http://www.entrepreneur.com/topic/mentors/2 http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/228231 https://kuler.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/ Marcus Aurelius, The Emperor s Handbook. Emperor of Rome from 161 to 180 A.D., Mar cus Aurelius is considered one of history s philosopher kings, and his Meditations w ere perhaps his most lasting legacy. Never meant to be published, Marcus writings on Stoicism, life, and leadership were the personal notes he used to make sense of the world. They remain a wonderful insight into the mind of a man who ruled history s most revered empire at the age of 40 and provide remarkably practical ad vice for everyday life. This is the translation I ve found most accessible. Viktor Frankl, Man s Search for Meaning. Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatris t who survived life in the Nazi concentration camps. Man s Search for Meaning is r eally two books one dedicated to recounting his frightening ordeal in the camps (interpreted through his eyes as a psychiatrist) and the other a treatise on his theory, logotherapy. His story alone is worth the read a reminder of the depths and heights of human nature and the central contention of logotherapy that life is primarily about the search for meaning has inspired leaders for generations. Tom Wolfe, A Man in Full. Tom Wolfe founded the New Journalism school and was on e of America s most brilliant writers of nonfiction (books and essays like The Ele ctric Kool-Aid Acid Test) before he became one of her most notable novelists. Of ten better known for his portrait of 1980s New York, The Bonfire of the Vanities , A Man in Full is his novel about race, status, business, and a number of other topics in modern Atlanta. It was Wolfe s attempt, as Michael Lewis noted, at stuff ing of the whole of contemporary America into a single, great, sprawling comic w ork of art. It s sure to inspire reflection in burgeoning leaders. Michael Lewis, Liar s Poker. One of the first books I read upon graduating college , Liar s Poker is acclaimed author Michael Lewis first book a captivating story abo ut his short-lived postcollegiate career as a bond salesman in the 1980s. Lewis has become perhaps the most notable chronicler of modern business, and Liar s Poke r is both a fascinating history of Wall Street (and the broader financial world) in the 1980s and a cautionary tale to ambitious young business leaders about th e temptations, challenges, and disappointments (not to mention colorful characte rs) they may face in their careers. Jim Collins, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don t. What does it take to make a great company, and what traits will young businesspeople need to lead them? Jim Collins introduced new rigor to the evaluation of busines s leadership in his instant classic Good to Great, with a research team reviewin g 6,000 articles and generating 2,000 pages of interview transcripts. The result i s a systematic treatise on making a company great, with particularly interesting findings around what Collins calls Level 5 Leadership that have changed the face of modern business. Robert Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Persuasion is at the h eart of business, where leaders must reach clients, customers, suppliers, and em ployees. Cialdini s classic on the core principals of persuasion is a sterling exa mple of the cross application of psychological principles to business life. Base d on his personal experiences and interviews with everyone from expert car sales men to real estate salespeople Cialdini s book is riveting and, yes, persuasive. I t serves as a great introduction to other works by modern writers like Malcolm G ladwell and Steven Levitt, who translate theories from the social and physical s ciences into everyday life. Richard Tedlow, Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires

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Marcus Aurelius, The Emperor�s Handbook. Emperor of Rome from 161 to 180 A.D., Marcus Aurelius is considered one of history�s �philosopher kings,� and his Meditations were perhaps his most lasting legacy. Never meant to be published, Marcus� writings on Stoicism, life, and leadership were the personal notes he used to make sense of the world. They remain a wonderful insight into the mind of a man who ruled history�s most revered empire at the age of 40 and provide remarkably practical advice for everyday life. This is the translation I�ve found most accessible.

Viktor Frankl, Man�s Search for Meaning. Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who survived life in the Nazi concentration camps. Man�s Search for Meaning is really two books � one dedicated to recounting his frightening ordeal in the camps (interpreted through his eyes as a psychiatrist) and the other a treatise on his theory, logotherapy. His story alone is worth the read � a reminder of the depths and heights of human nature � and the central contention of logotherapy � that life is primarily about the search for meaning � has inspired leaders for generations.

Tom Wolfe, A Man in Full. Tom Wolfe founded the New Journalism school and was one of America�s most brilliant writers of nonfiction (books and essays like The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test) before he became one of her most notable novelists. Often better known for his portrait of 1980s New York, The Bonfire of the Vanities, A Man in Full is his novel about race, status, business, and a number of other topics in modern Atlanta. It was Wolfe�s attempt, as Michael Lewis noted, at �stuffing of the whole of contemporary America into a single, great, sprawling comic work of art.� It�s sure to inspire reflection in burgeoning leaders.

