f. CJURCR BftECTORY \u25a0nca or THE GOOD BWHMM) Morning Wor- MHUv. Graftoa CwknO, FCJL CBOSS LUTHERAN pfclCH Bev. Jack Bhyne, ECnfc U*N aa£ pniw; Ml |>A, laftw Let aad 4th Sunday* [LIB EE T f METHODIST MIKJBCH Rev. W. B. Frost, |Pn*ar. 9.-45 »m i Sunday MMLLester Anderson. Snpt. llaN at, Worship Service; Ka Sviay evening service. DUTCHMAN CBEEK BAP- ll|l CHUBCH?Eev. Thomas Dglk, pastor. Location?On Highway MI between Cooiee- M aad Fork, oa Boate 4, Itart i Saaday 1«M aoa., faMay School; 11*4 a.m. Warship; 7* p.m., Evangelis- «e Service. Wednesday 7M ua, Bible Stady. Satarday 7:- M fjL, Cottage Prayer Meet- tog. Am extra mile will be YOUR TELEPHONE IS A VALUABLE ASSET TO YOUB HOME USE IT WISELY Business office Dial 284-2000 Davie at Main St Coolecmee, N. C. Cooleemee Telephone Co. COOLEEMEE METHODIST Bar. Ciuie J. HartaeU, Pastor Saaday: 19M UL Saaday Schaol, E. K. Sedberry, Sapt. 11:44 am? Worship Service. 5:34 PJBL, Vcaper Service. 4:15 pa., MYF Coaaselora. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stewart. TUBBENTINE BAPTIST CHUBCH Bev. W. H. Perry, Pastor. Saaday School 9:45 ul, Worship Service 11:44 LB. Wednesday Pray- er Meeting pm. Saaday Evening 6:45 B.T- . Worship Service 7:34 P*. JERUSALEM BAPIST Rev. Dick Denson. Pastor. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service?ll:oo a.m. BTU?7:OO p.m. Richard Beck, Director. Worship Service 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:15 p.m. First Wednesday after the first Sunday of the Month- Family night, 6:30 p.m., sup- per: 7:00 p.m.. Missionary Meetings. ... NORTH COOLEEMEE BAPTIST CHUBCH Na Pastor Sunday 9:45 A. M. Sun- day School. Paul Hoffman, Supt.. Bobby Cheek, Assistant Superintendent 11:00 A. M. Worship Serv- ice. 6:00 P. M. B. T. U. Mrs. Geneva Gregory, leader 7:00 P. M. Evening Worsh- ip- Wednesday 7:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting. CHURCH OF GOD Rev. L C. Morris, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 ajn. Luther Brown, Supt. Worship lt:M a.m. YPE 6:St p.m. Mrs. Jeanette Hepler, Youth Direc- W. P. SPEAS, M.D. -OPHTHALMOLOGIST- Eyes Examined and Treated . . . Glasses Fitted THURS., 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. FRI., 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. OFFICES LOCATED IN THE MARTIN BUILDING New line of Children's and Ladies' frames Phone 634-5415 lf No Answer Call 634-5351 REGISTERED OPTICIAN . . . WHO MAKES THE GLASSES . . . CONSTANTLY IN ATTENDANCE. FREE W By BILL CEO WELL One way to finger the driv- ers who've been involved in traffic accidents is to bluntly group them as either reckless or careless. Seldom are there any other kind. The reckless and highly neg- ligent ones we have all seen. They are the types who drive at breakneck speed through congested areas, race across an intersection as the light is turning, drive intoxicated, fol- low too closely. Probably noth- ing short of picking up their driver's license will protect us from them and even that doesn't always work. Most ordinary 'good" driv- ers who get into accidents do so because they are careless. They suffer a momentary lap- se in reaction, observation, judgment or attentiveness. A mistake. tor Evening Worship 7:15 pm. Wednesday 7:15 pm. Prayer Meeting. CONCOBD METHODIST CHUBCH Bev. W. R Frost, Pastor. 9:45 ajL, Worship Service; 11:44 am., Sunday School. James Garwood, Sapt Tuesday 7:34 pm., Choir Practice. No Saaday Evening Services. (These horns will be observed beginning June 24 through September 26. PRESBYTERIAN Supply Pastor Sunday 10:00 Church School, Larence Miller. Supt. 11:00 A. M. Worship Serv- ice No evening services Wednesday ?7:30 P. M. Bible Study CORINTH CHURCH OF CHRIST R. L. Ulrey, Minister Sunday lO A. M. Bible Study. 11:00 A. M. Worship 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Bible Study. