LOCAL NEWS. AMU8XM£:iT3 TO NIUHT. Vowdp Theater..'tabnel Kav«»l a v »» »» IVIIIIUI, lUHl 1UM tyuviUUM UI# lut-ul of liic Ilavel". Tlii* is pusitirt'ly las«t opportunity onr cui/ts will h:iY<* ot M^ing thu- f.imuu-i trouj»a, thoy sail for Ku- rcjx »*-rj tLuill). A oleuditl bill lo-niijht, fom(>rii>ini "Thr^-fa'-Pa Kr^nrhmm," iiR*»ll»* CK Mairid," and "Vol-an-V.-jfit.*' "WAr«Hi>oToiif Thkatkr.. Th« fascinating will to-niirhl |u thi* hfikiitifnl llunir*rian dune# of "Bokazo (HsrdaV and th* ti.vam.h ilanpa til » »....... uiiawium y i*i VJurro. |Hr. Chanfran, sn*tain>d by the" rntire rova- pary, will appear in a "Model of a Wif-," Tooulvf." and "Barm-y thp Baron." A good kill, and on* well calculated to drAw. Ghove*'* Thkat*r..Mis* Wet-tern tn-night ink''- a benefit, and produce lor th»* third time tiir thrilling ulav 01 » V.M.t i.» n«a * «>».. »» v.-»- Mii rtPCHtwilyenp of th*» maM *uct^5f«l pK>? oi th»* .- Msofi. Mi>» W*»it#rn play* her part admirably, and ably suaiaiiu-d by Mr. il F Barrvtt and th** entiif company. < "a ^tkrbi'ky Mall..This Lh tho la>t ni^ht but one of *hp "Gipsy's a fact which thf habitue* of Canterbury xhoukl r«m»»mb*r. The bullet of th« "Slav* Market of Constanti- nople*' will b* n*|>«Ui*d thin ©ynrnjc- The en- tire conipan j appear in an excellent bill. To- morrow afternoon a matin** for ladies ami Children.Jnlia Mortimer. Kate Peunoyt-r, and Arr.i».« . . « vaava HtllU ('rxxoui(>!kt*i;a..Nixon'n spl»ndid rlrcu* tronp»- continue to ilraw hnntJsom^'y. Eaton fctoM-. tbe Conrad brothers, Muttir Johnny, M'llf Livir*. (,'om. Foot* and CoL Small, Dr. Thayer and the entire troupe tpp^r at every periormane«s afirrnoun and night. Tn»MosiTom r*PKR Ixpfkotiow..Every- feodv went down to see the Monitor yn*t<»rday, per permit*ton of the authorities, and the strert nilvtr fnlkn h*il f* . .. J ». « VBIUV v> » WV WV VWU«kMVai«*V the crowd* moving Nttvy-Yard-ward through the afternoon. Th# little Monitor may have bera a little astonished at the crowd thrown upon her so iindilMlv. hut m «i«t«i. *. Cvmj>o«ar* and presented an nnxaryinjc coun- tenance of iron rigidity to all comers. Not a quare Incb of U»r> but was snb- jectful to a forty-horse power force of impac- tion. Folks piping up stairs and down stair?, into cannon muzzles, engine pits, pilot houses. chn* k«l« . ' " ruv> icuuuuuu uuies, ana ail sorts of holf^s cracks and crM\i»*es; and there were » Pn^iit^ Toms" qnite mean enough to take advantage of the embarrassments of the ladies in crossing the sieve-like deck and in ascend- ing and descending the perpendicular ladders and gangways. But the ladle* of Washington are rather famous for pretty ankles, ami per- haps they didn't mind it. And everybody inquired about everything of evejyhody.whick gave an opportunity for som»* Ittinird pundit*, not exactly of the «alt-water per*nask>n, but known runongst men ae practi- cal jokers, to run some saws npon those in a nest t»f solid information: [and w»* regret to see mt nowe ol our cotemporaries have been more or l«**i> tak»*n in and done for thereby:] some of said frawfc being to the effect that th>* btvak- » at**r recently placed about th» pilot-house is a bran-new invention to catch theenemvV riiin ball* Mid bullets; that the Monitor stilus imdi-r T»au*r like a loon, on beeinfc the flush «f the * nmy'g puns, to the discomfiture of said enemy; and tfiat the recent ''improvements"' in the way ol tall £im>ke s.un ks, tall ventilator*, Ac., will enable lhe Monitor to go into action with her deck* t^n feet under water; which, a» the nar- rator informed hi* instructed and nole-takinfc Autlitl>rv. k'WOIlliI -I v»»rv I»a« 1 Oil - lafrf." Shall vre insult our intelligent reader* by ifllmr for the fiftieth time, that the Mon- itor ha» a turret, that said tnrret revolves.ha* yuM»: that she is, moreover, an iron.clad. and ba> an engine: and that her cn*w are forced to -lny low and keep dark"? No, sir-r-e. bully iui ki*' JiiMiuur: Bzlief of VoiiSTKMi*.-Tbe following are the regulations tinder which the fund collected from th»* citizens by the finance committee ap- Kinted at the Capitol war m>*eting in August »U will be distributed : 1. That the gratuities b»» confined to thf fam- ine? of volunteer* now, or who may hereafter t>*', in active service in any regiment of the l>i»trkt of Columbia, and lamilies of ciii/vns ol this District, in service a.s volunteers in any other regiment, who are not entitled to re. ive H.v*i«?ance of like nature from any other fcouree. «!. That the word family shall iaclude the motht r, where a widow, and ei»U-K, if in v, holt. or in part, depeuduat ou the volunteer. 3. That the pr.ituity ahonld be graduated »»y lh»* uumUr and extent ot the family. 4. That the allowance to a wife, mother, and a iul^.-ister, or siet- rs. lje one dollar n au'.d to each child and infant si^terts or brothers, lift) rent? a week. 5. That th» claims of all. seeking an allow- ance ».»r gratuity, be examined by a committee of three, who shall certify to the treasurer th* number and character of the family: that they have not received a*»taiancH of a like nature 4rom any other source, and that they arc en- titled to" receive relief according to the scale bereiiil.efoTv fixed. (v That lami lies of volunteejrs shall thf-re- he entitled to receive from tlie treasurer, th» weekly stii»end Ttereinbefore provided, so lonpr a;* the fund la>'^. and the volunteer re- maiu? in service. A]'] ligations fhr relief should be made to any cmo ot the follow uttr .'eutlenven.VI fi»ni Kol4I.» Thirr»^nth -tr«*, between G and H sts.: W. H. TVnney, S. E. corner of Hitch and Brid^o gTn"!1-. Georgetown: and "W.B. Todd, No. 107 (_ »trret, corner of Third. k Poixt..A ea.-o came up l*fore Justice J. hn.-oii. hist evening, in which an intricate jh4i t of law is involved. It appears that Wh.aT William Nevs by, 6th N<*w York volnn- on arriving frarn New York at the rail- ruafi depot, in Uti» cilv, delivered a cheek for In- baggage to the regularly appointed agent. iu return for which th^ usual card was givnn. In *uvh i a«ep, the cnfttom is to deliver the card the office oi whatever hotel the passenger way fleet, the clerk paying the porterage, re- o-tving the property, and cancelling the check. J n stead of thi*, other baggage was delivered, corresponding in number, however, with the check. Shortly afler, nnother person appeared with the original railroad brays check, de. matidfd, and took it away, thus leaving the major minui of property or any evidence of hi- claim. The party who r»-c«dv»d the check *>n t*>e psr* is nnl nn nf ihn . bm tiTfM a private rxprrss. Now, th»* ques- tion is, whether dip railroad irresponsible lor the \aloe of the property, or the ajrent of the express is hable to prosecution for criminal in- lent! Th«» latter is the view taken by the major, and th© party was consequently taken b**f#re Juutice Johnson, who, alter h»»arin#: the evidence, required bail for further hearing at tv»el\H o'clock to-day. Fourth-ward Station Ca*ka.Befor: Ju*- tict H o/fer.Mary Bodgers, disorderly; dU- roiftsed. Pat k Collide and Jas. Drtecoll, do.; lined «y each. Pat'k Buckley, do.; di*mi*«ed.' Mary Buckle*-, do.; lined*0. J.Mathew. drunk; dumWed. John Hall and Tho*. Swsnn, dis- orderly: fined (3 t-arh. John Jordan, do; do. SI. Martha Madielle. profanity; dismissed.. uanwi iianvar, disorderly, Samuel Uaswidy. dr»nk.O«*o. W. Powell, suppoiud dft^rtrr, and C»eo. "Wilson, drnnk; turned ot«t to military. Cha-. H Tvanj. sick; turnrd otpt to hospital. t. onit'iiu* newman. col., disorderly; lined *1. Mict-u» l Kennedy, do.: do. 95. Marjft O'Neil, treei walking; dismissed. Fred k Harris, dis- orderly; fined ?1. .Samuel Kennedy, Walter Moorhou^e and <^ha«. Wilson, assault and bat- tery; jail for further hearing. George E>an«, col., disorderly; fined AnmrriD 15i r.h.aky.. On Wednesday hicbt. a<^ otttrir. Ihh t< ib nanti an/4 W it ll/v*> ^ t. vnit^utt MMU 4>A V* 1"^ * the rounty police-. were goinjr down Seventh *tr»- -t, th^v heard a nuim* about tho premises of Mr. W. Turner, residing betw*^n R and S tre*">, and looking into the hons® they alarmed two btirplar-, v> ho were in th»? act of making a haul The ottlrer* imm»*ilia»*»W f««* them, hnt tbey eeeaped by leaping over the fence aiid taking leg hail," leaving behind them a large trunk containing a number of valuables vhuh they had taken from the house and were roiikm* oil with. They had entered by getting into « window, and after pilfering the money drawer of it<« small change started off with the trunk. ' Ti;k I'epot..All around the depot r-tnall buildings art* poine up, and \t*hat with th* sum' ront> arrival* of pos*«ng*r trains, and tfin lr. ni-it of freight trainn, and the city railway car^, hot^l coaches, hacks, &c~, the locality is a liyrlv one indeed. The main »treet (0) lead- frotn :hf depot toward the centra of the city khun'it *11 *. .- ^ uiiru in W1U1 (Travel, <k> fU to De round and rrowning, instead of scooping and fcollov. . a* it now is. It ought, in fact, to be yavH in the most aubetantial manner, for mere la no mrt to the heavy wagons, ice., that fro to and from th# railroad depot. There ought, #Uo to he good atone rrnt~ing», for la^t winter nod waa ankle deep all about that part of the city. * Fi*MM A HoKhE I»o*k..Y«'*tenlay, aa a Mr. krlly waa driving a drove of hor*ea from ih*-d<-put to the corral noar the Oh*>rvatory, gtneral of them got loo~e and ran otf. A soldier named Sullivan found one of them "laying around looae," and took it iato hu posaewion. Jlr. Kelly demanded it, bat the aoldirr retu»od to *i\e it np. Officer Crown couiiug alonjr. ar- r»->d him and took bira brfore Justice Clay- Ivn.v h*r«< lie wu informs! that nnli^s he gave lh<» hoi>e up, be would be protte<-uU«d for steal- ing; and not liking to take the chances of going to the Penitentiary, the animal w&* t»urren. *l*Trd. Pclxce Matt'kj. Firrt Frrancr -«J> e. M:»t - Urivinjc; Sard 32L50. Aecoiui J'rce\nrt..\ltLTnpy Corrfirv. lurwo ovtT to military. Cha». Wallard, i nn nirf \r*fon without license; ttn»*d S. d Campbell, John Dvlancfy, Jas. Orleans. r-fu »ing to pK> Uieir. bilih: locked up. P. }lo - ahnxiTi'InnKiiMirfiptid.Vf^ntu n»ts. W. li axi ehootin? pistol: fined *1.56. W. KhIIv, ill -ink P. Hokum*. inu.-^U'.'r; d*»nui>***d. .J no. T. S ins ^iralm? horse; do. Rich'd Brosn&r*. pM-t 1 ;«t on Sunday; do. Barney Mrf>ror:<% *»ealiii^ c»bbn(t«-; turn d otpt to military. Third Prtrinct..Jerry Sullivan, dlsoid^' fined £0.i>'. Uarroll Itayley, John H>:iidl»'\ Mtr* t»«-l J- -- - tutc. wa/ir.T. uu.; uo. liu I. ! * do. S3.ll. John Shackelford, do.; do (Hiiun. Lura?, do.; i!o. ??..%. Mrs. H«*ndl»'T, <i« do. 91.41. .John Tij>t»c.idr, drtJHk; disml -=»M A. Snowden, disorderly, fined $2.«W. Rnd H;»r. rod arid Thomas Johnson, do.; do.9t-J.il Jos. Douofthu*1 «nd Dennis C'adjr, do.; do. SI.5- ea*h. John li^n»l»*T and Landul Shoemaker do.: do. »KC6 *>ncb P. H«r*rtv. do.: do. John Wriiijstou mid Heati-r i 'hnse, drunk; dls tnist^d. C. Carroll, do.; workhouse. Fourth Frerivci..E. Anderson, malicious mi* chief: jail lor court. Robert Tail, larceny; do P. Doy le, assault and batterv: security fur rmiri . W t Ja?. Kennedy, (fn>. Edwards and *¥in. Smith, drunk and disorderly; lined JM each. (}. Xuc» and D. Lh-mann. drunk: do. 92 each. Charles Fiterman, drunk and disorderly; do. ft.1. Wm. Joice, «Mi?ault with Intent to kill; security for court E. W. Butter, assault; dismissed. Jiigh:h I^rrrinrt..CharlM Wilson, disorderly; lined Hl.fM. Julia Fleet, EinmHinn Hamilton, Fian.es Kobin&ou and K. Alexander, do.; do j 3M.W. Kdvr'd Jack-^n, keeping dog; diamUt"'d Chas. Maac, hack v nhout number; fined 1*8.58 S. Johnson, larceny; dismissed. Caroline But- ler and Mary Collins, prostituuon. J as. CJrea:- ory and J. N. Wilkinson. susDirion: rlismi***.! A. Forrest, rupning wagon without license; do. John McNnmaraand Jenny Fitzgerald, drunk and i!L«ord»-rly, fined |1.94. Sidon C-esare, dis- orderly; turned over to military. Jas. Murray, deterter; do. Jolin Enricbt, T. McDonald, f}. Sums and J. O'Neal, drunk and disorderly; do. John I>runk**r. larceny; di.smiKxed. W. Irflan and M. F.a»on, sleeping in street; do. W. H. Richards, drunk and disorderly; turned over to military. Joseph M. Henry, disorderly; do. Jap. Smith, peddling without license, dismissed. Charles Schrabb, horse running at large with glnrfders; lined 61- cents cost*. xtmr* rrccxnci.. W. Hryan, disorderly; locked up ar.d di.-mi*»ed. Arch Withalf, do.; tnrn»d over military. W. "Wood, disorderly; flu^'d 93.94. R. Ambrose, stealing; further hearini. Joseph Myers. S. (.'ross, and James Langley, disorderly; dismissed. John Simmon?, da.; se- curity for court. T. Gale?, passing counterfeit money; dismissed. L. Block, potldUnjt without license; do. James Boswell, throwing stone*; i do. John Hull, maltreating horse; fined * I ..V*. Tnjh I'rrrinrt..Josephine Naylor, drunk; i fined J.imes Carh«»rry, do.; distmssed. ' John W. Grimes", disorderly;'do. W. Magraw. drunk; do. John SwannY disorderly: fined JF2.91. P. Kelly and C. Finnegan, do.; fined ! j ?3.f»l. R. Willett, disorderly and profane; fined i T. Herbert, nuisance; fined SJ. A. .Toe-- ! line: exposing person: fined (>. Cole, selling iKjnor without license: tlnwl.^20. .las. ('ooprr, | driving on pavement; lined 9*2 Mary Kelley, i drunk and disorderly: lined i*M.91. R.Bavless, r^fns-ing to bury horse; dismissed. Jam's Mathews, rtrnnk: do. M. Hoyle, disorderly; 4o. j .Tos» ph Clark and John Bangs fighting: fined *2.1)1. Y. Dugan, swindling; dismissed. J. lvill >1 » * *" xsiuuu, lurtais 01 violence; no. .ionn MiMntn^i as-ault; do. Ann Benter, nuisance; fined *'2. .lolin Malvin, intoxicated; lined SI.91. Mrs. Donnelly, disorderly; dismissed. Louis Vel- ! ten, do.; do. C\ Snider, do.; fined ^2.^4. Mary j K. Wliitaker, assault; do, David Lomax, do.; j di-miss»d. Sarah Vernon, drunk and disor- derlv; do. A Ctrkkn T>.- A. dayor twosince a verdant young man pot intocar'No. 81, on our city rail- road, and asking one of the passengers what the fare was, deliberately walked to the for- ward end of the ear, where he attempted to hand the amount to the driver through the cir- cular window above the door, remarking that it was "a h.11 of an idea to put the hole way up there." The conductor by this time amidst the merriment of the p»*t»engers, made his appear- ance, and explained that he received the fares, and the young man remarking that he had learned something, ouietlv waid hi* farn :md took a seat. Wiktf.r (IrARTEP.s..Tlit* military at th** railroiid d»pot are making comprehensive preparations for the winter. Lately another Arrack has been crected. after the fashion of No.2, has wliich ail the proper requisites in the -way of space ventilation. The barracks are ample lor a force of three regiments, and cov- ered ways are being erected to them to the buildingfor eating, cooking, bathing, etc. In the centre is the parade house, and soldiers and laborers are engaged iu grading and draining the locality. Rkliolot's Swkarino..Officer ( look yester- day arrested Mrs. Mary Donohue, a widow re- siding in Goat alley, on the charge ot cursing her neighbor P. I>"lico, and took her before Justice Clayton. It appears that they bave frequent quarrels, and Mrs. Donohue u:»ualiy curses her neighbors in a religions manner by calling down all the anathemas of the holy church upon her antagonists, and this kind of swearing Delice can't stand. She promised to do bettter, and was dismissed on paying 5* cents cost. Snow..The first snow of the season, in thi> neighborhood, camp upon us thi- morning. Ii commenced about half-past six o'clock, and is yet falling. Th^wmd was from the west, and for a time the Hakes fell thick and fast, .->l»oii /*lnfhinrr ctrpptc hnneou iraue « x .w* of <»n u » *i«n_ r o lit a white dress. It a cold, blinding snow, and keep* ail indoors, except such as tire obliged to »>e out. Overeoats and umbrellas arc iu d>-- mand. JL)ismi(«pki>..The three boys, Tompkins, Ma- praw and Weeden, who were arretted on Sun- day night on suspicion ol setting tire to Mr. ! ( Viok'n Ktablr, have b"?n dismissed, there being no proof against them. PerhokAL».James M.*< Carlisle, Esq., a prom- inent lawyer of this city, has been dangerously ill for some days, but is new recovering. Ha was threatened with an attack of erysipelas. VTati h Rki'OTHkkd..A watch and chain, j-tolf-n from Mrs. F.!izab»'th Ih-nnix, abont a month since, wa3 yesterday recovered from .Tames F. Givins, colored, who was arrested. fot \tor!<: fot itok.s We are nollingthebr.it Jt-iBf-y Peach Blow and Carter Potatoes at one ilul- lar per bushel, delivered to any part of the city. All Vinds of Marketing at the lowest market pricea. G§o. W. Stbwakt Sox, nov d-3t* corner 12th and II »-t«. Bcffalo Robks all niies. Wolf Robea, Hkunk Ruben. Tiger Rubra. Army Blaiket*, Blue, Green, Red. White. Grey and Plaid maybe found at the India Rub)>«r Store of Allen, Clapp & Co.. Pi ud. avenue, between l<>th and^llth Hts. no 3-lra Militaht Officers aiil find the Mattre?* Oct very desirable, hh it ran be Yolded op into a very mall t>pa<-e, fitting into a caovac bag. It ia atrong and durable and can be converted into a chair or i lounge at will, and iw ho arranged that it may be 1- » «» J " ' -* riuncu Willi uaj UI B ITU w 11 16 mHje OI DO IQ CAT - i yet and canvas. For sale at the India Rubber 8t«»re i of AUt-n, Clapp ft Co., Penn. aTenue,between loth and 11th *tu. _ oc 3-lm 1*dia Rcbbpb <V®oDt*..The place to bur your I Rubber Co at*, l.egfrina. Camp Blankets, HaTelncka. MnviT*arka and every article maia from India | Rubber, in at H. A. Hail's India Rubber Warehouse, where you can obtain them at manufacturers4 prices. 310 Penna. avenue, between t*th and l*th utreatfi. oc 23-if Ptartiijk;! Btr Tech..Tha Volunteers are braving the dangers of Fewr, Scurry, Wound* and t Cholera. Many a valiant fellow will l»»are his bonea to bleach, who by the aid of Hollpway's Pill* 4 Ointment, would hare returned to hla family ! Ftrong and healthy. Hohliers, try them ! Only 25 j. centa per Bo* or Pot. 236. Dkhibablb 1 jii>ia Rpbrbb Onans . Mr. H. A. Ball baa Jurt received a lot of Offlcxra* Long and (Light dull flniahad Coat*: also .dull finished Pon- cho*, extra large titea; also. a lot of blue English Talma* vmrv Inn* «t * lfi » « >! «?.»/. ««» » Un- »«' 0 w * MV mm , la * *»' I r* *uu§ OUU light (in weight) Kubber Cspew with sle^Tes. which Le in selling at manufacturers' pcic.es. at bin India Rnbber Warehouse, 310 Pennsylvania avenueJbe- twetn 9th and l"th fts. oc 24-tf At TBI Doi.ua Ptork, 43** Penn. »Tftia«, near 4S street in now di>i>i*yed the beat assortment of Jewelry and Hflver- plated Ware in the city. Drop in there and supply yourself for ®i. uo 1-1W At th* Isdia RrBRitK Sroan of All»n Clapp k Co.. Penn. avenue, between 10th and lltn struts, the oflcer and noMier may find a great variety-of Rubber Coats, Ponchas, Blankets, Leggina. Air Pillows, Beds, Boots. Cups, Pipes, and the thou- smid and one useful articles in the Rubber line. Also, a large stock of Buffalo Robes lined and un- lined. Holland Lap R«»bes Wool Blankets, all col- on, Cork Beds. H< r»e Blankets, ami everything to promote warmth and comfort in the camp and field Here, too, may be found a large assortment of hhirts. Undershirt*. Drnwera. Stockings, Buckskin Glove* and Gauntlett*. Valises, Leather B%gs and ..