Family. Concept FAMILY: Group of people who share a close relationship —a unit typically (or "traditionally") composed of a mated couple and their children

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Family Slide 2 Concept FAMILY: Group of people who share a close relationship a unit typically (or "traditionally") composed of a mated couple and their children (procreation). The family is generally recognized as an element of a broader kinship network that links ancestors and descendants of a person. Slide 3 The family : Has its own rules: Good behaviour rules Requires ethical respect, which should be reciprocal amogst its members Slide 4 The human being Social animal Naturally monogamic Generality only feels fully accomplished when his needs and aspirations are shared at the sublime home environment Slide 5 What is a HOME? We can not just consider it to be the material construction, capable of offering safety and peace to those who live there. A house is made of plaster, bricks, building cement and furniture; whereas... Slide 6 A HOME is Built on renouncement, dedication, silence and care offered to those incarnate spirits who are linked by spiritual affection and/or by carnal affection due to the union of these spirits into the same family unit. Slide 7 The family Is... a group of spirits in need, who are maladjusted. They have an urgent need to readjust to one another, thanks to the blessings of reincarnation. Slide 8 Hence Spirits constitute different spiritual families, formed by the similarity of their tendencies, which are more or less purified according to their elevation. The tendency of the members of these families is to unite together, but sometimes they renounce to it in order to give the opportunity to uncongenial or strangers to each other to reincarnate in this family as a means of progress Slide 9 On the present times.... It looks like there is some kind of threat in regards to the stability of the family unit, due to concepts that threat family values. The family unit now needs to impose itself in order to survive for the benefit of the entire Humanity. Slide 10 A family is much more than the result of a genetic force It is made of ideals, It is made of dreams, It is made of aspirations, It is made of fights and hard tasks, It is made of suffering and aspirations, It is made of elevated moral traditions... that cement the divine concession which enables a group of spirits where spiritual elevation needs to develop; it shows the noble expressions of the spiritual elevation in Earth. Slide 11 When the family is in danger for this or that reason, there is not doubt the society is close to fail... When the family is in danger for this or that reason, there is not doubt the society is close to fail... Slide 12 History Gregarious instinct Man for preservation of life mutual cooperation The union of needs Inspired solutions for the problems that arose from the fight against negative factors that needed to be overcome. Slide 13 The primitive beings formed semi- barbarian groups. This was the time when affective relationships began to exist, since their descendants needed protection. The family unit slowly began to exist at this time. Slide 14 The cultural values slowly imposed rules of conduct: In relation to parents- legislators, personified in the elderly; Parents in relation to the children due to their fragility and level of dependency; In relation to brothers/sisters due to the peaceful companionship which was essential for the strengthening of the specie; In relation to the people who were closer to one another, even if they didnt live in the same place. This was a progress towards a more expanded universal family. From the primitive times to the Ancient Oriental Civilization Slide 15 Greece Sparta- was amazed by their militar hegemony; they ddt consider the family union which let to their destruction. loved arts and beauty, but it was the duty of the State to be responsible for the family unit. It managed to survive for a longer period of time but was never able to reach the ethical and superior program proposed by their excellent philosophers. Athens loved arts and beauty, but it was the duty of the State to be responsible for the family unit. It managed to survive for a longer period of time but was never able to reach the ethical and superior program proposed by their excellent philosophers. Slide 16 Rome To Rome it was given the task of appreciating the FAMILY UNION In the beginning it was reserved for the patriciate, Soon through the laws approved by the Senate it reached the militar, artistic, agricultural classes as well as the mob... Slide 17 Even though there were wars happening, these concepts got affixed within the social classes slowly. Love was being established; it became the safe technique for the dignification of man within the family unit. Stating Rights and duties Slide 18 The Medieval Times were characterised by ignorance, which dismantled the family unit. The children were donated to the Church and to the dominating suzerain weakened for centuries the spiritual progress of the human beings. Slide 19 There was a great mission reserved to the compilers of the encyclopedias. They established the human rights codes, which reestructured the family in the bases of respect, providing happiness to all creatures. Therefore, the materialistic dialectics and the modern sensualistic concepts are now preaching free love and banning marriage. This goes against the family organization. This is transitional as this wont happen in the long run. Slide 20 Fidelity, cooperation and fraternity are part of the human nature; these are manifestations of love. These values are connected, without a doubt, to the home; to the family unit. It is where the moral values are strenghtened; feelings are blended as a result of living in a society; in a family. Slide 21 Even if polyandry has created the matriarchy and female promiscuity, poligamy chose elegendo o patriarchate; the consequences were just as bad. women felt repugnated and beaten by the vulgarity and the sex abuse. It was from this attitude that the transition to monogamy happened, which is now well- accepted within almost all countries in the world. According to the Swiss anthropologist and sociologist Bachofen, women felt repugnated and beaten by the vulgarity and the sex abuse. It was from this attitude that the transition to monogamy happened, which is now well- accepted within almost all countries in the world. He is most often connected with his research into the role of women in a broad range of ancient societies. Slide 22 Conclusion: The family unit, in order to succeed on the goal it is destined, needs to start from the beggining. Since the first signs of affective search, in which the moral accomplishment should revolt against the sexual sensations which are temporary. Slide 23 When a young couple decides to marry, the future family suffer a serious threat. If there is not structure in place to resist to the natural resistances that a couple will go through in terms of emotional and social adjustments, this could be even worse when the descendants are born. Slide 24 We talk about the need of prenuptial exams nowadays, which is indeed necessary. Therefore, we still lack to talk about the psychological preparation of the couple in regards to their responsibility with their family and relatives. Slide 25 The Spiritist Doctrine modernizes the lessons from the Gospel; revealing the concept of the family unit spiritually aware to the Humanity. Slide 26 It is our duty, which we can not run away from, to sustain the family by following the Christs teachings and the lessons of good conduct. Even if there is madness spread around everywhere... Slide 27 Sourcers: S.O.S. Familia Autors: Joanna de Angelis (spirit) /Divaldo Franco(medium) Laos de Famlia multiple authors /Divaldo Franco (medium) Research done by: Arlete Lnzlinger- CEEAK-Winterthur- Switzerland 2008 Translate from Portuguese to English by Carolina von Scharten