FOOD E06 E07 FAST Monday, November 20, 2006 Hong Kong Today FOOD FAST We live in fast food culture, but convenience comes at a price, writes Janet Wong Translated by Anvil Ong Fast food culture 1) What is the characteristic of fast food culture? Why do we say it represents the culture of mod- ern society? Do you agree? 2) What is wrong with fast food culture? Why are people fighting it with slow food? Slow food 3) What is slow food? What are its benefits? Why is it called an attitude? Can you explain with examples? 4) Someone said that we slow down not to fight the fast, but we slow down to be fast. Can you give examples? Class discussion 5) Fast food culture often goes against environ- mental concerns. Why? If you were a fast food restaurant owner, how would you respond? 6) How much time do you spend eating? Do you think what you eat, how you eat and your atti- tude towards eating are equally important? Why? 7) Which do you think Hong Kong people will choose in future: fast food or slow food? Create a comparison table for the two and discuss. I think slow food... A) is worth promoting. It is a healthy way of living. B) should be promoted to offset the fast food culture. C) does not fit into modern life. D) is only for the rich. GOURMET Craig Au Yeung : “Being slow does not mean rejecting the fast. We slow down to be fast. We slowly and clearly see what we need. Then we can make a fast decision.” Chairman of Slow Food Organisation (Singa- pore) : “Eat to live (要為生而食) or live to eat (為食而 生)? That’s a personal choice. But don’t forget ‘You are what you eat’ (你吃甚 麼,你就是甚麼). Next time don’t devour (大口吞) food. And don’t have PC or TV meals.” Slow Food Organi- sation (Taiwan) : “We are not eating deli- cacies from land and sea, we are tasting them.” RTHK food and culture programme : “Actually there are 80,000 agricultural products that can be used for food. To date, only about 150 kinds have been grown. Four of them account for 85 percent of the world’s food con- sumption. Under the fast food influence, no one cares about asking for variety in food.” Netizen Cat : “Slow food is an attitude – a belief that everyone has the right to enjoy food and the natural rhythm of life. It is just that people today have gone astray, giving birth to the tasteless and harmful fast food and overly fast-paced living.” Green Produce Foundation director Ho Leung- mau (綠田園基金理事何良懋) : “Over the decade, slow food has stressed slowly enjoying food in a peaceful and comfortable environment. The followers believe that it helps digestion and the additional chewing helps lower carcinogenic (致癌) and toxic (毒性) substances in food. The more you chew the more protection against cancer. Experts say one has to chew every mouthful of food at least 20 times before swallowing it. A meal must last at least 45 minutes to be healthy.” Mr Yue of the financial sector : “Fast food is faster. It is a symbol of social development. Spend- ing one hour enjoying lunch is a bit too much. Hong Kong people are always competing. They eat to stop hunger and that’s all they care about. Though slow food is good, it does not fit into modern life. I think only those people who have a lot of leisure time can afford it.” Netizen July 2004 : “It is not a problem of fast or slow. Like the people who take a lot of food onto their dishes at a buffet. They actually may not know how the food tastes or what they are eating. Under the influence of fast food, people will not be particu- lar about food and don't know how to enjoy it.” Slow Food Organisation (Hong Kong) director Wilson Kwok : “We are not controlling our time. We can spend 45 minutes on video games and only 15 minutes for eating. Slowing down is actually a search for quality time.” H ONG Kong people are living at a fast pace. To save time, many lunch at fast food restaurants. However, such meals, with their stereotyped tastes (標準化口味) and environmentally unfriendly ways of prepa- ration, have always been criticised. According to a study last month, the total consumption of disposable lunch utensils (即棄餐具) used by the five fast food restaurant chains in Hong Kong reached 27 million pieces per month, demonstrating that people ignored the harm the fast food culture has brought to health, life and the environment. In view of this, there are people around the world promoting “slow food” to offset (抗衡) the problems brought about by fast food. Fast food and slow food are not just about eating habits. They are an attitude towards life. Which shall we choose? News extracts TODAY, more and more people are eating fast food, resulting in alarming numbers of disposable lunch utensils used. According to an estimate by Green Sense (環保觸覺) last month, the five fast food chains used as many as 27 million pieces of disposables such as plastic spoons, forks, etc. during lunch hours. That means a customer uses about nine disposables on average and the total amount of tray paper used is enough to cover 28 Government Stadium soccer pitches. Also, the tissue paper used is equivalent to chopping down 65 trees. For their convenience, fast food shops use disposables that are not environmen- tally friendly. This problem is only the tip of the iceberg. As early as 1986, Italian scholar and gourmet Carlo Petrini (意大利學 者及食家卡洛•佩特里尼) felt the opening of McDonald’s in Italy would impact the country’s food culture. He believed the “invasion” of fast food not only harmed health but also made people lose their abil- ity to enjoy and respect food. It also endan- gered the diversification of world food and livestock. In view of environmental friendliness and fairness, he started the Slow Food Movement to promote the joys of tasting food, feasting and wine-tasting. He was against stereotyping food and advocated (提倡) the rights of consumers to be kept informed. He asked for conservation of the uniqueness of food heritage, traditional food cultures, traditional means of growing crops and food treatment. He also wanted to protect the breeding of livestock and crop strains. The advantage of fast food is its conven- ience which suits the pace of modern life. Hence, the fast food culture actually repre- sents the race for efficiency in the modern world. However, putting too much stress on convenience can bring adverse effects. It is laying stress on packaging instead of content. It in a way stresses benefits at the cost of moral values (道德觀). Meanwhile, the Slow Food International (國際慢食協會) established in 1989 in Paris read out their slow food declaration (慢食宣 言): The fast pace of city life is affecting life and environment in the name of produc- tivity. We shall fight back with slow food. Slow food can be rephrased as slow eat- ing or slow tasting. Slow eating is not just in the slowness when eating. At the same time, it is a kind of search for lifestyle and quality. Starting from how to respect and enjoy food, we learn how to be friendly to the environment, respect life and the unique heritage and culture of food. Slow eating is not only for the rich. Slow food is enjoying simple and good food that grows on the ground. What we eat, how we eat and the attitude of eating are equally important. Newsgroups The Slow Food Movement and Declaration ON 9 November 1989, representatives from Argentina (阿根廷), Austria (奧地利), Brazil (巴西), Denmark (丹麥), France (法國), Germany (德國), Holland (荷蘭), Hungary (匈牙利), Italy (意大利), Japan (日本), Spain (西班牙), Sweden (瑞典), Switzerland (瑞士), USA and Venezuela (委內瑞拉) signed a slow food declaration in Paris. The decla- ration stated the bad effects of fast food on society and the environment. It was against fast-paced living and eating. It wanted to internationalise the slow food movement to wake people up to the culi- nary skills and tastes around the world. It also wanted people to enjoy food and pro- tect the environment while ensuring sus- tainability of resources. (Source: Produce Green 綠田園) Think about it Class vote References www.SlowFood.com http://hk.news.yahoo.com/061106/60/1 vuae.html http://hk.news.yahoo.com/061030/60/1 vgq2.html http://hk.news.yahoo.com/061030/60/1 vgqq.html

