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fcmsutil - Fibre Channel Mass Storage Utility Command for TACHYON TL A5158A, A6684A, A6685A, TACHYON XL2 A6795A, DUAL PORT A6826A and FC/GigE Combo A9782A/A9784A Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters SYNOPSIS /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file vpd /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file echo remote-N-Port-ID [data-size] /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file rls remote-N-Port-ID /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file test remote-N-Port-ID [data-size] /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file read offset [pci] /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file write offset value [pci] /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file [-f] lb [plm|crpat|cjtpat] /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file get local|fabric /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file get remote {all|remote-N-Port-ID} /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file get_lgn N-Port-ID /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file reset /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file [-f] bdr target-device_file /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file read_cr /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file lgninfo_all /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file stat [-s] /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file clear_stat /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file nsstat /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file clear_nsstat /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file devstat {all|remote-N-Port-ID} /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file clear_devstat {all|remote-N-Port-ID} Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file replace_dsk remote-N-Port-ID /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file [-f] disable /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file enable /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file [-k] ns_query_ports /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file [-f] dump_current_state /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file dump_saved_state /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file dump_nvram /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file rom_fw_update ROM_Firmware_file /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil device_file efi_drv_update EFI_Driver_file Note: For the TACHYON TL A5158A, A6684A, A6685A, TACHYON XL2 A6795A, DUAL PORT A6826A and FC/GigE Combo A9782A/A9784A cards, remote-N-port- ID can be substituted with -l loop_id (in Private Loop), or -w wwn for all options that take remote-N-port-ID as an argument. The devstat all option displays the loop_id (in Private Loop) and the nport_id (in Fabric) along with the statistics for all N_Ports the initiator was able to communicate with. DESCRIPTION The fcmsutil command is a diagnostic tool to be used for TACHYON TL A5158A, A6684A, A6685A, TACHYON XL2 A6795A, DUAL PORT A6826A and FC/GigE Combo A9782A/A9784A Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. This command provides the ability to perform Fibre Channel Test and Echo functionality, read the card's registers, etc. This command requires the use of a device file to indicate the interface over which the requested command needs to be performed. The options that are available only for TACHYON TL A5158A, A6684A, A6685A HBAs are indicated by "TL" in the description for the option. TACHYON XL2 A6795A HBA only options are indicated by "XL". DUAL PORT A6826A and FC/GigE A9782A/A9784A Combo HBA only options are indicated by "QL". All other options (which do not have the "TL" or "XL" or "QL" indication) are supported (completely or partially) by all the above HBAs. fcmsutil can be used only by users who have an effective user ID of 0. Some of the options require detailed knowledge of the device specific adapter. Hewlett-Packard Company - 2 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) Options fcmsutil recognizes the following options as indicated in SYNOPSIS. All keywords are case-insensitive and are position dependent. device_file Can be used alone or with other options. When used without any options it provides information such as the N_Port ID, Node World Wide Name and Port World Wide Name, Topology of the Fabric, the Speed of the Link, the Hard Physical Address of the Card, the Driver State, the number of Active Outbound Exchanges and number of Active Logins. For TACHYON TL and TACHYON XL2 cards, it provides information such as the N_port_ID, Node World Wide Name and Port World Wide Name, Topology, Vendor ID, the Chip Revision Number, Device ID, the Driver State, Hardware path, number of Assisted IOs and number of Active Logins, Presence of Dino bus bridge, Maximum frame size and Driver version. For DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards, it provides information such as the N_port_ID, Node World Wide Name and Port World Wide Name of HBA and the the switch when applicable, Topology, Vendor ID, Device ID, ISP Code revision, PCI Bus mode, the Driver State, Hardware path, Maximum frame size, Firmware Dump information and Driver version. As per the FC protocol, Node WWN will be numerically one more than the Port WWN. For TACHYON XL2 card (A6795A), DUAL PORT(A6826A), and FC/GigE Combo Cards (A9782A/A9784A) negotiated Link Speed is also indicated in addition to the above information. The following topologies are defined: UNKNOWN. The host bus adapter is not attached to a loop/loopback hood or has connection problems and could not come up in a valid topology. PRIVATE_LOOP. The host bus adapter is attached to a loop/loopback hood. PUBLIC_LOOP. Supported by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. The host adapter is attached to a loop connected to a Fibre Channel switch. IN_PTTOPT_NPORT/PTTOPT_NPORT. The host bus adapter has come up in a point to point topology. This topology can be an error if the card was expected to come up in Hewlett-Packard Company - 3 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) loop topology. Not legal in most cases. PTTOPT_FABRIC. The host bus adapter has come up in a point to point topology when connected through a Fibre Channel switch. This topology can be an error if the card was expected to come up in loop topology. Not legal in most cases. The following are the driver states: LOOPBACK_STATE. The host bus adapter is in the loop back test phase. OFFLINE/DISABLED. The host bus adapter is not participating on the loop. In case of DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo Cards, this state is the result of user disabling the card through the 'disable' option in fcmsutil. READY/ONLINE. The driver is up and functional. RESETTING. The host bus adapter is being reset. SUSPENDED. The driver has been suspended by the user. This state is applicable only to DUAL PORT & FC/GigE Combo cards. All other states are only "transient" and should not continue for long. If the "transient" state persists, there might be a problem in the hardware connectivity or configuration. The following link speeds are defined: UNINITIALIZED. The host bus adapter not could converge to a common link speed or adapter is not connected. 