MargaretviUe. N. Y., Friday, October 3, 1958 OATSKHX MOUMXAIN ItEW S Page Five FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST WOODSXOOK, N. Y. Invites Yon to a Free Lecture on Christian Science Subject: “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE; THE PATHWAY OF SPIRITUAL HEALING” Lecturer: FRANCIS W. COUSINS, C. S. of Manchester, England Member of the Board of ^ctureship of the Mother Church, the First Oiurch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Place: WOODSTOCK TOWN HALL T im e : THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1958 At 8:15 P. M. Doors Open at 7:15 P. M. The Shell Sign is Your Assurance of Complete Satisfaction in Automotive Products Lubrication Gasolines W ashing Oil Change Accessories Tires ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU Fleischmanns Section Monday, Sept. 29, 1958 M rs. Rose Greene, Editor PINEHILL SHELLSERVICE who wants a i:i© K ITCHEN rN ij Every homemaker wants the most modem kitchen . . . the reason you find so many electric ranges in homes today. Over three thousand women every day choose elec- tric cooking because of the complete selection of built; ' 's,th ' in models, the colors, the bright modem styling pioneered electric ranges. ^ Once an electric range is installed in your home, you’ll soon prove f6r yourself an electric range means modem. Your kitchen stays clean, cooking is far easier with a new electric range. Whether remodeling your kitchen or replacing an old stove, you modernize most when you go electric. See your electric appliance dealer soon. UVEBETTIR NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS Mr. and Mrs. James Kendricks and daughter, Mrs. Gussie Bush, of Margaretville spent Monday with their son-in-law and daug^i- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Craft, and family on Highmount. Mrs. Donald Rarick of Oneonta visited her sister, Mrs. Martha Bushnell, Sunday. Mrs. Marvin Scudder, with her daughter and son of Arkville were Thursday dinner guests of her aunt, Mrs. Nellie Smith, in Cloves- viUe. Mrs. Smith also entertained her sister, Mrs. Lenora Banks, £ind daughter, Katherine, of Ham- burg, N. J., on Thursday and Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vemooy and children, Barbara and Dennis, of Middletown called on her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Shaver, on Sunday. Mrs. Sydney Flisser left on Sat- urday for her home in North Mi- ami Beach, Fla., after spending the summer vnth her mother, Mrs. C. H. Haderup, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rockwell of Allabenvisited his mother, Mrs. Lelia Simonson, Sunday after- noon. J Reopens Beauty Salon Mrs. Diana Mathes retumed to town on Thursday and reopened her beauty salon. She spent two weeks vacationing in Miama Beadi and Atlantic' City. Mr. and Mrs. James C^wen, daughter, Peggy, and son, Jimmy, of Dover Plains were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Anna Kralik Ion Highmount. Celebrated 90th Birthday Mrs. Anna Kralik of Highnjount celebrated her 90th birthday on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Mother Kra- lik, has been a summer resident for the past 23 years, and is still at Highmount with her daughter, Vera. Her son-in-law and daugh- iter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Celantano, ^ and friends and relatives have ibeen steady visitors all summer. Jackie and George Kralik, who had charge of the Highmount Rid- ing academy during the summer season, wehe' with her also. Mrs. Kralik is still active and all wish her much health and happiness. One of her greatest delights is to ride the chair lift. She still loves to cook. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quacken- bush and daughters of Bloomville spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Charles Bushnell. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Insler and family have returned to Marga- retville after spending the sum- mer at the family home in town. Mf. and. Mrs. Harper Fairbaim and family were Wednesday sup- per guests at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Fair- baim, in Dry Brook. Mrs. Howell Birdsall spent the weekend at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Williams, Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Milano Jr. and family have moved from one of the Murray Mayes cottages on Wagner avenue to the upstairs apartment in the Charles Rosen- dorf cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Sloven moved into the cot- tage vacated by the Milano fam- ily. Greetings! Burthday greetings to Mrs. Hil- ton Kelly and Mamion Blish, who celebrated birthdays on Sept. 30; to Mrs. Jessie Speenburgh, mother of Attorney Gleason Speenburgh, who will celebrate her 85th birth- day on Oct. 10; to W alter Craft Jr. on Oct. 13, and ±o Joel Sil- berstein on his 13th birthday on Oct. 19. C<mgratnlattons! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howell BirdsaU, who will cele- brate their 27th wedding anniver- sary on Oct. 14; to Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner on their eighth wedding anniversEuy on Oct. 15; to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mesnik on their 53rd wedding anniversary Oct. 15; to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce CJurrey on their 30th wedding an- niversary Oct. 15, and to Mr. smd Mrs. Ralph Steams on their 37th wedding anniversary Oct. 19. Mrs. Eleanor Olenik of Kings- ton is spending the week with her parents, Mr^ and Mrs. Frank Greene. Attended Clambake Sam Slavin, Morris Siavrn, Rob- ert Pultz, George Alton, Bemie Wadler and Fuller Van Valken- burgh attended an all-day clam- bake at Cairo on Sunday. Prizes were awarded. Morris Slavin was a winner of a table and Robert Pultz was the winner of an elec- tric calendar dock. Mrs. llOram Maxim and sons, Wayne and Berton, spent Simday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Smith, in Clovesville. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis and son, Stephen, left Sunday to spend the winter at their home in Mi- ami, Fla. Chris Elliott and his sister, Ann Marie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, are recovering fro mthe three-day measles, and Ginger Ttdt, daughter of Rev. and a&s. Richard Tait, .is confined to Iher hom^with measles. Robert Pultz is attending a teU ephone school in Buffalo <pr two weeks. He spent the past week- end with his family in town. Mrs. Bessie Combs and Mrs. Florence Craft of Clovesville spent from Thursday until Simday at the home of their son and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Combs;' and family in Woodstock. The official board of the Fleisch- manns Methodist church will meet Friday evening, Oct. 4, at 8 in the parsonage. ]V|r. and Mrs. James Cantwell and son, Daniw, visited at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Morse, in Stamford Sunday. Attended Bar Association Attorney and Mrs. Harold Weiss of Brooklyn were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaver. Attomey and Mrs. Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Shaver and Attorney and Mrs^ Harold Kleinfeld all attended the annual dinner and dance spon- sored by the Delaware County Bar association held at the Roundup ranch in DownsviUe Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene Mrs. George MiUer, and famUy spent Sunday with their daughter, in CampbeU HaU. Seaman Robert Moran, sta- tioned at Newport, R. I., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Effie Moran, and famUy. Mrs. Orpha Brown visited her cousin, Mrs. Genevieve Atken, in Kingston Monday. Miss Jane BaUard of Margaret- viUe spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Harper Fairbaim, and fam- ily. Manny Hctffman of Riverdale, a summer resid^t, caUed on friehds in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Avery of WiUiamsburgh, Va., who spent the week with relatives in Marga- retville, were supper guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Furch, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Manning of St. Cloud, Fla., formerly of Binghamton, spent from Thursday untU Monday with his cousins, Mr; and Mrs. Otis Todd. Mrs; Charles Maxim and chU- dren, Cheri and , Chuckie, her mother, Mrs. Cory 'TaUon, George Edgerton, Mrs. Katie Haynes, Missie Haynes and Wayne Cas- weU made a trip to Carson City near CatddU on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. WiUiam Cohen and sons, Ian, Joshua and Eddie, motored to the Albany airport on M6nday to meet her brother, Har- old Lessem, of Salem, Mass. Dr. Cohen and Mr. Lessem left Mon- day for a week’s tour of historic sights in Virginia. Robert Fairbaim Jr. celebrated hsi fourth birthday on Sunday, Sept. 28. A birthday party was held in the aftemoon at the ski slope lodge. Ten Uttle friends attended to help Robbie celebrate the occasion. FoUowing an after- noon of games, birthday cake and ice cream were served. Robbie received many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Alex HeUer of HeUer’s Little Hungary have closed their hotel and left Sat- urday for their home in the Bronx. Rev. and Mrs. Terry Martin of Kings coUege wiU be guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Rich- ard Tait in ClovesviUe this week- end. Rev. Martin, who is a chalk artist, WiU draw pictures at special services Saturday evening and at the Sunday morning and evening services at the ClovesviUe Bible Baptist chuirch. AU welcome. library Honrs Mrs. Orpha Brown, Ubrarian at the Skene Memorial ibrary, an- nounces that the library wiU be open from 1 p. m. imtU 5 p. m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, except hoUdays, during the winter season. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Marion Morse and son, Ronald, and W alter Roberts were at Albany hospital Sunday visiting Mr. Morse’s sister, lidrs. Beatrice Streeter, who has been in the hospital since last week Tuesday. They also visited Miss Esther Kelly, who is recovering from surgery at the hospital. Miss Wilhelmina Henry closed her summer home on Ellsworth avenue and left Sunday for her home in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Carlan of Brooklyn spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Rott- koc, and faniUy. Rev. Forrest Robinson left Tuesday to resume his studies at Drew university in Madison, N. J. foUowing the summer recess. This is his final year at Drew. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mesnik are spending a few days visiting with their daughter and family in PhUadelphia. Oliverea M ove Fire Truck To Big Indian . OUverea, Sept. 30. — The Big Indian-OUverea fire district com- missioners of Big ^dian have moved the district fire truck from the Oliverea fire house to the firemen’s buUding in Big Indian. The fire district was formed 10 years ago. A fire track was sta*- tioned in OUverea until last Mon- day. The Big Indian commission- ers, at a meeting Sept. 18, decided to make the change. By this move it leaves a much larger area, with many more buUdings, with- out adequate fire f>rotection. The christening of John Allan 9 ositz was held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rossitz, in Oliverea Saturday aftemoon. I Rev. Dr. Frank L. GoUnick of the Kingston Lutheran church performed the ceremony at 3 o’clock. George Alan Bedell and Mrs. Richard (^vette, brother and sister of Mrs; Rossitz, acted as sponsors for John Allan. A buffet supper was served after the serv- ice to the guests. They were Mr. and Mrs. George W. BedeU and Mr. and Mrs. John Rossitz, ma- temal and patemal grandparents of John' AUan, Richard Gavette and chUdren, Jan and Rande, of MargaretviUe, Mrs. Helen Fream and John Barter of Mineola, L. L, Thomas Aley, Ivan Eignor and Gerald ESgnor of Big Bidian. ThcHiias AJey celebrated his 19th birthday Saturday. Con- gratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Combe spent last weekend with Mrs. Combe’s parents in .^toria, L. I. Miss Babette Decker was given a surprise birthday party at her home, in OUverea Saturday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Bmno Steinbom are spending a short vacation in New York. Members of the Board of Trade Blue Cross plan have received notices of the increase in their monthly payments. Increases range from 36 cents to 98 cents for famUy groups. H alcott Church Plans Rally The Halcott Center Methodist church wiU have an aU-church raUy this Sunday at_the Grange haU. Rev. Bemard Grossman, district superintendent, wiU be the speaker. Also on the program wiU be a presentation of the Meth- odist Youth FeUowship, an explan- ation of Sunday school program and the coming financial campaign by laymen of the church. The dinner wiU begin at 12:30 p. m. AU famiUes planning to attend are asked to bring a covered dish to pass. There was an election of trus- tees at the Halcott Center Meth- odist church on Sunday evening. Donald Bouton and Fred Bouton Sr. were both reelected and Her- bert Needleman was elected for the third position. Clippings Catskills KINGSTON—Members of the Canal Society of New York State retraced by motor car the route of the Delaware and Hudson Canal last weekend, about 130 years after the first^lhrough boa^ the packet “Orange” left Rondout for Honesdale. The last through boat. No. 1107, left Honesdale Nov. 5, 1898. SIDNEY—Work has begun on removal of rails along the O&W right of way. Hopes of Walton, Delhi and Sidney to secure op- eration of a short line appear to be doomed. KINGSTON — The N ^ York State Department of PubUc Works proposed to buUd a grade crossing for the new access road'to the Kingston-Rhine<diff bridge where it intersects the tracks of the Mountain branch of the New^York Central. The DPW pointed out that the tracks are used by only one train each w e^ day. WALTON—The Walton viUage jaU buUding has been leased to a Walton man to use for storage. CATSKUJti — A 30-foot square section of the 20-foot high ceiling fell in the supervisors’ room of the Green county courthouse. The boaiti was not in session, but a woman derk escaped injuiy. One supervisor said that crash hel- mets would be issued to board members unless repairs are made before the Oct. 10 meeting. I POUGHKEEPSIE— The widow of Joseph W. Reinhardti 27, wiU receive a settlement of $^900, equivalent to his salary for the next 15 years. Reinhardt was electrocuted whUe working on a leurge