Michael Lewis, Liar�s Poker. One of the first books I read upon graduating college, Liar�s Poker is acclaimed author Michael Lewis� first book � a captivating story about his short-lived postcollegiate career as a bond salesman in the 1980s. Lewis has become perhaps the most notable chronicler of modern business, and Liar�s Poker is both a fascinating history of Wall Street (and the broader financial world) in the 1980s and a cautionary tale to ambitious young business leaders about the temptations, challenges, and disappointments (not to mention colorful characters) they may face in their careers.

Jim Collins, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap�and Others Don�t. What does it take to make a great company, and what traits will young businesspeople need to lead them? Jim Collins introduced new rigor to the evaluation of business leadership in his instant classic Good to Great, with a research team reviewing �6,000 articles and generating 2,000 pages of interview transcripts.� The result is a systematic treatise on making a company great, with particularly interesting findings around what Collins calls �Level 5 Leadership� that have changed the face of modern business.

Robert Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Persuasion is at the heart of business, where leaders must reach clients, customers, suppliers, and employees. Cialdini�s classic on the core principals of persuasion is a sterling example of the cross application of psychological principles to business life. Based on his personal experiences and interviews � with everyone from expert car salesmen to real estate salespeople � Cialdini�s book is riveting and, yes, persuasive. It serves as a great introduction to other works by modern writers like Malcolm Gladwell and Steven Levitt, who translate theories from the social and physical sciences into everyday life.

Richard Tedlow, Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires

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They Built. Richard Tedlow taught one of my favorite business school classes, The Coming of Managerial Capitalism, and this book is something like a distillation of a few of the high points of that class. Giants of Enterprise chronicles the lives of some of the businesspeople � Carnegie, Ford, Eastman, Walton � who shaped the world we live in today. It�s a brief introduction to the figures and companies who built modern business for the young business leader seeking to shape the future.

Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World. Financial capital is at the heart of capitalism. Any young person aspiring to business leadership should understand the financial world we live in. Ferguson is one of our era�s preeminent popular historians, and The Ascent of Money traces the evolution of money and financial markets from the ancient world to the modern era. It�s an essential primer on the history and current state of finance.

Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator�s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Clay Christensen was recently ranked the world�s greatest business thinker by Thinkers50, and his breakout book was a thoughtful tome on innovation and �disruption� called The Innovator�s Dilemma. All of Christensen�s books are essential reads, but this is perhaps the most foundational for any young leader wondering how to drive business innovation and fight competitors constantly threatening to disrupt his or her business model with new technology.

Stephen R. Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey�s book represents the best in self-help. His advice � about prioritization, empathy, self-renewal, and other topics � is both insightful and practical. Seven Habits can be useful to the personal and professional development of anyone charting a career in business.

Bill George, True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership. A hallmark of next-generation business leaders is a focus on authenticity. Bill George has pioneered an approach to authentic leadership development articulated well in his second book, True North. George (who, full disclosure, I�ve coauthored with before) conducted more than 100 interviews with senior leaders in crafting the book, and offers advice for young leaders on knowing themselves and translating that knowledge into a personal set of principles for leadership.

Web 2.0 -- I thrive in Meetups, industry events, webinars and on LinkedInDrinks & Deals -- You'll find me making connections at bars and coffee shopsNew School -- I network where it's least expected like Burning Man and Second LifeCorporate Titan -- My deals are made on the golf course and at executive retreatsReworkYou Will Learn: A better, faster, easier way to succeed in business. Read it and you�ll know why plans are actually harmful, why you don�t need outside investors, and why you�re better off ignoring the competition. The truth is, you need less than you think. You don�t need to be a workaholic. You don�t need to staff up. You don�t need to waste time on paperwork or meetings. You don�t even need an office. Those are all just excuses.

Co-written by David Heinemeier Hansson a previous guest here!

What Brenton Hayden had to say, �My favorite book is Rework. They have a chapter in there �Fire the Workaholics.� If you�re working too hard, you�re not doing it right. That�s not to say not to work hard, but you need what I call clarity breaks.

If you�re tired, don�t work anymore. If you�re frustrated, stop working. If you�re angry, don�t write anymore emails, don�t do anymore work, your work will always be affected by that. If your project is taking significantly longer than you had antic

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ipated, it is probably time to cancel that project or see if there is something that you�ve got that is an MVP of a viable product.�

Buy REWORK on Amazon.

