Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

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Page 1: Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

Page 2: Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

Purpose Model synthetic vision, memory,

and learning Quickly synthesize motion from


Page 3: Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans

Introduction Virtual robot Combines path planner and

controller Internal record of perceived objects

and states

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Related Work Virtual perception Model information flow to character

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Synthetic Vision Determine what is currently visible

to character Speed & ability to handle dynamic


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Synthetic Vision - cont. Render unlit model of scene from

character’s POV List of visible objects combined

with each object’s location determines observations

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A character in a virtual office

True color False Color

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Internal Representation & Memory Internal model Object geometry from environment

and observed states

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Perception-Based Navigation Character has set M of

observations Observations represented as

(objIDi, Pi, Ti, vi, t) M updated at regular intervals

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Basic sense-plan-control loop (static environments)

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Perception-Based Navigation - cont. Dynamic environments

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Perception-Based Navigation - cont. Problem: Truly missing vs.

obscured Solution: Re-run vision module

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Revised sense-plan-control loop (dynamic environments)

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Learning and Forgetting Temporal models Different memory rules for different

objects (logical or deductive model)

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Experimental Results Tested on SGI InfiniteReality2 Click and drag goals and obstacles

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1 2

3 4

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A character exploring unknown mazes

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Conclusions Efficient in storage and update

times Flexible Bottlenecks at synthetic vision

model (double rendering)