Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK BCI B arn ard C hem ical In fo rm a tion L td.

Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

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Page 1: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Fast Descriptor Calculation for

Combinatorial Libraries

Geoff Downs & John Barnard

Sheffield, UK

BC I B arn ard C h em icalI n form ation L td.

Page 2: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Descriptor Generation for Combinatorial Libraries Need to calculate structure descriptors for large

virtual libraries• Subset selection better in property space than in

reactant (precursor) space Full library enumeration, followed by descriptor

calculation for single molecules can be slow Direct analysis of Markush representation of

library can offer order-of-magnitude speedups• gives accurately-calculated descriptors for all

molecules in the library

Page 3: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Markush Structures

Scaffold plus R-groups Each R-group alternative (ni) shown once

Convenient for input and display Markush is O( ni)

• 1 core + 100 R1 + 100 R2 + 100 R3 = 301

Enumeration is O( ni)• 1 core × 100 R1 × 100 R2 × 100 R3 = 1,000,000

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Direct Analysis of Markush

Avoid multiple analysis of common/repeated parts Time and space advantages

• do as much work as possible in ni

• work in ni only when absolutely necessary Generate partial descriptors from individual building

blocks, and overlaps between them Combine these using appropriate logic to form full

descriptors for individual products Applicable where descriptors are “additive” in


Page 5: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Two-stage Descriptor Generation from Markush Structures1. Analyse core and R-group alternatives

• Build intermediate representation of “partial descriptors”

• Some partial descriptors may involve overlap between core and R-group(s)

• O( ni) [Sigma Phase]

2. Assemble “full” descriptor for each individual molecule in library

• Usually simple addition, concatenation or logical OR of partial descriptors

• O( ni) [Pi Phase]

Page 6: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Descriptors from Markush

Previously described structure fingerprint generation • based on dictionary of predefined fragments• “Partial” fingerprints for relevant building blocks ORed

together for each specific structure

More recent work on calculation of property values• “Lipinski” properties• topological indices

Page 7: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Markush Analysis Softwarec S L N

M ain in ternal M ark us hrepres en tation (E F CL )

M T Z F ile(S M IR K S /S M IL E S )

R G F ile

F ra g m e ntd ic tio na ry

C lu s te rNu m be rs

P a rtia lfing e rprints

En u m e ra te dFin g e rprin t s

C e n tro id/M o da l

F in g e rprin t

D ive rs ity E xplo re r E xc ha ng e F ile

(S M IR K S /S M IL E S )

P a rtia lS M IL E S

En u m e ra te dS M I L ES

P a rtia lpro pe rty va lue s

En u m e ra te dpro pe rty v a lu e s

S lo g Pa to m type s

R e a c tio n a ndP re c urs o r Input

M a rk us h Input

Page 8: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Internal Markush Representation

Data structure held in memory only while needed for analysis• Separate building blocks (“partial structures”) with logical

relationships• Several (non-independent) substituent groups may be

included in a single structural variable Can be built from various input formats

• “Markush-type” input (e.g. RGfile, cSLN) imported directly• Generic reaction and precursor input is more complex

Representation may be “optimised” for efficient processing

Page 9: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Reaction/Precursor input

Build Markush incrementally, one reaction step at a time

Each step modifies core and adds an R-group (clipped reagents)

Input modules based on Daylight reaction toolkit implementedhttp://www.daylight.com/meetings/mug00/Barnard

Module based on Accord SDK under development

Page 10: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

SMILES Enumeration Markush analysis can be used for fast enumeration

of non-canonical SMILES for library members Based on SMILES trick: “C1.C1” “CC”

• dot separates the two carbon atoms• “ring closure” numerals join them up again

Sigma Phase:• Generate Partial SMILES for each Partial Structure • Use unsatisfied ring closure numeral for bonds outside

the Partial Structure Pi phase:

• Concatenate Partial SMILES from each relevant PS

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SMILES Enumeration core R1 R2O=C%12Nc1ccc(ccc1)C(=O)OC%11 . C%12 . [H]%11O=C%12Nc1ccc(ccc1)C(=O)OC%11 . C%12 . Cl%11O=C%12Nc1ccc(ccc1)C(=O)OC%11 . C%12Br . [H]%11O=C%12Nc1ccc(ccc1)C(=O)OC%11 . C%12Br . Cl%11

Sigma phase: fast generation of partial SMILES• < 0.04s for 100x100x100 = 1M benzodiazepine library

Pi phase: simple concatenation of partial SMILES• 38,775 structures per sec (SGI R10k)• Producing canonical SMILES slows down enumeration

by factor of 45o Each individual molecule must be separately canonicalised

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Lipinski Property Generation Molecular weight

• trivial addition of partial molecular weights Count of aromatic rings

• addition of partial counts – optimisation of internal representation ensures that aromatic rings are not split between building blocks

Hydrogen bond donor/acceptor counts• Partial counts may depend on combination of more than

one R-group (e.g. where H is an alternative)• “Overlap” terms (combinations of building blocks) may

need to be included in addition• HBD/HBA definitions can be customised

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Lipinski Property Generation

Rotatable bond counts• Some complexities for bonds

between core and R-group• RB = any single bond except to a

terminal atom (H, Cl etc.) or a terminal group (CH3, NO2 etc.)