Inbound Marketing You Will Learn: How to stop pushing your message out and start pulling your customers in. Inbound Marketing is a how-to guide to getting found via Google, the blogosphere, and social media sites.

What Jerry Mills had to say, �There�s a great book by, anybody who is thinking about starting a business they should read this book, it�s called Inbound Marketing by the guys at Hub Spot.�


Awaken the Giant Within

You Will Learn: Practical guidelines for concentrating your thoughts and emotions on the attainment of your goals.

What Derek Sivers had to say: �I read Awaken the Giant Within. Someone who was a real mentor to me gave me this book and said you should read this. With that kind of heavy recommendation from somebody I admired, I really gave it my full attention and really dove in and read it not just once but like five times over the next five years and really ingested it.�



You Will Learn: That we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing.

What Frank McKinney said, �I want everybody to listen very carefully. There is a great author out there by the name of Malcolm Gladwell. You may have heard of him. He wrote �The Tipping Point�, he wrote �Blink�, and he wrote a book called �Outliers.�

I read in �Outliers� that to become an expert at anything in life, you need to put in 10,000 hours. If you want to be an expert real estate person, you want to be an expert author, I did the math.. It takes five years at forty hours a week to equal 10,000 hours. I was so astonished when I looked back and realized that�s exactly what I did.�

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The Dip

You Will Learn: If your goal is even worth the hassle. Maybe you�re in a Dip�a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it�s really a Cul-de-Sac, which will never get better, no matter how hard you try. This book helps you determine which one you are in.

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What Michael Port had to say: �One of my colleagues Seth Godin wrote a great book called The Dip. It basically makes one big point. He says there�s this American idea that you never should quit anything you do. The person who doesn�t give up always wins. He says actually that�s not necessarily the case. Sometimes quitters do win. That�s different. That�s not contradictory to the concept of the pursuit of mastery, what I�m suggesting earlier. It�s not about dabbling. It�s not about a little bit of this, little bit of that, little bit of this. It�s about having the fortitude to look at what you�re doing and identifying the dip, as he calls it.�

Buy THE DIP on Amazon.

Good to GreatYou Will Learn: How good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness.

What Michael Port said, �If you read Good to Great by Jim Collins, it talks about great leaders deal with reality. They don�t make stuff up. They don�t pretend things are one way when they�re actually another way.�

Buy GOOD TO GREAT on Amazon.

Rich Dad Poor DadYou Will Learn: The principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even the best of traditional jobs.

What Dane Maxwell had to say, � It all started when I read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. I�m not a typically really super intelligent guy so I really appreciated the simplistic way that Rich Dad Poor Dad explained financial wealth. He talked about passive income and not exchanging time for money.�

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What Brad Schy said, �I�d say if you�re an aspiring entrepreneur, that you should read Michael Gerber The E-Myth. I would absolutely recommend that. Now I wish I had again implemented everything that he said. �

Buy THE E MYTH on Amazon.

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What Michael Hyatt said: �Steven Pressfield is an absolutely must read and I don�t know how many copies I�ve given away of the War of Art, but you need to read his whole discussion about the resistance.�

Buy THE ART OF WAR on Amazon.

Four Hour Work Week

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You Will Learn: Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, The 4-Hour Workweek is the blueprint.

What Hanny Lerner had to say: �I love the book the 4-Hour Work Week and although not everything obviously relates, but I love the idea of building a business that can run without you there working. You need to work on your business, not in your business. It�s so true. If you build a business around everything being done without you there, A) you have more time to do other ideas and other ventures and B) you just can enjoy life. It�s a great book.�


The Lean Startup

You Will Learn: Inspired by lessons from lean manufacturing, the Lean Startup relies on �validated learning,� rapid scientific experimentation, as well as a number of counter-intuitive practices that shorten product development cycles, measure actual progress without resorting to vanity metrics, and learn what customers really want. It enables a company to shift directions with agility, altering plans inch by inch, minute by minute.

What Neil Patel has to say: �The Lean Startup was one of them. Another one is The Dip by Seth Godin. Those are some books that I would check out if you want to be an entrepreneur and figure out how to create a business online.�


Honorable Mentions:Blue Ocean Strategy

You Will Learn: Challenge everything you thought you knew about competing in today�s crowded market place. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than a hundred years and thirty industries, it argues that lasting success comes from creating �blue oceans�: untapped new market spaces ripe from growth and skipping the bloody red oceans of rivals.

