The __________ were privateers working for the King of France, attacking the ships of France’s enemies. In France they did not need to fear punishment for piracy—being hanged—as they were granted a license which legitimized their actions to the French justice system. The name _________ derives from the commissioning document received from the king, the Lettre de Course ("racing letter" or "racing commission"). The "race", la course, was a euphemism for chasing down foreign merchant shipping.


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The __________ were privateers working for the King of France, attacking the ships of France’s enemies. In

France they did not need to fear punishment for piracy—being hanged—as they were granted a license which legitimized their actions to the French justice system. The name _________ derives from the commissioning

document received from the king, the Lettre de Course ("racing letter" or "racing commission"). The

"race", la course, was a euphemism for chasing down foreign merchant shipping.


In 1966, Harvard psychologists Roger Brown and David McNeill reported the first empirical investigation of the

X state. They recounted, "[t]he signs of it were unmistakable" and "he [a research participant] would appear to be in mild torment, something like on the

brink of a sneeze, and if he found it his relief was considerable." They also found that X is a fairly

universal phenomenon, Xs occur about once a week and increase as you age, and they're often caused by

proper names.Identify X.




A statement from World Indoor Championship Bowls officials after the sport gained its first

________ in the shape of Tracy Sergeant: “After having studied the whole unsavoury incident on 43 occasions, including slow-motion replays, we have decided against implementing a rule that

spectators should ____________________________.”

What is common to all these sendings-off?

X Night (or “bonfire night”), held on 5 November in the United Kingdom and some parts of the Commonwealth, is a

commemoration of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, during which an effigy of X is burned, often accompanied by a fireworks display. In 18th-century England, it became a tradition for

children to display a grotesque effigy of X, termed a “Y”, as part of the Bonfire Night celebration. As part of the tradition, they

would often stand on street corners begging for "a penny for the Y". The “Y” would be burned on a bonfire at the end of the

evening. As a consequence, “Y” came to mean a man of odd appearance. Subsequently, in American English, “Y” lost any pejorative connotation, becoming a simple reference for any

man.Identify X and Y.

For which country and what occasion was this Google doodle used?

A ________ language is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common, in situations such as trade, or where both groups speak

languages different than the language of the country in which they reside (but there is no common language between the groups). A “________” language is, fundamentally, a simplified means of linguistic communication,

as is constructed impromptu, or by convention, between groups of people.





Kasper Gutman (Sydney Greenstreet)



The name for which event originated from the participants being granted a cloth cross (crux) to be sewn into their clothes?