ThS ?res3 and Banner.! Alilii:VILLK; S. C. j tt\- ni*c:ii wir.stiTf. Tkhu*.Dollar.* ajonr, inrutwiru* t orTVvo P.'llAiA Juul Fifty IVnt.-, if pavJ tbent ir» liflriM'.t. Ai»VKkiriskMisNTK will bo iiiMjrlod fit tho rain of Oiiu IK>llnr j»or inch fOT first .insertion nu.l Fifty «.'onts f'U* ca«li eubsaqnoiit insertion. G^fnitlv ro<tui«xl rates will Ijvi aivon to tlvvitf wlib ad vertigo by tho <^3Xtur or by ui<- vtpi. _ "A ij oUitlijiry tiotlros, ?iv*\ttes of respect, unrt other matlor of '& £7)fson*l or privn'x* nature will Im> charged fur at the U>U;il advertising rates, Noihiug which m«v l»e written, tn mal- aluill dppoar In thono. columns at any ! Wfr*3' -V j <^uf Job De^ittmeiK ** w<*U »n\i>pliod wiih material for Jobl WrtfH,. ana oar iv&ortmont of ih-w .jol>| \y|M» fc»a» good us can be t'onml in -any j ««>uiurv otheo. Tho J'roprictor is a prsu-! tioal_ printer find v'ill give his personal j attention to tlijs class of Avork. Onr Work (V)ini«riK fiivdriilily with tl »» Katiio cI<v<m of work pxecuttnl anywhiw, ami always put£t tho lowast living rates. -* Wednesday, D^c. 27,187G. j Arc we in n Ktute of I'euce T Or, j 1) oes ^Vur Actually Kii.t in Abbeville Cmurty t The Radical >h*<rroos anil their white j "? )..>vku\.l i Ul t\S (>i CI lib V Ulllll \ , H lUlimiJMinnii here, are niHkiii£ strenuous otftirtH t<» inukc iMk; O'onjjreKsionnl Committee liow.in-Col'iinbin, believe llmt neither a giihite nor u colored Republican'* Iffie .»« safe'in Abbeville Comity. A fe>w';plftiu statement of-facts may not beaiuifbs tjusi now. ran? rfi usr man *wno i^st jrrs upk iipfbirf County aftorfhc war was James McCIintnn, an iuoflensivo white man wtfio v"iw wantonly murdered Iry neproL*e «Vh HaHkWt'^ plantation, "in the FJatWoods. TlteHft ntugroes «K?ero refugees from I'he -coast and were here wiheu emancipated. Tkry, after the murder, returned to their old )minus, unWlnoue-r.f t*hem have ever been ar*ortk(f«'L After thi* occurrence but few «urdurb«of any k-iml were committed «mti the.ywr«*»f 380S, when perhaps flftoen pbn-oM.slo-t their lives 'irv yioj.knok 3n,this Oerwnty. Home of thewo murders of course onenrrOd an killings »u»y ooeur in any country even in liu*e* wf the profoundest peace. Then lbe<iovcmnient was in tne transition from its rightful owners into the bunds of the recently emancipated *hives, whose ignorance of their duty ats free citizens cannot lie understood 4»v strangers, when they supposed their enfranchisement nave them tl»«« riL'lit to run rough shod over their former mnstors, while they apparently .thought the whites had few rights which they were Itouud to resect. This condiiion of tilings irritated the ;great heart of the country, and various negroes and ltadicnl white men lost their lives at the hands of the incensed white Democratic citizens. JVirhajw of the FIFTKKN MKN KU.T.KD In this County during thatyoar, threefourths of that number may be set down as political murders. Jo addition to these inurdors during that year it is just to mention that perhaps a dozen negroes wt-ru wim{>j»-u mui-i <rented by unknown persons, but sup-] ]witso;l to be Democratic white men. THE LAST RADICAL -who lost'his life for political reasons -was the negro whom young iUack jthot ut Diamond Hill in November, J.H70.more than six yearn ayo. Since ikon, as fur as wo are informed, no Jiopublican bus lost bis life nt the J winds of a Democrat In consequence of his politics. Two years ago, however, Mr. John Lyon, while under the influence of liquor, in a settlement juul butdnews transaction in his store, (* >bot and killed a negro who iusultcd Jiini. This is the last negro who ha#* 3<»*tjhis life in Abbeville County at ihe bands of u white man for any cause. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Since the war, the whites have, as a rule, treated the blacks kindly. They have furnished the moro reliable of] them with homes by selling them! lands, horses and cattle on a credit to enable them to start life ttu their own account, and in very few instances ."have the whites been exacting of these ( creditors, as the r««eortls of the Sher411's ofttoe will show. To offset the hundreds of kindnesses j the whites have extended to the ne-1 ;groen in tho p«»st year, they have, with THE INCENDIARY'S TORCH, 'Inirnt, nt a low estimate, tw< i»iiti«itocJ j $ .and lifty thousand dollars worth of; jir«)|H>rty belonging to the white peo-' jde of Abbeville County. To undetake to estimate Hie amount wl»»*.!.» they have stolen from the whiter cows mid hogs, together with their numerous abstractions froin our m-at houses and corn cribs would be n .iapendous job. Their career of crime lias cost the white Democrats of this County for Court and prison fee^ in jtuniHhing captured black criminal*' an amount ranging from $3,<>00 to £5,000 annually, while we have yearly paid into the Treasurer a large amount to maintain the public schools; about 000 of which annually went to | KDirCATK NK<JKO CHILDRKN.' Owing to the dinorder and want of the proper restraining influence of the law the itadieal negroen home *ix montlm ago, murdered the Harmons, (white Democrats.) Kinee then four! Radical negroes murdered Mr. John Burt Jtiley, (Democrat.) During the recent campaign a Radical negro at < Jroenwood stabbed and killed Winston Arnold, one of the bust and most iiighty rcf?}>ected negroes in thcCounty, because lie declared himself a Demo-! crat. lieccntly nineteen Radical uegroes conspired to kill the white men of Lowndesville and .then sack the town?. Their plan of death and destruction succeeded in no fur ns the killing of Mr. Clayton Allen and the wounding of Mr. ]laker, (J*»tli white Democrats.) Rust Week Mr. Willis IjOgan, » Democrat, was shot by n ltadical negro, while standing ftround I ,a fire in the yard at ni^lit. Since ~ then two other Democrat* have bt>en «hot at hy Jtndiettl nt^nn'S. Ah far «us we remember, Just now, wo have stated ALT. TUB FAOTS on both flhhn, ant! have entlcnvored *tat« tliem fairly. We would ask, in candor, which party appears hi more! -tlanger fropi the oilter? The I>emo-erata have committed no ]Nditical murder for six years, while (he liadi-j -eal negroes of this County have kill-; cd ilve Democrats within tiie past six months. 1 f we have not the matter fairly, we | ask to he competed. Will the Congressional Committee' please ciMpiireof W. Ji. Heard as to the trwth of the abovo statements? Will Ik; hIso W good to explain to them what he knows about burning Georgialiarnn? If he would wxnlain to thom liis reason fr>r^ea\ing KW««rt County n frw years ago, it would he interesting. Wonderful Succcm. Jt Is rcj>oTted that BohcIki-'h -Oer-i titan Hymp'hju* Mince its introduction j in the United fttnton, reached the immense Hide-of 40,000 -dozen "j«»r your. Over 6.00# J>cuggiKthave ordered .this medicine direct from th« Factory, at YVoodktrry, N.J., and not one iia» rejw>rk«d » Kindle failure, hut-overy letter speaks < / (Of astonishing success in euring sevwe<2«UKhH, Colds M illed on Hie Breast, <V>HSHlitptlon,or any di*ea«0 of t-ko TUroat and I.ungs. We advise Auy jietstui that ha* any predisjimitWMl in weak Lungs, to go to I heir J>rnK#>iM"1*4* T- IVnney, and get this Medicine, <0"Hwyuife about it. Jugular slae. -cents; Haniplc tHottle 10 «cen^; 'IHvo d«»*es will relieve any case. Don't n^lcct_your cnugh. tf The Charleston Uv8i>l(itiuiii<."IiCl us Hold a >lass .tVeting on fcale Hay* The citizens t»f Charleston are always <n time and never fear to spe.-Vk C^t. ]lcIo'\r we give somercs<v-j hiti'*ns wliieti were parsed I»y n mass in 11 ilx.-rniaii 1 lull <>n Thursday Ia>t. They are right, ami if we J are true t«>ourselves and true t<> our] standartk-Lonrer we endorse the resolutions. "Why n.»t let lis hold n iiiuks niot'Lili^ on Sale I>uy uml make an exVU'jwion of o«if djleiuiiualiou to support Hampton and proclaim our determination l<> refuse anycouuteimnee or support to the usurper: /Ctjiolvf-U, TtiiM the Conservative citizens ol Charleston, Heniocrats and llopublieans, do recognize Wado Hampton, and none other, as the lawful Coventor of South Carolina. To him alone will they yield, as Coventor obedience and support, and to him they pledge such aid nttd assistance, mora, limtucinl ana muicruti, as may Uel'cquirod lor Hw establishment ami miu»^:c'iuiiicc of tlte-c*ti»Ntilulionnl govonimifitt'H!' which hois the head. A'fenlvul, 'J'liat we recognize W. I>. Simpson, and uuno-»Uher, as the lawful LieuteuanMSovrmor of South Carolina; and that we recognize the House of which the lion. \V. 11. WaJ-j luce is SjK.-akeraK the "legally constituted Uow.-*» <f Representatives" off South Carolina. jtt*fhxU, That D. II. Chamberlain, having l>eon defeated at the polls as aj candidate for re-election, and placed in office,<npon the declaration ol' tin illegal General Assembly, hy the tinwarrantable use of niiliiary foreu, is regarded by us as an usurper, and we iierewvow our unchnugahle resolution never to recognize bint as Governor, and our inflexible determination to repudiate his every not, and every act of Hie pretended Lieutenant-Governor, and every act of the pretended General Assembly, as being without authority of law, iiullaii'l void. JUft'tlvul, That while we, by these resolutions, assert our riyht and determination to be governed only by the ollleers whom tin; majority of the peo- j pie ht.vu chosen, and while we are tixed in the purpose to oppose | to tin* uttermost. tho efforts of! i....i |,;U If. 11, I UailllH'l litwi mm mo, associates U> usurp tlio functions of! government iu this Stale, wo ex press- j ly disclaim any intent to resist the ex-j until ion of the processes of the United j Stales Courts, however harsh they seem, or to resist, under any circumstance, the military force of the,United States. Jtcsulvui, That the protended gov-; eminent of wliii*h i). II. I'humbcrJaiu J is the head, has no power, force or au-j thority in South Carolina save what is. given to it hy the continuous support' and actual use of United Suites troops. It is the creature of political fraud and! armed force. Without that armed force, it is as impotent as it Is audacious { and unlawful. «VB>> Tho Proposed Tm--IIow Should it! be Levied f Tho following reroluilon was adopted, on Friday last, by the Houae of Uepresentati vo»: JiCHdlvul, That It bo, and it is hereby, referred to the discretion of Ids Excellency Governor Hampton to determine in what installments, and at what times, the contribution asked for thCHiipport of tho Government, in » ». . i . ) till? rtSOIUllUIIS licrciuioii* nuumiwu by llio Co'uuiitteeon Ways and Mean* ami adopted by tlic House uf Representatives, shall he paid. Tho t>ro]x>Hi*(i levy or contribution wan to h»> twenty-five per cent. of ih<> State and County tax paid in 1K7o-7i>, and, if fully collected, would realize ^liw),(H»D or* which in more than they can see any presHing need I fur. Wo are exceedingly gratiliod, therefore, nays the (Jmritxtuii .V«o« and Courier, to find that it has been left to Uovernor Ilampton to detorminc how the tax orcontribution shall be paid. Our own view is, that tho tax .should be exceedingly small so us to encourage prompt puvment, and that ihe rateof tax should be expressed in mills instead of in a percentage uponi a previous tax. We arc confident that, if Governor Hampton calls for a contribution of one mill uimui the assess-! i'd value of tho real ami personal prop-j :tlwivn ii' i I! I iu n | » JIY III HIV -l.iw, «... .v. , »uul general response. Tiiies tax should realize from $100,000 to $130,(K)(i, and no estimates have been |»nhlishcd lo show that more than this is needed. The time within which the tax should he paid can be made short. Thirty days will he long enough. We think, also, that there should not be any expense of collection. In u word the object must he to «<ee how much can benaved to the public' and not what can be spent. .The backward step of tho llonse of Representatives, in the matter <>f pay, Is a wise one. That body has been in session about twenty-four days, including Sundays. Not a fraction of a cent more than three dollars i: day ought to be paid to a Reform Legislature. Seventy-live dollars each ivould-have been an outside allowance, and the public winced when they saw their representatives presenting themselves four hundred each, for three weeks' work, when there was not a copper in the treasury. Correspondence. State ok South Cakomna, } KXKf'UTIVK ClIAMBI'It, > C'om'moia, h. (J., December IK, IK70. j Kik: As Governor of South Carolina, chosen by the people thereof, I »c*ve qualified in accordance with the Constitution, and 1 hereby call upon, you asvjiny predecessor in the office, to deliver up to me the great seal of State, together with the possession of Uie Wtateiiou.se, mo puuuc rccm-us ami all *other matters and things appertaining to said office. lUs*pect fully, vonr obedient Hcrvnnt, \V A in:* JI a m m in . (lovo riior. To D. II. ('hamberlain, Ksq. Chamberlain's reply was as follows: State or South Cakomna, ] Kxkcutivk Cha.mim:k, [ Coi.i'MMA, December IK, 1H7A. ) Sir: i have received the communication in which you call upon me to deliver up to you the great seal of the State, etc., etc. I do not recognize in you any right to make the foregoing demand, and I hereby relusc compli-l anee therewith. 