FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013


    February 3, 2013 Issue 05


    In This Issue

    Pastors Corner 2Statistics 2

    Remember in Prayer 3

    Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3

    Prayer Requests, Jan. 27 3

    Serving in the Military 3

    Thank Yous 3

    Congregational Mtg. 3

    Welcome Ministry Team 4

    Souper Bowl 4

    Jail Min. 4

    Senior/-Save Dates 4Mary Circle/HMM 5

    Disciples Women 5

    Tri-Tip Meeting 5

    Alzheimers Seminar 5

    Parlor Class 6

    Lenten Devotional Bklt 6

    Week of Compassion 6

    O&A Proposal 7&8

    Stan Smith Article 8

    Budget 9&10

    WoC Calendar 11

    Serving Sunday 12

    February 3:8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service9:00 A.M.- REFRESH,Contemporary Service9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages

    10:15 A.M.-REMEMBER,Traditional Service11:30 A.M.-Welcome & Hospitality Ministry Team, CL

    February 4:7:00 P.M. - Alzheimers Support Group7:00 P.M. - 12-step Class, Choir Room

    February 5:

    10:30 A.M. Mary Circle, Chapman Lounge6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry WoodbridgesFebruary 6:

    1:30 P.M. - Pilgrimage Into Last Third of Life Class, CL3:00 P.M.-Youth Group5:30 P.M. - Hot Meal Ministry, Team C7:00 P.M. Tri-Tip/Bratwurst Informational/Organizational

    meeting, Chapman LoungeFebruary 7:

    3:30 P.M.-Lord Teach Us to Pray, Bible Study, CL6:30 P.M.- Bell Choir

    7:30 P.M.-Chancel ChoirFebruary 9:

    8:30 A.M. - Greek Class @ WoodbridgesFebruary 10:

    8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service9:00 A.M.- REFRESH,Contemporary Service9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages

    10:15 A.M.-REMEMBER,Traditional Service11:30 A.M.- 2:00 P.M.Casa de Oracion use FH

    February 11:

    7:00 P.M. - 12-step Class, Chapman LoungeFebruary 12:9:30 A.M. - Pathways of Hope Executive Board, CL6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry Woodbridges

    AA Groups - Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M.,Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M.

    The Calleris published weekly


    (Disciples of Christ)109 E. Wilshire Ave.Fullerton, CA 92832


    [email protected]


    Rev. Darrell McGowan

    Debra Todd

    Donna Woodbridge

  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013



    Here are two meditations I wrote some time ago and edited recently to reflect

    more recent insights. I hope they help you navigate the path before you with a little

    more patience and grace.

    I Am Responsible For My Perceptions

    I will come across many different people, places, and experiences today. Some will affirm my

    perception of myself and my world; others will not. With each encounter, I will choose my course of

    action, and even more importantly, I will choose my perception of the encounter. If I regard this day

    as a challenge to be overcome, I will likely see each encounter as a challenge which I must meet. I will

    engage with others competitively, holding the perception that one of us will win and the other will

    lose. I will find it difficult to receive God's unconditional love or recognize my oneness with others.

    If I regard this day as a gift to be received, I will be more likely to see each encounter as an

    opportunity to offer love and healing. I will meet others cooperatively, recognizing that we share the

    same journey with a single destination. I will see that my life is an extension of God's unconditional

    love and I will help others awaken to this awareness. More than anything else, perception will

    determine my experience today.

    I will begin my day by opening my body, mind, and spirit to God's unconditional love. I will choose to see themanifestation of God's love all around me. I will offer this perception in word and deed, throughout this day.

    FeelingsNothing More Than Feelings

    Others do not cause us to feel. Feelings rise (and fall) within each of usthey do not infiltrate us

    from an outside source. Sometimes the actions of others can stimulate and/or reinforce particular

    feelings. Nonetheless, feelings always belong to the one experiencing them, and we each have the

    right (even the inescapable obligation) to experience whatever feelings arise. At the same time, we all

    get to choose if and how well express our rising feelings.

    We are never responsible for someone elses feelings, though we bear responsibility for anyunloving behavior that led up to their feelings. When someone expresses a feeling we find difficult to

    take in, we remind ourselves we have no way of knowing everything that prompted their feelings.

    We recognize their feelings are unique emotional responses to which they are entitled, whether we

    understand them or not. If we recognize we have not acted lovingly, we make amends, and affirm

    their right to their feelings. If we consistently follow the most loving course in our interactions, we

    need not protest anyones espression of feelings or take responsibility for the feelings they express.