^.11 * t- J *- J * rmw iiuuir umu.' 10 hik"o runjrr. 'i£>ijte in wkfou. Camp t*VooU, Cot** and Ami Chair*. all of which will be cold at rrasouirble priced, uo 3 im T*» I*dia* lira* Doctor, from Canada, will de»«eribe di*ea^§ and tell bin patients the uittur* of their complaints or illness, without rect ivmg any Information from them. JVu rkarqtfar ion>Hftatiim or tuivitt. Office, No. 11 Waauinaton Building, Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Meveuth street, Washington. D C aa 36-tf DIED. Ou the f»th inntant, of chronic croup. T.ENA IjOIT IV K in tli« flfth ki>ir nt hpr ».i ..l.la.t .J -.. -1. Earth lout n !l*»wer; Hf »T»n (tin*! a ft»r. The fricnila of th- family are inrived to atWO'l tU» fureral on Jiaturday non>in« fcth instant, at 10 c "clock frfeci^ly, froir. tli* rt«*»J»-nc* of b?r par Ct It mux street, between I) nud B. <'r.U11 r«fl-KT Tairnill, Cr.iHTii^oRO'S F\CFL5IORBAiH DTK A«> !.e<i<t,no I in ?», r* iYrrruK of' S-frf act*in *t*nt«> cr»uf:'.y; HPV9T Tu'ls: produces hI! a}jv!** <f b!ft<k f!iwl l'r«*n, who *rrf dintstlf!' "! with oth^r Dyi', nw ? is wit), in v iiriab'.H **i».< - tion. M inufK lit J fW ii. 'TA i. ft -i«yw» n n-» Nrw YoiJc. Pol«l ev'»T!fh«6, »«a<i applied b> t»U ilftir l)\ trfTh. Pricr 51. J? IV and £3 |>» r > i, »o<vrd»n!r to fci/e. No. 8. C j.;ST« ..vro'h li vik TATiTtr Ih i.rn1t:nSie his !>>! . u ifrpnit theutEJost Brftnr*-',"th»' wo-', benutifui g'otu, «rd riumty tc the hw. " )'r»c«> jU een»*», $1 and §2 i>**r bottle, aeoor.I'n* to i?*. ^ oe 30.eolra.r BATPHKLOk'H II Aid I»Y«, 77. bes: in tkf WorM HllliAiu A Bfttchfior'n Flair D><» pro- due** <-«>ior r.ut to be distintf\mb«d from nature. warranted not t0 injure th* Utir in the lewt; r»Dj- t»dien the 111 offsets of djn*s, and iorijforaWe tho Hair for lifr Grry. IU I or Kutty flair inatamlf tnrue a upb-ndiHla«*k or le^Hn* th* Ha r «)ft *nd btantifnl. Sold by all DrucviitM. fco. Th* (trnuirm >- »-sjfn»»<1 WlLlUV A. BatCHK LOS, mi tkt f(*%n >ui< *k>r. Fartory, fro. »l R,trr(/iv ui\'rr \orlt 'M 27-ljr < Lnt+i Broadway an<i i*> UotJ *t.) irHiU.1 PKJtMAVL* AMI KolTH,ni E-i'uimott <imil Harrisbvrg, f# tttr ynr'h at»<f Vt'M..1Twotraina l.-ara * W ashiugton olail* himI one on Sunday.ti?ne. low Tar* and aur« connection*. HoMiers tickets t»oli# through at QnT»>rnment rat**. For ttckvts and far- ther Information apply at th«» oflle* »f Or«at PeuO' sylrania Runtt- northeast corner «>f rennaylrania aT*nnf and fM*th Ws*biiigton. op «n from 6 a. m. uutll 9 9. n»;; ov t?un<'i*Y* from i to 4 » «u an 14-ly K. 0. NurtuJ, A*-at. Comroht aad Kas*. !NO»a MisurK.--Corns, Buu- iun.s, CnlloKitii-H Club and Inverted VsiS* Chil- blain*. Fronted and TVnd.-r Ke>-t, »it4arf-1 au-1 di4- Joint*, W nrta, Moles, and all Kx.-rt-.-ir j *»f thr Pert. Han 1m an! I'ace. cur«t witfeout pain or jnronTfmfnc* to patii'at jr Jlr. Vt'bitn, thfl w«'H knuwF Ohlrorolist.ftt 424 P'nn'ir'***"* » <*- niia.nfar f\»ur-»u>1-H half <tr#*t.lfoor d«M»r# n^o*« Ihf 0«-urr»vl TH crap^i Ofllef?lw Acid, no Blood, do Puin. of. fl-tf LOST AND POUND. I08T. Thur^tJnjr cvi niti-<.n small whit*- and black ' MHi with h hru^ cellar on. A reward of 85 wilt no paid if lrftatXn. 21*2 P»»nn. nvrnun.ncar Wiilara**. it* | II RKWAHl).. Str«»y«-d fr> m t'»- owner one * I ' t;rey HORPB vith t<.pw»««»i* nnd haro*«>. Th«» limter ' ill r"pi-iri> nbori* r<*vard hy li'iTinsr 1h*» toum At RiKEV'M I ir..n Mt. }.!u iiArnAr lit V. and 0 no 7 2t - C 1 a RKWARIi .lo^t on th* cars, on the <>th ' I" iisKtnr.l. from PhilK'l*iphi% WHshinf'on, * Mac* SATCHEL.oon»Hinins: h*">k* nnd accounts ltrlnMriiixr to F. BLACK WKLL, Sutler of the 2»'.th repimeiit N. Y. V.. of nn v*tue t.» nny one hilt the r>wn» r. Th»* finder will receive the nl»o\» rewarii hy leaving it nt tbiB office. no 7-1 n* > HJSWARD.on .Monday evening, Not. * 3d <>n loth or 11th ptrev-t or -n V*. hv., between M-th street *n-1 the National Hotel, or prvuiWy ft in the hseV tt»k«n «t the National, » ltL'SSIAN >H'TORINK The above rewiH will be p>.id the fit tier on dohviy of the same at No 440 K street. Nary va (] or at St*r Office. no7-'jt* t-Q HFWAKP-Lo«t, on the 5t'r> infant, on 7ih ?5 street, r.:-:»r Penn. nT<- a POOKKT BOOK, r.tnir»irp about three df-lUr* ond-a-half in mou. jr and a i»*ct ipt, valued n' .^11, which i" no »ne to nnrone. Any one rctiirnin? the shove to ICtn street, between M »nd N -t*., *t Mr«. THY- ftOK'S inn 7-.VI,_ JOHN t>r HKWAKD..Ptrayed or «tiden from the *ub- V») fccriber a dark red COW. with a M-iir for«- lit-ad.«nd ii small leather (-trap around her neck; hall her tail white an;l nnd1»r her h -lly whita. JOHN O'DAY. 2d ftreet, between C am' I) r.ortn u< i-.ii Lipimi him. C- | iwu\ BKW A KD.-Lust, uu laft S&turiny <p 1 ,UWU wTeniutr. Nov. 1st, a POCKET BOOK rnntiiininc n»*ar j§5,i<U> nutl mxuc valuable p*p >r.-. viz: $1,«<*<» Treasury mt«. several *W Trei-\iry nottn.aml unme of amaller denomination* A ilJuft mi HynttA f'n.. CnmiuiMion Mnrc^aota. B*i'imor<? for flr»* n by Jarn»'H Belt, am! on* for .§112 on Bar A: Co.. Washington. drawn Wy H. K. Slayt n,'n my favor fiiid fonie otui-r rnlunblp i>ap<*r* Any Kli:1 dfliTKrinir thf sriii tn hip ftr cirlnn aurK in. formation will lend to the recov rv of it will re- ceive the above reward and nr nut»ti«n« n^ktl JAVK* H SHRKYE, nr> 7-S** corner 7th and I »t«., Wmhinrtnn. <£TKAYKD YKSTKKDAY AFTERNOtfN.ABOUT ^ 4o'clock. a Mack NEWFOUNDLAND PUPPY, lnn>st full jrruw ii; very curly hair. Any one r"- turniny him to th<- British Legation, H i».treet, will be suitably rewarded. n<» 6-3t* V OST.Laftt evening, betWHfii nine nnd ten, in I a vva cfiir ir frr.m T T\ «. - -* mm. - (><>> .'...h it «'««» i. IIT" I irn.">UI J 1/ J»H TI " ment to W i'lard '* H utcl in on® of thu (jh'orjj town hoi>e ch!"P, h POCK KT BOO1!, pV<*|>tirt ofdnrk mo- rocco, corstr ii.inu paper" and m> morandu nf no u«e to any one but the owner. The tinder will be suit- ably r^v-rd^d, by leavi hk the taint* at this officw. no 5-St* PERSONAL. JOFICE..Mr. WILLIAM R. WILSON will I W libSM />a I I u tUa lla ntf/.I II /\«« ./* " * 1 * - pt > i«ov v u t u ktic vnpivt UU ( rilllAJiVA nia nvinup, between l*t nnd 2d »t& , and gel his trunk, by paying expense?. nu7 3t* BOARDING. I4MRST 01.AF? BOARDING.. 8«peri«r arc;>m- mudatioce. fur i>ne s-ntleuian and lady, with- out child 1 en, at No. 3.)0 K strt-et, (Franklin Rr>w,) between 12*h and 13th htre-ts. no6-3tm BO A K DING.PWfiAant ROOM? HOARD, full or partial. can l>« had in a privat fain.ly trow th<* North on moderate term*. References eicbhtig"'^ Apply »t Itiii West street <J»orr»- town, n^ar Iliirn street. no 6 2f TWO OKNTLKMKN AND Til BIB \VlVK-,an4 a few ninifl" gfntlemeB, can oM win ROO^IS \> ith Board at 1N i nth ht rre', hotwit-u P mi! ,ppn!»ite I'at»*nM)tlire ei«» ft 3t* HOARDING -FURNISH KD ROOMS to rent, I> with Board. Thoive willing to p*y a fair price for good accommodations, hp ply at 457 !3Lh fit , ]-t square from the Avenue. M 5-tf II/ANTKH-HOARD, iu « renp«jc1nM« privat« » ini&j117 nrn'iruig I'rmcni reiiri'yiv&an BTt-nne and K street and between l?th *n i '2 th Pt». Stating U rniat. Reference required Address ''T. T .''Star Office. * oc29 l^On SALE.One very fast trottinr M ARK. Alao, J a lot ot fiiie work and nad lit* IlQR^TCS, will 1>«> m»M low. Apply immediately, at j_ ~*Jf tiLAI>MOJTB Livery and Sal* Stable, cor ner o' Biidire and Market fit..Georgetown. n't -oU* Ii im oAiiA-A rpiciiuia cn^huui ha'iaie uutiM, 16 handM high; 8 y«ars >ld; yrf.»ctly <"X Round, and thoroughly }>rohe. lie has jLirjfc be*t> in cont»taat u»* in the Held for ljAZx month*, hnvin? #on- through the campaign of the l*«*nin.-ula, and therefore perfectly Kt-anon«d. 1a a tin* harnf* horm, remarkaMy showy either in J: JJI. n a. 1 . i;niu» rn »> uuurr Miuuii', fur puniC'Uir-i ingmr* at RAlNKY'tf Mable, <*here he can bi; fcten.) cor- ner 6th and C street*. uo3-61* ALL WIDfllS COTTON SHEETINGS AND PILLOW COTTON9. With all other kindf of DRY OOOD^ for the stt*a- f i-al and special wants of families and huuseke-p- tra. An irnsnectjnn r.f ttnrk innir. nn r\h1i u-a*i/.n » purchase. Due price ouly, raaikeJ In plain fl$rur*i,i,l>_ PBRRT A" BRQ., oe 3f>10t Pa. ave. and Ninth street. 486 KKW FALL stock, PAPKRHANGINGS, Embracing Gold und Velvet. Gold Ftampad Me- dium and Low priced PAPKR5. appropriate either for the richly adorned 01 moat numble renM^n^. WINDOW 8HADM3. A beautiful selection Gold Band, Imitation Gold and Common Shaded. Huff, Green and Blue Hol- land . by the yard or mado into shades. OVAL PICTURE VRAME3, Watrantid to hf Gildtd icith Gold Lent, Th# handsomest assortment in the District, from the beet manufactory in the country. Also,a beau- tiful variety of dark Wood and small-sited Oval and Carted* Vinite Frames of foreign and domes- ur manufacture PI'"'TURK CORD AND TAS8KL5*, Different wicn and color*. Picture Rio^n, Nail*. CARD PHOTOGRAPH?. Copies of celebrated Picturee, Painting-, Statuary 4f. The attention of those renovating is callcd to the above good*, which were purchased for. and,on account of the times, will be n<ild at the lowtat re- ntuuei>ative price* exclusively for CASH for «oodn and labor, when purchased and e*ecuted. Aft articles warranted as represented. war Order* for P APR RH A SO IN (for WINDOW ftlwm m ««« < « » pbavu punctually executed, >n city or country. J. MARSRITK&, No. 4^*6 b«y®ntk St., eteht doors ahoy® oo4-lm* Odd Fellows'Hall. lVOTICK -Lefl in store a lot of HOUSEHOLD FCBN1TT KB, marked 'Unac Wren oh," from New York per schooner Mary Helen. The owner can ha*o the same hy application to Mr. ALEX'R JlKT^f'orretown.and payingrhirco*. no4-lw*__ kJEWINU MACHlMttf! B SEWING MACHINES! A lance (-tuck, cf different patterns, for sale at ivry/oto> pr«ct«, suitable for family or heuw tailor- lag work. _ A. P. SHARP & CO., 59 8. Howard utreet. Baltimore. tOT tfii Superior Family Rawing Machines op exhibition at Mr*. «. PRKU88\ Berenth street, Washington. uo 4-lm* SPECIAL NOTICK. ~ UTCHIN80N 4, CO.. Having sold out their stock of Fancy and Millinery (Toods, take thu method of informing those uf their customers ha*- ing accounts on their books that it Lt very ioaport- ant that aaid accounts should bo settled immediate- ly, as thay propose closing up their business with the least delay possible. The book* are at the res- idence of our Mr. H., corner of IP and 6th its., who is authorised to r^Mint for *Jl »»</»»"* i"*11,4 Arm. SUTOHiNSONXCO,. " oc »-6t (Ute Hatchianop & Monro.) PKACM, PEAGJtTPK A C I the err of men.tutniy cry in CWTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, at the *er y lowest »rl<*, at the'PM- »>> Clothioc Store, No. 460 7th street, Btr »tk strctt aai rh. hTf. UC30-W WAxrs. \V"ST»:" I- d CK*K; whilr greMvl »' "*X-' ' Hnuv VV Klk~ A ^o-i WOMfcN. Ayply *t " CT «r*> t a!a.- HMel. A Kloftt J»OY to «W«n<t io A f#*<l ' ' Ktore. a; ... r"fMO to meft4 cm in bm*t. Apv-lr a> nuc. brtwron *d .un* Jl -it*. It* w ASTTD.-A Good til&L. for -crnbbiu* *ad fh« kitchen. Ootx! wair-a Apply %t ; yn P>. 1 'th lUvl 'llfcfrt* it* VVaxi ri'-Aa»nt»uiir'BtColored L\b.f-r " work, and tn *»M«t in w*itin*. 2«*6 n -th F >tr»vt. between ltth and l.V-h. no7-*f 1 VI' ANTKP.A icocH Oerm*n cook wHhes » *IT- i V \T1<>V in a Rot«faMdMP*nrfcut. Apply* | 1 No. ; ]'i. f. " 7 I** 1 141) WANTKI>.For tn nflRr«r'« !<"« » ! ** KurlMrn family p»eferrfd, u?a' th* Avenue, i Pri'-* n«»t to exceed $*>. AddreM l'F. E. G.,'* Pont | Office. " no 7-** * | V^'ANTED.A email or uu)dt*rate *izeJ IIOT78K, " in a pl»^«ant location ia Georgetown; or J Knoms, *s<i*hl» for hoa«w'keepinr The b»»*t of i-t-r»>Dce* ftirniflhed. AddrcM '1#. C. B..'' at this ; rftlce. nof-2t* - IIOrPK W ANTED..Laff «r Small, Kurniahed ) I I or rnfitPBithed. Not particular where it is l«.rnM jn tb<» city. Any party ha* ins *uch enu 1-nvw a itood pftyinit tenant, and reference. Ad ir^n F Sedwiek. Box lO. ftar office. -no7-tt* k^LTl.KK WANTEW-For a R<*im<"at poriu*- rnntly loentMt iB thincltr Thu wttl b*m-' »»> t»l wppnrlnnitj ffcr any on* wishing to 40 into the "Satlt»r," Bo» 15S PoHOIRoe, Wa-hluaton, I) nw7 It* \\rANTKD.By ».r*Dtleni»n ind wiff, BOARD t in n pr;v*tc fWmily. Address "II. P. W I Pox (with t*rm»> Po«t Ofllce. aofi-St* BOYf* WANTED.W»nt«d. Are or lix activ* 1KJYS, fmm 14 to 17 yttri of ago. Apply to : THOP. HATKNNER, 34T C utreet. between 4>< ar-d KXh «tp. no 4-3t* Wr ANTKP.Two TAflf/OUS, steady employment and *vod wajfv* ifirrn. Apply af No. TO i High at.. near the rar atand, Georgetown. tn JOHN ! J KKILLY. no fl-3t* i Vtr ANTED- A ronn» WOMAN, to c»«k and m- T* hint iii wa*niar mmd ironing, German pr*- ! ftrred, Call at No. 19.T II strw»t.Vtwfum 21 at J2*l. no 6 2t W ANTED-C'OAT AND PANTALOON HANDS, at JAMES LA GRIT'S, Merchant Tailor, 7th *t., opposite Pout Offie*». Also. »n errand BOY. n 21* \vANTED TO RENT -A furainhed or unfur- t»i<»hed HOUSE, in Washington or 0©ur*»- t»>wn. Answer. utatinc Iboalioa an<l t*rm», "B. B.," at Willardu'. no#-lw* i \JLI ANTED- One COLORE* MAN, who tinder- j » » htaudu 0>»t»>r buttia***. and make himself i ni-efu!. Good waxen will be siren to a man with j gwd rreoimr.endMtona. A t,T>lr U3I fi atr >»t K»- ! twrt'n I7tb and lata st'Mot. no 6 3t* %1" ANTED- SITIT ATIO>, by two Ger'nm fcirls " in American fami'l^*, to do washing una fo».kinp, *nil ^fi-noral honm*irork. City r«»frT»nc*« ei\«-n if repaired. Inquire at '25H D kt rir-l, b»w.k building. no H-2t* A N OWN* KR WAX TK.n . Fnr *n T nfunti-w . . . . - » "M'mi 7 V I* I il ticer'* UOKHK, fully equipyed,jjiren in charip | of Geo W. Frwm*n, on th«> Bs1.1 Knn Na. 2battl« > fleld. \pply to GEO. W. KKEKM VN.Co. A , l«t Conn. Cn\nlry, at Cnnip Fe.henck Wa<«h:ne *>n. If no* called for before Saturday, will soli to pay f*penp*-8 for keeping. no6-2t*« WAM tD IMMEDIATELY- Kiv.-u'"o.1 MILLI- ? NEIL*, at Mrs. I. L BLODT't*, 43* ffcvmth treot. no 5 3t* \\" ANTED.Au OK(}AMST, for the services of " the Itpiaeopal Church. Kon<* butftftriit c!r« Flayer, rxpeneiicert in such muM<v n**el apply, uquire at N«. .'»! A 7th fit. noftenlw* \\ ANTKD.A careful, hoast GIRL,( American " or German,) to take tare of two littia children and mak» herself generally naefnl Mu-t be able to sew very neatly. Apply at a34 H *t., between »;th and 7th. no5-Jt WANTED IMMKL 1ATELY.30 MA SON 8 AND STONE CUTTEKS. to work ou f rliO-ation ! at Harper's V*'Tcj. Wajf»« $2 Y* |Mir day and rutitins. Cull at Mrs. Em^ua, corner of 2oth aoid jvf fctre^t.to WM . 0 ARAT*GTf Porcmin Ma«on,or f.n the Work« tn MAJOI! 1K1INTVU V~..; 9 _ ..v ^ mm w V ».- » OMailUCi iU charee. Alro, 2 Bltck Pmith* wttnted. nn.VJW* j lAUHMSHBD HOL'SK WANTED.Centrally lo- ; IP cated. Addreea "W. W ,#Hox 16 Star Whshinetor. D. C. no 4 1** JVJOT ICK..Tho*o in wmat of Employment of any 1 * kin'l would better call on the n-.-w Int»*)lig-oce (fiu»v No. .11 J Nintli «<t., whrre th« best s»f i>*t vill be piven to firrit Huh* Hk'rmnt.-. I h»fi* %lway» Hppiicntion* hd hand fui good Cook*. LaunirMtiwiM, Cbftniberniai'ir. Waifert» and Seani-tres^*; t»o for Ycunff Men to wait on tnfil**. in privat* Ijtmiiif- i r lu>t*ln Farm H*r.£+ n*nt«d. KmplofHrx in w*-it of good b"!p will find it to th«lr advantage to call, N.B.Houkv wiut(4. The b^fet of truant* cnn br obtained without charge by applying as ahove. ^ V If \< f * "«* i ii. u. uibijr.it. I \\r ANTKD.100 ton* COTTON RAGS, for which t t the htifhrst cft*h prices wil! be paid, by j GOODKLL & BU^MKK. .*«** 0 »-treet. nr.d **3 LntiMW iTfMf. B»3ta* i AAA LADIJtS W ANTKD. to tret*th»ir tP,U'Ml Flannel, Velvet, Merino, Car brie, MuhIId, &c., Stnmp^o nt 2*0;i Seventh street, j <North*rn Liberties > Clonks. S*c<ju»s>. C&ptf, Shawls, Johioh, Slipper*, F:nt*U8hion i. stampei at I loir r rates than any othrr plar* in town. Cars fo j right pMKt the door. We *tamp y»ur ir*>od» while ! you wait. Aluo Keep Stamped Good* for *»»!<», on ' the finest Mnnlin. Remember, 2?*0St» b*t*een L HO O- >l~ TINMEN WA.NTKD.Three or four TIN »ni PHKKT-1KUN WOKKKHS. T!.e hoKt of wnsf.« p«id for good workmen. Call at U. Li. it 11. I. Gregory, 301 Penn. avenue. <>r 21 I^UKNISiiKl) HUL SK WANTED.-Wanted to 1 r«-nt, for from one to three years a F*;-ninhed Dw«Uing for a private family. Location in th« Fiint or Second 'H drd pr«-f«rrtnl. Addre»» Lock B<»* t»A. Wnfihington, D. C. 4-tf \VANTF.D.-,W> are buying SECOND-HAND I ** yul'iNITrilK, STOVES *nd UK-DDING. for which we are pnyiua the htghest cash prices. Fam- ilies deel>ning housekeeping, or liaring a surplus of furniture will tiutl it t<> their axivnuUt<<* to gire a* a call. BONTZ Ac GRIFFITH, Je'2-tf No 3^0 S*<»v»nth «t.. b»tw>M»n I and K \ir A NT ED.Every person to kuow that I am in J the market, rnuf to pay caah for All articled j in the houwfurniahing line. Thn*r leaving the city < r bavin* a *ur plus, will do well to call. K. BI"OH 1..Y, 4;l?* Sever th street, hetwet u G and H, <e*st side,) Dealer in New and Second-hand Fnrni- j ture. no K-tf I 1? LEG ANT 2>ToCK <>F AU I.AblES1 CL0T1I CLOAK?. Now opening, from the best iManutacturi-rn, a Splendid Hn*nrtiii*nt, rom pricing all the newest and bent Myle* of thi* Rwunn. AI*o. a creat variety of handsome Fall aud Win- ter SHAWLS, selling of! at the lowest cash priced. J. W. COLLEY, oc 31 5t i»Q3 .Seventh ft., above Pa. av. rji A X F T A M ~p~bT ~ We are pre p*rt*JP to furnish UJiiTED STATES tax stamps at Government rates. . RTTTENTIOUSE. KANT A CO., Bunkers; OC Jin (Int. A Hop ) No. '2.12 Pa. avenue. 1) issolution OF COPARTNERSHIP. The firm heretofore doing lupines* under the name d title of L Ii. A. O. C. Schneidkk in thm day di'6olve4 by mutual consent. L. II. Schneider authorized to settle all bill- due by the firm and collect all bills and note* due the wm-. L. H. SC UN EIDER, October 11. 186J. G. O. SCHNEIDER. The underpinned will continue the general (lard- ware Duaiuepn at the old stand. wh»re he polio.il* a continuance of the liberal patronage ext«udml to the old hrm. oc31 * L. H. SCHNEIDER. jH'R coughs and colds . rsK irtr. iif.no r.i mtjls Ccmpoun-ifd by . C. FORD, ocSI-Ct Pharmaceutist, No. slteO Pa. avenue. FRAN Kl.IN ft CO., OPTICIANS. *J *244 Pkssstltasia Avkkck. (north side,) between 12th and Iftth «t«. and Pa. arenvf, vndtr the National Ho"!. BRAZILIAN PKhFlE (Rock Crystal; 8PKCTACLE*, MILITARY riJCLD OLASjJKS, ou^nvetuiCB. OPERA GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, no r*o CARTES DR VISIT!, Ac.. 4p. DE TOCQUEVILLE S DEMOCRACY IN AMER- ICA, New Edition, for the mest part newly tranblaU-d.with thn additional matter appended to tne latent French edition*, »ud note* by Profosor Bowen, of Harvard UniTHrnitr. Complete in two volt. Beautifully printed; Canibri<lif»i, ISoi. Price S3. (or 21) FRANCE TAYLOR. FOR A L B ifM dl Jgg A variety of PHOTOGRAPH CARDS, embracing Copied of celebrated en«raTin«*, palntinirg ana ftetuary,at J. MARKRITBRS, No. 4*M> Serenthet.. 