What Marissa Levin had to say: � I also am a big fan of The Blue Ocean Strategy. Basically what that says is that rather than competing with a competitor, what you want to do is really create uncontested market space. How can you basically become one of a kind in a sea of competitors? It talks about great examples of how that�s happened. So I think that�s a great book.�


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- See more at: http://eventualmillionaire.com/10books/#sthash.cYjpdPGI.dpufHamid Mir should be told to give public apology for creating a propaganda of mistrust between the people and its govt. agency i.e that ISI is not fair or sincere in carrying out its state obligations

The air time given to 'un-scrutinized allegation' that the country's own government agency is responsible for the attack on Hamid Mir at the airport.

The media has a greater responsibility role to play to bring forward the truth to the public then to air someone's whim in the light of freedom of speech.

This directly damages the reputation of ISI and the relationship it has with the public, when Pakistan's own news channel atrociously voice the concerns of an anchor without being held liable to come forth with evidence / proofs to support such claims.

July 5, 1977 And Its Lasting RamificationsBy Wajid Shamsul HasanLONDON, July 05, 2005You are here Bhutto TrialNations are proud of some dates as inerasable landmarks that make them hold their heads high. Such as July 4 when "we the people" formed the United States of America, set the world ablaze with a new momentum to human endeavour, gave new meaning to human liberty and dignity, equality and fraternity and opened floodgates of change globally. However, not many nations can forget some dates that have scarred their lives eternally.Pakistan is no exception to it. July 5, 1977 was the darkest day in our checkered history when General Ziaul Haq uprooted the nascent sapling of democracy. And that act of high treason committed by him continues to hang like a cursed albatross with all its evil ramifications casting a long shadow of doubt on country's future.

Why I have chosen to write on July 5, 1977 nearly 28 years down the road is its continuing impact, the similarities between General Zia's and Pakistan under General Pervez Musharraf and the fact that military rule than had put Pakistan on the road to destruction and under Musharraf the journey to doom is doing the final run.

Pakistan's 'savior' in 1977 had dug the country's grave; our latest 'saviour' now is all geared up to lay the body to rest.

The Quaid had established Pakistan with hopes of making it a model of a democratic state. While Zia made Mr Jinnah's dream sour, it is Musharraf who has converted it into a horrific nightmare. Zia's greatest disservice to Quaid's Pakistan was to drown his democratic liberal ideological Muslim moorings into an ocean of confusion with the objective of converting it into a Sunni Wahabi state.

I am referring to this issue because of the controversy ignited by Indian BJP leader Mr L. K. Advani. It has finally dawned upon him that Mr Jinnah was a secularist and not a communalist. It is indeed an irony for Mr Jinnah that we in Pakis

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tan have to have a certificate from Mr L.K. Advani to merely assert the truth and nothing but the whole truth what Mr Jinnah was. As early as 1893 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan had made it clear that India was a two-nation state. He based this observation not on ground of religion but on account of economic disparities. He believed that Muslims with the best of education and talent would always be outnumbered by sheer numerical strength of the Hindus when competing for jobs. Nowhere did he assert that Muslims as a religious minority would be at the receiving end. Besides, Muslims at that time were free to go to their mosques, observe their religious festivals and prayers without any hindrance.

It was fear of economic annihilation at the hands of the majority rather than religious domination became the raison d'etre for a separate Muslim homeland. Mr Jinnah's Pakistan was to be essentially an egalitarian state based on the sound principles of Islamic social justice and use of religion was to be forbidden to identity its citizens. They were to be equal, free to go to their mosques, their temples, churches etc., and that religion had nothing to do with the affairs of the state. In short, his idea of Pakistan was to be a modern democracy-with minorities and women enjoying equal rights.

Zia straight jacketed Pakistan into his Sunni-Wahabi-Deobandi mould. His ten years were most abusive for the minorities and oppressive for women.

Remember Nawabpur incident when village women were paraded in the nude, molested, depraved and outraged in public. Ever since then such orgies have become a common feature to the point that now under Musharraf hardly a week passes when a woman or two are not raped, paraded in the nude and their spoilers remain unpunished.