1 uiij sir, your obedient servant, J), il. (,'llAMJIKItl.AIN, Governor of Mouth Carolina. To Wade Jlempton, Ksq. The indications now are Uuat the battle is fairly ojK'iied in earnest. *"l/»i'<»nmr Hamilton is nnrsuilur his old plan of lutlie by an attack nil along the line. The following circular letter has been sent out to-day, addressed to prominent citizviia in every county of the .State: Hilt: lwllltluuik you to give me at your earliest opportunity the full' mimes of the j>ersona in your county now lilling the following olllces: County Treasurer, County Auditor, I County Clerk of Court. County Slier-1 iff. County 1'robato Judge, School Commissioner, Jury Commissioner, ElroUuii Commissioner, County Commissioners and Triul Justices. Should any of the above olllces tilled by an incompetent person or I»y any one refusing id acknowledge the lawful government, you are requested to suggest the mime of the citizen best fitted to till the office. As these appointments are of vllal importance to the welfare of the SUte, I urge upon you to submit the numeM of none hut those possessing undoubted" ability and integ-| rity, prepared to actively support and energetically carry out m11 the much needed reforms to which we ure sol-l cmnly pledged. In the i>erfowimnce of this task, ! success depends upon the support of! the j>eople, and J confidently anneal to! Mini r i.utrioliuiu .....I iugs eause them to sucrve from the! line of public duty which they have hitherto so faithfully pursued. ~ Very resperlfully, Wadk I [ami ton, v (governor. The nklimishing Is now fnirly over, and the battle begun in good earnest. The general impression seems to be that the matter will be decided wtm*Tmn*B*smJVKamaswuK&M* * » ^jmnnn<mt#i oiio way or the other within ten days. Chamberlain is endeavoring evi- ilently (o recover the disadvantage he has suH'cred ho far l»y his defensive aetion by attempting to assume tlie offensive. The way in wliieh lie doc* this i.s unfortunate fur him, as it consists in the Iiili now ponding for Unarrest and punish of Democratic ollieials. Tliin attack is to Ito made on the Democrats strongest point.their physical force.and will doubtless be defeated. U;i;nors [irevaii of violence being attempted .Saturday, but the Democrats are ready to defeud themselves. Metbodiit Confuroucu Appointments. f?ir\ui.esto»j District.T. IS. Wan- nammcku, 1*. k. Charleston.Trinity, J. A. Porter, llothel, W. II. Fleming. iSpringStreft.il. L. Harper. Rcrkloy circuit, S. i). Vaughan. Cainhoy circuit anil mission, L. C. Loyal iindO. N. Roundtrce. Cypress circuit, (r. H. Poozer. Summe.rvillo circuit ami mission, J. C. UlUWiill. St. 1*11111 Mission, St. tJcor^e'H circuit, 1*. 1'". Kistlcr. ]{nmbcrg circuit, VV. P. Mouaon. Colleton circuit, C. (VFiahburno. Walterboro circuit, J. f*. Silly. Allendale circuit, J. 15. Massebeau. Rlaok Swamp circuit, L. (3. Walker. Yi'inasseccircuit, IJ. (I. Jomw. Uardeevillo circuit and mission, J. (J. Rissell. ouancriiiuito District.W. Martin, P. E. Orangeburg station, S. A. Weber. Orangeburg circuit, 1). D. Dantzler. P.ranehvillu circuit, Thomas Raysor. Providence circuit, Wm. llutto. St. Matthew circuit, J. II. Zimmerman. Upper St. Matthew circuit, M. L. Hanks, Upper Orange circuit, A. R. Danner. Kdisto circuit, I>. J. Simmons. Kdisto mission, M. M. Ferguson. Oralmm circuit, A. J. Cauthen. Wiiliwton circuit, M. A. Mclvibbon. Ellcnton circuit, R. H Jones. Aiken mission, S. II. Hrowno. j Graniteville and J4angley mission, J. J I. Campbell. CoLL'MHIA DlKTHKT..E. J. MliYKAUmu, 1'. E. Washington Street, J. T, Wightman. Marion Hlreet, J. Walter Dickson. Columbia circuit,T. W. Muuncrlyn. Winnsistro station, CJ. W. Walker. j-'airlleJcl circuit, J. M. Boyd, A. C. Walker. (;ht;Hter station, J. E. Carlisle. West Chester circnit, M. II. l'ooser. East Chester circuit, J. W. Kelly, W. W. Williams. lloek Hill circuit, It. W. Tinrher. Yorkville station, W.H. Martin. York circuit, JL. A. Johuttoii,supernumerary. Lexington circuit, 0. D. llowoll. Lexington Fork circuit, J. E. Watson. Lccsville circuit. T. J. Clyde. Kdgelleld circuit, »S. Leard, ri.OlCKM'Ji DIHTCICT.W. ('. 1'OWKII, 1\ E. Florenoo station, A. J. BtaHord. Liberty CliajK-'l, \V, i). Kirkland. Darlington station, J, (). Wilison. Bociety Hill circuit, W. L. lY^nes. Darliniftcii circuit, L. M. 1 lamer. Lower Darlington circuit, K. T. flodgcH. l.'Ueraw Rtation, \Y. Thomas Timmonsvllle circuit, U. II. "Wells, A. C. Le(lette. Lynchburg circuit, J. H. IMatt, North Williamsburg circuit, J. 8. lieasley. Kingstree station, 1). Tiller. I'.iack Kiver circuit aud mission, II. J. Morgan. (iourdin circuit utid mission, H. L. Dufllc. Samjiit circuit. H. Unsown Tl row no. Georgetown station, W. 'I'. Capers. Johnsonvilie circuit, (>. W. (iatlin, Lynch's ('reck circuit and mission, J. U. Counts. St'iiTEU Distiuct..A. M. CIIHIKTZjnuui, P. 1£. Sumter station, K, N. Wells. Bum ter circuit, J. C. Biol I, Felix L. Hart in. llishopvillo olrouU, J. T. Kilgo. ('anuleu station, (J. W. Whitmaii. Manning circuit, I>. J. McMillan. Ban tee circuit, J. L. Bhuford. ilichland Fork circuit and mission, L. M. Little. Hanging Hock circuit, W. II. Kirton. Chesterfield circuit, J. W. Murray. Lower Chesterfield circuit, \V. J I. Ariail,%S. Jones, supernumerary. Lancaster station, W. A. Rogers, /our circuit aud mission, to be sujh plied by C. A. l'lylcr. Fort Mills circuit, J. L..Stokes, J. J?\ England, sui»ermunerury. Mauion Dibtkivt..II. A. C. WALKKH, r. E. Marion station, A. J. Ktoko». Marion circuit, J. W. MeRoy, Jiuuk S\vaiu[> circuit, t?. J. Hill, A. it. Leu. Little Rock circuit, 1«\ Auld, J. R. Little, Hiiuernunieiary. fSouih Marlboro circuit, CI. T. llaruiaii. UciMicttMville circuit, Thou. Mitchell T. E. Clilbert. North Marlboro circuit, J. C. Davi«. W'accaiuaw circuit and mission, W. Cargo u. Little River circuit and tni&slon, I). W. Si-alc. liuckuville station, J. W. Wolling. Conwayboro station, 1j. Wood. Conwayborocircuit and ntinsion. to be supplied by L. Scarlmro. l'co Dee circuit uiui mission, I. J. Newberry. Sl'AKTANltrilO District.II. M. Mood, 1\ K. Spartanburg station, J. M. Carlisle. I nion HtalioM, A. H. Lester. Cherokee circuit, J. K. Smith. Cane Creek circuit, I). Z. Dautzler. JouchvHIc circuit, < 1. M. Lloyd. tJohhcn iiill circuit, Jt. li. Da^naU. Laurenscircuit, J. A. Mood, A. (J. (lantt. Limestone Spring* circuit, J. II. Wilson. Black Btation circuit, E. L. Archer. Clinton circuit. \Y. W. Jones. Itchnont circuit, W. W. Mood. (iowansville circuit, 11. M. itoozer. Jiich Hillcircuit, A. 1'. Avant. W. Smith and W. VV. I)uncan, Professors in WoJUutl'College. A. M. Shipp, i'rofewbor YanderbiJt University. Jt. C.Oliver, Sunday School Ajront. r. M. Kennedy, Kuilor S. C. Advociitc. Cokkkihuv District.M. Brown, J'. E. Cokonbury station, K. I). Smart. (Jokenbury circuit, \V. A. Clarke, E. G. Price. Abbeville station, W. S. Wigbtnmn. AbUwill^ circuit, N. K. Melton. South Abbcvillc.circuit, 8.1'. II. Klwoll. Lcnvnilcscille station, W. II. Lawton. Tumbling Shoals circuit, J. IJ. Traywick. Greenwood circuit, 11. P. FriUKks, Lcroy E. ifceaty. .Newberry station, i;. j-i. I'riicnara. ' Newi»orry circuit, T. G. Herbert, J. W. Ariail. North Newberry circuit, J. W. Humbert. Saluda cJrcuit, J. A. (Ilfton. Gkkknvillg DiBTKitrr.0. A. Dabhv, r. K. Greciiviilo station, A. (Joko Smith. Greenville circuit, A. W. Johnson. Kcidvilie circuit, J. K. McCain, J. F. Mozingo, J. A. Wood, 8ui>eruumurary. Fork flhoalH circuit, J. Finger. Williamston station, S. Lander, lirutiliy Creek circuit, J. J. Workman. Anderson station, II. F. ChrletzIterg. Anderaon circuit and mission, A. Ervin. Shallow Ford circuit, T. I*. Phillips. Handy Springs circuit, J. Attawuy. Pendleton cilcuit, S. li. Jones. Pickens circuit, A. \V. Wulker. ...... i.iiuuiKi, li* \f Morrift I iv IV 1*1 in Uili^oiwn, AJ. WnlLmlia andBeneca City circuit, J. J, Neville. < Oconee inifwion, W. 1\ Mondora. "Wcstmlubtor circuit ami mission, C. D. Mhiiii. Williamson Female College, B. Lnndor, l're*ident. j Transferred.<i. F. Round to N. C. ] Conference, and U. B. iiiid lo Florida I Conference. t nf j rnv«f** ****"'' A. Morrow, ot Penney's Creel I1V AX KX-AnilEVILLIAN OF OVBtt FORTY YEARS. This writer underithe invitation and privilege accorded to him in tlio I'rcttg mid J tanner, takes tliii. occasion to call L<> the recollection of a few and to introduce to thin goueraliona neigh- licrlKMxi nmii of tiie i>;iht und a perioral friend to all. 'Above you havo his name as he signed it. Ho \riw probably born, lived and dictl on bin native heath. His life-long business as I knew it and beard of it was Justice of tiie Peace and tschoolinuster. He did not carry the latter with the eagle swoop or Baker, but kept close to the ground teaching reading, wnting, ciphering and grammer a lew. Merchants and their ck'rks knew but little of hi in. His hat was a neat fur of Heaaley'ts make, hia bhoes made nearer home and bis suit at home. On the whole bis appearance was plain genteel. He was large about the shoulders and stooped; had a hir^o wellformed bead, with nothing eo striking as a pair o. sparkling eyes, lie usually visite<1 tlur Court J louse four times a year ami always on public days ami not likely to be known except to public men ; and when bo caino lie didn't hitch a* usual in "those days" to a I....... K,.t I.in. tr, linut. juii5u iai;iv, <;ui iuhiuvu *»#»»* tw uwn»ler; be didn't bring a cold snack in his pocket, but nought the beat hot dinner to be had ; mid aboveim things did ho enjoy a good joke side-shaking to himself and others, and a brandy ioddy at a lire-aide, lie always made one trip year to Augusta, (had no use for Hamburg,) to lay in his your's supply of groceries, not forgetting to bring bin girls nice dresses and tho lineal bonnets, and bis son Albert Gallatin, whoso bones lie numbered among the lost "Palmetto's" in Mexico, wore the finest, and for himself a keg of the best brandy ; and to besuro of it he tasted well before he trusted. I have often lau^htii at his relation of "a sampling" ami tho moral ho drew from it. Ho stood in tho most approved house and asked for tho best and tasted it at $5.00, but be thought a puro article at less price might answer, and ho tasted at $3.60, which he detected as not genuine. Observing that the salesman commenced praising tho latter the moment it touched his lips, an explanation of which the Squire asked, and was thus answered : "My friend, that first brandy speaks for itself, but the last requires all Hie praising we can give to get it ofT." He took at $5. The Squire also generally made Edgefield Court House und (j lover's Hotel his second night's point, and on arriving there one cold afternoon he found Hilling around the bar fire quite a number of well-dressed gentlemen discussing questions and a liquid compound uf lemons, sugar, imported Irish whiskey and native hot water', and it was not Ioiik before the Squire Wiis indulging on his own cull some of the latter, which lie repeated when they did. One of the subjects these locals discussed in order was (he Florida war, for it was in the winter of 1*41-2, when I lie proposition of Gen, Worth to out squat or squat out the enemy was debating in Congress and the Press. Now, the Squire was not tho man to sit with two toddies and hour evervthimr and shv nothing, so after a wliilu he proposed to give his opinion to even utrang^rs, when a huge Hum who luul not before observed him, mid oven then did not pco his eyeH, looking 011 him scornfully and gruffly, remarked, "What the hell «i<» uou know about the Florida war." This shot stunned the Abbeville man, and tool; his breath for several minutes, hut lie recovered slowly, and remembering to have heard of a very large public man of that locality, after balancing and squaring himself, lie addressed the largo hitler thus: Are not you Major Jeter who represents tl>is District in tiio State .Senate?" and being answered in the affirmative, continued slowly, "I have often heard of you, Major, as ajgeiitleruau of ability and carrying much weight in the legislature. At this the Major crossed his legs, threw his body back, placed his thumbs in thearm-holes of hinvest and with a smile on*his face and a slight wabble of tiie head, replied, "well as to that 1 cannot say, but my friends Hatter me that I am not without iutliier.ee there;" to which the Abbeville man replied with quickness, warmth and emphasis ami eyes ot. him : "I don't mean mental weight, Major Jeter, but damned nog weight." | This allot brought the Edge Meld 31crcuIch to 11ih hands and knees, and lie arose in the attitude for tight, hut the Himpkinscs and Jhicond interposed, domanded the Kquire'snanieand address instantly, and within one minute and a half had a general shako of hands all mound and tlic Squire eentcnced to two days imprisonment with hoard aud numerous toddies at their expense, In whieh the Major hore liis full share. Squire Morrow was a Nullifier, one of the earliest and latest aud from the j crown of his head to the sole of his foot. One of his neighborn, u perverse fellow, didn't vote "right," much to! the grief and mortification of the! Squire. This same fellow waked the J Sijuiroup oncrainy night to get a rivet, which he declined to give him, until assured by the purty of the second; part that she was u Nullitler. On tliin assurance a light was struck mid the> narties invited in and asked to stand before him with left hands joined and: right arms perpendicular with handsj upwards, after which ho administered j the following ceremony: "You and each of you do .solemnly swear that you will support, protect and defend the Constitution and tltate government of South Carolina against all enemies foreign or domestic, and trim allogi-j ance bear to tlie same; and that you will, forsaking all others, support and cherish each other in sickness and in health, for better or for worse : no help you Clod." After the distinct answers 'I do," lie pronounced : "Co in peace, j and may the blessing of Cod rest upon you and all regular Nullillers. may brotherly lovo prevail and every moral,« social and political virtue cement us. s<» mote it be." The .Squire had no further trouble after that in getting his neighbor to vote "right." * * * Pardons Kefused. 