8 doorn above Of Odd Fallow*' Hail. ^JOLGHfl, GOLDS, HOARSENEBS,4.c COMPOUND Si£cVof1jUM ARABIC. Thin mlo>»n(. and TinmiLhr f!nnffh Rnmedv ku t(-cn so long known and extensively uw>J that moot I poreona have become familiar with it* extraordina- ry efficacy. It can had at all the principal drug Btorea at 25 and fifty cenU a bottle. | oc 7-dimA fo4m* TllK AGJfi-Of IMPHOYJSMKNT8 18 STILL ONWARD..SMITH ft BKALL, Clothiers, No. 361 7th street, between I and K Ht*.. hu lu*t refitted their Store, and on the 1st of November. "u ill bo ready to ithow all their customer* a New and Fashionable Stock of CLOTHING, for Men and Boyg* wear. oc 30-tr HALT, WHO OOMK8 THKRK, a friend to in- form you of the immenae bargaina now offered &t J. H. SMITH'S Clothing Store, No. 4«0 7th ' stm-t, oear V, and corner SOth «t. mm Pa. a?. oc30-tr WTOP! STOP!! the ery ef all, at SMITH * © BKALl/rJ, No. 3bl 7th nt., wh*e ha ha> )«Jt ^fitted hit* 8tor*, and opened a New Stock of the P*»i«nd cheapest Men»' and *er«' OtOTHINO ia ^ Citr. ocjo-tc AUCTION SALES. J»* W. L. *'ALL k CO.. Auctionrcr*. HO»«. CARFIAQF AKD HARNESS. AND TwJ Colt* at AroTlt'l .On HATUl*D\T flOUSlNf?# *«TMMb«r H. Wf will toll withoutr» irttf, for eai*- 1 «>*c«U«nt uiU atHnl Hithm Hpm, Im trlrnet Tantlf LtrrUrt, 1 m. AJm>. 2Colt«. 3»t* #»o»r*£l<f no: W. L. WALL & CO.. A art*. Br THOMAS DOWNING. *«< t . <trrr«ft/>w». I^CRKITURI, HARSH. WAftON. 4r, AT Arctiul.- On M05DA V N'lXT, th* ftnh tut . I lit 10 o'clock . *t rfiftcDW of Tetr.pt* Strrwood, | »t tho inu rM»rljon of Hifb »fi<t #r*t*Hetr 0tr**\. i enau m»u «-itbi>ut roaarir*, Li* Xuroil rr» a»d Kfficfti, rr n«i«tir.fl' of. Mahogany 8«.fa, rhair«, T»fc:«a. Carpet*. Print*. Bt-d*. Bedttoada. Stf>r*-r, A e.% Lot I.Bmh< r. Wood, ftralr*. *c., 4f .. Al«o,ou* Work USrw. Wa*it»n and Harn*aa. TVrrnn ca>h. no- 2t THOMAS POWLIKO. Anct». BALLS, PARTIES, fcc. hh FTKgT omxp koir*i: or Tii MERRY SOCIAL ASSOCIATION will take plao> at *r\r o r » j %fr# it i* * t r m <'i r n n t ~t ,g.% r. WfFT , ON WEDNESDAY ETBNINO, Not< \er ]*ih tllr *n- I*; Tb? me ml»er* af the Association reepeetfuUy an noun:« that no pain* or fipcnw har»> been spared to render thr ahora nrr%*i<>n on« of !nt^B^»»cJoym<»nt to all who mar honor theni/ with tfi«-ir pra-^aee. I An axrellent Cotillon Band Via* been engag* Refraabinent* will be fnnrished by an axpe rlenced rater»r. Tha Ball will he beautifully derorat*4 on tha evening of tha f**«iree. Ticket* ONE LOLL AH, admitting a gentleman and ladiea CvmmtMf of Arrant fmrnX* 8. B X W. Lanwdal#, MHikfiM. B.B.Caton. Cha*.l)ant. mm 7-&t g nJOD TlM^COMINt* -The »H I KLD8 BOYS, II by rM*t«t of their inanjr friend-*, intend «| fiviag their T«.uth GRANT AMIMR1.Y at « rank lin Hall, corner of <*th and D at« nnJB THURSDAY NIGHT, Not. Jf) Tfck#Wfl.U^ admitting a gentleman and ladi»«. Committer nf Arranatmtntt.. J. Flanagan, J. Ilogan, D. MtNftiutri, M Hirrifii*. P. HagtB. no 7-St* «. ________ j TDK 5TII GRAND BALL of the JOl'RN 1YM K STONKCUTTKRH will ho held at Odd ft* Fellowa' Ilall. on TI.'lthUAY, Nu* 11th, 1-^ jj Pchroder'a brw« and atrinjr band f-?r the orca-iun. Hupper will be furiiiam-d byuUflfc an experienced caterer. Poaitively. no hata or rap* Hllowcd in the room. Tickets $1,aUmittin% a sr»ii- th-man and l%«tfea. Committtt of Arrangfrnentt Jaa. Pnnth, Daniel 04>rien. Charlea Kaaet, D. McManamin. Heury Reeaide. Thoa. Rock, Dougherty, Adolphn* Krie. no7-4t* IO U M.-Th* member* olthe 08AUK TRIHI Ni'. 6. I »V H M , take plwa-ur. in OA Hi.hourciCK to thrir friends and the public ww tha they inU-ad riving their first GbAXD It ALL on MO>*DAY. November 17. at P«t«oc»* Jla!!, »>n K *t., between 9th and H*th. Tick <*t« $1. admit:!as; a gentleman and Udi«*». CowniittM of Arranf wnts . H. 0. Wbitmore.G fVnwrtield, E. 15 Hickman, W. Wbitna»re, C. W K ing. J. 1 inierii.nur, J. T. Crampr«ey. Set- particu lars iu future V9 6 St* FIRST GRAND BALL cf the SI If ATT T nvf>Q r\ f «* a oif «na» i'lV t kJAS r»r\- \j r n I MATY YARD £1 will take place fit Tcrnix-ranec Hall, od K nt between V*.h Mil I <th» FRIDAY, November Uth. Cardiol admission one Tlollar. no 4-1'** FOR SALE ANTD RENT. BOOK STATIONKKY AND fancy stork for BALK..An r-tablislied Bton in Georifetowu, D C.,«loioK a 6rrt rate bucioes*. is no* offered for sale. T»rm.« made reasonable Application f *r the saimc«n b«- addressed to '"ll Oeonjetown. d O., Po*t Offir»» no7 ? * /fO^ SEVENTEENTH &T..BKTWKKN II and m I..Two Inrtfi- fuuimuiiicttioc rooms, t Bed Room and Parlor,) handsomely fnrniahed, on the fii>t floor. for rent with board Al*o. or* lar^e HihI Koora in second story Kir»t -Ha»e T*!iV Boarders wanted. None other* n<»ed apply. I>»an»*r at 5. Table liberally ^applied, »ud term* moderate, no 7-4t* 1/OR RENT.Several FIRMSHKU RtH)MX, * pleasantly located fini«bM with en-and other t situated on Utb Btreet.flrat ho a «e ' isorth of New V«»rk m. nofi 31* 1?OR RKM.Haiidxotnfljr FTRNl^KKD FAR i LOR »c<i CIIAMBER, sdjoilia^, od the first fioor. Apply »t II LouiMntia »vi-nu<-, beiw^n *1h ; and 7th'treet*. no6-Jt" I/OR RKNT.Two very handsome and well Fl'R- NISIIKI' ROOMS, with «r without Board. Oenilenun preferred. Apj»iy at 44^ K utraet. ne«r 7»h ft na 6 4t* T)\K1.<'K FOR RENT..For rent, a fine Siloon .. » w i »> u«mvu »- a imi i «v i au>( 'iru Kvn^iu.iii 'i Sooi locality. convenient roth to the Capitol an i '..*t Office. Afilrrt;. "11.." through tb»* Po«t Of- fice. TV) <-2t* F^OR RKNT-A cuit of n«-a:I> 1TKMM1KD ROOM8.con*i#tii«i: of thr*e clitniWr*. nittiux and iiinittc room, with kitchen complete. Wat*r iiiid gi». Apply hi 3.11 I !*tr<»et, between 1-ith and Hth Bef"r«»D«efi re<»uirf»(i. n<>6-St* * -y i \\} U k' 1 T 4. ». II i ») I iVL. M #!»« > »# ( vi» I'i'.i i . « ;i i\Lun &nu VilAIH ^fiK, I coruiuuui'-fctiriK, well fornifiltod, on 24 floor. A 1*«. twol*r^e «ire<i T'nfnmi^hed Room* pleasant* ly loe«t*-d, N»*. 4*»7 E Ftre«t, between 3<f and 4th refUr. west. able Board next door. no6-3t* t'OR RENT . JVveral fli:e ROOM?, well funiiwh* i, without board. nt 346 K »tr»pt, (Franklin Row.) This the most de-irable locality mthe city; npncinu* >j;rtl; bath with hot and cold water in the nou*e Firet-claab ik*rd within two doors. 1106 31* l/»OR PAL*.A beautiful Building LoT. fert r ou W>«bin*ton. and W> on Dumbarton street <;*«rjreUiwn. 1> C!', t*o Muck* from the cart. Ap ply at 143 Wavhic*ioD St ., (' eoreetown. no S-3t F^OR 8AI.R.A romVenient UKICK DWKLLING, containiujr niue roomd, ev. I'otomac wat<*r at the aoor. tiu»' pump of water in the yard.»t*re- houw. brick Ptablr, and c*r iage-houae; m mated on 11th street,between G and II. No. 431. Call from nin»* to three o'clock a. m. Title iodinpa- table. Term* easy. no 5-eo3t* 1P0R H1C> T, WITH 150 Alii*.On mo«l. rate term-. IT in a private family, a rerjr l%r«e h*n W.ra-1> FurtuKhed -Room. heated by register and capable of accommodating gentlemen or a «wall fsmiiv. Also, a small Room. Gas and water in the hou<e Ref t rencf« given and required Railroad withm one square. Applj at U03 oth street, between M and | N ftn. no 5 St* I^OR FALK.A flrst-elas- Retail DRUG tfTORK, I established in 18S3. The subscriber. wishing to retire froin business, will dispose of his Store. It is situated on the northeast corner of Haltiuiore and Gay streets, two of the principal thorough* j fares of the city, is in full operation and doin^ a j large Proscription and Retail Rnsincs*, with a patronage ©f tLe highest respectability. The stand compnses a Front 8t«.re aud Rack Room; two large Rooms in sse nd story; a large Cellar, flagged; a -uiall \ard with hydrant. Ac. K#>nt modem1*- Fi*tur*s of th* fir«t quality. mith a complete frtoek of genuine Drug-, fht-mienl? and Fane) ar- ticle*, with all the roceipve for the Proprietary article*. A* good an opportunity for bu6in#«Mii« raldona offered to the trade. Add«lr»*B» THUS G. MAC- KENZIE, Noitheaol corner Baltimore and Ga> Baltimore, Md. no 5-eo3w 1/OR KKNT.Ji*%er»U handsomely Kl'KMdHKD : 1 KIMI.MS. Apply at No. 4J9 12th it., between G Mid H »>trceti», west side. . uo 4 U* fcM>R RKNT . TTwo or thrfs- desirable FI R- i i. N ISIIE D ROOMS. w ith or without lizard, in* private family. Apply at i9'2 12th -treet, Island. r no 1-1* * 1<M>K SALE.The LEASK of Restaurant and JL>wcl i line OH Kiue street.(centre of city.* Ale van dria. Vs. For information inquire at office of Al exandria New*. no4-Iw* - j l^OR RENT-A larj?? PARLOR and CHAMBER. r connecting, on fir*t floor, n«>*!r and hand- s somoly furnished. The house it- warmed bjrfurna -e and lit with *a*. 1'* of bath-room, with hoi aad cold water, allowed. No other rooms rente 1. Ref- erence required. Apply at No. 341 I «t.. between l.>th and lith. - uoS Jw* |>OR RENT-A PARLOR AND CHAMBRR.aT- 1 tabbed uofurni-hed, on fce<«.nd floor, beautifully situated, two square* north ea«t of the Caottof. for terms, etc., enquire room fc»l, fourth flour, Winder bmleiitg. do 1-lw* FOR 8ALE.A verp ieainible and commodious RESIDENCE, No. Dumbarton ^t.,Ueorpi town; lirick llouhe. 3U !t-et front, by 40 feat Jeep, with two ht<>ry back building, and lot adjoining. & feet front, running back I23e*l. no l 2w* L^UKMSHKI) RUOMS TO KENT.For r«*Dt. at r 430 Itth streetj mlh.t Mde, l^tw.-^n G n-rvi H strata, n.ntly furnished and very coulfortable BKl» ROOMS, and SITTING BOOHS, ant PAR LOK*. The neighborhood ie one of most desirable in the city. Ever* attention paid to thooe oeetiar- in£them. No children in the hoaae. octa-tr i^OR Rl&T-A rUK!il«nKD HOC81£.»leaaant- ly situated in the First Ward. The Loum con- tain* 11 rnnmi, including a la'gv parlor, dining room and library, and ia r*upptie4 with P<>u»iaac a ater. *ai» and a>l modern c>i.reni«:ncea. Rent #171 wriAnntli A nnl* it N'fl IOO (1 «t /u« « . * f -H w C^entlmmen can BE accom mod AT kd *»i> fitie, larjnj an.1 pleasant FURNISHED booms, at N». 419 6th itrtet, oppoaite tb« I*ateut Off re. _ _ oc IS Old demand notk8. u. 8. treasury notes and silver Bought at th# hi* ;.*it prie« by R1TTEN110USE. fant A CO., <* 2Mtu Banker*. n». I 3'J Pa *vcnu« Dissolution..ti»«» p*rtn»r*hip h«r«t >f <r® c\i»tinc b*twwn th# subscriber*. under the firm of Moore a D*nni*on, has b*.a thu da»' din fcoWcd I'T mutual ooBtrest. T GEORGE h moore. I. M. DLS.MSON, Washington. Oct 8. WW <w*f? F^uisv^ fSawa^M £» B^Sa^SSU'SSff-.SSAal WHCt as exMilent fusil* hone. Bu«*» ,»4 fcaroeM otw ud ubcW&tUJ For artic* *r« in «nir« »t a6fe O rtrwt. mr at tte sUbVeT Dr Qrv,. on, ob C «tr*etv b^twr-en 13th and utk ,*>uth «/ r«.»T..wli«f»tWmrbee**0 ^<*£ur I I AUCTION SALES. I « *1 THIS WLXOO* 4Ul# To-MOtlfW hr GK*tll A WILLI tlCIL AaeUaa~r» A I CTIOS t^LM (»F .NFW tf0U?*I10LD WV* >m * ». Ar., A«.,at Armcv ^Oo 8ATVm 1>AY, ibr eih iHU 4L at H> oWrt a. m. w atmM **11. at oar Aa<-Uon amoii. oa |rr»«U and B«u « Urf N««<>rtin#nt of Famiturt, *oM oa afaamat v whom it ma? <H«iw«arn. n*. Walnut tof**. Chairs aod Tablet, l our Mabutfan? and W afoul MarMr tay fr««faf wrMu1, Fli Maboaanr and Walaut Dtamibc fcirocn, I ftr** T&b&XsZ- ' £ -I <> » «dS@Gs^. »» * «>** CM Wiinnt fM»t Thr** 4*mm HftrM Dow NtU, Thirty «* S^Afth till*, nark**. A# Ac . oofc, Air tirht, *»d o«k«r W#tm, indow Sbw««« .if., Ana Diur « tJkrr artirlf. too won Trnp« »»h. *»®« <1 ARISN A WILLIAMS: AurU. U8 MARSHAL'S BALE OF PEItB Lf*ODA.~ . In Tirtneof t«Mn* of tK» District Ob«rt mt St*t«*ter Ui* District of Colua»M», I will «»1] *t (tuMtr avKia* for r«ib,»t Mood* 5tor* i>i jf.ii> m...>< _ m ftTeno*b*t% Hi»Ch atwJ 1>ath FBDAT hfc.VT. tin- ttb ImUdI. }C o 'clock i. b .. th* <oH» vtaff nrtilieuff bntl. Til . ) 1 doK»D g «»0|> fck » ffp, 4 K<jk«m» o!IW», Lmrw 1*1 Mrn'« »ad lU*W 3 boiM Candle*. Urf* lot ftlieA, Urg* lot W*wk Cr»tto», - Ur«* lot P«!t HftU, 2 NfiOoffft, l box OtitlW Ami, » I tottlM llMdj. rtb* 0O4^U . V. ft wmw IkWMK. Br *. 0. M«GUIU 4 00. AmcUmmmn. WEUSTKM' fAl.ll 07 VAkUABL* FMOW J TT O* NOKTS L «T., ICTtMl M»W JljMf avmil a«Thi*d * wbst..On TBrMDAV FTSBNOOH. D*crnbcr llth.at «aVlook,oB tk« KaIm, br~vfrtueof a 4«rd of trwt.4»tW Jnwm . IBM. and duly rroordod ia W>*t /.AS., Mt. 17*, folU>» 287, Mo#*.. wo khnll wll part tf Lot R«. 8. i* Miurt No. MS, fronting II M North L atro«t. b«tw*fi N»* >nr.y a Third fttrort we»t. and running inch**, together with the IwproTt inf of a »aay DwHliOf Hoti fern*#: Oh* thirdenb;th tv»lr« nosthi. with iiUwt, tru*t on th* yr*aiia All coaT«ra»c*a at th* "oct of the parchaaar. If th« rm« of «alr ore not complied with within At* d»y« thereafter, the tnmtm reeeree the right to re*ell on one « re*«' notice in Ike Kremog Mar. HENRT NAVLOBJ (- - JOHY 0 HARKXl*S,< no 7-eod . J C McitUIftB A <: >., Aoeto ! A By J. C. McGl'IEK ft CO.. An< '|'K1>TKM' fALK Of BI'ILMN* LOTS 1 FKIDAY AFTKRNOON. Wcom»or mh at g o'clock , at the Aaettoa Boom* nfJo* C, Mflgatrt u vv. vt Tiivntvi uviii oi irwi, atvfl V<*(ofetr ML, lrtj", and duly recorded in Iuber J. A. S.. He. 9$. felioa St*, et «e« , we ahall mU Lot* No. 1«. 11, 12, V\ 14.18, as. 34. »k«4 *. la tn B. Todd* uNIiyimob orP\u»r* No. W8, a plat of which wiB bf »*hibiM at tl»«* >il«. Term* : On* third in ca*b; the reaaaiader ia ail and twelve month?. with iatereet,aeeai<ed braiwi of truel oa tbe preuiiaea. All conTt-fRnc- h at the coat of the parrbaaera. If The are not coaapLed with within five d»Ta;iitVrth*Mlf.tb<> r««fmlk»nfM to r«»ae11 tha property on whioh «nrh d#*an!t la mad*, at tha ruk and m^bm- of the drbaltlac purchaaer. HICK BY N AVWOB, t - JOHN C. H MCKNKS8. \ T «« no 7 cod J C MrtiriRI *CU A acta. By 1. C. MettUIBK * OO . Anctioaeeva. \'r ALU ABLE IMPBOYKB PBOPBBTY OB »TB hTUIT WI*T. IITVIBI O aaa P «tb vobti, it 1'tBkic Acctiob .Oa PATt'BDAY AKTIft* KOON, Deertnbor 13th, at 4 o'clock .on tfce preua- iaea.by rirtae of a deed of truat. datt-d January lith. w§f». and duly reeonfed in Liber J. A. 8., Pa, W', folio* 307, et aeq., one of the land rre^riifar WaahingtoD coaaty. I). we ahall eell parte ef Luti> No. U and 12. ta Crittenden'a aubdirUioa aC t^uare No. 396. fronting 13 feet 4 inchaa aa Bint* itr««t we«t, between 0 aad P atre-ta aarth. eat mnini d*ck jm if«t 4 inrhaa. to a 10 feet ally', to- *»ther with the tmyr*TrB«nU, c*uutiM of »irafcle DwrlliacHutw Vena* : One-third r»ah, ih«trHBtiwl«>r U sis M< twelve mtsthi. with interaat, aerarad kr ft deed «f trukt on the rrmiet*. All enoTeyancet at tb« ooat of tbe nrektMr. tf tb« terms of nale are n: t complied with ia tea day* thereafter.theHrnate*# reserve the rifht ta rt «eil at the riah and extern* of the Uefaattinf y«r- ehaaer. HKXRYNAYLOR, I JOHN C. HARK NESS.*1 no 7-eod J.C.Mciil IKK k 00^ By Ml HAH ALL * PA<5B. Auctioneer* SALE OK CONDEMN ID PT0RRi*.-Win hei at public Auction, on TUrK^IV&T, RtreokN l.nh. intfi. commancinc at 1»> o'clock a. m.. at Stora- houne bftweco K and w atreeta, near XM,a llorx and Mule Harneea, and other Qnar ter'a 8tore*, condemned anfit far public Term* ra«ib. in Oorernment fund#. By order of J. j. DANA. Capt. and i.Q.M, no6-d MAR?ALL ft PaUE. A««4a. DJ n . L. BALL k IV., AuttUBWft. AHDMIMdlRATOK^ -a, > OP H0U8KH0LB FrKXIT r kB -On W E DN KSI> A Y MOB> I NO, 12th inatyit. at 10 o'clock, by order of the O-phaaa* Court, I will wll ht public tsctirs, tba HouwhiM furniture id4 IRwu of the late Thorn** Cinal. PfBO. trt'Boe, Teat of Circle, betvMi Mth mmd 2Mh .vti t*. ( mbrtciijj:- l'arlor Sof* and Chaira Marbla-top Center Table and Ride do, Mirror ara Mtrble 8!ab and Brackeu, Carpet, Bus and Oilcloth, Curtain*. Shades, and Mantel Yaaea. Iiinint TaMf«, Cbair*. Oloek and Arm Qhairt, t-i«l«9board, <Haa« and Craekarpware, Double and Single bedatead*, f pal her BediMl PlllOW* Hair and Shuck Mattre§»»*. and Bedding, I>re**inf and Plain Bureau*. and (ylaaaea. Wardrebe*. Wa-h*tari«t», and T <>i I Seta, Wttod and Can* Heat Chair* and Bockara. x u»iii vrt v bi prb. nun. viiuvia, &r., Cvoking Store. Coal and Air-ticht and attar SioTf-. tuJ i *-oi-<i UM rttDeui of KiVckeb Far tiitore. and Coc k in® Cleaitiia. Term» ran. BTIPHEN T. BROWN, Administrator. ao« W. L. WALL * OO . Atxta. Br T. DOWLIKG, Aurtioaacr. 6eor|fioVB. ADMINISTRATOR'* 8ALK OV CARPRNTRRR Toons. Lcmbk». Ac., at AcCTiox..Oa FRI- DAY MORNING. Mtb iu«tant.at lOoVlock, f wfR mil, by ordor of tbr Orphan's Conrt, at Work Fhoa of tb# lata Thomas CiMal, C*p»w»U»»l, in tba raar of ti M P. CLurch irwriftova, D. C., a lot of Carpenter ' Toola- 1 larc* Jack ,Vrf». Lot < f Luiabtr.S Work B**ucfcr«, Too!«. Cheat*. and TooIk, Lot Carpenter "a Tool*, Grindstone and Mortician Machine. Term* call. &TKFHF.N T BKOWN. Administrator, not T. UOWLING.A net. MARSH &L1 SALE.. In virtue of a writ oft fle an, iifnM tr«Kn the OlfHu Qiixi «f Circuit Court of the Bi<trict of Columbia, for tfe» county ol Wmthiiirtoa. and to me di-»-<**<l, I via expo*o at public Mile, for cub, ia froat of thaCourt Houm door of Mid county, en THUESDAY. Uto th dftt nf XiiT*niK»r At 19 aVIatI n *11 Au. frn4ar.ii ri*ht, title. claim tod inUrwrt hi ui Lot* No*. IS and K. in M>*r« N I J*. ia the rttwrnt >*a*hin«ten. D C., toother with the imfrortmraU thereon. eeised and I«tM »M a" the prowrt) cf Joku C. Rotaala. and will Wup toftatiafyJadicialtKo.ua, to October Urn IMS, la favor of John W. Ridcnour.ua* of Cptoa H ftiia- nour. wAM H. L A WON, ocZTdt* U 9. Marshal D © MAR8H A1/8 8ALI -la rirtaeof 9 wriU af( facia* iwued from the Clerk'a OCca of Ua Circuit Court of Countjr of Waahii s^ll at «m Klir the Diatrict vf Ooluo,Ua for thf inatoa and to me directed, I wfM fftr rill ia hw"* »k* ft.« Bonw door of coanty. m THT <R'th day of NoT^iubar. 1M2. at 12 a'i I folloVtBC Or MTttl of Pleaiaat. lying and fr*in« ia District of Columbia, and B»(iDniii( for the mof at a atoaa ik« >»ooad boaa- dary of t»« city of Waahloftoa, Mandtnt oa Iki *a*t ridf of Rwdy Branch. and oa tlw wtjl IiM # the old Bltl«wbari road load mm to and raB«i>( up thf aaid road vm aa one and throe four thi decrees far rar ri*ht, north aeTeutf all fecroaa, aractalx half n»rrhM north tw«-nti ty four prrih**, north twenty sit degraaa. VMt twenty perrle#. north fifty fire and a half wfit U-d pfrcfcf*. north nmty om d>araa». vast ri(htrfn p^rphw, to a *tun» at the (Mlkmi ear- ner of lot n umb* four of aaid tract ( land as 41- vid*-.l anx>n« the hfira of Bah't P»Ur, tkaa nortk cue and a quarter dafra*-*. *a«t ana hnadrad IM fifty-two and thrt*-«aartara wrrhn ta a ataM tnnrked P. H , IA!«. then Mwd eighty-ail yd a pike road thfD n>utb four 4*,.^-, OrrdudirveilT kii lertbN, with tk# mM Mi. tq«u wutli two and a quarter iil'Ml, «aaI Nil*- ifht and JO fwrrh*-*, etill *i4 tk« *M raw U the thirty ninth fi*f W.Uft ;^W M/Ulh HeTeBty 8»« VJJ *im and m H* r-roh. to tW boundary 1m* W the aaM city, and witb aaid thirty math !* *. Itmi *HI the wild boundary Ha* rya*t{>i*hl Line te thl W- (iDuiBi. ro6t«iBi»j tMtraeraa aad tigfe err 1>M. .. Ard also that other tract of lul Viyriaatnf mm eonth boundary of «aid tract, Hmwt Kiu.ai *ta>a* P H.. 1819. aad naatu tUo*» aorlh ti 4mm. « nun..w*etS4|>«rch*»to*och Oaak Char*h road, th»nce worth 1# <Vg Uaii .iaMyi O-HI MiekM t* tbe dividing 11a* of A aad J H«! **<; tfc. . uorthttdftf east fll U m peccbea te a tanylh* road and a rtone; tbrco« 1T7 S7-H« parche« with corner; th» nre te tM rrcu Win* that immmilRIPHHi by tbe late Jeaaa irowt. HiiW aad bvW ap*a a* > the b*«iaaia« «Wm. lnr*e tract of tea ^wmI Brow*. aeiiad aad )»r1 issrjsswMrr & a* 2U and aftt. to October term, ia fevor ][J. MmK wae etir du U. w ^piNT®^ TIM Til TIM T St lraw.«n?jiMt

