Fall09 Teacher Guide

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  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Campanian red-gure bell krater350325 bce

    attriutd to th Cuma A Paintr

    Southrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    83814; L2009.1001.025

    On this krater, a nude youth with a spear is

    depicted seated on a drapery-covered rock. He

    converses with a woman who holds a wreath

    andphial, a libation dish used to pour wine

    or other liquid oerings to gods.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    Anint Mditrranan paintd pottry, a

    rmarkal rat rom lassial antiquity,

    ontinus to aptivat viwrs thousands

    o yars latr. Pottry is mor ommonly

    xavatd and prsrvd than any othr arly art

    orm. Sns dpitd on Grk and Etrusan

    vass rval many o th ultural pratis and

    daily livs o ths anint popls. Crami

    vssls xplor a wid varity o sujt mattr

    inluding myths, gods and dmons, warriors at

    attl, animals, soial gathrings, athltis,

    and th rols o mn and womn in


    Clay, whih was plntiul in many

    parts o Anint Gr and Italy,

    srvd as th primary matrial

    or most vssls. Although th

    aunt ownd som prious mtal

    ontainrs, narly vry houshold

    possssd a rang o pottry oth

    oars and n or storag, ooking,

    and dining. Pottry was also usd or

    rmonial and rligious purposs.

    Imagry on pottry otn illustrats

    th way th vssls wr usd. A

    varity o ups and win-mixing

    owls portray sns o symposia or

    mal drinking partis. Vas paintings

    also show womn lling watr jars

    alld hydriaiat ountain houss and

    using alabastra, small ontainrs that

    hld plain or sntd oils. Th sam

    vass that wr usd domstially wr

    otn plad in toms and usd as unral


    A oastal popl, th Anint Grks

    prosprd in maritim ommr and

    dvlopd a rih and omplx ultur.

    Th Grk world vntually xtndd

    yond Gr to sttlmnts throughout th

    Mditrranan and Blak Sas. Grk arts

    ourishd rom 700 to 300 bce. During

    this tim, two o th main rami ntrs

    in Gr, Corinth and Athns, xportd th

    distintiv and highly sought-atr paintd

    pottry throughout th Mditrranan rgion.

    Th Etrusans inhaitd north-ntral Italy, a

    rgion in lassial tims rrrd to as Etruria.

    Thy dvlopd a tast or Grk paintd pottry,

    whih thy importd rom Corinth around

    630 to 540 bce. By th sond

    quartr o th sixth ntury, th

    Etrusans purhasd an inrasing

    numr o vssls rom Athns.

    Ths imports inspird Etrusan

    pottrs to loally produ lak-

    and rd-gur wars.

    Th lak-gur thniqu

    was dvlopd aout 700 bce

    in Corinth. Artisans applid a

    lak slip to dpit gurs and

    ornamntal motis against th laysnatural, rddish-orang akground.

    Th dtails wr ithr inisd or

    addd in olors; mal skin was

    typially paintd whit.

    Scenes rom Myths and Daily Lie: Ancient Mediterranean Potteryrom the Collections o the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum o Anthropology

    Attic red-gure lekythos450425 bce

    attriutd to th Bowdoin Paintr

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    87572; L2009.1001.039

    Nike is the goddess and personication o

    victory, in war and athletic contests. She is

    requently portrayed in vase paintings with

    wings holding a victory wreath. Here, she is

    depicted fying above an altar; in her right

    hand she holds a phial, a vessel or

    pouring out libations.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    Etruscan red-gure mugmid4th ntury bce


    trra-otta, gloss

    83813; L2009.1001.024

    Th rd-gur thniqu was invntd in Athns

    aout 530 bce and gradually am th

    prdominant styl. It is th rvrs o lak-

    gur: th gurs appard in rddish-orang,

    with gural dtails applid in lak lins against a lak


    Grk vass wr rst unovrd in Etrusan toms

    in Italy in th 1700s and arly 1800s and wr

    rronously attriutd to Etrusan paintrs. On

    o th most important dvlopmnts in lassial

    arhaology during th nintnth ntury was

    th opning o Gr to major xavations.

    On Gr was liratd rom Ottoman

    rul in 1829, arhaologists and sholars soon

    disovrd major pottry prodution ntrs

    in th ountry and gan to lassiy worksaording to rgion.

    This xhiition xplors lak- and rd-gur

    pottry o Anint Gr and its olonis,

    as wll as Etrusan wars. From drinking ups

    intndd to ward o th vil y to pots that

    dpit amous Grk hros and gods suh as

    Hrals and Zus, Scenes rom Myths and Daily Lie:

    Ancient Mediterranean Pottery showass a sptaular

    rang o vssls.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    This guid was dsignd or K12 tahrs and studnts

    to amiliariz thmslvs with th matrial on display

    prior to a ld trip to th xhiition Scenes rom Myths and

    Daily Lie: Ancient Mediterranean Pottery. This duational

    pakt may also usd y tahrs and studnts

    who ar unal to viw th xhiition at th Airport.

    A iliography an ound on pag 22. Fild trip

    inormation is also inludd on pags 23 and 24.

    Objectives: Studnts will look at xampls o Grk and

    Etrusan vass and larn aout thir orms, untions,

    and vas paintings.

    Studnts will larn aout pottry prodution and dsign

    and how anint artists ar idntid. Thy will also

    disovr Anint Grk myths and gods, and xplor

    aspts o Grk daily li suh as th rol o mn and

    womn in Grk soity and th us o prums.

    Studnts will thn undrstand th orms, dorations,

    and untions o ontainrs usd to srv and hold

    Grk vrags, liquids, and dry goods. Thy will also

    al to disuss a varity o Grk myths, gods, and

    hros. In addition, studnts will om to raliz how

    muh an rvald aout Anint Grk soity y

    studying vas paintings on vssls.

