Father Agnelo

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Page 3: Father Agnelo

Growing up is a process – a march towards the realization of the objectives of life. If

life is considered to be a book, then memories are precious illustrations in it.

Memories of school days are the most valuable not simply because of its ephemera in

reality but also due to the fact that it remains forever etched within us as an intrinsic

part of life. Precisely, this is what we have attempted in this edition of

'REFLECTIONS' – to receive memories – not only of Std. XII students, but also of

you and me. Can it be denied that we also travelled the vista of nostalgia may be in

varied degrees at one or other point of our life time? 'REFLECTIONS' is a tiny step

forward to rewind all of us back to our long lost school days through various articles,

poems and experiences of our very own students. The term 'end' or 'over' is relative –

nothing ever ends in the true sense of the term. Just as a sunset brings sunrise

similarly, one ending ushers a new beginning. It is thus the beginning of a new life for

our beloved students, as they cross the threshold of our school to undertake the

challenges of a new world awaiting them. Hence, on this auspicious day, let us bid

them the farewell with an ardent wish, that these saplings lovingly nurtured by us not

so long ago, may become a shady tree in distant future. Let us not make this day a day

of tears, but fill it up with prayers – A prayer for our dear students to become 'Avant

garde' of the modern world – awaiting them.



Published byEditorSub EditorsDesignerSpecial Gratitude to


Fr. Agnelo English School, SilvassaMr. Mario MenezesTr. Suchismita, Mr. DharmeshMr. DharmeshAll those who made this Venture a Success


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Education today demands commitment and

creativity. Commitment is one quality that Christian

schools led by the witness of the Principal are known

for. Dedication for others has been our ethos and I

can humbly say that the Society of Pilar has been

doing this for so many decades in Silvassa. I

appreciate the Manager, Fr. Angelino Vaz and the Principal, Fr. Diogo

Gama for being shining beacons of this spirit in Silvassa today.

Education has also to keep abreast of the times. The pioneering spirit

of the Pilar priest demands that our schools keep abreast of the times.

The child as the 'Image of God' is enabled to realize this in all aspects-

intellectual, physical and emotional – in our schools. This holistic look

at education, building on what God has innately put in us for the

greater good of the whole community forms the ethos of the Pilar

school. I feel genuinely happy that Fr. Agnelo School is striving on this

path. This magazine is one attempt towards realising our goal.

I wish the staff and the students all the best in all your endeavours and I

thank you on behalf of the Society of Pilar for making this school the

shining star of Silvassa.

May God Bless You.

Yours in the Lord,

Fr. Sebastiao Mascarenhas sfxProvincial Superior / Chairman G.E.S.



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My dear students of std. XII Science & Commerce, I

am reminded of a story of a child who was told to

place together the pieces of a jumbo jigsaw puzzle of

a world map. However much this child tried, he could

not succeed. Then someone gave the child a clue

and said, “Look at the other side of the pieces of the jigsaw and you will

find the picture of a man. Try first to put together the man in the jigsaw.'

The child did as he was told and then with ease, he could complete the

jigsaw of the man. The picture of an attractive and smiling man

appeared. And true enough, when the child turned the jigsaw over, he

saw the world map in a perfect order.

This story tells us that if a man is at peace with himself and his

neighbours, there will be Peace & Harmony all over the world. As you

march ahead to new horizons, may you strive to create a world filled

with Peace and Harmony. My best wishes to each of you. Do your best

and God will do the rest.

Fr. Angelino Vaz sfxManager

(Fr. Agnelo English School, Silvassa)


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Dear Students,

These few lines will enable you to reflect and continue your life’s journey. A few years ago a song called, “One day at a time sweet Jesus” made the top twenty. This song indicates a simple suggestion that we need to find way to live one day at a time.

‘To leave the old with a burst of song, to recall the right and forgive the wrong;

To forget the thing that binds us fast, to the vain regrets of the year that’s past;

To dare go forth with a purpose true, to the unknown task of the year that’s new;

To help your brothers or sisters along the road, to ease his/her work and lift his/her load;

To add your gifts to the world’s cheer is to have and to give a good start to a new life.’

