formor groove. Ourgentlemanly driver has returnodfrom his vacation, tho cows in thopasture Bwttch flies instead of bul-lets with their tails-au- d the cream isrichor in consequence. Wo beliovowe havo satisfied ovory one of ourcustomers who havo taken milk fromus and we are in a position to sup-- ,ply a great many more. The peoplewho from choice or necessity visitedWaialao during tho past two weekshavo had an opportunity to Bee justwhat sort of diet our stock foodsupon, and no longer Wonder at thorichness of tho milk from our dairy.

jui lauimies tur uuiivury are mebest. With the exception of a dayor two early iu tho lato unpleasant-ness our drivers have always beenon timo at our customers' residences.Wo tako this opportunity to thankthose who havo boon patieut with usand to solicit a continuanco of theirpatronage Wo will be pleased tofill all orders telephoned to us andguarantee all milk to bo puro andfree from adulteration.





New Patealed Poi Btrainer

All Orders or Communicationsaddressed to E. O. Hall & Sou, L'd.,(who have them on sale), or to M. T,Dounell, will receive prompt attention.

lKA-t- i


Accountant, Collector and Copyht.

Onic-- with C. D. Clmfo, Safe Deposit Build-ing, itMJ Fort Street. Telephono ll.

The Collection of Government Billsa g(.wclalty. l'J75-t- f

jwu t 1 niijtwymyip--r



Bidiculoua Equipment of Chinese forthe Work of War.

No wondor China wilhlior an-- 1

ciont method of warfare is boingbeaten at all points by tho progres-- ,sive Japanese. Tho Russian travel- - j

lor, Urutn urijmailo, rocounts some ,

funny details of Chinoso militarytraining. Tho Imperial examination '

for tho degree of doctor of militaryscionco requires proficiency iu shoot-in- g

with tho bow on horse and foot.fencing, and skill in carrying andhurling weights. Inspecting oillcersdemand such exercises as frequentgenuflexions, yells, grimaces, roaringat tho enemy, stealthy crawlings towards tli enemy. Tho men aro1..11 1 !.t....i ... f ii iuiiii'inuiiaui'ii, ujusi. vi iuuiii io oui- -

foring from chronic disease and th oenervation resulting from opium '

and idleness. Thoy march anyhow, .

aro armed anyhow, thn back andforesights of tho rifles aro broken '

SiaWdirS'1 TtfnS:commissioned officers aro armed ,

with sword and revolver, tho officers

iZLSSaJJirrald. j

2 ho Eastern War.

Koports have bcon published, saysa Loudon dispatch, which are evidently inspired, stating that Russia


desires to put an end to tho war be-tween China and Japan, and hasagreed with tho Powers with theview of sparing China from beingtotally prostrated and preventingher conquest by tho Japauoso.

The Czar, it is asserted, will notsanction tho independence of Corea.

It is reported at Shanghai thatEngland and Russia have offored tomeuiato between China and Japan.

Li Hung Chang, who has been ap- -pointed as tho Chinese peace envoy,will moot the Japanese envoys atFort Arthur.

Fearing nu, outbreak of rioting atFekin, tho foreign Miuistors liavoordered that the Legations be espe-cially guarded.

Foreigners at Wei hai-w- oi havebeen permitted to leave uumolsted.

Prince Kuug, father-in-la- of theEmperor, accompanies Li HungChang to Port Arthur....

Band Concert.

Tho Government band will give apublic concert at Thomas Squarethis oveniug to commence at 7:30o'clock. Following is the program:

FAST I.March National Guard of Hawaii. ...

BergerOverture Stmlraml. o ltoslniPiccolo Solo 1 7etta Jones

Mr. 1 . Barsoltl.Cornvt Solo Kea Flower EolIIuson

Mr. Ch. Kreuter.TAUT 11.

Selectlon- -I Martlrl Do IzetliGavotte-Roheml- ai Czlbulkalantasla LH's ha a soldier ... .EllenberaWaltt La Gran Via Valvcrdn

Hawaii Ponol.

Boyond Comparison

Aro the good qualities possessed byHood's Sarsaparilla. Above all itpurifies the blood, thus strengthen-ing tho nerves; it regulates the di-gestive organs, invigorates tho kid-neys and livor, tones aud builds uptho entire system, cures Scrofula,Dypepsia. Catarrh and Rheumatism.Get Hood's and tho only Hood's.