computer at the IBM Pbugh- keepsie plant, where he was a test technician. RICHFIELD SPRINGS — The ViUage board plans to eliminate all dirt streets by the end of 1959. Kel^ Comers Kelly Coiners, Sept. 30 GeOTge Cltoi and Mrs. Anna Hoyt visited Mr. and Mrs. John Tlsdimacfaer at RidmiondviUe Wednesday. * \ Mrs. Carrie Finch of Roxbury spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. EU Finch. They viisted Mrs. Du- Bois at South Kortright nursing home in the aftemoon. Mrs. Amy Gavette of Grand Gorge visited a t George Clum’s Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and daughters spent Sunday at DownsviUe with his father, Wilson Hoy, and famUy. Mrs. Buelah Pingree of Mel- rose, Mass., and grandson, David Pingree of Winchester, Mass., came Sunday and are visiting Mrs. W. Grant KeUy. Mrs. Ada Keith,- daughter, Betty, and son, Robert, of North Blenheim Were Tuesday evening dinner guests of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Felter Jr., and son. Prof. Tschudy Talks To M ountain Folks Prof. Earl H. Tschudy, a man of science who loves the Bible, wiU speak at the Olive-Shokan Balptist church, West Shokan, Oct. 3 and 4, at 7:30 p. m.; Oct. 5 at 3 p. m., and Oct. 6 through 19 at 7:30 p. m. He will also speak at the First Baptist church, Phoenida, on Sunday, Oct. 5, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mr. Tschudy was a public high school science teacher in Pennsyl- vania for 35 years and has been a Bible teacher and Bible confer- ence speaker for over a decade. ‘•^MAReARETVIUeS'ci.DOUGLASs. DON I you CAN TEU.THE PBHFEREHCE M aUAUTY Douglas Keuy F mm E ouiphint handle THE BEST r ; FARM BQUIPMENT HBW IDEA PARM EOUIPMENT-a«M*fe,%aMYEOUIPM£NT Rev. and Mrs. Terry Martin, evangelist representatives from The King’s CoUege, Briarcliff Manor, will present a series of special services at Clovesville Bible Baptist Church Saturday night at 7:30, Sunday morning at 11 and night at 7:30 Rev. Martin has been in evangelistic work for 11 years. During this time he has conducted over 2,700 services in churches, youth rallies, and Bible conferences covering a 33 state area. He has also ministered in thr»e Canadian provinces and the Islands of Bermuda. Besides presenting a message from God’s Word, he draws a large, colorful chalk picture in each of his services which illustrates the Biblical truth he presents. These pictures are approximately three feet by four feet in size and are Uluminated by a series of rheostatically controlled lights and the black light. Mr. Martin is a graduate of The King’s College in the class of 1950. He received his degiee in art. He has served as staff evangelist, for the College since 1952. Mrs. Martin is an excellent musician. Her original com- positions and arrangements of the old Gospel favorites on the piano and organ add much to the program as it is presented. Mrs. Martin eilso attended The King’s CoUege, where she majored in music. For two yeeirs she was a member of the College choir. She was an active partidpant in student Gospel team activities and toured one siunmer as a member of The King’s Ambassadors, midwestem Gospel team representatives for the School. The Martins present a service in scene, sermon, and song which wiU be enjoyed by young and old. y REGISTER V FOR ROCKEFELUR REGISTER October 4 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. October 11 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. vot 6 In 1954, the election was decided by only 11,125 votesi One more Republican vote in each election dbtrict would have turned the tide. This shows how important it is fbr you to be properly register so you can Vote. NEW YORK REPUBLICAN STATE COMMIHEE m AN OCTOBERHARVEST I ^ FORSAVERS The money you save at City & County Savings Bank on or befOf€ OCT. 15 earn dividends fr-OCT. 1 Don't put off saving any longer. Open your account at City and County Savings Bank and take full advantage of this month's bonus dividend days. Open your account in person or by mail at either of two convenient offices. Regular ,EXTRi«k Dividends Credited and Compounded Quarterly MAIL THIS COUPON TO , . OPEN YOUR k ACCOUNT ^ rouNOiD \ 1 8 8 0 --- ------------- ALBANY,N.Y. MIMIII nOIIAl DirOSIT INSUtANCC r City &Coimty Savings Bank I 100 State St, Albany 1, N. Y. I (or) 301 New Scotland Ave., Albany 8, N. Y. I Send New, FREE Banking by Mail Booklet. I Enclosed is $----------- -- ------- Please open a saving! ac- I count for me as.checked and mail passbook to address bdow. { Individuid Account in my name.. } Joint Account with ---------------------- ------- ---------- - I Trust Account for. ----------- ------------------ —— I Name----------- ---------------------------------------------------- Today ! Address. City ---- _Zone ___ .Slate. ~ If yen send cash, use Regutered MaU