FAST FOOD - The Standard · E06 FOOD E07 FAST Monday, November 20, 2006 Hong Kong Today FAST FOOD We live in fast food culture, but convenience comes at a price, writes J a n e t

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E06 E07



Monday, November 20, 2006

Hong Kong Today





We live in fast food culture, but conveniencecomes at a price, writes JJaanneett WWoonngg

Translated by Anvil Ong

Fast food culture

1) What is the characteristic of fast food culture?

Why do we say it represents the culture of mod-

ern society? Do you agree?

2) What is wrong with fast food culture? Why are

people fighting it with slow food?

Slow food

3) What is slow food? What are its benefits? Why

is it called an attitude? Can you explain with


4) Someone said that we slow down not to fight

the fast, but we slow down to be fast. Can you

give examples?

Class discussion

5) Fast food culture often goes against environ-

mental concerns. Why? If you were a fast food

restaurant owner, how would you respond?

6) How much time do you spend eating? Do you

think what you eat, how you eat and your atti-

tude towards eating are equally important?


7) Which do you think Hong Kong people will

choose in future: fast food or slow food? Create

a comparison table for the two and discuss.

I think slow food...A) is worth promoting. It is a healthy way of


B) should be promoted to offset the fast food


C) does not fit into modern life.

D) is only for the rich.

GGOOUURRMMEETT CCrraaiigg AAuu YYeeuunngg: “Being slow does notmean rejecting the fast. We slow down to be fast.We slowly and clearly see what we need. Then wecan make a fast decision.”

CChhaaiirrmmaann ooff SSllooww FFoooodd OOrrggaanniissaattiioonn ((SSiinnggaa--ppoorree)): “Eat to live (要為生而食) or live to eat (為食而

生)? That’s a personal choice. But don’tforget ‘You are what you eat’ (你吃甚

麼,你就是甚麼). Next time don’tdevour (大口吞) food. And

don’t have PC or TVmeals.”

SSllooww FFoooodd OOrrggaannii--ssaattiioonn ((TTaaiiwwaann)): “We

are not eating deli-cacies from landand sea, we aretasting them.”

RRTTHHKK ffooooddaanndd ccuullttuurreepp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm ee :“Actually thereare 80,000agricul turalproducts thatcan be used forfood. To date,only about 150kinds have been

grown. Four ofthem account for

85 percent of theworld’s food con-

sumption. Under thefast food influence, no

one cares about asking

for variety in food.” NNeettiizzeenn CCaatt: “Slow food is an attitude – a belief

that everyone has the right to enjoy food and thenatural rhythm of life. It is just that people todayhave gone astray, giving birth to the tasteless andharmful fast food and overly fast-paced living.”

GGrreeeenn PPrroodduuccee FFoouunnddaattiioonn ddiirreeccttoorr HHoo LLeeuunngg--mmaauu (綠田園基金理事何良懋): “Over the decade, slowfood has stressed slowly enjoying food in a peacefuland comfortable environment. The followersbelieve that it helps digestion and the additionalchewing helps lower carcinogenic (致癌) and toxic(毒性) substances in food. The more you chew themore protection against cancer. Experts say one hasto chew every mouthful of food at least 20 timesbefore swallowing it. A meal must last at least 45minutes to be healthy.”