Hood's Pills euro all livor ills,Juuuico, inuigosuon,

' Blck headache. 2oc.

England Not Noutrul.The Earl of Kimberle-- , Secretary

of State for Foreign Affairs, hasmade a communication to M. liana-tau- x,

tho French Minister for War,in regard to Madagascar.

Lord Kimberley notifies that inconnection with tfio French expedi-tion against the Malagese, GreatBritain does not declare iter neutral-ity, and that she does not preventBritish shipowners from carryingFrench war material to Madagascar.



Investment Union.



Office, tOO Fort Street. Telephone 181.


THIS GUTce ntcred lens. You think you

fail- - and comprehensive

from cheap glass, because it may have tho same amountpower tho more costly. See where the above

lens focuses. See the scattering rays. Ab much spheri-cal aberration such glasses as there aberration thommn m nn iimnno novsnii- -- - - .....w . v.w. , jglasses you buy cht ap. Howstand this strain? Why, until

example and


you afford wear such glaf-ses- , simply becuuso they costHttln loss than tho norfoct? No. thousand times. No.culdnot thicy wcre aHb0,T

Will not sell fclich glaSBCS WOllld not givingthem away. But guarantee every manner com--plictcd f with .th pri)(jr and corrcct-- y -- round andto give perfect satisfaction.

OPTICIAN.P. 0. BOX 434- -




. -- .-

is aof a mi

a ofas

ofin is of

tovon n. a

E c; be

wc to fit of


get tho same

vnr.. ... in. ... or.

will your eyethey Can

TELE. 407



apply to

k Co..W. Manager.

OUR NEW boing completed, wo aro readyto kinds of


Pacific Guano, Potash,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Etc., Etc.,

Special attention given to Analysis of by our Chemist.AH are in re.pect.

For further particulars




amount of relief

thin Inn irenerai runlong sensitive

aro ruined entirely.

-- MUrUAI,



Secretary acd

Nitrate of Soda,Calcined Fertilizer Salts,

Etc., Etc.

Guano FertilizerDR. AVEKDAM,

WORKS AT KALIHI nowFurnish all


CB-- Soils AgriculturalGoods guaranteed every


Mr. John A. Scott, Manager of Iho Hilo Sugar Company, gives tho follow-ing wonderful record of tho working of tho NATIONAL CANE SHRED-DER, which was erected by their works ut tho commencement of the cropjust harvested:

"During Iho past week tho Hilo Sugar Company's mill exceeded any ofits former records by closing tho 125 hours grinding with an output of 300tons. This is fully 10 percent more than the best work of former yoars.

"The three roller mill being 20 in. by 5-- in. and tho two roller mill 30 in.by GO in. '1 he first mill doing this amount of work in an efllciont mannerand with great oaso, compared with work on whole cano, owing to thoroughpreparation of the cane by tho National Cane Shredder, recently erected bytho Company.

"And by its use tho extraction has been increased from 3 percent to C por-ce- nt

on all kinds of cane, and in somo cases 80 percent lias been reached ;

the avcrago boing 75 to 78 porccnt, according to quality." I continue to find tho megass from shredded cane bolter fuol than from

whole cane."Tho shredder has been working day and night for soven months and has

given mo entire satisfaction, having shredded during that timo about Bovontythousand tons of cane, and a largo part of it being hard rutoons.

"Tho shredder und engine require vory little euro or attention."fVl'hins and specifications of these Shtcdders may bo seen at the offico of

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., L'd..Bolt Jotiitt for th Howniinn Jilnruit.

Ed. Hoifschlaeaer & Co. :- -:


"Household" Sewing Machine?,

Bind Stwlng Machines, wlib ail (be latest Improvements.Westeimayer's Cottage Pianos.

Parlor Organs, Guitars, and otbfr Instrument,1.

:- -: King and Bethel Streets.







Page 7: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars

'flf$vn -



Ordway & Porter

Hotel Street, "Robinson Block."

Beg to announce to their numerous patrons thearrival of New Goods, such as Carved Oak Bed-

room Sets, Rattan and Wicker Ware made upinto Stands, Center Tables and Chairs of the

very latest designs; Dining Boom Furniture, Ex-tensi-

Tables a spccialti. Also a fresh lot ofPorticr Curtains in delicate shades, etc., etc., etc.