'l'hcannexed doeumant speaks for itself: offk'k 8. C. Penitentiary, Coi.i'MItl A, 8, Dee. 20, 1H71I Cfmrh-H ./. JUilibitt, F.xq. : Hut.I have this day received from j uti rt:i uu n vi uvuiiiiiuiiui uv i scribed ill your letters of advice uc- j companyin^ the Himie, us, respective-! ly, "a pardon of I'eter .Smith, convicted of burglary and larceny at tbuj January (1874) term of Court for Ab-i beville County, and sentenced to ten; years' imprisonment in the penitonti-j ary," and "pardon for Jobn J'wlton, convicted of manslaughter, and hcii-j tcneed to imprisonment in the peni-1 tcntiary for years." These pa-| pera bear tlie signature of "J). Jl. Chamberlain as Governor of the Slate of Bouth Carolina." Having been informed that very grave doubt exists as to what is my duty in the premises, arising from the fact that it is a disputed question as to who is legally ontitled to recognition as Governor, I deem it pro|ier to withhold any action upon these papers until the question involved can be passed ujkmi by some competent judicial tribunal. Very truly yours, Thbopohk W. Parmei.e, Superintendent. Apsoonay it was ascertained Iimt Col. J'armele had refused to net upon the pardons sent him, tho prisoners employed Messrs. Lytes and Hloan, who sued out a writ of Jfabnm (.'urjnis before Judge Carpenter, which wan matle retuviialde on Saturday. Tho return to the writ will lie mode hy Mr. K. J. Maxwell, iw counsel for Col. rarmole. < The question for decision will In thej validity of these pardons, which will] also bring up the question before a Uirc.uit Judge an to who Is Governor »f Bouth Carolina. Do the figures, "77" stond, after tour riante 011 the pnper? Jf not 8ee * :o It at once. Don't lot the l'ost M«h.i.t know that you are behind with he printer. U i'nm mimm an.« Opinion of Judge Cooke oil Commissions ol° County OiOcinls. [CouimuuloutlonH to tlie (! recti vlllo News, iH'combor 11).] Among the recently eJuetcd county otllcialri, there suetus to lie soijio ditt'erL'lico of opinion as to whom they should take their commlssiond from. And inasmuch n.s 1 have been frequently inked what nlmll we do, I would stiy to till portions interested, that the popular vote of the fcjtute nhown that Governor Hampton litis been duly elected Governor, and tlmt he qualified aa such on the 14th iustant. 1 should not receive or qualify I ni.t. ..ft.,... II11U or u uuilliiuasiun Hutu un^ wnt> person. if eoniuii:HionH wore for- warded prior to the 14th instant to any person by Chamberlain, I should not huwitate to qualify, for he was Uovernor until the J4tli, on which duy Governor Hampton qualified, Yours truly. r. H. COOKE. o Christmas in Duk Wkst..College exercises was suspended in Duo West two days for Christmas.Monday and Tuesdays. On Monday night there was to bea-Jteeeption at the Fein ulcC'ollcgc, unit on Tuesday night n Concert by thoCoruet Jiand.vOn Friday night a Cantata will bo given by the young ladies of the Female CofIego. A little fellow a few Sundays ago bung his flocking up in the hope that Santa C'laus would anticipate the time. The old fellow put in nothing but a three foot switch with the promise to do "better on Chrietmaa morning," if ho was a good boy. "Why sutler with a bad cold If one bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will euro a cough of the worst kind. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup sold for 2"» cents per bottle, or five bottles for $1.00, in every respectable drug store in the United States. "hotic e. Will bo Sold by the Undersigned at Abbeville Court House on Sale Day Tie First Monday in January M THAT trivet of land in Abbeville County oji Little Jtiver containing Fivo Hundred and FortyFive Acres more or less, hounded by lauds of tho estate of Jumoi T Jjit/tlcll deceased, Leroy Wilson and others. ^Assigned to iik! for iiikvniont of rlehLq. J V Tennu of Hull*-. One-half of the pmehaso money to bo paid incauli, and the halanoe, on a credit of twelve mouths, with intercut ut toil per cent, per annum, to 110 neouml by bond with jiers«mill tjoourity, and u mortgage of tb»? promiK'rt. WOLF ROSENBERG, Assignee of G. A. VISANSKA. Dec. 20 187(5. CALL ON McDonald & Haddoii For Christmas Tricks. Call 011 McDonald & Haddon FOR FRESH Cosfectionarics ail Groceries. All Goods sold at the Lowtst Price fftti mem run wish. pec. 20th ].S7«. Mrs. Ramey JNFORMS her friends thai who will open u ]i(JTJ£L» in the Dendy llotiK! ou thi' fust tif January next, and requests a share of luitrouugo. Doc. -'I), ]«7(i. $25 Reward. ON the flight of Monday tho of October, my dwelling wns entered and a trunk containing a tine hunting case gold watch, a gold vest chain, one long llille pistol, and one smooth horod pistol with one Hide of stock made of walnut, and silver mounted, a large pocket knife with two blades, with tho cut of a lion oil one blade, a silver half dollar, which has had letters cut across the face by a silver smith. W r 1, LI A M J10 HEJITSON. Donaldsvillo, Nov. lHth 1S76. tf. SUN"' 1877." " NEW YORK. 1S77The different editions of The Run during llic next year will In- the sirno us during tlie year that has jusf passed. The dully edition will on week day;s be u shout of lour pa^es, and on Sundays a sheet, of oijjht pages, or 5t> broad columns; while the weekly edition will bonshootoi' ei^ht pai<es of the same dimensions and character that ure already familiar to our friends. ThoA'uu will continue to bo tho strenuous udvoculc of relorin and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, und Intcjxrlty for hollow pretence, imbecility and fraud In lite administration of public affairs. Jt will coiiieiid for the jioverument of tin: people by the people and for the people, as opposed to uovorriment by frauds In tho nalloi-uox una 111 me ciiiiiiiuiKoi voicn, enforced liy military violence. It will emleavor to supply Its readers.u body now not fur from a million of souls.witli llic most careful, com plclc, and trust worthy accounts of current events, and will employ Cor this purpose ft numerous and carefully selected ."Uitt* of reporters and correspondents. I |«s reports from Washington, especially, \\^J he full, accurate, iiml fearless; ami It \wll doubtless contlnuo to deserve and enjoy tin* hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or hy usurping what I hi- law does not give them. while It will endeavor lo merit the contidenco of the puhlie hy defending the rights of the people against tliu eneroaehmxiilKof unjustified power. The" priee of the daily «SVm will lie .15 cents a month or jfii.fin a year, post paid, or with the. Sunday edition S7.7(» a year. 'J'lie Sunday edition alone, eight pages, 81.Ji a year, post ]iaid. 'J'liu W'crtdH Mini eight pnjrcs, of .V. hrnnd columns, will he furnished during l?>77 at the rate of $1 a year, post paid. Tin; hoAotlt of tlild large reduction from the previous rale for The IfVrA/;/ can he enjoyed hy Individual subscribers without the necsftsily iif making up cluhs, Al the same time, If any of our friends ehoose to aid In extondIiik our circulation. we shall he grateful to them,and every such person who sends us ton or more subscribers from ono place will lie out Itled to one copy of tho paper for hlmself without charge. At one dollar a year postage paid, the expenses of paper ami printing are lmrrly repaid- and, considering the sixoof tho sheet and the quality of Its contents, we areconfident. the people will consider The H'rcklt/ .Vim tho cheapest newspaper puhlislicd In the world, ami we trust also ono of tho very host. Address. TJirC SUN New York City, N. Y. THE PEOPLE'S STORE,! At No. 1 Granite Range, i Abbeville C. E., 8. C. A.n Invitation to A ll. COME nn<l examine my Stock, (I will mako it to* your interest,) consisting in part of Alpacas, Calicoee, Bleachcd, Unbleached nnd Chocked Homasiiinis. « Ofr@14e. per y:ir«l, Woolen Jeans, per yard. KIIOKH, JiOO'J'B, JI ATS, i lUCADY-MADK CLOTJUNO, liACON, 1 FLOU11, SUGAR, !' COFFEE, AND IlICE. " TIipbo poods were bought at the low- ( i\st figures, and 1 will soil them cheap i for OASJF. ( J also buy and fhip cotton. E. A. MARS, i Non. 27, JK70, 3m ; Safes. i ktrvt'iinaT?n a ten mat 1 IZS HA FES, juwt to iwuul nt L J.'l). CilALiiEUS & C'O. Oct. JS7«, tf imm.rain ANNUAL REPORT Of Tho Rnarrl nf flnnntv nnnimissinnfirs UUU1U \Jk UUU41J WUmiUiUUiUUUiU Of Abbeville County. Tho Hoard of (,'ouuty Commissioners bog leave respectfully to make their aunnal report with exhibits showing thoir receipts ami expenditures during tho fiscal year, commencing 1st, Nov, 1875, and ending tho 31st, Octobor, 1870. Roads and Urines. J M Trawilt, liridgo at ttrnoks Mill,$165.00 LJ Johnson, Bridgo at MeCauIy'n Mills, ,moo Win Holjortson, Right of Way, 100.00 J V yhrader, Kockov liivor liridgo, 4-ilUH) Win li Brooks, repairs on Bridgo, 10.00 tfura Boyd, repairs on Wardlav/'s bridge,..,., 15.00 .1 V S!!ir"ili>r !iplil(»n.rnrH!iii'Bi'mnlf 9J) (If) G F llnnlett, repairs on bridge, \ 15,1)0 Morrow A Wartllaw, work 011 JCettriok's bridjrc, 7~>.00 Catlcit Corley, bridge dearies Mill, 20.00 It W lladdon, road work, 5,00 F V Cm-,swell, bridge on braneh,,,. 25.00 KW Uuddon, for causeway, 12.50 J C Jlenry, iiuwtliorn bridge, 40.00 .Lis A MeCord, surveying road, 7,00 Sain'lTMundny, bridge T,oiig Cane, 30S.00 Nathan Hanks, repairing bridgos,... J.175 J A Devlin, repairing bridge, 5.00 Reynolds it Morris, TiridgeCnrltail, i>0.00 Bony Williams, building and repairing four bridges, fl5.00 J C Mmiday, <tauseway L'mg CiCne, 20.00 flradlov iV-iay, l'alterson'b biriilge, 850.00 Koynolds A Morris, 20.00 W" A Marion, repairing bridge, Island Ford,., ,... 75.00 John II Jones, Flat (at Fotligrcwa Perry, , 115.00 W O Cromer, bridge repairs, 0.00 S K ilrown, 4.00 J fj I'inson, " 4 8,75 John i; llidlook, for Causeway, 25.00 Iiony Williams repairing llinton's bridge 75.00 J A Pevlin, f<uinber for bridgo, 7,20 Sn;n JJoj'd, ropairs on Ward law's bridge 12.00 M O Taggart, 1 light of W»y, WJ.OO Bony William", lor gully bridge,.., J5.00 liOiiTlDii Korr, work on Causeway, 5.00 James \Vl.ik> repairing roads on Wliito'K placp; 0.00 Bony Williams, repairing bricij^o.Lamb's crook, 6.00 (i II Moore, timbor for Causeway, 4.00 V (jrillin, rupairing bridge, JU.00 Tj J Wilaon, and otliurs ropairlng Fair's bridge. 70.0O J IJ Kay, and others for Causeway at Fair's bridge, 212,.'15 J t-i Kenny, ropairson bridge, 5,00 H L' Smltii, Lai tuber for bridge, 12.00 lj 11 Uu^se!|, Kight of Way, 4|).uo Bony Williams, bridgo oyer Wilson's crook, 80.00 IS I ford Jackson, repairs on White's i)ridgo f>4,00 Tlwa Young, tilling gullv,...... 2S.00 I) K Williams, Lumber for bridges, lid.00 Catlut Uorley, repairs on bridge, Searlas .M i 11 G.S0 J If Jomvt, on road account, 26.00 W N Calliouu, bridge over Sawney's creek, , 25.00 Wliito Bros., on account of ro:ids and bridges, 0.51 Christian it Wilson work bridges, 14,00 \V 11, MeAlistor, repairing bridgo Hi Calhoun's Alills, 20.00 ll'»nos, IJrown it Co., road picks and freight, 41.10 Cowan »t Morrow, repairing bridge, S.lfj Mouy VillianiH, renjuring bri<lfro over Jlardlanor, 20.00 A J ijipJ'H, Lumber f'»r bridge, 11.10 It C lirowiiloo, repairing bridgo (Hawthorn's.) 20.00 C'Atlott Cor ley, repairing bridge* at Hc»:irl(uMills, 20.00 Riliorl J:wUhoii, repairs on bridge,,.. 2.00; 11 A (irillliif building bridge, 10.00 Kllmrl Jackson, repairs on bridge,.. 1 J U MeW'horler, limbor for ivmd,... 2.00 H T Mundav, repairs on road, -1.00 \V II MeAlister, gully bridge, 20.00 Sluplieiisoiijtt I'nrdv, repairs .Martin's bridge lfi.001 John J Lotuax, lilling gully, 10.00j J us Kobertsnji, repairs on Marl ill's bridge, 3.00 A M Hill, hauling bridge timber,... 0.00 W N Culhouu, balance on bridge,... 15.00 Total $3,713.23 Poor Ifouso and Repairs. JaoobMlllcr.MaintonaucePoor.Nov 213.25 ' " 44 *' Due.... 221.30 44 ' " J nil... 107.00 " ' 44 41 Fob... 107.00 " " " " M'rch 212.02 " 44 " April 2ID.00 i « " \ " May.. 20S.H0 44 44 " " Juno.. 200.00 " " " 44 July.. 107.00 44 44 44 44 Aug... 187.25 44 Sept... 187.25 4444 44 44 Oct.... Total $2,210.24 Louvenia Williams, niainleacnaneo of Pauper ehIId, 25.00 (i a Douglass, well nt i'oor J louse,.... 20.70 C \V Crows, pump for I'oor House,!. 14.25 Christian tt Wilson, hauling, 25.00 Ld I'.aUMcIl, cleaning well, 3.50 Sum Joiiliuou, well iixiuri-s, 3.0»> Total $2,337.l»l» Public Building Account. V Hutlor 3.00 10 l'atton, 3.00 J C Womnanskv, 17.30 \V ]losen berg, blankets for jail,...-.... 2U.20 A Keqiiest, blanket* lor jail, l'J.SO J T ltol>orlson, uoxos I'ronntdOiiK'u, l'orker A I'errin, Stationery lor Public oflleos, 2J3.:i£> 11W Jones, 4.00 J> I! Smith, repairs in Troiw. olUcc, M.ooj i; W Jones, iiJHJ II N I'rutt, chairs l'lihlic buildings, 25.00: Wurtllaw A Kilwanls 2.55 A W Wilson <i.20l Parker A IVrrin, books, ami stationery, 48.05 Dul'rc, (J. <tOo., ollioo furniture,.... £>.?<» Miller A Robertson, rent ol' ollicc, 3-1.3.') .) ! 'C J >ul're, stationary for >S C opco VJ.'M A Doqusst, 4.SO If W Lawson, bUitionory, 2.t>7 WKoaenber};,articles for court room 10.00 (I A Douglass A' Co., 2.05 Stun Johnson, <3.00 \V C Monro, repairing chairs, 4.25 11 Jones, 17.i>r» J 1) Chalmers, oiliceckairs, 20.00 It \Y JjUWSOII, AlllJllorsi ollk'C, 10.115; Jacob Kurlz, liimo for Jail, 1, II I'uss»:ll, Postage on Blanks,.... 5J.OO London Mill, Owe lor Treasurer's oltice, 0.00 .Ed Kjvswoll,<:li«ituiix woll at Jail,... 3.00 \V C iMimri', repair. olllco furniture, 3.S0 I, I' Klehie, rqairs on sail, 2.20 I'nrker i* i'crriii, stationery, 3".15 Public IlmldingH nnd Offices. Miller it Robertson, rent of School (,'ommiHsiotior's oiliee 20.K3 J C WnMiiimisky, work on Prohato oilier, 1.00 W A Lee, rent of School ComininHioner's oflleo, 25.00 L II IIuhhoM, stationery Auditor's ofilce, 2.20 J 1) Chalmers, furniture Court room U!.o:> Total ? IIX>. 18 Piollnp Prisoners in Jail. L P Onflin, diHing Prisonon*. Nov lr>9.r.O " " " * " 1;;3.:«V " " " Jan.." 17!UH)j ' " " Feb.... " ' " Ma'eli t2it-2.Hr " ' " " April IM.so! " " «' May.. 151.7(1 " " " " Jump.. 10:I.<H» '"" " J iilv.. 153.W) " 41 " " Aug.. ISf.'