    Apulian red-gure skyphos450400 bceSouthrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    87962; L2009.1001.041

    The owl and olive branch are symbols o the goddess

    Athena. Following the Persian withdrawal rom the

    Greek mainland in 479 bce, owls began to appear

    on Attic cups as a symbol o Athenas contribution

    towards the Greek victory. The owlskyphos was

    soon widely imitated throughout the Greek world.

    How to Use this Teachers Guide

    All objects are rom the collections o the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum o Anthropology, University o Caliornia at Berkeley.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    Ancient Greek Historical Periods

    Archaic: 700479 bce

    Grk ity-stats prospr and Grk olonis dvlop

    throughout th Mditrranan and Blak Sa rgions.

    Commr and th arts ourish; th itis o Corinth

    and Athns grow and dmoray gins to dvlop. Th

    Grks dat th Prsians who thratnd to xtnd

    thir ontrol to th Grk mainland.

    Classical: 479 BCE323 bce

    During th lassial ra, Athns rahs its gratst

    politial and ultural ahivmnts: th dvlopmnt o

    a dmorati systm and th uilding o th Parthnon;

    th ration o th tragdis o Sophols, Ashylus,

    and Euripids; and th ounding o th philosophial

    shools o Sorats, Plato, and Aristotl. Alxandr th

    Grat rings th Eastrn world to th Indian

    suontinnt undr his ontrol or dying at th ag o

    thirty-two in 323 bce.

    Hellenistic Period: 32331 bce

    Following th dath o Alxandr th Grat, his

    kingdom is dividd into thr y his gnrals:

    Madonia, inluding muh o mainland Gr, th

    Sluid Empir, inluding th Nar East, and Egypt.

    Th Hllnisti priod is an intrnational,

    osmopolitan ag. By th sond ntury bce, Rom

    oms th dominant or; Romans onqur

    Madonia in 168 bce, dstroy th ity o Corinth in

    146 bce, and aptur Athns in 86 bce.

    Lucanian red-gure bell krater

    lat 5th ntury bceattriutd to th Amykos Paintr

    Southrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    83822; L2009.1001.027

    The Amykos Painter is named ater the vase

    in which he depicted Amykos, the King o the

    Bebrykes, being punished. The Amykos Painter

    was the most prominent o the early Lucanian

    artists, and more than two hundred vases havebeen attributed to him.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    Hrals is on o th most amous hros in

    Grk mythology. His imag is dpitd on

    ountlss Grk ojts rom vas paintings to

    sulptur and oins. Th hro was orn as a rsulto an aair twn th god Zus and Alkmn.

    Hra, th wi o Zus, dspisd hr husands

    illgitimat hild and tormntd Hrals

    throughout his li. Whn Hrals was a ay,

    Hra snt a pair o giant snaks into his radl,

    whih h ravly strangld.

    Hra ausd Hrals to go mad whn h was

    an adult, and h killd his wi and hildrn. In

    ordr to mak amnds, Hrals was rquird toprorm a sris o laors. Th rst laor rquird

    him to slay a monstrous lion. H huntd th ast

    armd with a ow and arrows, a sword, and his


    He shot a fight o arrows at it, but they rebounded

    harmlessly rom the thick pelt, and the lion licked its chops,

    yawning. Next he used his sword, which bent as though made

    o lead; nally he heaved up his club and dealt the lion such

    a blow on the muzzle that it entered its double-mouthed cave,shaking its headnot rom pain, however, but because o the

    singing in its earsAware now that the monster was proo

    against all weapons, he began to wrestle with it. The lion

    bit o one o his ngers; but, holding its head in chancery,

    Heracles squeezed hard until it choked to death.

    The Greek Myths, Rort Gravs, 1960

    Following his sussul trmination o th ast,

    Hrals skinnd th dad lion with its own sharp

    laws and wor th plt as armor and its had as

    a hlmt. This nsml am on o his trad-


    Heracles Kills the Nemean Lion

    Attic black-gure lekythos6th ntury bce

    attriutd to th Phanyllis Group

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    83339; L2009.1001.014

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    Attic black-gure lekythos. 510 bce

    attriutd to th Edinurgh Paintr

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    816; L2009.1001.002

    The painting on thislkythos portrays a chariot in battle;

    behind the chariot, are two warriors, one o which has been

    overthrown. This type o lekythos was placed upon graves

    o the dead and contained the oil and perume needed by the

    deceased in the aterlie. The chariot scene indicates that it may

    have been meant or the grave o a allen warrior, perhaps a


  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    South Italian Painted PotteryTrad and th dsir or various goods, partiularly

    mtals, rst rought th Anint Grks to southrn Italy

    and Siily. Evntually, th Grks stalishd many

    important olonis in this rgion known as MagnaGraia. For mor than two nturis, South Italian and

    Siilian Grk itis importd pottry rom Corinth and

    thn Athns.

    During th lat th ntury bce, Atti imports asd as

    th Spartans lokadd trad routs during th

    Ploponnsian War (431404 bce). In rspons, v aras

    in southrn ItalyCampania, Pastum, Apulia, Luania,

    and Siilygan to produ rd-gur vass. As many

    o th ratsmn wr traind immigrants rom Athns,

    ths arly South Italian vass wr losly modld atr

    Atti pottry in oth shap and dsign. Th markt or

    ths vass was prinipally loal. Rgional styls soon

    dvlopd, and in addition to sns rom daily li,

    paintrs drw inspiration rom popular myths and

    lgnds. Many vass wr ratd spially or us in

    urials, and unrary sns wr ommon. In som ass,

    ths myths wr atypial o thos dpitd on Atti

    vass. South Italian pottry also aturd sns rom

    Grk thatr. Fmal hads, suh as th on dpitd on

    this kratr, wr anothr uniqu and livly moti oundon vass rom this ara. Additionally, South Italian vas

    paintrs inund and inspird thir Etrusan nighors.

    Th lay in southrn Italy had lss iron in it than lay

    rom Athns; as a rsult, pots rd to a palr orang olor.

    Vas paintrs otn ovrd thir undoratd vass with a

    thin wash o yllow or rd ohr and thn urnishd th

    pi to nhan th vssls hu.