FARM BQUIPMENTnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1958-10-03/ed-1/seq-5.pdfMrs. Diana Mathes retumed to town on Thursday and reopened her beauty salon. She spent two weeks vacationing

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Page 1: FARM BQUIPMENTnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1958-10-03/ed-1/seq-5.pdfMrs. Diana Mathes retumed to town on Thursday and reopened her beauty salon. She spent two weeks vacationing

M argaretviUe. N. Y., Friday, October 3, 1958 OATSKHX MOUMXAIN ItEW S Page Five



In v ites Yon to a

F r e e L e c t u r e o n C h r i s t i a n S c i e n c e

S u b je c t: “ C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E ;


H E A L IN G ”

L e c tu re r : F R A N C IS W . C O U S IN S , C . S .of M anchester, England

Member of the Board of ^ c tu re sh ip of the Mother Church, the F irst O iurch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

P la c e : W O O D S T O C K T O W N H A L L

T im e : T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 9 , 1958

A t 8:15 P. M. Doors Open a t 7:15 P. M.

T h e S h e ll S ig n is Y o u r A s su ra n c e o f

C o m p le te S a tis fa c tio n in A u to m o tiv e P ro d u c ts

L u b r i c a t i o n

G a s o l i n e s

W a s h i n g

O i l C h a n g e

A c c e s s o r i e s

T i r e s


F leischm anns SectionM o n d a y , S e p t. 2 9 , 1 958 M rs . R o se G re e n e , E d ito r


who wants a

i : i ©KITCHEN

rNijEvery homemaker wants the most modem kitchen

. . . the reason you find so many electric ranges in homes today.

Over three thousand women every day choose elec­tric cooking because of the complete selection of built;

' 's ,th 'in models, the colors, the bright modem styling pioneered electric ranges. ^Once an electric range is installed in your home,

you’ll soon prove f6r yourself an electric range means modem. Your kitchen stays clean, cooking is far easier with a new electric range.

Whether remodeling your kitchen or replacing an old stove, you modernize most when you go electric. See your electric appliance dealer soon.



Mr. and Mrs. James Kendricks and daughter, Mrs. Gussie Bush, of M argaretville spent Monday with their son-in-law and daug^i- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Craft, and family on Highmount.

Mrs. Donald Rarick of Oneonta visited her sister, Mrs. M artha Bushnell, Sunday.

Mrs. Marvin Scudder, with her daughter and son of Arkville were Thursday dinner guests of her aunt, Mrs. Nellie Smith, in Cloves- viUe. Mrs. Smith also entertained her sister, Mrs. Lenora Banks, £ind daughter, Katherine, of Ham­burg, N. J., on Thursday and F ri­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vemooy and children, B arbara and Dennis, of Middletown called on her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Shaver, on Sunday.

Mrs. Sydney Flisser left on S at­urday for her home in N orth Mi­ami Beach, Fla., after spending the summer vnth her mother, Mrs. C. H. Haderup, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rockwell of Allabenvisited his mother, Mrs. Lelia Simonson, Sunday after­noon.

J Reopens Beauty Salon Mrs. Diana M athes retum ed to

town on Thursday and reopened her beauty salon. She spent two weeks vacationing in Miama B eadi and A tlantic' City.

Mr. and Mrs. James C^wen, daughter, Peggy, and son, Jimmy, of Dover Plains were recent guests a t the home of Mrs. Anna Kralik

I on Highmount.

Celebrated 90th BirthdayMrs. Anna Kralik of Highnjount

celebrated her 90th birthday on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Mother K ra­lik, has been a summer resident for the past 23 years, and is still a t Highmount with her daughter, Vera. H er son-in-law and daugh-

iter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Celantano, ̂and friends and relatives have ibeen steady visitors all summer. Jackie and George Kralik, who had charge of the Highmount Rid­ing academy during the summer season, wehe' w ith her also. Mrs. Kralik is still active and all wish her much health and happiness. One of her greatest delights is to ride the chair lift. She still loves to cook.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quacken­bush and daughters of Bloomville spent Thursday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs; Charles Bushnell.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Insler and fam ily have returned to M arga­retville after spending the sum­m er a t the family home in town.

Mf. and. Mrs. H arper Fairbaim and family were Wednesday sup­per guests a t the home of his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller F air­baim , in Dry Brook.

Mrs. Howell Birdsall spent the weekend a t the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Williams, Walton.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Milano Jr. and family have moved from one of the M urray Mayes cottages on W agner avenue to the upstairs apartm ent in the Charles Rosen- dorf cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Sloven moved into the cot­tage vacated by the Milano fam­ily.

