1 | Page Central Depository AD FEASIBILITY STUDY Target 2 Securities (T2S) Project Central Depository AD June 2012

FEASIBILITY STUDY Target 2 Securities (T2S) Project

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Central Depository AD


Target 2 Securities (T2S) Project

Central Depository AD

June 2012

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Feasibility Study Authorization Memorandum

I have assessed the Feasibility Study for the joining of Central Depository AD to the T2S Project. This

document has been completed in accordance with the ECB requirements.

MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION – Please check the appropriate statement:

___ The document is accepted.

___ The document is accepted pending the changes noted.

___ The document is not accepted.

We fully accept the changes as needed improvements and authorize initiation of work to proceed.

Based on our authority and judgment, the joining of Central Depository AD in the T2S Project is


_______________________________________ ___________________

Vasil Golemanski, Program Manager /29.06.2012/




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Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Background and Assumptions....................................................................................................................... 5

Internal Project Organization .................................................................................................................... 6

Legal Feasibility ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 6

Registry ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Legal Options for Opening an “omnibus” Account for Book-entry of Financial Instrument by Central

Depository AD ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Settlement ................................................................................................................................................ 8

Pledges, Distraints, Financial Collaterals .................................................................................................. 9

Cash Payments .......................................................................................................................................... 9

Other Services ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Functional and Business Processes Feasibility ............................................................................................ 10

End-to-End Business Processes Feasibility Assessment under T2S ........................................................ 10

Static Data ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Settlement and Liquidity Management .............................................................................................. 12

Information Management .................................................................................................................. 14

Functional Interfaces with T2S ................................................................................................................ 15

Connectivity ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Interoperability ....................................................................................................................................... 16

Business Day ........................................................................................................................................... 16

National Market Specificity on End-to-End Business Process ................................................................ 17

Technical Feasibility .................................................................................................................................... 17

Adaptation Approach and Plan for CDAD Systems ................................................................................. 17

Data Storage and Format .................................................................................................................... 17

Technical Interoperability between CDAD System and T2S. Testing .................................................. 17

Interoperability Testing ....................................................................................................................... 19

Planned Connectivity .......................................................................................................................... 19

Business Continuity Assuarace ............................................................................................................ 21

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Organizational Feasibility ........................................................................................................................ 22

Planned Integration with Related Areas and Participants ...................................................................... 22

T2S Project Calendar Deadlines .......................................................................................................... 22

Timeline for Development and Implementation of IT Solutions for Bridging Identified Gaps ........... 23

Business Community and Environment Feasibility ..................................................................................... 23

Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 23

Article 127 ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Article 136 ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Article 34, paragraph 1, paragraph 5 and paragraph 7....................................................................... 24

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Executive Summary The main objective of this feasibility assessment is to give an overview of the legal, functional and

technical specifications of the processes related to Central Depository AD (CDAD) activities in relation to

the T2S platform requirements.

The legal feasibility assessment shall ensure that participation in T2S is in line with national legal and

regulatory framework.

The end-to-end business process including settlement and liquidity management, information

management, calendar and national market specificity are described along with gap analysis and

adaptation plan to fit the T2S migration and testing schedules and ensure continuity and quality of


A technical part addressing specifics of the adaptation approach and plan for the CDAD systems (CDADS)

is presented. This includes overview of data storage and format, static data definition and account

structure and organization in light of current CDAD Internal System and the introduction of a new

system envisaged by the Board of Directors.

The last part of the document addresses the planned integration with related areas and participants and

the migration approach and planning to ensure smooth introduction of T2S offering all possible benefits

to the participants.

Background and Assumptions CDAD processes settles and keeps registry of both regulated and OTC market transactions in Bulgaria

with the exception of Government-issued securities. The CDADS employs end-investor model in the

account structure and organization where each investor has a separate account related to one

investment intermediary and there is a separate registry for investors that have not used the services of

investor intermediaries (e.g. acquisitions through the mass privatization process). The current CDADS

information exchange is based on ISO 15022. However, CDAD intends the implementation of a

CDADS1.The new CDADS will segregate the registry and settlement modules. The segregation in modules

will facilitate migration of the settlement module in T2S. This new model of the system will supersede

the current one and will allow for layered account structure which is the model to be used in the T2S

participation. The new CDADS, like the previous one, will be developed in-house, which ensures

independence from vendors, reduces risk when adding customizations and timely response to necessary

adaptations and maintenance.

This system will also implement the extended ISO 20022 standard and ultimately target a STP process.

The introduction of a new CDADS parallel with joining to the T2S platform will bridge the majority of 1 Expected go-live date is September 2012.

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gaps presented below and is a key item in the adaptation plan. This will ensure the maximum utilization

of T2S functionalities by CDAD and other participants and minimize the impact of connecting to the T2S


Internal Project Organization On the side of CDAD the T2S implementation project governance is headed by the following


- VasilGolemanski, CEO, [email protected]

- Georgi Karadzhov, Head of Registry and Settlement Directorate, [email protected]

- Desislava Georgieva, International Standards Department, [email protected]

Legal Feasibility

Summary I. Establishment and structure

CDAD is a joint-stock company with one-tier system of governance. It was established on 13 August 1996, under Art. 91 of the Securities, Stock Exchanges and Investment Intermediaries Law (SSEIIL). Operations commenced in January 1997. CDAD is now supervised by the Financial Supervision Commission.

Currently CDAD is owned by the Ministry of Finance (43,70%), and 32 minority shareholders, most of which investments intermediaries, commercial banks and other financial institutions which play an active role on the securities market.

The Board of Directors is the operational body which implements the management control over CDAD. The Board of Directors appoints one of its five members as a Chief Executive Officer who leads and manages the daily activities and reports to the rest of the Board members at least once a month.

The services of CDAD are compulsory for companies-issuers of publicly traded securities. All transactions are subject to the rules and procedures approved by the Board of Directors of CDAD, agreed and accepted by participants upon joining. Commercial banks, investment intermediaries, managing companies, stock exchanges and entities organizing OTC- market for securities, as well as foreign depository and clearing institutions are permitted to become members of the CDAD.