.M); " " " " Hop... l!7.SO Shorill' of ltidiland, <1 It'llii{< Jorry t I'oloiiiun, -17.70 Total ?l,i;s0.7"> Convt Expenses. .TANIIAUY TKRM, 187ft. rJrnnd JurorH, ,$llS.0ft 111. 'tiVTt I'nllSlllMl'S, 122.f>0 VVitnitswH 13(1.25 r'oiilinirciil I, 1> litiwio. Clerk Court, 7I.ooj \ lilylho, Solicitor, 145.00 j MAY TE1!SI. Irund J m orn, 117.-10 I'ctit Jurorn, 230.2/> ^on.stabloH, 0«!.00 IVituossos, 345.(15 ;«)nthiKont, 7.00 fj I) Hrmiy, Clork Court, Wi.OO V Ulytho, Solicitor,... 147.50 OCTOnEU TKUJI. Jrnwl Jurors, 1I#.70 Petit JurorH, 203.;if> 'onsUibloH, fil.OO I' iVitnessoH, 71.20'. V 111j tho, Solicitor, 70.00 j i Total ?2,453.f;0 Trial Justices' and tbeir Constables. Till A1/ J UMT1CKS. C K Bruce, 208.20 J It Tarrant, ; 123.(13 It S Beckhlim 108.50 1 11 W Hughs 152.80 S 11 McClinton, 2i).50 J F Culvert, - 11.00 S J3 Qmydon, 55.50 * U C J larkiKws, ....7. 15.00 Juiuos llodgcrrs, 1)1.00 COXSTAIIt&S. \V Y Bavin 20.25 FL Morrow, . 4.00 T A Jcfforson 00.30 A H Grimn 125.05 MuuuhI MoICellor, 4.70 JYL Simmons, 12.10 My Thoiniw, 3.10 Thomiw Jones - 92.85 B WbitlOok, n. . 91.30 Henry Braitr, '>.25 A J Titus, 3.50 (> W fSheujmrd, 8.00 M O Mctiwlan 38.00 A Kllinon, .' 9.10 J W Power, 22.70 P T Richardson, 78.55 W N Purdv 2(5.70 Wm Kill*,.. « !<> J II McClinton l<).2o Isaac Peterson, 11.05 A V Brooks, 108.85 J? IS JJowit* Anron CoU.'inun, L) i* lliuiliull, «V25 Sam Marshall, 2,00 M V Tlirmjilft 2.90 W II Daniels R.<» T J Brough, 81.00 A J Cauthon, 18,s£5 MPLonrd, 0,55! E Lowi-s, 2/J5 Total gi70S.0S I'ott Mortem h nnd Lnnacy. I'HOCKEDTNOS IN t,UN.YCT. Til Milfonl. l'robatc Jmljjo, .... " » »«. V ' 0.00 « m « w « 6.00 PIiyWCTAN'fl CKCTIFICATI2 OK LUJIAUY. ur v « Uiiixu, I)r John l!o/.uuuui, 5.00 l)r J 1) Neill , 6.00 !ir J I[ JcunliifjH, 6.00 fir W h Tomuloton 5.50 Dr J VV W Maiyhnll, 6.00 J'OST MOltTKM KXAt 1.NATION. Dr J 11 lloll, 10.00 CAHKYING LUNATXCa TO AMY I.I'M. J R lionl, LW.0O JamoH Uoilyon, 10.00 L. X' UuUiu, sheriff, . S-tliii Total.,., $125.75 Printing Account. Leo it Wilson, County Printing, 109.50 I loin phi 11 A'. Co., ' " 105.J4 1 (muphill iV. Co., " " -23.00 UonillkUl'.t Co., " " 10.00 U.mipTTfll «fe Co,, « « 17.00 KfinpliiU & Co., " « 7.50 Hemphill <S Co., 14 M 20.00 Total §y0J.M / Board of Kqaahzatlon. L II ttntwMI, Kcrvicou on H'd Kqmtliz'.n ff.it) J W Vorrin, " - 170 I. II ltiisHOII, " " " r,.<K> J W l'orrln* ° " ' ' 7.7» J M IjUiincr, " " " K A Connor, " " " IJ.iiO L 11 KlISXoll, ' " ' 11.00 V A Connor, " " " 8.G0 Totftl t'W.GO _ -< ShctifPs Acconut. L P Uuflin, transport'^ Jerry Coloman, 850,75 " " " convicts toPonitonlinry, : ui.so " ' " Jorry Coleman from Columbia to Abbeville .*. 50.:W " " I,nnatlcs froinNlnefy ' HIx to Columbia, C.OO " " " Convicts to Penitentiary 78.00 »' arrests and uilleajro 8.S5 " " serving Jurors, Jan'y Torm, Wi.U3 « » executing Jerry < 'oli-man,.... ftl.OO " " porvlnu Pottit Jurors, 27.M " transporting prisoners, V5.00 " " bill. transport!ng prisoners, 7.'Ji cervlug Jurors, Jiui'y Torin, RIO Total ssijtfi Jary Commissioner. \V. IF, Riilvc«, for torvlees Jury Com'r. 1S.00 \V II Hbl von, " * 11.00 \V IT Hlilves, " * i* " 3.76 W II Slilvo* *i " " " 3.0U Total £3.75 Clerk ('O Commissioners. Clerk of County Commissioners, 'MR.ffl County CominifjuioBcrs. it' JonoH^Vcrvicps 6^tJI .CO Win. Pope, herviPoK Ul/.V T, M. CliriMtlun, services, :tso.8» Total S1.WI.15 O »ron or, l.s.00 Con tin gout 0.'>5 RECAPITULATION. A ml I tor, Sl.OfJO.O" Uoads and Hridgots, 3,713,'JI I'oor 1 [otiso and lU'pairw, Public I'.uildings and Olliccs, i'JU IS 1 Hoi lug Prisoners, l,'!sfl.75 Court Kxpcimes, Trial J list ices and Constables, 1,705.0N PohI. Mortfins and Lunacy .Sf 125.76 County Printing 30.'!.."! Hoard .JftjtMillzution . 00.00 Jury Commissioner 1 27.75 KliurlfPs Account, CI t.sfl Coroner, J.'l.'jO ContlngHiit , Clerk County Commissioners, 3iW.<«01 County Commissioner, J<*ics, .'i-l.'H | " J'opo 411.2"! | " " Christian, JWVIi>| Total ai.j.isji.i.-' Amount Audited, liut not drawn I.S-VJ.W ' Total debt, 17.SW.I1 Amount collected by Tron.-iuri'r 17.wH.flS Petlclcucy, S7U7.3S 'statement or past indebtEDNESS. Totivl Tftft IndohtednesK Including lieJlclcnny of IS7-1 $tt»,1113.37 Paid front Njieolal l-vvy IK7"», 115,257.71) I'illd HIK'Ciul Jjovy Ili,2S1,l2 S12.WI.KI Amount ktill due ami interest, l,'i7l,G5 In Account With Trcasnrcr. Amount collected from snoeial I,ovy l*7o 8m.irw."i " W.5«..fi6 ->1111 VI Credited l>y Amount drawn on Trofw* tir«T, ; S2.Hlfl.K2 Amount in Troftsuror'n hands,! £i.V\77 The abovo stnbnwnt inny vary n littlo as totbo exact amount in the Troiwiiror's liau<ls, but iu the oUut ior|unj|« is oiut'L It, JO MX, 0. ]{. t*. C. LAST WARNING!! ALL jMTHonK indebted to iih, by not* or Hccount must settle the hhiiiu by the 1Qth JJcccmbcr or they will POSITIVELY Bo Sued at the Next Court. QUARLES & PERRIN. Nov. 22th, lS7fi. tf i Notice. ALL persons indebted to the undersigned by note or account, 111 uhL settle tne same or mo mauer i will bo placed in Hit* hands of an attorney lor collection, Longer indulgence will not be given. ji A. BEQUEST. | DISSOLUTION. THE partnership herctoforo exist- ing bet ween the undersigned in i the mercantile.business under the firm name of \V. J). MAltH & CO., ha* been dissolved by mutual consent. W. J). MA US. < A. E. MA ltd. November 15, 187(>, 3t. NOTICE. O ALT, persons having claims against the estate of JAMES ('. WIL- : IjALD, deceased, will present them ! uuiy proven io me MiHiersigncu. A Jul v peraoiiH indebted to said estate will make payment without delay to T1I0S. THOMSON, >< Administrator. s Abbeville C. II., 13th Nov. 1S7(>. ov. 12 *87G. 1 £> 3>OZKN CANE and CANKa jZ hack ijockjnc chairs it J. I>. CHALMKUS& CO. ] Oct. 25. lb7U, tf J ) .. If You Want GOOD GOODS ' -'-i --r It the Lowest Prices, Call On icBoaald & HaM$a. Sopt. 27, 1WB, tf IP YOU WANT MIMIC IWtD UUUIW 11111111; Call on McDonald & Haddon. Sopt. 27, 1S70, tf McDonald & Ha^On Are now rocclvlng FALL and WINTER GOODS WHICH Jiavo beou Boloctcd with Krc'iit cjvr« ItyMit. 1{. M. IT AD-! DON in Ni.'W York fiii.l Baltimore, all! nf whw'li will tin uold tm Mm nnwh in»r.m] ten 03, [SopU 27,1876. OOWnghamT:r ; & *:SMs TEMPLETON . arc rooeiving thoir. . FALL STOCKof MERCHANDISE, consisting of all kinds of DRY GOODS, Groceries,; Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS AND CAPS. Evory tiling Ohoapl Give them a call. Sept. 20, IS76. falTand winter GOODS A rn rtrian X VUO & Quarles & Perrin. Sept. 19, 1S76. , CIGARS! CIGARS!! Wo keep I ho finest and cheapest assortment of CfOARB in town. Great inducements to cash buyers.oftered l»y McDonald & Haddon. April 10, 1H70, 62-tf Notice. 4LL pcrwus indebted to tho undersigned by note or account, must settle the same or they will be placed in tiie hands of an attorney for! collection. Longer indulgence will not be given. Quarles & Perrin. «cpc. 10, 187U. The Ladies WILL find our stock of everything hi their lino ospfccinlly nttraetive thin hc:moil, ami all wo ask for in careful iiihjkotiou to convince them of prices being iw low us can be found anywhere in tlio Stiilr. -o sureto give na u "ohJI buft.ro purchasing and judge for you rsolvw. * . JAS. A. BOWIE, Apeut Emporium of KHshlorw. Oct. 1, 1S7(3. Marshall House Stable. T\T* TTTA 111%t J 0 i v.Mni«Anw / fly wawipra & Mmimi * . THESE STABLES r.rc now In good repair ami lire kept under the personal supervision of the undersigned, wii<i will behind to receive the CUSTOM of the public. The christian man repardeth the life of liin beast.hove your horse well fed when you come to towu. \VA I,LIN(<I'OUI> & ARMSTRONG. November 22, 1870, K I'll EN K H. UAIIY. li. CJ. (J HAY DON Gary & Graydon, Attorneys "at Law, ABBEVILLEX'. H., S. C. (g?jr Special attention to the collection of claims. Nov. 12, lS7fi. tf A LIBERAL ADVANCE on tho cash value of cotton \jill be paid to persons Imlebted to us by nolo or account. QUARLES A I'ERRIN Sept. 19, lh7f>. Mil BMW 5n millinery, DUKHS CiOODS, 8('A liF.M, ItUFFIJNCiB, C.'OIISETH, ..Hit ESS TJUMMINGS, FLANNELS, HHAWLH, HOSIERY, (JLOVKH, WHITE 000DS, 1M>U LEVARI) HKIRTB, WOOLLEN (lOOI)H, :uul Indies' goods generally, can now he found at ilio Emporium of Fashion. Oct. M, 1870. GIN HOUSES. SWILL insure pin houses and their! contents at the following low) i'iitoh in one of the most reliable com-! panics now represented in llio South. I'jipitnl S0,000,(HK), For 15 mouths (id 2 por cent. For 5 months (n\ C per cent. /Vud dwellings and all other proporty it the lowest rates. L: W. PERRIN, Agent. | Office at Law Oflloc of Poirin it ?otluan. Nov. 15, 1K7G, If Sale Under Mortgage. 13. W. Marshall A Co., Assignees, llgaill!»t. J. W. Logan. BY vlrtuo of n morigapo to ino rtirootod in tlio ftltovo Ktntoflcftso, I will sell to! ho liighfst hlildorat Ahbovillo C. H., 0111 <ALE DAY in J AN U Alt Y noKt, 1*77,' vithin the logul hours, J ONE HAY MAKE, iovlodon us llio pn>|>«>rty of J. \V. Logan it llio suit of 12. W, Marshall it Co,, as-, igticns. 'JYrina Cash. L. P. GUl'TIX, A front. j SliPrlfT'.s OIBw, ) ! j 2StllNO\*. 1K7'5. J i { Grecian Chamber Suits, fcTHW A XI) HEAUT1FTL at i ^ J. J). CHALMERS & CO. < Oct. 25,1876, tf .- - f0>> <>" ~ mm VMK*"**' .rBACON, APPLES, CABBAGE, POTATOES, Ac, BARRELS choice Northjm\W\9 em apple*, consisting or iiaidwJu, North Spy, Dettoit Reds 20ounce Pippins, Ac. 150 barrels Northern Irish Potatoes. 100 barrels Selected Northern Cabbage. 50 barrels Northern Onions. 10,000 ibs. Dry Salt Sides. 25 tierces Hams. 100 kegs, tubs and buckets Leaf Lard. 50 packages Selected Goshen Butter. 100 boxes Cream and Factory Cheese. 100 barrels,} barrels and kits Mackerel 150 sacks of Fue and Coarse Salt. 50 sacks Rio Coffee. 100 barrels Famjjy Flour. ,*-«% . 100 boxes Family Soap. AI.SO, Barrels Sugar House Syrup, Extra ... C and C Sugar, reams Straw Paper, cases Oysters, Sardines, Pickles, Lobsters. Peaches, Tomatoes, boxes Soda Crackeis, Giugers, Lemon bracken, Centennial and imperial Crackers, v. Starch, Soda, Candles and Pfpae, box- oh itizg vunoy anu ass+orvea chick Candy, boxes Lemons, boxes Chewing Tobacco, caaea Jolly, eaaes Bitten*, . Kico, Iln-jgin;* oud Ties, &< , «tc. N The above stock Is all fresh, having" just arrived. Prices guaranteed as low as Charlesion or Willmintfton. ft C. J. IAUEEY, Commission Merchant. Columbia, 8. C., Oct. 18,1876, 3 m CUNNINGHAM AND rum ptiiii itimttun. i TIR Con*f»vtitty Adding to Tholr' ,'\ Already Varied iStoek of (Jeuernl Merchandise, * ;. v . rt *:> 1-, if « They Kcceivc this Week. , SUGAR, r# i COFFEE, . , T ' CANNNED GOODS » > of all Kinds. And next wook, a full line of DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoe*. Nov. 22,1«76, tf ' Emporium of Fashion. . r9 FALLS ' WINTER. I w / .. ihii 1876. OPENING 1876. OF A New Stock of Novelties IN yuv* Millinery, Dress Goods, Fancy Dry Goods, * ^ * %ry And Ladies Cloaks, OUR Stool; Ka* been selected with - a great deal of earo, ami will lit) instantly replenished. It will Cum* priHo KpeeiuUies in every department of elioicLMt .styles, quaUiieiiamlHlfadetf, suoli >ih ure uhi\h11v displayed at our well-known Ladieu hmporium. Jas, A. Bowie, Agent Emporium of F&fchtan.' Nov. 14,187U. Take Notice. mm v r' AIJj iieamnB Indebted to the undernigned niUHt scUlo the huhm^Iiv I lie (irstof next month, longer indulgence will not he given. X ulbo detrfre to wiy to my friend* und ouatomera tliut after thin dale No credit will bo given to any one before the 1st of March next. I will KflI only for cash and at the very lowest prieea. ' Rosenberg. Nov. 16, 167G, 3t Tie State of Mb Carolina, County of Abbeville, Sheriff's Sale. David Iiowio, Plaintiff1, against T Harrison A. Visannka, Defendant, Wolf Kosenherp, UuM|toniiont, . agalnat David Lewie, Appellant. BY virtue of the judgment .of foreclosure of the C'iruuit Court In the former eaae, mid of tho Supremo t'ourt in tho latter cane, I will bell, as the property of the said Harrison A. Visanskn, on Halo Day in January next, at Abbeville Court House, tho t met of land, known ils the BELCI1ER PLANTATION situate in Abbeville CdUnty, adjoining lands of Thomas Thomson, Mrs. Mtv Comb, mid othora, containing one thousand and fifty acres, more or lens Terms of Hale..One-fourtJi of the purchase money to lie paid in caeh, and the balance, with interest from day of sale, to be paid annually within two years from the day of salo, and to he Bceured by bond with personal * security, aud a mortgage of the premises. L. P. GUFFIN, Sheriff Abbevillo (bounty. !i ShorifPa Office, Dee. 0, 1870. Sheriffs Sale. Klla. M. Harrison, et al, VB. John Harrison, ct al. Order of Prabate Court. BY virtue of an Order to mo directed from his Honor 8. J. Douthut, Judge of Probate Greenville (bounty, in tlie above stated cane, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, within the legal houra of side, at Abbevillo Court House, oil Monduy, the fiirst day of January, A. I). 1S77, the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Village of Phoenix, in the County of Abbeville, South Carolina, oon- laiuiiiK »'iv ui*iU| IIIWIU in itnw, TERMS..One-third cash remainder on a credit of nine month* from day of sale to Ik; secured by a mortgage of the jtftmilbcs and two personal securities. L. P. OUFFIN, Sheriff Abbevijle County. BhcrHFs Ofticc, D«e. 0, 1870. 41. COKESBURY CONFERENCE SCHOOL. ('okcsbury« Abbeville Co., 8, C. Eijjiity-first Session of Twenty Weeks Iji'giiiM on (li« Fir-'l Momlnv Sii JAXUAUV, 1H77. KACfr.TV. P. A, CON'NUU, Hector | (i. L\ HODGES, Prof KX l'KSTHKH, Tuition, Primary Department. ?12..V); rnternuHliato, ?2(t,00; Senior, $gf».Q0; boani j: 12.00 por mnntli. Sons of Ministers of Conference Hoc of tuition. Of other tlelotninutions half roto. Location proverbially healthy. Knsily iceessiblo by G. A V. K. It. Community iitclliKOUt, refined and moral. Free from Irani shops and gaming saloons. Oct. 1,1876. 2m - .