House Furnisherspress necessitypractising


TELEPHONES Mutual &ZffZru!kgrhS&learned

Pioneer Furniture HouseESTABLISHED 1 SB.

New Goods 1 Latest Designs ! Largest Stock



Special Feature 1 White Seamless MattingPer Holl ot Yards, $12.00.

And Fine Quality for $9 per Roll.

Headquarters for Baby Carriages!Pianos for Rent i Chairs for Rent !

Bell 179. TELEPHONES 76,

WILLIAMS BROS.Successors R. Williams.



Wicker Work!

A largo assortment

just boon re-

ceived por "R. P.

Richot" and "0. D.

Bryant," and moro

to airivo por

Bji U1LJ iiii"' "'i'Ii lr FHRNITDRE!!


and prico in tho

Furnituro lino. Tho

host and most va-

ried in Honolulu.

Gall and inspect our


Hop:p &, Co.,ISTo 7--i Xing Street.


Tho Procious Boon is Attacked in !

Now Zealand.

In tho roportof a speech deliveredat( Auckland by Mr. Crowthor, a pro-- 1

miuent man there, occurs tho follow-- 1

Tho cronlest Ifrlnvnnrn nt Mm finv. I

orntnent, wont on Mr. Crowther, wasthe Opposition Tress. So tho Gov-ernment had introduced a nowspanorlibel bill, which, arnonirst othorthings, mado it compulsory thatovory porson who wrototo tho uows-papo- rs

should sign his nauio in full.("Quito right," and "No.") Soinogontloman said "quite right," but ho(tho speaker) was prepared to fighthim on tho subject. Tho most useful work that had boon dono iu thopress, had boon dono by persons whodared not sign thoir names. (Loudapplause, and "Why notl") WhynotT Bocauso thoy might lose theirsituations and bo ruined. (Hear,hoar.)

Antarctic Ice. j

Tho Norwegian bark Opholialntoly arrircd at Auckland, NowZealaud, from Kio do Janoiro. Dur-- ,iug tho voyage, tho vossel had quitoan oxpenenco witn ice, unmonsoquantities of which wero mot withto tho southward of tho Capo of

j Good Hope. Captain S. P. Sorou- -

cuu, iuo Luuiuiauuur ui luu vessel,statos that tho first ico was sightedon December 10 in latitudo 42- - S.,longitude 12" W., when about sevenbergs woro passed. For tho nexttwelvo days ice was sighted noarlyovery day, tho masses in somo in-

stances boing nearly six miles inlength. It is estimalod that about17 bergs wero passed, somo of whichworo quito 500 foot in hoight, andpresentod a most maguificont

Loam to Shoot.

At tho recent distribution ofprizes to the London Hides.General Lord Roberts, in addressing

; tuo men, saiu tuat ne"uosirou to im- -

j upon them tho ofmusketry, as a maa, how-ev- or

well-drille- d might be, was

Bell 525 646,

could bo by anyone, but







to O.



Evory stylo




musketry could not, and careful in-struction and continual practicecould alono make a marksman.

' When ho saw a regiment high up iu, musketry, he felt sure that it contained a largo proportion 01 skiiluland intelligent men."

In tho fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T.A. McFarlaud, a prominent mer-chant of Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cat.,was takou with a very hoavy cold.Tho pains in his chost wore so sovorethat ho had spasms and was threat-ened with pneumonia. His fathorgavo him sevoral largo dosos ofGhamberlaiu's Cough lioniody whichuroko up the cough and cured lam.Mr. McFarlaud says whouover hischildren haro croup ho invariably

Igives them Charaborlaiu's Cough

I Remedy and it always euros thorn,Ho considers it tho best cough

l remedy in the market. For sale byall dealers, lionson, smith x Co.,agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.


At Wnlklkl on car line and mi PalaniaKernel near Fertilizing Plant. These Lotsnro Very Cheap and Bold on envy tonus.Desirable Acre Tracta near tho city andother Properties (or Hale.

UHUOE WAHIKQ & CO.,Dealers In Lota and Land:).

1211-- tt 603 Fort Street, near King.


General Business Agent



Insurance, Collections,

Notary Public!gW Agent to Take Acknowledgments

to Contracts.