Famiturt, T&b&XsZ- «dS@Gs^. · jectfultoaforty-horse power force of impac- ... In-baggageto theregularlyappointedagent. iu return for which th^ usual card was givnn. In*uvhi a«ep,

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Page 1: Famiturt, T&b&XsZ- «dS@Gs^. · jectfultoaforty-horse power force of impac- ... In-baggageto theregularlyappointedagent. iu return for which th^ usual card was givnn. In*uvhi a«ep,


Vowdp Theater..'tabnel Kav«»l av »» » » IVIIIIUI, lUHl 1UM tyuviUUM UI#

lut-ul of liic Ilavel". Tlii* is pusitirt'lylas«t opportunity onr cui/ts will h:iY<* otM^ing thu- f.imuu-i trouj»a, thoy sail for Ku-rcjx »*-rj tLuill). A oleuditl bill lo-niijht,fom(>rii>ini "Thr^-fa'-Pa Kr^nrhmm," iiR*»ll»*CK Mairid," and "Vol-an-V.-jfit.*'

"WAr«Hi>oToiif Thkatkr.. Th« fascinatingwill to-niirhl |u thi* hfikiitifnlllunir*rian dune# of "Bokazo (HsrdaV and th*ti.vam.h ilanpa til »

»....... uiiawium y i*i VJurro.|Hr. Chanfran, sn*tain>d by the" rntire rova-pary, will appear in a "Model of a Wif-,"Tooulvf." and "Barm-y thp Baron." A goodkill, and on* well calculated to drAw.Ghove*'* Thkat*r..Mis* Wet-tern tn-nightink''- a benefit, and produce lor th»* third timetiir thrilling ulav 01 » V.M.t i.» n«a * «>».. »» v.-»-

Mii rtPCHtwilyenp of th*» maM *uct^5f«l pK>?oi th»* .- Msofi. Mi>» W*»it#rn play* her partadmirably, and i» ably suaiaiiu-d by Mr. il FBarrvtt and th** entiif company.< "a ^tkrbi'ky Mall..This Lh tho la>t ni^ht

but one of *hp "Gipsy's a fact whichthf habitue* of Canterbury xhoukl r«m»»mb*r.The bullet of th« "Slav* Market of Constanti-nople*' will b* n*|>«Ui*d thin ©ynrnjc- The en-tire conipanj appear in an excellent bill. To-morrow afternoon a matin** for ladies amiChildren.Jnlia Mortimer. Kate Peunoyt-r, andArr.i».« . .