Today, as you have reached the final stage of your schooling and of the number of years that you have spent in the school, surely you must have had rich experiences along your life’s journey. When you reflect on your life’s journey, the basic principles and the noble values like Truthfulness, Sincerity, Justice, Obedience, Respect, Equality, Non-violence, Love and Compassion that were taught to you in the school be a guiding force on your road to maturity and to continue ahead in life.

I wish you a great success in future endeavour.

May God bless you.

Fr. Diogo GamaPrincipal

(Fr. Agnelo English School, Silvassa)




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Education means not only rote learning but targeting as useful future

citizens of motherland.As a class teacher of the senior most class of Fr. Agnelo English

School, I feel elated to pendown a few words for you all in the form of

advice as well as a plethora of blessings.

My experience with you all will hold a special place in my heart

throughout my life. In your fourteen years of schooling, you must have

come across a multitude of experiences. Use your positive experiences

to motivate yourself in times of trouble. Try to learn from your negative experiences. The

theoretical knowledge which you have acquired from the school, will help you in more ways

than one but always try to put them into practice. Never forget the good values that the school

has always tried to inculcate in you. Be disciplined and punctual in whatever you do and

work hard to see your dreams fulfilled. As for me, I will never forget the co-operation that

you had rendered me whenever required. As a class, you will always hold a special place in

my heart as disciplined, sincere and hardworking. I will be very happy to see you successful

in your future life. All our blessings will be forever with you. Lastly, best wishes for your

forthcoming board exams. We hope that you will bring up the name of Fr. Agnelo School and

become Agnelite's Pride!

-/ Tr. Anitha R. [ Class Teacher : XII Science ]

“Remember those who win are those who believe they can”Azim Premji (Wipro C.M) (Excerpts form My Lessons in life)

We must always begin with our strengths that can give us the

energy to correct our weakness (e.g. Appearing for an exam, Going

for competition)

A Rupee earned is of far more value than five found. Nothing gives as

much satisfaction as earning the rewards.

No one scores a century every time. Life has challenges. You win

some and lose some. You must enjoy winning and if you do encounter

failure along the way, treat it as an equally natural phenomenon.

One should never give up in the face of adversity. It comes on you suddenly without

warning. Always keep in mind that it is only the test of fire that makes fine steel.

-/ Sir. Bijoy Purohit[ XII Commerce ]

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If you give a man a fish, he will eat once,

If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for the rest of his life.

If you are thinking a year ahead, sow seed,

If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree.

If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people,

By sowing seed, you will harvest much.

By planting a tree, you will harvest tenfold,

By educating the people, you will harvest one hundredfold.

-/ Kuantzu


Your bright future is awaiting 'You'. Let your brightness be showered everywhere

to become the spirit of Agnelite. All the best for your forthcoming exam.

Tr. Shashikala Pillai

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize that they

were the big things.

Tr. Yolanda

There are two ways of spreading light – be a candle or a mirror.Tr. Jyoti Noronha

Time won't come according to us; we have to go according to time. So utilize the

time and take a right decision. Once if you step into wrong side, you cannot come

back from there. So make your own decision in a right way and have a safe journey in

your life.‘All The Best'

&'Keep Smiling Forever'

Michael Joseph




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1. Don't let your parents down. They brought you up.

2. Stop and think before you drink.

3. Ditch dirty thoughts fast, or they will ditch you.

4. Show off driving is juvenile. Don't do it; act your age.

5. Be smart, obey. You'll give orders yourself some day.

6. Choose your friends carefully. You are what they are.

7. Choose a date fit for a mate.

8. Don't go steady unless you're ready.

9. Pray regularly. God gives you a week; give him back an hour.

10. Live carefully. The soul you save may be your own.

- Gems of Thought


The ABC of Happiness

I would like to convey a message to you all that - Life is very precious and beautiful.

Do not waste it. Rather do something unique so that everyone will follow your

footsteps.My heartiest wishes to you for your success in life. May you all shine in the world

like a bright star. May God bless you to fulfill your dreams. With lots of best wishes.

Tr. Savera Gupta

May the stars carry your sadness away,May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,May hope forever wipe away your tears,And above all, may silence make you strong.

