FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Hippocampus Comes

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  • 8/17/2019 FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Hippocampus Comes


    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    for a world without hunger Fisheries and

    Aquaculture Department

    Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme

     Hippocampus comes (Cantor, 1849)


    I. Identitya. Biological Features

    b. Images Gallery

    II. Profilea. Historical Background

    b. Main Producer Countries

    c. Habitat And BiologyIII. Production

    a. Production Cycle

    b. Production Systems

    c. Diseases And Control Measures

    IV. Statisticsa. Market And Trade

    V. Status And Trends

    VI. Main Issuesa. Responsible Aquaculture Practices

    VII. Referencesa. Related Links


     Hippocampus comes  Cantor, 1849 [Syngnathidae]

    FAO Names: En - Tiger tail seahorse, Fr - Hippocampe à queue tigrée, Es - Caballo de mar



    Biological features

    Trunk compressed, more or less elevated, belly gibbous. Coronet small and rather low, with five rounded

    knobs. Anal minute. Pectoral short and broad. Dorsal moderate, situated on two trunk rings and one tail ring.

    Spines range from knob-like and blunt to well-developed and sharp; often with dark band near tip. Cheek 

    spines are double. Double spines below and sometimes above eyes. Prominent, sharp nose spine; long, slendersnout. Colour yellow and black body, sometimes alternating; striped tail; mottled or blotched pattern on body;

    may have fine white lines radiating from eye.

    Images gallery

    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department


  • 8/17/2019 FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Hippocampus Comes


     Hippocampus comes

    (courtesy: Truong Si Ky. 2009)

     Large scale production of seahorses

     Nha Trang, Viet Nam

     Large scale production of seahorses

     Nha Trang, Viet Nam

    Fry production tanks (Viet Nam)


    Historical background

    Seahorses are under threat worldwide because of the global demand for them and products arising from them.

    It is claimed that nearly 80 nations trade 24 millions seahorses annually. Currently the largest threat to

    seahorses is their use in traditional Chinese medicines. Dead seahorses are milled and used as cures or remedies

    for human skin ailments, high cholesterol levels, excess throat phlegm, goitres, heart disease, lymph node

    disorders, incontinence and impotence. As seahorses retain their shape after being dried many are also sold as

    souvenirs. The largest markets for these products are North America, Europe, Japan and Taiwan Province of China. Many are also taken for home aquaria but, being difficult to rear, most are lost. The tiger tail seahorse

     Hippocampus comes is listed in Appendix II of CITES, effective May 2004. This species is particularly targeted by

    fishers for medicinal and aquarium purposes; it is also incidentally caught by trawlers. In the Philippines the

    population of this species has been reported to have decreased by up to 70 percent over the decade 1985-1995.

    Culturing seahorses is one of the measures being taken to sustainably recruit this species and also to meet the

    demand for Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) and the aquarium trade. In Viet Nam, for conservation

    reasons, F1 broodstock are kept in cages where they produce a lot of fry daily for release into the sea.

    Main producer countries

    Although many countries, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand and the United States of 

    America are reported to culture seahorses, primarily for the aquarium trade, the tiger tail seahorse is currently

    cultured only in Viet Nam.

    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

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    Habitat and biology

    Tiger tail seahorses are mainly found in coral reefs, sponges and seagrasses, at a depth of 10-20 m. Juveniles

    prefer to live amonst Sargassum and move to corals and sponges when they become older. Seahorse fry are

    pelagic and settle to the bottom when they are 35-40 mm. The fry feed on zooplankton, mainly copepods,

    while adults prefer to catch benthic organisms (Amphipoda, Palaemonidae).

    This species is found in the Western Central Pacific area, in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,

    Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

    In its natural environment,  Hippocampus comes spawns throughout the year but the peak spawning season varies

    according to their distribution. In Viet Nam, peak spawning lasts from August to November, but in Philippines

    it is later - from September to December. The first maturing size of  H. comes is 119 mm in Viet Nam and 102

    mm in Philippines. Eggs diameter averages 1.2-1.5 mm; gestation duration is 10-14 days; length at birth

    averages 8-9 mm. In captivity the life cycle has been closed.

    The von Bertalanffy equation shows H∞ = 165.9 mm and k = 0.78/year (Viet Nam) and SL∞ = 205 mm, k =

    1.7/year (Philippines).


    Production cycle

    Production cycle of Hippocampus comes

    Production systems

    Seed supply

    Broodstock are obtained by divers from the wild or from F1 generation animals maintained in captivity. TheFAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

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    broodstock animals are kept in cages (2 x 2 x 4 m), located in calm sea in a bay or in indoor tanks (2 x 2 x 1.5

    m). The feeding regime is the same as the maintenance feeding, but some vitamin A, C and E is added to the

    food. Broodstock become mature after six or seven months. In captivity, H. comes spawns many times per year

    (5-8 times) and the brood size ranges from 195 to 626 eggs (average 360). In the spawning season, females

    transfer their ripe eggs to the pouch of the males. Embryo development takes place in this pouch within 10-20

    days, depending on the temperature of the water, the optimum being 26-28 oC.