    Apulian red-gure column kraterlat 4th ntury bce

    attriutd to th Split Mouth Group

    (assoiats o th Amphora and Armidal Paintrs)

    Southrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    82320; L2009.1001.011

    A emale head appears on the ront o this vase; on the reverse is prob-

    ably Eros, the god o love and ertility, with a an and cluster o grapes.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program

    Gnathian Style Vase Painting

    Th Gnathian thniqu o painting was mployd to

    rat th uniqu imagry on this vas. This styl, whih

    was popular in southrn Italy, ntails painting all th

    doration, otn in multipl olors, onto th lak,

    glazd sura o th vssl. Th rd gurs ar not

    rndrd in th olor o th lay; rathr, thy ar paintdon top o th lak akground with a rd slip and thn

    inisd, rating a aux rd-gur sn.

    Dpitd on this vas, two satyrs playully dan on

    ithr sid o a woman, prhaps a manad, kiking thir

    lgs, pointing thir tos, and waving thir arms. On o

    th satyrs holds a small ow and arrow whil th woman

    holds a pair o ovrsizd laurl lavs. Th gurs spiky

    aps ar proaly laurl rowns.

    This thr-gur omposition and group o mythial

    haratrs rst appard on Grk vass in th sixth

    ntury; shortly atr, Etrusan vas paintrs

    inorporatd this thm. But ths antastial gursand thir unnatural orms ar a dpartur rom th mor

    litral sns ound on Grk paintd vass. Th

    urvilinar gurs, with thir hollow ys and pattrnd

    odis, appar to strth and ontort. Although un-

    usual, th vas shows a dlirat and arully onivd

    painting styl. Unlik thir Atti ountrparts, Etrusan

    paintd pottry tnds to mor lti and whimsial.

    Etruscan red-gure bell kraterproaly lat 4th ntury bceItalytrra-otta, gloss

    83829; 1L2009.1001.031

    About two dozen vases o this type are extant.

    Due to the peculiar style, and because none were

    ound in a controlled excavation, experts are

    divided upon whether the vases are authentically

    ancient or modern orgeries.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    Th Etrusans wr known throughout antiquity as a

    saaring popl who xlld at mtallurgy. By th lat

    ighth ntury bce, orign inuns rom th Nar East

    and Gr gan to impat Etrusan art, thnology,

    and soity. Tradrs rom Gr, Phoniia, and Syria

    am to Italy to xhang goods or prious mtals.

    During th midsvnth ntury bce, Etruria gaind

    onsidral walth and powr. By th sixth ntury,

    Etrusans also xportd pottry, mtal utnsils, arms andarmor, win, grain, and timr.

    Th Etrusans importd larg numrs o Grk vass.

    Baus so many Grk vass wr xavatd rom

    Etrusan toms in th lat ightnth and arly

    nintnth nturis, arhaologists initially assumd

    thy wr mad in Etruria. Whn Grk insriptions

    wr ound on pots, sours o pottry lays idntid,

    and styls ttr undrstood, sholars ralizd th xtnt

    o th import trad. As thy am amiliar with

    Etrusan tasts, Grk pottrs altrd som o thir

    pottry to appal to Etrusan onsumrs. Th Grks

    imitatd Etrusan shaps and paintd vssls with

    popular Etrusan thms.

    Following th inun o importd Grk pottry, and

    th immigration o Grk pottrs to southrn Etruriaaround 510 bce, Etrusan artisans gan loal

    prodution o lak-gur pottry. In th th and

    ourth nturis bce, again inspird y importd Grk

    pottry, Etrusan artisans produd a varity o uniquly

    styld rd-gur pottry. Th primary ntrs o pottry

    prodution inludd Crvtri and Vuli, oth in

    southrn Etruria.

    Etruscan Pottery

    Etruscan red-gure bell krater4th ntury bce


    trra-otta, gloss83826; L2009.1001.030

    The nude emale beside the ountain on this vase may

    be a lasa, a subsidiary deity associated with love and

    adornment. It is unclear as to whether or not the man

    behind her is a mortal or a satyr, a ollower o the

    god o wine, known as Fufuns to the Etruscans. I a

    satyr is depicted, then perhaps the nude emale is not a

    lasa, but a maenad, a emale ollower o Fufuns.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    Etruscan black-gure neck amphoraproaly lat 5th or arly 6th ntury bce


    trra-otta, gloss

    8445; L2009.1001.008

    On this amphora, two bearded athletes race

    towards a judge who holds a crown.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    Pottery Production in the Ancient Mediterranean

    Mn workd as pottrs and paintrs in Grk soity.Making pots rquird lay, watr, ul, r, and a kiln. Du

    to th mss and smok, pottry workshops wr usuallyloatd outsid o ity ntrs. Th rst stag inmaking a pot was to dig th lay out o th ground. Th

    lay was thn mixd with watr in a asin, in a lngthypross alld lvigation, in whih impuritis wr ltrdrom th lay. Whn judgd to sufintly n, th laywas lt to dry out to th rquird onsistny.

    To mak a vas, th pottr knadd a lump o lay osuital siz and plad it ntrally on th at sura oth whl. As th whl rvolvd, th pottr drw th lay

    up into th rquird shap with his hands. Larg pots wrmad in svral stions and handls wr adddsparatly.

    Atr th vas drid in th sun and th lay hardnd, itwas urnishd. Somtims a wash o rd ohr wasapplid to th sura o th pot to nhan th naturalrddish-orang olor o th lay. Th paintr mad aprliminary skth on a vas, proaly with a stik o

    haroal. Th painting was thn ompltd with

    spially prpard lay slips or glosss, a mixtur opurid lay and watr. Inisions wr also mad at this

    tim, in whih dsigns wr drawn on th sura o thpot with a sharp tool.

    Pots wr thn wood-rd in kilns. By ontrolling thoxygn ow, th olor o th lay pot and its gloss ould

    hangd rom rd to lak. An oxidizing or wll-vntilatd atmosphr produd rd; a rduing or smok-lld atmosphr, gray or lak.