    Feelings are neither right nor wrong, and they can do no harm. Whether or not feelings are catalysts for healing

    depends on my response. When I center myself in Gods unconditional love, I am less prone to respond in an

    unhelpful way to another persons expressed feelings. We are all complex creatures finding our way through

    our inescapable human feelings and perceptions, seeking the love of God, our eternal home.

    January 27, 13 118 (Remember Service)8 (Reawaken Service) 7(Refresh Service)No Contemplative ServiceWeekly Giving: $2,142.81Budget Goal: $4,681 Mission: $370.19

  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013



    RememberinPrayerContinue to pray for:Jenny Alldridge,Lona Anderson & family, Donna Bagley,Helen Bailey, Margie Barlowand family,Dottie Bense,Harold Brickens, Mary Brill,Betty Ruth Buchanan, Linda Christman, ChrisCollett, Dean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum,

    Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin & Linda Johnen,Carolyn Kenrick, Nancy Knott, Lowenn Land,Flora Miller, Denise Olson and family, BettyRollo, John & Marj Schwenker, ClaudiaTammen, Dorothy Tanner, Jack Townsend,Gil Tucker and family, and Bob Vannoy.

    Please pray for the following church inthe Pacific Southwest Region:

    Abundant Life Christian Church3500 S. Normandie AvenueLos Angeles, CA 90007

    Heather Miner, Pastor

    Monday, February 4: Reading: Exodus

    34:29; pray for Barbara Fenters, April Johnenand the Alzheimers Support Group meetingtonight.Tuesday, February 5: Reading: Exodus 34: 30-

    35; pray for those who will meet tomorrowevening to discuss the Tri-Tip/BratwurstMinistry.Congregational Prayer Day, Wednesday,February 6: Reading: Psalm 99; pray for HotMeal Ministry Team C serving the hungrytonight.Thursday, February 7: 2 Corinthians 3: 12-4:2;pray for our US Congress as they work on anagreement for funding Senate Bill FY 2013,Foreign Aid for the Hungry.

    Friday, February 8: Reading: Luke 9: 28-36;pray for Week of Compassion in their efforts tocombat world hunger.Saturday, February 9: Reading: Luke 9: 37-43;pray for Global Ministries Missionaries, SusanValiquette and Scott Couper, in South Africa.Sunday, February 3: Reading: Luke 4: 27-30;pray for the Youth as they collect food and $$$for Souper Bowl of Caring.


    Robert Spontak as he makessome difficult decisionsregarding his mother andher health.

    Cyndee Allen &Pam Findley-Flor

    Our Preschool and decisionsto be made.

    Padraic W. &Nebula Jennings Wisdom and strength tolead family out of thedarkness they are in.

    Adam Hawley, Deb

    Taylors nephew, Adam, leftSaturday, December 29, for deployment toAfghanistan. He will be gone nine monthsfrom his wife and new baby.

    Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos

    grandson-in-law, now back at his home base.Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollosgrandson. He is also back at his home base.

    Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son.He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD andwill be returning to Afghanistan soon.

    ThankyouTo our FCC Family,

    Thank you for hosting a lovelywedding shower for us. You have been suchan important part of our lives and were soglad we got to celebrate with you! Thank youfor your thoughtfulness.

    Adam and Emily Waugh


  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013



    SouperBowlofCaring TODAY our Youth will

    again be participating in the Souper Bowl ofCaring. Just as the game will be between theSan Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens,our youth have divided into two teams (theFCCF NFC and FCCF AFC). So decide which

    team you want to support and give yourdonations to them. You may bring either a canof food or make a monetary donation. Allproceeds will go to Pathways of Hope.

    Can you imagine what would happen ifthe over 140 million people who watch theSuper Bowl each year placed just $1 in theSouper Bowl of Caring soup pots after churchTODAY? Let's become Souper Heroes byworking together to serve God by servingothers.

    Welcome&HospitalityMinistryTeamJoin us TODAY for the first meeting of

    the 2013 Welcome & Hospitality MinistryTeam in Chapman Lounge after the 10:15service.

    We welcome any and all who wouldlike to be a part of this team. We have somegreat ideas on how FCCF can be moreWelcoming without intimidation.

    We welcome new ideas and members.So wont you join us?

    Lin Garcia, Chair

    JailMinistryHELP! We would like to continue our jailministry but we need help. The ministryoperates under The Gleaners, Inc. It requires ateam of four people but we like to have five fortimes of vacations, sickness, etc.

    If you volunteer, you have to agree to

    A statement of Faith. The Sheriffs Dept. willinvestigate you, (at their expense) and issue aphoto ID which is good for two years.