« vaava HtllU

('rxxoui(>!kt*i;a..Nixon'n spl»ndid rlrcu*tronp»- continue to ilraw hnntJsom^'y. EatonfctoM-. tbe Conrad brothers, Muttir Johnny,M'llf Livir*. (,'om. Foot* and CoL Small, Dr.Thayer and the entire troupe tpp^r at everyperiormane«s afirrnoun and night.Tn»MosiTom r*PKR Ixpfkotiow..Every-feodv went down to see the Monitor yn*t<»rday,per permit*ton of the authorities, and the strert

nilvtr fnlkn h*il f*. .. J ». « VBIUV v> » WV WV VWU«kMVai«*Vthe crowd* moving Nttvy-Yard-ward throughthe afternoon. Th# little Monitor may havebera a little astonished at the crowd thrownupon her so iindilMlv. hut m «i«t«i. *.

Cvmj>o«ar* and presented an nnxaryinjc coun-tenance of iron rigidity to all comers. Not aquare Incb of U»r> but was snb-

jectful to a forty-horse power force of impac-tion. Folks piping up stairs and down stair?,into cannon muzzles, engine pits, pilot houses.chn* k«l« . '"ruv> icuuuuuu uuies, ana ail sorts ofholf^s cracks and crM\i»*es; and there were

» Pn^iit^ Toms" qnite mean enough to takeadvantage of the embarrassments of the ladiesin crossing the sieve-like deck and in ascend-ing and descending the perpendicular laddersand gangways. But the ladle* of Washingtonare rather famous for pretty ankles, ami per-haps they didn't mind it.And everybody inquired about everything ofevejyhody.whick gave an opportunity for som»*

Ittinird pundit*, not exactly of the «alt-waterper*nask>n, but known runongst men ae practi-cal jokers, to run some saws npon those in

anest t»f solid information: [and w»* regret to seemt nowe ol our cotemporaries have been more

or l«**i> tak»*n in and done for thereby:] some ofsaid frawfc being to the effect that th>* btvak-» at**r recently placed about th» pilot-house isa bran-new invention to catch theenemvV riiinball* Mid bullets; that the Monitor stilus imdi-rT»au*r like a loon, on beeinfc the flush «f the* nmy'g puns, to the discomfiture of said enemy;and tfiat the recent ''improvements"' in the wayol tall £im>ke s.un ks, tall ventilator*, Ac., willenable lhe Monitor to go into action with herdeck* t^n feet under water; which, a» the nar-rator informed hi* instructed and nole-takinfcAutlitl>rv. k'WOIlliI >» -I v»»rv

I»a« 1 Oil -

lafrf."Shall vre insult our intelligent reader* byifllmr for the fiftieth time, that the Mon-

itor ha» a turret, that said tnrret revolves.ha*yuM»: that she is, moreover, an iron.clad. andba> an engine: and that her cn*w are forced to-lny low and keep dark"? No, sir-r-e. bullyiui ki*' JiiMiuur:

Bzlief of VoiiSTKMi*.-Tbe following arethe regulations tinder which the fund collectedfrom th»* citizens by the finance committee ap-Kinted at the Capitol war m>*eting in August

»U will be distributed :1. That the gratuities b»» confined to thf fam-

ine? of volunteer* now, or who may hereaftert>*', in active service in any regiment of thel>i»trkt of Columbia, and lamilies of ciii/vnsol this District, in service a.s volunteers inany other regiment, who are not entitled to re.e» ive H.v*i«?ance of like nature from any otherfcouree.

«!. That the word family shall iaclude themotht r, where a widow, and ei»U-K, if inv, holt. or in part, depeuduat ou the volunteer.

3. That the pr.ituity ahonld be graduated »»ylh»* uumUr and extent ot the family.4. That the allowance to a wife, mother, anda iul^.-ister, or siet- rs. lje one dollar n

au'.d to each child and infant si^terts or brothers,lift) rent? a week.5. That th» claims of all. seeking an allow-

ance ».»r gratuity, be examined by a committeeof three, who shall certify to the treasurer th*number and character of the family: that theyhave not received a*»taiancH of a like nature4rom any other source, and that they arc en-titled to" receive relief according to the scalebereiiil.efoTv fixed.

(v That lami lies of volunteejrs shall thf-re-he entitled to receive from tlie treasurer,

th» weekly stii»end Ttereinbefore provided, solonpr a;* the fund la>'^. and the volunteer re-maiu? in service.

A]'] ligations fhr relief should be made to anycmo ot the follow uttr .'eutlenven.VI fi»niKol4I.» Thirr»^nth -tr«*, between G and H sts.:W. H. TVnney, S. E. corner of Hitch and Brid^ogTn"!1-. Georgetown: and "W.B. Todd, No. 107 (_»trret, corner of Third.

k Poixt..A ea.-o came up l*fore JusticeJ. hn.-oii. hist evening, in which an intricatejh4i t of law is involved. It appears thatWh.aT William Nevs by, 6th N<*w York volnn-

on arriving frarn New York at the rail-ruafi depot, in Uti» cilv, delivered a cheek forIn- baggage to the regularly appointed agent. iureturn for which th^ usual card was givnn.In *uvh i a«ep, the cnfttom is to deliver the card

the office oi whatever hotel the passengerway fleet, the clerk paying the porterage, re-o-tving the property, and cancelling the check.J nstead of thi*, other baggage was delivered,corresponding in number, however, with thecheck. Shortly afler, nnother person appearedwith the original railroad brays check, de.matidfd, and took it away, thus leaving themajor minui of property or any evidence ofhi- claim. The party who r»-c«dv»d the check*>n t*>e psr* is nnl nn nf ihn.

bm tiTfM a private rxprrss. Now, th»* ques-tion is, whether dip railroad irresponsible lorthe \aloe of the property, or the ajrent of theexpress is hable to prosecution for criminal in-lent! Th«» latter is the view taken by themajor, and th© party was consequently takenb**f#re Juutice Johnson, who, alter h»»arin#: theevidence, required bail for further hearing attv»el\H o'clock to-day.Fourth-ward Station Ca*ka.Befor: Ju*-

tict H o/fer.Mary Bodgers, disorderly; dU-roiftsed. Pat k Collide and Jas. Drtecoll, do.;lined «y each. Pat'k Buckley, do.; di*mi*«ed.'Mary Buckle*-, do.; lined*0. J.Mathew. drunk;dumWed. John Hall and Tho*. Swsnn, dis-orderly: fined (3 t-arh. John Jordan, do; do.SI. Martha Madielle. profanity; dismissed..uanwi iianvar, disorderly, Samuel Uaswidy.dr»nk.O«*o. W. Powell, suppoiud dft^rtrr, andC»eo. "Wilson, drnnk; turned ot«t to military.Cha-. H Tvanj. sick; turnrd otpt to hospital.t. onit'iiu* newman. col., disorderly; lined *1.Mict-u» l Kennedy, do.: do. 95. Marjft O'Neil,treei walking; dismissed. Fred k Harris, dis-

orderly; fined ?1. .Samuel Kennedy, WalterMoorhou^e and <^ha«. Wilson, assault and bat-tery; jail for further hearing. George E>an«,col., disorderly; fined

AnmrriD 15i r.h.aky.. On Wednesdayhicbt. a<^ otttrir. Ihh t<ib nanti an/4 W it ll/v*>^ t. vnit^utt MMU 4>A V* 1"^ * V»the rounty police-. were goinjr down Seventh*tr»- -t, th^v heard a nuim* about tho premises ofMr. W. Turner, residing betw*^n R and Stre*">, and looking into the hons® they alarmedtwo btirplar-, v> ho were in th»? act of making a

haul The ottlrer* imm»*ilia»*»W f««*them, hnt tbey eeeaped by leaping over the fenceaiid taking leg hail," leaving behind them alarge trunk containing a number of valuablesvhuh they had taken from the house and wereroiikm* oil with. They had entered by gettinginto « window, and after pilfering the moneydrawer of it<« small change started off with thetrunk.' Ti;k I'epot..All around the depot r-tnallbuildings art* poine up, and \t*hat with th*sum' ront> arrival* of pos*«ng*r trains, and tfinlr. ni-it of freight trainn, and the city railwaycar^, hot^l coaches, hacks, &c~, the locality isa liyrlv one indeed. The main »treet (0) lead-frotn :hf depot toward the centra of the citykhun'it *11 .» *..-

^ uiiru in W1U1 (Travel, <k> fU to Deround and rrowning, instead of scooping andfcollov. . a* it now is. It ought, in fact, to beyavH in the most aubetantial manner, for merela no mrt to the heavy wagons, ice., that fro toand from th# railroad depot. There ought,#Uo to he good atone rrnt~ing», for la^t winternod waa ankle deep all about that part of thecity. *

Fi*MM A HoKhE I»o*k..Y«'*tenlay, aa aMr. krlly waa driving a drove of hor*ea fromih*-d<-put to the corral noar the Oh*>rvatory,gtneral of them got loo~e and ran otf. A soldiernamed Sullivan found one of them "layingaround looae," and took it iato hu posaewion.Jlr. Kelly demanded it, bat the aoldirr retu»odto *i\e it np. Officer Crown couiiug alonjr. ar-r»->d him and took bira brfore Justice Clay-Ivn.v h*r«< lie wu informs! that nnli^s he gavelh<» hoi>e up, be would be protte<-uU«d for steal-ing; and not liking to take the chances of goingto the Penitentiary, the animal w&* t»urren.*l*Trd.

Pclxce Matt'kj. Firrt Frrancr -«J> e. M:»t -

Urivinjc; Sard 32L50.Aecoiui J'rce\nrt..\ltLTnpy Corrfirv.

lurwo ovtT to military. Cha». Wallard, i nnnirf \r*fon without license; ttn»*d S. dCampbell, John Dvlancfy, Jas. Orleans. r-fu»ing to pK> Uieir. bilih: locked up. P. }lo -

ahnxiTi'InnKiiMirfiptid.Vf^ntu n»ts. W. li axiehootin? pistol: fined *1.56. W. KhIIv, ill -inkP. Hokum*. inu.-^U'.'r; d*»nui>***d. .J no. T. S ins^iralm? horse; do. Rich'd Brosn&r*. pM-t 1 ;«ton Sunday; do. Barney Mrf>ror:<% *»ealiii^c»bbn(t«-; turn d otpt to military.Third Prtrinct..Jerry Sullivan, dlsoid^'fined £0.i>'. Uarroll Itayley, John H>:iidl»'\Mtr* t»«-l J- -- -

tutc. wa/ir.T. uu.; uo. liu I. ! *

do. S3.ll. John Shackelford, do.; do(Hiiun. Lura?, do.; i!o. ??..%. Mrs. H«*ndl»'T, <i«do. 91.41. .John Tij>t»c.idr, drtJHk; disml -=»MA. Snowden, disorderly, fined $2.«W. Rnd H;»r.rod arid Thomas Johnson, do.; do.9t-J.ilJos. Douofthu*1 «nd Dennis C'adjr, do.; do. SI.5-ea*h. John li^n»l»*T and Landul Shoemakerdo.: do. »KC6 *>ncb P. H«r*rtv. do.: do.John Wriiijstou mid Heati-r i 'hnse, drunk; dlstnist^d. C. Carroll, do.; workhouse.Fourth Frerivci..E. Anderson, malicious mi*

chief: jail lor court. Robert Tail, larceny; doP. Doy le, assault and batterv: security fur rmiri. Wt Ja?. Kennedy, (fn>. Edwards and *¥in. Smith,drunk and disorderly; lined JM each. (}. Xuc»and D. Lh-mann. drunk: do. 92 each. CharlesFiterman, drunk and disorderly; do. ft.1. Wm.Joice, «Mi?ault with Intent to kill; security forcourt E. W. Butter, assault; dismissed.

Jiigh:h I^rrrinrt..CharlM Wilson, disorderly;lined Hl.fM. Julia Fleet, EinmHinn Hamilton,Fian.es Kobin&ou and K. Alexander, do.; doj 3M.W. Kdvr'd Jack-^n, keeping dog; diamUt"'dChas. Maac, hack v nhout number; fined 1*8.58S. Johnson, larceny; dismissed. Caroline But-ler and Mary Collins, prostituuon. Jas. CJrea:-ory and J. N. Wilkinson. susDirion: rlismi***.!A. Forrest, rupning wagon without license; do.John McNnmaraand Jenny Fitzgerald, drunkand i!L«ord»-rly, fined |1.94. Sidon C-esare, dis-orderly; turned over to military. Jas. Murray,deterter; do. Jolin Enricbt, T. McDonald, f}.Sums and J. O'Neal, drunk and disorderly;do. John I>runk**r. larceny; di.smiKxed. W.Irflan and M. F.a»on, sleeping in street; do. W.H. Richards, drunk and disorderly; turned overto military. Joseph M. Henry, disorderly; do.Jap. Smith, peddling without license, dismissed.Charles Schrabb, horse running at large withglnrfders; lined 61- cents cost*.xtmr* rrccxnci..W. Hryan, disorderly; locked

up ar.d di.-mi*»ed. Arch Withalf, do.; tnrn»dover military. W. "Wood, disorderly; flu^'d93.94. R. Ambrose, stealing; further hearini.Joseph Myers. S. (.'ross, and James Langley,disorderly; dismissed. John Simmon?, da.; se-curity for court. T. Gale?, passing counterfeitmoney; dismissed. L. Block, potldUnjt withoutlicense; do. James Boswell, throwing stone*; ido. John Hull, maltreating horse; fined * I ..V*.Tnjh I'rrrinrt..Josephine Naylor, drunk; ifined J.imes Carh«»rry, do.; distmssed. '

John W. Grimes", disorderly;'do. W. Magraw.drunk; do. John SwannY disorderly: finedJF2.91. P. Kelly and C. Finnegan, do.; fined !

j ?3.f»l. R. Willett, disorderly and profane; fined iT. Herbert, nuisance; fined SJ. A. .Toe-- !line: exposing person: fined (>. Cole, sellingiKjnor without license: tlnwl.^20. .las. ('ooprr,| driving on pavement; lined 9*2 Mary Kelley,i drunk and disorderly: lined i*M.91. R.Bavless,r^fns-ing to bury horse; dismissed. Jam's

Mathews, rtrnnk: do. M. Hoyle, disorderly; 4o. j.Tos» ph Clark and John Bangs fighting: fined*2.1)1. Y. Dugan, swindling; dismissed. J.lvill >1 » * *"

xsiuuu, lurtais 01 violence; no. .ionn MiMntn^ias-ault; do. Ann Benter, nuisance; fined *'2..lolin Malvin, intoxicated; lined SI.91. Mrs.Donnelly, disorderly; dismissed. Louis Vel- !ten, do.; do. C\ Snider, do.; fined ^2.^4. Mary jK. Wliitaker, assault; do, David Lomax, do.; jdi-miss»d. Sarah Vernon, drunk and disor-derlv; do.

A Ctrkkn T>.- A. dayor twosince a verdantyoung man pot intocar'No. 81, on our city rail-road, and asking one of the passengers whatthe fare was, deliberately walked to the for-ward end of the ear, where he attempted tohand the amount to the driver through the cir-cular window above the door, remarking that itwas "a h.11 of an idea to put the hole way upthere." The conductor by this time amidst themerriment of the p»*t»engers, made his appear-ance, and explained that he received the fares,and the young man remarking that he hadlearned something, ouietlv waid hi* farn :mdtook a seat.

Wiktf.r (IrARTEP.s..Tlit* military at th**railroiid d»pot are making comprehensivepreparations for the winter. Lately anotherArrack has been crected. after the fashion ofNo.2, has wliich ail the proper requisites inthe -way of space ventilation. The barracks areample lor a force of three regiments, and cov-ered ways are being erected to them to thebuildingfor eating, cooking, bathing, etc. Inthe centre is the parade house, and soldiers andlaborers are engaged iu grading and drainingthe locality.Rkliolot's Swkarino..Officer ( look yester-day arrested Mrs. Mary Donohue, a widow re-

siding in Goat alley, on the charge ot cursingher neighbor P. I>"lico, and took her beforeJustice Clayton. It appears that they bavefrequent quarrels, and Mrs. Donohue u:»ualiycurses her neighbors in a religions manner bycalling down all the anathemas of the holychurch upon her antagonists, and this kind ofswearing Delice can't stand. She promised todo bettter, and was dismissed on paying 5*cents cost.

Snow..The first snow of the season, in thi>neighborhood, camp upon us thi- morning. Iicommenced about half-past six o'clock, and isyet falling. Th^wmd was from the west, andfor a time the Hakes fell thick and fast, .->l»oii/*lnfhinrr ctrpptc hnneou iraue «

x .w*of v« <»n u » *i«n_ r o lit

a white dress. It i» a cold, blinding snow, andkeep* ail indoors, except such as tire obliged to»>e out. Overeoats and umbrellas arc iu d>--mand.