    Etruscan red-gure oinochoemid4th ntury bce


    trra-otta, gloss

    83399; L2009.1001.022

    On this vessel, a goosethe symbol o Aphrodite, goddess o love

    appears opposite the head o a satyr.


  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    Identiying Artists

    Attic black-gure neck amphora525500 bce

    attriutd to th Lagros Group

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    83852; L2009.1001.032

    In this vase painting, a maenad, a emale ollower o

    Dionysos, the god o wine, rides a bull and holds a grapevine

    in her hand. She wears a chiton or tunic, and a himation, a

    type o cloak, both popular garments in Ancient Greece.


    Pottrs and paintrs rquntly signd thir nams

    on vass, spially thos in Athns. Howvr, not all

    paintrs or pottrs signd all o thir work. Som

    paintrs apparntly nvr signd vass, unlss signdpis y ths artisans rmain to xavatd.

    By arully xamining n stylisti dtails on

    unsignd vass, sholars ar al to idntiy

    vssls produd y th sam artist. Spialists look

    or uniqu haratristis o th pottr or paintr,

    whih hlp to distinguish a ody o work

    produd y th sam artist or workshop.

    Sir John Davidson Bazly pionrd thattriution o Athnian lak- and rd-

    gurd vass to oth namd and anonymous

    paintrs in th twntith ntury. H was a

    prossor o lassial arhaology and art at

    th Univrsity o Oxord (192556). Bazly

    idntid th individual styls o Athnian vas

    paintrs and ssntially trad th ntir

    dvlopmnt o Atti vas painting.

    Bazly and th othr sholars gav various nams toth anonymous paintrs whom thy idntid. Many

    ar namd atr th pottrs thy ollaoratd with, othrs

    ar namd y th rgion in whih thy wr ound, and som

    paintrs ar namd y th sujts thy paintd, or puliaritis

    o styl.

    Th workshop o th Lagros Group, to whih this vas is

    attriutd, onsistd o paintrs who doratd pottry in

    th lak-gur thniqu in Athns around 525 to 500 bce.

    Mmrs o th Lagros Group wr among th last lak-

    gur paintrs. Th group prdominantly mad larg vass

    inluding hydriai, amphora, and kratrs.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    Rptitiv, linar pattrns and oral dsigns rgularly

    appar on Atti, South Italian, and Etrusan vass.

    Ornamntal pattrns srv as ordrs and nhan

    gurativ piturs on pots. Th top pattrn onthis kratr ar rrrd to as palmtts and th

    ottom pattrn ar alld upright lotus uds.

    Pattrns may dorat larg aras o vass,

    ovring th nk, suras undrnath th

    handls, and th spa aov and low th


    Many o th pattrns on paintd vass an

    trad to outsid inuns. For xampl,

    lotuss and palmtt motis originatd inEgypt. Ths dsigns wr introdud

    to th Grks in th svnth ntury bce

    through Nar Eastrn arts. Som o th

    pattrns ound on vass also appar on

    txtils, mtal ojts, and arhittur.

    Th majority o ths pattrns ontain no

    symoli maning. Ivy and vin lavs,

    howvr, ar afliatd with Dionysos, th god

    o win, and rquntly appar on vssls

    assoiatd with win onsumption.

    Decorative Patterns on Vases

    Attic black-gure neck amphoralat 6th ntury bce

    attriutd to th Group o Wrzurg 199

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    83853; L2009.1001.033

    This vase painting shows a man preparing or battle. He has already attached

    one greave and prepares to attach a second piece o shin armour to his let leg.

    The warriors beard indicates that he is middle aged, in contrast to the

    beardless youth behind him and the young maiden in ront o him.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    The Role o Women in Ancient Greece and Etruria

    Mn and womn playd distint rols in Grk soity. Evry

    mal had a guardian, who was ithr hr losst mal-irth

    rlativ or hr husand. Marriags wr arrangd, and womn

    wr trothd around th ags o tn to ightn. Awomans domain was hr hom. Fmals wr largly

    rsponsil or aring hildrn, managing th houshold, and

    tnding to hors suh as spinning, waving, and prparing

    mals. Many womn ould aord to hav a mal slav to

    assist thm with ths ativitis.

    Som womn workd in th marktpla and partiipatd in

    agriultural ldwork. Fmal slavs and lowr-lass womn

    wr typially rsponsil or rtriving watr rom th loal

    ountain hous, whih gav thm th opportunity to soializwith othr womn outsid o th hous. Womn also tndd

    th toms o amily mmrs and rought orings to th

    dasd. Spial irumstans suh as wddings,

    unrals, and rligious stivals allowd womn to

    partiipat in xtrnal ativitis. Idally, in all puli

    irumstans, womn had to aompanid y a

    slav or othr attndant.

    Etrusan womn, on th othr hand, njoyd a

    grat dal o rdom. Aunt womn drov orrod arriags, and thy hostd gathrings or

    mal rinds. Marrid oupls drank win,

    dind, and ntrtaind togthr, and wivs

    aompanid thir husands at anquts,

    pratis that astonishd arly Grk osrvrs.

    Campanian red-gure squat lekythos350325 bce

    attriutd to th workshop o th

    Cuma A PaintrSouthrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    83345; L2009.1001.015

    Perhaps the topless emale in this anciul painting is playing the

    role o Aphrodite the goddess o love, beauty, and sexuality, or it

    may even represent the goddess hersel. Most likely, Eros, the god o

    love and ertility, is shown at let.


  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    Wedding Vases

    Signiant oasions, suh as marriags, unrals, and

    irths, alld or spi typs o pottry. A spial

    rang o shaps was mad or wddings, partiularly,

    th lebes gamikos, whih rst appard in th sixth

    ntury and ontinud in prodution wll into th

    ourth ntury. Ths wdding vass had an attahd

    stand or a short oot, suh as th ons displayd hr.