FALL WINTER GOODS C. J. IAUEEY, OOWnghamT:r *:SMs · 2013-04-09 · Their plan of death and destruction ... Over6.00# J>cuggiKthave ordered.this ... WaJ-j luce is SjK.-akeraK the

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ThS ?res3 and Banner.!Alilii:VILLK; S. C. j

tt\- ni*c:ii wir.stiTf.

Tkhu*.Dollar.* ajonr, inrutwiru* t

orTVvo P.'llAiA Juul Fifty IVnt.-, if pavJtbent ir» liflriM'.t.Ai»VKkiriskMisNTK will bo iiiMjrlod fit

tho rain of Oiiu IK>llnr j»or inch fOTfirst .insertion nu.l Fifty «.'onts f'U* ca«lieubsaqnoiit insertion.

G^fnitlv ro<tui«xl rates will Ijvi aivon totlvvitf wlib advertigo by tho <^3Xtur or byui<- vtpi. _

"A ij oUitlijiry tiotlros, ?iv*\ttes of respect,unrt other matlor of '& £7)fson*l or privn'x*nature will Im> charged fur at the U>U;iladvertising rates,Noihiug which m«v l»e written, tn mal-aluill dppoar In thono. columns at any !

Wfr*3' -V j<^uf Job De^ittmeiK

** w<*U »n\i>pliod wiih material for JoblWrtfH,. ana oar iv&ortmont of ih-w .jol>|\y|M» fc»a» good us can be t'onml in -any j««>uiurv otheo. Tho J'roprictor is a prsu-!tioal_ printer find v'ill give his personal jattention to tlijs class of Avork. OnrWork (V)ini«riK fiivdriilily with tl » » Katiio

cI<v<m of work pxecuttnl anywhiw, ami i«

always put£t tho lowast living rates.

-* Wednesday, D^c. 27,187G. jArc we in n Ktute of I'euce T Or, j

1) oes ^Vur Actually Kii.t

in Abbeville Cmurty t

The Radical >h*<rroos anil their white j":» ? )..>vku\.l i

Ul t\S (>i CI lib V Ulllll \ , H lUlimiJMinnii

here, are niHkiii£ strenuous otftirtH t<»inukc iMk; O'onjjreKsionnl Committeeliow.in-Col'iinbin, believe llmt neithera giihite nor u colored Republican'*Iffie .»« safe'in Abbeville Comity. A

fe>w';plftiu statement of-facts may notbeaiuifbs tjusi now.ran? rfi usr man *wno i^st jrrs upk

iipfbirf County aftorfhc war wasJamesMcCIintnn, an iuoflensivo whitemanwtfio v"iw wantonly murdered Iry neproL*e«Vh HaHkWt'^ plantation, "in theFJatWoods. TlteHft ntugroes «K?ero refugeesfrom I'he -coast and were herewiheu emancipated. Tkry, after themurder, returned to their old )minus,unWlnoue-r.f t*hem have ever been ar*ortk(f«'LAfter thi* occurrence but few«urdurb«of any k-iml were committed«mti the.ywr«*»f 380S, when perhapsflftoen pbn-oM.slo-t their lives

'irv yioj.knok

3n,this Oerwnty. Home of thewo murdersof course onenrrOd an killings»u»y ooeur in any country even inliu*e* wf the profoundest peace. Thenlbe<iovcmnient was in tne transition

from its rightful owners into thebunds of the recently emancipated*hives, whose ignorance of their dutyats free citizens cannot lie understood4»v strangers, when they supposedtheir enfranchisement nave them tl»««riL'lit to run rough shod over theirformer mnstors, while they apparently.thought the whites had few rightswhich they were Itouud to resect.This condiiion of tilings irritated the;great heart of the country, and variousnegroes and ltadicnl white men

lost their lives at the hands of the incensedwhite Democratic citizens.JVirhajw of the

FIFTKKN MKN KU.T.KDIn this County during thatyoar, threefourthsof that number may be setdown as political murders. Jo additionto these inurdors during that yearit is just to mention that perhaps a

dozen negroes wt-ru wim{>j»-u mui-i

<rented by unknown persons, but sup-]]witso;l to be Democratic white men.

THE LAST RADICAL-who lost'his life for political reasons-was the negro whom young iUackjthot ut Diamond Hill in November,J.H70.more than six yearn ayo. Sinceikon, as fur as wo are informed, no

Jiopublican bus lost bis life nt theJ winds of a Democrat In consequenceof his politics. Two years ago, however,Mr. John Lyon, while under theinfluence of liquor, in a settlementjuul butdnews transaction in his store,

(* >bot and killed a negro who iusultcdJiini. This is the last negro who ha#*3<»*tjhis life in Abbeville County atihe bands of u white man for anycause.


Since the war, the whites have, as a

rule, treated the blacks kindly. Theyhave furnished the moro reliable of]them with homes by selling them!lands, horses and cattle on a credit toenable them to start life ttu their ownaccount, and in very few instances."have the whites been exacting of these

( creditors, as the r««eortls of the Sher411'softtoe will show.To offset the hundreds of kindnesses j

the whites have extended to the ne-1;groen in tho p«»st year, they have, with

THE INCENDIARY'S TORCH,'Inirnt, nt a low estimate, tw< i»iiti«itocJ j

$ .and lifty thousand dollars worth of;

jir«)|H>rty belonging to the white peo-'jde of Abbeville County. To undetaketo estimate Hie amount wl»»*.!.»they have stolen from the whitercows mid hogs, together with theirnumerous abstractions froin our m-athouses and corn cribs would be n .iapendousjob. Their career of crimelias cost the white Democrats of thisCounty for Court and prison fee^ injtuniHhing captured black criminal*'an amount ranging from $3,<>00 to£5,000 annually, while we have yearlypaid into the Treasurer a large amountto maintain the public schools; about

000 of which annually went to |KDirCATK NK<JKO CHILDRKN.'

Owing to the dinorder and want of theproper restraining influence of thelaw the itadieal negroen home *ixmontlm ago, murdered the Harmons,(white Democrats.) Kinee then four!Radical negroes murdered Mr. JohnBurt Jtiley, (Democrat.) During therecent campaign a Radical negro at< Jroenwood stabbed and killed WinstonArnold, one of the bust and mostiiighty rcf?}>ected negroes in thcCounty,because lie declared himself a Demo-!crat. lieccntly nineteen Radical uegroesconspired to kill the white menof Lowndesville and .then sack thetown?. Their plan of death and destructionsucceeded in no fur ns thekilling of Mr. Clayton Allen and thewounding of Mr. ]laker, (J*»tli whiteDemocrats.) Rust Week Mr. WillisIjOgan, » Democrat, was shot by n

ltadical negro, while standing ftround I,a fire in the yard at ni^lit. Since

~ then two other Democrat* have bt>en«hot at hy Jtndiettl nt^nn'S.Ah far «us we remember, Just now,

wo have statedALT. TUB FAOTS

on both flhhn, ant! have entlcnvored t«*tat« tliem fairly. We would ask, incandor, which party appears hi more!-tlanger fropi the oilter? The I>emo-eratahave committed no ]Nditicalmurder for six years, while (he liadi-j-eal negroes of this County have kill-;cd ilve Democrats within tiie past sixmonths.

1 f we have not the matter fairly, we |ask to he competed.

Will the Congressional Committee'please ciMpiireof W. Ji. Heard as tothe trwth of the abovo statements?Will Ik; hIso W good to explain tothem what he knows about burningGeorgialiarnn? If he would wxnlainto thom liis reason fr>r^ea\ing KW««rtCounty n frw years ago, it would heinteresting.

Wonderful Succcm.

Jt Is rcj>oTted that BohcIki-'h -Oer-ititan Hymp'hju* Mince its introduction jin the United fttnton, reached the immenseHide-of 40,000 -dozen "j«»r your.Over 6.00# J>cuggiKthave ordered .thismedicine direct from th« Factory, at

YVoodktrry, N.J., and not one iia» rejw>rk«d» Kindle failure, hut-overy letterspeaks < / (Of astonishing success ineuring sevwe<2«UKhH, Colds M illed on

Hie Breast, <V>HSHlitptlon,or any di*ea«0of t-ko TUroat and I.ungs. Weadvise Auy jietstui that ha* any predisjimitWMlin weak Lungs, to go to I heirJ>rnK#>iM"1*4* T- IVnney, and get thisMedicine, <0"Hwyuife about it. Jugularslae. 7» -cents; Haniplc tHottle 10

«cen^; 'IHvo d«»*es will relieve anycase. Don't n^lcct_your cnugh. tf

The Charleston Uv8i>l(itiuiii<."IiCl us

Hold a >lass .tVeting on

fcale Hay*The citizens t»f Charleston are always<n time and never fear to

spe.-Vk C^t. ]lcIo'\r we give somercs<v-jhiti'*ns wliieti were parsed I»y n mass

in 11 ilx.-rniaii 1 lull <>n ThursdayIa>t. They are right, ami if we J

are true t«>ourselves and true t<> our]standartk-Lonrer we endorse the resolutions."Why n.»t let lis hold n iiiuks

niot'Lili^ on Sale I>uy uml make an exVU'jwionof o«if djleiuiiualiou to supportHampton and proclaim our determinationl<> refuse anycouuteimneeor support to the usurper:

/Ctjiolvf-U, TtiiM the Conservative citizensol Charleston, Heniocrats andllopublieans, do recognize WadoHampton, and none other, as the lawfulCoventor of South Carolina. Tohim alone will they yield, as Coventorobedience and support, and to himthey pledge such aid nttd assistance,mora, limtucinl ana muicruti, as mayUel'cquirod lor Hw establishment amimiu»^:c'iuiiicc of tlte-c*ti»Ntilulionnl govonimifitt'H!'which hois the head.

A'fenlvul, 'J'liat we recognize W. I>.Simpson, and uuno-»Uher, as the lawfulLieuteuanMSovrmor of South Carolina;and that we recognize theHouse of which the lion. \V. 11. WaJ-jluce is SjK.-akeraK the "legally constitutedUow.-*» <f Representatives" offSouth Carolina.jtt*fhxU, That D. II. Chamberlain,

having l>eon defeated at the polls as ajcandidate for re-election, and placedin office,<npon the declaration ol' tin

illegal General Assembly, hy the tinwarrantableuse of niiliiary foreu, is regardedby us as an usurper, and we

iierewvow our unchnugahle resolutionnever to recognize bint as Governor,and our inflexible determination to repudiatehis every not, and every act ofHie pretended Lieutenant-Governor,and every act of the pretended GeneralAssembly, as being without authorityof law, iiullaii'l void.

JUft'tlvul, That while we, by theseresolutions, assert our riyht and determinationto be governed only by theollleers whom tin; majority of the peo- jpie ht.vu chosen, and while we are tixedin the purpose to oppose |to tin* uttermost. tho efforts of!

i....i |,;UIf. 11, I UailllH'l litwi mm mo,

associates U> usurp tlio functions of!government iu this Stale, wo ex press- jly disclaim any intent to resist the ex-juntil ion of the processes of the United jStales Courts, however harsh theyseem, or to resist, under any circumstance,the military force of the,UnitedStates.Jtcsulvui, That the protended gov-;

eminent of wliii*h i). II. I'humbcrJaiu Jis the head, has no power, force or au-jthority in South Carolina save what is.given to it hy the continuous support'and actual use of United Suites troops.It is the creature of political fraud and!armed force. Without that armedforce, it is as impotent as it Is audacious {and unlawful.


Tho Proposed Tm--IIow Should it!be Levied f

Tho following reroluilon was adopted,on Friday last, by the Houae ofUepresentati vo»:JiCHdlvul, That It bo, and it is hereby,referred to the discretion of Ids

Excellency Governor Hampton to determinein what installments, and atwhat times, the contribution askedfor thCHiipport of tho Government, in

» ». . i. )till? rtSOIUllUIIS licrciuioii* nuumiwu

by llio Co'uuiitteeon Ways and Mean*ami adopted by tlic House uf Representatives,shall he paid.Tho t>ro]x>Hi*(i levy or contribution

wan to h»> twenty-five per cent. of ih<>State and County tax paid in 1K7o-7i>,and, if fully collected, would realize^liw),(H»D or* which in morethan they can see any presHing need Ifur. Wo are exceedingly gratiliod,therefore, nays the (Jmritxtuii .V«o«and Courier, to find that it has beenleft to Uovernor Ilampton to detorminchow the tax orcontribution shallbe paid.Our own view is, that tho tax

.should be exceedingly small so us toencourage prompt puvment, and thatihe rateof tax should be expressed inmills instead of in a percentage uponia previous tax. We arc confident that,if Governor Hampton calls for a contributionof one mill uimui the assess-!i'd value of tho real ami personal prop-j

:tlwivn ii' i I! I iu n |» JIY III HIV -l.iw, «... .v. ,»uul general response. Tiiies taxshould realize from $100,000 to $130,(K)(i,and no estimates have been |»nhlishcdlo show that more than this isneeded. The time within which thetax should he paid can be made short.Thirty days will he long enough. Wethink, also, that there should not beany expense of collection. In u wordthe object must he to «<ee how muchcan benaved to the public' and notwhat can be spent..The backward step of tho llonse

of Representatives, in the matter <>fpay, Is a wise one. That body hasbeen in session about twenty-fourdays, including Sundays. Not a fractionof a cent more than three dollarsi: day ought to be paid to a ReformLegislature. Seventy-live dollars eachivould-have been an outside allowance,and the public winced when they sawtheir representatives presenting themselvesfour hundred each, for threeweeks' work, when there was not a

copper in the treasury.