    We serve two groups of inmates, anhour for each group or commitment of 2 hours.If you are interested, please call Jack Doughty,714-526-5437.


    The Seniors will meet Tuesday, Feb. 19,2013, at 12 noon for our monthly luncheon andmeeting. Our guest this month is JeffreyMensendick, a missionary to Japan. He will besharing about the work he did with the

    Disciples relief effort for those who sufferedduring and following the massive tsunami inJapan a couple of years ago. We will give youmore information next week but trust you havethe date on your calendar.

    We will also finalize the plans for theservice on March 13 at 10:30 am that we sharewith our Alzheimers guests. This servicerequires many helpers so plan to join us.

    We want to invite all seniors in ourchurch to join us for the many Senior Ministry

    programs this year. We meet the thirdTuesday of every month all year round at 12:00noon, except for our annual Christmas Teaheld at 2 P.M. in Dec.

    Just mark your calendars for the yearand you wont forget us. We hope to see youFeb. 18.

    TheSeniorBookClub The Senior Book Club has

    chosen The Unlikely Pilgrimage of HaroldFry by Rachel Joyce for our next book. Wewill discuss it on March 28, 2013 at MaryBrills home.

    One of the themes of this novel is how aseemingly ordinary life can take onextraordinary aspects. Its an unassuming storywith immense emotional weight without beingmelodramatic. Join us in reading thisbeautifully-written book.

    SavetheDatesMarch 1 & 2 Womens Convocation,Double Tree Hotel, Orange, CA. Reg.

    Deadline Feb. 1July 13 17 - General Assembly,

    Orlando, FLAugust 24 & 25 First Christian

    Annual Homecoming Weekend

  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013



    MaryCircle Mary Circle meets Tuesday,

    February 5 at 10:30 a.m. in Chapman Lounge.We will be making tray favors for the guests atSt. Elizabeth Rehab on Harbor. Donna Vannoyis the hostess and has devotions. Mary Brilland Phyllis Elliott are in charge of activity.

    Please bring bar soap for Pathways ofHope.

    DisciplesWomensConvocation Everything isHoly Now, Everything is aMiracle, Everything is aPromise, is the themefor the Pacific Southwest Regions Twenty-Second Convocation. Keynote Speaker will beDr. Cathy Myers Wirt, Co-Regional Minister inthe Oregon region. Music will be led by AerosPierce and Bible study leader is Janis Brown.

    Our own Debra Todd will be involved in theawesome worship services. Great workshopsare available on Saturday.

    Cost is $150 per person Four in aroom; $160 per person three in a room; $180per person two in a room; or $90 for Saturdayonly (NEW THIS YEAR). Registration packetsare available on the counter in the office.


    Team C will serve up a tastydinner for our Hot Meal Ministry onWednesday, February 6. TeamMembers should be there at 5:30 P.M.Pleasefind a substitute if you are unable to make it.Team C consists of: Pam Findley Flor, PhilForbes, Masumi Hogan, Bonnie Lopez, RoseMelissa-Ackerman, Ada Rodman (set up),Eloise & Paul Smith and Emily Steward-Styffe.

    Alternates include: Rod Farley, Annie

    Frater, Judi Smedley, and Craig Wallace


    If you are interested, even just a littlebit, in being part of the continuation of the Tri-Tip/Bratwurst sales project at the DowntownFullerton Market, you are urged to attend theInformation/Organization meeting about this

    project this coming Wednesday night,February 6, at 7 P.M. in Chapman Lounge.During this meeting, we will review theresponsibilities of those who choose to be partof this project using input from both PaulSmith, as written down by Eloise Smith, andBob Vannoy. After we have a good overviewof the project, we will come to a consensus onwhether or not we have enough peopleinvolved in order to continue this project.

    If we have enough people, we will

    organize ourselves so that the project can moveforward and that we will be ready for the firstnight of the 2013 Market on Thursday, April 4,a little more than two months away! Our planis to conclude this meeting within a 90-minuteframework, if at all possible.

    We hope to have 30 to 32 peopleinvolved in this project. If you are interested inthis project, we hope to see you nextWednesday night. If you CANNOT make thismeeting, please be sure to indicate yourinterest through an email to Ed Linberg, Chairof the Outreach Ministry, who will be in chargeof the February 6 meeting. His e-mail is:[email protected]. His phone number is909-392-6688.