Mr. Michael Multani

Life has no smooth road for any of us;And in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim,The very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps.

Mrs. Maria Machado



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“You have lighted me and now you gaze into my flame. You enjoy the warmth and brightness that I spread. I'm happy to be useful and to burn for your pleasure. Otherwise, I would just be lying idle in some box on a shelf. I only have a meaning a fulfillment, while I am burning, although I know very well that the longer I burn, the shorter I become and the nearer I get to the end of life. And when it is all over, I know that you will say, 'The candle is burnt out.’

“I know I have a choice of staying in a box and remaining unseen, untouched and useless. Or I can burn myself out by giving light and warmth and hasten my own death by doing so. But I find that giving is more beautiful and meaningful.”

We humans are like that candle. Either we keep boxed up and remain cold and empty, or we mix with people and share our warmth and love, and then give our lives a meaning.

As the Baroness de Hueck once put it:

“A bell is no bell till you ring it…

A song is no song till you sing it…

The love in your heart will not put there to stay:

Love is not love till you give it away.”


Recipe for a good rankTake a large quantity of interest.Let it boil within gently. Pour it in a basin of hard work.Add a full measure of gratitude for your teachers.Mix it well with a tablespoon of intelligence.Flavour it with essence of thoughtfulnessAnd fill it with awareness Drain off all the particles of laziness or negligenceLet the whole be sowed with confidence.

Mrs. Smita Acharya

Give a lot of time to the improvement of yourself, then there is no time to criticise




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Today is in the full bloom of life,

The petals of yesterday have shriveled into the past.

Tomorrow is an unopened bud.

Today is a gorgeous blossom of beauty and fragrance.

It is yours for today.

Today is a new page in the book of life.

It awaits your pen.

Yesterday is a page turned

You cannot add a line to it, nor erase a word from it.

Today is a bow with an arrow on its string ready to be shot.

Yesterday is an arrow that has been shot and is gone.

Tomorrow is your target for which you are aiming today.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown.

But today, today is yours:

A treasure house of golden opportunities,

A sea of depthless possibilities,

A forest of budding prospects.

Today is the first clear note of your song of life.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

-/ Gems of Thought


If you want to advance in life, make

sure that your WANTS don’t advance


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Don’t get the idea that you are Atlas, carrying the world on your shoulder. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously.

Tell yourself that you like your work. Then it will become a pleasure, not drudgery. Perhaps you do not need to change your job. Change yourself, and your work will seem different.

Plan your work – work your plan. Lack of system produces that “I’m swamped” feeling.

Don’t try to do everything at once. That is why time is spread out. Operate on that wise advice from the Bible, “This one thing I do.”

Get a correct mental attitude. Think a job is hard, and you will make it hard. Think it is easy, and it will tend to become so.

Become an expert in your work. It is always easier to do a thing right.

Practice being relaxed. Easy always does it. Don’t press or strain.

Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It only makes tomorrow’s job harder. It piles up on you. Keep your work on schedule.

At the start of every day, pray about your work. You will get some of your best ideas that way.

Take along your “unseen Partner.” It is surprising the load he will take off you. God is as much at home in offices and shops as in holy Places. He knows more about your business than you do.

-/ Gems of Thought











Calmness and tolerance act like air-conditioning in a room; they increase man’s


If there is no filament in a bulb, there is no light; If God is not in your life there

is no life



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Going down my memory lane, the best experience of my school life was the day

my name was announced as the 'Head Girl'.

“If you believe You Can, You Can,

If you think you are beaten, you are.

But sooner or later the man who wins, Is the one who thinks he can...”

Keeping this in mind, I enrolled my name for the head girl's nomination and finally I

WON!!! In my mind then I prayed 'Oh God!! Give me strength so that I can stand up

to the expectations of everyone.’

This post gave me a good opportunity to showcase my talents. On the felicitation

day I was overwhelmed while taking the oath. It brought up a spirit of enthusiasm in

me. I had made up my mind to face all the challenges that will come on my way.

As a head girl, it was a great experience getting involved in all activities, handling

various events and getting a special position in the school. It was also a great

pleasure working with all the other members of the student's council. (I enjoyed it


But alas! The day arrived when I had to handover my precious badge to the next

head girl. I'm happy that I tried my best to fulfil all my duties with sincerity and hard

work. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.