Greetings!Burthday greetings to Mrs. Hil­

ton Kelly and Mamion Blish, who celebrated birthdays on Sept. 30; to Mrs. Jessie Speenburgh, m other of A ttorney Gleason Speenburgh, who will celebrate her 85th b irth ­day on Oct. 10; to W alter Craft Jr. on Oct. 13, and ±o Joel Sil- berstein on his 13th birthday on Oct. 19.

C<mgratnlattons!Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.

Howell BirdsaU, who will cele­brate their 27th wedding anniver­sary on Oct. 14; to Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner on their eighth wedding anniversEuy on Oct. 15; to Mr. and Mrs. N athan Mesnik on their 53rd wedding anniversary Oct. 15; to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce CJurrey on their 30th wedding an­niversary Oct. 15, and to Mr. smd Mrs. Ralph S team s on their 37th wedding anniversary Oct. 19.

Mrs. Eleanor Olenik of Kings­ton is spending the week w ith her parents, Mr^ and Mrs. Frank Greene.

Attended ClambakeSam Slavin, Morris Siavrn, Rob­

e rt Pultz, George Alton, Bemie W adler and Fuller Van Valken- burgh attended an all-day clam­bake a t Cairo on Sunday. Prizes were awarded. M orris Slavin was a winner of a table and Robert Pultz was the winner of an elec­tric calendar dock.

Mrs. llOram Maxim and sons, Wayne and Berton, spent Simday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Smith, in Clovesville.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis and son, Stephen, left Sunday to spend the w inter a t their home in Mi­ami, Fla.

Chris E lliott and his sister, Ann Marie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E lliott, are recovering fro m the three-day measles, and Ginger Ttdt, daughter of Rev. and a&s. Richard Tait, .is confined to Iher hom ^w ith measles.

Robert Pultz is attending a teU ephone school in Buffalo <pr two weeks. He spent the past week­end with his family in town.

Mrs. Bessie Combs and Mrs. Florence C raft of Clovesville spent from Thursday until Simday a t the home of their son and daugh­ter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Combs;' and family in Woodstock.

The official board of the Fleisch­manns Methodist church will m eet Friday evening, Oct. 4, a t 8 in the parsonage.

]V|r. and Mrs. Jam es Cantwell and son, Daniw, visited a t the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Morse, in Stamford Sunday.

Attended B ar AssociationAttorney and Mrs. Harold

Weiss of Brooklyn were weekend guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaver. A ttom ey and Mrs. Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Shaver and Attorney and Mrs^ Harold Kleinfeld all attended the annual dinner and dance spon­sored by the Delaware County Bar association held a t the Roundup ranch in DownsviUe Friday eve­ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Greene Mrs. George MiUer, and famUy spent Sunday with their daughter, in CampbeU HaU.

Seaman Robert Moran, sta ­tioned a t Newport, R. I., spent the weekend w ith his mother, Mrs. Effie Moran, and famUy.

Mrs. Orpha Brown visited her cousin, Mrs. Genevieve Atken, in Kingston Monday.

Miss Jane BaUard of M argaret- viUe spent a day w ith her sister, Mrs. H arper Fairbaim , and fam- ily.

Manny Hctffman of Riverdale, a summer re s id ^ t, caUed on friehds in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Avery of WiUiamsburgh, Va., who spent the week with relatives in M arga­retville, were supper guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Furch, Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Manning of St. Cloud, Fla., formerly of Binghamton, spent from Thursday untU Monday w ith his cousins, Mr; and Mrs. O tis Todd.

Mrs; Charles Maxim and chU­dren, Cheri and , Chuckie, her mother, Mrs. Cory 'TaUon, George Edgerton, Mrs. K atie Haynes, Missie Haynes and W ayne Cas- weU made a trip to Carson City near CatddU on Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. WiUiam Cohen and sons, Ian, Joshua and Eddie, motored to the Albany airport on M6nday to m eet her brother, H ar­old Lessem, of Salem, Mass. Dr. Cohen and Mr. Lessem left Mon­day for a week’s tour of historic sights in Virginia.

Robert Fairbaim Jr. celebrated hsi fourth birthday on Sunday, Sept. 28. A birthday party was held in the aftemoon a t the ski slope lodge. Ten Uttle friends attended to help Robbie celebrate the occasion. FoUowing an after­noon of games, birthday cake and ice cream were served. Robbie received many gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex HeUer of HeUer’s L ittle Hungary have closed their hotel and left S at­urday for their home in the Bronx.