MMrr YYuuee ooff tthhee ffiinnaanncciiaall sseeccttoorr: “Fast food isfaster. It is a symbol of social development. Spend-ing one hour enjoying lunch is a bit too much. HongKong people are always competing. They eat to stophunger and that’s all they care about. Though slowfood is good, it does not fit into modern life. I thinkonly those people who have a lot of leisure time canafford it.”

NNeettiizzeenn JJuullyy 22000044: “It is not a problem of fast orslow. Like the people who take a lot of food ontotheir dishes at a buffet. They actually may not knowhow the food tastes or what they are eating. Underthe influence of fast food, people will not be particu-lar about food and don't know how to enjoy it.”

SSllooww FFoooodd OOrrggaanniissaattiioonn ((HHoonngg KKoonngg)) ddiirreeccttoorrWWiillssoonn KKwwookk: “We are not controlling our time. Wecan spend 45 minutes on video games and only 15minutes for eating. Slowing down is actually asearch for quality time.”

HONG Kong people are living ata fast pace. To save time, manylunch at fast food restaurants.However, such meals, with

their stereotyped tastes (標準化口味) andenvironmentally unfriendly ways of prepa-ration, have always been criticised.

According to a study last month, thetotal consumption of disposable lunchutensils (即棄餐具) used by the five fast foodrestaurant chains in Hong Kong reached 27million pieces per month, demonstratingthat people ignored the harm the fast foodculture has brought to health, life and theenvironment. In view of this, there arepeople around the world promoting “slowfood” to offset (抗衡) the problems broughtabout by fast food.

Fast food and slow food are not justabout eating habits. They are an attitudetowards life. Which shall we choose?

News extractsTODAY, more and more people are eatingfast food, resulting in alarming numbers ofdisposable lunch utensils used. Accordingto an estimate by GGrreeeenn SSeennssee (環保觸覺) lastmonth, the five fast food chains used as

many as 27 million pieces of disposablessuch as plastic spoons, forks, etc. duringlunch hours. That means a customer usesabout nine disposables on average and thetotal amount of tray paper used is enoughto cover 28 Government Stadium soccerpitches. Also, the tissue paper used isequivalent to chopping down 65 trees.

For their convenience, fast food shopsuse disposables that are not environmen-tally friendly. This problem is only the tipof the iceberg. As early as 1986, Italianscholar and gourmet Carlo Petrini (意大利學

者及食家卡洛•佩特里尼) felt the opening ofMcDonald’s in Italy would impact thecountry’s food culture. He believed the“invasion” of fast food not only harmedhealth but also made people lose their abil-ity to enjoy and respect food. It also endan-gered the diversification of world food andlivestock.

In view of environmental friendlinessand fairness, he started the Slow FoodMovement to promote the joys of tastingfood, feasting and wine-tasting. He wasagainst stereotyping food and advocated(提倡) the rights of consumers to be keptinformed. He asked for conservation of the

uniqueness of food heritage, traditionalfood cultures, traditional means of growingcrops and food treatment. He also wantedto protect the breeding of livestock andcrop strains.

The advantage of fast food is its conven-ience which suits the pace of modern life.Hence, the fast food culture actually repre-sents the race for efficiency in the modernworld. However, putting too much stresson convenience can bring adverse effects.It is laying stress on packaging instead ofcontent. It in a way stresses benefits at thecost of moral values (道德觀).

Meanwhile, the Slow Food International(國際慢食協會) established in 1989 in Parisread out their slow food declaration (慢食宣

言): The fast pace of city life is affecting lifeand environment in the name of produc-tivity. We shall fight back with slow food.

Slow food can be rephrased as slow eat-ing or slow tasting. Slow eating is not justin the slowness when eating. At the sametime, it is a kind of search for lifestyle andquality. Starting from how to respect andenjoy food, we learn how to be friendly tothe environment, respect life and theunique heritage and culture of food. Slow

eating is not only for the rich. Slow food isenjoying simple and good food that growson the ground. What we eat, how we eatand the attitude of eating are equallyimportant.


The Slow Food Movementand DeclarationON 9 November 1989, representatives

from Argentina (阿根廷), Austria (奧地利),

Brazil (巴西), Denmark (丹麥), France (法國),

Germany (德國), Holland (荷蘭), Hungary

(匈牙利), Italy (意大利), Japan (日本), Spain

(西班牙), Sweden (瑞典), Switzerland (瑞士),

USA and Venezuela (委內瑞拉) signed a

slow food declaration in Paris. The decla-

ration stated the bad effects of fast food

on society and the environment. It was

against fast-paced living and eating. It

wanted to internationalise the slow food

movement to wake people up to the culi-

nary skills and tastes around the world. It

also wanted people to enjoy food and pro-

tect the environment while ensuring sus-

tainability of resources.

(Source: Produce Green 綠田園)

Think about it

Class vote

References www.SlowFood.com





