Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs Leman Akoglu Srinivasan Parthasarathy Rohit Khandekar Vibhore Kumar Deepak Rajan Kun-Lung Wu

Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs...• Anomaly detection ... Personalized PageRank PPR captures: - many, - short, - heavy-weighted paths A 1 H 1 B D 1 1 E

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Page 1: Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs...• Anomaly detection ... Personalized PageRank PPR captures: - many, - short, - heavy-weighted paths A 1 H 1 B D 1 1 E

Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs

Leman Akoglu Srinivasan Parthasarathy Rohit Khandekar Vibhore Kumar Deepak Rajan Kun-Lung Wu

Page 2: Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs...• Anomaly detection ... Personalized PageRank PPR captures: - many, - short, - heavy-weighted paths A 1 H 1 B D 1 1 E

Graphs are everywhere…

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…and LARGE and TIME-evolving!

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 4

n  1.32 billion monthly active users June 30, 2014

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Proximity problem on graphs

also: NN-search, similarity, closeness, relevance

Q:  Which  nodes  are  “close”  to  A?  

A BH1 1

D1 1


G1 11

I J11 1


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Application: Recommendations

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•  Finding communities (e.g. co-authorship networks such as DBLP)

•  Anomaly detection (e.g. infected hosts, potential suspects)

•  Link Prediction •  Keyword search •  Content-based Image Retrieval •  Fighting spam •  …


Other applications

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Proximity measures for graphs n  Several metrics: shortest paths, commute time,

hitting time, SimRank, … n  Prevalent (robust) metric: Personalized PageRank

PPR captures: -  many, -  short, -  heavy-weighted paths

A BH1 1

D1 1


G1 11

I J11 1

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PPR is based on RWR





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Slides adapted from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~htong/pub_new.htm

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Problem Definition  Maintain  

–  A  LARGE,  time-­‐varying,  edge-­‐weighted  graph  G(t),  so  that  we  can  answer  the  following  query  efficiently:  

 Given  a  query  node  q  in  G(t)  at  Fme  t,          Find  verFces  in  G(t)  that  are  “close”  to  q  (w.r.t.    the  Personalized  PageRank  score)  

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Road Map n  Motivation n  Problem Definition n  Previous work n  Our Approach

q  Graph clustering q  Intra-Cluster & Inter-Cluster Random Walks

(baby steps & BIG steps)

n  Time-Varying Graphs

n  Experiments n  Conclusions Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 11

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Previous Work on PPR n  D. Fogaras, B. Rcz, K. Csalogny, Tams Sarls. Towards scaling fully

personalized pagerank. In Internet Mathematics 2004. n  Hanghang Tong, Christos Faloutsos, and Jia-Yu Pan. Fast Random Walk with

Restart and Its Applications. In ICDM 2006. n  Soumen Chakrabarti. Dynamic personalized pagerank in entity-relation

graphs. In WWW 2007. n  H. Tong, S. Papadimitriou, P. S. Yu and C. Faloutsos. Proximity Tracking on

Time-Evolving Bipartite Graphs. In SDM 2008. n  P. Sarkar, A. W. Moore. Fast nearest-neighbor search in disk-resident graphs.

In KDD 2010. n  Bahman Bahmani, Abdur Chowdhury, Ashish Goel: Fast Incremental and

Personalized PageRank. In PVLDB 2010. n  Bahman Bahmani, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Dong Xin: Fast personalized

PageRank on MapReduce. In SIGMOD 2011. n  P. A Lofgren, S. Banerjee, A. Goel, C. Seshadhri. FAST-PPR: Scaling

Personalized PageRank Estimation for Large Graphs. In KDD 2014.

We consider both large AND time-varying graphs!

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Our Method – ClusterRank

1) Pre-computation a. Graph clustering b. Compute meta-info for each cluster

2) Query processing a. Identify relevant clusters to consider b. Combine their meta-info to compute

an answer

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Graph Clustering n  We work with large graphs (that do not fit in

main memory), thus cluster vertices such that each cluster is “small enough”.

n  Need “good” clusters—many intra-cluster edges, but few inter-cluster edges. q  Random walks more likely to stay within cluster q  Good cluster is already a good approximation of

“close” neighborhood of vertices in cluster

Note: For some cases, graph could be clustered naturally (e.g. Web graph across many servers)

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Graph Clustering n  Many graph clustering algorithms, e.g. based on

community detection, spectral partitioning, etc. n  Reid Andersen, Fan Chung, and Kevin Lang (ACL).

Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank Vectors. FOCS, 2006.

n  Advantages: q  Local algorithm–complexity depends on output

cluster size q  Gives different size clusters which can be overlapping q  Can do clustering while graph is on disk

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What is “good” clustering?

ACL [FOCS06]’s measure is conductance:

Φ = 3 / (4+3+4+4+2) = 0.17

ϵ [0, 1]

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Graph Clustering


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Our Method – ClusterRank

1) Pre-computation a. Graph clustering b. Compute meta-info for each cluster

2) Query processing a. Identify relevant clusters to consider b. Combine their meta-info to compute

an answer

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C(u,v) : The expected number of times (Count) a RW starting at node u in cluster S hits node v, before exiting S (can exit by walking to another cluster or by restarting to q).