• In example, R1 to ring single bond is not rotatable when R1 is CH3 or R2 and R3 are identical terminal atoms







Page 14: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Lipinski Property Generation

logP• Used SlogP atom-contribution method

o Wildman & Crippen, JCICS 1999, 39, 868-873o 68 atom types (+ 4 supplemental) defined as SMARTS patterns

• Atom types redefined as BCI Fragment Dictionary, e.g.[CH3][(N,O,S,P,F,Cl,Br,I)] => C as Xo 797 fragments (644 AA + 26 AS + 131 direct assignment)o Charged N,O and intermediate C, X, Y atom types

• Some atom types require examination of neighbouring building blocks

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Lipinski Generation Timings

100100100 = 1M benzodiazepine library SGI R10000 Sigma phase:

• calculation of partial property values • <0.04s

Pi phase: • assembly and output of full property values • 95.59s for all 1M molecules• 10,461 molecules/s

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Topological Index Generation

Many topological indices are based on summing the terms for small parts of structure• Simple extra calculation needed at end for some indices• Several implemented (others under development)

o Kier Chi connectivity indices; any ordero Counts of different subgraph types; any order o Kier Kappa and Phi shape indiceso Zagreb indexo (Wiener index and Balaban (JX, JY) indices)

• Hosoya Index not amenable to Markush approacho Requires analysis of full molecule

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Kier Index Generation

Sigma Phase • Identify all subgraphs up to n bonds (n is maximum index

order)• Count number of subgraphs of different types, and calculate

contributions to Chi indices Pi Phase

• Sum appropriate subgraph counts and index contributions for each molecule

• Kappa and Phi shape indices calculated from low-order subgraph counts

Sigma phase is significantly slower than for Lipinski properties and fingerprints

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Chi Index Sigma Phase Timings









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Maximum Subgraph Order






Calculation of partial subgraph counts up to specified order

100 x 100 x 3 = 30,000 compounds400MHz Pentium Celeron, 64MB RAM

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Slowdown at higher orders – number of subgraphs Exponential increase in number of subgraphs at

higher orders• Also a problem when handling specific structures

Subgraph Types• P (Path) – nodes have 1 or 2 connections• C (Cluster) – nodes have 1 or 3 connections• PC (Path/Cluster) – nodes have 1, 2 or 3 connections• CH (Chain) – subgraph contains a ring

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Explosion in Number of Subgraphs




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Subgraph Order





Mean number of subgraphs per molecule

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Explosion in Number of Subgraphs








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Subgraph Order





Maximum number of subgraphs in any molecule

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Slowdown at higher orders – number of Rgroups Higher order subgraphs

can involve core and multiple R-groups• Order 6 PC can involve

all three R-groups

Depends on how well-separated R-groups are




R3 " CH3

R1 : 100 alternativesR2 (symmetrical): 100 alternativesR3: 3 alternatives

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Speeding-up Kier Index Generation

Limit maximum order for subgraph counts and Kier connectivity indices

Avoid identifying PC/CH subgraphs if these indices are not required

• not available yet• some complications as

subgraphs can change type as bonds are added

Clu s ter

P ath

Ch ain( i .e . R i n g )

P athClu s ter

Page 24: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Clustering Library Members Previously described clustering of library members on

the basis of fingerprints Lipinksi properties and topological indices can also be

used as basis for clustering• Descriptors are re-generated from partial descriptors as

needed (Pi phase) and need not be stored K-means relocation method needs O(N) time

• Non-hierarchical clustering method• Produces high-quality clusters• User specifies required number of clusters• Results can depend on random selection of cluster seeds

Page 25: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

Current Work: Library Overlap

Work in progress to identify the overlap between combinatorial libraries

Identify specific compounds in common• expressed as another Markush structure

“Brute force” algorithm would• Fully enumerate libraries involved• Compare lists of (e.g.) canonical SMILES for

common members

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Library Overlap

Markush algorithm originally designed for structure search in chemical patents

• uses “reduced graph” representation of Markusho avoids “segmentation problem” (different boundaries between R-

group and scaffold)

• eliminates non-matching parts very rapidly• slower (atom-by-atom) check to confirm matches

o worst case is matching library against itself

Implementation in software toolkit form• can be incorporated into users’ software• could form basis for Markush Registration/Search system

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Potential Future Work: 3D Conformation Generation Preliminary discussions with Gasteiger group (Univ.

Erlangen) on linking Markush approach with CORINA

CORINA works by• separating cyclic and acyclic components• establishing conformation for each independently• linking them back together • checking and adjusting for steric crowding

Some analogies with Markush approach• First two steps are equivalent to Sigma phase• Last two steps are equivalent to Pi phase

Page 28: Fast Descriptor Calculation for Combinatorial Libraries Geoff Downs & John Barnard Sheffield, UK

References Barnard, J. M.; Downs, G. M.; von Scholley-Pfab, A.; Brown,

R.D., “Use of Markush structure analysis techniques for descriptor generation and clustering of large combinatorial libraries.” J. Mol. Graph. Modelling 2000, 18 (4/5), 452-463

Reactions Markush (Daylight MUG00 meeting) http://www.daylight.com/meetings/mug00/Barnard

P.S. we are recruiting too…


Copyright © Barnard Chemical Information Ltd., 2001