The designation Head Girl was a crown to my name and I wish it remained with me


-/ Priya Mahala[ XII Science ]


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“Joy Fernandes” – The Head boy of Fr. Agnelo School for the year 2008 – 2009. A few

seconds before its declaration I could sense my heart beating very fast as it had never done

before!! I was on cloud nine – but also a bit apprehensive whether I would be able to live up

to the expectations of all my teachers, friends and juniors. I have to confess the moment

changed my life. It gave a new leash to my life. I knew I had to shoulder various

responsibilities but I was confident and decided to go for it. I won't lie by saying that I

fulfilled all my responsibilities and lived up to the expectations but one thing I know that I

definitely gave my 100%. My sincere gratitude goes to my teachers and a token of thanks for

my friends who helped me to tread this difficult path and always co-operated with me

whenever I required them – be it in the matter of discipline or cultural activities.

Though I did not realize it initially, now I feel I have changed towards the better. After this

one year ordeal, I am more matured, expressive, confident, courageous – a completely

different personality than what I used to be. This year long stint has also instilled the roots of

values and spirituality deeper in me which were lying dormant waiting to be properly

awakened. No doubt it was painful to handover my prestigious badge but – change is the law

of life. However my experiences, my values, they are solely mine. They will remain with me

for ever. They will inspire me and motivate me in my future life. They will be like

candlelight to dispel the gloom of darkness. Becoming a head boy, has taught me to realize

my responsibilities and grab my opportunities which is an essential requirement for survival

in this competitive world. I can definitely say my tenure as a Head Boy will surely remain as

my best memory in the school throughout my life.

Goodbye dear school, goodbye dear teachers, don't forget to remember me whenever you

get a chance!

-/ Joy Fernandes[ XII Commerce ]




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There are many statements that one hears from time to time, such as 'Life is in the

living', or 'Is life worth living?' it depends on the liver! That points to the fact that

life can be good only if we take responsibility for it. Unfortunately, it takes most

people many years to understand this simple fact.

Some of us have to grow up facing great difficulties. Family circumstances,

poverty and other factors make many struggle to get basic necessities, as well as

education. For others, however, most things are provided to help them grow.

Parents do their utmost to give their children a good education and try to provide

luxuries as well as necessities. This leads to most of us developing a mental attitude

where we want life to provide us with the conditions for happiness and satisfaction.

But while we wait for such conditions to be fulfilled, we are dissatisfied and

morose. Often, we do not work on developing our own talent and potential, while

we wait for the 'Big Break' or magic opportunity.

The truth is, thinking too much about the future, or having too many regrets about

the past, can actually serve as a handicap. It can prevent us from experiencing the

beauty and vibrancy of our life in the present. The secret of enjoying every moment

of life is actually making the most of every moment. It means taking responsibility

for making things happen rather than waiting for things to happen.

-/ Karishma Jain [ XII Commerce ]


Do not allow anything to be an obstacle. See everything as a stepping stone to victory.

Man knows the comma and full-stop of language. He knows not the full-stop of

negative thoughts.


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14yrs as an “Agnelite”, still willing to continue, but my tryst is over, And I

have to bid you “Adieu”

The world is awaiting us but the simple joys & happiness – which was

imparted to me by you will be etched in my heart forever.

Thank you dear School for giving me such a good time of my life.

14 Years have passed……………there's a deep feeling within my heart for

you my School which I will treasure till the last days of my life!!!!!

Dear School, since last 14 years you are my best friend with whom I shared

unforgettable memories. Thank you for all you gave me which I will never be

able to pay back.

I bid you farewell O my dear School In my heart there will always be a feeling

for you.

Dear School, you enriched my knowledge, taught me values and discipline

which I will carry with me forever as a mark of my identity.

O School,I've known you for just 2 years but I can't forget you, How can I? You'll be in

my memories.

Those days of Kindergarten, scolding from teachers, fun at functions, Mischief

with friends – Ordinary things that will forever be extraordinary!

In the book of my life,Many pages will be added But, you will continue to be the Index Page!!!

