The theme for 2017, Sharing the Journey, offers all of us a chance to look back, reflect on and give thanks for all who have been part of the journey of Catholic Education Our vision and mission of Catholic Education to make a difference to the lives of all in our schools especially educating our children in reaching their full potential and to live out the message of Jesus in our everyday life is alive and well. St Peter’s, in its 41 st year has its place as one of over 130 Brisbane Catholic Education schools and we have much to reflect on and celebrate as a community. St Peter’s is very much an expression of each person that is part of it students, parents, staff and the wider parish community. The gospel mission and Jesus are central to what we do here. This week let us recognise and celebrate being a community of faith, learning and peace. Let us make Jesus known to others. May we open our eyes to find Jesus present in all aspects of our lives. May we use our words and actions to draw attention to those in need. May we welcome the strangers in our midst and provide them comfort and shelter. May we walk beside all we meet and enjoy their companionship on the journey of our lives. Amen Aug 4 Prep-Year 2 Athletics Carnival Confirmation Aug 11 Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival Aug 20 P & F Working Bee Sept 1 Father’s Day Breakfast Sept 4-6 Year 5 Camp – Mapleton Sept 7 Zones Athletics Aug 21-28 Book Week Sept 14 Interschool Sports Carnival, Year 3-6

Fathers Day - St Peter’s Catholic School Rochedale

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Page 1: Fathers Day - St Peter’s Catholic School Rochedale

The theme for 2017, Sharing the Journey, offers all of us a chance to look back,

reflect on and give thanks for all who have been part of the journey of Catholic

Education – Our vision and mission of Catholic Education – to make a difference

to the lives of all in our schools especially educating our children in reaching

their full potential and to live out the message of Jesus in our everyday life is

alive and well. St Peter’s, in its 41st year has its place as one of over 130

Brisbane Catholic Education schools and we have much to reflect on and

celebrate as a community. St Peter’s is very much an expression of each person

that is part of it – students, parents, staff and the wider parish community. The

gospel mission and Jesus are central to what we do here. This week let us

recognise and celebrate being a community of faith, learning and peace.

Let us make Jesus known to others.

May we open our eyes to find Jesus present in all aspects of our lives.

May we use our words and actions to draw attention to those in need.

May we welcome the strangers in our midst and provide them comfort and shelter.

May we walk beside all we meet and enjoy their companionship on the journey of our

lives. Amen

Aug 4 Prep-Year 2 Athletics Carnival Confirmation Aug 11 Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival Aug 20 P & F Working Bee Sept 1 Father’s Day Breakfast Sept 4-6 Year 5 Camp – Mapleton Sept 7 Zones Athletics Aug 21-28 Book Week Sept 14 Interschool Sports Carnival, Year 3-6

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Page 3: Fathers Day - St Peter’s Catholic School Rochedale

Staffing News: After completing recent advertising processes, we are pleased to welcome Ms Nicole Day to our office staff. Nicole will be

at our student reception desk and will work Monday to Thursdays. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Mrs

Pauline Angus for the wonderful way she cared for students, teachers and the whole community. We will see Pauline in a

relief capacity in the future.

Principal Consultation: On Monday, all parents were emailed an invitation to the upcoming parent consultation process

which helps to inform Brisbane Catholic Education in shortlisting prospective people for the position.

You are invited to attend a face to face consultation with the Area Supervisor, Anne McKenny, this Thursday afternoon 27

July at 2pm. Ms McKenny will outline further detail about the process and facilitate the consultation process. Can you

please RSVP to [email protected] if you are able to attend. Alternatively, please find below a link to the

Parent Consultation Survey for this vacancy. Once completed and submitted, the survey is returned to Brisbane Catholic

Education for collating. Your survey response is totally anonymous. The period for responses will close on Friday 4

August 2017.

Other Quick Messages Updated Policy: The school’s Privacy Policy and Collection Notice has been updated to take account of the changes to

the Privacy Act 1988. The policy can be viewed from our school portal or on our public website.

Public Holiday Announcement 2018 (only): Recently the Minister for Education, Tourism, Major Events and the

Commonwealth Games, Kate Jones, announced a change to Education Queensland's school holidays and professional

development days for 2018. The Minister advised that the Easter school holiday period will be extended by 1 day for

students and school will not start until Tuesday 17 April 2018. The term dates for all BCE schools and colleges will also

change for 2018.This change is the result of transport requirements for the Commonwealth Games and subsequent bus

availability for the start of Term 2, 2018. On this day teachers will be involved in professional development.

I found this short video clip an interesting one because of the challenge it put out

to me about how we socialize children to fit into our world rather than let children

shine their creativity and view of the world (and how do we as adults live our life

in our everydayness.) If you have 5 minutes it’s a well put together little clip.

Wishing you a peaceful week


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News from Primary Learning Leader

ICAS National Testing

Last term a group of students from Grade 3 to 6 participated in the ICAS National testing in science. Students completed a

written test which assessed their skills in the key scientific areas of:

Observing and measuring - Noting and measuring features of items and phenomena

Interpreting data - Interpreting diagrams, tables and graphs

Applying data - Including inferring, predicting and concluding

Investigating - Experimental design, use of controls and notion of ‘fair test’

Higher-order skills - Including reasoning and problem solving=

All students are to be commended on the way they conducted themselves during these tests. All participants this week

received a certificate of participation with the results of these tests.