E(u,v) : Expected probability that a RW starting at node u in cluster S Exits S to node v (out-bound node in B) (assuming query (restart) vertex q is outside S).


C matrix for S

is 5x5 (|S| x |S|) E matrix is 5x3 (|S| x 2|B|+|q|)

Compute meta-info for each cluster

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Compute meta-info for each cluster Intra-cluster random-walks à baby steps

S2 S3


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Compute meta-info for each cluster

T(u, v) : transition probability from u to v N(u) : neighbor nodes set of node u (1 − α) : restart probability S : set of nodes in given cluster

Recursive definition for C

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Compute meta-info for each cluster


Closed-form formulae for C and E

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 22

: |S| x (|B|+1) matrix with exit prob.s to nodes in B U {q}

: |S| x |S| transition matrix

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Our Method – ClusterRank

1) Pre-computation a. Graph clustering b. Compute meta-info for each cluster

2) Query processing a. Identify relevant clusters to consider b. Combine their meta-info to compute

an answer

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 23



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Cq (C given q) :

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 24

Closed-form formulae for C and E

Eq (E given q) : Cq


K : |S|x|S| 0s matrix with column q all 1s (rank 1!) à Fast Sherman-Morrison matrix inverse update

Query processing Update meta-info for q’s cluster

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S2 S3


Query processing Inter-cluster Graph M over relevant clusters

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Query processing Inter-cluster random-walks à BIG steps


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Query processing Combine intra- and inter- cluster meta-info to compute final answer (“lift” C matrices)


S2 S3


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Query processing Combine intra- and inter- cluster meta-info to compute final answer (“lift” C matrices)


S2 S3


Theorem: ClusterRank gives exact PPR scores.

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Road Map n  Motivation n  Problem Definition n  Previous work n  Our Approach

q  Graph clustering q  Intra-Cluster & Inter-Cluster Random Walks

(baby steps & BIG steps)

n  Time-Varying Graphs n  Experiments n  Conclusions Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 29

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Time-varying ClusterRank n  WLOG: assume single edge (u,v) added n  Observation: changes in & low-rank

à  compute new C & E by SM formula n  4 cases studied in paper:

q  Both u and v new vertices q  Either u or v is a new vertex q  u and v in same cluster q  u and v in different clusters

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Graph datasets

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 31

Dataset #edges #nodes #clusters description Synthetic 909K 300K 100 Planted partitions

Amazon 900K 262K 3739 Product co-purchase

Web 1.1M 325K 2793 http://nd.edu links

DBLP 1.1M 329K 4670 Co-authorships

LiveJournal 21.5M 2.7M 15252 Friendships

Dataset median Φ avg. Φ med. size avg. size Amazon 0.1385 0.1486 17 98.5

Web 0.0625 0.0871 31 129.4 DBLP 0.2117 0.2196 27 102.4 LiveJournal 0.5500 0.5319 43 237.3

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Pre-computation time depends on 1) graph size, 2) #clusters, 3) parallelization

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Query Processing: set up n  Instead of all clusters, focus on a subset of

relevant clusters (small neighborhoods around query vertex) (1,2-hop away).

n  Allow for maximum of B boundary vertices n  Sparsify inter-cluster matrix: zero-out

entries close to zero

n  100 randomly chosen query vertices Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 33

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Evaluation criterion

n  We report accuracy and running time for k nearest neighbor (kNN) queries.

n  Accuracy = Relative Average Goodness (RAG) score @k

Note: precision, i.e. “overlap with optimum”, is *not* a good measure (due to ties/near-ties).

total true score of output total true score of “optimum” RAG(@k) =

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Synthetic graphs

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 35


Average RAG (50) score (100 runs)

B = 5K 0.9986 0.9865 B = 1K 0.9892 0.9865 ClusterRank Average Response Time (sec.)

B = 5K 5.12 2.18 B = 1K 2.86 2.12

Brute-Force 5.16 sec.s

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Real graphs

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Dynamic updates

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 37

n  500K  edge  DBLP  graph  +  1K  new  edges  

Avg: 42.12 seconds

Avg: 2.78 clusters

Note: load/store time of C, E matrices included

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Dynamic updates

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 38

DBLP 1959-2001

+1K edges in time

+500K edges in time

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Summary n ClusterRank: k Nearest Neighbor queries

based on Personalized Pagerank scores q  Works with large and time-evolving graphs q  Fast query time: sub-linear computation on

pre-computed meta-info q  Efficient dynamic updates by low-rank matrices q  Disk-based: query processing and dynamic

updates only on relevant subset of clusters

n  Future directions q  Cluster tracking and localized re-clustering q  Extension to hitting / commute time

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Thank You!

Leman Akoglu Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Large Time-Evolving Graphs 40

[email protected]


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Back-up Slides

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Recursive definition for E

T(u, v) : transition probability from u to v N(u) : neighbor nodes set of node u (1 − α) : restart probability S : set of nodes in given cluster

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Closed formulations for C and E C1 is an identity matrix of |S|x|S|


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What if s (query vertex) ϵ S ?

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At query time, given the query vertex s, those two matrices in which s resides in is updated only.

K is rank 1! Therefore, we will use the Sherman-Morrison Lemma to update C.

Complexity: Multiplication of |S|x1 and 1x|S| vectors Note that we do not need to run SVD as K is rank-1 only!

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