A friend with whom I spent the most important span of life, A temple where I

gained knowledge, That's my lovely school, where I had “The Time Of My


Thanks for all the Good times I had in this School I will miss My School days

a lot.

-/Joy Fernandes

-/ Alfaz Virani

-/Sana Nerli

-/Rozella Noronha

-/ Nikunj Solanki

-/Divya Patel

-/ Viswanadh kanukollu

-/ Rahil Virani

-/ Binita Patel

-/ Nikunj Joshi

-/ Yash Thosani

-/ Ritesh Deshmukh




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Bidding bye! To my dad at gate,I started my journey slow and straight.Everything strange, everything newEveryone screaming and friends so new,Now just a mere memory!

Again to a new building did I comeWhich I came to know was my std. one,Many more teachers many more lessonsHelping the kids amidst noise awesomeNow just a mere memory!

Becoming ambitious about my fateI realized I am in class eight.Friends so few, now they grewWith all those 'mastis' and 'fun' too.Now just a mere memory!

Days passed I'm in tenthStudying hard and reached XIIAll those jest, cracks and pranksSmiles and laughter and time sparedNow just a mere memory!

Taking a glimpse and fetching them allW'en my future is giving a call.The journey has started and will go so longI have to bid farewell to all.

Now the time is for me to say goodbyeTo my dear old school with a sigh.It will always remainEtched in my mind but asA mere memory!

Oh! How sad I am to end this rideA day will come to say with prideI was an 'AGNELITE'When success will touch my feetAnd the victory that I will also meetWhich will remind me again of good old thingsMere memories !! Mere Memories !!

-/ Soumya V. Muchinnaya[ XII Science ]

..: MERE MEMORIES!!? :....: MERE MEMORIES!!? :..

‘Every event, every step you take will bring you closer to your goal. Try to

reach out the stars for that is where you really belong’

-/ Tr. Pasquin.


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When the clouds of darkness arises: and it is difficult to find a beam of light, then without losing hope trust your heart, and you will discover…

A Hero Lies In You.

Friends, the word 'Hero' can be interpreted in different ways. Different people see them in different perspective. For a kid, a hero means the one who come to others rescue. To a teenager, a hero means a role model. While to adults, hero means the one who stand out of the crowd to do super natural actions for others without having any gain for themselves.

Think of a situation when you are surrounded by difficulties. The time gets worse, there are bundles of confusion, when problems seem to have no end and when everything goes wrong, then you don't try to test your potential but excuse yourself by saying, “I have tried everything, but all in vain.” It's all because you know that your dear ones will come to your rescue. But when no one comes then does that mean that you are going to give up?

No, my dear friend. Always remember that a dark night is always followed by a bright day. A problem always has a solution. And this is only the right time to squeeze out your level best potential. My friend it is a fact that you have to face the world alone. No one reaches out a hand for you to hold. You can find love if you search within yourself and the emptiness you felt will disappear. So, look into your heart. Try to reach your soul. You will get an answer. Trust it. Don't be afraid of what you are. Just trust yourself. And then you will discover that a hero comes along with the strength to carry on your tasks. The sorrows, the problems you were facing will vanish out. And finally you will be victorious.

So friends, awake your hero in yourself, he lies within you.

-/Chitra Parmar & Kinjal Patel

[ XII Science ]


The only way to gain respect is firstly to give it.

If you ALWAYS do your best, you will be free from regrets.



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The first day of school, was the kindergarten classWhere we were taught, alphabets and numbersTeachers were like parents, kind and caringA new home it was, lovely and endearing.

The school seemed like a happy familyWhere friendship and love we could feel,All together we learnt, Physics and Chemistry,A few languages and also Accountancy.

Then it was Class XII, which we reached ultimatelyA time to bid farewell to this familyOur hearts got heavier as time passed byT'was a moment to depart and say goodbye.

As we leave this place today,A few words we'd like to sayThank you teachers for your love and care,We'll miss this family, but will remain an 'AGNELITE' forever.

-/ James Sharma[ XII Commerce ]


Never mind about tomorrow.It always is today;

Yesterday has vanished,Wherever, none can say.