II. Legal basis and supervision

The Law on Public Offering of Securities, the Law on Markets in Financial Instruments /MiFID/ and Ordinance No 8 of the Financial Supervision Commission set the basic rules for the organization and operation of the CDAD. The institution performs its activities in conformity with the established Rules and Regulations of CDAD, as well.

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The deputy chairperson of Financial Supervision Commission /FSC/ and the Minister of Finance have control over the activity of the CDAD. The ongoing regulation and supervision of CDAD is mainly exercised by the Financial Supervision Commission, which exercises a market related control and focuses on protection of the investor via regulations.

III. Functions and services provided

CDAD is required to maintain a reliable system for the book-entry registration of dematerialized

securities, records of securities transactions and holders` registers on behalf of issuers. The CDAD also

executes blocking/unblocking and immobilization of securities, services related the registration of new

issues, corporate actions and assigns ISINs. It acts as the issuer CSD and securities settlement system and

clears and settles all dematerialized securities. Bulgarian Government Bonds are subject to a special

regulation, therefore registration, settlement and trade services for Government Bonds, are of the

competence of the Bulgarian National Bank.

Registry The CDAD maintains the national registration system for dematerialized securities and performs

registration of dematerialized securities and of transfers of dematerialized securities, as well as storing

and maintaining of data about dematerialized securities by opening and keeping of accounts of their

issuers and holders. It also manages the administration of dematerialized securities, including keeping of

a book of the holders of dematerialized securities, distribution of dividends, interests and other


The registered securities are kept in securities accounts, each one with its account holder. The accounts

are administered in accordance with the principles of double entry and taking into consideration the

criteria for securities code adoption.

The CDAD maintains the securities accounts managed by each member in a way that separates the

securities accounts of the member from the accounts of its clients. The accounts are administered on

proprietary and representative principle. The CDAD operates a regime of direct holding for the private

bonds and securities so it maintains a register of beneficial owner accounts. On the other hand foreign

investment intermediaries and CSDs are entitled to hold an omnibus type of accounts with CDAD.

The securities accounts are administered by the CDAD and its members authorized to perform that, in

accordance with the principles of double entry accounting, separate registration for each security,

completeness, interdependence and clearness.

According the Bulgarian legislation2, CDAD is obliged to maintain a system of beneficial owner accounts

of book-entry financial instruments.

For the purposes of cross-border settlement, CDAD opened omnibus accounts within Cleastream and


2 See Appendix 1

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Legal Options for Opening an “omnibus” Account for Book-entry of Financial

Instrument by Central Depository AD The relevant disposition in respect of defining “omnibus account” is article 41 of the Law on Markets in

Financial Instruments, relevant for investment intermediaries:

“Foreign persons entitled under their national law to perform the services and activities under Article 5,

Paragraph 2, who have acquired financial instruments on their behalf but on the account of other foreign

persons under the terms of Article 15, Paragraphs 5 and 6 or as clients of the investment intermediary for

which the Republic of Bulgaria is the home country, shall identify before the Commission their clients and

the transactions effected on their account within three working days from the written request.

(2) The obligations for regular notification of the Commission by foreign persons under Paragraph 1,

who have acquired securities on their behalf but on the account of other foreign persons, shall be set out

in an ordinance.3”

For the purposes of cross-border trading of book-entry securities, CDAD made a special correspondence

with the Financial Supervision Commission on the problematic issues concerning the type of opened

account on book-entry financial instruments. The issues, subject for cross-border trading were

proposed to be partially blocked /the part of the issues that were to be traded on the respective foreign

market/. In accordance with article 56 and 58 of the International Private Law Code, the status of the

issuer has to be regulated by the law of the State of registration or the State of the headquarters of the

issuer. On the other hand, by virtue of article 62, paragraph 2, item 3 of the International Private Law

Code, the law of the State, where the agent has acted shall be applied for the transaction, in case that

the agent has acted on a stock exchange or an auction. In respect of the settlement finality the Law on

Payment Systems and Payment Services and the Law on Public Offering of Securities shall be applied.

/The settlement cycle could be interrupted by a distraint order of public or private enforcement agents./

Central Depository AD was proposed to fulfill its obligations on registration of special pledges, distraints

and financial collaterals, maintaining the books of holders of book-entry financial instruments and

respective corporate actions, in the framework of the information on final beneficial owner, provided

after the transactions.

Settlement CDAD operates a single intra-day settlement processing cycle, with DvP gross settlement of securities and netting of cash (through RTGS). The BNB acts as cash clearing agent via RTGS for the commercial banks. Within CDAD, clearing and settlement of securities takes place on T+2. CDAD uses the telecommunications standard ISO 15022 and S.W.I.F.T.

The activities of the CDAD and its members regarding stock exchange transactions are carried out in consecutive order as of the day of registration of the transaction in the Central Depository, referred to as day Т and completed on day Т+2 with entries in the registers.

3 See Appendix 1

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The activities of the CDAD and its members regarding DVP transactions on unregulated market are carried out in consecutive order as of the day of registration of the transaction in the Central Depository, referred to as day Т and completed on day Т+2 with entries in the registries.

All activities of the CDAD and its members regarding FOP transactions and performing transfers on non-regulated market are carried out in consecutive order as of the day of registration of the transaction in the Central Depository, referred to as day Т and completed on the same day with entries in the registries.

Pledges, Distraints, Financial Collaterals

CDAD maintains the registers of pledges on dematerialized securities, incl. distraints, by virtue of the Law on Special Pledges, Civil Procedure Code and Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code, as well as pledges according to the Law on financial collaterals arrangements /transposing Council Directive 2002/47/EC on Financial Collaterals Arrangements/.

The distraints on book-entry financial instruments are registered by order of public and private

enforcement agents by virtue of the provisions of Civil Procedure Code and Tax and Social Insurance

Procedure Code. The legal obligation of the CDAD on the registration of the distraints on book-entry

financial instruments is based on the concept of the beneficial owner accounts of book-entry financial

instruments in Bulgaria.