JL)ismi(«pki>..The three boys, Tompkins, Ma-praw and Weeden, who were arretted on Sun-day night on suspicion ol setting tire to Mr. !( Viok'n Ktablr, have b"?n dismissed, there beingno proof against them.PerhokAL».James M.*< Carlisle, Esq., a prom-inent lawyer of this city, has been dangerouslyill for some days, but is new recovering. Ha

was threatened with an attack of erysipelas.VTati h Rki'OTHkkd..A watch and chain,j-tolf-n from Mrs. F.!izab»'th Ih-nnix, abont amonth since, wa3 yesterday recovered from

.Tames F. Givins, colored, who was arrested.

fot \tor!<: fot itok.s We are nollingthebr.itJt-iBf-y Peach Blow and Carter Potatoes at one ilul-lar per bushel, delivered to any part of the city.All Vinds of Marketing at the lowest market pricea.G§o. W. Stbwakt Sox,novd-3t* corner 12th and II »-t«.Bcffalo Robks all niies. Wolf Robea, HkunkRuben. Tiger Rubra. Army Blaiket*, Blue, Green,Red. White. Grey and Plaid maybe found at theIndia Rub)>«r Store of Allen, Clapp & Co.. Pi ud.

avenue, between l<>th and^llth Hts. no 3-lraMilitaht Officers aiil find the Mattre?* Oct

very desirable, hh it ran be Yolded op into a verymall t>pa<-e, fitting into a caovac bag. It ia atrongand durable and can be converted into a chair ori lounge at will, and iw ho arranged that it may be1- » «» J " ' -*riuncu Willi uaj UI B ITU w 11 16 mHje OI DO IQ CAT -

i yet and canvas. For sale at the India Rubber 8t«»rei of AUt-n, Clapp ft Co., Penn. aTenue,between lothand 11th *tu._

oc3-lm1*dia Rcbbpb <V®oDt*..The place to bur your

I Rubber Coat*, l.egfrina. Camp Blankets, HaTelncka.MnviT*arka and every article maia from India| Rubber, in at H. A. Hail's India Rubber Warehouse,where you can obtain them at manufacturers4prices. 310 Penna. avenue, between t*th and l*thutreatfi. oc 23-ifPtartiijk;! Btr Tech..Tha Volunteers arebraving the dangers of Fewr, Scurry, Wound* and

t Cholera. Many a valiant fellow will l»»are hisbonea to bleach, who by the aid of Hollpway's Pill*4 Ointment, would hare returned to hla family! Ftrong and healthy. Hohliers, try them ! Only 25j. centa per Bo* or Pot. 236.Dkhibablb 1 jii>ia Rpbrbb Onans .Mr. H. A.Ball baa Jurt received a lot of Offlcxra* Long and

(Light dull flniahad Coat*: also .dull finished Pon-cho*, extra large titea; also. a lot of blue EnglishTalma* vmrv Inn* «t * lfi » « >! «?.»/. ««» » Un- »«'0 w * MV mm , la * *»' I r* *uu§ OUUlight (in weight) Kubber Cspew with sle^Tes. whichLe in selling at manufacturers' pcic.es. at bin IndiaRnbber Warehouse, 310 Pennsylvania avenueJbe-twetn 9th and l"th fts. oc 24-tf

At TBI Doi.ua Ptork, 43** Penn. »Tftia«, near4S street in now di>i>i*yed the beat assortment ofJewelry and Hflver- plated Ware in the city. Dropin there and supply yourself for ®i. uo 1-1WAt th* Isdia RrBRitK Sroan of All»n Clapp kCo.. Penn. avenue, between 10th and lltn struts,the oflcer and noMier may find a great variety-ofRubber Coats, Ponchas, Blankets, Leggina. AirPillows, Beds, Boots. Cups, Pipes, and the thou-smid and one useful articles in the Rubber line.Also, a large stock of Buffalo Robes lined and un-lined. Holland Lap R«»bes Wool Blankets, all col-

on, Cork Beds. H< r»e Blankets, ami everything topromote warmth and comfort in the camp and fieldHere, too, may be found a large assortment ofhhirts. Undershirt*. Drnwera. Stockings, BuckskinGlove* and Gauntlett*. Valises, Leather B%gs and..^.11 * t- J *- J *rmw iiuuir umu.' 10 hik"o runjrr. 'i£>ijte inwkfou. Camp t*VooU, Cot** and Ami Chair*. all ofwhich will be cold at rrasouirble priced, uo 3 im

T*» I*dia* lira* Doctor, from Canada, willde»«eribe di*ea^§ and tell bin patients the uittur* oftheir complaints or illness, without rect ivmg anyInformation from them. JVu rkarqtfar ion>Hftatiimor tuivitt. Office, No. 11 Waauinaton Building,Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Meveuth street,Washington. D C aa 36-tf

DIED.Ou the f»th inntant, of chronic croup. T.ENAIjOIT IV K in tli« flfth ki>ir nt hpr ».i ..l.la.t .J -.. -1.

Earth lout n !l*»wer;Hf »T»n (tin*! a ft»r.The fricnila of th- family are inrived to atWO'l tU»fureral on Jiaturday non>in« fcth instant, at 10c "clock frfeci^ly, froir. tli* rt«*»J»-nc* of b?r parCt Itmux street, between I) nud B.

<'r.U11 r«fl-KT Tairnill,Cr.iHTii^oRO'S F\CFL5IORBAiH DTK

A«> !.e<i<t,no I in?», r* iYrrruK of' S-frf act*in*t*nt«> cr»uf:'.y; HPV9T Tu'ls: produces hI! a}jv!**<f b!ft<k f!iwl l'r«*n, who *rrf dintstlf!' "!with oth^r Dyi', nw ? is wit), in v iiriab'.H **i».< -

tion.M inufK lit J fW ii. 'TA i. ft -i«yw» n n-»

Nrw YoiJc. Pol«l ev'»T!fh«6, »«a<i applied b> t»Uilftir l)\ trfTh.Pricr 51. J?IV and £3 |>» r > i, »o<vrd»n!r tofci/e. No. 8.

C j.;ST« ..vro'h li vik TATiTtrIh i.rn1t:nSie his !>>! . u ifrpnit theutEJostBrftnr*-',"th»' wo-', benutifui g'otu, «rd riumtytc the hw. "

)'r»c«> jU een»*», $1 and §2 i>**r bottle, aeoor.I'n* toi?*.

^oe 30.eolra.r

BATPHKLOk'H II Aid I»Y«,77. bes: in tkf WorM

HllliAiu A Bfttchfior'n Flair D><» pro-due** <-«>ior r.ut to be distintf\mb«d from nature.warranted not t0 injure th* Utir in the lewt; r»Dj-t»dien the 111 offsets of djn*s, and iorijforaWe thoHair for lifr Grry. IU I or Kutty flair inatamlftnrue a upb-ndiHla«*k or le^Hn* th* Ha r«)ft *nd btantifnl. Sold by all DrucviitM. fco.

Th* (trnuirm >- »-sjfn»»<1 WlLlUV A. BatCHKLOS, mi tkt f(*%n >ui< *k>r.

Fartory, fro. »l R,trr(/iv ui\'rr \orlt'M 27-ljr < Lnt+i Broadway an<i i*> UotJ *t.)

irHiU.1 PKJtMAVL* AMI KolTH,ni E-i'uimott <imilHarrisbvrg, f# tttr ynr'h at»<f Vt'M..1Twotraina l.-ara* W ashiugton olail* himI one on Sunday.ti?ne.low Tar* and aur« connection*. HoMiers tickets t»oli#through at QnT»>rnment rat**. For ttckvts and far-ther Information apply at th«» oflle* »f Or«at PeuO'sylrania Runtt- northeast corner «>f rennaylraniaaT*nnf and fM*th Ws*biiigton. op «n from6 a. m. uutll 9 9. n»;; ov t?un<'i*Y* from i to 4 » «uan 14-ly K. 0. NurtuJ, A*-at.

Comroht aad Kas*. !NO»a MisurK.--Corns, Buu-iun.s, CnlloKitii-H Club and Inverted VsiS* Chil-blain*. Fronted and TVnd.-r Ke>-t, »it4arf-1 au-1 di4-

Joint*, W nrta, Moles, and all Kx.-rt-.-ir j *»fthr Pert. Han 1m an! I'ace. cur«t witfeout pain orjnronTfmfnc* to patii'at jr Jlr. Vt'bitn, thflw«'H knuwF Ohlrorolist.ftt 424 P'nn'ir'***"* » <*-niia.nfar f\»ur-»u>1-H half <tr#*t.lfoor d«M»r# n^o*«Ihf 0«-urr»vl TH crap^i Ofllef?lw Acid, no Blood,

do Puin. of. fl-tf

LOST AND POUND.I08T. Thur^tJnjr cvi niti-<.n small whit*- and black

' MHi with h hru^ cellar on. A reward of 85wilt no paid if lrftatXn. 21*2 P»»nn. nvrnun.ncarWiilara**. it*

| II RKWAHl).. Str«»y«-d fr> m t'»- owner one* I '

t;rey HORPB vith t<.pw»««»i* nnd haro*«>.Th«» limter ' ill r"pi-iri> nbori* r<*vard hy li'iTinsr1h*» toum At RiKEV'M I ir..n Mt. }.!u iiArnAr lit V.

and 0 no 7 2t -

C 1 a RKWARIi .lo^t on th* cars, on the <>th' I" iisKtnr.l. from PhilK'l*iphi% t» WHshinf'on,* Mac* SATCHEL.oon»Hinins: h*">k* nnd accountsltrlnMriiixr to F. BLACK WKLL, Sutler of the 2»'.threpimeiit N. Y. V.. of nn v*tue t.» nny one hilt ther>wn» r. Th»* finder will receive the nl»o\» rewariihy leaving it nt tbiB office. no 7-1 n*(£ > HJSWARD.on .Monday evening, Not.* 3d <>n loth or 11th ptrev-t or -n V*. hv.,between M-th street *n-1 the National Hotel, orprvuiWy 1» ft in the hseV tt»k«n «t the National, »ltL'SSIAN >H'TORINK The above rewiH willbe p>.id the fit tier on dohviy of the same at No440 K street. Nary va (] or at St*r Office. no7-'jt*t-Q HFWAKP-Lo«t, on the 5t'r> infant, on 7ih?5 street, r.:-:»r Penn. nT<- a POOKKT BOOK,r« r.tnir»irp about three df-lUr* ond-a-half in mou. jrand a i»*ct ipt, valued n' .^11, which i" no »ne tonnrone. Any one rctiirnin? the shove toICtn street, between M »nd N -t*., *t Mr«. THY-ftOK'S inn 7-.VI,_ JOHNt>r HKWAKD..Ptrayed or «tiden from the *ub-V») fccriber a dark red COW. with a M-iir >« for«-lit-ad.«nd ii small leather (-trap around her neck;hall her tail white an;l nnd1»r her h -lly whita.

JOHN O'DAY.2d ftreet, between C am' I) r.ortn

u< i-.iiLipimi him.C- | iwu\ BKW A KD.-Lust, uu laft S&turiny<p 1 ,UWU wTeniutr. Nov. 1st, a POCKET BOOKrnntiiininc n»*ar j§5,i<U> nutl mxuc valuable p*p >r.-.viz: $1,«<*<» Treasury mt«. several *W Trei-\irynottn.aml unme of amaller denomination* A ilJuftmi HynttA f'n.. CnmiuiMion Mnrc^aota. B*i'imor<?for flr»* n by Jarn»'H Belt, am! on* for .§112 onBar A: Co.. Washington. drawn Wy H. K. Slayt n,'nmy favor fiiid fonie otui-r rnlunblp i>ap<*r* AnyKli:1 dfliTKrinir thf sriii tn hip ftr cirlnn aurK in.formation will lend to the recov rv of it will re-ceive the above reward and nr nut»ti«n« n^ktl

JAVK* H SHRKYE,nr> 7-S** corner 7th and I »t«., Wmhinrtnn.

<£TKAYKD YKSTKKDAY AFTERNOtfN.ABOUT^ 4o'clock. a Mack NEWFOUNDLAND PUPPY,lnn>st full jrruw ii; very curly hair. Any one r"-turniny him to th<- British Legation, H i».treet, willbe suitably rewarded. n<» 6-3t*V OST.Laftt evening, betWHfii nine nnd ten, inI a vva cfiir ir frr.mT T\ «. - -*mm. - (><>> .'...h it «'««» i. IIT" I irn.">UI J 1/ J»H TI "

ment to W i'lard '* H utcl in on® of thu (jh'orjj townhoi>e ch!"P, h POCK KT BOO1!, pV<*|>tirt ofdnrk mo-rocco, corstr ii.inu paper" and m> morandu nf no u«eto any one but the owner. The tinder will be suit-ably r^v-rd^d, by leavi hk the taint* at this officw.no 5-St*

PERSONAL.JOFICE..Mr. WILLIAM R. WILSON willI WlibSM />a I I u tUa lla ntf/.I II /\«« ./* " * 1

* - pt > i«ov v u t u ktic vnpivt UU ( rilllAJiVAnia nvinup, between l*t nnd 2d »t& , and gel histrunk, by paying expense?. nu7 3t*

BOARDING.I4MRST 01.AF? BOARDING.. 8«peri«r arc;>m-

mudatioce. fur i>ne s-ntleuian and lady, with-out child 1 en, at No. 3.)0 K strt-et, (Franklin Rr>w,)between 12*h and 13th htre-ts. no6-3tm

BO A K DING.PWfiAant ROOM? HOARD,full or partial. can l>« had in a privat fain.lytrow th<* North on moderate term*. Referenceseicbhtig"'^ Apply »t Itiii West street <J»orr»-town, n^ar Iliirn street. no 6 2f

TWO OKNTLKMKN AND TilBIB \VlVK-,an4a few ninifl" gfntlemeB, can oM win ROO^IS

\> ith Board at 1N i nth ht rre', hotwit-u P mi!,ppn!»ite I'at»*nM)tlire ei«» ft 3t*

HOARDING -FURNISH KD ROOMS to rent,I> with Board. Thoive willing to p*y a fair pricefor good accommodations, hpply at 457 !3Lh fit ,]-t square from the Avenue. M 5-tfII/ANTKH-HOARD, iu « renp«jc1nM« privat«» ini&j117 nrn'iruig I'rmcni reiiri'yiv&an

BTt-nne and K street and between l?th *n i '2 th Pt».Stating U rniat. Reference required Address ''T.T .''Star Office. *


l^On SALE.One very fast trottinr M ARK. Alao,J a lot ot fiiie work and nad lit* IlQR^TCS,will 1>«> m»M low. Apply immediately, at j_ ~*JftiLAI>MOJTB Livery and Sal* Stable, corner o' Biidire and Market fit..Georgetown. n't -oU*

Ii im oAiiA-A rpiciiuia cn^huui ha'iaie uutiM,16 handM high; 8 y«ars >ld; yrf.»ctly <"XRound, and thoroughly }>rohe. lie has jLirjfcbe*t> in cont»taat u»* in the Held for ljAZxmonth*, hnvin? #on- through the campaign of thel*«*nin.-ula, and therefore perfectly Kt-anon«d. 1a atin* harnf* horm, remarkaMy showy either inJ: JJI. n a. 1 .

i;niu» rn »> uuurr Miuuii', fur puniC'Uir-i ingmr*at RAlNKY'tf Mable, <*here he can bi; fcten.) cor-ner 6th and C street*. uo3-61*

ALL WIDfllS COTTON SHEETINGSAND PILLOW COTTON9.With all other kindf of DRY OOOD^ for the stt*a-

f i-al and special wants of families and huuseke-p-tra.An irnsnectjnn r.f ttnrk innir. nn r\h1i u-a*i/.n »

purchase.Due price ouly, raaikeJ In plain fl$rur*i,i,l>_PBRRT A" BRQ.,oe 3f>10t Pa. ave. and Ninth street.

486 KKW FALL stock,PAPKRHANGINGS,Embracing Gold und Velvet. Gold Ftampad Me-

dium and Low priced PAPKR5. appropriate eitherfor the richly adorned 01 moat numble renM^n^.WINDOW 8HADM3.A beautiful selection Gold Band, Imitation Goldand Common Shaded. Huff, Green and Blue Hol-land . by the yard or mado into shades.

OVAL PICTURE VRAME3,Watrantid to hf Gildtd icith Gold Lent,Th# handsomest assortment in the District, fromthe beet manufactory in the country. Also,a beau-tiful variety of dark Wood and small-sited Ovaland Carted* Vinite Frames of foreign and domes-ur manufacture

PI'"'TURK CORD AND TAS8KL5*,Different wicn and color*. Picture Rio^n, Nail*.CARD PHOTOGRAPH?.Copies of celebrated Picturee, Painting-, Statuary4f.The attention of those renovating is callcd to

the above good*, which were purchased for. and,onaccount of the times, will be n<ild at the lowtat re-ntuuei>ative price* exclusively forCASH

for «oodn and labor, when purchased and e*ecuted.Aft articles warranted as represented.war Order* for PAPRRH ASO IN(for WINDOWftlwm m ««« < « »

pbavu punctually executed, >n city or country.J. MARSRITK&,No. 4^*6 b«y®ntk St., eteht doors ahoy®oo4-lm* Odd Fellows'Hall.

lVOTICK -Lefl in store a lot of HOUSEHOLDFCBN1TT KB, marked 'Unac Wrenoh," fromNew York per schooner Mary Helen. The ownercan ha*o the same hy application to Mr. ALEX'RJlKT^f'orretown.and payingrhirco*. no4-lw*__kJEWINU MACHlMttf!B SEWING MACHINES!A lance (-tuck, cf different patterns, for sale ativry/oto> pr«ct«, suitable for family or heuw tailor-lag work.

_ A. P. SHARP & CO.,59 8. Howard utreet. Baltimore.tOT tfii Superior Family Rawing Machines opexhibition at Mr*. «. PRKU88\ Berenthstreet, Washington. uo 4-lm*


UTCHIN80N 4, CO.. Having sold out theirstock of Fancy and Millinery (Toods, take thumethod of informing those uf their customers ha*-ing accounts on their books that it Lt very ioaport-ant that aaid accounts should bo settled immediate-ly, as thay propose closing up their business withthe least delay possible. The book* are at the res-idence of our Mr. H., corner of IP and 6th its., whois authorised to r^Mint for *Jl »»</»»"* i"*11,4Arm. SUTOHiNSONXCO,. "

oc »-6t (Ute Hatchianop & Monro.)