The following students are to be congratulated on their high level of achievement on the ICAS Science test. They will

receive their certificate of achievement on assembly this week.


Grade Six Charlotte Ryan Francis Wang


Grade Six Austin Hancock Brenton Peters

Grade Three Aavya Kewal Liam Hughson Erin Bampton


Grade Six Imogen Chandler Melody Chandler Megan Cridland

Grade Five Simeon Bampton Dean De Marco Luna Jazrawi Caitlin Mayo

Grade Four Ashley McGrath

Grade Three Erin Flood Rundong Yang

The ICAS - National English test will take place next Tuesday, the 1st of August for those students from Grades 3 to 6 who

registered earlier in the year. The test will be conducted from 1.30 to 3.00 in the hall. Best of luck to all these students.

Kind Regards,

Jo Cridland - Primary Learning Leader (PLL)

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NANO NAGLE LIBRARY NEWS Welcome back to Term 3 in the library. As you can see

above, the Theme for Book Week in 2017 is “Escape to

Everywhere” which is very open to interpretation.

During lessons this term all students will be working

with me making ourselves familiar with the shortlisted

books for this year. All the covers are on display in the

library and the list of the shortlisted books are available

online through the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of

Australia) website.

Here at St. Peters, our Book Week runs from Monday

21st to Monday 28th (Week 7).

We have a visiting author and illustrator Dr. Cameron

Stelzer coming to St. Peters on two separate days to

speak to the students and showcase some reading and

writing skills and his books. We will hold our annual

Great Book Swap for “The Indigenous Literacy

Foundation” and of course on the Friday our annual Book Week Dress Parade at Assembly time. The winning

books for 2017 will be announced at the assembly.

Closer to the time I will send out a timetable for the week. In the meantime …get thinking about those

costumes….this year any book character will fit the theme. Please use things you have at home, hiring costumes is

costly and not necessary. Also if you have any children’s books in good condition that you would like to donate for

our book swap please send them in before week 7.

Thank you and Happy Reading

May and Merrill

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SPORTS NEWS – WEDNESDAY 26th July Term 3 Dates

Please note these dates for your diary: Wednesday 3rd/Thursday 4th – Logan District Athletics Trials at JPC. Good luck to our team of Year 5/6 Students who are attending. Go St Peter’s! Thursday 3rd August – Eagles Baseball Clinic (Prep – Yr 2) during HPE time Friday 4th August – Prep – Yr 2 Mini Olympics (9-10.30am) Friday 11th August – Yr 3 – 6 Athletics Carnival (All Day) Thursday 7th September – Zone Athletics at QEII (team selected after Yr3-6 Athletics Carnival) Prep – Year 2 Athletics Carnival- Friday 4th August The excitement is mounting for our first Athletics Carnival. The students have been practising their running and rotational activities and are raring to go. Families will receive a paper copy of the program later this week with further information. Approximate time is 8.45am – 10.30am. We look forward to seeing as many parents/grandparents/friends to cheer on the students. Year 3 – 6 Athletics Carnival – Friday 11th August (All day) We look forward to our Yr3 – 6 Carnival on 11th August. In order for the smooth running of this event we require the assistance and help of some parents for our Field Events. Please refer to the note at the bottom of this newsletter if you can assist with Shot Put, Long Jump, Ball Games on the day. If you are unable to print and return the note, simply call the office and they can pass the info to me. We really do appreciate any time you have to offer on the day to ensure the smooth running of this event. No experience necessary. A program of events will be issued to families the week before the Carnival. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office or myself if you have any questions. Athletics Training Athletics Training is going well with a huge turnout from Yr 3-6. This will continue each Thursday until the Athletics Carnival from 3-4pm on the Top Oval. The focus is on gaining additional practice for the Athletics Carnival in Long Jump, Shot Putt, Sprints and Relays. Thank you to Mrs Sue, Mr Gaffney, Miss Henderson, Miss Watson & Mrs McDougall who are assisting with the training – much appreciated. Name _________________________________________ Contact No:_________________________ Child’s Name ___________________________________ Class _________________________ I will/will not be able to help with: (please tick activity and time when available)

10am 10.30am 11am 11.30am 12noon 12.30pm




Please return to School Office asap – Thank you

Have a great week, Mrs Dinnen

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Woolworths Earn & Learn 2017 This year we will be participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. Through this program we will be

able to get new educational resources for our school/early learning

centre – and all we need you to do is shop for your groceries at

Woolworths.From Wednesday 26th July to Tuesday 19th September

or while stock lasts, we are collecting Woolworths Earn & Learn

Stickers. You will get one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for

every $10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco and gift cards). Place the

Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn

Sticker Sheet and when it’s complete, the Sticker Sheet can be

dropped into the Collection Box here at the school or at your local

Woolworths. At the end of the promotion, we’ll be able to get

some great new equipment. The range is extensive and offers lots

of items ideal for our students – including resources for Maths,

English, Science and some fantastic fun supplies for Arts & Craft,

Sport and for our library. If you’d like to know more visit


Parish News

“Enrich your Faith” starting on the 3rd August at 7.30pm in the parish


Would you like to know more about your faith & how to use the Bible?

Please come along for a casual, easy listening, no exams and non-

threatening session with friends and fellow parishioners. RSVP Parish

Office on 3341 4421.

Lost Hats Could ALL families please check their child’s hat and make sure they haven’t picked somebody else’s up by accident. There are quite a few missing named hats throughout the school. Thank you.

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