The General instead of going after the criminals has extended to them a license to do it more with pleasure, by putting a ban on the travel of such victims (i.e. Mukhataran Mai case). Now he wants to resolve the issue of the growing incidence of rapes by calling a convention of rape victims to hear their tragic stories. This seems to be a sickening manifestation of a sadist mentality reflected in his desire to hear rape stories. If Dr Freud were alive and had to examine him, he would have surely pronounced such a person as a sex maniac and depraved pervert. Not only the rape cases, in others too his government supports men who disparage womenfolk. Look at the fate of the opposition's legislative bid to outlaw Karo-karo-the so-called honour killings that too have acquired an epidemic form under Musharraf and that have been justified by his King's Party. Besides, to rub salt into the national wounds, the General does not get tired of orchestrating on his enlightened moderation and when it comes to action-be it removal of highly abused blasphemy law, draconian action against rapists or putting his foot down firmly to stop introduction of religious column to discriminately identify Pakistani citizens in the new passports, the General surrenders to the religious extremists as usual.

When I compare Zia's with Musharraf's time, I am reminded of a story of a notorious coffin thief who had made life miserable in a village by stealing coffins from bodies in the graveyard. Villagers took turns to guard the graves. Their vigil did pay off but the moment they relaxed, the devil struck again. Finally Providence heard their prayers and the coffin thief was on his deathbed. He summoned his sons and asked who among them would do something extra-ordinary that would make the villagers remember him kindly. His son in the army promised that he would do something that will force villagers to remember his father kindly. For a few days there was no incident at the graveyard until the coffin thieve's son got back home on leave.

Lo and behold, soon villagers found themselves facing a bigger predicament.

Now some one was not only stealing the coffin but also putting a spear through t

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he body. They gathered in the local mosque to discuss the new problem. Every one among those who spoke on the occasion remembered kindly the deceased coffin thief for respecting the bodies and cursed the new for not only stealing the coffin but also desecrating the dead. The moral of the story is obvious.

(1): Musharraf has definitely made good use of his nearly six years of power by outdoing Zia. No doubt Ayub started it all, Yahya followed him, it was General Zia who laid the foundation and it is Musharraf who as the incarnation of all three has soldered all the dirty tricks of the Praetorian management as the primary weapon of demolishing the civil society beyond reprieve.

(2): All the four military dictators-more so Musharraf-- obtrusively raped the constitutions of the day and trampled with their jackboots those institutional oaths that give meaning to patriotism, loyalty and commitment by all and sundry to serve and protect the country more dearer than their children.

(3): Except Yahya who did not get time-rest of the three dictators had referendums carried out for perpetuating their hold on power. Zia had a referendum on the issue whether people liked Islam or not and by virtue of the seven per cent of the votes cast in favor, declared himself President for all time. Musharraf circumvented the constitutional requirements for presidential election by holding his own referendum to declare himself President. He had 97 % votes cast in his favour of the total seven per cent registered voters who voted in the internationally declared fraudulent referendum.

(4): General Zia had made the judges of superior courts take oath on his provisional constitutional order so did General Musharraf. Both showed the door to those self-respecting judges who refused to join hands- although few and far between-who preferred to stay put at home defending their honor.

(5) Like Zia's various electoral contraptions to keep doors closed on Benazir Bhutto, Musharraf commissioned polls in October 2002 were loaded with Bhutto-specific laws to keep her out of the electoral race, declared by international observers as overly rigged and manipulated before, during and after the votes had been cast-in favor of King's Party and Mullas of MMA in cahoots with his Intelligence apparatus. He has kept the mullahs alive and kicking to blackmail the Americans as well to counter the liberal democratic forces.

(6): Musharraf's Legal Framework Order (LFO) later incorporated in the Constitution of 1973 as part of a sinister deal between him and the MMA-making him an absolute ruler-has been much of distortion, disfigurement and dislocation of a sacrosanct document playing foul with it that amounts to high treason and carries with it death sentence as punishment.

(7): When one refers to political horse-trading during his time, Musharraf wins the race hands down. Bunch of political thugs, co-op swindlers, sunshine politicians-all wanted by his very own National Accountability Bureau for various financial scams running into billions-have been allowed by him to remain scot-free in exchange of political support that he needs to sustain himself. Over and above that they have been given an open licence to convert their ill-gotten millions into trillions. The entire accountability process has become a joke. His minister of Information acknowledged the other day that the country is in the grip of various mafias. Invariably most of the uniformed top guns or their kith and kin are doing full time real estate business. Besides the whole army of white-collar criminals, many of the king pins in his government are history sheeters and killers.

