FEAST: FEed ASsessment Tool The FEed ASsessment Tool (FEAST) is a systematic method to assess local feed resource availability and use. It helps in the design of intervention strategies to optimize feed utilization and animal production. In the context of CLIM 2 project, FEAST will be used to identify feeding challenges within the project areas of Thyolo, Balaka and Chiradzulu districts, helping to develop appropriate interventions to improve the quality and boost production of livestock. Notable FEAST outputs Current status of FEAST in Malawi Short, structured report with supporting data on overall feed availability, quality and seasonality Indication of key livestock-related problems as seen by farmers AVOID HAPHAZARD INTERVENTIONS – DO FEAST FIRST. Donald A. M. Kaonga, Michael Blummel Maize residues – a common, yet low- quality feed source for goats CLIM 2 , government staff and farmers at a FEAST training Seven members of the CLIM 2 project and 19 government staff members were trained on FEAST at Larchevio Lodge in Blantyre from 6- 10 November, 2017. FEAST surveys will start after presenting proposal on 8 August 2018 at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. These surveys will lead to development of interventions that will improve feed supply and utilization. Examples of graphs from FEAST This project is funded by The European Union

FEAST Poster Kaonga Edited V2 - ICRISAT · In the context of CLIM2 project, FEAST will be used to identify feeding challenges within the project areas of Thyolo, Balaka and Chiradzulu

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Page 1: FEAST Poster Kaonga Edited V2 - ICRISAT · In the context of CLIM2 project, FEAST will be used to identify feeding challenges within the project areas of Thyolo, Balaka and Chiradzulu

FEAST: FEed ASsessment Tool

The FEed ASsessment Tool (FEAST) is asystematic method to assess local feed resourceavailability and use. It helps in the design ofintervention strategies to optimize feed utilizationand animal production.

In the context of CLIM2 project, FEAST will beused to identify feeding challenges within theproject areas of Thyolo, Balaka and Chiradzuludistricts, helping to develop appropriateinterventions to improve the quality and boostproduction of livestock.

Notable FEAST outputs Current status of FEAST in Malawi

• Short, structured report with supportingdata on overall feed availability, qualityand seasonality

• Indication of key livestock-relatedproblems as seen by farmers


Donald A. M. Kaonga, Michael Blummel

Maize residues – a common, yet low-quality feed source for goats

CLIM2 , government staff and farmers at a FEAST training

Seven members of the CLIM2 project and 19 government staff members were trained on FEAST at Larchevio Lodge in Blantyre from 6-10 November, 2017.

FEAST surveys will start after presentingproposal on 8 August 2018 at LilongweUniversity of Agriculture and NaturalResources.These surveys will lead to development ofinterventions that will improve feed supplyand utilization.

Examples of graphs from FEASTThis project is funded by The European Union