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Charles P. Burchette, Jr. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Herbert Jacobs, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Training Union: 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship?7:3o P.M. Wednesday Prayer Meet- ing 7:00 P. M. TIME TO GET GOING ??TAi'i Your Invitation to Ntw r |>| RQPEIMK \ Valuo 6 Comfort for Your Homo! r oo :ioT»«»« r \ We Can Install \ * ELECTRIC HEAT L m ' n your homa about as quickly as you can hava your old furnace repaired. . We can install Electric Heat in your home in a single day if necessary, regardless of the weather. You'll Yyjfr! enjoy greater comfort and convenience than ever SPECIAL?UP TO 00.00 lair pllini yrrr trodt-M o/loWOUCt for lI v Sri* ur old ?wp- l%4-*Ay\jGw Your Heating Costs m ,?t. & \u25a0 **" ?"»?< ?* n jfiF ihM M WIDM ?HmtM. TERMS IF DESIRED ?I no down payment Already ... in over 400 homes in and around Greens- "Kr circulators and furnaces with trouble-free economi- cal Electric Heat. We Guarantee Your Heating Costs Will Not Exceed Our Estimate No other heating method is as clean, quiet. We have issued hundreds of these guaran- trouble-free. The heat is thermostatically tees- The following figures give you a controlled in each separate room and you JJJJjJ idea as to lhe cost of elMtric "y for can turn off the heat in rooms not in use. And you never have to order fuel! SIZE OF ANNUAL HOUSE COSTS Now you do not have to guess at what 700 Sq. Ft. S 84.00 your electrical costs will be. We make a 800 Sq. Ft. - S 96.00 complete heating survey of your home, {*?? {jJJJJ estimate your electrical requirements and "" 5192 00 five you a WRITTEN GUARANTEE that 2000 Sq! FL $240.00 your actual annual heating costs will not exceed our estimate. Thesf ar< " AVERAGE figures. Your actual costs may be less or slightly more. The ????? ?? ________ point is WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN give yoil names GUARANTEE the cost of electricity for heating will not be more than we tell you. of some of our hundreds of >? Satisfied Customers We Can Install Electric People whose homes we have equipped Heat In Your Home for Electric Heat will vouch for de- _ . _ pendability of our workmanship and In A Single Day the quality of materials we use. If Necessary, Regardless of the Weather. Enjoy Spring Like Comfort All Winter Long GENERAL INSULATING CORP. r. O. BOX 1340 CALL COLLECT 723-8688 WINSTON-SALEM (LKCTRIC COMFORT HEAT Developed Ry Progress DESIGNED FOR COMFORT HEELING And who doesn't make mis- takes? If we consider the number of errors we all make in the course of a day. it seems little less than amazing that there aren't more wrecks. The steno spells a word wrong, a mistake. The house- wife. paring vegetables, gets a cut finger, a mistake. The businessman dials a wrong number, a mistake. Such mis- takes are called minor because no great harm has been done. But make an ordinary mis- take on the highway at 60 miles an hour, or at 15 miles an hour in a school zone, and a minor slip becomes major. Mainly because the result is likely to be devastating! That's why well intentioned drivers must know how to drive under all kinds of cir- cumstances. And then give driving their undivided atten- tion. The do-it-yourself homeown- er climbing a ladder to paint gutters is very, very careful to avoid falling. He pays full at- tention to the business at hand. To be less cautious while driving is both foolish and deadly. SUDDEN THAWT ... In traffic some drivers constant- ly keep their bad breaks re- lined. SHORT SHOTS ... A British motorcycle rider was fined two pounds on each count of "making a noise and not be- ing able to make a noise." Ex- planation. The hapless cyclist was charged with operating his bike with no muffler, no horn. In Canada a man was ar- rested and convicted for "Dis- orderly riding of a horse in