Rev. and Mrs. Terry M artin of Kings coUege wiU be guests a t the home of Rev. and Mrs. Rich­ard T ait in ClovesviUe this week­end. Rev. M artin, who is a chalk artist, WiU draw pictures a t special services Saturday evening and a t the Sunday morning and evening services a t the ClovesviUe Bible Baptist chuirch. AU welcome.

l ib r a r y H onrsMrs. Orpha Brown, Ubrarian a t

the Skene Memorial ibrary, an­nounces th a t the library wiU be open from 1 p. m. imtU 5 p. m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, except hoUdays, during the w inter season. ^

Mr. and Mrs. M arion Morse and son, Ronald, and W alter Roberts were a t Albany hospital Sunday

visiting Mr. Morse’s sister, lidrs. Beatrice S treeter, who has been in the hospital since last week Tuesday. They also visited Miss E sther Kelly, who is recovering from surgery a t the hospital.

Miss Wilhelmina Henry closed her summer home on Ellsworth avenue and left Sunday for her home in New York city.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Carlan of Brooklyn spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daugh­ter, Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Rott- koc, and faniUy.

Rev. Forrest Robinson left Tuesday to resume his studies a t Drew university in Madison, N. J. foUowing the summer recess. This is his final year a t Drew.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mesnik are spending a few days visiting with their daughter and family in PhUadelphia.

O l i v e r e a

M o v e F i r e T r u c k

T o B i g I n d i a n. OUverea, Sept. 30. — The Big

Indian-OUverea fire district com­missioners of Big ^ d ia n have moved the district fire truck from the Oliverea fire house to the firemen’s buUding in Big Indian.

The fire district was formed 10 years ago. A fire track was sta*- tioned in OUverea until last Mon­day. The Big Indian commission­ers, a t a meeting Sept. 18, decided to m ake the change. By this move i t leaves a much larger area, w ith many more buUdings, w ith­out adequate fire f>rotection.

The christening of John Allan 9 ositz was held a t the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F . Rossitz, in Oliverea Saturday aftemoon.

IRev. Dr. Frank L. GoUnick of

the Kingston Lutheran church performed the ceremony a t 3 o’clock. George Alan Bedell and Mrs. Richard (^vette , brother and sister of Mrs; Rossitz, acted as sponsors for John Allan. A buffet supper was served after the serv­ice to the guests. They were Mr. and Mrs. George W. BedeU and Mr. and Mrs. John Rossitz, ma- tem al and patem al grandparents of John' AUan, Richard Gavette and chUdren, Jan and Rande, of MargaretviUe, Mrs. Helen Fream and John B arter of Mineola, L. L, Thomas Aley, Ivan Eignor and Gerald ESgnor of Big Bidian.

ThcHiias AJey celebrated his 19th birthday Saturday. Con­gratulations!

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Combe spent last weekend with Mrs. Combe’s parents in .^ to ria , L. I.

Miss Babette Decker was given a surprise birthday party a t her home, in OUverea Saturday eve­ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Bmno Steinbom are spending a short vacation in New York.

Members of the Board of Trade Blue Cross plan have received notices of the increase in their monthly payments. Increases range from 36 cents to 98 cents for famUy groups.

H a l c o t t C h u r c h

P l a n s R a l l y

The H alcott Center Methodist church wiU have an aU-church raUy this Sunday at_ the Grange haU. Rev. B em ard Grossman, district superintendent, wiU be the speaker. Also on the program wiU be a presentation of the M eth­odist Youth FeUowship, an explan­ation of Sunday school program and the coming financial campaign by laymen of the church. The dinner wiU begin a t 12:30 p. m. AU famiUes planning to attend are asked to bring a covered dish to pass.

There was an election of trus­tees a t the H alcott Center Meth­odist church on Sunday evening. Donald Bouton and Fred Bouton Sr. were both reelected and H er­bert Needleman was elected for the th ird position.

Clippings CatskillsKINGSTON—Members of the

Canal Society of New York S tate retraced by m otor car the route of the Delaware and Hudson Canal last weekend, about 130 years after the first^lhrough boa^ the packet “Orange” left Rondout for Honesdale. The last through boat. No. 1107, left Honesdale Nov. 5, 1898.

SIDNEY—W ork has begun on removal of rails along the O&W right of way. Hopes of Walton, Delhi and Sidney to secure op­eration of a short line appear to be doomed.

