FASHION. Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date (http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT VVAp4SQUjFcuK80Sxq0AMQ9VbopG83OUXf vkoZhfJ3BQxf6Ck).


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Page 1: fashion

FASHION. Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date




Page 2: fashion

Fashion is the term that describes the

famous and popular clothing styles,

hairstyles, furniture and lifestyle. It is

one major term used in our life. Fash-

ion basically describes, the up coming

or the in trends, of styling and people

follow start adapt that fashion. Fash-

ion is for both feminine and mascu-

line, and clothes are made for them

accordingly. Nowadays people are re-

ally influenced with fashion design-

ing, this way we have a proper study

for the ones who are interested in

such fields. Fashion is one top issue in

our society as trends keep on chang-

ing, and people who do not get

adapted to fashion our often known

as ‘Unfashionable’ in our society.

Page 3: fashion

Our country Pakistan is also known as a

major fashion manufacturer. Trends,

and styling in Pakistan is more towards

the western culture, as we tend to be in-

fluenced with the western side.

Page 4: fashion

The Up coming and the in trends and

fashion of today's world.