the public street." He was given options, as punishment, of a 10 shilling fine, working four days on the public roads or 10 lashes well laid on. His de- cision, though, is lost to his- tory; the event occurred in 1793 and probably was Cana- da's first "traffic offense." In Ohio, a speeding driver was arrested and fined. A YOUR loJUiMcttAA, AND ITKM MM BRIDE'S ¥ t ? I I u «*PP*_ J \u25a0Myl Style is much mow than a chair, a table,a color scheme, apav» tlaxl*r silhouette or period. Style is you-the best andtte bright* est qualities of you, as expressed in your home, your andsflC living,the welcome you extend to friends and the havsa yoa nM selects furniture with ? tt">» less charm from the Cots «TQr collection of Thomasfille Fund, tun Industries for this captivating room. In this swtting, styie ia windows to the floor, books to the eeiling, espresso served «» low, round table. Style is being at home among the grainy wood* and robust carvings of furniture with a distinct Mediterranean accent An extendable game or snack table stands in the company of "X" legged chairs (very Spanish these). Handprinted cotton! shading the windows, takes its pattern from an old, painted-wood paneL Bookcases have recesses painted white for contrast} «W are wood-latticed; valanaw arched and highlighted with vUtfa week later while driving down the same roadway, he spotted the same officer in his rear view mirror, spitefully slow- ed down to a crawl and was promptly arrested again for ?driving too slow. Many years ago an anony- mous versifier drew up this guide for driving horse drawn vehicles on English roads we have used in the past"... Say MR. AND MBS. R. L. McBRIDE OF ROUTE 3, NEW WALKERTOWN ROAD r 1 1 Weston I Mora and more Carolinians are enjoying the ex- -1 June 1D ' \ elusive odvantage of FLAMELESS ELECTRIC COM- -1 v \ FORT HEATING ... not only are they pleased \ Duke Power Comp y I with the reasonable cost .. . but with the con- \ . . r u nna« «u r h .H? «* 1 venience of Individual room thermostats. Walls, I .g/o t Seating systems, 1 draperies, curtains are cleaner because there's less 1 During Jur*, Litigating all */P* because'- I dust ?no odors. And electric comfort heating is 1 1 1 l*» 1 \u25a0 eieetHc b your new *«*? . 1 nff or ran jvut win ruwm resi- \u25a0 rost even less. advantage 1 jentlal representative. Duke Power \u25a0 rnake tw ß eonv# nlenee, we o which 1 neither sells or Installs flamless elec- \u25a0 As an additional payn*£ ,c -ervte* 1 trie heating systems, but welcomes the \u25a0 Qf Duke aH aur electric sarv . opportunity to you. \u25a0 permits us toj pav'** j-Mc heating* 1 \u25a0 monthly \u25a0 We wauW I \u25a0 onyan»w^ trtnß , Robert M** 1 " 0 * 1 I existing home. jjgned: W*- J IBCailflSH © 122 S. Main St. Mocksville, N. C. Phone 634-2179 where, even today, traffic keeps left; "The rule of the road's an anomaly quite. In riding or driving along; If you go to the left you're sure to go right. If you go to the right you go wrong." Patronize Our Advertisers \u25a0Ciilteim, If. CL), Imml. Thmrday, Oct T, IMC I HOW LONG ] HAS IT BEEN j SINCE YOU'VE HAD A j SUIT THAT REALLY FITS? ! IT IS OUR PLEASURE to show " without obligation s#o distinctive \u25a0 imported mud domestic fabrics I FOR CUSTOM SUITS OUTERCOATS AND SPORTSWEAR t TUESDAY OCTOBER 12th You can select from 500 of the world's finest weaves . .. Year- round suitings . . Lighter weight tropicals and blends containing silk or dacron Sportcoatings and many others will be on display for you to choose from. If you are one of those fellows who can't fit into a stock suit without major alterations a Custom Tailored Suit to your own measurements is your an- swer. Make a date today to get a perfect fit and be ready for any WHO'S YOUR g TAILOR? I C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. Home Of Better Merchandise Mocksville, N. C. Page 6