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    The Parlor Class is wrapping up itsextended study of the Gospel of Matthew onFebruary 10. Their next course of study willmake use of a DVD series, "Introduction to theOld Testament." This is a series of 24 half-hourlectures presented by Dr. Amy Jill Levine,Professor of New Testament, VanderbiltUniversity, Nashville, Tennessee. Those whohave heard Dr. Levine, including those whoheard her preach on the Parable of the GoodSamaritan in our worship service last March,and those who participated in some of the classsessions of this course led by Joshua Dorroughlast year, know that she is a first-rate scholarand communicator. Knowing this about Dr.Levine, the Parlor Class extends a cordialinvitation to any and all persons who wouldlike to be part of this study of the Old

    Testament to register for it by adding yourname to the registration form you'll find on thecredenza in the Narthex. There is noregistration fee for this class since there is nostudents' book to buy. However, we'd like toknow how many folk will be joining us for thisDVD lecture series on Sunday, February 17 at 9A.M. in Chapman Lounge.

    Members of the Parlor Class

    LentenDevotionalBookletsJoin the FCCF family as we

    begin Lent with the devotionalFellowship of Prayer. With dailyreadings, meditations, andprayers, Fellowship of Prayeristhe perfect devotion for thisholy time of year.

    With the theme of "Letting Go," this year,the Bethany Fellowship writers show us how

    to free ourselves from sin, assumptions,consumption, idolatry, fear, and control. Then,we can truly celebrate Easter with the freedomof Christ's death and resurrection!Be sure to pick up your copySupplies are limited.


    Enclosed in this issue of "The Caller" isthe 2013 Week of Compassion SharingCalendar. Look for it and use it, either withyour family or on your own, to do these threethings.

    1. Become better informed about theconditions in which most of the world'spopulation lives through the brief statementsprovided for each day of the week for fourweeks.

    2. Pray for the people who are livingwith the conditions described--the 127 millionyouth, aged 15 to 24, who are illiterate; and the45% of the world's refugees who live incountries with a per capita income of less than$3,000 annually.

    3. Follow the suggestions on thecalendar for giving the units of money youdecide to set aside for your 2013 Week ofCompassion Offering, either coins or bills.

    The parents of our congregation'schildren have already received a letter aboutthis Sharing Calendar so that they can use itwith their children, if they so choose. Thechildren will receive their Week of CompassionOffering boxes today, February 3, duringChildren's Moments, which will be jointly ledby Randy Langston and Ed Linberg.

    Our 2013 Week of Compassion Offeringwill be received on either February 17 orFebruary 24. However, since the SharingCalendar is designed for a four-week period,you may want to use it for four weeks and thenmake your gift. If so, your 2013 Week ofCompassion Offering will be gratefullyreceived on Sunday, March 3. Ourcongregational goal for the 2013 Week of

    Compassion Offering is $2,200.00. The 2013Week of Compassion theme declares this truth:"Sharing Brings Joy To Us, to Others, to God."We believe February is going to be a veryjoyful month!

    The Outreach Ministry

  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013




    WELCOMING STATEMENTEveryone is welcome here.

    We welcome you no matter who you are, we affirm you as a beloved child of God, and we celebrate you just theway you are.

    You are welcome here!

    We are grateful to the members of our congregation who participated in the Open andAffirming process. Your prayers, wisdom and guidance have helped direct the committee and theCouncil of Elders to bring this matter to the congregation. On Sunday, February 17 we will have acongregational meeting after the 10:15 service to vote on this key issue. This vote will be by writtenballot and be two-fold. The congregation will vote on the acceptance or rejection of the WelcomingStatement posted above. In addition, the congregation will vote on whether to accept or reject themotion of becoming an Open and Affirming church. If the Welcoming Statement is accepted, thevotes for becoming an Open and Affirming church will be counted; if it is rejected the motion will notpass and the process ends there. We believe this is a critical vote and need all members of thecongregation to be present.

    The Council also suggested that we reprint the following article so everyone is clear on theprocess and how these decisions were made.

    The Open and Affirming committee would like to address certain questions so that anydecision the congregation makes will be grounded in fact. The following questions and answers are adirect result of our committee meetings, our listening conferences, and Council of Elders discussions.


    After meeting with Sharon Watkins this summer, Cambria Findley-Grubb, an Elder, asked

    Minde Findley to bring it to the Council of Elders for discussion. Minde placed it on the

    agenda and there was a spirited discussion at the Council of Elders meeting in July. After the

    discussion, the Council voted to approve a motion to bring the possibility of becoming anOpen and Affirming congregation to our church family. A committee was formed and

    included the following members: Deb Taylor, Janelle Vannoy, Elizabeth Beech, Donna

    Villasenor, Penny Fonches, Minde Findley, Darrell McGowan, and Debra Todd. Cambria

    stated that Sharon Watkins has remained neutral on this issue, but felt it was important that all

    congregations have the discussion regarding this process. The church on a national level is

    moving in this direction, but IT IS UP TO EVERY CONGREGATION TO DECIDE IF


    Many people have made the statement that issue was brought forth by Darrell. That is

    incorrect; it was brought forth by Cambria Findley-Grubb and Minde Findley.