    Th nam ls gamikos oms rom lebes, whih mans

    dp owl, andgamikos, whih mans marriag. Paintings

    on th ls gamikos portray lov, ridal, and nuptial

    sns. Also prsnt on many o ths vass ar th

    Olympian gods Eros and Aphrodit, oth assoiatd

    with lov and rtility.

    Th rid and groom markd th dpartur rom

    unmarrid li to thir impnding unions with ritual

    aths prior to th wdding stivitis. Th ls gamikos

    may hav hld watr or ritual washing. Or prhaps th

    vssls hld spial wdding oods or th rid and

    groom in th ridal hamr suh as ssam aks, in

    whih th sds wr ground, mixd with hony, and

    shapd. On vas paintings, ths wdding vass ar otn

    shown ing prsntd to th rid as wdding gits or

    plad on th oor sid hr.

    Campanian red-gure lebetes gamikoimidlat 4th ntury bce

    Southrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    8448a,; L2009.1001.010; 8447a,; L2009.1001.009

    In the vase painting on the let, Eros, the god o love and ertility, chases a woman.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    The Symposium

    Th painting on this kratr

    illustrats a symposium: a

    drinking party attndd y

    a host and his mal gusts.In addition to mrrymaking,

    mn otn ngagd in politial

    or philosophial dats. Custom

    ditatd that wivs and daughtrs

    wr xludd; though mal

    ourtsans or hetairaiwr

    allowd to attnd. Htairai wr

    traind hostsss who wr shown

    on vass playing musial

    instrumnts, partiipating in partygams, ngaging in roti ativity,

    and daning with mn. Slav

    attndants and young mals wr

    also prsnt at symposia srving

    win to gusts.

    Upon arriving at th hosts hom,

    partiipants rmovd thir shos and

    srvants washd th gusts t. Gusts

    wr anointd with prumd oils and owrgarlands. Th symposium took pla in th

    andron, an intimat, squar room with a slightly

    raisd oor in th mns part o th hous. Mn

    rlind on ouhs arrangd around th sids

    o th room, and low tals or ood wr st in

    ront o ah ouh.

    Partiipants rst ord a liation to Olympian

    gods. Th symposiarh, or mastr o aairs, thn

    sltd th pris strngth o th win mixtur,

    th numr o owls to mixd, th siz o th

    ups to usd, and th pa o th drinking or

    th vning. Th win was mixd with watr in a

    kratr suh as th on on display, and thn ladld

    into an oinochoeor similar typ o jug y a slav. Th

    srvr thn pourd win into ah gusts up.

    South Italian red-gure column kraterlat 5th ntury bce

    Southrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    86685; L2009.1001.038

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1

    The Evil Eye

    Th vil y, a malign glan, whih may aus harm or

    dath to a prson and dstrution to prsonal proprty,

    is oldr than Grk ivilization. A olk li at last

    v thousand yars old, th vil y appars in India, thMiddl East, and Europ. It is mntiond in th Bil in

    addition to Sumrian and othr Anint Nar Eastrn

    txts. Etrusans and Egyptians wr known to paint ys

    on th ows o thir vssls as a harm to ward against

    th vil y. Evn today, som Grk shing oats ar

    paintd with ys on ithr sid o th prow.

    In Anint Gr, ys dpitd on numrous vas

    paintings wr intndd to ward o th vil y. As a

    gust was srvd win rom this olpe(lt), h was

    prottd y th powrs o th ys that ad away romhim and towards his rind or o. Th kyathos(right),

    withx ys dpitd on oth sids, prottd th usr

    rgardlss o whih hand was usd to pik up th up,

    as on y would always a th drinkr, whil th othr

    would turnd towards his ompanion.

    Attic black-gure olpe (let)550525 bce

    attriutd to th paintr o th Jna KainusAthns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    83379; L2009.1001.020

    Dionysos, the god o wine, is the central gure on thisolp.

    Four satyrs, his male ollowers, two o whom bear enormous

    wineskins which double as large eyes, accompany him. Wineskins,

    made rom sheep or goats, were oten used to carry wine and are

    requently depicted on vases.

    Attic black-gure kyathos (right)mid6th ntury bceattriutd to th Partridg Paintr

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    82; L2009.1001.001

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 1


    In antiquity, oth mn and womn wr ond o

    prums and sntd ointmnts or ungunts with

    whih thy adornd thir odis, hair, and ards.

    Prumd oils wr also usd in rligious and soialrituals, and popl plad prum ottls in

    urials. Prum shops in Athns ondutd a grat

    dal o usinss and wr loatd in th agora, or

    markt pla. Prums wr ommonly stord and

    sold in alabastra.Th ity o Corinth produd som

    o th nst and most ornatly doratd rami

    prum and osmti ontainrs.

    Prums and ungunts wr highly prizd luxury

    itms purhasd y th walthy, and prumrslosly guardd th srts o thir trad.

    Throughout th anint world, prums wr mad

    with th utmost ar in small quantitis using an

    assortmnt o natural ingrdints, many o whih

    wr importd rom South Araia and th Far East.

    Today, prums ar alohol asd; in antiquity,

    prums ontaind a vgtal oil as suh as

    linsd or oliv oil.

    Prums and ointmnts wr mad using on othr prossing mthods: prssing or xtration,

    old stping, or hot stping. Dirnt plant

    matrials wr usd to mak prums and

    ointmnts, inluding owrs, lavs, hrs, ruits,

    and aromati rsins xtratd rom rtain trs.

    Frankinns, jasmin, marjoram, narissus, ross,

    lilis, iris, innamon, and rosmary wr som o

    th many ingrdints inorporatd into prums.

    Ungunts typially had a as mad rom vgtal

    oil or animal at, to whih various xativ

    matrials wr addd suh as milk, hony, aromati

    rsins, and prumd swax.