KINGSTON — The N ^ York S tate Departm ent of PubUc W orks proposed to buUd a grade crossing for the new access ro a d 'to the Kingston-Rhine<diff bridge where i t intersects the tracks of the Mountain branch of the New^York Central. The DPW pointed out th a t the tracks are used by only one train each w e ^ day.

WALTON—The W alton viUage jaU buUding has been leased to a W alton man to use for storage.

CATSKUJti — A 30-foot square section of the 20-foot high ceiling fell in th e supervisors’ room of the Green county courthouse. The boaiti was not in session, bu t a woman d e rk escaped injuiy. One supervisor said th a t crash hel­m ets would be issued to board members unless repairs are made before the Oct. 10 meeting.

‘ IPO U G H K EEPSIE— The widow

of Joseph W. Reinhardti 27, wiU receive a settlem ent of $ ^900 , equivalent to his salary for the next 15 years. Reinhardt was electrocuted whUe working on a leurge computer a t the IBM Pbugh- keepsie plant, where he was a test technician.

R IC H FIE LD SPRING S — TheViUage board plans to eliminate all d irt streets by the end of 1959.

K e l^ C om ersKelly Coiners, Sept. 30

GeOTge C lto i and Mrs. Anna Hoyt visited Mr. and Mrs. John Tlsdimacfaer a t RidmiondviUe Wednesday. * \

Mrs. C arrie Finch of Roxbury spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. EU Finch. They viisted Mrs. Du- Bois a t South K ortright nursing home in the aftemoon.

Mrs. Amy G avette of Grand Gorge visited a t George Clum’s Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and daughters spent Sunday a t DownsviUe with his father, Wilson Hoy, and famUy.

Mrs. Buelah Pingree of Mel­rose, Mass., and grandson, David Pingree of W inchester, Mass., came Sunday and are visiting Mrs. W. G rant KeUy.

Mrs. Ada Keith,- daughter, Betty, and son, Robert, of North Blenheim Were Tuesday evening dinner guests of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F elter Jr., and son.

P r o f . T s c h u d y T a l k s

T o M o u n t a i n F o l k sProf. E arl H. Tschudy, a man of

science who loves the Bible, wiU speak a t the Olive-Shokan Balptist church, W est Shokan, Oct. 3 and 4, a t 7:30 p. m.; Oct. 5 a t 3 p. m., and Oct. 6 through 19 a t 7:30 p. m. He will also speak a t the F irst Baptist church, Phoenida, on Sunday, Oct. 5, a t 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

Mr. Tschudy was a public high school science teacher in Pennsyl­vania for 35 years and has been a Bible teacher and Bible confer­ence speaker for over a decade.




Douglas Keuy Fm m Eouiphint

handle THE BEST r ;


H B W I D E A P A R M E O U IP M E N T -a« M * fe ,% aM Y E O U IP M £ N T

Rev. and Mrs. Terry M artin, evangelist representatives from The King’s CoUege, Briarcliff Manor, will present a series of

special services a t Clovesville Bible Baptist Church Saturday night a t 7:30, Sunday morning a t 11 and night a t 7:30

Rev. M artin has been in evangelistic work for 11 years. During this time he has conducted over 2,700 services in churches, youth rallies, and Bible conferences covering a 33 sta te area. He has also ministered in thr»e Canadian provinces and the Islands of Bermuda. Besides presenting a message from God’s Word, he draws a large, colorful chalk picture in each of his services which illustrates the Biblical tru th he presents. These pictures are approximately three feet by four feet in size and are Uluminated by a series of rheostatically controlled lights and the black light. Mr. M artin is a graduate of The King’s College in the class of 1950. He received his degiee in art. He has served as staff evangelist, for the College since 1952.

Mrs. M artin is an excellent musician. Her original com­positions and arrangem ents of the old Gospel favorites on the piano and organ add much to the program as it is presented. Mrs. M artin eilso attended The King’s CoUege, where she majored in music. For two yeeirs she was a member of the College choir. She was an active partidpan t in student Gospel team activities and toured one siunmer as a member of The King’s Ambassadors, m idwestem Gospel team representatives for the School.

The M artins present a service in scene, sermon, and song which wiU be enjoyed by young and old.



October 4 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

October 11 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.

v o t 6

In 1954, the election was decided by only 11,125 votesi

One more Republican vote in each election dbtrict would

have turned the tide. This shows how important it is fbr

you to be properly register so you can Vote.



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