FEAST OF THE THEOPHANY - St. Mary Orthodox Church

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Page 2: FEAST OF THE THEOPHANY - St. Mary Orthodox Church


Parish Informa on


Sunday Divine Liturgy: 9:30am

Weekday/Holy Day Liturgy: 9:00am

Saturday/Holy Day Vespers: 5:00pm

Winter Vespers: 4:00pm

Contact: Rev. Father Daniel Mahler

Presiding Priest Rectory: 607-962-5285

Father’s Cell: 607-377-0587 Canada Road 607-936-0689

Chuck Coons Parish President/Cantor

Home: 607-962-0904


Church Website:


Follow our Diocese On-Line

Diocesan Website


Camp Nazareth campnazareth.org



Twi er: twi er.com/acrodnews



(Protec on of the Theotokos) 61 Canada Road Painted Post New York 14870

A Parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America, Ecumenical Patriarchate

Sunday January 21, 2018 9:30am Divine Liturgy Sunday after Theophany/ Zaccheaous Coffee Potluck Social Saturday January 27, 2018 4:00pm Vespers/Confessions Sunday January 28, 2018 9:30am Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee Coffee Social Saturday February 4, 2018 9:30am Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Prodigal Son Coffee Social ANNUAL PARISH MEETING All in good standing both Spiritually and Financially are urged to attend and to participate.!

Welcome to all our visitors and guests who par cipate in our celebra on of the Divine Liturgy today. We are glad you are here. While Holy Communion may only be received by prepared Orthodox Chris ans, our guests are welcome to join us in venera ng the cross and receiving blessed bread at the conclusion of the Liturgy. We also hope you will join us for the Coffee Social a erward.






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Sunday of Zacchaeus; Sunday after Theophany

The Reading is from Saint Paul’s First Letter to

Timothy 4:9-15

Timothy my son, the saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance. For to this end

we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the

Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. Command and teach these

things. Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers and example in speech

and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Till I come, attend to the public reading

of scripture, to preaching, to teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was

given you by prophetic utterance when the council of elders laid their hands upon

you. Practice these duties, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your


The Reading is from Saint Paul’s Letter to the

Ephesians 4:7-13


Grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it is said,

”When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.” (in saying,

“He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of

the earth? He who descended is he who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he

might fill all things.) And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some

evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for build-

ing up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge

of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of


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Sunday of Zacchaeus; Sunday after Theophany

The Reading is from Luke 19:1-10

Let us attend,

At that time, Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a man named Zacchaeus; he was

a chief collector, and rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not, on account of the crowd, be-

cause he was small of stature. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was to

pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, Zacchaeus, make haste and

come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he made haste and came down and received him joyful-

ly. And when they saw it they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” And

Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have

defrauded any one of anything, I restore it fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to

this house, since he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”

The Reading is from Matthew 4:12-17

Let us attend,

At that time, Jesus heard that John had been arrested, He withdrew into Galilee; and leaving Nazareth He

went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea, in the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali, that was spoken by the

prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, toward the sea, across the

Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat

in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent,

Anna Chudanic has asked me to convey her apprecia on to say “THANK YOU” to all her beloved friends for all your cards, gi s, visits and New Year wishes she has re-ceived. She wishes all of you a wonderful and blessed New Year with good health and happiness. May God grant all of you many blessed Years!

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UP-COMING EVENTS Blessing of Homes: The traditional blessing of homes begins on

Monday January 22, 2018. If you would like your home blessed please let Father know .

You may call the Rectory @ 962-5285 or Email him at [email protected].

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING has been moved to

Sunday February 4, 2018 Please remember in order to participate you must be in good standing with your Financial and Spiritual obligations.


Month of February PANI JOAN

The following months are s ll available: MARCH & SEPTEMBER

O Eternal God, You are holy and love men, and are tremendous in deeds and marvelous in works.

You made the heavens, the earth, the seas and all that is in them. You kept Your covenant and fulfilled all

Your decrees. For You did not abandon man utterly and keep him in the darkness of sin, but You sent Your

only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, from Your eternal bosom, that He might become flesh and be

born, that He might be wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger as a new-born Child, that He

fulfill all that was in Your infinite wisdom a way to conquer the wisdom of the wicked and the plots of the

evil one. On the day of Your holy and light-bearing Birth, You shone upon both the flock of the shepherds

and the flock of the celebrated Hierarch Basil. Through his prayers show us to be imitators of his wondrous

life. Keep Your Church in peace and concord, and hear us and have mercy on us all. For it is You who give

us everything that is good, and we give glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and

forever. Amen.

Amvon Prayer Circumcision of our Lord/Commemoration of Saint Basil the Great

HOME BLESSINGS: If you would like your home blessed give Father a call at 962-5285 or email him at [email protected] to schedule a me and

day convenient to you..

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January 21 Lydia Mackiewicz

January 22 Carol Telehany

January 25 Ben Mertus

January 27 Greg Havalchak

January 27 Jonathan Share

January 29 Michele Tostanoski

January 30 Isabell Havalchak

January 30 Michele Benyo od grant your servants good

health, happiness and salva on

for many blessed years!