The Civil Procedure Code /Chapters 57, 58, 58a/ contains the special regulation to arrange the

proceedings on recognition of legal orders of other EU Members States on enforcement and execution

of judgements.

Corporate actions /splits, dividend payments, interest payments/ of book-entry financial instruments

are also based on the concept of beneficial owner accounts. Special pledges, distraints and financial

collaterals remain in effect in the system of the CDAD after the respective corporate action is executed,

in accordance with the agreement of the contracting parties and the legal requirements in this respect

/article 73c, article 261d, article 262w, paragraph 5 of the Commercial Law/.

Cash Payments The T2S platform will allow settling transactions on a Central Bank Money DVP basis between

participants of the various CSDs connected to T2S and in all T2S eligible currencies.

Currently, the CDAD is maintaining electronic connection with the System for Gross Settlement in Real

Time (RTGS) for the transfer of applications for settlement in an electronic format, determined by the

Bulgarian National Bank4 and all payments are executed in national currency /BG lev/.

RTGS is a payment system with settlement finality which transfers monetary funds in levs between

settlement accounts of the participants finally, individually (transaction by transaction) and in real time

upon the receipt by the system of a transfer order on the part of the participants5.

4 Requirement of Ordinance No 8 on Central Depository on securities – article 18, paragraph 3 and Intruction of

Bulagarian National Bank and Central Depository AD No 19 of 2006 concerning payments for transactions with

book-entry securities

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According to article 37 of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on central securities depositories (CSDs), for transactions denominated in the currency of the country where the settlement takes place, a CSD shall settle the cash payments of its respective securities settlement system through accounts opened with a central bank operating in such currency whenever practical and available. When it is not practical and available to settle in central bank accounts, a CSD may offer to settle the cash payments for all or part of its securities settlement systems through accounts opened with a credit institution.

Other Services CDAD organizes the payment of dividends, interests and principals through the RTGS. Additional

corporate services for the issuers are registration of capital increase/decrease and new issues of

financial instruments.

CDAD is a National Numbering Agency with regard to the ISIN allocation of dematerialized or

immobilized securities. ISIN allocation is implemented by virtue of the Regulation of the CDAD and the

ISIN code is an obligatory prerequisite for registration of an issue in the IT system.

Functional and Business Processes Feasibility This section describes the end-to-end impact of the adaptation to the T2S from a functional point of

view. It addresses static data management, schedule of settlement and liquidity management,

information management, calendar and other relevant national market specificities. These are

considered in their current as-is state as compared to T2S platform requirements, leading to possible

gaps identification and relevant adaptation plan.

End-to-End Business Processes Feasibility Assessment under T2S

Static Data

Account Structure and Organization

The CDAD Account Structure is to be mirrored in the T2S using layered account structure model which

will be used with the introduction of the new CDADS. This implies separate registry accounts and

settlement omnibus accounts of each investor/s with their investment intermediaries. Only the

settlement omnibus accounts will be migrated in T2S whereas the registry accounts will be kept in


In addition to the standard account definition, CDAD may opt for inclusion of market specific attributes.

The existing T2S account structure model may be enriched with additional public account contractual

data from the relevant accounts in CDADS. The presence of such data will aid the counterparties to

ensure correct and optimal business serving.

5 The Bulgarian National Bank may also be the operator of a system component to the settlement system in euro,

the Trans-European AutomatedReal-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System (TARGET 2).

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Figure 1: Account Structure of the New CDADS

Participants in the CDADS will be divided into three types: Clearing Member, Non-Clearing Member and

Direct Participant. A Clearing Member is a participant in the settlement process that can register trades

for itself/its clients and for Non-Clearing members. These participants will be predominantly banks. Non-

clearing members will be participants who trade but cannot send settlement instructions for trades in

the CDADS directly. They will settle the trades via Clearing Members. These participants will be

predominantly small and medium investment intermediaries. Direct participants will be able to send

settlement instructions for trades in the CDADS only for themselves. These will be predominantly large

investment intermediaries.


According to the hierarchical party model, currencies are set up by the T2S Operator. The concept of

currency, as related to denomination of securities and denomination of trades will be applied in the

respective currency with the standard static data set-up, including BGN. For applications in terms of

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eligibility and valuation of securities for auto-collateralization and/or client collateralization, as well as

denomination of external CDADS accounts and DCAs, EUR should be used as BNB, the CB of Bulgaria,

uses Target 2 in EUR.BNB has not signed a Currency Participation Agreement. In terms of country

specifics, Bulgaria is in a Currency Board regime and the BGN is pegged to the EUR.


All instruments, both on the regulated and OTC markets in Bulgaria settle through CDAD with the

exception of Government-issued securities transactions and repos thereof, which are settled through

BNB. CDAD will provide:

The identification of the security (e.g. ISIN, long name, short name (e.g. Stock Exchange Code));

Validity period of the security (e.g. issue date, maturity date, expiry date);

Settlement-related data (e.g. minimum settlements amounts);

Country of issuance;


Optionally, market-specific additional data as defined in the CDADS of CDAD.

CDAD will also supply configuration of securities’ CSD links to facilitate cross-CSD and external CSD

settlement. CDAD will opt for opening one (or more) omnibus accounts in the books of any other CSD

for the same financial instrument.

Parties Configuration

Current and under-development CDADS handles parties on the same level as legal entities and

recognizes, among others, the following types: end investors, investment intermediates, payment

banks, BNB, other CSDs, and other CBs. This has implications on the account structure as explained

above in item “Account Structure and Organization.” These parties are also segregated into Clearing,

Non-Clearing Members and Direct Participants (cf. “Account Structure and Organization”).

The BIC numbers are an attribute in the counterparty definition, and a mapping will be created to

ensure that parties defined in the CDADS properly reflect parties as defined in the T2S platform.

Obviously, this mapping will not be a bijection. The CDADS will ensure the proper party management as

related to the business sections undertaken by the legal entity so that the appropriate BIC-BIC

combinations according to the hierarchical structure model described in the UDSF are applied.