    Etrusco-Corinthian black-gure alabastron575550 bce

    attriutd to th Mingor Paintr

    Southrn Italy

    trra-otta, gloss

    8-6683; L2009.1001.037

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    Th Anint Grks worshippd a panthon

    o gods and goddsss, ah with a uniqu

    prsonality and distint ralm. Grk myths

    xplaind th origins o th gods and thirrlationships with mortals. Anint Grk art

    rquntly inorporatd sns rom mythologial tals.

    Th painting on this hydria, a typ o watr jar, dtails

    th irth o th god o win Dionysos and th dath

    o his mothr Sml. Sml has an aair

    with th god Zus and oms

    prgnant. But hr amily

    dos not liv that

    sh is arrying th

    gods hild. In onvrsion o th myth,

    Zus oms angry with

    Sml and kills hr with a

    lightning olt. Zus thn taks

    th unorn hild and sws th

    tus into his thigh until th ay

    is rady to mrg rom his lg.

    Contrary to th ommon vrsion

    o th story, on this vas, Dionysos

    is shown laping ully grown rom hismothrs wom.

    Smls amily still livs that sh lid.

    Whn Dionysos oms to Ths h is shunnd

    in his homland. Dionysos dids to vindiat his

    mothr and prov to hr amily that h is a

    divinity. H indus th itys womn to aandon

    thir homs and om his ollowrs, driving thm

    into a stat o stati rnzy. Dionysos also auss

    hystria among Smls sistrs and Agau, th mothr

    o th king o Ths.

    In hr insanity, Agau tars hr son Pnthus lim rom

    lim, living sh is taring apart a mountain lion.

    Agau thn arris hr sons had ak to hr athr,

    Cadmus. Shortly atr, sh oms to hr snss ralizing

    th atroity sh has ommittd. Dionysoss wrath,

    howvr, dos not nd thr; h snds Agau and hr

    sistrs into xil and turns Cadmus into a srpnt.

    Attic red-gure hydria. 400 bce

    attriutd to th Sml Paintr; Athns, Gr;trra-otta, gloss

    83316; L2009.1001.013

    This vase is an outstanding example o misred pottery. The

    red blotches throughout the vase make it easy to identiy as such.

    Because the black gloss that the artist used to create the imagery on

    the piece was applied too thin, much o it burned away in the kiln

    during the ring process.

    The Birth o the God Dionysos

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    The Hero Theseus Slays the Monstrous MinotaurTh painting on this amphora highlights

    on o th most popular myths o Anint

    Gr, th slaying o th Crtan Minotaur

    y th Athnian hro Thsus. ThAthnians wr ord to snd svn youths

    and svn maidns to Crt to d to th

    Minotaur, a hal-human, hal-ull monstr

    who dwlt in th layrinth at Knossos. Th

    two ystandrs on this vas proaly

    rprsnt thos dstind or sari.

    Thsus, th son o King Agus,

    voluntrd to dstroy th Minotaur, and

    was aidd y th Crtan prinss, Ariadn,who ll in lov with him. Ariadn gav

    Thsus a magi all o thrad to attah to

    th ntran o th maz, whih h

    unwound into th Minotaurs hamrs.

    Th string also allowd Thsus to rtra

    his stps through th maz on h had

    killd th Minotaur. On this vas, Ariadn

    stands y Thsus whil h slays th ast

    rom hind.

    In on vrsion o th myth, Thsus s

    with Ariadn and latr aandons hr. As or

    Thsus, h had promisd to hoist whit

    sails i his mission was sussul.

    Asntminddly, h lavs th vssls

    lak sails in pla. Upon sing th lak

    sails, his athr Agus imagins th worst

    and throws himsl to his dath rom th

    hights o Aropolis.

    Attic black-gure neck amphoralat 6th ntury bce

    attriutd to th Group o Wrzurg 199

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    83853; L2009.1001.033

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    Athena: Virgin Goddess o Warare and Cratsmanship

    On this amphora, Hrms, divin mssngr o

    th gods, is aompanid y Athna and th

    hro Hrals. Athnas mothr was Mtis,

    goddss o wisdom and th rst wi o

    Zus. Farul that Mtis would ar a son

    mightir than himsl, Zus swallowd his

    wi. Insid Zus, Mtis mad a ro and

    hlmt or hr daughtr. Th hammring o

    th hlmt ausd Zus trril hadahs

    and h rid out in agony. Hphastus, his

    son, ran to his athrs aid and split his

    skull opn. From it, mrgd th

    ully-grown, Athna, armd and waring

    hr mothrs ro and hlmt. Athnastradmarks ar a hlmt, spar, and th

    agis, a rast ornamnt ordrd y

    srpnts and somtims mllishd

    in th ntr with a gorgons hada

    monstrous mal gur.

    Athna and Posidon, th god o th sa,

    oth ovtd Athns. Thy ah laimd th

    ity, and so it was didd that th on who

    ould giv th nst git to its itizns shouldhav it. Posidon struk th top o th Aropolis

    with his thr-prongd spar and a spring wlld up,

    ut th watr was salty. Athna gav th Athnians

    th mor usul oliv tr, and so was hosn as thir

    prminnt dity.

    Athna was not aggrssiv y natur, unlss hr

    ountry was attakd or whn sh am to th aid

    o hros suh as Hrals. Evn so, lik most Grk

    gods, sh possssd th aility to om nragd andvngul. Whn Athna, who invntd spinning and

    waving, disovrd that th mortal Arahn ould

    wav nr txtils than hrsl, th goddss turnd

    th girl into a spidr. On anothr oasion, th young

    huntr Tirsias saw th virgin goddss athing nud;

    urious, Athna prmanntly lindd him.