Office: Sale Deposit Bui ding, 406 Fort St.

telephone isi -


TEN (10) CUNTS YOU CAN BEKFOR Greatest Marvel of Science.lloxlng Cats."

ir Subjects changed daily nt Hurtit Coiniitiny's, Hotel street. Exhibitionhours i 0 a. m. to 0 r. m. l'-'-t-f


We have Just Received an Im-

portation of the

Finest Ceylon Teas!CpTo give Consumers the opportu-

nity of Testing the above, wo will, for alimited time, sell in quantities of 1 Lb. ormore.

Prices Very Low and . . .

Inspection Earnestly Solicited.


XjHITED.C3-0- 0 KH3VL,


.(mporter and Dealer ii Enrojeai Dry aM Fancy Good's

Ladles' Wares of every description. Also, fresh line of Chinese Goods.

JPongee cfc "Wlilta Sills. Pajamas.No. 1 White and Colored Mattings !

Best Black and Green Chinese Tea. Crepo Shawls, Etc.7SJ:HIR,aH:A.NT TAILORING-- .

tm Fit Guaranteed. Prices Moderate. -- W1

tor 2LxtxiELl Telephone 54S "Qt

'Rl.RPHONM 110 P. O. BOX 372



Presb Calliornli Roll Batter ind blind Battermr ALWAYS ON HAND flff

3Bf Goods fiecelfed by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

jjsF" All Orders faithfully attend to. Satisfaction guaranteed Island Orders.nilcited and packed with cue.

Lincoln Block, Kino Street, fin. Font and Alaska Stbeeto.



Importers ffcolegale h Retail (ii

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFreih Ooodi by Every California Steauer.

ICE - HOUSE - GOODS - A - SPECIALTY.Islands Obdebs Solicited. jfB gF Satisfaction Guaranteed,



Groceries, - Provisions - and - Feed.New Goods Received by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Haropa,

FKKSH - CALIFORNIA . PRODUCE BY - EVERY STEAMER.All Orders fatthfully attended to and Goods Delivered to an;

Part of thf I'Uv KKKK.

'si.au Ononis Solicited SATisrAOTio GdabantibdAHT QOUNlSh fDKI aNU KINO STKKKlfl.

Page 8: febc patll Bnllcttn - University of Hawaii · David Kaapa made a raid on the "bank, capturing tho wholo outfit, tho three baukors aud four runners, besides more than fifty dollars

'VHiNftll..''y''';h'' ""' 'l'1" '"" JmWP9,'i'top' v r inii"' jtmu wifptBi1 sn '"HywwJjf'Jigjggywg '"""'-.'- Al




ttv 1 .

Vr c -

Wholesale Retail.

rvn.L liiNH jr -

Japanese'.' Goods 1

Silk and Cotton Dress Goods,

to., Ito., Ito., u.

Silk, Liueo and Crafic Shirts


Made by Ysniatoyo of Yokohama

ft When yon are In need of any Dieof Japanese Goods, give as first hi? milare going all around town.

ITOHAN,SOO 3Tort St., xxaoz Cuitam IIou

Real Estate and LoansI

'Tho enlargement of tho LOAN Market

to as to cover tho wants nnd necessities of 'tho large number of honorable people whoare not owners of unincumbered Ileal i

Estate was one of the most necessary Inno-vations of recent years. To many It hasmeant relief from pressing claims at thovery time when most essential. When

and honorably conducted thisusiness is of equally great Importance

nnd value to tho community as Buildingand Loan Associations havo proved them-selves to be.

Tbe Hawaiian Investment Go, '

Makos a specialty of Negotiating and Pro-curing Loans for Borrowers who are un-able


to discount their Notes at tho Banksand who do not care to obligate them-selves to tome friend or acquaintance by ,asking his endorsements to their Note.

This Company will make Loans uponHousehold Furniture, Pianos. Organs.Horses. Mules. Wagons. Carriages andPersonal Property without removing theProperty from the Borrower's possession,and all business will be conducted on aSTRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL BABIB.

The Hawaiian latettment Co.,I

General Heal Estate Agents,13 and 15 Kaahumann Strtets, .


Notary Public. Mutual Telephone 639.

Bell Tel, .381. Mutual Tkl. fi07.P. O. BOX 321.

