Family day care environments Sharing ideas from other educators

Family day care environments Sharing ideas from other educators

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Family day care environmentsSharing ideas from other educators

Defining areas

The way in which the

environment is designed,

equipped and organised

determines the way that space and resources are used by


Using feather boas and sheer curtains accentuates areas, allows supervision while providing a sense of privacy for children

Artists outside can view a new perspective and drips on the floor are ok

A media area encourages creativity in visual arts and writing skills. Images displayed can follow or provoke interests and help include multicultural and family aspects into your environment.

Finding enjoyment in every day smells and textures-coffee beans-rice-lentils/ dried peas-leaves and pine needles-flower petals-cornflour goo-fabric pieces-rocks from the creek-shells-seeds and pods

Re-inventing with construction materials we learn mathematical skills

Arranging toys so children can access them-on book shelves

-a piece of board on two containers

-in baskets (that can be from second hand stores)

-on a placemat

Remember quality over quality

Setting out items so that they are visually appealing-scenes-patterns-similarities

Do these learning areas appeal to you?

What could children do with them?

A play space in a small place

Could you source tyres, rocks or tree stumps?

Outcome 4:Children resource their own learning through natural and processed material.

Easy to make at home

Astro turf makes a doll house fell more homey.

A room divide made of branches

A cubby house can be made from an inexpensive lace curtain and a pillow

‘we believe children learn when they are cared for in small personal environments’


Programming and projects

We would love to include more of your wonderful ideas to share and inspire other educators.

Please email photos and any comments to [email protected]