FDI in Railways

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  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Foreign Direct

    Investment(FDI) in IndianRailways

    Presented By,

    Pratiyush K Rai

    Arun S

    Debasrita Das

    Abinash Dash

    Jagannathan V Chaitra Kamath

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    FDI: Need of the hour

    Severe cash crunch

    Very high operating ratio

    No signifcant investment in last 2!"eca"es

    Nee" #or mo"erni$ation an" e%pansion

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    INDIAN RAILWA!" FA#$!%&'"'

    R*+$, -.!"//&&&

    Locomotives"0&& !tations "1&2

    Wagons "%%&&&&

    3assengers 1/&&million

    Freight '&0& million t

    ,m4loyees '5 million


    %&56illion 7 Wage 6ill

    ''6illion 7

    Freight ''&8

    million t 3assengervehicles &&&

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    *69ectives eleventh 4lan"railways

    #reate ade;uate ca4acity to cater to

    Long term growth .edium term growth

    3rovide im4roved services

    Railways" #a4acity e

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    #hallenges in eleventh 4lan"


    Dou6le its trans4ort ca4acity

    Reduce unit costs of o4erations

    Im4rove service levels

    $o achieve this concentrate on Investments@strategic ca4acity eet res4onsive 4ricingand 4lanning 4olicies

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Areas for '&& FDI inRailways

    !u6ur6an #orridor 3ro9ects through 3335

    Bigh s4eed train 4ro9ects5

    Dedicated freight lines5

    Rolling stoc> including train sets andlocomotives or coach manufacturing andmaintenance facilities5

    Railway ,lectri=cation5 !ignalling system5

    Freight terminalsC Logistics 3ar>s5

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Areas for '&& FDI inRailways5

    3assenger terminals5

    Railway $echnical $raining Institutes5

    $esting facilities and la6oratories5

    #oncessioning of standalone 4assengercorridors (6ranch linesE hill railways etc5)5

    Nonconventional !ources of ,nergy5

    .echani?ed Laundry

    Rolling stoc> 4rocurement5

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    #urrent FDI Inow in Indian



    #!$ #orridor .um6ai"Ahmeda6ad Bigh!4eed 3ro9ect5

    -achra4ara Railcoach Factory

    Rs5 'E&&&


    Rs5 /8E&&rores5

    Rs5 'E%&& crores

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Future 3ros4ect for the


  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways



    '5Good !co4e ofRevenue5

    %5#hea4est !ource of$ravel



    %53o4ulist measures infares5

    85Lac> of !afety5


    '5,ver IncreasingDemand 6oth in

    3assenger H Freight!egment5

    %5Wide !co4e forRevenue .a

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    3,!$,L Analysis5

    3olitical: Railway is always used as a cash cow 6y3oliticians E so these things needs to 6e removed5

    ,conomic: +rgent .easures such as FDIE FII arere;uired to =ll the Ga4 in revenue H eing intoconsideration low earnings in Indian ,conomy5

    $echnological: $echnical advancements in

    !ignaling systems are re;uired to #ontrol theAccidents5

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    3,!$,L #ont555

    ,nvironmental: Diesel Locomotives

    needs to 6e re4laced at a more ra4id4ace than 4resent 6y electri=cation ofes4ecially 6road gauge railway lines5

    Legal: Railway o4erations has 6een

    always 4lagued 6y large no5 of Wor>er+nionsE !uch as N5#5R5.E hence 6etterwage system needs to 6e im4lemented5

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways



  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Indian railways mayhemtoday

    Social service obligation concern

    Fresh data released as 4art of the railway 6udgeton

    thursday indicates railways outgo on net socialservice o6ligationin the current =nancial year(%&'"') stood at Rs %E2'% crore '/5% 4er cent ofits total traKic earnings5 $he share is not 9ust thehighest in the 4ast nine yearsE the outgo on social

    service has grown faster than railways revenue5March 1, 2015

    Economic times

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Indian railways mayhemtoday

    Most o the trains has become

    uneconomical an! accounts hugeamount or the losses"

    Beres what they =nd: half the trains are running at alossE every tri45 $his includes all the =ve Durontosthe committee loo>ed atE two Ra9dhanis and one!hata6di5 *n averageE across the '/ trainsE everytrain runs a loss of Rs '51 la>h 4er tri45

    Mune %8E %&'

    $he Bindu

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Indian railways mayhemtoday

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    Indian railways mayhemtoday

    Surplus man po#er

    Director general of the NAIRE 3ramod -umar haswritten a letter to the chairman of Railway oardinay .ittal giving his suggestions for maintainingeconomy in man4ower cost of Indian Railways5 $heletter mentions that Omost of the current yardstic>sfor the creation of staK have 6een the same from 4ast

    '"%& years5 Is 4ossi6le to maintain these assetseKiciently with even 8& to & less staK com4aredwith yardstic>s5OMun E %&'8

    Times of India

  • 7/24/2019 FDI in Railways


    $han> ou for our