PKACM, PEAGJtTPKAC I the err ofmen.tutniy cry in CWTHING, CLOTHING.CLOTHING, at the *ery lowest »rl<*, at the'PM-»>> Clothioc Store, No. 460 7th street,Btr »tk strctt aai rh. hTf. UC30-W

WAxrs.\V"ST»:" I- d CK*K; whilr greMvl

»' "*X-' ' Hnuv

VV Klk~ A ^o-i WOMfcN. Ayply *t" CT «r*> t a!a.- HMel.A Kloftt J»OY to «W«n<t io A f#*<l

' ' Ktore. a; ... r"fMO to meft4 cm in bm*t.Apv-lr a> nuc. brtwron *d .un* Jl -it*. It*w ASTTD.-A Good til&L. for -crnbbiu* *ad*» fh« kitchen. Ootx! wair-a Apply %t

;yn P>. 1 'th lUvl 'llfcfrt* it*VVaxi ri'-Aa»nt»uiir'BtColored L\b.f-r"

work, and tn *»M«t in w*itin*. 2«*6n -th F >tr»vt. between ltth and l.V-h. no7-*f1 VI' ANTKP.A icocH Oerm*n cook wHhes » *IT-i V \T1<>V in a Rot«faMdMP*nrfcut. Apply* |1 No. ; ]'i. i« f. " 7 I**

1 141) WANTKI>.For tn nflRr«r'« !<"« i« »

! ** KurlMrn family p»eferrfd, u?a' th* Avenue,i Pri'-* n«»t to exceed $*>. AddreM l'F. E. G.,'* Pont| Office. "

no 7-** *

| V^'ANTED.A email or uu)dt*rate *izeJ IIOT78K," in a pl»^«ant location ia Georgetown; orJ Knoms, *s<i*hl» for hoa«w'keepinr The b»»*t ofi-t-r»>Dce* ftirniflhed. AddrcM '1#. C. B..'' at this; rftlce. nof-2t*- IIOrPK W ANTED..Laff «r Small, Kurniahed) I I or rnfitPBithed. Not particular where it isl«.rnM jn tb<» city. Any party ha* ins *uch enu1-nvw a itood pftyinit tenant, and reference. Ad ir^nF Sedwiek. Box lO. ftar office. -no7-tt*k^LTl.KK WANTEW-For a R<*im<"at poriu*-rnntly loentMt iB thincltr Thu wttl b*m-' »»>t»l wppnrlnnitj ffcr any on* wishing to 40 into the

"Satlt»r," Bo» 15S PoHOIRoe,Wa-hluaton, I) nw7It*

\\rANTKD.By ».r*Dtleni»n ind wiff, BOARDt *» in n pr;v*tc fWmily. Address "II. P. WI Pox (with t*rm»> Po«t Ofllce. aofi-St*

BOYf* WANTED.W»nt«d. Are or lix activ*1KJYS, fmm 14 to 17 yttri of ago. Apply to: THOP. HATKNNER, 34T C utreet. between 4><ar-d KXh «tp. no 4-3t*

WrANTKP.Two TAflf/OUS, steady employmentand *vod wajfv* ifirrn. Apply af No. TOi High at.. near the rar atand, Georgetown. tn JOHN! J KKILLY. no fl-3t*i Vtr ANTED- A ronn» WOMAN, to c»«k and m-T* hint iii wa*niar mmd ironing, German pr*-! ftrred, Call at No. 19.T II strw»t.Vtwfum 21 atJ2*l. no 6 2tW ANTED-C'OAT AND PANTALOON HANDS,at JAMES LAGRIT'S, Merchant Tailor,7th *t., opposite Pout Offie*».Also. »n errand BOY. n 21*\vANTED TO RENT -A furainhed or unfur-t»i<»hed HOUSE, in Washington or 0©ur*»-t»>wn. Answer. utatinc Iboalioa an<l t*rm», "B.B.," at Willardu'. no#-lw* i\JLI ANTED- One COLORE* MAN, who tinder- j» » htaudu 0>»t»>r buttia***. and make himself ini-efu!. Good waxen will be siren to a man with jgwd rreoimr.endMtona. A t,T>lr U3I fi atr >»t K»- !twrt'n I7tb and lata st'Mot. no 6 3t*%1" ANTED- SITIT ATIO>, by two Ger'nm fcirls" in American fami'l^*, to do washing unafo».kinp, *nil ^fi-noral honm*irork. City r«»frT»nc*«ei\«-n if repaired. Inquire at '25H D kt rir-l, b»w.kbuilding. no H-2t*A N OWN* KR WAX TK.n.Fnr *n T nfunti-w. . . . - » "M'mi 7 V I* Iil ticer'* UOKHK, fully equipyed,jjiren in charip |of Geo W. Frwm*n, on th«> Bs1.1 Knn Na. 2battl« >

fleld. \pply to GEO. W. KKEKM VN.Co. A , l«tConn. Cn\nlry, at Cnnip Fe.henck Wa<«h:ne *>n. Ifno* called for before Saturday, will b« soli to payf*penp*-8 for keeping. no6-2t*«WAM tD IMMEDIATELY- Kiv.-u'"o.1 MILLI-? NEIL*, at Mrs. I. L BLODT't*, 43* ffcvmthtreot. no 5 3t*

\\" ANTED.Au OK(}AMST, for the services of" the Itpiaeopal Church. Kon<* butftftriit c!r«

Flayer, rxpeneiicert in such muM<v n**el apply,uquire at N«. .'»! A 7th fit. noftenlw*

\\ ANTKD.A careful, hoast GIRL,( American"or German,) to take tare of two littiachildren and mak» herself generally naefnl Mu-tbe able to sew very neatly. Apply at a34 H *t.,between »;th and 7th. no5-Jt

WANTED IMMKL 1ATELY.30 MASON8 ANDSTONE CUTTEKS. to work ou f rliO-ation !at Harper's V*'Tcj. Wajf»« $2 Y* |Mir day andrutitins. Cull at Mrs. Em^ua, corner of 2oth aoidjvf fctre^t.to WM . 0 ARAT*GTf Porcmin Ma«on,orf.n the Work« tn MAJOI! 1K1INTVU V~..;

9 _ ..v ^ mm w V ».- » OMailUCi iU

charee. Alro, 2 Bltck Pmith* wttnted. nn.VJW* jlAUHMSHBD HOL'SK WANTED.Centrally lo- ;IP cated. Addreea "W. W ,#Hox 16 StarWhshinetor. D. C. no 4 1**

JVJOT ICK..Tho*o in wmat of Employment of any1 * kin'l would better call on the n-.-w Int»*)lig-oce(fiu»v No. .11 J Nintli «<t., whrre th« best s»f i>*tvill be piven to firrit Huh* Hk'rmnt.-. I h»fi* %lway»Hppiicntion* hd hand fui good Cook*. LaunirMtiwiM,Cbftniberniai'ir. Waifert» and Seani-tres^*; t»ofor Ycunff Men to wait on tnfil**. in privat* Ijtmiiif-i r lu>t*ln Farm H*r.£+ n*nt«d. KmplofHrx in w*-itof good b"!p will find it to th«lr advantage to call,N.B.Houkv wiut(4. The b^fet of truant* cnnbr obtained without charge by applying as ahove.

V̂ If \< f * "«*i ii. u. uibijr.it. I

\\r ANTKD.100 ton* COTTON RAGS, for whicht t the htifhrst cft*h prices wil! be paid, by

j GOODKLL & BU^MKK. .*«** 0 »-treet. nr.d **3LntiMWiTfMf. B»3ta* i

AAA LADIJtS W ANTKD. to tret*th»irtP,U'Ml Flannel, Velvet, Merino, Car brie,MuhIId, &c., Stnmp^o nt 2*0;i Seventh street, j<North*rn Liberties > Clonks. S*c<ju»s>. C&ptf,Shawls, Johioh, Slipper*, F:nt*U8hion i. stampei at Iloir r rates than any othrr plar* in town. Cars foj right pMKt the door. We *tamp y»ur ir*>od» while !you wait. Aluo Keep Stamped Good* for *»»!<», on

' the finest Mnnlin. Remember, 2?*0St» b*t*een LHO O- >l~

TINMEN WA.NTKD.Three or four TIN »niPHKKT-1KUN WOKKKHS. T!.e hoKt of wnsf.«p«id for good workmen. Call at U. Li. it 11. I.

Gregory, 301 Penn. avenue. <>r 21

I^UKNISiiKl) HUL SK WANTED.-Wanted to1 r«-nt, for from one to three years a F*;-ninhedDw«Uing for a private family. Location in th«Fiint or Second 'H drd pr«-f«rrtnl. Addre»» Lock B<»*t»A. Wnfihington, D. C. 4-tf

\VANTF.D.-,W> are buying SECOND-HANDI ** yul'iNITrilK, STOVES *nd UK-DDING. forwhich we are pnyiua the htghest cash prices. Fam-ilies deel>ning housekeeping, or liaring a surplusof furniture will tiutl it t<> their axivnuUt<<* to girea* a call. BONTZ Ac GRIFFITH,Je'2-tf No 3^0 S*<»v»nth «t.. b»tw>M»n I and K

\ir ANT ED.Every person to kuow that I am inJ the market, rnuf to pay caah for All articled jin the houwfurniahing line. Thn*r leaving thecity < r bavin* a *ur plus, will do well to call. K.BI"OH 1..Y, 4;l?* Sever th street, hetwet u G and H,<e*st side,) Dealer in New and Second-hand Fnrni-

j ture. no K-tf

I 1? LEGANT 2>ToCK <>FAU I.AblES1 CL0T1I CLOAK?.Now opening, from the best iManutacturi-rn, a

Splendid Hn*nrtiii*nt, rom pricing all the newest andbent Myle* of thi* Rwunn.AI*o. a creat variety of handsome Fall aud Win-

ter SHAWLS, selling of! at the lowest cash priced.J. W. COLLEY,

oc 31 5t i»Q3 .Seventh ft., above Pa. av.

rji A X F T A M ~p~bT ~

We are prep*rt*JP to furnishUJiiTED STATES tax stamps

atGovernment rates.

. RTTTENTIOUSE. KANT A CO., Bunkers;OC Jin (Int. A Hop ) No. '2.12 Pa. avenue.

1)issolution OF COPARTNERSHIP.The firm heretofore doing lupines* under the

name a« d title of L Ii. A. O. C. Schneidkk in thmday di'6olve4 by mutual consent. L. II. Schneideri» authorized to settle all bill- due by the firm andcollect all bills and note* due the wm-.

L. H. SCUNEIDER,October 11. 186J. G. O. SCHNEIDER.The underpinned will continue the general (lard-

ware Duaiuepn at the old stand. wh»re he polio.il* acontinuance of the liberal patronage ext«udml tothe old hrm.oc31 * L. H. SCHNEIDER.jH'R coughs and colds

. rsKirtr. iif.no r.i mtjls

Ccmpoun-ifd by. C. FORD,

ocSI-Ct Pharmaceutist, No. slteO Pa. avenue.

FRAN Kl.IN ft CO.,OPTICIANS. *J*244 Pkssstltasia Avkkck.

(north side,) between 12th and Iftth «t«.and

Pa. arenvf, vndtr the National Ho"!.BRAZILIAN PKhFlE (Rock Crystal;8PKCTACLE*,MILITARY riJCLD OLASjJKS,ou^nvetuiCB.


DE TOCQUEVILLE S DEMOCRACY IN AMER-ICA, New Edition, for the mest part newly

tranblaU-d.with thn additional matter appended totne latent French edition*, »ud note* by ProfosorBowen, of Harvard UniTHrnitr. Complete in twovolt. Beautifully printed; Canibri<lif»i, ISoi. PriceS3. (or 21) FRANCE TAYLOR.

FOR A L B ifM dl JggA variety of PHOTOGRAPH CARDS, embracingCopied of celebrated en«raTin«*, palntinirg ana

ftetuary,at J. MARKRITBRS,No. 4*M> Serenthet.. 8 doorn above

Of Odd Fallow*' Hail.


Thin mlo>»n(. and TinmiLhr f!nnffh Rnmedv kut(-cn so long known and extensively uw>J that moot

I poreona have become familiar with it* extraordina-ry efficacy. It can b« had at all the principal drugBtorea at 25 and fifty cenU a bottle.

| oc 7-dimAfo4m*


No. 361 7th street, between I and K Ht*.. hu lu*trefitted their Store, and on the 1st of November."u ill bo ready to ithow all their customer* a New andFashionable Stock of CLOTHING, for Men andBoyg* wear. oc 30-tr

HALT, WHO OOMK8 THKRK, a friend to in-form you of the immenae bargaina now offered&t J. H. SMITH'S Clothing Store, No. 4«0 7th '

stm-t, oear V, and corner SOth «t. mm Pa. a?.oc30-trWTOP! STOP!! 1« the ery ef all, at SMITH *© BKALl/rJ, No. 3bl 7th nt., wh*e ha ha> )«Jt^fitted hit* 8tor*, and opened a New Stock of theP*»i«nd cheapest Men»' and *er«' OtOTHINO ia^ Citr. ocjo-tc

AUCTION SALES.J»* W. L. *'ALL k CO.. Auctionrcr*.


flOUSlNf?# *«TMMb«r H. Wf will toll withoutr»irttf, for eai*-1 «>*c«U«nt uiU atHnl Hithm Hpm,Im trlrnet Tantlf LtrrUrt,1 m.AJm>. 2Colt«. 3»t* #»o»r*£l<fno: W. L. WALL & CO.. A art*.Br THOMAS DOWNING. *«< t . <trrr«ft/>w».

I^CRKITURI, HARSH. WAftON. 4r, ATArctiul.- On M05DA V N'lXT, th* ftnh tut .I lit 10 o'clock . *t rfiftcDW of Tetr.pt* Strrwood,| »t tho inu rM»rljon of Hifb »fi<t #r*t*Hetr 0tr**\.

i enau m»u «-itbi>ut roaarir*, Li* Xuroil rr» a»dKfficfti, rr n«i«tir.fl' of.Mahogany 8«.fa, rhair«, T»fc:«a.Carpet*. Print*. Bt-d*. Bedttoada. Stf>r*-r, A e.%Lot I.Bmh< r. Wood, ftralr*. *c., 4f ..

Al«o,ou* Work USrw. Wa*it»n and Harn*aa.TVrrnn ca>h.no- 2t THOMAS POWLIKO. Anct».

BALLS, PARTIES, fcc.hh FTKgT omxp koir*i:


will take plao> at*r\r o r » j %fr# it i* *t rm <'i r n n t ~t ,g.% r. WfFT ,

ON WEDNESDAY ETBNINO, Not< \er ]*ihtllr *n-


Tb? meml»er* af the Association reepeetfuUy announ:« that no pain* or fipcnw har»> beenspared to render thr ahora nrr%*i<>n on« of!nt^B^»»cJoym<»nt to all who mar honor theni/with tfi«-ir pra-^aee. IAn axrellent Cotillon Band Via* been engag*Refraabinent* will be fnnrished by an axperlenced rater»r.Tha Ball will he beautifully derorat*4 on thaevening of tha f**«iree.Ticket* ONE LOLL AH, admitting a gentlemanand ladiea

CvmmtMf of Arrant fmrnX*8. B X W. Lanwdal#,MHikfiM. B.B.Caton.Cha*.l)ant. mm 7-&tg nJOD TlM^COMINt* -The »H I KLD8 BOYS,II by rM*t«t of their inanjr friend-*, intend «|fiviag their T«.uth GRANT AMIMR1.Y at «rank lin Hall, corner of <*th and D at« nnJBTHURSDAY NIGHT, Not. Jf) Tfck#Wfl.U^admitting a gentleman and ladi»«.Committer nf Arranatmtntt.. J. Flanagan, J.Ilogan, D. MtNftiutri, M Hirrifii*. P. HagtB.no 7-St* «.

________ j

TDK 5TII GRAND BALL of the JOl'RN 1YM KSTONKCUTTKRH will ho held at Odd ft*Fellowa' Ilall. on TI.'lthUAY, Nu* 11th, 1-^ jjPchroder'a brw« and atrinjr band i«f-?r the orca-iun. Hupper will be furiiiam-d byuUflfcan experienced caterer. Poaitively. no hata or rap*Hllowcd in the room. Tickets $1,aUmittin% a sr»ii-th-man and l%«tfea.

Committtt of ArrangfrnenttJaa. Pnnth, Daniel 04>rien.Charlea Kaaet, D. McManamin.Heury Reeaide. Thoa. Rock,Dougherty, Adolphn* Krie. no7-4t*

IO U M.-Th* member* olthe 08AUK TRIHINi'. 6. I »V H M , take plwa-ur. in OAHi.hourciCK to thrir friends and the public wwtha they inU-ad riving their first GbAXDItALL on MO>*DAY. November 17. atP«t«oc»* Jla!!, »>n K *t., between 9th and H*th. Tick<*t« $1. admit:!as; a gentleman and Udi«*».CowniittM of Arranfwnts .H. 0. Wbitmore.GfVnwrtield, E. 15 Hickman, W. Wbitna»re, C. W

K ing. J. 1 inierii.nur, J. T. Crampr«ey.Set- particu lars iu future V9 6 St*FIRST GRAND BALL

cf the SIIfATT T nvf>Q r\ f «* a oif «na»i'lV t kJAS r»r\- \j r nI

MATY YARD £1will take place fit Tcrnix-ranec Hall, od K ntbetween V*.h Mil I <th» FRIDAY, November Uth.Cardiol admission one Tlollar. no 4-1'**


BALK..An r-tablislied Bton in Georifetowu,D C.,«loioK a 6rrt rate bucioes*. is no* offered forsale. T»rm.« made reasonable Application f *r thesaimc«n b«- addressed to '"ll Oeonjetown. d O.,Po*t Offir»» no7 ? *

/fO^ SEVENTEENTH &T..BKTWKKN II andm I..Two Inrtfi- fuuimuiiicttioc rooms,

t Bed Room and Parlor,) handsomely fnrniahed, onthe fii>t floor. for rent with board Al*o. or* lar^eHihI Koora in second story Kir»t -Ha»e T*!iVBoarders wanted. None other* n<»ed apply. I>»an»*rat 5. Table liberally ^applied, »ud term* moderate,no 7-4t*

1/OR RENT.Several FIRMSHKU RtH)MX,* pleasantly located fini«bM with en-and other t

situated on Utb Btreet.flrat ho a «e '

isorth of New V«»rk m. nofi 31*

1?OR RKM.Haiidxotnfljr FTRNl^KKD FAR iLOR »c<i CIIAMBER, sdjoilia^, od the first

fioor. Apply »t II LouiMntia »vi-nu<-, beiw^n *1h ;and 7th'treet*. no6-Jt"

I/OR RKNT.Two very handsome and well Fl'R-NISIIKI' ROOMS, with «r without Board.Oenilenun preferred. Apj»iy at 44^ K utraet. ne«r

7»h ft na 6 4t*T)\K1.<'K FOR RENT..For rent, a fine Siloon.. » w i »> u«mvu »- a imi i «v i au>( 'iru Kvn^iu.iii 'i

Sooi locality. convenient roth to the Capitol an i'..*t Office. Afilrrt;. "11.." through tb»* Po«t Of-fice. TV) <-2t*

F^OR RKNT-A cuit of n«-a:I> 1TKMM1KDROOM8.con*i#tii«i: of thr*e clitniWr*. nittiuxand iiinittc room, with kitchen complete. Wat*r

iiiid gi». Apply hi 3.11 I !*tr<»et, between 1-ith andHth Bef"r«»D«efi re<»uirf»(i. n<>6-St** -y i \\} U k' 1 T 4. ». II i ») I iVL. M #!»« > »#