HONOLULUCarriage Manufactory

128 A 130 FORT 8TK1CET.

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.

Blacksmithing IN ffi&H.Orders from the other Islands In

BalldlBQ. Trimming, Painting., Etc., Etc.,

Promptly Attended to

Vf. W. WRIGHT, Pitor.(Bnnrrssor to O. West, I

TN THE ClltCUIT COURT OF THEX l'Ir.t Circuit, Hawaiian Islands, InProliato nt Chambers, in the mutter ofthe estate of Ah Hoy, minor. Order toshow cause on application of guardian tosell ward's rtal estate. On reading andtiling tho petition of Charles Lucas, theguardian of tho property of said Ah Hoy,minor praying for an order of sale of cor- -tain real citato belonging to said ward, be-

ing ono undivided half of tho plore of landsituate in Kullhl containing 28.840 sqnarofeet, and conveyed to him and his mother,Lulka, by deed recorded in tho itegisterOlllou, In Liber 102, p. 337, the same beinga portion of laud described in ltoyal Patent2W.I, and setting forth certain legal reasonswhy such real estate should bo sold, to wit:for the imrpoto of fnruishing support forthe said An Hoy. It Is hereby ordered,that the next of kill of the bald ward andall persons Interested In the said estate,appear before, this Court on FMDAY, theloth day of March, A. I), 161H, at 10 o'clocka. m , at the Court room of this Court, inHonolulu, Oalm, then and thero to showcaute why an order should not be grantedfor the mlo of such attate.

Dated Honolulu, II. ., Feb. 13, 1&95

lly the Court:GEORGE Ll'OAR.

lS3-3- t Clerk.



Is again prepared to repir 0rdn Hose,Bprfnklcrs, Water Tap. et . taw FIHukand all kind of Tools chrpiied, Inclnd.ing Curving Knives nun bd.,ors; I.awnMoneria hpecia t : alo 8t'lnii Olnnsj Inlactal kinds of Juliblnr. Work oa !' forand ed limp uplM Mutnn T.1- -.

phone any tin lfor- h a. v llTfitf

Wilders Steamship Go.


CapUJ. A KING, Fort Snpt.

Stinr. KXNAUCLARKE, Commander.

Will leave Honolnln at 2 r. u., touching atLahalna, Maalaea Bay and Makena thetame day; Mahnkona, Kawalhaeand

the following day arrlvln? tHllo the same evening


Friday Mnr. I Friday . . . ..Mar. 8Tuesday. ...Mar. 13 Tuesday . ..Mar. 10Friday Mir. 22 Fildy. . .Jlsr. 2Tuesday ....April 2 Tuesday,. ..Arrll mFriday.. . .Aptll 12 Friday.,., ..ApiillOTuesday ....April 2 1 Tuesday . ..April CO

Friday May 3 Friday. . , . . May 10TncBifay ... May II Tuesday. .. May 21Friday May2t . .May RlTuesday June 4 Tuesday'.' ...June IIr naay June i rnuay... ...Juno'.'lTuesday. . Juno 23 ino uay.. . .July 2Vrlday July 6 V.l,lu..MO J , , ..juiy vi i

Tuesday July 1(J Tuesday. ...July 23July."! ...Aug. 2 '

Tuesday... .Atlir. (I Tuesday , .Aug. 13 I

Friday Aug. 10 rriuny... ..Aug. 2.1

Tuesday. .. Aug. 27 Tuesday., ..fr'cpt. 3Friday Sept. (II Fridy... ..Pent. 13 I

Tuesday Sept. 17 Tnesuny. ..8opt. 21Friday Sept. 27 Friday . ...Oo . 4Tuesday Oct. lU'SUHV, ...Oct. 10 I

Friday . ... Oc'.lO Friday... ,...Oct.21Tuesday Oct. 2!) Tntsday . ...No. 6 ,Friday Nov. b Friday... ...Nov. 15Tuesday Nov. 10 Tupiuay. ...Nov. 2) I

Friday Nov. 20 Friday.., . .Deo. (J I

Tuesday ... Deo, 10 Tuesday ...Die. 17Friday.. Dec. 20 Friday... ...Deo. 27

Returning, will leave Hllo at 1 o'clockr. M., touching at Lanpaboehoc, Malm-- 1

kona and Kawaihan same day; Makena,Maalaea Bay and Lahalna the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays nnd Fridays

tW No Freight will be -- Pcnl-riM aflr12 noon nn dav of Mailing.

