Family Nyfeler [email protected] Josua 24,15: ...„but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!“ Hello everybody Jeremy and Stefanie write: After a very long summer break, we could finally go back to school. It started on 10 th August. An answer to prayer for Justin, he could at last go to school too. He goes to Nursery school, Joel 1 st grade, Jannik 3 rd grade, Stefanie 5 th grade and Jeremy 6 th grade. We all had a good start and like our classes. Although Jannik had some problems at the start but with a lot of prayer he soon felt better. To all the children who heard that we (Jeremy, Stefanie, Jannik, Joel and Justin) had almost 3 months school holiday, we want to say, it sounds like fun, but it wasn't always fun! It was so boring because our parents went to school and we had to stay at home. A lot of people ask us what our school day is like. Here is a typical day: get up at 6.30, go to school at 7.10. We travel on a small bus, called an Angkot ( small town-buses here in Salatiga which have space for 12 people, but sometimes have 20 people in one :), each town has it's own colour, ours is blue.) When we get to school we have to go through a security check, where all the bags are checked. School starts at 07.40. To start, we all have a Bible hour, we study the Bible together and learn Bible verses by heart. We really like this hour. Afterwards, we have different subjects like, Math, PE, Social Studies (nature, people), Science (we do different experiments, for example how does electricity work, watching flowers and animals etc) LA (Language art: writing and languages), Art (drawing, handicrafts), Music (Singing and playing music from 5 th grade you learn the flute), Computer, ESL (English class), Library, every Friday Chapel. Lunch time is at 11:55. Our cook- Ibu Erna brings our food to school and brings Justin home, as his school day is over. After lunch, school continues from 12.30 until 14.45, then our school day is over too. Through the security check, on the next Angkot and home. Then we quickly do our homework and enjoy the rest of the day. That's how it is from Monday to Friday. So we hope we have answered some of your questions about school. Warm greetings to you, from the five Kids ! ! ! ! ! So now it's me (Esther) writing again: ! Everyone had a good start, which was a big relief for us, as our studies are going full speed ahead, with so much homework and more besides.

Family Nyfeler 9.pdf · Karang Alit Salatiga, 50723 Indonesia [email protected] Bankverbindung Stiftung Helimission Bleiche 2 9043 Trogen PC 90-1142-1 IBAN CH66 0900 0000 9000

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Family Nyfeler [email protected]

Josua 24,15: ...„but as for me and my house, we will serve the

Lord!“ Hello everybody

Jeremy and Stefanie write: After a very long summer break, we could finally go back to school. It started on 10th August. An answer to prayer for Justin, he could at last go to school too. He goes to Nursery school, Joel 1st grade, Jannik 3rd grade, Stefanie 5th grade and Jeremy 6th grade. We all had a good start and like our classes. Although Jannik had some problems at the start but with a lot of prayer he soon felt better. To all the children who heard that we (Jeremy, Stefanie, Jannik, Joel and

Justin) had almost 3 months school holiday, we want to say, it sounds like fun, but it wasn't always fun! It was so boring because our parents went to school and we had to stay at home. A lot of people ask us what our school day is like. Here is a typical day: get up at 6.30, go to school at 7.10. We travel on a small bus, called an Angkot ( small town-buses here in Salatiga which have space for 12 people, but sometimes have 20 people in one :), each town has it's own colour, ours is blue.) When we get to school we have to go through a security check, where all the bags are checked. School starts at 07.40. To start, we all have a Bible hour, we study the Bible together and learn Bible verses by heart. We really like this hour. Afterwards, we have different subjects like, Math, PE, Social Studies (nature, people), Science (we do different experiments, for example how does electricity work, watching flowers and animals etc) LA (Language art: writing and languages), Art (drawing, handicrafts), Music (Singing and playing music from 5th grade you learn the flute), Computer, ESL (English class), Library, every Friday Chapel. Lunch time is at 11:55. Our cook- Ibu Erna brings our food to school and brings Justin home, as his school day is over. After lunch, school continues from 12.30 until 14.45, then our school day is over too. Through the security check, on the next Angkot and home. Then we quickly do our homework and enjoy the rest of the day. That's how it is from Monday to Friday. So we hope we have answered some of your questions about school. Warm greetings to you, from the five Kids ! ! ! ! ! So now it's me (Esther) writing again: ! Everyone had a good start, which was a big relief for us, as our studies are going full speed ahead, with so much homework and more besides.

As we mentioned before, we share our house with a Swiss couple, who also work with Helimission for our Lord. With them, and also 2 American families (Pappy & Mio Frey with Nara und Mike & Kelly Biket with Javen) there are now 4 Helimission families here and it's great to work together. Sometimes we can also eat out together, go swimming or just visit someone at home and have fun together. 1. AUGUST SWISS NATIONAL HOLIDAY On 1st August we invited our American friends for Brunch. After a relaxing Brunch, we watched the video „More than Chocolate!“ together. It's a film about Switzerland which shows that we have more than clocks and chocolate. Afterwards we went by van to a Resort „salib putih“ (white cross) to go swimming. Wow, it was great just to get out of the city, to get some fresh air and relax. When we'd all had enough of swimming, we went to a restaurant in Salatiga, surrounded by rice fields. Just the right place to spend some time together. Indonesien national holiday We celebrated this with IMLAC (language school) There was prayer, singing, fun games, lots of laughter and finally, a meal together. Evaluation test NTM On 31st August Andreas and I had a test with NTM to see how much progress we had made with language learning. IMLAC also do a test to see if you are ready for the next unit, although it doesn't show how you can use the language. It isn't much use if you know the words in Kamus but can't put them together into a sentence.. So we did the test to see how things stood. It went so well that soon afterwards we began to pack. „Packing???“

