A few Spanish/English False Friends the false friends: English - part of speech - Spanish the English meaning the Spanish meaning library - n - librería a place where you borrow books a place where you buy books to divert - v - divertir to change the direction of something to have a good time sympathetic - adj - simpático understanding nice, friendly argument - n - argumento a verbal fight the plot of a book, film or play to prove - v - probar to make certain that something is true to try something new, to try some clothes on topic - n - tópico a subject/theme cliché eventually -adv - eventualmente in the end/finally possibly informal - adj - informal casual, not formal irresponsible crime - n - crimen something illegal a murder, serious crime to realise - v - realizar to be fully conscious of something to carry something out sensible - adj - sensible to have good sense sensitive actually - adv - actualmente in fact nowadays educated - adj - educado a person who has received a good education polite conductor - n - conductor a person who leads an orchestra the driver of a vehicle

False Friends

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falsos amigos inglés- español

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Page 1: False Friends

A few Spanish/English False Friends

the false friends:English - part of speech - Spanish

the English meaning

the Spanish meaning

library - n - libreríaa place where you borrow books

a place where you buy books

to divert - v - divertirto change the direction of something

to have a good time

sympathetic - adj - simpático

understanding nice, friendly

argument - n - argumento

a verbal fightthe plot of a book, film or play

to prove - v - probarto make certain that something is true

to try something new, to try some clothes on

topic - n - tópico a subject/theme cliché

eventually -adv - eventualmente

in the end/finally possibly

informal - adj - informal

casual, not formal irresponsible

crime - n - crimen something illegala murder, serious crime

to realise - v - realizarto be fully conscious of something

to carry something out

sensible - adj - sensible

to have good sense sensitive

actually - adv - actualmente

in fact nowadays

educated - adj - educado

a person who has received a good education


conductor - n - conductor

a person who leads an orchestra

the driver of a vehicle

particular - adj - particular

special private

content - adj - contento

satisfied happy

success - n - sucesosomeone/thing that turns out well

an event

parent - n - pariente mother or father family member

direction - n - dirección

move to something/where


Note: sometimes the two words do correspond more or less. The false friend concerns a different meaning of the same word.

Page 2: False Friends

Here are some more false friends. This is a nice error analysis activity to use as a warmer, cooler ...

You could look at five a lesson in this way.

False FriendsThere is a fault in each of the sentences below, including this one! What is it & what is the correct version?

1. When you make a sauce, remove it slowly.

2. It was a tramp - they were waiting for him so he couldn't escape.

3. English is an easy idiom to learn.

4. She couldn't go to the party as she already had a compromise.

5. It was a good notice - Sheila had twins.

6. They went to the bar for a vase of wine.

7. He was feeling insane so he went for a run.

8. The film was a great exit - it won 8 Oscars.

9. He put the papers inside the carpet.

10. They have a reunion every morning at 10am.


Se denominan false friends (falsos amigos) o cognates (cognados) a las palabras que por escribirse de la misma forma (o parecida) en español son confundidas, pero que en realidad en inglés significan otra cosa. Por ejemplo, "conductor " en inglés no significa conductor, sino que se refiere al director de la orquesta o al cobrador que se encuentra en los autobuses. Aquí se encuentra una lista de los cognados más conocidos.


abstract: resumen (y no abstracto)actual: real, efectivo (y no actual, que se dice current)actually: en realidad (y no actualmente)to advertise: anunciar (y no advertir, que se dice to warn)

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advice: consejos (y no aviso)agenda: orden del día (y no agenda, que se dice diary)application: solicitudto assist: ayudar (y no asistir, que se dice to attend)camp: base militar (y no campo, que se dice field) caravan: casa rodante (y no caravana)carpet: alfombra (y no carpeta)casualty: víctima o herido (y no casualidad, que se dice coincidence) commodity: producto (y no comodidad)conductor: director de orquesta o cobrador (y no conductor, que se dice driver)(to be) constipated: sufrir de estreñimiento (y no estar constipado)crime: delito (crimen se dice murder)deception: engaño (y no decepción, que se dice disappointment)diversion: desviación (y no diversión, que se dice fun)dramatic: drástico, espectacularembarrassed: avergonzado/a (y no embarazada, que se dice pregnant)eventual: definitivo (y no eventual, que se dice casual, incidental)eventually: finalmente, tarde o temprano (y no eventualmente que se dice by chance, possibly)facilities: instalaciones (y no facilidades)form: formulario (y no forma, que se dice shape)funeral: entierro (y no funeral, que se dice memorial service)gracious: cortés (y no gracioso, que se dice funny)to ignore: hacer caso omiso (y no ignorar, que se dice not know)inhabitant: habitante (y no inhabitado)involve: involucrar (y no envolver, que se dice wrap)large: grande (y no largo, que se dice long)lecture: conferencia (y no lectura, que se dice reading)library: biblioteca (y no librería, que se dice bookshop)media: medios (y no media, que se dice sock)misery: tristeza (y no miseria, que se dice poverty)notice: nota, anuncio (y no noticia, que se dice a piece of news)occurrence: aparición (y no ocurrencia, que se dice absurd idea)ordinary: común (y no vulgar, que dice vulgar)pigeon: paloma (y no pichón)policy: política (y no policía, que se dice police)regular: habitual, normalto realize: darse cuenta (y no realizar, que se dice make)sensible: sensitivo (y no sensible, que se dice sensitive)sensitive: sensible (y no sensitivo, que se dice sensible)success: éxito (y no suceso, que se dice event)target: objetivo (y no tarjeta, que se dice card) to traduce: calumniar (y no traducir, que se dice translate)