f.BftECTORY CJURCR FREE W I HOW LONGnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn93064744/1965-10-07/ed-1/seq-6.pdfMfjL, Cottage Prayer Meet-tog. Am extra mile will be YOUR TELEPHONE IS A VALUABLE

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Page 1: f.BftECTORY CJURCR FREE W I HOW LONGnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn93064744/1965-10-07/ed-1/seq-6.pdfMfjL, Cottage Prayer Meet-tog. Am extra mile will be YOUR TELEPHONE IS A VALUABLE

f. CJURCRBftECTORY\u25a0nca or THE GOODBWHMM) Morning Wor-

MHUv. Graftoa CwknO,


ECnfc U*N aa£pniw; Ml|>A, laftw Let

aad 4th Sunday*

[LIBEE Tf METHODISTMIKJBCH Rev. W. B. Frost,|Pn*ar. 9.-45 »m i Sunday

MMLLester Anderson. Snpt.llaN at, Worship Service;Ka Sviay evening service.

DUTCHMAN CBEEK BAP-ll|l CHUBCH?Eev. ThomasDglk, pastor. Location?OnHighway MI between Cooiee-M aad Fork, oa Boate 4,Itart i Saaday 1«M aoa.,faMay School; 11*4 a.m.Warship; 7* p.m., Evangelis-«e Service. Wednesday 7Mua, Bible Stady. Satarday 7:-M fjL, Cottage Prayer Meet-tog. Am extra mile will be




Business officeDial 284-2000

Davie at Main StCoolecmee, N. C.

CooleemeeTelephone Co.

COOLEEMEE METHODISTBar. Ciuie J. HartaeU, PastorSaaday: 19M UL SaadaySchaol, E. K. Sedberry, Sapt.11:44 am? Worship Service.

5:34 PJBL, Vcaper Service. 4:15pa., MYF Coaaselora. Mr. andMrs. B. B. Stewart.

TUBBENTINE BAPTISTCHUBCH Bev. W. H.Perry, Pastor. Saaday School

9:45 ul, Worship Service11:44 LB. Wednesday Pray-

er Meeting pm.Saaday Evening 6:45 B.T-. Worship Service 7:34P*.

JERUSALEM BAPISTRev. Dick Denson. Pastor.Sunday School 10:00 a.m.Worship Service?ll:oo a.m.

BTU?7:OO p.m. Richard Beck,Director.

Worship Service 8:00 p.m.Wednesday Prayer Meeting

7:15 p.m.First Wednesday after the

first Sunday of the Month-Family night, 6:30 p.m., sup-per: 7:00 p.m.. MissionaryMeetings.



Na PastorSunday 9:45 A. M. Sun-

day School. Paul Hoffman,Supt.. Bobby Cheek, AssistantSuperintendent

11:00 A. M. Worship Serv-ice.

6:00 P. M. B. T. U. Mrs.Geneva Gregory, leader

7:00 P. M. Evening Worsh-ip-

Wednesday 7:00 P. M.Prayer Meeting.

CHURCH OF GOD Rev. LC. Morris, Pastor. SundaySchool 9:45 ajn. LutherBrown, Supt. Worship lt:Ma.m. YPE 6:St p.m. Mrs.Jeanette Hepler, Youth Direc-


Eyes Examined and Treated . . . Glasses FittedTHURS., 9 A.M. -4 P.M. FRI., 9 A.M. -5 P.M.


New line of Children's and Ladies' framesPhone 634-5415 lf No Answer Call 634-5351



One way to finger the driv-ers who've been involved intraffic accidents is to bluntlygroup them as either recklessor careless. Seldom are thereany other kind.

The reckless and highly neg-ligent ones we have all seen.They are the types who driveat breakneck speed throughcongested areas, race acrossan intersection as the light isturning, drive intoxicated, fol-low too closely. Probably noth-ing short of picking up theirdriver's license will protectus from them and even thatdoesn't always work.

Most ordinary 'good" driv-ers who get into accidents doso because they are careless.They suffer a momentary lap-

se in reaction, observation,

judgment or attentiveness. A


tor Evening Worship 7:15pm. Wednesday 7:15 pm.Prayer Meeting.