Yes, you read it right, „packing“ Just a few days after the test, it was decided that when we have finished the next unit we should move to Wamena. Pappy and Mio are aiming to go at the same time. So we decided to get our belongings together and send them ahead to Wamena. So Pappy and Andreas ordered some wooden crates from a neighbour in order to pack our new things well. We were told from Wamena to send our things to Jakarta, and they

will then be sent on with the next consignment. Various people advised us to buy bikes here. So we went on the hunt for some bikes. We found some at a dealer in Solo, who gave good discount. So we decided to sell our scooter. Andreas went around different dealers, including the place we bought it from. The dealer there gave us a good offer and we sold it straight away. We could buy our bikes with this money. Andreas and I went to buy some bikes a couple of days later. We tested different models and then bought our bikes. We asked if it was possible to get the bikes in cardboard boxes so we could send them straight to Papua. This was promised to us. But if you think: bikes bought, in the car and off we go, you are very wrong! We stood for hours in the shop, watching as one bike after another was taken out of it's box, put together, tested and finally packed into the box for transport again. The fun only began when it was time to pay. Andreas emptied every ATM in the area, coming back to me in the shop each

time to deposit the money. Finally we got enough together, paid and loaded our valuable purchase into the car to go home. There we got ready to pack the rest of our things. Andreas made a wooden box to transport the bikes safely. One of our boxes had lost a wheel on the way from Switzerland to Indonesia. As I was packing the boys' things, I realised that I'd chosen exactly this box. I had to unpack everything again. After it had been repaired, I began to fill it again.. But as hard as I tried, I couldn't get everything in the box again. After a bit of a struggle, I decided I had to unpack it all and start again. This was only possible with a lot of prayer! In the end the box was filled, and would you believe it? There was even extra space so we could put some more things on top. Praise the Lord. On 20th September the lorry left for Jakarta with all our belongings on board. Our things are currently making their way across the sea to Papua.

Idul Firti At the end of the Muslim fasting time, we were invited by our Pembantu, Ibu Erna (photo on the left) for lunch. So we went to her home along with the Sigirsts and our other Pembantu Ibu Erin (photo on the right). A real family party! It was exciting to get to know the families of these two women, who have become so important to us. We had a great time together. With much talking, laughter and fun.

Hernia A few days ago, Jeremy came home from school complaining of a severe pain in his groin area. We had a look but couldn't find anything. But as the pain got continually worse we decided we would have to take him to hospital. We phoned some people here to find out where the best place to take him was, without putting his health at risk. We found out that Semarang would be the best place. We ordered a car and driver for the next morning. The next day, Jeremy and I went to hospital. He was examined and we were told a hernia was starting to develop. And that we would have to wait for 5 days to see if it got better or not. And so we were sent away without any further information. At home we talked for a long time about the best thing to do, and what would happen if the hernia broke out totally when we were in Papua. We were really worried about it. We wrote to a Christian doctor in Sulawesi, who thought there was no reason not to operate, and better here than in Papua. The doctor in Switzerland agreed with this. So we prayed for the Lord to intervene. Which he did, and now Jeremy is pain-free and fine. Looking forwards We will go to school until 11th October and the children until 15th. On 19th October we will fly to Sentani (Papua). We are waiting for our Visas which we can pick up in Papua. However these still aren't processed. It's our prayer that they will be ready by the 18th October. This would be simpler for us, so we can drive straight from Sentani to Papua New Guinea. Then finally back and then further with the plane to Wamena. This should all take place in a few days or a week so that our children don't miss too much school. Please pray for more intervention from our Lord. This is our recent news! We wish you all: the protection and strength of our Lord and a big hug from us.

We are thankful for: - his love, his care

- all those who support us in prayer and financially - further progress with the language and that the joy and

passion are still there - all our family and friends around the world - our house staff Ibu Erna and Ibu Erin

Our prayer requests: - that our Visas are certified, that all the papers we need for it come together - that our belongings arrive safe and sound in Wamena. - good settling in to our new house and area - Please pray for further supporters and for our supporters - Spiritual and physical protection - our health - that we can continue to understand and learn the language - for open eyes and ears to what the Lord sees and hears - that we can be a light Heartfelt greetings, Esther + Andreas with

Jeremy, Stefanie, Jannik, Joel und Justin

Adresse Schweiz Esther & Andreas Nyfeler c/o Familie Bergmaier Aarwangenstrasse 13 4900 Langenthal Schweiz [email protected] www.familynyfeler.li

Adresse Indonesien Esther & Andreas Nyfeler Jl. Arjuna 1 # 12 Karang Alit Salatiga, 50723 Indonesia [email protected] www.familynyfeler.li

Bankverbindung Stiftung Helimission Bleiche 2 9043 Trogen PC 90-1142-1 IBAN CH66 0900 0000 9000 1142 1 BIC/Swift POFICHBEXXX Vermerk Fam. Nyfeler