    2. WHAT IS THE PROCESS?A Welcoming Statement must be developed. With congregational input, our latest statement

    reads, "Everyone is welcome here. We welcome you no matter who you are, we affirm you as a

    beloved child of God, and we celebrate you just the way you are. You are welcome here!" On

    February 17, the congregation will vote to approve or not approve the statement. There needs

    to be evidence that a process including discussion, such as listening conferences, which

    involved the entire congregation, took place. We want to make sure that all members have

  • 7/29/2019 FCCF Caller - February 3, 2013



    had a chance to voice their opinion whether negative or positive. If the Welcoming Statement

    is approved, the congregation will vote whether to become an Open and Affirming

    congregation. If we decide to move in this direction, our Welcoming Statement will be posted

    on the GLAD website and other appropriate community websites, and we will be

    acknowledged as an Open and Affirming church.

    3. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT US, WHAT IS GOING TO CHANGE?If the congregation decides to become an Open and Affirming church, our Welcoming

    Statement will be published and we will be acknowledged as an Open and Affirming church

    on the GLAD website and other appropriate community websites. It will be noted on the FCC


    4. WHAT OTHER CHURCHES IN THE AREA ARE OPEN AND AFFIRMING?At the present time there are 29 Open and Affirming churches in Orange County. Some of the

    nearby churches are: Brea Congregational Church UCC; Unitarian Universalist Church in

    Anaheim; Congregational Church of Fullerton; St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Fullerton; INA

    Mega Church, Fullerton; Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Fullerton; St.Anselms Episcopal Church, Garden Grove; Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange; Chapman

    University Disciples on Campus, Orange; First Christian Church of Orange; and Church of the

    Foothills, Santa Ana.

    We look forward to presenting this motion to the congregation for a vote on February 17th. Wewould like to thank our congregation for your input and look forward to working together as acommunity of faith, love, and generosity.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    WordsofWisdom(Stan Smith in Downey Newsletter 1/29/2013) Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happyanyway. One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, "For a long time it had seemed to methat life was about to begin -- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gottenthrough first, some unfinished business, time to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last itdawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

    This perspective has helped me see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasureevery moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough

    to spend your time with... and remember that time waits for no one. And dont listen to Joan Rivers: "I hatehousework! You make the beds, you do the dishes- and six months later you have to start all over again."Sometimes just doing those little things in life can make you happy!

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    First Christian Church

    109 E Wilshire Avenue

    Fullerton, CA 92832Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.Refresh (Contemporary Worship Service) Sunday, 9:00 A.M.Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.

    Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M.Contemplative Service: Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M.Joyful Noise (Now WOW Worship) NO Service in February

    Greeter: Bev ReinkeGuest Book:Coffee Host: Hospitality MinistryAcolyte Parent: HenkeSound: Alyssa RobidouxVideo: Clare KeechLay Leader: Nancy MalotteChildrens Moment: Ed Linberg &

    Randy LangstonElders:Joshua Dorrough,

    Tim Acquistapace, P.J. VannoyDiaconate: McCuens TeamPrepare: Barbara Fenters, Janelle VannoyUshers: Barbara Fenters, Janelle VannoyServe: Barbara Fenters, Masumi & Mike

    Hogan, Dirk & Jan McCuen, Janelle VannoyClean Up: Masumi & Mike Hogan,

    Dirk McCuenAlternates: Bill & Jodie Martin

    Greeter: Laura MillerGuest Book: Terry VannoyCoffee Host: Hospitality MinistryAcolyte Parent: AcquistapaceSound: Clare KeechVideo: PJ VannoyLay Leader: PJ VannoyChildrens Moment: Emily Steward-StyffeElders: Pam Findley-Flor, Shrlane Blakeley,Kathy Robidoux (HC)

    HC Elders: Kathy Robidoux,Penny Fonches, Joshua Dorrough

    Diaconate: McCuens TeamPrepare: Barbara Fenters, Ben StuartUshers: Bill & Jodie MartinServe: Annie Frater, Bill & Jodie Martin, Dirk

    McCuen, Ben Stuart, Janelle VannoyClean Up: Bill & Jodie Martin, Ben StuartAlternates: Masumi & Mike Hogan