    One day after spawning, the fry are transferred, using a 1 mm mesh net, to 0.5 m3 plastic indoor tanks supplied

    with a biofilter, combined with UV and ozone treatment. The fry are stocked at 1-2/litre and the environmentalconditions are maintained at 30-35‰; 4-5 ppm DO2; pH 8.0-8.3; light 12D/12L and 1 000-2 000 lux; zero

    ammonia-N and nitrite-N; 80 percent survival.

    Ongrowing techniques

    After 40 days of fry rearing the seahorses are transferred by net for rearing to commercial size in larger indoortanks (2-4 m3) or outdoor cages placed in calm bay waters with high transparency. Initially the stocking rate is

    500/m3 but is decreased as the fry grow to 200/m3 by the end of the rearing period. Tiger tail seahorses grow

    rapidly, reaching commercial size for aquaria (6-8 cm) in three months. The survival rate from birth to adult is

    >70 percent. It takes 10-12 months to rear them to their maximum size (12-16 cm).

    Feed supply

    During the grow-out phase the seahorses are weaned to frozen feed (Mysis and Acetes collected from the wild)

    twice per day fed ad libitum. If available, adult enriched live Artemia can be used, giving good growth and survival.

    Harvesting techniques

    All seahorses are harvested by net (typically with a 40 cm diameter and a 1 mm mesh size).

    Handling and processing

    All cultured seahorses in Viet Nam are packed in seawater with additional oxygen and transported at 3-5/litre

    for live sale to exporters, who sell them in the United States of America, European Union, Taiwan Province of 

    China and Canada.

    Production costs

    Production costs to rear live 8-10 cm seahorses in Viet Nam is ~ USD 1.00 (2009).

    Diseases and control measures

    In some cases antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals have been used in treatment but their inclusion in this table does not imply an FAO



    Ciliate infestation Zoothamnium

    sp. ProtozoanOccurs on seahorse tail; appears

    like cotton

    Dip in 100-200 ppm

    formaldehyde for 12 hours,

    repeating daily for 3 days

    White spot Ichthyophthirus


    Protozoan White spots on body

    Dip in 100-200 ppm

    formaldehyde for 12 hours,

    repeating daily for 3 days

    External Gas

    Bubble Disease

    (EGBD) and 

    Said to be

    caused by gas

    saturation in the

    Interferes with bouyancy and

    swimming; stresses the fish,

    Submerge below 2m; or

    use Diamox 250 mg at a


    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

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    Internal Gas

    Bubble Disease


     water or by



    weakening them and eventually

    causing death


    repeating treatment daily

    for 5 days

    Vibriosis Vibrio harveyi Bacterium

    External haemorrhages;

    haermorrhagic liver; ascitic fluid

    accumulation in intestinal cavity

    Improve environment by

    using probiotic ( Baccilus

    spp.) or using UV and

    ozone; antibiotic treatment

    (Ciprofloxin 5-10 ppm)

    Snout and tail rotCostia spp.;Saprolengia


    Bacteria and


    First symptoms are

    discolouration and swelling in

    snout and tail; refusal to eat and

    swim; lethargy; later, tip of snout

    becomes inflamed and eroded

    Improve environment by

    using probiotic ( Bacillus spp.)

    or using UV and ozone;

    antibiotic treatment

    (Ciprofloxin 5-10 ppm)


    cauliflower disease Iridovirus Virus

    Variably sized white to yellow

    lumps (appear cauliflower

    shaped) on skin

    Improve environment by

    using probiotic ( Bacillus spp.)

    or UV and ozone; antibiotic

    treatment (Ciprofloxin 5-10



    Market and trade

    Dried seahorses are used for traditional medicine and as curios. Live seahorses are sold for aquarium or

    hobbyist purposes. For aquaria the seahorses are marketed at >6 cm, but for TCM (Traditional Chinese

    Medicine) at 12-16 cm. Most dried seahorses are exported to China and to China, Hong Kong SAR. The value

    is USD 100-300/kg (2008), depending on the size and species; the larger animals are the most valuable. Live

    seahorses are exported to the United States of America and the European Union, mainly from Asian countries.

    The value of live seahorses ranges from USD 100-900/animal (www.seahorse.com), depending of their colour,

    size and type of market. Annual live production has been relatively static at 2 millions individuals, while the

    dried seahorse production is said to be >20 millions (70 tonnes). Viet Nam and China are the major producers.