English Term Spanish Translation

Actual Real (The English equivalent for the Spanish actual is: present, current)

Actually Ciertamente, verdaderamente, en realidad, en efecto. (The English equivalent for the Spanish actualmente is currently, nowadays, at present)

Advertise Anunciar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Advertir is: Warn).

Advise Aconsejar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Avisar is:

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Agenda Actividades, programa del dÃa. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Agenda is: Diary).

Anxious Inquieto, nervioso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Ansioso (deseoso) is: Eager, greedy).

Arena Estadio. (The English equivalent for the Spanish arena is: sand)

Argument Discusión debate. (The English equivalent for the Spanish argumento is: plot, topic, issue)

Assist Ayudar, auxiliar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish asistir is: attend)

Attempt Intento. (The English equivalent for the Spanish atentado is:terrorist attack)

Attend Asistir a, ir a (The English equivalent for the Spanish atender is: pay attention, take care of)

Avocado Aguacate. (The English equivalent for the Spanish abogado is: lawyer)

Card Tarjeta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish carta is: letter)

Career Años de trabajo, promoción laboral. (The English equivalent for the Spanish carrera is: studies)

Carpet Alfombra. (The English equivalent for the Spanish carpeta is: folder, file)

Casual Informal, desenfadado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish casual is: accidental)

Cigar Puro. (The English equivalent for the Spanish cigarro is: cigarette)

Collar Cuello (de camisa). (The English equivalent for the Spanish collar is: necklace)

College Facultad (Universidad). (The English equivalent for the Spanish colegio is: primary school)

Compass Brújula. (The English equivalent for the Spanish compás is: A pair of compasses)

Conductor Cobrador de autobús, director de orquesta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish conductor is: driver)

Conference Congreso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish conferencia is: lecture)

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Conform Seguir, aceptar las normas o reglas. (The English equivalent for the Spanish "conformarse" is: To be happy with).    

Conservatory Invernadero. (The English equivalent for the Spanish conservatorio is: music academy)

Constipated Estreñido. (The English equivalent for the Spanish costipado is: a cold)

Content Satisfecho. (The English equivalent for the Spanish contento is: happy)

Crime Acto delictivo. (The English equivalent for the Spanish crimen is: murder, serious crime)

Curse Maldición. (The English equivalent for the Spanish 'curso' is: Course)

Discussion Conversacion. (The English equivalent for the Spanish discusión is: argument)

Disgust Repugnancia. (The English equivalent for the Spanish disgusto is: annoyance)

Divert Desviar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish divertir is: enjoy, have a good time)

Educated Con una buena educación. (The English equivalent for the Spanish educado is: polite)

Embarrassed Avergonzado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish embarazada is: pregnant)

Eventually Finalmente. (The English equivalent for the Spanish eventualmente is: temporarily, by chance)

Exit Salida. (The English equivalent for the Spanish éxito is: success)

Fabrics Tela, textil. (The English equivalent for the Spanish fábrica is: factory)

Faculty Profesorado. (The English equivalent to the Spanish "facultad" would be College).    

Figure Cifra, número, cantidad (The English equivalent for the Spanish 'figura' is: appearance, although figure can also be used.)

Grape Uva. (The English equivalent for the Spanish "Grapa" is Staple).    