Each minute must be guarded – Made worth it’s while somehow;

There are no other moments;It always is: JUST NOW.

Just now is the hour that's golden,The moment to defend.

Just now is without beginning;JUST NOW can never end.

Then never mind tomorrow – 'Tis today you must endow

With all that's true and noble,And the time for this is – NOW!

..: NOW :..


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National Service Scheme, shortly known as NSS was started by Mahatma Gandhi to help the society in various ways. To make the members aware about the objectives of NSS, Std. XI & XII students were taken out for a trip to Dudhni on 13th October 2009. I was also present there as a member. Let me share my experience with you all. The one day trip was arranged by our Principal Reverend Fr. Diogo and our school's NSS Officer, Tr. Sheela. We departed from the school around 6:30 A.M. On my way to Dudhni, I had a glimpse of all beautiful sceneries and landscapes which made me think that in near future our Union Territory can be a tourist hub.

After reaching Dudhni, all the students were taken for trekking. We started climbing up the mountain and within a short while, I was tired. I wondered whether I would be able to reach the top. I even started panting, but finally I made it. I was amazed to see that there was a cross and a small chapel having bust of Mother Mary. Our Principal told us that the chapel opens only once a year i.e. on 31st of May and many people come on that day to attend the annual fair. I never knew about it, but I decided that after my XII board exam, I will surely visit it again.

Half an hour later, we descended and made our way to St. Xavier’s School, Dudhni. I was really excited to know about the life of the students who lived in that village. They did not enjoy many facilities, but were still contented. Later on, we were sent to a class for interaction. After talking to those students, I realized that inspite of having so many facilities, I complained about life and wanted even more. Whereas these students have nothing, but they work hard and make their living which is a matter of pride to them. That moment I felt ashamed of myself and I wanted to do something for them.

My classmates including me, prepared a skit for the students of St. Xavier’s School. While preparing the skits, we had lots of fun. We hardly noticed how time passed. In the evening around 4 we left Dudhni, stepping down on the way for a meal. The journey by bus was an equally entertaining one. The trip ended no doubt but it filled me up with introspection and commitment to serve the Nation selflessly, whenever possible and wherever I shall be.

-/ Damme Nunes[ XII Science ]




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Que. What are the 7 secrets of success?Ans. I found the answer in my room:

1) Roof said – Aim High2) Fan said – Be Cool3) Clock said – Every minute is precious4) Mirror said – Reflect before you act5) Window said – See the world6) Calendar said – Be up to date7) Door said – Push hard to achieve your goal.

Tr. Bhavna D. Parmar

“May the love of GodAlways shine in UR life,As you become light for others.”

My blessings are always with you. Go ahead; successfully get through your

exams. A bright future is waiting.

Tr. Geetha Menon


The ABC of HappinessAspire to read your potential

Believe in yourselfCreate a good life

Dream about what to becomeExercise frequently

Forgive honest mistakesGlorify the creative spirit

Humor yourself and othersImagine great things

Joyfully live each dayKindly help othersLove one another

Meditate dailyNurture the environment

Organize for harmonious actionPraise performance well done

Question most thingsRegulate your behaviour

Smile oftenThink rationally

Understand yourselfValue life

Work for the common goodExamine and analyse problems

Yearn to improveZestfully pursue happiness

Tr. Bhuvaneshwari Shetty


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A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For many months he had admired a

beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom and knowing his father could well afford it, he

told his father - that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased

the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study

room. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much

he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat

disappointed the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible.

Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you give me a

Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the holy book.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful

home and a wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he

should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make

arrangements, he received a telegram telling him, 'his father had passed away' and willed all

of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of the

things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He

began to search his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it

years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he read those

words, a car key dropped from an envelope taped behind the Bible. It had a tag with the

dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date

of his graduation, and the words...’PAID IN FULL’.

How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expect?

-/ Mr. Mario Menezes


Success is failure turned inside out;The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;And you can never tell how close you are,It may be near, when it seems afar.So, stick to fight when you are hardest hit – It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.