CONCOBD METHODISTCHUBCH Bev. W. R Frost,Pastor. 9:45 ajL, Worship

Service; 11:44 am., SundaySchool. James Garwood, SaptTuesday 7:34 pm., ChoirPractice. No Saaday Evening

Services. (These horns will beobserved beginning June 24through September 26.


Sunday 10:00 ChurchSchool, Larence Miller. Supt.

11:00 A. M. Worship Serv-ice

No evening servicesWednesday ?7:30 P. M. Bible



R. L. Ulrey, Minister

Sunday lO A. M. BibleStudy.

11:00 A. M. Worship7:30 P. M. Evening Worship.

Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. BibleStudy.

FIRST BAPTISTRev. Charles P. Burchette, Jr.

PastorSunday School 9:45 A.M.

Herbert Jacobs, Supt.Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.Training Union: 6:30 P. M.Evening Worship?7:3o P.M.Wednesday Prayer Meet-

ing 7:00 P. M.

TIME TO GET GOING??TAi'i i» Your Invitation to Ntw

r |>| RQPEIMK \ Valuo 6 Comfort for Your Homo!r oo :ioT»«»« r

\ We Can Install\* ELECTRIC HEAT

L m'n your homa about as quickly as youcan hava your old furnace repaired.

. We can install Electric Heat in your home in a singleday if necessary, regardless of the weather. You'll

Yyjfr! enjoy greater comfort and convenience than ever

SPECIAL?UP TO 00.00lair plliniyrrr trodt-M o/loWOUCt for

lI v Sri* y° ur old ?wp-l%4-*Ay\jGw Your Heating Costs m ,?t.& \u25a0 **" ?"»?< ?* njfiF ihM M WIDM ?HmtM. TERMS IF DESIRED

?I no down payment

Already... in over 400 homes in and around Greens-

"Kr circulators and furnaces with trouble-free economi-

cal Electric Heat.

We Guarantee Your Heating Costs

Will Not Exceed Our EstimateNo other heating method is as clean, quiet. We have issued hundreds of these guaran-trouble-free. The heat is thermostatically tees- The following figures give you acontrolled in each separate room and you JJJJjJ idea as to lhe cost of elMtric "y for

can turn off the heat in rooms not in use.And you never have to order fuel! SIZE OF ANNUAL

HOUSE COSTSNow you do not have to guess at what 700 Sq. Ft. S 84.00your electrical costs will be. We make a 800 Sq. Ft. - S 96.00complete heating survey of your home, {*?? {jJJJJestimate your electrical requirements and


5192 00five you a WRITTEN GUARANTEE that 2000 Sq! FL $240.00your actual annual heating costs will notexceed our estimate. Thesf ar< " AVERAGE figures. Your actual

costs may be less or slightly more. The????? ??

________ point is WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN

give yoil names GUARANTEE the cost of electricity forheating will not be more than we tell you.

of some of our hundreds of >?

Satisfied Customers We Can Install ElectricPeople whose homes we have equipped Heat In Your Homefor Electric Heat will vouch for de- _ . _

pendability of our workmanship and In A Single Daythe quality of materials we use. If Necessary, Regardless of the Weather.

Enjoy Spring Like Comfort AllWinter Long


HEELINGAnd who doesn't make mis-

takes?If we consider the number

of errors we all make in thecourse of a day. it seems littleless than amazing that therearen't more wrecks.

The steno spells a wordwrong, a mistake. The house-wife. paring vegetables, gets

a cut finger, a mistake. Thebusinessman dials a wrongnumber, a mistake. Such mis-takes are called minor becauseno great harm has been done.

But make an ordinary mis-take on the highway at 60miles an hour, or at 15 milesan hour in a school zone, anda minor slip becomes major.

Mainly because the result islikely to be devastating!

That's why well intentioneddrivers must know how todrive under all kinds of cir-cumstances. And then givedriving their undivided atten-tion.

The do-it-yourself homeown-er climbing a ladder to paintgutters is very, very careful toavoid falling. He pays full at-tention to the business at hand.

To be less cautious whiledriving is both foolish anddeadly.

SUDDEN THAWT ... Intraffic some drivers constant-ly keep their bad breaks re-lined.

