Features of a Front Cover

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Features of a Front Cover

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Features Of A Front CoverHouse style- this relates to the colour scheme and layout of a magazine. There will be a consistent house style developed in a magazine to make it recognisable, and to conform to conventions of their genre. Logo/ masthead- this is essentially the title of the magazine, and acts as a key part of the magazines brand identity.

Barcode- this will usually be at the bottom of the page, as the writer would rather direct attention to the content of the magazine, to entice the reader to buy it, rather than the price of the magazine be emphasise more.Coverlines- this shows the key stories that will feature in the magazine. Puff- an offer given for free with the magazine. It is an incentive to buy it. Central image- this shows the main character, artist or band that the magazine is focused around. The front cover will usually be off a high-profile, or an acknowledged member of the community of the magazines genre.Splash- this is similar to a coverline, in that it shows the content of the magazine. But the splash is bigger, and usually goes across the middle of the page. This is because it will usually be about the most important feature article in the magazine, and about the artist or band in the central image