Settlement and Liquidity Management

To ensure a proper business validation process of settlement instructions or liquidity transfer

instructions, static data of the concerned parties, instruments and concerned account structure need to

be in place. This is provided by CDADS set-up and relevant internal procedures. Where the static data

specifics differ (as in the case of Party definition) proper mapping will be applied to meet T2S

configuration mode.

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CDAD uses only DVP and DFP settlement modes, both for regulated and OTC securities. PFoD and DWP

settlement modes are outside of the scope of T2S integration.

All required checks (duplicate check validation, privilege checks validation, instructing party validation)

related to Settlement Instruction, Settlement Restriction or Maintenance Instruction (Cancellation

Instruction, Amendment Instruction or Hold/Release Instruction) will be taken into consideration in

CDAD procedures, CDADS architecture and set-up and internal business process.

The matching criteria for settlement in CDAD are defined as:

- ISIN Code;

- Securities amount;

- Trading date;

- Settlement date;

- Buying side;

- Selling Side;

- Per Unit Price;

- Proceeds.

The price is set without tolerance in order to identically match the proceeds.

T2S allows clients to manage liquidity transfers between different Dedicated Cash Accounts (DCA) or

between T2S DCA and CDADS accounts. Therefore, liquidity transfers can be classified as internal,

inbound and outbound. Further, depending on the execution time, liquidity transfers are divided into

immediate, predefined or standing and CDAD will use all three types.

Liquidity transfers will be managed in the CDADS for BGN and through BNB Target 2 account for EUR.

CDAD does not plan to avail of the auto-collateralization functionality and any limits will be monitored in

the CDADS as the fact that BNB has not yet decided to join T2S with the first wave or sign the CPA

restricts the CMB functionality.

CDAD applies pre-matching with the participants to ensure sufficiency of securities/funds. This

functionality can be applied only through the Hold/Release mechanism.

In CDADS OTC deals can be unilaterally cancelled if they have not reached matching, cancelled by

bilateral agreement if they are matched, and irrevocable when settled, which is in line with T2S

envisioned functionality.

Deals on the regulated market become irrevocable once concluded. Therefore, in the recycling process,

these deals cannot be canceled but must be recycled again until settled (current local practice is delayed

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settlement T+7 and then amendment instruction should be sent; with the introduction of the new

CDADS all deals on the regulated market will have to be settled without delay). According to CDAD

procedures, the parties involved in an unsettled deal on the regulated market are subject to penalties

which serve as an incentive to close the deal in its entirety. Reservation restrictions envisaged in T2S

platform cannot be applied because they may result in partial settlement which is not acceptable.

CDAD will not employ partial settlement algorithms as Bulgarian law explicitly prohibits partial


With the introduction with the new CDADS a guarantee fund is envisaged to be created. Participation in

this guarantee fund will be required from the counterparties involved in trading on the Bulgarian Stock

Exchange. Thus, any provision for the cash leg of a failed settlement can be covered from this guarantee

fund. Alternatively, a Central Counterparty (CCP) clearing could be used, but current market consensus

leans for the introduction of the Guarantee Fund solution. For provision of the securities leg on a

delayed settlement, a centralized pool of securities consisting of amounts of the most traded securities

will be created and these securities will be available for lending/borrowing. This pool will be similar to a

securities lending program. In this way it is ensured that there are no deals on the regulated market

which remain with delayed settlement and that there will be no such deals to be canceled after

recycling. For OTC deals the T2S recycling and cancellation schedule is in line with current market

practice. In case the counterparties still wish to keep the deal after this cancellation, they need to send

specific amendment instructions. Participants in the Stock Exchange will need to sign a buy-in/sell out

option clause to allow for the forced clearing of delayed settlement to be applied.

Information Management

Real-Time Communication

CDADS has eight batches per day. This design decision is valid also for the new CDADS. Therefore, real-

time communication would be possible only in the case when CDADS receives messages. Settlement

instructions and Account Management will arrive in batches. CDAD may opt in for real-time querying of



Requisite reports should be based on:

Completed transfer;

Periodic (to be received from T2Sat the end of each business day).


The T2S platform is a settlement platform. However, as specified in the T2S Business Process Description

document, the platform may send corporate actions notifications to the parties eligible for reception. In

the case of participants with accounts managed in CDAD, CDADS will subscribe to such messages as an

Account Manager for the relevant market participants.

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Corporate Actions Harmonization

T2S does not provide any functionality to deal with corporate actions, so they will continue to be

processed on the CDSDS platform. However, as securities and cash are held on the T2S platform, any

debit or credit in securities and/or cash resulting from corporate actions will be processed on the T2S


The corporate actions should be executed and settled on the T2S platform, according to both T2S

Corporate Actions Subgroup (CASG) and Corporate Action Joint Working Group (CAJWG) standards.

Following the consistency of the started harmonization process, the newly formed Bulgarian MIG plans

to finish Gap Analysis of the full set of corporate actions in the next months and thus to outline the

necessary changes to be committed in the current market practice and in the legislation (if needed). The

intentions of the CDAD are to accelerate the activities directed to dismantling the barriers that prevent

harmonized execution of corporate action on stock. The CDAD will take the necessary steps to identify

and plan the way forward to apply Corporate Action Standards into the national market practice. The

special article that outlines the basic timeline points will be included in the updated feasibility

assessment in December 2012.

Data Size

Traffic sent to or from T2S is subject to a size limitation derived from transport layer restrictions. The

current message limit is foreseen at a size of 32 KB for both inbound and outbound traffic. In case of

messages exceeding the maximum foreseen size CDADS will utilize the technical solutions within T2S:

- Outgoing traffic messages sent to T2S will be split to different requests;

- Mechanisms will be set in place in order to correctly receive and handle incoming from T2S

traffic (by uploading of files).

Functional Interfaces with T2S


CDAD will imply A2A connectivity with its CDADS. As a CSD, CDAD will have direct connectivity to T2S

and the A2A choice should facilitate automation and STP.

Direct connectivity of other market participants as DCPs will also be possible on CDAD side. In this case,

CDAD will still receive a copy of the DCP’s instructions through CDADS and reports as required. However,

payment banks will have to wait for BNB’s joining the T2S platform if they wish to be DCPs as Payment

Banks in BGN.