    Attic black gure neck amphoralat 6th ntury bce

    attriutd to th Lagros Group:

    Munih 1416

    Athns, Gr

    trra-otta, gloss

    83376; L2009.1001.018

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    Pottery Shapes

    Alabastron (pl. alabastra): ottls or plain or sntd oils and prums

    Hydria (pl. hydriai):watr jars

    Krater (pl. kraters):vssls usd or mixing win and watr

    Kyathos (pl. kylikes):a ontainr usd as a ladl to srv win rom a kratr

    Lebes gamikos (pl. lebetes gamikoi):a vas usd or matrimonial oasions though itsspi untion is unrtain

    Lekythos (pl. lekythoi):a ontainr, whih hld various typs o oil and wr usd y mnand womn at santuaris, gravs, in th kithn, and at th ath; thy wr also ommonly

    usd as urial orings

    Oinochoe (pl. oinochoai):a pithr or watr jug that was rquntly usd as a srvr or ladlor win; Grk pottrs traditionally mad som vass in th orm o popl and animals

    Skyphos (pl. skyphoi):a dp drinking up with two handls, it was on o th mostommon Grk up orms produd

    Amphora (pl. amphorae):gnral-purpos ontainrs that hld liquids suh as hony, milk,watr, oil, and win

    Olpe:lik th oinoho, th olp srvd as a pithr or watr jug that was rquntly usd as asrvr or ladl or win

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    Decorative Patterns on Vases

    How many dirnt typs o pattrns an you idntiy in th xhiition?

    Palmette-lotus chain

    Upright lotus buds

    Hanging lotus buds

    Broken key

    Crossing meander

    Laurel leaves



    Palmette-lotus cross with upright lotus buds

    Ivy with corymboi

    Unnamed pattern

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    Activities and Review

    1. Many dirnt pot typs xistd in anint Gr, ah with a nam and untion. Disuss th

    shaps, nams, and styls o pots. What wr som o th vssls usd or?

    2. Ask studnts to think aout todays ontainrs. How ar liquids and vrags urrntly stord?

    What typs o matrials ar usd today? How do thy ompar with anint Grk vssls and

    manuaturing thniqus?

    3. Ask studnts to skth a dsign o thir own pot. Studnts should think o th ovrall shap,untion, handl dsign, dorativ pattrns and gurativ sns, and th us o olor, ithr

    rd-gur or lak-gur.

    Ask studnts to xplain what thir pot is usd or. Ar th shap and handls appropriat or th

    us? What dos thir vas painting rt aout Anint Grk soity?

    4. Disuss th vas paintings sn in th xhiition. Grk vas paintings hlp us undrstand many

    things aout Anint Grk daily li and mythology. Anint Grk pots wr otn doratd with

    dtaild gurativ sns and dsigns. What wr som o your avorit vas paintings and why?

    What typ o storis do th pots rval aout li in Anint Gr? Why do you think AnintGrks doratd thir pots?

    Additional questions/things to look or in the exhibition

    What typ o animals ar dpitd on som o th pots?

    What gods ar aturd on som o th vass?

    What hros ar rprsntd on som o th vssls?

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2


    Acropolis: an outstanding Anint Grk arhittural ahivmnt, a itadl in th ity o Athns, a shltror dns against nmis loatd on a high spot

    Afuent: walthy

    Antiquity: anint, ormr ags

    Archaeology: th sinti study o histori and prhistori popls through th study and xavation oartiats

    Athens: a ity in Gr

    Attic: rrs to th ity o Athns, inluding its popl, art, and various goods

    Betroth: to arrang or th marriag o

    Black-gure: a dorativ pottry thniqu dvlopd aout 700 bce in Corinth; Artisans applid a lakslip to dpit gurs and ornamntal motis against th lays natural, rddish-orang akground; th

    dtails wr ithr inisd or addd in olors; mal skin was typially paintd whit

    Commerce: an xhang o goods or ommoditis

    Corinth: a ity in Gr

    Incise: to ut into, to orm marks, or lin drawings

    Courtesan: an sort, hostss

    Eclectic: mad up o dirnt sours, omining dirnt lmnts

    Dionysos: th anint Grk god o win

    Excavate: to rmov y digging out o th ground

    Magna Graecia: th oastal aras in southrn Italy and in Siily, whih wr olonizd y th AnintGrks

    Malign: vil, injurous

    Libation: th pouring o a liquid oring in honor o a god or as part o a rligious ritual

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    Literal: tru to at, ollowing vry los to th original

    Maenad: a mal ollowr o th god o win, Dionysus

    Mythology: a st o storis, traditions, or lis assoiatd with a partiular ultural group

    Nuptial: o or prtaining to marriag or th marriag rmony

    Ocher: natural minrals ranging in olor rom pal yllow to orang and rd

    Pantheon: th gods o a partiular mythology onsidrd olltivly

    Red-gure: a dorativ pottry thniqu, whih was invntd in Athns aout 530 bce and graduallyam th prdominant styl; it is th rvrs o lak-gur: th gurs appard in rddish-orang, with

    gural dtails applid in lak lins against a lak akground

    Satyr: a mishivous mal ollowr o th god o win, Dionysos

    Slip: a mixtur o lay and watr

    Subsidiary: sondary

    Whimsical: playul, aniul

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 2

    BibliographyAmyx, Darrll A. Th Cas o th Dundin Paintr. Caliornia Studies in Classical Antiquity, vol. 1 (1968): 1334.

    Arias, P. E.A History o 1000 Years o Greek Vase Painting. Nw York: Harry N. Arams, In., 1961.Barkr, Gram, and Tom Rasmussn. The Etruscans. Oxord: Blakwll Pulishrs Ltd, 1998.

    Bazly, J. D. The Development o Attic Black-Figure. Brkly and Los Angls: Univrsity o Caliornia Prss Ltd., 1986..Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters. Nw York: Hakr Art Books, 1978.Brard, Claud, Christian Bron, Jan-Louis Durand, Franois Frontisi-Duroux, Franois Lisarragu, Alain Shnapp, and Jan-Pirr

    Vrnant.A City o Images: Iconography and Society in Ancient Greece. Nw Jrsy: Printon Univrsity Prss, 1989.Blundll, Su. Women in Ancient Greece. Camridg: Harvard Univrsity Prss, 1995.

    Boardman, John.Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Classical Period. London: Thams and Hudson Ltd., 1989..Athenian Black Figure Vases: A Handbook. London: Thams and Hudson Ltd., 1974.