1Gb. The link is online and the operating speed is 1 Gigabits per second. 2Gb. The link is online and the operating speed is 2 Gigabits per second. vpd (XL/QL) This option is used to display "Vital Product Data" information of the HBA. It includes information such as the Product description, Part number, Engineering Date Code, Part serial number, etc. This option is supported only by TACHYON XL2 A6795A, DUAL PORT A6826A and FC/GigE Combo A9782A/A9784A cards. Hewlett-Packard Company - 4 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) echo This option is used to send an ECHO ELS frame on the wire. It requires two parameters, the remote-N-Port-ID and data-size (size of packet to send). An optional third argument (count) can be specified for the number of echo packets to be sent. If the count option is not specified, one packet will be sent. The count option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT & FC/GigE Combo cards. Fibre Channel Echo packet(s) of the specified size is sent to the remote node. The command completes successfully when an echo response is received from the remote node and matches the data sent, for all packets sent. The command times out if a response is not received in twice RA_TOV time. Echo packets cannot be sent in a PUBLIC_LOOP topology. Note: Packet size specified must be a multiple of 4. rls This option is used to send an RLS (Request Link Status) ELS frame on the wire. It requires one parameter, the remote-N-Port-ID. The ELS is sent to this remote-N-Port-ID and the response data is displayed. test This option is used to send a TEST ELS on the wire. It requires two parameters, the remote-N-Port-ID and data-size (size of packet to send). An optional third argument (count) can be specified for the number of echo packets to be sent. If the count option is not specified, one packet will be sent. The count option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE COMBO cards. The command completes successfully and immediately on sending all the test packets. Note: Packet size specified must be a multiple of 4. read This option is used to read from HBA's internal registers. It requires one parameter, the offset of the register to read from. The offset can be specified in either hex or in decimal format. The offset specified is an offset from the base of the Memory Map. The user of this command is therefore expected to have internal knowledge of the chip. Reading from the Tachyon frame manager status register (0x01c8) is restricted. An optional second argument (pci) can be specified for TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards, to read from the PCI config space. If no second Hewlett-Packard Company - 5 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) argument is specified, it reads from the chip register space. write This option is used to write into HBA's registers. It requires two parameters, the offset of the register to write to and the value to be written. An optional third argument (pci) can be specified for TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards, to write into the PCI config space. If no third argument is specified, it writes into the chip register space. lb -f lb This option is used to perform loopback tests on the port. WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE test, and DATA LOSS during the execution of this test may occur. The -f option can be used to suppress the warning message displayed by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. This option requires one parameter: plm, crpat, or cjtpat. Here, plm refers to physical link module or gigabit link module, which builds the default payload for the loopback frame. If either crpat or cjtpat option is used, then the card builds specific payloads based on the recommendations in Fibre Channel -- Methodologies for Jitter Specifications. These patterns are designed to generate bit patterns which stress the transmit and receive channels of the card. The self test then involves sending a packet and receiving back the packet within the adapter and checking its integrity. Since this self test is at the adapter level, no packet goes on the fibre link. The DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards need two parameters. The first parameter should be either ext or int to specifiy whether the loopback should be external or internal, respectively. The second parameter specifies the loopback pattern. Only crpat and cjtpat options are supported for these cards. Frames are looped back at the single bit interface in the Internal loopback mode. For external loopback, frames are sent out and received from the wire. External loopback mode is supported only in Loop topology. NOTE: In the internal loopback mode, frames are also sent out on the wire even though they are internally looped back at the 1 Bit interface. The receiver however is turned off during this operation. Therefore, it is not safe to run Internal loopback tests when the fiber is connected to a Switch or Hub, as the transmitted loopback frames Hewlett-Packard Company - 6 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) can disrupt operation on the SAN. An optional third argument (count) can be specified for the number of loopback packets to be sent. If the count option is not specified, one packet will be sent. The count option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT, and FC/GigE COMBO cards. get This option is used to obtain Fibre Channel login parameters of either the local port, the fabric port, or of a remote port. TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT, and FC/GigE Combo cards do not support the local option. If the all argument is specified for the remote option, login parameters and current states of all N_ports that the initiator is aware of, are displayed. The all option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. reset This option is used to reset the HBA (or a single FC port in case of DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards). WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE test. The reset operation will result in aborting communication to all nodes till the process is completed. This option only results in a soft reset for the TACHYON TL and TACHYON XL2 cards and does not result in termination of communication. bdr (TL/XL/QL) -f bdr (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to issue a Bus Device Reset to device. WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE test. The -f option can be used to suppress the warning message displayed by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. This option resets the target, clearing all commands, without doing any