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Idiom Expresión idiomática, frase hecha. (The English equivalent for the Spanish idioma is: language)

Informal Desenfadado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish informal is: irresponsible)

Large Grande. (The English equivalent for the Spanish largo is: long)

Lecture Conferencia. (The English equivalent for the Spanish lectura is: reading)

Library Biblioteca. (The English equivalent for the Spanish librería is: bookshop)

Mayor Alcalde. (The English equivalent for the Spanish mayor is: main, bigger, older)

Note Nota. But if you talk about "qualifications" the word is Marks or Grades instead of "notes".    

Notice Aviso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish noticia is: news)

Parcel Paquete. (The English equivalent for the Spanish parcela is: plot of land)

Parent Madre o Padre. (The English equivalent for the Spanish pariente is: relative)

Particular Especial. (The English equivalent for the Spanish particular is: private)

Preservative Conservante. (The English equivalent for the Spanish preservativo is: condom)

Presume Asumir, pretender. (The English equivalent for the Spanish presumir is: show off)

Pretend Fingir. (The English equivalent for the Spanish pretender is: intend, try, seek)

Prove Demostrar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish probar is: try, try on)

Quiet Callado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish quieto is: still, motionless)

Realize Darse cuenta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish realizar is: carry out, implement)

Remove Quitar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish remover is: stir)

Resume Continuar, reanudar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish resumir is: summarize)

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Rope Cuerda, soga. (The English equivalent for the Spanish ropa is: Clothes, garnment)

Sensible Sensato. (The English equivalent for the Spanish sensible is: sensitive)

Signature Firma. (The English equivalent for the Spanish asignatura is: subject)

Spade Pala (para cavar). (The English equivalent for the Spanish espada is: sword)

Spectacles Gafas. (The English equivalent for the Spanish espectáculos is: shows)

Suburb Barrio residencial. (The English equivalent for the Spanish suburbio is: slum)

Success Éxito. (The English equivalent for the Spanish suceso is: event)

Sympathetic Comprensivo. (The English equivalent for the Spanish simpático is: nice, friendly)

Sympathy Compasión, pésame. (The English equivalent for the Spanish simpatía is: affection, kindness)

Taller Más alto (forma comparativa de superioridad del adjetivo tall:alto). (The English equivalent for the Spanish "Taller" is Workshop.)

Topic Tema. (The English equivalent for the Spanish tópico is: Cliché)

Translate Traducir. The English equivalent for the Spanish trasladar is: Move

Vicious Malvado, saludable. (The English equivalent for the Spanish vicioso is: addict, depraved)

¿QUÉ SON LOS "FALSOS AMIGOS"?Los estudiantes hispano-parlantes suelen utilizar indebidamente ciertas palabras en inglés que, en su idioma natal, se escriben o pronuncian de modo parecido.

EJEMPLO 1:Para expresar: "Compré dos carpetas en la papelería", un hispano-parlante suele decir: "I bought two CARPETS at the stationery's". "Carpet" en inglés significa "alfombra", mientras que la "carpeta" del ejemplo se traduce como "FOLDER".  

EJEMPLO 2:Para decir: "Compré este libro en la librería", suele expresarlo como "I bought this book at the LIBRARY". "Library" en inglés significa "biblioteca", mientras que la "librería" del

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ejemplo debe traducirse como "BOOKSHOP" o "BOOKSTORE".

Hemos recopilado aquí algunos de los FALSE FRIENDSmás frecuentes y sus correcciones:



agenda(orden del día)

agenda personal DIARY


aviso (advertencia)ADVERTISEMENT

(aviso de diario)NOTICE (cartel)


alcoba (dormitorio) BEDROOM

caramel(azúcar quemado)

caramelo, dulce SWEET (UK) CANDY (US)


casco (protector)casco (de un barco)

HELMET (casco protector)HULL (casco de un barco)

commodities(productos internacionales)



conductor(director de orquesta)

conductor (chofer) DRIVER

crime(delito, acto ilegal)

crimen (asesinato) MURDER



defraud(cometer fraude)

defraudar (desilusionar) DISAPPOINT

effective(eficaz, eficiente)

efectivo (dinero en mano) CASH

front(ubicado al frente)

frente (de la cara) FOREHEAD

hymn(himno religioso)

himno (nacional) ANTHEM


largo LONG


portero (de edificio) DOORMAN (UK)JANITOR (US)

rare(poco cocido)


regular(estándar, normal)

regular (no muy bueno) POOR

realize(darse cuenta)

realizar MAKE

rich(rico en grasas)

rico (en sabor) DELICIOUS

sensible(sensato, prudente)

sensible SENSITIVE

Page 9: False Friends


traductor TRANSLATOR


vaso GLASS

vice(actividades inmorales)

vicios (fumar, lotería)  BAD HABITS