Stmr. OLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday s at 8 p. x.,touching at Kabulnl. Harm, Haraoa andKipahulu, Maul. Keturning trrivrs atHonolulu Sunday tnornlnrs

Will oll at Nnu. Kmpn, on tecond ttlpof each month,

MW No Freight will be received fter4 p.ii, on .lay of sailing.

This Company will reserves tho right tomake changes in tho time of dcpartuie andarrival of Its sttumers without notlco nndIt will not bo responsible for any ense- -quenccs arising therefrom.

Consignees must bo at the landings toreceive their Freight; tills Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight after

. it has been landed.I Live Stock only at owner's risk.

This Company will not be responsible forMoney or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced In tbe care of Pursers.

Passengers are requested to tmrchasetickets brfore embarking. Those failing todo so will be subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.

Win. G. Irwin & Co.LlMlTKOi

Win. U. Irwin. I'rus'deui aud UunugeiClans BpreckeUW. M. Giffard, 8enretr3 and TreasurerTheo. O. Portet Auditor

Siagetr FaotoreAND

CommisBiou AenuAGENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Com pan-?-,


Criterion SaloonFort, near Hotel Sts.

Ciiah. J, McCarthy, Manager.

Popular Braids of Straight Goods

always on hand.

Try Urn Great Appetiier Tin BbownieCocKTAH a specialty with this retort.

DRroT or THK

Famous "Wieland Lager Beer

Merchants' ExchangeB. I. SHAW, Proprietor. I

Cor. King aud Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.

Choice Liquors and Fine Boer.HELL TELEPHONE 491.

HO YEN KEE & CO..41 NiiiiBuu Hlrfei

Tinsmiths, Plnmbinq, Etc,



FOR TEN CO) (ENTS YOU CAN SEEGreatest Marvel of Sclenre.

TO.DAY-"T- ho Boxing Cats."rmr-- Bubjects changed dally at Haltt Company's, lintel s'reet. Exhibition

hours: 0 a. m. to 0 v. u. 1252-t- f

Late Foreign News.

Tho House of Commons, by amajority of 188, has refused to sanc-tion an amnesty to Irish dynamiters,

A palace official has boen arrestedat St. Petersburg for placing a picture representing his assassinationin tho Czar's study.

Telegrams from Bucharest denythat a grave condition of affairs existat Sofia, tnd that Prince Ferdinandhas fled into Roumania.

London exports aro surprised at thoquality of Now South Walos tobacco,but recommend increased care ingrowth and fermentation.

Sinro tho Czar's declaration withregard to his autocratic principles,ho has daily rocoivod lottors fromNihilists threatening his lifo.

Qlapsworkors on strike at Cincin-nati, Amorica, throw a bomb into thomanngor's office, injuring him so soriously that ho is beliured to bo dy-ing.

Sir Edward Grey says that thoGovornmout intend to represent totho Powers that an internationalcontrol of tho Nicaragua Canal isnecessary.

Tho German newspapers protestagainst the removal of the warshipFalko from Samoa, assorting thatGroat Britain would havo seized thoislands but for tho presence of thowarship there.

Mr. Johnny: "I didn't seo you atchurch yostorday. You ought tohave been there. Wo had a youngman from the theological college

reach to us." Undo Blackio: "IEnows dat, bos, en' hits erzactly doroasou I didn't kum. I 'lows nostujents to practice on me." J'ti'a-thlpfii- a



Frihay, March 8.

S 8 Kahulul, Tyson, from KnhuluiStmr Pele from Kauai

FoonrtuioFriday, March 8.

Stmr W G Hall for Maui and Hnwait at 10a in

Stmr Mlkahala for Kanal at 12 mStmr Iwalani for Kauai at 2pm.Stmr Kennhou for Kauai at 12 m

Vottaols Leaving8tmr Walalealo for Lahalna and Uamakua

at 10 a mStmr Pele for Makawell at 2 p m

Cargoes from Island Ports.Stmr Walalcalc 3318 bags sugar, 12 bdls

sugar cane and 18 pkgs sundries.Btnir Pele 31)35 bags sugar.