Parish and Ladies Altar Society Announcements Souper Bowl of Caring "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat." Sunday February 4 is the Super Bowl, America’s Greatest Game and fun for all. But for those who are hungry, it is just another difficult day. Let’s see how many cans of soup we can collect on this one day to make a difference in our community. Please bring in canned soup or other items for the Corning Food Pantry to the church.


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If you would like to meet with Father, please call him @607-962-5285 to arrange a time and place which is convenient for you.

Emergency Sick Calls: Father is available for emergencies at any time. Please call him @ 607-962-5285 or on his cell phone @ 607-377-0587.

Our Mailing Address is: 7 Chatfield Place East Painted Post, NY 14870

Confessions are heard after Vespers on Saturday, after any weekday or Lenten ser-vice or by calling Father for an appointment.

Marriages are solemnized on Saturdays. Consult Father at least six months in ad-vance and before plans have been made for the wedding reception. Marriages cannot be celebrated dur-ing the fasting seasons of the Church.

Baptisms are normally scheduled on Saturday or Sunday. Consult Father for scheduling. Two God-parents are required, at least one of whom must be Orthodox by faith and the other a practicing Christian.

Church Funerals are provided for practicing Orthodox Christians who are current in their Spiritual and Financial obligations to the parish otherwise burial is from the funeral home.

If you would like to schedule a Panachida for your loved one please call Father at 962-5285

The Church does not permit Cremation.

His Grace, Bishop GREGORY; Protopresbyter Frank Miloro; Protopresbyter John Duranko; Protopresbyter Jim Dutko; Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly; Protopresbyter

Lawrence Barriger; Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky; V. Rev. Thomas Kadlek; V. Rev. Michael Kleban; V. Rev. Michael Psenechnuk; Rev. James

Gleason; V. Rev. Jason Kappanadze; Father James Worthington and Family Deacon Charles Ellis; Deacon Donald Koch; Mother Ralphaela; Pani Joan;

Pani Kathleen Dutko; Pani Patricia Duranko; Matka Julia Romanchak; Sally Ellis; Judy Koch; Michael Banik; Helen Verno; Eleanor Adzima; Stan Lewek; Michael & Delores Kundrat;

Vasyl & Lyudmyla Hayova; Helen Coons; Anna Soraparu; Mary Benyo; Anna Chudanic; Paul Rodrigues; George Officer; Michael Matzkevich; Marlene Wheet; Mae Mary Shonak; Helen

Molson; Donna Blazosky; Tom Serdula; Art Gallant; Karen Kluchonic; Nancy Murphy-Teed; Joyce Nissen; Chelsea Roman; Gloria Ewsuk; Andrew Chudanic; Kathleen

Zarek; Tammy Pierson

To Jonathan Share who is serving in the United States Navy; Tyler Colburn serving in the United States Army; Douglas Linsey serving in the United States Army and to all of our

men and women who are serving and protec ng our country both at home and abroad.

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St. Mary’s Orthodox Church Non-Official Council Meeting – December 14, 2018

Members Present: Chuck Coons, Rodney Kerrick, Nancy Gabel, Don Kakretz, Ted Kerrick and Carol Telehany

Members Absent: Mary Leonard, Diane Rodrigues, and Gloria Ewsuk

Also In Attendance: Father Dan

The meeting was opened at 11:27 with a prayer. Chuck offered an amendment to the November 26th minutes regarding an exemption for paying annual dues. He stated that a request for an exemption would be reviewed by Council members on an annual basis. With that amendment Nancy made a motion to accept the minutes. It was seconded by Rodney. All were in favor with Ted abstaining as he was not present at that meeting.

Priest Report:

Father Dan has visited all the shut-ins since the last meeting and all seem to be doing OK. This year marked the first Nativity in our new home. The Christmas Eve Vigil was attended by a dozen

or less people. Christmas Day Liturgy was well attended. A tour of the building was given by Chuck. Theophany services will start with a Vesperal Liturgy on January 18th at 8:00AM followed by a vigil

service at 6:00PM. Divine Liturgy for Theophany will be on January 19th at 9:00 AM followed by bless-ing of water.

Lent begins on February 19th. Pre-sanctified Liturgy will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:00 PM.

Lenten mission services have not been determined at this time. Father Dan also hopes to offer an Adult education class this year during Lent, possibly on Sundays after


Financial Report:

Rodney presented the final 2017 financial report and members also discussed the final draft to the 2018 Budget.

Chemung Canal Trust 12/31/17 12/31/16 Change

Operating Fund 10,198.00 4,096.88 6,101.12

Church Building Fund 30,077.19 19,148.35 10,928.84

Cemetery Fund 25.00 25.00 0.00

Church School 2,513.97 1,981.13 532.84

Mission Fund 2,068.78 1,824.78 244.00

Total Value 44,882.94 27,076.14 17,806.80

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Transfers for 4th quarter from Operating Account:

To Building Fund: $5,807.00

To Mission Fund: 40.00

To Church School: 224.25

Transfer from above Operating Fund: $6.071.25 Note: Transfers did not take place until 2018.