Mrs. Urvashi Patel



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vat-maana kI mah%ta – saflata ka saU~

Aalasya sao baDa kao[- ApraQa nahI hO È saaqa hI AhMkar sao baDa kao[- Sa~u nahIM hO È SarIr $pI rqamaoM Aa%maa rqaI hO È bauiw–saariqa hO AaOr mana lagaama hO È [nd/Iya $pI QaaoDo ivaYaya $pI rqa maoM daODo jaa rho hO È jaao ApnaI maMija,la panaa caahto hO vah mana $pI lagaama kao ksakr rKto hO È saMyama sadacaar AaOr sa%ya ko rasto pr calato hOM È puruYaaqa- krto hO hI @yaaoik puruYaaqa- p`arbQa banata hO È [sa xaNa ka pu$Yaaqa- Agalao xaNa ka Baagya tya krta hO È yah sa%ya hOO ik ijavantta vat-maana hO¸ BaUt vyaitt hO ]saka kao[- Aist%va nahI hO AaOr jaao Aayaa nahI vah BaivaYya h ÈO BaivaYya kBaI Aata nahI hO È [sailae vah Anaagat khlaata hO È jaao Aa gayaa vah vat-maana hO È [sailae sa%ta isaf- vat-maana kI hI haotI hO È vahI BaUt AaOr BaivaYya ka inamaa-ta hO È [sailae vat-maanaka sahI ]pyaaoga ApnaI maMija,la haisala krnao maoM vyatIt kro È

ijasasao Aap Apnao cahot xao~ maoM saflata ko iSaKr kao saakar kr sakao È kamayaabaI Aapko carNaaoM kao caUmaoM‚ eosaI p`aqa-naa hO È Astu È

EaImatI roKa dosaa[-


Dear Students, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for being part of what has been the greatest teaching and learning experience for me. I am sure the studies & values taught to you all will enable you to achieve your future goals and aspirations. I wish you all every success and happiness in your chosen path throughout your life.

-/ Mrs. Jagruti Naik

Learn of Me!

A Merchant, an old man, and his little daughter met by the side of a fountain of

clear, sparkling water.

On the fountain was an inscription which read: “Learn of Me!” The merchant

said, he learnt a great lesson from the fountain. It started as a trickle of water

but as it wended its way to the sea, it was joined by streams and brooks and

creeks and, in due course, became a roaring river. We should do our work

likewise, start with little beginnings and soon develop big business houses.

The old man said that the lesson he learnt, from the fountain was to serve

silently friends and strangers alike. The little girl said that the lesson she learnt

was, water is useless unless it is pure. Even animals reject turbid water.

Therefore we should live a clean and chaste life.

-/ Dharmesh PatelMr.

Page 26: Father Agnelo

Apnao jaIvana ko parMBa maoM hma bahut saI baatoM saIKto hO È ]samaoM sao samaya AaOr pirisqait ko Anausaar kuC AcCo AaOr kuC kma AcCo haoto hOM È baarhvaI kI prIxaa ka pirNaama AaOr ]sako baad ka samaya Agalao jaIvana kao inaQaa-irt krta hO È hmaoM ApnaI jaIvana–SaOlaI kOsaI caaihe [sa savaala ka javaaba isaf- svayaM ko pasa hO È plaBar saaoca kr inaiScat krao jaao sabasao AcCa lagao ]saka caunaava kraoÈ Aagao baZao È

[sa cakacaaOMQa sao BarI duinayaa maoM BaTknao sao AcCa hO ik Apnao ivacaaraoM kao jaanaao È ApnaI AcCa[-yaaoM AaOr KuibayaaMo kao jaanaao È tuma saba bahut hI AcCo AaOr bauiwSaalaI hao È Kud Apnao – Aapkao svayaM ko vaSa maoM rKao È [sa pRqvaI pr vahI jaIivat hO jaao mah%vapUNa- hOÈ jaao jaIivat hO ]samaoM prmaoSvar ka AMSa hO È Apnao maoM [sao mahsaUsa krao È Apnaa mah%%va jaanaaoÈ Apnao samanao maaOjaUd sauivaQaaAaoM ka sahI ]pyaaoga krao È BaagyaSaalaI banaao È