    . The History o Greek Vases: Potters, Painters, and Pictures. Thams and Hudson Ltd., 2001..Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Archaic Period. London: Thams and Hudson Ltd., 1975.Bonant, Larissa, d.Etruscan Lie and Aterlie: A Handbook o Etruscan Studies. Dtroit: Wayn Stat Univrsity Prss, 1986.

    Brul, Pirr. Women o Ancient Greece. Edinurgh: Edinurgh Univrsity Prss, 2003.Buxton, Rihard. The Complete World o Greek Mythology. London: Thams and Hudson Ltd., 2004.

    Clark, Andrw J., Maya Elston, and Mary Louis Hart. Understanding Greek Vases: A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques. Gtty Puliations: LosAngls, 2002.

    Cook, R. M. Greek Painted Pottery. Nw York: Routldg, 1997.Craddok, Paul. Scientic Investigation o Copies, Fakes and Forgeries. Oxord: Elsvir Ltd., 2007.

    Crokr Art Musum. Poseidons Realm: Ancient Greek Art rom the Collections o the Lowie Museum o Anthropology, Berkeley. Saramnto: Crokr ArtMusum, 1982.Davidson, Jams. Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions o Classical Athens. Nw York: St. Martins Prss, 1998.

    Daly, Andrw. Siren Feasts: A History o Food and Gastronomy in Greece. London: Routldg, 1996..Food in the Ancient World rom A to Z. London: Routldg, 2003.

    Daly, Andrw, and Sally Graingr. The Classical Cookbook. Los Angls: Th J. Paul Gtty Musum, 1996.Dayagi-Mndls, Mihal. Drink and Be Merry: Wine and Beer in Ancient Times. Jrusalm: Th Isral Musum, 1999.. Perumes and Cosmetics in the Ancient World. Jrusalm: Th Isral Musum, 1989.

    Dunds, Alan. The Evil Eye: A Casebook. Madison: Th Univrsity o Wisonsin Prss, 1981.Dyson, Stphn L. In Pursuit o Ancient Pasts: A History o Classical Archaeology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Nw Havn, CT and London:

    Yal Univrsity Prss, 2006..Ancient Marbles to American Shores: Classical Archaeology in the United States. Philadlphia: Univrsity o Pnnsylvania Prss, 1998.

    Gravs, Rort. The Greek Myths. London: Pnguin Books, 1992.Hayns, Syill.Etruscan Civilization. Los Angls: J. Paul Gtty Musum, 2000.

    Hurwitt, Jry M., and Patriia Powll.Ancient Etruscan and Greek Vases in the Elvehjem Museum o Art. Univrsity o WisonsinMadison, 2000.Lissarragu, Franois. Greek Vases: The Athenians and their Images. Translatd y Kim Alln. Nw York: Rivrsid Book Company, In. 2001.Millr, Waltr. Greece and the Greeks: A Survey o Greek Civilization. Nw York: Th Mamillan Company, 1941.

    Nol, Josph Vah. The Technique o Painted Attic Pottery. London: Thams and Hudson, 1988.Oakly, John H., and Ra H. Sinos. The Wedding in Ancient Athens. Madison: Th Univrsity o Wisonsin Prss, 1993.

    Parson, Stphani. Shads o Tradition: Th Sptr Group Kratr in th Harst Musum. Unpulishd papr, Dmr 2006.Plato. The Symposium. Translatd y Christophr Gill. London: Pnguin Classis, 1999.

    Rasmussn, Tom, and Nigl Spivy, ds. Looking at Greek Vases. Camridg: Camridg Univrsity Prss, 1991.Rihtr, Gisla M. A.Attic Red-Figured Vases: A Survey. Nw Havn: Yal Univrsity Prss, 1946.Roswll, Park. The Evil Eye Thanatology and other Essays. Boston: Th Gorham Prss, 1914.

    Shrir, Tony.Athenian Vase Construction . Maliu, CA: J. Paul Gtty Musum, 1999.

    Stwart, Andrw. Classical Greece and the Birth o Western Art. Nw York: Camridg Univrsity Prss, 2008.St. John, J. A. The History o the Manners and Customs o Ancient Greece. London: Rihard Bntly, 1842.Thomson d Grummond, Nany.Etruscan Myth, Sacred History, and Legend. Philadlphia: Univrsity o Pnnsylvania Musum o Arhaology

    and Anthropology, 2006.Waltrs, H. B. History o Ancient Pottery: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman.Washington, D.C.: MGrath Pulishing Co., 1973.Trndall, A. D. Red Figure Vases o South Italy and Sicily: A Handbook. London: Thams and Hudson Ltd., 1989.

    Tura, Jan Maintosh. Catalogue o the Etruscan Gallery o the University o Pennsylvania Museum o Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadlphia: Univrsityo Pnnsylvania Musum o Arhaology and Anthropology, 2005.

    Waltrs Art Musum. The Art o Ancient Greece. London: Philip Wilson Pulishrs, 2008.Whit, Donald, and Blair Brownl, Irn Bald Romano, and Jan Maintosh Tura. Guide to the Etruscan and Roman Worlds at the University o

    Pennsylvania Museum o Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadlphia: Univrsity o Pnnsylvania Musum o Arhaology and Anthropology, 2002.

  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


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    also available or private

    events. Open hours are


    Sunday through Friday;


    security and admission is ree.




    [email protected]

    For inormation on uture programs, visit


    For the location o the aviation museum and library, visit


  • 8/2/2019 Fall09 Teacher Guide


    Education Program 3

    Scenes from Myths and Daily Life:Ancient Mediterranean Pottery



    on the current exhibitionAncient Mediterranean Pottery.



    regional variations. Educational programs and tours can be


    and special-needs students.


    librarysta.Thetourruns35minutes.Toursof Ancient

    Mediterranean Potterycanaccommodateapproximately30

    students at a time. Special arrangements can be made or


    Program Plan




    o the program



    Ancient Mediterranean Pottery isonviewfromOctober



    International Terminal