The connectivity channel of choice for CDAD would be Core Net3 of ECB to ensure that all market

participants are covered. The value-added network via SWIFT and SIA COLT is still under consideration

whether it would be offered in parallel. Considerations include, among other things, implications on the

required investments on the part of CDAD and DCPs. The new CDADS will be able to support the value-

added network connectivity.

GUI (U2A) usage is still under consideration.

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Access Rights and Security

Access rights and privilege level are specified in CDAD procedures. These are strictly followed in order to

ensure proper access and processing. Connectivity security will be achieved through protocol for

communication as described in the UDSF and the accompanying T2S documentation.

Interoperability The current CDADS communicates with ISO 15022 messages and system-specific messages sent to

domestic counterparts. The new CDADS is planned to operate under extended ISO 20022 standard

which is fully in line with T2S message protocols. There is ongoing evaluation of the parsing, mapping

and conversion between the two standards for local participants so as to ensure interoperability of the

interested DCPs, which will avail of the planned time for parallel support of both standards in T2S.

Business Day

Queuingand Cut-off times

CDADS processes the settlement instructions in eight batches in a day. The timing of these batches will

be adjusted so as to coincide with the T2S business day and times for real-time processing. Same day

settlements will be accepted up to and including batch seven (of eight) in order to ensure they are not

left for the T2S night batch. All other items can be left for the night batch in case T2S is not able to

process them in real-time because of cutoff times.

Time Conversion and Clock Synchronization

CDADS will be tailored to take into account the time zone difference between T2S and CDADS, including

summertime clock adjustment. Batches schedule will be synchronized accordingly. This synchronization

will not affect business day schedule of CDAD as T2S business day schedule begins with night-time

session at 18:00 CET/CEST (19:00 EET/EEST).The part of the business day when real-time processing

takes place starts at 5:00 CET/CEST (6:00 EET/EEST) and ends at 18:00 CET/CEST (19:00 EET/EEST). This

fully encompasses CDAD’s business day schedule which begins at 7:00 CET/CEST (8:00 EET/EEST) until

17:30 CET/CEST (18:30 EET/EEST).

Calendar and Holidays

Both CDAD and T2S are open from Monday to Friday. Bulgarian specific closing days will be provided to

the T2S operator to be inserted as static data. In general, the holiday calendar is known at the end of the

year for the next calendar year.

A specificity of Bulgarian calendar is that in the event of a public holiday/s appearing two days before or

after the weekend, the Government almost always takes a decision to merge the holidays and the

adjacent weekend. This additional holiday is compensated with a working Saturday. This Saturday must

be in the same month in which the additional holiday happens and may precede or follow the long

weekend. These working Saturdays not are open for trading and there will also be no settlements and

no payments on working Saturdays.

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National Market Specificity on End-to-End Business Process Key market specificity for Bulgaria is the Currency Board Regime which implies no foreign exchange

market risk between EUR and BGN. Hence, the choice of CDAD to use BNB Target 2 account in EUR for

payments, which will not entail FX risk.

CDAD activities are regulated by the Law on Registered Pledges, Law on the Contracts and Financial

Collaterals, Civil Procedure Code, Tax and Social Security Procedure Code, Law on the Markets in

Financial Instruments and Law on the Public Offer of Securities. CDAD activities also relate to Financial

Supervision Commission’s Ordinance 8, Ordinance 16 and Ordinance 38. National specificities related to

these laws and codes which relate to CDAD are strictly kept on the Registry side and will not affect the

settlement side, which will be integrated in the T2S platform. As already elaborated, settlement and

registry segregation is applied in the new CDADS and the registry side will remain on end-investor (final

beneficial owner) level. Overall, national market specificities will not affect the interoperability of CDADS

and T2S.

Technical Feasibility

Adaptation Approach and Plan for CDADS

Data Storage and Format

Currently, there is an ongoing SWIFT certification project of the outgoing interfaces generating the ISO

15022 messages, used for communication with CDAD-related entities. In parallel, CDAD is running

internal business and data rule synchronization (both in CDADS and legal) in accordance with T2S

specifications. Overall, CDAD commits to bringing its system and its planned upgrade to a state where all

outbound communication from CDADS meets T2S structure, format and business rule validations to

ensure proper communication with T2S.

Technical Interoperability between CDADS and T2S. Testing

To ensure technical interoperability, CDAD, following the stipulations in the Framework Agreement, will

engage in all requisite testing phases, particularly:

Connectivity test (July 7th, 2014);

User test (September 2nd, 2014);

Interoperability testing (October 1st, 2014).

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Figure 2: Testing Stage Organizationi

These tests ensure readiness of CDAD for the Migration to and operation on the T2S Platform as well as

the ability to extract static and Transactional Data from T2S for reverse migration. CDAD will also

appoint a single point of contact for all topics related to User Testing.

CDAD has already started development and implementation of the new CDADS as described above and

recognizes that successful inclusion to the T2S Platform is contingent to the additional development that

CDAD has undertaken. Therefore, CDAD will inform the Eurosystem, in a timely manner, about any

developments, which may prevent that CSD or its DCP(s) from completing its/their testing activities.

Respectively, as part of the PMG, CDAD may request plan changes related to User Testing according to

the “Programme Plan Preparation, Adaptation and Assessment Review Process” in section 7.2 of

Schedule 2 (T2S Programme Planning and Monitoring). In any event, CDAD has and taken and will take in

future all necessary steps to ensure adherence to schedule and will have addressed all requirements for

initiating tests as elaborated below.

Connectivity Test

As per the Framework Agreement, the scope of Connectivity testing consists of:

Testing the ability to reach the welcome pages of the U2A interface and performing the login to

the system;

Exchange of messages on application level;

Push-and-pull services for reports.

As CDAD will use a Dedicated Link Connection, the testing shall also cover the testing of the technical

communication protocol (DEP).

The aim of the Connectivity test is to confirm to the Eurosystem that CDADS can successfully exchange

message-based communication and receive pushed messages on application level with T2S.