Correspondence.State ok South Cakomna, }

KXKf'UTIVK ClIAMBI'It, >C'om'moia, h. (J., December IK, IK70. jKik: As Governor of South Carolina,chosen by the people thereof, I

»c*ve qualified in accordance with theConstitution, and 1 hereby call upon,you asvjiny predecessor in the office, todeliver up to me the great seal ofState, together with the possession ofUie Wtateiiou.se, mo puuuc rccm-us ami

all *other matters and things appertainingto said office.lUs*pect fully, vonr obedient Hcrvnnt,

\VA in:* JI a mm in . (lovo riior.To D. II. ('hamberlain, Ksq.Chamberlain's reply was as follows:

State or South Cakomna, ]Kxkcutivk Cha.mim:k, [Coi.i'MMA, December IK, 1H7A. )

Sir: i have received the communicationin which you call upon me todeliver up to you the great seal of theState, etc., etc. I do not recognize inyou any right to make the foregoingdemand, and I hereby relusc compli-lanee therewith.

1 uiij sir, your obedient servant,J), il. (,'llAMJIKItl.AIN,

Governor of Mouth Carolina.To Wade Jlempton, Ksq.The indications now are Uuat the

battle is fairly ojK'iied in earnest.*"l/»i'<»nmr Hamilton is nnrsuilur hisold plan of lutlie by an attack nilalong the line.The following circular letter has

been sent out to-day, addressed to

prominent citizviia in every county ofthe .State:Hilt: lwllltluuik you to give me

at your earliest opportunity the full'mimes of the j>ersona in your countynow lilling the following olllces:County Treasurer, County Auditor, ICounty Clerk of Court. County Slier-1iff. County 1'robato Judge, SchoolCommissioner, Jury Commissioner,ElroUuii Commissioner, County Commissionersand Triul Justices. Shouldany of the above olllces tilled by an

incompetent person or I»y any one refusingid acknowledge the lawful government,you are requested to suggestthe mime of the citizen best fitted totill the office. As these appointmentsare of vllal importance to the welfareof the SUte, I urge upon you to submitthe numeM of none hut those possessingundoubted" ability and integ-|rity, prepared to actively support andenergetically carry out m11 the muchneeded reforms to which we ure sol-lcmnly pledged.In the i>erfowimnce of this task, !

success depends upon the support of!the j>eople, and J confidently anneal to!Mini r i.utrioliuiu.....I

iugs eause them to sucrve from the!line of public duty which they havehitherto so faithfully pursued.


Very resperlfully,Wadk I [amiton,

v (governor.The nklimishing Is now fnirly over,

and the battle begun in good earnest.The general impression seems to bethat the matter will be decided

wtm*Tmn*B*smJVKamaswuK&M* * » ^jmnnn<mt#i

oiio way or the other within ten days.Chamberlain is endeavoring evi-

ilently (o recover the disadvantage hehas suH'cred ho far l»y his defensive aetionby attempting to assume tlie offensive.The way in wliieh lie doc*this i.s unfortunate fur him, as it consistsin the Iiili now ponding for Unarrestand punish of Democratic ollieials.

Tliin attack is to Ito made on theDemocrats strongest point.their physicalforce.and will doubtless be defeated.U;i;nors [irevaii of violencebeing attempted .Saturday, but theDemocrats are ready to defeud themselves.Metbodiit Confuroucu Appointments.f?ir\ui.esto»j District.T. IS. Wan-

nammcku, 1*. k.Charleston.Trinity, J. A. Porter,llothel, W. II. Fleming.iSpringStreft.il. L. Harper.Rcrkloy circuit, S. i). Vaughan.Cainhoy circuit anil mission, L. C.

Loyal iindO. N. Roundtrce.Cypress circuit, (r. H. Poozer.Summe.rvillo circuit ami mission, J.

C. UlUWiill.St. 1*11111 Mission,St. tJcor^e'H circuit, 1*. 1'". Kistlcr.]{nmbcrg circuit, VV. P. Mouaon.Colleton circuit, C. (VFiahburno.Walterboro circuit, J. f*. Silly.Allendale circuit, J. 15. Massebeau.Rlaok Swamp circuit, L. (3. Walker.Yi'inasseccircuit, IJ. (I. Jomw.Uardeevillo circuit and mission, J.

(J. Rissell.ouancriiiuito District.W. Martin,P. E.Orangeburg station, S. A. Weber.Orangeburg circuit, 1). D. Dantzler.P.ranehvillu circuit, Thomas Raysor.Providence circuit, Wm. llutto.St. Matthew circuit, J. II. Zimmerman.Upper St. Matthew circuit, M. L.

Hanks,Upper Orange circuit, A. R. Danner.Kdisto circuit, I>. J. Simmons.Kdisto mission, M. M. Ferguson.Oralmm circuit, A. J. Cauthen.Wiiliwton circuit, M. A. Mclvibbon.Ellcnton circuit, R. H Jones.Aiken mission, S. II. Hrowno. jGraniteville and J4angley mission,

J. J I. Campbell.CoLL'MHIA DlKTHKT..E. J. MliYKAUmu,1'. E.Washington Street, J. T, Wightman.Marion Hlreet, J. Walter Dickson.Columbia circuit,T. W. Muuncrlyn.Winnsistro station, CJ. W. Walker.j-'airlleJcl circuit, J. M. Boyd, A. C.

Walker.(;ht;Hter station, J. E. Carlisle.West Chester circnit, M. II. l'ooser.East Chester circuit, J. W. Kelly,

W. W. Williams.lloek Hill circuit, It. W. Tinrher.Yorkville station, W.H. Martin.York circuit, JL. A. Johuttoii,supernumerary.Lexington circuit, 0. D. llowoll.Lexington Fork circuit, J. E. Watson.Lccsville circuit. T. J. Clyde.Kdgelleld circuit, »S. Leard,

ri.OlCKM'Ji DIHTCICT.W. ('. 1'OWKII,1\ E.

Florenoo station, A. J. BtaHord.Liberty CliajK-'l, \V, i). Kirkland.Darlington station, J, (). Wilison.Bociety Hill circuit, W. L. lY^nes.Darliniftcii circuit, L. M. 1 lamer.Lower Darlington circuit, K. T.

flodgcH.l.'Ueraw Rtation, \Y. ThomasTimmonsvllle circuit, U. II. "Wells,

A. C. Le(lette.Lynchburg circuit, J. H. IMatt,North Williamsburg circuit, J. 8.

lieasley.Kingstree station, 1). Tiller.I'.iack Kiver circuit aud mission, II.

J. Morgan.(iourdin circuit utid mission, H. L.

Dufllc.Samjiit circuit. H. Unsown Tlrow no.

Georgetown station, W. 'I'. Capers.Johnsonvilie circuit, (>. W. (iatlin,Lynch's ('reck circuit and mission,

J. U. Counts.St'iiTEU Distiuct..A. M. CIIHIKTZjnuui,P. 1£.Sumter station, K, N. Wells.Bum ter circuit, J. C. Biol I, Felix L.

Hartin.llishopvillo olrouU, J. T. Kilgo.('anuleu station, (J. W. Whitmaii.Manning circuit, I>. J. McMillan.Ban tee circuit, J. L. Bhuford.ilichland Fork circuit and mission,

L. M. Little.Hanging Hock circuit, W. II. Kirton.Chesterfield circuit, J. W. Murray.Lower Chesterfield circuit, \V. J I.

Ariail,%S. Jones, supernumerary.Lancaster station, W. A. Rogers,/our circuit aud mission, to be sujh

plied by C. A. l'lylcr.Fort Mills circuit, J. L..Stokes, J. J?\

England, sui»ermunerury.Mauion Dibtkivt..II. A. C. WALKKH,r. E.Marion station, A. J. Ktoko».Marion circuit, J. W. MeRoy,Jiuuk S\vaiu[> circuit, t?. J. Hill, A.

it. Leu.Little Rock circuit, 1«\ Auld, J. R.

Little, Hiiuernunieiary.fSouih Marlboro circuit, CI. T. llaruiaii.UciMicttMville circuit, Thou. Mitchell

T. E. Clilbert.North Marlboro circuit, J. C. Davi«.W'accaiuaw circuit and mission, W.

Cargou.Little River circuit and tni&slon, I).

W. Si-alc.liuckuville station, J. W. Wolling.Conwayboro station, 1j. Wood.Conwayborocircuit and ntinsion. to

be supplied by L. Scarlmro.l'co Dee circuit uiui mission, I. J.

Newberry.Sl'AKTANltrilO District.II. M.

Mood, 1\ K.Spartanburg station, J. M. Carlisle.I nion HtalioM, A. H. Lester.Cherokee circuit, J. K. Smith.Cane Creek circuit, I). Z. Dautzler.JouchvHIc circuit, < 1. M. Lloyd.tJohhcn iiill circuit, Jt. li. Da^naU.Laurenscircuit, J. A. Mood, A. (J.

(lantt.Limestone Spring* circuit, J. II.

Wilson.Black Btation circuit, E. L. Archer.Clinton circuit. \Y. W. Jones.Itchnont circuit, W. W. Mood.(iowansville circuit, 11. M. itoozer.Jiich Hillcircuit, A. 1'. Avant.W. Smith and W. VV. I)uncan, Professorsin WoJUutl'College.A. M. Shipp, i'rofewbor YanderbiJt

University.Jt. C.Oliver, Sunday School Ajront.r. M. Kennedy, Kuilor S. C. Advociitc.

Cokkkihuv District.M. Brown,J'. E.

Cokonbury station, K. I). Smart.(Jokenbury circuit, \V. A. Clarke,

E. G. Price.Abbeville station, W. S. Wigbtnmn.AbUwill^ circuit, N. K. Melton.South Abbcvillc.circuit, 8.1'. II. Klwoll.Lcnvnilcscille station, W. II. Lawton.Tumbling Shoals circuit, J. IJ. Traywick.Greenwood circuit, 11. P. FriUKks,

Lcroy E. ifceaty..Newberry station, i;. j-i. I'riicnara.

' Newi»orry circuit, T. G. Herbert, J.W. Ariail.North Newberry circuit, J. W.

Humbert.Saluda cJrcuit, J. A. (Ilfton.

Gkkknvillg DiBTKitrr.0. A. Dabhv,r. K.Greciiviilo station, A. (Joko Smith.Greenville circuit, A. W. Johnson.Kcidvilie circuit, J. K. McCain, J.

F. Mozingo, J. A. Wood, 8ui>eruumurary.Fork flhoalH circuit, J. Finger.Williamston station, S. Lander,lirutiliy Creek circuit, J. J. Workman.Anderson station, II. F. ChrletzIterg.Anderaon circuit and mission, A.

Ervin.Shallow Ford circuit, T. I*. Phillips.Handy Springs circuit, J. Attawuy.Pendleton cilcuit, S. li. Jones.Pickens circuit, A. \V. Wulker.

...... i.iiuuiKi, li* \f MorriftI iv IV 1*1 in Uili^oiwn, AJ.

WnlLmlia andBeneca City circuit, J.J, Neville. <

Oconee inifwion, W. 1\ Mondora."Wcstmlubtor circuit ami mission, C.

D. Mhiiii.Williamson Female College, B.

Lnndor, l're*ident. jTransferred.<i. F. Round to N. C. ]

Conference, and U. B. iiiid lo Florida IConference. t

nf j rnv«f** ****"''

A. Morrow, ot Penney's CreelI1V AX KX-AnilEVILLIAN OF

OVBtt FORTY YEARS.This writer underithe invitation and

privilege accorded to him in tlioI'rcttg mid Jtanner, takes tliii. occasionto call L<> the recollection of a few andto introduce to thin goueraliona neigh-

licrlKMxinmii of tiie i>;iht und a perioralfriend to all. 'Above you havo hisname as he signed it. Ho \riw probablyborn, lived and dictl on bin nativeheath. His life-long business as Iknew it and beard of it was Justice oftiie Peace and tschoolinuster. He didnot carry the latter with the eagleswoop or Baker, but kept close to theground teaching reading, wnting,ciphering and grammer a lew. Merchantsand their ck'rks knew but littleof hi in. His hat was a neat fur ofHeaaley'ts make, hia bhoes made nearerhome and bis suit at home. On thewhole bis appearance was plain genteel.He was large about the shouldersand stooped; had a hir^o wellformedbead, with nothing eo strikingas a pair o. sparkling eyes, lie usuallyvisite<1 tlur Court J louse four timesa year ami always on public days aminot likely to be known except to publicmen ; and when bo caino lie didn'thitch a* usual in "those days" to aI....... K,.t I.in. tr, linut.juii5u iai;iv, <;ui iuhiuvu *»#»»* tw i« uwn»ler;be didn't bring a cold snack inhis pocket, but nought the beat hotdinner to be had ; mid aboveim thingsdid ho enjoy a good joke side-shakingto himself and others, and a brandyioddy at a lire-aide, lie always madeone trip year to Augusta, (had nouse for Hamburg,) to lay in his your'ssupply of groceries, not forgetting tobring bin girls nice dresses and tholineal bonnets, and bis son AlbertGallatin, whoso bones lie numberedamong the lost "Palmetto's" in Mexico,wore the finest, and for himself a

keg of the best brandy ; and to besuroof it he tasted well before he trusted.I have often lau^htii at his relationof "a sampling" ami tho moral hodrew from it. Ho stood in tho mostapproved house and asked for tho bestand tasted it at $5.00, but be thoughta puro article at less price might answer,and ho tasted at $3.60, which hedetected as not genuine. Observingthat the salesman commenced praisingtho latter the moment it touchedhis lips, an explanation of which theSquire asked, and was thus answered :

"My friend, that first brandy speaksfor itself, but the last requires all Hiepraising we can give to get it ofT." Hetook at $5.The Squire also generally made