January – June Birthday Bags: 70.00

July – December Birthday Bags: 150.00

January-June Food Pantry: 229.00

July to December Food Pantry: 292.00

Chuck requested a motion to accept the financials for 2017 and the 2018 budget. A motion was made by Ted and seconded by Don. All in favor.

Altar Society:

There was no report. It will be given at the annual meeting.

Old Business:

Relocation Update:

Work on the Canada Road rectory still needs to be done. A contractor has been hired and it is expected to be complete by March.

Chatfield Place work should be done by early spring so that property can be put on the market. Parishion-ers are asked to check with Chuck to see what needs to be done. We would like to have Chatfield Place work done as volunteer work to save some money.

St. Mary’s Orthodox Church Non-Official Council Meeting – December 14, 2018

Charles Schwab 12/31/17 12/31/16 Change

Cemetery Account 63,083.54 55,864.51 7,219.03

Operating Invest Acct 53,131.49 54,468.08 -1,336.59

Building Fund 103,915.51 212,697.63 -108,782.12

Altar Society Bldg. Fund 14,734.76 13,524.64 1,210.12

Total Value 234,865.30 336,554.86 -101,689.56

Rectory (Cost Basis) 145,000.00 145,000.00 0.00

Sunset Dr. Church Prop. 0.00 62,717.00 -62,717.00

Canada Rd. Property 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00

Grand Total 724,748.24 571,348.00 153,400.24

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St. Mary’s Orthodox Church

Non-Official Council Meeting – December 14, 2018 The dome and cross are nearly completed. Architectural Fiberglass of Cleveland, Ohio is the

manufacturer. A list of items to be donated such as shrubs, patio construction and furniture is being prepared. The list

with anticipated costs will be available at the Annual Meeting. Also there are items which could be refurbished as opposed to buying new. Father Dan is getting costs

for those items.

New Business:

The Annual Meeting will be on February 4, 2018. We will need two new members. Nancy Gabel and Gloria Ewsuk have terms that are expiring.

The Council reviewed the proposed agenda.

There being no further business to discuss, Nancy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Ted. The meeting was adjourned at 1:13 with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Telehany, Secretary

O Lord our God, Your love for us is beyond expression, for it

pleased You to make Your only-begotten Son a man born of a

pure woman, like us in every way except sin. As man He was

baptized for our sakes by John the Forerunner, though He had

no need of purification, that He might make the nature of water

holy and favor us with rebirth from water and from the Spirit.

Eternal Father, He was baptized that we might recognize You,

that we might adore and praise Your beloved Son from heaven. And that we might

glorify Your Holy Spirit, Who descended upon Him, and showed Him to the Baptist. In

Him You sealed and anointed us through baptism; You made us sharers of Your Christ.

Through Him do not fail us sinners but strengthen us against all evil powers.

Strengthen Your government against all tyranny and guide us all into Your Kingdom.

In us may Your holy Name, and that of Your only-begotten Son, and that of the Holy

Spirit, he glorified, now and ever and forever.

Amvon prayer for the Feast of the Theophany

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The time for Summer Camp is Rapidly Approaching!!! The clock is ticking!!

REGISTER ONLINE STARTING MAR. 1, 2018!!! =========================================================

Dates for the Summer Camping Program Week 1 -- July 15 - 21, 2018

New England, NY, NJ, Florida and Canada Deaneries

Week 2 -- July 22 - July 28, 2018 Johnstown, Pocono, Southern Tier, Youngstown and Chicago Deaneries

Week 3 -- July 29 - August 4, 2018

Pittsburgh, Mid-Atlantic, Tri-State and Washington D.C. Deaneries

========================================================= Register Online Starting March 1, 2018

Register at – campnazareth.org From the Home Page, From the 2018 Summer Camp Icon, or From the Diocesan Summer

Camp Tab found under the Summer Camp Tab and look for Camper Registration. If you are Clergy or a Volunteer go to the 2018 Summer Camp Icon on the Home Page or the

Diocesan Summer Camp Tab found under the Summer Camp Tab and look for the paper forms under Clergy/Volunteers.

========================================================== $20 Early Bird Discount Per Child!!!!

(one-time only, not per week)

Register & pay by May 15, 2018!!!!

Online Registration MUST be complete AND payment must be submitted by May 15 in order to qualify for the Early Bird Discount.

Registrations after June 15 will incur an additional $20 late fee.

When you register online please note that you will still need to submit a paper copy of the Medical Examination Form (i.e. Camper Physical) which must be filled out and signed by a licensed medi-cal professional (licensed physician or physician’s assistant). This form will be emailed to you after you complete the online registration process.

Payment by check, money order, or credit card is accepted. Checks and Money Orders are to be made payable to Camp Nazareth and sent to Camp Nazareth at 339 Pew Road, Mercer, PA 16137.

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January 2018

/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 Divine LIturgy


22 Blessing of Homes Begins

23 Listing for next month calendar

24 25 26 27 4pm Vespers

28 Triodion Begins

Divine Liturgy