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User Test

Based on the of Eurosystem Acceptance Testing (EAT) functional test cases and test scenarios, provided

by the Eurosystem for information purposes as an input for the CDAD’s test preparation, CDAD shall

define and perform requisite User Acceptance Tests. CDAD shall provide regular reporting on the results

of its tests in the form of status reports to the Eurosystem. This report shall cover at minimum the

number of test cases and test scenarios successfully executed and failed and propose measures to

compensate for potential delays, when required.

Defined and performed tests will validate CDAD’s declaration that T2S complies with Schedule 5 (T2S

Service Description) and the T2S Scope Defining Set of Documents.

Interoperability Testing

As stipulated in the Framework Agreement, in the bilateral interoperability testing stage, the

Contracting CSD tests T2S to ensure the readiness of its adapted IT System to interoperate with T2S and

verifies that all T2S Services (e.g. settlement processes, migration procedures) in T2S are working as


CDAD shall test the migration processes (loading Static Data, loading Transactional Data, migration

weekend rehearsals, reverse migration, etc.) and, together with the Eurosystem, will evaluate the test

results at the end of the bilateral interoperability testing stage to assess readiness.

CDAD Certification

CDAD will be certified by the Eurosystem after completing the above described tests in whose

preparation CDAD, the PMG and Eurosystem shall be involved. This certification proves the

interoperability of CDADS and the T2S Platform and ensures that CDADS cannot harm T2S due to an

inappropriate technical communication or operational procedure.

Planned Connectivity

Connectivity Mode

CDAD will use real-time connectivity to T2S for implementation of queries on accounts (balance, current

account situation, etc.) in order to maintain up-to-date account and party configuration. CDAD may also

opt in for real-time account updates. The correct management of Corporate Actions Notifications also

requires real-time communication.

In addition to the real-time communication (RT), CDADS will also utilize store-and-forward connectivity

mechanisms, needed for processing of large real-time messagesii, as well as for the transmission of

outgoing CDADS batch requests after the end of each batch processing period.

The maintenance of store-and-forward (SNF) communication between CDADS and T2S requires CDADS

to implement a direct connection to T2S using CoreNet WMQ-DEP protocol. Hence, interfaces with

Value-Added Service Providers (VA-NSPs) may be implemented at a later stage as the need of store-and-

forward communication related to the chosen mode of operation (batches) requires maintaining

interfaces for direct connection to T2Siii.

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Certificate Management

On behalf of CDAD, a point of contact is going to be provided for certificate management and security

authorization. The person in charge would act as Security Officer, managing A2A and U2A certificates

needed for the correct communication between CDADS and T2S. CDAD currently has such a position for

its internal system certificate management and the same person on duty would present a signed version

of procedures for sensitive data management document and sensitive data management certificate to

T2S to ensure commitment to the highest standards of information security.

Dedicated Links Connectivity

The table below specifies the dedicated link connections utilized by CDADS incoming channel. For all the

queues listed, local queue type and CDADS consumer are assumed:

Queue Name Scope Channel

CD0F.in.msg_rt.L01 RT incoming message requests CD0F.MRT.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.msg_rt.ack.L01 RT incoming ACK message from GW CD0F.MRTK.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.file_rt.L01 RT incoming file requests CD0F.FRT.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.file_rt.ack.L01 RT incoming ACK file from GW CD0F.FRTK.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.msg_snf.L01 SNF incoming message requests CD0F.MSF.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.msg_snf.ack.L01 SNF incoming ACK message from GW CD0F.MSFK.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.file_snf.L01 SNF incoming file requests CD0F.FSF.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.file_snf.ack.L01 SNF incoming ACK file from GW CD0F.FSFK.IN.REC.01

CD0F.in.cmd.L01 Command response from GW CD0F.CMD.IN.REC.01

The table below specifies the dedicated link connections utilized by CDADS outgoing channel. For all the

queues listed, remote queue type and T2S middleware consumer are assumed:

Queue Name Scope Transmission Queue Channel

CD0F.out.msg_rt.R01 MSG RT outgoing


CD0F.out.msg_rt.trn.R01 CD0F.MRT.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.msg_rt.ack.R01 MSG RT outgoing


CD0F.out.msg_rt.trn.R01 CD0F.MRTK.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.file_rt.R01 RT outgoing file CD0F.out.file_rt.trn.R01 CD0F.FRT.OUT.SEN.01

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CD0F.out.file_rt.ack.R01 File RT outgoing


CD0F.out.file_rt.trn.R01 CD0F.FRT.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.msg_snf.R01 MSG SNF outgoing


CD0F.out.msg_snf.trn.R01 CD0F.MSF.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.msg_snf.ack.R01 MSG SNF outgoing


CD0F.out.msg_snf.trn.R01 CD0F.MSFK.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.file_snf.R01 File SNF outgoing


CD0F.out.file_snf.trn.R01 CD0F.FSF.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.file_snf.R02 File SNF outgoing


CD0F.out.file_snf.trn.R02 CD0F.FSF.OUT.SEN.02

CD0F.out.file_snf.R03 File SNF outgoing


CD0F.out.file_snf.trn.R03 CD0F.FSF.OUT.SEN.03

CD0F.out.file_snf.ack.R01 File SNF outgoing


CD0F.out.file_snf.trn.R04 CD0F.FSFK.OUT.SEN.01

CD0F.out.cmd.R01 Command request

to GW

CD0F.out.cmd.trn.R01 CD0F.out.cmd.trn.R01

Architecture in Brief

CDADS will include special dedicated IBM WebSphere WMQ service center with message queue

handling and failover infrastructure capable of supporting the message queues listed in chapter

Dedicated Links Connectivity. CDAD will commit to keeping high failover standards on all levels required

for uninterruptible operation of the servers on its premises to ensure message non-repudiation.

In addition to the message queue server redundancy, existing DNS should be used for named resolution

of the message queue access points maintained in CDAD.

CDAD will maintain the CDADS in accordance to its own IT Infrastructure Management rules.

Internet Connectivity

CDAD will use Internet connections that provide the required 1GbE connectivity with T2S. Further, CDAD

will use alternative Internet access points which provide for enough redundancy in case of network

failures (excluding Bulgarian backbone Internet connectivity issues).

