Farber 2009 Science Education

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  • 7/23/2019 Farber 2009 Science Education



    John L. Rudolph, Section Editor

    In Pursuit of the Gene: From Darwin to DNA,by James Schwartz. Harvard University

    Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2008. xiii + 370 pp. ISBN 978-064-02670-4.

    Science writer James Schwartz has written a history of genetics that constructs a story

    that goes from Darwin to the International HapMap Project. His approach is to identify a

    set of key characters and describe their life and work (including some classic papers and

    experiments). The approach is intelligent because anyone who has lectured on genetics

    (particularly to a nonmajor class) knows that the subject is one that is notoriously difcult

    to teach. Focusing on particular individuals allows a human dimension to emerge, and by

    looking at particular experiments or papers the author has the opportunity to zero in on

    especially important concepts.

    In Pursuit of the Geneprovides good descriptions of many key moments in the history

    of genetics. The book, however, suffers from a Whiggish framework that takes the present

    as its terminus and attempts to reconstruct a path from the past to current positions. The

    book purports to be a history of the idea of the gene, but it is not clear exactly what that

    means or could mean. In a sense, the book is about the history of particulate genetics, that

    is, the notion that hereditary traits are inherited as discrete units (as opposed to the idea

    that hereditary material somehow blends). And while the history of particulate genetics isa critical piece of the story of our understanding of heredity, the authors approach does

    great violence to the historical record and reinforces simplistic notions of the nature of

    sciencethe view of history of science as one long staircase of progress from ignorance to


    Schwartzs history stresses the discovery and formulation of correct ideas, and he

    continually reminds his readers of the erroneous theories and ideas of many of his

    characters. But, ideas are correct or erroneous in particular contexts, and to castigate

    a historical gure for not getting it right can cloud the historical picture more than it

    illuminates. More important, for science educators who are interested in using history of

    science to illustrate the nature of science, this presentist perspective masks the complexprocess of science that is more than just discovering the ways things are. In narratives

    such as Schwartzs, a small set of actors are identied, arranged in chronological order,

    and a history is constructed. It is, however, as often as not, a history that misses much of

    story, that stresses gures that had minimal impact, and that ignores or gives little attention

    to the central gures who played key roles in the changing understanding of nature. As

    often as not, even the individual vignettes are distorted so as to make the gures conform

    to a narrative that is highly articial.

    Schwartz provides well-written and carefully researched discussions of important ge-

    neticists. In particular, he has given considerable attention to Hermann Muller and Hugo

    DeVries, often given minor roles in such histories. But, August Weismann, perhaps themost important person in popularizing a particulate genetics, is related to a set of walk

    on parts. Weissman was wrong about a lot of things. But, not the most important one: the

    power of particulate genetics.

    C2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  • 7/23/2019 Farber 2009 Science Education



    Science educators can make good use of James SchwartzsIn Pursuit of the Gene.But,

    they have to be careful and selective. Individual experiments and potted biographies can be

    protably mined, but as a study of how the understanding of heredity developed, it needs

    to be supplemented by more historically sensitive studies.


    Department of History

    Oregon State University

    Corvallis, OR 97331


    DOI 10.1002/sce.20317

    Published online 8 September 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).

    Science Education