DITABTUBIS.For Moil and Hawaii per tmr W G Hall

March 8 Volcano: AH Chintcr, Cap'alnA Crompton, E Bub Hold, 0 Batter, WTaylor. Way iKirts: W F Wilson. E PMcGeency, Alice Alonn, Hattle Mahoe,Kaakau n Gardiner, A Urcenwcll, 0 VonHdiii, Olllcerx Holl uud Lokiuia, and 00deck.

For Kauai per stmr IwaUnl March 8 AItobiuson, Mr Koblnson, M ts Oay andMaster ltobisson.

Shipping Notos.Tho steamer Kinsu is expected this

afternoon from Maui and Hawaii.Tho barkentlna Planter romplotvd taking

in sugar this afternoon from the steamerPele.

Tho 8. 8 KhIiuIuI Is docked attho PacificMail wharf, where slio will llnlsh taking Insugar.

The strainer Walalealo Is up to leave forlahalna, Kukulhaele and Honokaa at 10o'clock morning.

The port of Hansnmulu Is blocked withsugar. The Iwalani, Kcauhou and Polobrought sugar frcm that p'acw and the Ml-kahala and Keanhou have gone biuk formore sugar. Poth steamers gut away to-

gether at noon y OH" Barber's Pointthe Kcauhou was leading



I'iouiMaiIpoa, ' Ban Francisco ,, Mar. IIAustralia " Han rrunclsco ... Mar. 18M Ion era, " Vancouver Ma'. 21Peru, " Chi a aud Japan.. Mar. 20Warrliupo, " Colonies Apr. 1

China " Ban Frincbco... Apr. 2Alameda, " Colon'es Apr. 4Australia, ' 8an Francisco Apr. 8Aruwn, " Han Francisco.... Apr. 11W'urrlmoo, " Vancouver Apr. 2tGaelic. " China and Japan. Apr. 23Coptic, " Hau Fruiicisco...., Apr 30


FurMariposa, Colonic. Mar. IIA ust alia, San FruncUco..., .Mar. 20Miowera. Colonics Mar. 21Pen, San Frunoli co .Mar. 20Wiirrlmoo, Vancouver Apr.Clmi Jnpau nil 1 China Apr.Alaineilt, Httii FrtiicUco. ... .Apr.Austra la, Bin Fr nulsco..,.. .Apr.Araua, Colon let Apr,Wiirrlmoo, Colonics . . ... Apr.(laellc, Han Fruncl oo .AprCoptic, China uud Japan .Apr.

JOB PRINTING K&Xllui i.etin PuHLisuiNO Co , 1,0. First classCumiiierrlal Works Specialty. Estimatesgiven, Ordris promptly executed.

FmCanadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Bteamers of the above Line, running In connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYHetweeii Vancouver. II. 0., nnd Bydney, N. 8. W., and railing at Virtoria. K ('.,

Honolnln and 8nva (Fill).


On or abint the dates below stated, viz :

From Byduoy and Buva, for Victoriand Vnncouvnr. B. 0.:

Anrll 1

8tmr,'MIOWEUA", May 1

8tmr"WAHHIMOO" Juno 1

Through Tickets lined Iron Honolnln

raitnnT and PARstnais aosntm

0. McNICOLL, Montreal, Canada.ROBE11T KERR, Winnipeg, CanadaM. M. BTKHN. Ban Francisco, Cal.G, MoU BROWN, Vancouver, B. 0.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Australian Mail Servio.

Por San Francisco .

The .New and Finn Al Steel ,

' ALAMEDA "Ot tbe Oceania Steamship Company Killoedneat Uonoluln from Bydnny and tuckland on or about

April 4thAnd wttl leave for the above purl wilt)MalU and Passengers on or about that rial.

Por Sydney and Auckland :

Thf New and Fine AI Steel Bteamshti

" "MARIPOSAOt tbe Oceanlo Bteamsmp willuf uue oi xiunoium, ironi an inniwo.on or about

March 14 ihAna will have prompt desiiaian withMails and Passengers for the above pom.

The undersigned are now prepared to issue



For farther nartlanlsra rnnntin.r rrifui or cassage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN CO., ULOenertl Agent.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

rune TableLOCAL LINE


Arrive Honolnln Ieave Honolulufrom 8. F. for B. F.