Business Continuity Assuarace

CDAD is ISO/IEC 27001 certified to cover Information technology - Security techniques - Information

security management systems (ISMS) requirements, including Business Continuity Planning (BCP).

22 | P a g e

Organizational Feasibility

Planned Integration with Related Areas and Participants

The joining of CDAD to the T2S platform will inevitably impact the Bulgarian capital market. The clients

of CDAD can be divided in two groups – (1) Members and (2) Companies whose dematerialized

securities are with book entry registration in CDAD.

The Members of CDAD primarily settle deals with dematerialized securities for their own account and/or

for Client accounts, which also include settlement with global custodians. The accounts of Bulgarian

physical persons and Bulgarian legal entities are booked at final beneficial owner (end-investor model).

According to the Law on Markets in Financial Instruments, which incorporates MiFID in the Bulgarian

legislature, the global custodians can open omnibus accounts as well.

The companies with dematerialized securities with book entry registration in CDAD use CDAD’s services

for organizing and conducting corporate actions.

The Members of CDAD will be able to do cross-border settlement of transactions and send the

settlement instructions for these transactions via CDADS. This will facilitate the access of investment

intermediaries (including banks offering this service) to the international markets and will speed up the

settlement process of transactions. The instructions for transfers between the Members of CDAD and/or

their Clients will be pre-matched in the CDADS and then sent to T2S. The instructions related to

transactions with members of other CSDs and/or their Clients, will be matched in T2S. The critical time

periods related to the reflection of the transfer of possession (schedule of receiving and processing

batches from CDADS to T2S, and vice versa) will be addressed with the introduction of changes to the

guidelines and requirements to Members of CDAD. These guidelines and requirements will stipulate the

time frame for receiving instructions and the time period for transfers after the receipt of instructions.

The accounts of companies having dematerialized securities with book entry registration will be directly

registered in T2S. Hence, the transactions with these securities will be with faster and safer settlement.

Local investors will gain access to foreign issued securities at the same conditions and lighter settlement


The process of standardization of corporate actions that runs in parallel will provide for identity of

processes in different CSDs in relation to end users and their participation in corporate actions.

T2S Project Calendar Deadlines

According to the Framework Agreement, migration will take place in a maximum number of four migration waves. The minimum period between them is set at 3 months. A contingency migration wave is also envisaged, but not later than 6 months after the date of the last migration wave. The period between the date of the first migration wave and the contingency migration date is limited to 18 months. Based on the criteria and conditions specified in the Framework Agreement, Schedule 4 (Migration) and schedule 2 (T2S Programme Planning and Monitoring) the Eurosystem will consider the decision on the composition waves.

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The CDAD is targeted to meet the deadlines set the list of Synchronization points and timeline of the testing periods outlined in the text. The introduction of the new CDADS will significantly assist and support the T2S joining process.

Timeline for Development and Implementation of IT Solutions for Bridging Identified Gaps

Steps Deadline Description

1 9.08.2012 Assessment and analysis of the documentation provided by

Eurosystem with regard to CDAD connectivity and the needs for

development of the new CDAS to operate with the Eurosystem.

2 01.01.2013 Preparation of the Expression of Needs for the new CDADS to operate

with Eurosystem.

3 1.3.2013 Selection of a vendor for the new CDADS to operate with Eurosystem


4 1.3.2014 Development and pilot implementation of the new CDADS to operate

with Eurosystem.

5 1.5.2014 Internal testing of the developed new CDADS to operate with


6 1.7.2014 CDAD reviews the Eurosystem Acceptance Test (EAT) documentation

and determines possible specific additional test cases, in order to

improve the sensitivity of EAT to the present specific market

requirements and sets the developed system for the test.

Business Community and Environment Feasibility The majority of the market participants and infrastructures supports T2S project given its crucial

significance for the post-trading integration and settlement services harmonization in an integrated

technical environment. The discussions held with the national security community led to the

consolidation of a common national position. The market stands for any initiatives targeted to create a

pan-European efficient financial infrastructure dismantling barriers between national markets.

Appendix 1

Law on Public Offering Of Securities

24 | P a g e

Article 127

(1) The issuing and disposition of dematerialized securities shall take effect as from the registration

thereof at the Central Depository.

Article 136

(1) (Amended, SG No. 39/2005, SG No. 86/2006, SG No. 52/2007)

In the register of the Central Depository there shall be recorded the names of the holders of dematerialized securities, as well the names of the non-resident persons referred to in Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Markets in Financial Instruments Act who or which have acquired securities acting in their own name but for the account of other non-resident persons.

(2) The Central Depository shall maintain the registers of shareholders of companies issuing dematerialized shares, as well as the registers of holders of other dematerialized securities, according to a procedure established in the ordinance provided for in Article 140 herein.

(3) (Amended, SG No. 39/2005, SG No. 52/2007)

As to the creditors of the Central Depository, the investment intermediaries referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 3, item 1 of the Markets in Financial Instruments Act and any other third parties, any securities recorded in the Central Depository shall be deemed to be securities owned by the holders thereof.

Law on Markets In Financial Instruments

Article 34, paragraph 1, paragraph 5 and paragraph 7

(1) The investment intermediary shall separate its financial instruments and funds from those of its

clients. The investment intermediary shall not be responsible to its creditors with the financial

instruments and funds of its clients as well as with underlying securities in respect of depository


(5) The investment intermediary shall safekeep the financial instruments of its clients in a depositary institution on client accounts to the account of the investment intermediary or on accounts opened to the account of a third party, under conditions and procedure set out in an ordinance.

(7) Except in the cases set out in an ordinance the investment intermediary may not use: 1. on its account the funds and financial instruments of its clients; 2. on account of its client funds and financial instruments of other clients; 3. on account of its client its own funds or financial instruments.

Article 41

(1) Foreign persons entitled under their national law to perform the services and activities under Article 5, Paragraph 2, who have acquired financial instruments on their behalf but on the account of other foreign persons under the terms of Article 15, Paragraphs 5 and 6 or as clients of the investment intermediary for which the Republic of Bulgaria is the home country, shall identify before the

25 | P a g e

Commission their clients and the transactions effected on their account within three working days from the written request.

