Family News CONTACT US AT: 865-524-1122 P.O. BOX 10248 3457 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 laureloffi[email protected] www.laurelcc.org Follow us on Twier @laurelccknox CONTACT ELDERS Leland Dugger 705-9707 Dan Brewer 207-5764 Week of December 10, 2017 Sunday, December 10 Please help fill our Christmas Baskets! Bring SUGAR, FLOUR & CERALS The Angel Tree will be in the foyer until Sunday December 10 Please stop by and pick up an angel. This will be a program the whole family will enjoy. Invite your friends and family! Tis the Season for Gratitude and Sharing our Blessings! Encounter Celebraons are held the second Tuesday of each month. The December Encounter will be a Christmas celebra- on with inspiraonal and upliſting messages, tesmo- nies, and a presentaon of special instrumental Christmas music and carols. Everyone is invited! Just let Tim Howell know if you are planning to aend the meal so they know how much food to prepare. Present Hope is this coming Sun- day, December 10 from 1-5 PM at the Arlington Church of Christ. In order for things to run smooth- ly, we need all gifts for Present Hope (purple, green, orange, and red angels) to be brought in by tomorrow night - Wednes- day, December 6. Remember, each angel should be one gift from the price range. Several gifts adding up to the total dollar amount WILL NOT WORK for our gift shop. Please call or text JT at 865-438-4255 if you have any questions about Present Hope, Present Hope angels, or if you are interested in possibly helping with Laurel's role in Present Hope. IMPORTANT MESSAGE Concerning Present Hope Gifts

Family News - laurelcc.org · Family News ontribution Report December 3, 2017 $19,603.15 Weekly udget $21,385.00 YTD $957,531.92

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Page 1: Family News - laurelcc.org · Family News ontribution Report December 3, 2017 $19,603.15 Weekly udget $21,385.00 YTD $957,531.92

Family News


865-524-1122 P.O. BOX 10248

3457 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919

[email protected] www.laurelcc.org

Follow us on Twitter @laurelccknox


Leland Dugger 705-9707 Dan Brewer 207-5764

Week of December 10, 2017

Sunday, December 10

Please help fill our Christmas Baskets!


The Angel Tree

will be in the foyer until

Sunday December 10

Please stop by and pick up an angel.

This will be a program the whole family will enjoy.

Invite your friends and family!

‘Tis the Season for Gratitude and Sharing our Blessings!

Encounter Celebrations are held the second Tuesday of

each month.

The December Encounter will be a Christmas celebra-

tion with inspirational and uplifting messages, testimo-

nies, and a presentation of special instrumental Christmas music and carols.

Everyone is invited! Just let Tim Howell know if you are planning to attend

the meal so they know how much food to prepare.

Present Hope is this coming Sun-

day, December 10 from 1-5 PM at

the Arlington Church of Christ. In

order for things to run smooth-

ly, we need all gifts for Present

Hope (purple, green, orange,

and red angels) to be brought

in by tomorrow night - Wednes-

day, December 6. Remember,

each angel should be one gift

from the price range. Several gifts

adding up to the total dollar

amount WILL NOT WORK for our

gift shop. Please call or text JT at

865-438-4255 if you have any

questions about Present Hope,

Present Hope angels, or if you are

interested in possibly helping with

Laurel's role in Present Hope.


Concerning Present

Hope Gifts

Page 2: Family News - laurelcc.org · Family News ontribution Report December 3, 2017 $19,603.15 Weekly udget $21,385.00 YTD $957,531.92

Family News

Contribution Report

December 3, 2017 $19,603.15 Weekly Budget $21,385.00 YTD $957,531.92 YTD Budget $1,047,865.00

Receive help and encouragement after the death of a loved one: GriefShare is a video weekly seminar & support group

designed to help people who are hurting, and we want to help.

Feel free to join us at any time.

GriefShare meets Thursdays 10:00—11:55 a.m. November 30—December 14

Laurel Church of Christ 3457 Kingston Pike



Contact Us Today

December 6

Menu Chili, Cornbread

Fruit Pie





Laurel Ladies Class

will meet Tuesday, November 26

Baptism… Claire Finney was baptized last Sunday by her father. Her parents are Jamie & Alicia Finney. If you would like to send a note of encouragement, her address is 1832 Dun-raven Drive, Knoxville, 37922.

Welcome New Members… Jon and Amanda Ardemagni placed membership on Sunday. They have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, Harper. Their address is 11716 Autumn Glade Lane. Jon is a controller for Blair Companies and Amanda is an accountant for Accenture.

Remember in prayer… •Melinda and Joe Connell’s niece, Becky McAlister, passed away Tuesday morning after battling a prolonged illness. Cards my be send to her father, Eddy McAlister at 901 Riveroaks Lane, Charlotte, NC 28226. Also remember in prayer... Kendra Johnson and family, Jimmy Hutcheson-Linda Bogue’s brother-in-law, Jenny Kelley, Wan-da Barton-Ursula Hall’s mother, Dan Doyle’s mother, Donna Farrar, Gary Guyette’s father-Clarence Guyette, John Hayes-Mitty Toon’s son, Jamie Mumaw, Rubbie Rogers-Marcia Elam’s mother, Glen Thomas-Joanne Asmanes’ son & Donna Farrar’s brother, Ron Baumann, Kevin Crisp, Edith Ready-Cindy Mease’s mother, Sherri Guyette’s parents, Jordan Cardwell, Hollianne Carver’s mother.