(8): The Constitution of 1973 was the most outstanding achievement of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and the post-1971 political leadership. It resolved the tricky issue of the quantum of provincial autonomy to the satisfaction of the elected represen

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tatives of the federating units who agreed to its shape and form unanimously. By introducing arbitrary amendments in the 1973 Constitution, he converted it into a handmaid of the President and Praetorian centre to transform it into a garrison state rather than the guarantor of equal distribution of resources, just power sharing, equality in job opportunities to all the citizens of the federation. By pitching one province against the other, fanning of fissiparous tendencies and by letting the Mullas run berserk-he has provided fuel to a process initiated by General Ziaul Haq, that would sooner than later Talibanise Pakistan.

(9): Remember Zia's promise of holding elections in 90 days and his great betrayal. As his obedient follower Musharraf more or less did the same when in December 2003 he pledged that he would give up the post of army chief by December 31, 2004. He is still holding the two offices and the news is that he would keep his uniform until 2012. His uniform is what hair to Samson were-source of all his manly strength and prowess.

(10) Zia demolished Pak-Afghan borders for the American Jihad. Zia kept quiet on Kashmir, Musharraf is about to do a sell-out. He has already surrendered Pakistan's traditional stand. Musharraf has rendered our independence into a myth for Washington's war on terrorism. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave his life to provide nuclear glow to Pakistan, Musharraf is hell bent in extinguishing it. South Waziristan is still under Pakistani military's occupation with American commanders breathing hot air down our necks. There is a civil war on in Baluchistan. Instead of putting balm on their ulcerating wounds, Musharraf wants to hit them hard so hard that they would not know what hit them. The Baluch Liberation Army has been striking with great impunity. Even Chief Minister Jam Yusuf's well-secured residence is not safe and is hit by rockets. Anger from Dr Shazia's rape continues to simmer. It reminds one of General "Tiger" Niazi who used to ask his officers and jawans during the civil war in East Pakistan not how many enemies did they kill but how women did they rape.

This is the story of Pakistan under Musharraf and it began under General Zia on that ill-fated July 5, 1977. Pakistan today is not known for enlightened moderation but because of the outrageous stories of rape like that of Mukhtaran Mia and Musharraf's bid to kill the patient rather than cure the disease by putting a ban on her travel. Zia sowed the seeds of Balkanisation and Talibanizaton, Musharraf's policies have made it a failed state or a failing state that is likely to meet the fate of Yugoslavia under its jackbooted leadership.

If I get down to enumerate in detail what more is common between Zia and Musharraf, I will require many thousand words to do some justice to the topic. Briefly, I will remind the readers to recall the co-op and financial scams of Zia's time and look for the key players in them. They will find them safely ensconced in Musharraf's cabinet or perched in high offices in his King's party. Zia lost Siachen Glacier to India without firing a shot in its defense, Musharraf's Kargil misadventure has had a devastating effect on the morale of the Pakistani jawans-many of whose colleagues were brought dead in the dark of night and post mortemed to discover they had been living on grass while their generals continued to lead "spirited" lives that according to Shakespeare "takes away the performance".

Both Zia and Musharraf sold Pakistan's vital interests by assuming the role of disposables in the service of their foreign masters. President-General Musharraf as the so-called democratic leader of the "most militarized state" in the world has acquired the stamp of legitimacy not from his own people but from outsiders. Zia had laid the foundation of making Pakistani military a business enterprise; Musharraf has erected a whole empire on it. There is a consensus that our generals have pushed Pakistan into a quagmire of problems that pose much more serious a challenge than that of 1971. When they surrendered half of the country to the Indian army (December 16, 1971), the residual Pakistan was fortunate enough to have a dynamic leader like Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who had the enormous capacity to

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"pick up the pieces" and re-galvanize them into a proud nation. Unfortunately, with a General fully dressed in army chief's uniform as the President backed to the hilt by "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" taking the country onto the road to disaster, there is no one within Pakistan who could save the country as Zulfikar Ali Bhutto did when the defeated generals handed him over a truncated Pakistan.

There is no doubt that Pakistan today is at a cross- road. There is a big question mark on its future and its very survival as a federal state is in doubt especially when its generals and those politicians in cahoots with them seem to be determined in pushing Quaid's Pakistan it into the dustbin of history. Since we are facing a situation worse than 1971, we have got to go back to the leadership that could emulate Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's foot steps to bring the country back to safety from the edge of the precipice.

The writer is a former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK, now living in London

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