(2) The obligations for regular notification of the Commission by foreign persons under Paragraph 1, who have acquired securities on their behalf but on the account of other foreign persons, shall be set out in an ordinance.



Article 28

(1) The investment intermediary shall open to the client a sub-account at a depository institution on the grounds of the written contract under Art. 24 para. 1 and in compliance with the conditions envisaged therein.

(2) An investment intermediary which opens an account for financial instruments of its client with a third person, must take due care for the client’s interests when determining that person and the entrustment to the same of the client’s financial instruments keeping, as well as periodically, but at least once annually, must review with the same care the election of that person and the conditions in which it keeps the client’s financial instruments.

(3) In fulfillment of the duties under para 2 the investment intermediary shall take into account the professional qualities and market reputation of the third person, as well as the legal requirements and market practices, related to keeping of such financial instruments, which may prejudice the client rights.

(4) In case that the investment intermediary envisages the keeping of client’s financial instruments with a third person in a state whose legislation provides for special regulation and supervision with regard to the keeping of financial instruments for other person’s account, the investment intermediary may not provide the client’s financial instruments for safekeeping with a person from that state, which is not subject to the envisaged by the local legislation regulation and supervision.

(5) The investment intermediary shall not have the right to keep client’s financial instruments with a third person in a third country whose legislation does not regulate the safekeeping of financial instruments for a third person’s account.

(6) The restriction under para 5 shall not apply if any of the following conditions exists:

1. the nature of the financial instruments or the investment services provided in relation to those instruments demands their keeping with a third person in a third country under para 5;

2. a professional client has requested in writing his financial instruments to be kept with a third person in a third country under para 5.

(7) The investment intermediary shall undertake the necessary actions to ensure that the keeping of financial instruments of its clients with a third person is done in a way which guarantees identification of the client’s financial instruments separately from the financial instruments of the investment

26 | P a g e

intermediary and of the third person, by the keeping of segregated accounts by that third person or by the applying of some other measures ensuring the same level of protection.

(8) In case that the applicable legislation to the operation of the third person does not allow compliance with the requirements under para. 7, the investment intermediary must undertake.

appropriate actions for guaranteeing the client’s rights in relation to the deposited with the third person financial instruments, including by opening accounts for clients’ financial instruments other than its account, which the third person shall keep in the name of the investment intermediary, but for other’s account.

Article 31

(1) An investment intermediary which holds client financial instruments and cash shall maintain records and shall keep accounts of the held client assets, in a way which allows it at any time immediately to differentiate the assets held for a client from the assets of the other clients of the investment intermediary and from its own assets.

(2) The records and the accounts under para 1 shall be maintained in a way, which ensures their accuracy and their consistence with the held for the clients financial instruments and cash.

(3) The investment intermediary shall regularly agree the records and the accounts under para 1, kept by it and those kept by third persons, with whom the client assets are safeguarded.

Article 35

(4) The check under para 2 [check with the depository institution if the financial instruments to which the

order for sale relates are available on the client’s sub-accounts, if they are blocked and whether there is a

pledge set up or distraint levied over them] shall be made by the person, performing custody services

with regard to the financial instruments, subject of the order, on its own initiative or on request of the

investment intermediary, through which the transaction will be concluded. When the investment

intermediary executes the check under para 2 for client’s financial instruments kept by a custodian, the

intermediary requires the information under para 2 from the custodian…

(5) The check-up under para 2 shall not be carried out if the investment intermediary ensures otherwise

that the financial instruments, subject of the sale, will be delivered on the date of the transaction’s

settlement as well as in other cases as laid down in an ordinance.


Article 2

(1) The Central Depository shall maintain the national registration system for dematerialized securities

and perform:

27 | P a g e

1. registration of dematerialized securities and of transfers of dematerialized securities, as well as

storing and maintaining of data about dematerialized securities by opening and keeping of accounts of

their issuers and holders;

Article 19

The Central Depository shall maintain electronic database for the purpose of carrying out its activity

under Art. 2, para 1, which will allow it to keep, registers of:

1. each issuer of securities and the holders of securities;

2. securities;

3. the accounts of the holders of securities;

4. the transfers of securities and the transactions in securities;

5. the payments for transactions in securities.

Article 20

(1) The names of the holders of dematerialized securities, as well as the names of the foreign

investment intermediaries under Art. 74, para 9 of Law On Public Offering Of Securities, having acquired

securities in their own name but for the account of foreign persons, shall be entered in the registers of

the Central Depository.

(2) The securities, registered in the Central Depository, shall be considered as securities of their holders

with regard to the creditors of the Central Depository, the investment intermediaries, the trustees of

securities and any other third parties.

Article 22

(1) The Central Depository shall open an account for securities of the issuer and accounts of the holders

of securities for each registered issue of securities, giving equal rights.

Article 24

(1) At least the following data shall be maintained in connection with the account of the holder of


1. number of the account;

2. data about the holder of the securities:

a) name (trade name), seat (for the legal persons);

b) EGN (Civil Identity Code) of a local natural person, respectively BULSTAT code

28 | P a g e

and tax number of a local legal person;

c) address for correspondence;

3. data about the securities held:

a) ISIN/ unique code;

b) number;

c) nominal value;

4. data about the paid dividend;

5. index of the member of the Central Depository with which the holder of securities has opened a sub


(2) In case the holder of securities is a foreign person, the requirements for identification shall be

applied correspondingly.

(3) The Central Depository shall keep separate accounts under para 1 for the securities with different

unique code, held by one person.

(4) The Central Depository shall keep separate accounts under para 1 for the securities with identical

unique code held by one person, but kept as sub accounts to the accounts of different members of the

Central Depository.

i T2S Framework Agreement, Schedule 3 – User Testing, p. 9

ii As described in sections 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 (Timeout Management and Oversize Data management), pp. 44 – 48 of

T2S Dedicated Links Connectivity Specifications, v. 0.2

iii Ibid., section 5.2.2 (Store-and-forward mode), pp.41-42