( vi» I'i'.i i . « ;i i\Lun &nu VilAIH ^fiK,I coruiuuui'-fctiriK, well fornifiltod, on 24 floor.A 1*«. twol*r^e «ire<i T'nfnmi^hed Room* pleasant*ly loe«t*-d, N»*. 4*»7 E Ftre«t, between 3<f and 4threfUr. west. able Board next door. no6-3t*

t'OR RENT.JVveral fli:e ROOM?, well funiiwh* i,without board. nt 346 K »tr»pt, (FranklinRow.) This i« the most de-irable locality mthecity; npncinu* >j;rtl; bath with hot and cold waterin the nou*e Firet-claab ik*rd within two doors.1106 31*

l/»OR PAL*.A beautiful Building LoT. 5» fertr ou W>«bin*ton. and W> on Dumbarton street<;*«rjreUiwn. 1> C!', t*o Muck* from the cart. Apply at 143 Wavhic*ioD St ., (' eoreetown. no S-3t

F^OR 8AI.R.A romVenient UKICK DWKLLING,containiujr niue roomd, ev. I'otomac wat<*r atthe aoor. tiu»' pump of water in the yard.»t*re-houw. brick Ptablr, and c*r iage-houae; mmatedon 11th street,between G and II. No. 431. Callfrom nin»* to three o'clock a. m. Title iodinpa-table. Term* easy. no 5-eo3t*1P0R H1C> T, WITH 150Alii*.On mo«l. rate term-.IT in a private family, a rerjr l%r«e h*n W.ra-1>FurtuKhed -Room. heated by register and capable ofaccommodating gentlemen or a «wall fsmiiv. Also,a small Room. Gas and water in the hou<e Reft rencf« given and required Railroad withm onesquare. Applj at U03 oth street, between M and| N ftn. no 5 St*I^OR FALK.A flrst-elas- Retail DRUG tfTORK,I established in 18S3. The subscriber. wishingto retire froin business, will dispose of his Store.It is situated on the northeast corner of Haltiuioreand Gay streets, two of the principal thorough* jfares of the city, is in full operation and doin^ a jlarge Proscription and Retail Rnsincs*, with apatronage ©f tLe highest respectability.The stand compnses a Front 8t«.re aud RackRoom; two large Rooms in sse nd story; a largeCellar, flagged; a -uiall \ard with hydrant. Ac.K#>nt modem1*-Fi*tur*s of th* fir«t quality. mith a completefrtoek of genuine Drug-, fht-mienl? and Fane) ar-

ticle*, with all the roceipve for the Proprietaryarticle*.A* good an opportunity for bu6in#«Mii« raldona

offered to the trade. Add«lr»*B» THUS G. MAC-KENZIE, Noitheaol corner Baltimore and Ga>

Baltimore, Md. no 5-eo3w

1/OR KKNT.Ji*%er»U handsomely Kl'KMdHKD :1 KIMI.MS. Apply at No. 4J9 12th it., between GMid H »>trceti», west side. .uo 4 U*fcM>R RKNT .TTwo or thrfs- desirable FI R- ii. N ISIIE D ROOMS. w ith or without lizard, in*private family. Apply at i9'2 12th -treet, Island.r no 1-1* *

1<M>K SALE.The LEASK of Restaurant and JL>wcl i

line OH Kiue street.(centre of city.* Ale vandria. Vs. For information inquire at office of Alexandria New*. no4-Iw* - jl^OR RENT-A larj?? PARLOR and CHAMBER.r connecting, on fir*t floor, n«>*!r and hand- ssomoly furnished. The house it- warmed bjrfurna -eand lit with *a*. 1'* of bath-room, with hoi aadcold water, allowed. No other rooms rente 1. Ref-erence required. Apply at No. 341 I «t.. betweenl.>th and lith. -uoS Jw*

|>OR RENT-A PARLOR AND CHAMBRR.aT-1 tabbed uofurni-hed, on fce<«.nd floor, beautifullysituated, two square* north ea«t of the Caottof.for terms, etc., enquire room fc»l, fourth flour,Winder bmleiitg. do 1-lw*

FOR 8ALE.A verp ieainible and commodiousRESIDENCE, No. Dumbarton ^t.,Ueorpi

town; lirick llouhe. 3U !t-et front, by 40 feat Jeep,with two ht<>ry back building, and lot adjoining. &feet front, running back I23e*l. no l 2w*L^UKMSHKI) RUOMS TO KENT.For r«*Dt. atr 430 Itth streetj mlh.t Mde, l^tw.-^n G n-rvi Hstrata, n.ntly furnished and very coulfortableBKl» ROOMS, and SITTING BOOHS, ant PARLOK*. The neighborhood ie one of most desirablein the city. Ever* attention paid to thooe oeetiar-in£them. No children in the hoaae. octa-tri^OR Rl&T-A rUK!il«nKD HOC81£.»leaaant-

ly situated in the First Ward. The Loum con-tain* 11 rnnmi, including a la'gv parlor, diningroom and library, and ia r*upptie4 with P<>u»iaaca ater. *ai» and a>l modern c>i.reni«:ncea. Rent #171wriAnntli A nnl* it N'fl IOO (1 «t /u« « . *

f -H w

C^entlmmen can BE accommodATkd*»i> fitie, larjnj an.1 pleasant FURNISHED

booms, at N». 419 6th itrtet, oppoaite tb« I*ateutOff re.

_ _

oc IS

Old demand notk8.u. 8. treasury notes

and silverBought at th# hi* ;.*it prie« byR1TTEN110USE. fant A CO.,<* 2Mtu Banker*. n». I 3'J Pa *vcnu«

Dissolution..ti»«» p*rtn»r*hip h«r«t >f <r®c\i»tinc b*twwn th# subscriber*. under the

firm of Moore a D*nni*on, has b*.a thu da»' dinfcoWcd I'T mutual ooBtrest.T GEORGE h moore.

I. M. DLS.MSON,Washington. Oct 8. WW <w*f?

F^uisv^fSawa^M £»B^Sa^SSU'SSff-.SSAalWHCt as exMilent fusil* hone. Bu«*» ,»4fcaroeM otw ud ubcW&tUJ For artic* *r« in«nir« »t a6fe O rtrwt. mr at tte sUbVeT Dr Qrv,.on, ob C «tr*etv b^twr-en 13th and utk ,*>uth «/r«.»T..wli«f»tWmrbee**0 ^<*£ur I


THIS WLXOO* 4Ul# To-MOtlfWhr GK*tll A WILLI tlCIL AaeUaa~r»

A I CTIOS t^LM (»F .NFW tf0U?*I10LD WV*>m * ». Ar., A«.,at Armcv ^Oo 8ATVm

1>AY, ibr eih iHU 4L at H> oWrt a. m.w atmM**11. at oar Aa<-Uon amoii. oa |rr»«U and B«u« Urf N««<>rtin#nt of Famiturt, *oM oa afaamat vwhom it ma? <H«iw«arn. n*.Walnut tof**. Chairs aod Tablet,l our Mabutfan? and Wafoul MarMr tay fr««faf

wrMu1,Fli Maboaanr and Walaut Dtamibc fcirocn,

I ftr**T&b&XsZ-'£ -I <> »«dS@Gs^.»» * «>** CM Wiinnt !« fM»tThr** 4*mm HftrM Dow NtU,Thirty «*S^Afth till*, nark**. A# Ac .

oofc, Air tirht, *»d o«k«r W#tm,indow Sbw««« .if.,

Ana Diur « tJkrr artirlf. too won

Trnp« »»h.*»®« <1 ARISN A WILLIAMS: AurU.

U8 MARSHAL'S BALE OF PEItB Lf*ODA.~. In Tirtneof t«Mn* of tK» District Ob«rt mt

St*t«*ter Ui* District of Colua»M», Iwill «»1] *t (tuMtr avKia* for r«ib,»tMood* 5tor* i>i jf.ii> m...>< _ m

ftTeno*b*t% Hi»Ch atwJ 1>athFBDAT hfc.VT. tin- ttb ImUdI.}C o 'clock i. b .. th* <oH»vtaffnrtilieuff bntl. Til.) 1 doK»D g «»0|> fck » ffp,4 K<jk«m» o!IW»,Lmrw 1*1 Mrn'« »ad lU*W

3 boiM Candle*.Urf* lot ftlieA,Urg* lot W*wk Cr»tto», -

Ur«* lot P«!t HftU,2 NfiOoffft,l box OtitlW Ami, »

I tottlM llMdj.


0O4^U. V. ft

wmw IkWMK.

Br *. 0. M«GUIU 4 00. AmcUmmmn.WEUSTKM' fAl.ll 07 VAkUABL* FMOWJ TT O* NOKTS L «T., ICTtMl M»W JljMfavmil a«Thi*d * wbst..On TBrMDAVFTSBNOOH. D*crnbcr llth.at «aVlook,oB tk«KaIm, br~vfrtueof a 4«rd of trwt.4»tW Jnwm

. IBM. and duly rroordod ia W>*t /.AS., Mt.17*, folU>» 287, Mo#*.. wo khnll wll part tf Lot R«.8. i* Miurt No. MS, fronting II MNorth L atro«t. b«tw*fi N»* >nr.y aThird fttrort we»t. and runninginch**, together with the IwproTtinf of a »aay DwHliOf Hotifern*#: Oh* thirdenb;thtv»lr« nosthi. with iiUwt,tru*t on th* yr*aiiaAll coaT«ra»c*a at th* "oct of the parchaaar.If th« t« rm« of «alr ore not complied with withinAt* d»y« thereafter, the tnmtm reeeree the rightto re*ell on one « re*«' notice in Ike Kremog Mar.HENRT NAVLOBJ (- -

JOHY 0 HARKXl*S,<no 7-eod . J C McitUIftB A <: >., Aoeto! A

By J. C. McGl'IEK ft CO.. An<'|'K1>TKM' fALK Of BI'ILMN* LOTS1 FKIDAY AFTKRNOON. Wcom»or mh at go'clock , at the Aaettoa Boom* nfJo* C, Mflgatrtu vv. vt Tiivntvi uviii oi irwi, atvfl V<*(ofetrML, lrtj", and duly recorded in Iuber J. A. S.. He.9$. felioa St*, et «e« , we ahall mU Lot* No. 1«. 11,12, V\ 14.18, as. 34. »k«4 *. la tn B. Todd*uNIiyimob orP\u»r* No. W8, a plat of which wiBbf »*hibiM at tl»«* >il«.Term* : On* third in ca*b; the reaaaiader ia ail

and twelve month?. with iatereet,aeeai<ed braiwiof truel oa tbe preuiiaea.All conTt-fRnc- h at the coat of the parrbaaera.If The are not coaapLed with within fived»Ta;iitVrth*Mlf.tb<> r««fmlk»nfMto r«»ae11 tha property on whioh «nrh d#*an!t lamad*, at tha ruk and m^bm- of the drbaltlacpurchaaer.HICK BY N AVWOB, t -JOHN C. H MCKNKS8. \ T ««

no 7 cod J C MrtiriRI *CU Aacta.By 1. C. MettUIBK * OO . Anctioaeeva.

\'rALU ABLE IMPBOYKB PBOPBBTY OB »TBhTUIT WI*T. IITVIBI O aaa P «tb vobti,it 1'tBkic Acctiob .Oa PATt'BDAY AKTIft*KOON, Deertnbor 13th, at 4 o'clock .on tfce preua-iaea.by rirtae of a deed of truat. datt-d Januarylith. w§f». and duly reeonfed in Liber J. A. 8., Pa,W', folio* 307, et aeq., one of the land rre^riifarWaahingtoD coaaty. I). we ahall eell parte efLuti> No. U and 12. ta Crittenden'a aubdirUioa aCt^uare No. 396. fronting 13 feet 4 inchaa aa Bint*itr««t we«t, between 0 aad P atre-ta aarth. eatmnini d*ck jm if«t 4 inrhaa. to a 10 feet ally', to-*»ther with the tmyr*TrB«nU, c*uutiM of»irafcle DwrlliacHutwVena* : One-third r»ah, ih«trHBtiwl«>r U sis M<twelve mtsthi. with interaat, aerarad kr ft deed «ftrukt on the rrmiet*.All enoTeyancet at tb« ooat of tbe nrektMr.tf tb« terms of nale are n: t complied with ia teaday* thereafter.theHrnate*# reserve the rifht ta

rt «eil at the riah and extern* of the Uefaattinf y«r-ehaaer.HKXRYNAYLOR, IJOHN C. HARK NESS.*1

no 7-eod J.C.Mciil IKK k 00^By Ml HAH ALL * PA<5B. Auctioneer*

SALE OK CONDEMNID PT0RRi*.-Win heiat public Auction, on TUrK^IV&T, RtreokNl.nh. intfi. commancinc at 1»> o'clock a. m.. at Stora-houne bftweco K and w atreeta, near XM,allorx and Mule Harneea, and other Qnarter'a 8tore*, condemned a« anfit far publicTerm* ra«ib. in Oorernment fund#.

By order of J. j. DANA. Capt. and i.Q.M,no6-d MAR?ALL ft PaUE. A««4a.DJ n . L. BALL k IV., AuttUBWft.

AHDMIMdlRATOK^ -a, > OP H0U8KH0LBFrKXIT r kB -On W EDN KSI>AY MOB> INO,12th inatyit. at 10 o'clock, by order of the O-phaaa*Court, I will wll ht public tsctirs, tba HouwhiMfurniture id4 IRwu of the late Thorn** Cinal.PfBO. trt'Boe, Teat of Circle, betvMi Mth mmd2Mh .vti e» t*. ( mbrtciijj:-l'arlor Sof* and ChairaMarbla-top Center Table and Ride do,Mirror ara Mtrble 8!ab and Brackeu,Carpet, Bus and Oilcloth,Curtain*. Shades, and Mantel Yaaea.Iiinint TaMf«, Cbair*. Oloek and Arm Qhairt,t-i«l«9board, <Haa« and Craekarpware,Double and Single bedatead*, f palher BediMlPlllOW*Hair and Shuck Mattre§»»*. and Bedding,I>re**inf and Plain Bureau*. and (ylaaaea.Wardrebe*. Wa-h*tari«t», and T <>i I e« Seta,Wttod and Can* Heat Chair* and Bockara.x u»iii vrt v bi prb. nun. viiuvia, &r.,Cvoking Store. Coal and Air-ticht and attar

SioTf-. tuJ i *-oi-<i UM rttDeui of KiVckeb Fartiitore. and Coc k in® Cleaitiia.

Term» ran.BTIPHEN T. BROWN, Administrator.

ao« W. L. WALL * OO . Atxta.


Toons. Lcmbk». Ac., at AcCTiox..Oa FRI-DAY MORNING. Mtb iu«tant.at lOoVlock, f wfRmil, by ordor of tbr Orphan's Conrt, at WorkFhoa of tb# lata Thomas CiMal, C*p»w»U»»l,in tba raar of ti M P. CLurch irwriftova, D.C., a lot of Carpenter ' Toola-1 larc* Jack ,Vrf».Lot < f Luiabtr.S Work B**ucfcr«,Too!«. Cheat*. and TooIk,Lot Carpenter "a Tool*,Grindstone and Mortician Machine.Term* call.

&TKFHF.N T BKOWN. Administrator,not T. UOWLING.A net.

MARSH &L1 SALE.. In virtue of a writ oftfle an, iifnM tr«Kn the OlfHu Qiixi «f

Circuit Court of the Bi<trict of Columbia, for tfe»county ol Wmthiiirtoa. and to me di-»-<**<l, I viaexpo*o at public Mile, for cub, ia froat of thaCourtHoum door of Mid county, en THUESDAY. Utoth dftt nf XiiT*niK»r At 19 aVIatI n *11 Au.

frn4ar.ii ri*ht, title. claim tod inUrwrt hi ui t»Lot* No*. IS and K. in M>*r« N IJ*. ia the rttwrnt>*a*hin«ten. D C., toother withthe imfrortmraU thereon. eeised and I«tM»Ma" the prowrt) cf Joku C. Rotaala. and will WuptoftatiafyJadicialtKo.ua, to October Urn IMS, lafavor of John W. Ridcnour.ua* of Cptoa H ftiia-nour. wAM H. L AWON,ocZTdt* U 9. Marshal D ©

MAR8H A1/8 8ALI -la rirtaeof 9 wriU af(facia* iwued from the Clerk'a OCca of Ua

Circuit Court ofCountjr of Waahiis^ll at «m Klir

the Diatrict vf Ooluo,Ua for thfinatoa and to me directed, I wfMfftr rill ia hw"* »k* ft.«

Bonw door of coanty. m THT<R'th day of NoT^iubar. 1M2. at 12 a'i IfolloVtBC Or MTttl ofPleaiaat. lying and fr*in« iaDistrict of Columbia, andB»(iDniii( for the mof at a atoaa ik« >»ooad boaa-dary of t»« city of Waahloftoa, Mandtnt oa Iki*a*t ridf of Rwdy Branch. and oa tlw wtjl IiM #the old Bltl«wbari road load mm toand raB«i>( up thf aaid road vm aaone and throe four thi decrees far rarri*ht, north aeTeutf all fecroaa, aractalxhalf n»rrhM north tw«-ntity four prrih**, north twenty sit degraaa. VMttwenty perrle#. north fifty fire and a halfwfit U-d pfrcfcf*. north nmty om d>araa». vastri(htrfn p^rphw, to a *tun» at the (Mlkmi ear-ner of lot n umb* four of aaid tract ( land as 41-vid*-.l anx>n« the hfira of Bah't P»Ur, tkaa nortkcue and a quarter dafra*-*. *a«t ana hnadrad IMfifty-two and thrt*-«aartara wrrhn ta a ataMtnnrked P. H , IA!«. then Mwd eighty-ail yd a

pike road thfD n>utb four 4*,.^-,OrrdudirveilT kii lertbN, with tk# mM Mi.tq«u wutli two and a quarter iil'Ml, «aaI Nil*-ifht and JO fwrrh*-*, etill *i4 tk« *M raw U

the thirty ninth fi*f W.Uft ;^WM/Ulh HeTeBty 8»« VJJ *imand m H* r-roh. to tW boundary 1m* W the aaMcity, and witb aaid thirty math !* *. Itmi *HIthe wild boundary Ha* rya*t{>i*hl Line te thl W-(iDuiBi. ro6t«iBi»j tMtraeraa aad tigfeerr 1>M. ..

Ard also that other tract of lul Viyriaatnf mmeonth boundary of «aid tract,Hmwt Kiu.ai *ta>a*P H.. 1819. aad naatu tUo*» aorlh ti 4mm. «nun..w*etS4|>«rch*»to*och Oaak Char*h road,th»nce worth 1# <Vg Uaii .iaMyi O-HI MiekMt* tbe dividing 11a* of A aad J H«! **<; tfc..uorthttdftf east fll U m peccbea te a tanylh*road and a rtone; tbrco«1T7 S7-H« parche« withcorner; th» nre te tMrrcu Win* thatimmmilRIPHHiby tbe late Jeaaa irowt. HiiW aad bvW ap*a a*

> the b*«iaaia« «Wm.lnr*e tract of tea^wmIBrow*. aeiiad aad )»r1

issrjsswMrr& a*2U and aftt. to October term, ia fevor ][J.MmK

waeetir du U. w

^piNT®^ TIM TilTIM T St