March 18 March 20April 8 April 13Mays Mav8May 27 JaneSJune 21 June 24July 15 Jaiy2uAug. 0 Aug. 14Bept2 Bept 7Bept.80 Oct. 2Oct. 21 Oct. 27Nov. 15 Nov. 20

THROUGH. LINEFrom Baa Francisco Krom Bydney toi

for Sydney. Ban Francisco.

Jmv Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

MARIP08A ,Mar. 14 I AKAWA.... Mar. 7' AKAWA.... Apr. 11 ALiAAiri;A..Apr. 4l

' ALAMEDA. .May 0 MAKIPOSA..May2MA. Ill 108 A ,.Jane(l AKAWA, ...Ma80AKAWA...., ..July 4 ALAMEDA.Jane27ALAMEDA. .Aug. 1 MARIPOSA. July 25MARIPOSA. Aug. 29 AKAWA. ,Aug.22AKAWA.... Sept. 20 ALAMKDA.BepU 1UALAMEDA. .uct. i MARIPOSA .Oct. 17

General Business AgentWriter, Collector and Copyist.


Leased and Rented,

A Thorough Knowledge of Town, Countryand People.


Ok. Office with A. P. FeWson, Kaahu-roan- u

street. 1207-l- m

From Victoria and Vancouver, a O.,for Suva and Sydney

Stmr'SMlOWEHA" March 24Btnir' WA1UUMOO" Aprll248ttnr"MIOWEA" May 24

to Canada, Oniled States and Europe.

gtf For Freight and Passage and allinnaral Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davios & Co., L'd,Agtnltfor the Hawaiian Itlandt.

Pacific Mail S.S. Go.

AN I' l'H

Occidental and Oriental S. S Go,

For TOEOHAMA and B0N0E0N0.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to the aboveports on or about the following dates:

Ptmr "CHINA" April 2. ISMStmr "COPTIC" April 30, 1803Stmr "CITY OF PEKING'

Juno 1,1805Stmr "COPTIC" .July 10, 1805Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"...., .....

August 10, 1895Stmr "COPTIO ...September II), 1895Stmr "CHINA" October 2(1, 18'Stmr "COPTIC". 28. 18938tmr "CITY OF PEKING"

December 2s, 1893

fur 81NriuNClSCUdteaioers uf the above Companies will

lull at Honolulu on their way from Hong-son- ir

and Yokohama to the above port onor about the following dates:

8trar"PERU" March 29, 1895Rtnr"OAKLIC April 28 189ftSlmr' CHINA" May 20, 1893Btnir "COPTIC" June 17 18958tmr"UITi OF PEKING"

July 17, 1895Stmr"BBLOIC" August B, 1895Btmr "CITY OF KIO ns JANEIRO"

Beptembor 0, 1893Stmr "CHINA" .OctoberO 1895Btmr "COPTIC" November 0, 1895Btmr "01TY OF PEKING"

December 6, 1803Simr "COPTIO" January 15, ItsW

Stmr' CHINA" February 24, 1899


to toko- - rn noso-ham- a.

coxa.Cabin SlSOOli 176 00Cabin, round trip 4

months 2J u MS 60Cabin, roand trip 12

month ma. no 26European Steerage. HS 00 100 00

tW Passengers paying tall tare will beallowed 10 percent off return fare If return.Ing within twelve months.

7" for Freight and Patssge nppiy tti


2B7tt Aqenta.


At Walkiki on car line and on PalamaRoad near Fertilizing Plant. These Lotsare Very Cheap and Bold on easy terms.Deslrablo Aero Tracts near the city andother Properties for Bale.

BRUCE WAKING & CO.,Dealers in tats and Lands,

1211-- tf 603 Fort Street, near King.


Wholesale and Retail Botchers- AND


O. J. Wallkr, t t Mnnacrnr,


Piiactioal Gun Maker.Will do anv kind of Repairing to Fire-arm- s,

nlso Drowning and li'iielng. Satis-faction gunranteed. Union strort, nearlyoppos'te No. 2 Fire Engine Station.


A flTTPM Manufacturer of Fancy. JAUUlJll, Wrought Iron Fences

for Burial Lots, Residences, Gardens, Bal-conies, etc. Union street, nearly oppositeBell Tower. U7Mf

ft' '