Edgefield Court House und (j lover'sHotel his second night's point, and on

arriving there one cold afternoon hefound Hilling around the bar fire quitea number of well-dressed gentlemendiscussing questions and a liquid compounduf lemons, sugar, importedIrish whiskey and native hot water',and it was not Ioiik before the SquireWiis indulging on his own cull some ofthe latter, which lie repeated whenthey did. One of the subjects theselocals discussed in order was (he Floridawar, for it was in the winter of1*41-2, when I lie proposition of Gen,Worth to out squat or squat out theenemy was debating in Congress andthe Press. Now, the Squire was nottho man to sit with two toddies andhour evervthimr and shv nothing, so

after a wliilu he proposed to give hisopinion to even utrang^rs, when a

huge Hum who luul not before observedhim, mid oven then did not pco hiseyeH, looking 011 him scornfully andgruffly, remarked, "What the hell «i<»uou know about the Florida war."This shot stunned the Abbeville man,and tool; his breath for several minutes,hut lie recovered slowly, and rememberingto have heard of a verylarge public man of that locality, afterbalancing and squaring himself, lieaddressed the largo hitler thus: Arenot you Major Jeter who representstl>is District in tiio State .Senate?" andbeing answered in the affirmative,continued slowly, "I have often heardof you, Major, as ajgeiitleruau of abilityand carrying much weight in the legislature.At this the Major crossedhis legs, threw his body back, placedhis thumbs in thearm-holes of hinvestand with a smile on*his face and a

slight wabble of tiie head, replied,"well as to that 1 cannot say, but myfriends Hatter me that I am not withoutiutliier.ee there;" to which the Abbevilleman replied with quickness,warmth and emphasis ami eyes ot.him : "I don't mean mental weight,Major Jeter, but damned nog weight." |This allot brought the EdgeMeld 31crcuIchto 11ih hands and knees, and liearose in the attitude for tight, hut theHimpkinscs and Jhicond interposed, domandedthe Kquire'snanieand addressinstantly, and within one minute anda half had a general shako of handsall mound and tlic Squire eentcnced totwo days imprisonment with hoardaud numerous toddies at their expense,In whieh the Major hore liis full share.Squire Morrow was a Nullifier, one

of the earliest and latest aud from the jcrown of his head to the sole of hisfoot. One of his neighborn, u perversefellow, didn't vote "right," much to!the grief and mortification of the!Squire. This same fellow waked the JSijuiroup oncrainy night to get a rivet,which he declined to give him, untilassured by the purty of the second;part that she was u Nullitler. On tliinassurance a light was struck mid the>narties invited in and asked to standbefore him with left hands joined and:right arms perpendicular with handsjupwards, after which ho administered jthe following ceremony: "You andeach of you do .solemnly swear thatyou will support, protect and defendthe Constitution and tltate governmentof South Carolina against all enemiesforeign or domestic, and trim allogi-jance bear to tlie same; and that youwill, forsaking all others, support andcherish each other in sickness and inhealth, for better or for worse : no helpyou Clod." After the distinct answers'I do," lie pronounced : "Co in peace, jand may the blessing of Cod rest uponyou and all regular Nullillers.maybrotherly lovo prevail and every moral,«social and political virtue cement us.s<» mote it be."The .Squire had no further trouble

after that in getting his neighbor tovote "right." * * *

Pardons Kefused.'l'hcannexed doeumant speaks for

itself:offk'k 8. C. Penitentiary,

Coi.i'MItl A, 8, Dee. 20, 1H71ICfmrh-H ./. JUilibitt, F.xq. :Hut.I have this day received from

j uti rt:i uu n vi uvuiiiiiuiiui uv i

scribed ill your letters of advice uc- jcompanyin^ the Himie, us, respective-!ly, "a pardon of I'eter .Smith, convictedof burglary and larceny at tbujJanuary (1874) term of Court for Ab-ibeville County, and sentenced to ten;years' imprisonment in the penitonti-jary," and "pardon for Jobn J'wlton,convicted of manslaughter, and hcii-jtcneed to imprisonment in the peni-1tcntiary for years." These pa-|pera bear tlie signature of "J). Jl.Chamberlain as Governor of the Slateof Bouth Carolina." Having been informedthat very grave doubt exists asto what is my duty in the premises,arising from the fact that it is a disputedquestion as to who is legally ontitledto recognition as Governor, Ideem it pro|ier to withhold any actionupon these papers until the questioninvolved can be passed ujkmi by some

competent judicial tribunal.Very truly yours,

Thbopohk W. Parmei.e,Superintendent.

Apsoonay it was ascertained IimtCol. J'armele had refused to net uponthe pardons sent him, tho prisonersemployed Messrs. Lytes and Hloan,who sued out a writ of Jfabnm (.'urjnisbefore Judge Carpenter, which wanmatle retuviialde on Saturday. Thoreturn to the writ will lie mode hy Mr.K. J. Maxwell, iw counsel for Col.rarmole. <

The question for decision will In thejvalidity of these pardons, which will]also bring up the question before aUirc.uit Judge an to who Is Governor»f Bouth Carolina.

Do the figures, "77" stond, aftertour riante 011 the pnper? Jf not 8ee *

:o It at once. Don't lot the l'ost M«h.i.tknow that you are behind withhe printer. U

i'nm mimm an.«

Opinion of Judge Cooke oil Commissionsol° County OiOcinls.[CouimuuloutlonH to tlie (! recti vlllo News,

iH'combor 11).]Among the recently eJuetcd county

otllcialri, there suetus to lie soijio ditt'erL'licoof opinion as to whom theyshould take their commlssiond from.And inasmuch n.s 1 have been frequentlyinked what nlmll we do, Iwould stiy to till portions interested,that the popular vote of the fcjtutenhown that Governor Hampton litisbeen duly elected Governor, and tlmthe qualified aa such on the 14th iustant.1 should not receive or qualify

I ni.t. ..ft.,...II11U or u uuilliiuasiun Hutu un^ wnt>

person. if eoniuii:HionH wore for-warded prior to the 14th instant to anyperson by Chamberlain, I should nothuwitate to qualify, for he was Uovernoruntil the J4tli, on which duy GovernorHampton qualified,

Yours truly.r. H. COOKE.


Christmas in Duk Wkst..Collegeexercises was suspended in DuoWest two days for Christmas.Mondayand Tuesdays. On Monday nightthere was to bea-Jteeeption at the FeinulcC'ollcgc, unit on Tuesday night n

Concert by thoCoruet Jiand.vOn Fridaynight a Cantata will bo given bythe young ladies of the Female CofIego.A little fellow a few Sundays ago

bung his flocking up in the hope thatSanta C'laus would anticipate the time.The old fellow put in nothing but athree foot switch with the promise todo "better on Chrietmaa morning," ifho was a good boy."Why sutler with a bad cold If one

bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup willeuro a cough of the worst kind. Dr.Hull's Cough Syrup i» sold for 2"» centsper bottle, or five bottles for $1.00, inevery respectable drug store in theUnited States.

"hotic e.Will bo Sold by the Undersignedat Abbeville

Court House onSale Day

Tie First Monday in JanuaryMTHAT trivet of land in AbbevilleCounty oji Little Jtiver containingFivo Hundred and FortyFiveAcresmore or less, hounded by lauds of thoestate of Jumoi T Jjit/tlcll deceased,Leroy Wilson and others. ^Assignedto iik! for iiikvniont of rlehLq.


Tennu of Hull*-. One-half of thepmehaso money to bo paid incauli,and the halanoe, on a credit of twelvemouths, with intercut ut toil per cent,per annum, to 110 neouml by bond withjiers«mill tjoourity, and u mortgage oftb»? promiK'rt.


Dec. 20 187(5.


McDonald & HaddoiiFor

Christmas Tricks.

Call 011McDonald & Haddon


Cosfectionarics ail Groceries.All Goods sold at the Lowtst

Pricefftti memrun wish.

pec. 20th ].S7«.

Mrs. RameyJNFORMS her friends thai who will

open u ]i(JTJ£L» in the DendyllotiK! ou thi' fust tif January next,and requests a share of luitrouugo.Doc. -'I), ]«7(i.

$25 Reward.ON the flight of Monday tho

of October, my dwelling wnsentered and a trunk containing a tinehunting case gold watch, a gold vestchain, one long llille pistol, and onesmooth horod pistol with one Hide ofstock made of walnut, and silvermounted, a large pocket knife withtwo blades, with tho cut of a lion oilone blade, a silver half dollar, whichhas had letters cut across the face bya silver smith.

W r 1, LI AM J10HEJITSON.Donaldsvillo, Nov. lHth 1S76. tf.

SUN"'1877." "

NEW YORK. 1S77Thedifferent editions of The Run during

llic next year will In- the sirno us during tlieyear that has jusf passed. The dully editionwill on week day;s be u shout of lour pa^es,and on Sundays a sheet, of oijjht pages, or 5t>broad columns; while the weekly editionwill bonshootoi' ei^ht pai<es of the same dimensionsand character that ure already familiarto our friends.ThoA'uu will continue to bo tho strenuous

udvoculc of relorin and retrenchment, and ofthe substitution of statesmanship, wisdom,und Intcjxrlty for hollow pretence, imbecilityand fraud In lite administration of public affairs.Jt will coiiieiid for the jioverument oftin: people by the people and for the people,as opposed to uovorriment by frauds In thonalloi-uox una 111 me ciiiiiiiuiKoi voicn, enforcedliy military violence. It will emleavorto supply Its readers.u body now not furfrom a million of souls.witli llic most careful,com plclc, and trust worthy accounts ofcurrent events, and will employ Cor this purposeft numerous and carefully selected ."Uitt*of reporters and correspondents. I |«s reportsfrom Washington, especially, \\^J he full, accurate,iiml fearless; ami It \wll doubtlesscontlnuo to deserve and enjoy tin* hatred ofthose who thrive by plundering the Treasuryor hy usurping what I hi- law does not givethem. while It will endeavor lo merit thecontidenco of the puhlie hy defending therights of the people against tliu eneroaehmxiilKofunjustified power.The" priee of the daily «SVm will lie .15 cents

a month or jfii.fin a year, post paid, or with the.Sunday edition S7.7(» a year.

'J'lie Sunday edition alone, eight pages, 81.Jia year, post ]iaid.'J'liu W'crtdH Mini eight pnjrcs, of .V. hrnnd columns,will he furnished during l?>77 at the

rate of $1 a year, post paid.Tin; hoAotlt of tlild large reduction from the

previous rale for The IfVrA/;/ can he enjoyedhy Individual subscribers without the necsftsilyiif making up cluhs, Al the same time,If any of our friends ehoose to aid In extondIiikour circulation. we shall he grateful tothem,and every such person who sends uston or more subscribers from ono place willlie out Itled to one copy of tho paper for hlmselfwithout charge. At one dollar a yearpostage paid, the expenses of paper ami printingare lmrrly repaid- and, considering thesixoof tho sheet and the quality of Its contents,we areconfident. the people will considerThe H'rcklt/ .Vim tho cheapest newspaperpuhlislicd In the world, ami we trust alsoono of tho very host.

Address.TJirC SUN New York City, N. Y.

THE PEOPLE'S STORE,!At No. 1 Granite Range, i

Abbeville C. E., 8. C.A.n Invitation to A ll.

COME nn<l examine my Stock, (Iwill mako it to* your interest,)

consisting in part of

Alpacas, Calicoee,Bleachcd, Unbleached nnd Chocked


Ofr@14e. per y:ir«l,Woolen Jeans, per yard.





TIipbo poods were bought at the low- (i\st figures, and 1 will soil them cheap ifor OASJF. (

J also buy and fhip cotton.

E. A. MARS, iNon. 27, JK70, 3m ;

Safes. iktrvt'iinaT?n a ten mat 1

IZS HAFES, juwt to iwuul nt LJ.'l). CilALiiEUS & C'O.

Oct. JS7«, tf



Rnarrl nf flnnntv nnnimissinnfirsUUU1U \Jk UUU41J WUmiUiUUiUUUiU

Of Abbeville County.Tho Hoard of (,'ouuty Commissioners

bog leave respectfully to make their aunnalreport with exhibits showing thoir

receipts ami expenditures during tho fiscalyear, commencing 1st, Nov, 1875, and

ending tho 31st, Octobor, 1870.

Roads and Urines.J M Trawilt, liridgo at ttrnoks Mill,$165.00LJ Johnson, Bridgo at MeCauIy'n

Mills, ,mooWin Holjortson, Right of Way, 100.00J V yhrader, Kockov liivor liridgo, 4-ilUH)Win li Brooks, repairs on Bridgo, 10.00tfura Boyd, repairs on Wardlav/'s

bridge,..,., 15.00.1 V S!!ir"ili>r !iplil(»n.rnrH!iii'Bi'mnlf 9J) (If)G F llnnlett, repairs on bridge, \ 15,1)0Morrow A Wartllaw, work 011

JCettriok's bridjrc, 7~>.00Catlcit Corley, bridge dearies Mill, 20.00It W lladdon, road work, 5,00F V Cm-,swell, bridge on braneh,,,. 25.00KW Uuddon, for causeway, 12.50J C Jlenry, iiuwtliorn bridge, 40.00.Lis A MeCord, surveying road, 7,00Sain'lTMundny, bridge T,oiig Cane, 30S.00Nathan Hanks, repairing bridgos,... J.175J A Devlin, repairing bridge, 5.00Reynolds it Morris, TiridgeCnrltail, i>0.00Bony Williams, building and repairingfour bridges, fl5.00J C Mmiday, <tauseway L'mg CiCne, 20.00flradlov iV-iay, l'alterson'b biriilge, 850.00Koynolds A Morris, 20.00W" A Marion, repairing bridge,

Island Ford,., ,... 75.00John II Jones, Flat (at Fotligrcwa

Perry, , 115.00W O Cromer, bridge repairs, 0.00S K ilrown, 4.00J fj I'inson, " 48,75John i; llidlook, for Causeway, 25.00Iiony Williams repairing llinton's

bridge 75.00J A Pevlin, f<uinber for bridgo, 7,20Sn;n JJoj'd, ropairs on Ward law's

bridge 12.00M O Taggart, 1 light of W»y, WJ.OOBony William", lor gully bridge,.., J5.00liOiiTlDii Korr, work on Causeway, 5.00James \Vl.ik> repairing roads on

Wliito'K placp; 0.00Bony Williams, repairing bricij^o.Lamb'scrook, 6.00(i II Moore, timbor for Causeway, 4.00V (jrillin, rupairing bridge, JU.00Tj J Wilaon, and otliurs ropairlng

Fair's bridge. 70.0OJ IJ Kay, and others for Causeway

at Fair's bridge, 212,.'15J t-i Kenny, ropairson bridge, 5,00H L' Smltii, Lai tuber for bridge, 12.00lj 11 Uu^se!|, Kight of Way, 4|).uoBony Williams, bridgo oyer Wilson'scrook, 80.00IS I ford Jackson, repairs on White's

i)ridgo f>4,00Tlwa Young, tilling gullv,...... 2S.00I) K Williams, Lumber for bridges, lid.00Catlut Uorley, repairs on bridge,

Searlas .M i 11 G.S0J If Jomvt, on road account, 26.00W N Calliouu, bridge over Sawney'screek, , 25.00Wliito Bros., on account of ro:ids

and bridges, 0.51Christian it Wilson work bridges, 14,00\V 11, MeAlistor, repairing bridgo

Hi Calhoun's Alills, 20.00ll'»nos, IJrown it Co., road picks and

freight, 41.10Cowan »t Morrow, repairing bridge, S.lfjMouy VillianiH, renjuring bri<lfro

over Jlardlanor, 20.00A J ijipJ'H, Lumber f'»r bridge, 11.10It C lirowiiloo, repairing bridgo

(Hawthorn's.) 20.00C'Atlott Corley, repairing bridge* at

Hc»:irl(uMills, 20.00Riliorl J:wUhoii, repairs on bridge,,.. 2.00;11 A (irillliif building bridge, 10.00Kllmrl Jackson, repairs on bridge,.. 1J U MeW'horler, limbor for ivmd,... 2.00H T Mundav, repairs on road, -1.00\V II MeAlister, gully bridge, 20.00Sluplieiisoiijtt I'nrdv, repairs .Martin'sbridge lfi.001John J Lotuax, lilling gully, 10.00jJ us Kobertsnji, repairs on Marl ill's

bridge, 3.00A M Hill, hauling bridge timber,... 0.00W N Culhouu, balance on bridge,... 15.00