SHORT SHOTS ... A Britishmotorcycle rider was finedtwo pounds on each count of"making a noise and not be-ing able to make a noise." Ex-planation. The hapless cyclistwas charged with operatinghis bike with no muffler, nohorn.

In Canada a man was ar-rested and convicted for "Dis-orderly riding of a horse in thepublic street." He was givenoptions, as punishment, of a10 shilling fine, working fourdays on the public roads or10 lashes well laid on. His de-

cision, though, is lost to his-tory; the event occurred in1793 and probably was Cana-da's first "traffic offense."

In Ohio, a speeding driverwas arrested and fined. A




¥ t ? II u

«*PP*_ J \u25a0Myl

Style is much mow than a chair, a table,a color scheme, apav»tlaxl*rsilhouette or period. Style is you-the best andtte bright*est qualities of you, as expressed in your home, your andsflCliving,the welcome you extend to friends and the havsa yoa nM

selects furniture with ? tt">»less charm from the Cots «TQr collection of Thomasfille Fund,tun Industries for this captivating room. In this swtting, styie iawindows to the floor, books to the eeiling, espresso served «»

low, round table. Style is being at home among the grainy wood*and robust carvings of furniture with a distinct Mediterraneanaccent An extendable game or snack table stands in the company

of "X" legged chairs (very Spanish these). Handprinted cotton!shading the windows, takes its pattern from an old, painted-woodpaneL Bookcases have recesses painted white for contrast} «W

are wood-latticed; valanaw arched and highlighted with vUtfa

week later while driving downthe same roadway, he spotted

the same officer in his rearview mirror, spitefully slow-ed down to a crawl and waspromptly arrested again for?driving too slow.

Many years ago an anony-mous versifier drew up thisguide for driving horse drawnvehicles on English roads

we have used in the past"...Say MR. AND MBS. R. L. McBRIDE OF ROUTE 3, NEW WALKERTOWN ROAD

r 11 Weston I

Mora and more Carolinians are enjoying the ex--1 June 1D ' \ elusive odvantage of FLAMELESS ELECTRIC COM--1 v \ FORT HEATING ... not only are they pleased\ Duke Power Comp y I with the reasonable cost .. . but with the con-\

.. ru nna« «ur h.H? «* 1 venience of Individual room thermostats. Walls,

I .g/o w® t Seating systems, 1 draperies, curtains are cleaner because there's less1 During Jur*, Litigating all */P* because'- I dust ?no odors. And electric comfort heating is

1 11 l*» 1\u25a0 eieetHc b your new *«*?

. 1 nff or ran jvut win ruwm resi-\u25a0 rost even less. advantage 1 jentlal representative. Duke Power

\u25a0 rnake twßeonv# nlenee, we o which 1 neither sells or Installs flamless elec-

\u25a0 As an additional payn*£ ,c -ervte* 1 trie heating systems, but welcomes the\u25a0 Qf Duke aH aur electric sarv .

opportunity to you.\u25a0 permits us tojpav'**

j-Mc heating* 1\u25a0 monthly\u25a0 We wauW I\u25a0 onyan»w^ trtnß

, Robert M**1"0* 1I existing home. jjgned: W*- J

IBCailflSH ©122 S. Main St. Mocksville, N. C. Phone 634-2179

where, even today, traffickeeps left;

"The rule of the road's ananomaly quite.

In riding or driving along;If you go to the left you're

sure to go right.Ifyou go to the right you go


Patronize Our Advertisers

\u25a0Ciilteim, If. CL), Imml. Thmrday, Oct T, IMC


j SUIT THAT REALLY FITS?! IT IS OUR PLEASURE to show" without obligation s#o distinctive

\u25a0 imported mud domestic fabrics



OCTOBER 12thYou can select from 500 of theworld's finest weaves . . . Year-

round suitings . . Lighter weighttropicals and blends containingsilk or dacron Sportcoatings andmany others will be on displayfor you to choose from.

If you are one of those fellowswho can't fit into a stock suitwithout major alterations aCustom Tailored Suit to yourown measurements is your an-swer. Make a date today to get aperfect fit and be ready for any



I C. C. SANFORD SONS CO.Home Of Better Merchandise

Mocksville, N. C.

Page 6