    This species has been bred successfully only since 2006 and only in Viet Nam. Until 2009, specific trade data

    on tiger tail seahorses is lacking but it is clear that most of the estimates 2 millions live animals destined for the

    aquarium trade come from the wild. Viet Nam is currently exporting about 50 000 live seahorses, of which

    about 10 000 are cultured.

    Status and trendsThe demand for live seahorses for aquarium use, as well as dried seahorses for TCM, is increasing globally;

    until now (2009) demand exceeds supply. The demand fo aquaria is relatively small but for TCM is


    The following developments are required:

    Selective breeding programmes for improving disease resistance.

    Improved techniques of aquaculture, in order to avoid overfishing.

    Increased awareness on the importance of seahorse conservation in communities to encourage the

    sustainable exploitation of seahorse resources.

    Main issues

    Seahorses are mainly caught from the wild but these are threatened by overfishing and the degredation of theirhabitat. Seahorse resources have been reported to have declined by significant amounts during the first half of 

    the 1990s (15-50 percent, depending on the specific areas or countries). Demand up to now exceeds supply

    and now many seahorse species are listed in CITES, Apendix II.

    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

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    Responsible aquaculture practices

     Hippocampus comes is included in the IUCN Red List as vulnerable.

    There are some programmes in Viet Nam releasing seahorses produced through aquaculture to the sea for

    enhancement. However, this may cause disease transfer to the wild seahorse population if not carefully

    controlled. Using many broodstock seahorses for aquaculture may also affect the recruitment population.

    About 1 000-2 000 juveniles are released annually in Viet Nam to marine areas where wild seahorses were

    formally found but have now disappeared.



    Belli, M., Driscoll, C., Lamont, M. et al. 2006. Working notes: a guide to seahorse diseases. Creative Licence

    Publishers, USA.160 pp.

    Foster, S.J. & Vincent, A.C.J. 2004. Life history and ecology of seahorses: implications for conservation and

    management. Journal of Fish Biology, 65:1-61.

    Lourie, S.A., Pritchard, J.C., Casey, S.P., Ky, T.S., Hall, H.J. & Vincent, A.C.J. 1999a. The taxonomy of Vietnam’s exploited seahorses (family Syngnathidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 66:231–256.

    Lourie, S.A., Vincent, A.C.J. & Hall, H.J. 1999b. Seahorses: an identification guide to the world's species and

    their conservation. Project Seahorse, London. 214 pp.

    Morgan, S.K. & Lourie, S.A. 2006. Threatened fishes of the world: Hippocampus comes, Cantor 1850

    (Syngnathidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 75:311-313.

    Morgan, S.K. & Vincent, A.C. 2007. The ontogeny of habitat associations in the tropical tiger tail seahorse

    Hippocampus comes Cantor 1850. Journal of Fish Biology, 71:701-724.

    Perante, N.C., Pajaro, M.G. & Vincent, A.C.J. 1998. Demographics of the seahorse Hippocampus comes inthe Central Philippines. In B. Morton (ed.), The marine biology of the South China Sea. Proceedings of the

    Third International Conference on the Marine Biology of the South China Sea, Hong Kong, 28 October - 1

    November 1996, pp. 439-448. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong.

    Perante, N.C., Pajaro, M.G., Meeuwig, J.J. & Vincent, A.C.J. 2002. Biology of a seahorse species

    Hippocampus comes in the central Philippines. Journal of Fish Biology, 60:821–837.

    Salin, K.R., Yohannan, T.M. & Nair, C.M. 2005. Fisheries and trade of seahorses, Hippocampus spp., in

    southern India. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 12:269-273.

    Truong, S.K. 1998. Prospects for community-based seahorse aquaculture in Viet Nam. In B. Morton (ed.) The

    marine biology of the South China Sea. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Marine

    Biology of the South China Sea, Hong Kong, 28 October - 1 November 1996, pp. 465 – 474. Hong Kong

    University Press, Hong Kong.

    Truong, S.K., Ho, T.H., Hoang, D.L. & Pham, V.L. 2009. The effect of different kind of feed on the growth

    and survival rates of adult tiger tail seahorse (Hippocampus comes, Cantor, 1885). Journal of Marine Science

    and Technology, 2:71-80.

    Vincent, A.C.J. 1996. The International trade in Seahorses. Cambridge, UK: TRAFFIC International. 163 pp.

    Vincent, A.C.J. 2004. Summary of the 2003 IUCN Red listings for family Syngnathidae. Proceedings of 

    International wookshop on CITES implementation for seahorse conservation and trade. February 3 – 5. 2004.Mexico.

    Related links

    FishBaseFAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department


  • 8/17/2019 FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Hippocampus Comes


    FAO FishStatJ – Universal software for fishery statistical time series

    Project Seahorse

    The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species


    Vietnamese academy of science and technology

    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