checks. This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE COMBO cards. read_cr This option can be used to read all of the readable registers on the card and format the detailed information. stat This option is used to obtain detailed statistics maintained by the driver. An optional argument (-s) can be specified for TACHYON TL and TACHYON XL2 cards, to obtain a shortened version of the statistics maintained by the driver. Hewlett-Packard Company - 7 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) clear_stat (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to clear the statistics maintained by the driver. This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE COMBO cards. nsstat (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to obtain detailed nameserver statistics maintained by the driver. This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards . clear_nsstat (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to clear the nameserver statistics maintained by the driver. This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE cards. devstat (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to obtain detailed statistics associated with each N_Port that this N_Port has communicated with. If the remote-N-Port-ID is specified, then the statistics associated with that N_Port are displayed. If the all option is specified, statistics associated with all N_ports that the initiator has been able to communicate with, are displayed. This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE COMBO cards. clear_devstat (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to clear the statistics associated with a target. If the remote-N-Port-ID is specified, then the statistics associated with that N_port are cleared. If the all option is specified, statistics associated with all valid N_Port_IDs are cleared. This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE COMBO cards. replace_dsk (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to specify that no authentication should be performed the next time we communicate with the device. This option is to be used by system administrators for replacing a disk, with another (with the same N_Port_ID). Note that this is not required, if the new disk acquires a new N_Port_ID. Hewlett-Packard Company - 8 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) This option is supported only by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE COMBO cards. disable -f disable This option is used to disable the card. WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE test and communication to all nodes will be terminated. The -f option can be used to suppress the warning message displayed by TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. This option can be used, typically when a hardware problem cannot be resolved and is interfering with system performance. enable This option is used to enable the card, typically when a previous hardware problem has been resolved. ns_query_ports (TL/XL/QL) This option is used to query the name server and get the list of nports. -k option can be used to get the list of nports cached by the driver. dump_current_state (QL) This option is used to force the driver and firmware to dump their current state information and other data structures. WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE operation. This might result in failure of current I/O requests. The dump data will be saved in the /tmp directory. The Firmware dump will be stored in a file named fcdfw_date-timestamp.dmp and the driver dump will be saved in a file named fcddrv_date-timestamp.dmp. This option is supported only by DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. dump_saved_state (QL) This option is used to retrieve firmware and driver dump, saved in the driver memory. Driver initiates a dump when a fatal event is encountered. Fatal events could be either due to firmware hang or to an irrecoverable error in the firmware or hardware. The dump files will be saved in the /tmp directory. The Firmware dump will be stored in a file named fcdfw_date-timestamp.dmp and the driver dump will be saved in a file named fcddrv_date-timestamp.dmp. These dumps should be sent to HP for further analysis of the problem. This option is supported only by DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. NOTE: The driver does not save any new dumps, until the previously saved dump is retrieved with this option. The availablity of a saved dump can be checked by Hewlett-Packard Company - 9 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) running fcmsutil FCD_device_file. dump_nvram (QL) This option is used to display the contents of NVRAM on the adapter. It is supported only by DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. rom_fw_update (QL) This option is used to update the ROM firmware stored in card's FLASH ROM. WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE operation. Using this option may result in failure of current I/O requests. This option requires the name of a binary image file that contains the updated firmware. This operation should only be performed by qualified personnel. Failure to successfully complete the firmware update may result in adapter and/or system failure in case the boot disks are accessed through this card. This option is supported only by DUAL PORT and FC/GigE Combo cards. efi_drv_update (QL) This option is used to update the EFI driver stored in card's FLASH ROM. WARNING: This is a DESTRUCTIVE operation. Using this option may result in failure of current IO requests. This option requires the name of a binary image file that contains the EFI driver. This operation should only be performed by qualified personnel. Failure to successfully complete the EFI driver update may result in adapter and/or system boot up failure if the boot disks are accessed through this card. This option is supported only by DUAL PORT and FC/GigE combo cards. EXAMPLES Print the remote port parameters using the get remote option if the driver is idle. /dev/fcms1 is the device file and /dev/rdsk/c27t0d0 is the respective raw disk file. fcmsutil /dev/fcms1 get remote 0x98 < /dev/rdsk/c27t0d0 Print a short listing of the statistics maintained by the driver, with /dev/td1 as the device file. fcmsutil /dev/td1 stat -s Send 5 echo packets of 200 bytes each to a remote N_Port with loop_id 4, with /dev/td1 as the device file Hewlett-Packard Company - 10 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004 fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil(1M) fcmsutil /dev/td1 echo -l 4 200 5 Print a short listing of the statistics of the device whose remote-N-Port-ID is 0x02ae4 and with /dev/td1 as the device file fcmsutil /dev/td1 devstat 0x02ae4 Clear the device statistics of the device whose wwn is 0x100000e002219f45 and with /dev/td1 as the device file fcmsutil /dev/td1 clear_devstat -w 0x100000e002219f45 Perform a Internal loopback test, sending 1000 packets with /dev/fcd2 as the device file fcmsutil /dev/fcd2 lb int crpat 1000