Church Library News... As we celebrate this time of reflection and thanks, let us remember our Laurel mem-bers that have blessed our lives. On display outside the library are books donated in memory of Harold Speer and Gordon Smith. November is also National Adoption Awareness Month, with November 12 being Orphan Sunday. Please join with Chris-tians around our country as we pray for orphans.

You Are Invited... Release party for the song “Tailor Made Hero” co-written by Shaun Markwardt and Chere’ Pepper. This song was written in honor of Shaun’s father who has passed away. The release party is Saturday, December 9th at Laurel Church of Christ at 6:00 p.m. in Friendship Hall beginning with a potluck dinner. If you plan to attend, please bring food to share. After the dinner Chere’ Pepper will perform “Tailor Made Hero.” Everyone is invited!

Bible Reading in 2018… According to the Center for Bible Engagement, 66% of American Christians rarely—or never—read their Bible.

In an effort to change this statistic, I published a book in 2013 called, Question Everything: a fresh way to read the best-selling book of all time.

It includes nearly 8,000 questions; one for every verse in the New Testament; the answers to which are found in scripture itself.

With the New Year approaching, why not resolve to read God’s word on a more consistent basis or read it in a fresh way? If you’d like to purchase a copy for yourself or if you need a Christmas gift idea, Tyler Ellis will be in the Laurel library next Sunday (December 17) after both services. Books are $25 each.

Page 3: Family News - laurelcc.org · Family News ontribution Report December 3, 2017 $19,603.15 Weekly udget $21,385.00 YTD $957,531.92

Turning Scripture

into Prayer Laurel’s Prayer Ministry: Love One Another

“For God so loved the world that he

gave his one and only Son…”

John 3:16

Keep these who are serving our country in your prayers:

Ben Belitz, Jeremy Brown, Ferrell Clifton, Greg Smith, Captain Spencer Waters, Robert Hartsook, Neal Mayo, Robbie Glenn, Reese Hines, Andrew Garton, Phillip Dean, Captain Lex Oren, Rand

Ford, Matt Aytes and Koleman Roach.

Ministries & Events

Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Class

is finished for the year.

Class will resume on Tuesday, January 9th.

Remember our Homebound & Assisted

Living Members During the Holidays.

Please contact the office if you need an address.

Keep our missionaries in

your prayers!

Andrew & Uli Banjarnahor Indonesia

Greg Clodfelter—East Africa

Gospel Chariot—South Africa

Vitaly Samodin—Ukraine

Siu & Dora Ka Ming—Hong Kong

Eastern European Missions Ukraine/Russia

Health Talents—Guatemala

World Christian Broadcasting

Tommy Drinnen—Hope Central Knoxville

World English Institute

Mitchel & Rachel Routh Peru

Katie Bates

Addelee Brown

Peggy Harris

Margaret Hill

Jenny Kelley

Buford Rowe

Ray Shirley

Mary Trice

Bill Woodward

Inclement Weather Policy

We believe it is in the

best interest of eve-

ryone for us to have

a policy that when

snow and ice make

travel in Knoxville hazardous, we

will cancel both Sunday morning

services and evening H2H groups.

Instead, we will have one service at

4:00 p.m. Travel decisions should

be made by each family and

whether a few people or a few

hundred people are able to come

we will worship together then. Al-

so, we will do our best to have an

appropriate message on Facebook,

Twitter, on our website, and WATE

TV6 telling about cancellations.

Christmas Means… A Collection of Readings by Lau-rel Members for the Christmas Season. Each family is encour-aged to take a copy!

Page 4: Family News - laurelcc.org · Family News ontribution Report December 3, 2017 $19,603.15 Weekly udget $21,385.00 YTD $957,531.92

December 6 Present Hope gifts are due

December 12 Encounter Christmas Celebration

December 13 Celebration in Worship & Song

December 17 Last day to bring gifts & food for Christmas Baskets December 22 Pick-Up /Deliver Christmas Baskets


Worship each Sunday at 8:45-9:45 and 11:00-12:00 Bible Classes 10:00-10:45



Small groups, called Heart to Heart Groups, meet at various times and locations (see list in the foyer).

One H2H group meets in room #8 at 6:00-7:00 p.m. when DST, and 5:00-6:00 p.m. when EST. Communion is offered

by this H2H group.

Laurel Calendar

8:45 A.M. SERVICE Opening Prayer: Brad White Closing Prayer: Rick Farr Lord's Supper: Lucas Nossaman

Serve: Rick Farr, Doug Shelley, Max Dawson, Oliver Chavannes, Brad White, Norm Harrell, Bill Mease

Ushers: Kelly Milam, Joe Connell

11:00 A.M. SERVICE Opening Prayer: Robert Jackson Closing Prayer: Luke Glover Lord’s Supper: Ken Moffett

Serve: Luke Glover, Chapel Rice, Robert Jackson, Andrew McCreary, Del Grissom, Chris Davis, Sr., Chris Davis, Jr., Brian Descamps

Ushers: Andrew King, Ron Hooten, Howard Horn

Worship Assignments For Sunday, December 10, 2017

GREETERS 9:30—9:50 Larry & Jennifer Ray Donna Corley

10:30-10:50 Mike & Donna Farrar, Beth Waters, Howard & Reba Horn, JoAnn Sexton

NURSERY ATTENDANTS 8:45 Nursery: Ashley & Lydia White Check-In: Walt & Heather Hunt 11:00 Worship Check-In: Andrew & Nikki King 11:00 Bumblebees/Lady Bugs Carol Bell, Krissy Russell 11:00 Butterflies: Keri & Heather Gardner Anna Turner

P.O. Box 1024 Knoxville, TN 37939

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