ApnaI maohnat sao AcCo pirNaama haisala krao È yao kma-BaUima hOÈ ijatnaI maohnat kraogao ]tnao hI KuSa rhaogao È AanaovaalaI prIxaa AaOr KuSahala jaIvana ko ilae Zor saarI SauBakamanaae^M

EaImatI ihndI ivaBaagaSaIlaa pMijakr



ip`ya ivaVaqaI- ima~ao

Aama juAao tao prIxaa Aok Tonsana Aapnaar p`ik`yaa tmanao laagatI haoya prMtu maarI

ViYTAo Aa Aok sauMdr p`saMga Co. jomaaM drok vyaikt Aa p`ik`yaamaaM saamaola qanaar maaTo

paotanaI p`itBaanao rjU krvaanaao Aok AmaUlya maaokao Co. jomaaM saamaola qa[ Aap

AapnaI laa[fnao }javaI Sakao Cao. jomaaM saamaola qa[ Aap ]zao jagaRt qaaAao hju

samaya Co. tmao tmaara BaivaYya maaTonaaM Baaqaa baaMQavaanaao Anaorao samayanaao laaBa la[

baakInaI laa[f maaTo KUba saarao samaya maaTo AajnaI tOyaarI GaNaI mah%vanaI saaibat


EaImatI nayanaa pTola

Page 27: Father Agnelo

..: FUN CORNER :..


1. The Artist Teacher of our School.

2. A senior Teacher of our School.

3. Twins by Name.

4. No one dares to enter while his class is going on.

5. An ant is hidden in her name.

6. Vernacular Teacher of Commerce Section

7. __________ ko samjho!

8. Her name represents a Hindu Ritual.

9. A Monarch by Name.

10. His name spreads Joy.

Think in the morning, do it in the afternoon, eat in the evening, sleep in the night.


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Q. WHAT DOES 98 STAND FOR IN WINDOWS 98?A. It stands for number of times it hangs in a day.

Sir: Now, Sam tell me frankly, do you pray before eating?Sam: No Sir, I don’t have to my mom is a good cook.

Q. HOW WOULD YOU IDENTIFY BANTA SINGH IN A SUBMARINE?A. He will be the only one with a parachute tied to his back.

Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an “I”.Student: I is the.....Teacher: Stop! Never put ‘is’ after an ‘I’. Always Put ‘am’ after an ‘I’.Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Teacher : "Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?"Pupil : "The moon".Teacher : "Why?"Pupil : "The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it".

A murderer, sitting in the electric chair, was about to be executed.Have you any last requests? Asked the chaplain.Yes, replied the murderer. "Will you hold my hand?

In a practical exam Examiner showed legs of a bird and said : Tell the bird’s nameSanta: I don’t know.Examiner: You have failed. What’s your name?Santa: You see my legs and tell me.

A beggar meets another beggar.A software engineer meets another software engineer.Both of them ask the same question to each other. What is the question ???* So, Which Platform are you Working on ???....

Once upon a time ... There was a beautiful girl named Rexona & hand some boy named Cinthol, Rexona & cinthol fell in love with each other. Rexona parents were Hamam & Margo, cinthol parents were wheel & Nirma , Rexona was very excited to make cinthol his "Life Boy" they wished to marry & approach their aunt 501 who mannages to convince them. Rexona & cinthol were very happy in thier love they fixed their marrige at " Fair & lovely " garden opposite to Santoor theatre , Medimix city ... They invite their friends Lux, Dove , Dettol , Savlon, Tide , Fa , Jo and others Rexona & cinthol got married and lived Happily in their Dream land "PEARS" and after 1 year they got twins 'Johnson & Johnson'.

Child: "Why do you send me to school for."Mother: "To make a man out of you."Child: "But my teacher makes everyday a cock out of me."

Professor: Chemical symbol of Barium?Student: BAProfessor: For Sodium?Student: NAProfessor: What will we get if 1atom of Barium and 2 atoms of Sodium combined?Professor: BANANA


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Before Bird Flue

After Bird Flue

Can you Read Fast!!

Page 31: Father Agnelo

XII Commerce

XII Science

Good Bye Dear Alma Matter...............

Lets face the world with a Smile....

Page 32: Father Agnelo

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e-mail: [email protected] us at : www.fatheragneloschool.org




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