Total $3,713.23

Poor Ifouso and Repairs.JaoobMlllcr.MaintonaucePoor.Nov 213.25

' "44 *' Due.... 221.3044' " J nil... 107.00

" '44 41 Fob... 107.00" "" " M'rch 212.02"44 " April 2ID.00

i « " \ " May.. 20S.H044 44 " " Juno.. 200.00

" "" 44 July.. 107.0044 44 44 44 Aug... 187.25

44 Sept... 187.2544 4444 44 Oct....

Total $2,210.24Louvenia Williams, niainleacnaneo

of Pauper ehIId, 25.00(i a Douglass, well nt i'oor J louse,.... 20.70C \V Crows, pump for I'oor House,!. 14.25Christian tt Wilson, hauling, 25.00Ld I'.aUMcIl, cleaning well, 3.50Sum Joiiliuou, well iixiuri-s, 3.0»>

Total $2,337.l»l»

Public Building Account.V Hutlor 3.0010 l'atton, 3.00J C Womnanskv, 17.30\V ]losen berg, blankets for jail,...-.... 2U.20A Keqiiest, blanket* lorjail, l'J.SOJ T ltol>orlson, uoxos I'ronntdOiiK'u,l'orker A I'errin, Stationery lor

Public oflleos, 2J3.:i£>11W Jones, 4.00J> I! Smith, repairs in Troiw. olUcc, M.ooji; W Jones, iiJHJII N I'rutt, chairs l'lihlic buildings, 25.00:Wurtllaw A Kilwanls 2.55A W Wilson <i.20lParker A IVrrin, books, ami stationery,48.05Dul'rc, (J. <tOo., ollioo furniture,.... £>.?<»Miller A Robertson, rent ol' ollicc, 3-1.3.').) !'C J >ul're, stationary for >S C opco VJ.'MA Doqusst, 4.SOIf W Lawson, bUitionory, 2.t>7WKoaenber};,articles for court room 10.00(I A Douglass A' Co., 2.05Stun Johnson, <3.00\V C Monro, repairing chairs, 4.2511Jones, 17.i>r»J 1) Chalmers, oiliceckairs, 20.00It \Y JjUWSOII, AlllJllorsi

ollk'C, 10.115;Jacob Kurlz, liimo for Jail,1, II I'uss»:ll, Postage on Blanks,.... 5J.OOLondon Mill, Owe lor Treasurer's

oltice, 0.00.Ed Kjvswoll,<:li«ituiix woll at Jail,... 3.00\V C iMimri', repair. olllco furniture, 3.S0I, I' Klehie, rqairs on sail, 2.20I'nrker i* i'crriii, stationery, 3".15

Public IlmldingH nnd Offices.Miller it Robertson, rent of School

(,'ommiHsiotior's oiliee 20.K3J C WnMiiimisky, work on Prohato

oilier, 1.00W A Lee, rent of School ComininHioner'soflleo, 25.00L II IIuhhoM, stationery Auditor's

ofilce, 2.20J 1) Chalmers, furniture Court room U!.o:>

Total ? IIX>. 18

Piollnp Prisoners in Jail.L P Onflin, diHing Prisonon*. Nov lr>9.r.O

"""*" 1;;3.:«V

"" " Jan.." 17!UH)j'" " Feb....

" '" Ma'eli t2it-2.Hr" ' " " April IM.so!

"" «' May.. 151.7(1" "" " Jump.. 10:I.<H»

'""" J iilv.. 153.W)" 41" " Aug.. ISf.'.M);

" "" " Hop... l!7.SOShorill' of ltidiland, <1 It'llii{< Jorry

t I'oloiiiun, -17.70

Total ?l,i;s0.7">

Convt Expenses..TANIIAUY TKRM, 187ft.

rJrnnd JurorH, ,$llS.0ft111. 'tiVTt

I'nllSlllMl'S, 122.f>0VVitnitswH 13(1.25r'oiilinirciilI, 1> litiwio. Clerk Court, 7I.ooj\ lilylho, Solicitor, 145.00 j

MAY TE1!SI.Irund Jm orn, 117.-10I'ctit Jurorn, 230.2/>^on.stabloH, 0«!.00IVituossos, 345.(15;«)nthiKont, 7.00fj I) Hrmiy, Clork Court, Wi.OOV Ulytho, Solicitor,... 147.50

OCTOnEU TKUJI.Jrnwl Jurors, 1I#.70Petit JurorH, 203.;if>'onsUibloH, fil.OO I'iVitnessoH, 71.20'.V 111j tho, Solicitor, 70.00 j i

Total ?2,453.f;0

Trial Justices' and tbeir Constables.Till A1/ J UMT1CKS.

C K Bruce, 208.20J It Tarrant, ; 123.(13It S Beckhlim 108.50 111 W Hughs 152.80S 11 McClinton, 2i).50J F Culvert, - 11.00S J3 Qmydon, 55.50 *

U C J larkiKws, ....7. 15.00Juiuos llodgcrrs, 1)1.00

COXSTAIIt&S.\V Y Bavin 20.25

FLMorrow, . 4.00T A Jcfforson 00.30A H Grimn 125.05MuuuhI MoICellor, 4.70JYL Simmons, 12.10My Thoiniw, 3.10Thomiw Jones - 92.85B WbitlOok, n. . 91.30Henry Braitr, '>.25A J Titus, 3.50(> W fSheujmrd, 8.00M O Mctiwlan 38.00

A Kllinon, .' 9.10J W Power, 22.70P T Richardson, 78.55W N Purdv 2(5.70Wm Kill*,.. « !<>J II McClinton l<).2oIsaac Peterson, 11.05A V Brooks, 108.85J? IS JJowit*Anron CoU.'inun,L) i* lliuiliull, «V25Sam Marshall, 2,00M V Tlirmjilft 2.90W II Daniels R.<»T J Brough, 81.00A J Cauthon, 18,s£5MPLonrd, 0,55!E Lowi-s, 2/J5

Total gi70S.0S

I'ott Mortem h nnd Lnnacy.I'HOCKEDTNOS IN t,UN.YCT.

Til Milfonl. l'robatc Jmljjo, ....

" » »«. V'

0.00« m « w « 6.00

PIiyWCTAN'fl CKCTIFICATI2 OK LUJIAUY.ur v « Uiiixu,I)r John l!o/.uuuui, 5.00l)r J 1) Neill ,6.00!ir J I[ JcunliifjH, 6.00fir W h Tomuloton 5.50Dr J VV W Maiyhnll, 6.00

J'OST MOltTKM KXAt 1.NATION.Dr J 11 lloll, 10.00

CAHKYING LUNATXCa TO AMY I.I'M.J R lionl, LW.0OJamoH Uoilyon, 10.00L. X' UuUiu, sheriff, . S-tliii

Total.,., $125.75

Printing Account.

Leo it Wilson, County Printing, 109.50I loin phi 11 A'. Co., ' " 105.J41 (muphill iV. Co., " " -23.00UonillkUl'.t Co., " " 10.00U.mipTTfll «fe Co,, « « 17.00KfinpliiU & Co., " « 7.50Hemphill <S Co., 14 M 20.00

Total §y0J.M/

Board of Kqaahzatlon.L II ttntwMI, Kcrvicou on H'd Kqmtliz'.n ff.it)J W Vorrin, " -170I. II ltiisHOII, " ""r,.<K>J W l'orrln* ° "' ' 7.7»J M IjUiincr, " ""

K A Connor, " " " IJ.iiOL 11 KlISXoll, ' " ' 11.00V A Connor, " " " 8.G0

Totftl t'W.GO_ -<

ShctifPs Acconut.L P Uuflin, transport'^ Jerry Coloman, 850,75" " " convicts toPonitonlinry,: ui.so" ' " Jorry Coleman from

Columbia toAbbeville.*. 50.:W" " I,nnatlcs froinNlnefy '

HIx to Columbia, C.OO" " " Convicts to Penitentiary78.00»' arrests and uilleajro 8.S5" " serving Jurors, Jan'y Torm, Wi.U3« » executing Jerry < 'oli-man,.... ftl.OO" " porvlnu Pottit Jurors, 27.M" transporting prisoners, V5.00" " bill. transport!ng prisoners, 7.'Ji

cervlug Jurors, Jiui'y Torin, RIO

Total ssijtfi

Jary Commissioner.\V. IF, Riilvc«, for torvlees Jury Com'r. 1S.00\V II Hbl von, " * 11.00\V IT Hlilves, " * i* " 3.76W II Slilvo* *i " " " 3.0U

Total £3.75Clerk ('O Commissioners.

Clerk of County Commissioners, 'MR.ffl

County CominifjuioBcrs.it' JonoH^Vcrvicps 6^tJI .COWin. Pope, herviPoK Ul/.VT, M. CliriMtlun, services, :tso.8»

TotalS1.WI.15O »ron or, l.s.00Contingout 0.'>5


Uoads and Hridgots, 3,713,'JII'oor 1 [otiso and lU'pairw,Public I'.uildings and Olliccs, i'JU IS1 Hoi lug Prisoners, l,'!sfl.75Court Kxpcimes,Trial J list ices and Constables, 1,705.0NPohI. Mortfins and Lunacy .Sf 125.76County Printing 30.'!.."!Hoard .JftjtMillzution . 00.00Jury Commissioner 1 27.75KliurlfPs Account, CI t.sfl

Coroner, J.'l.'jOContlngHiit ,Clerk County Commissioners, 3iW.<«01County Commissioner, J<*ics, .'i-l.'H |

"J'opo 411.2"! |"" Christian, JWVIi>|

Total ai.j.isji.i.-'Amount Audited, liut not drawn I.S-VJ.W'

Total debt, 17.SW.I1Amount collected by Tron.-iuri'r 17.wH.flS

Petlclcucy, S7U7.3S

'statement or pastindebtEDNESS.Totivl Tftft IndohtednesK Including

lieJlclcnny of IS7-1 $tt»,1113.37Paid front Njieolal l-vvy IK7"», 115,257.71)I'illd HIK'Ciul Jjovy Ili,2S1,l2

S12.WI.KIAmount ktill due ami interest, l,'i7l,G5

In Account With Trcasnrcr.Amount collected from snoeial I,ovy

l*7o 8m.irw."i" W.5«..fi6

->1111 VI

Credited l>y Amount drawn on Trofw*tir«T, ; S2.Hlfl.K2

Amount in Troftsuror'n hands,! £i.V\77The abovo stnbnwnt inny vary n littlo

as totbo exact amount in the Troiwiiror'sliau<ls, but iu the oUut ior|unj|« is oiut'L

It, JOMX,0. ]{. t*. C.

LAST WARNING!!ALL jMTHonK indebted to iih, by

not* or Hccount must settle thehhiiiu by the 1Qth JJcccmbcr or they


POSITIVELYBo Sued at the Next Court.QUARLES & PERRIN.Nov. 22th, lS7fi. tf i

Notice.ALL persons indebted to the undersignedby note or account,111 uhL settle tne same or mo mauer i

will bo placed in Hit* hands of an attorneylor collection, Longer indulgencewill not be given. jiA. BEQUEST. |


THE partnership herctoforo exist-ingbetween the undersigned in i

the mercantile.business under thefirm name of \V. J). MAltH & CO.,ha* been dissolved by mutual consent.

W. J). MA US. <A. E. MA ltd.

November 15, 187(>, 3t.


ALT, persons having claims againstthe estate of JAMES ('. WIL- :

IjALD, deceased, will present them !uuiy proven io me MiHiersigncu. A Jul vperaoiiH indebted to said estate willmake payment without delay to


Administrator. s

Abbeville C. II., 13th Nov. 1S7(>.ov. 12 *87G.

1 £> 3>OZKN CANE and CANKajZ hack ijockjnc chairsit J. I>. CHALMKUS& CO. ]Oct. 25. lb7U, tf J



If You Want

GOOD GOODS' -'-i --r

It the Lowest Prices,Call On

icBoaald & HaM$a.Sopt. 27, 1WB, tf



Call on

McDonald & Haddon.Sopt. 27, 1S70, tf

McDonald & Ha^OnArenow rocclvlngFALL and WINTER GOODSWHICH Jiavo beou Boloctcd with

Krc'iit cjvr« ItyMit. 1{. M. ITAD-!DON in Ni.'W York fiii.l Baltimore, all!nf whw'li will tin uold tm Mm nnwh in»r.m]ten03, [SopU 27,1876.


.arc rooeiving thoir. .

FALL STOCKof MERCHANDISE,consisting of all kinds of

DRY GOODS,Groceries,;

Crockery, Boots, Shoes,HATS AND CAPS.

Evorytiling Ohoapl Givethem a call.Sept. 20, IS76.

falTand winterGOODS

A rn rtrianX VUO &

Quarles & Perrin.Sept. 19, 1S76. ,

CIGARS! CIGARS!!Wo keep I ho finest and cheapest assortmentof CfOARB in town. Great

inducements to cash buyers.ofteredl»yMcDonald & Haddon.April 10, 1H70, 62-tf

Notice.4LL pcrwus indebted to tho undersignedby note or account,must settle the same or they will beplaced in tiie hands of an attorney for!collection. Longer indulgence willnot be given.

Quarles & Perrin.«cpc. 10, 187U.

The LadiesWILL find our stock of everything hi

their lino ospfccinlly nttraetive thinhc:moil, ami all wo ask for in careful iiihjkotiouto convince them of prices being iwlow us can be found anywhere in tlioStiilr. -o sureto give na u "ohJI buft.ro purchasingand judge for you rsolvw. *


JAS. A. BOWIE,Apeut Emporium of KHshlorw.

Oct. 1, 1S7(3.

Marshall House Stable.T\T* TTTA 111%t J 0 i v.Mni«Anw /

fly wawipra & Mmimi* .

THESE STABLES r.rc now Ingood repair ami lire kept under

the personal supervision of the undersigned,wii<i will behind to receive theCUSTOM of the public.The christian man repardeth the life

of liin beast.hove your horse well fedwhen you come to towu.\VA I,LIN(<I'OUI> & ARMSTRONG.November 22, 1870,


Gary & Graydon,Attorneys "at Law,

ABBEVILLEX'. H., S. C.(g?jr Special attention to the collectionof claims.Nov. 12, lS7fi. tf

A LIBERAL ADVANCE on thocash value of cotton \jill be

paid to persons Imlebted to us by noloor account.

QUARLES A I'ERRINSept. 19, lh7f>.

Mil BMW5n millinery,



:uul Indies' goods generally, can nowhe found at ilio

Emporium of Fashion.Oct. M, 1870.


SWILL insure pin houses and their!contents at the following low)

i'iitoh in one of the most reliable com-!panics now represented in llio South.I'jipitnl S0,000,(HK),For 15 mouths (id 2 por cent.For 5 months (n\ C per cent.

/Vud dwellings and all other proportyit the lowest rates.

L: W. PERRIN, Agent. |Office at Law Oflloc of Poirin it?otluan.Nov. 15, 1K7G, If

Sale Under Mortgage.13. W. Marshall A Co., Assignees,

llgaill!»t.J. W. Logan.

BY vlrtuo of n morigapo to ino rtirootodin tlio ftltovo Ktntoflcftso, I will sell to!

ho liighfst hlildorat Ahbovillo C. H., 0111<ALE DAY in JAN UAltY noKt, 1*77,'vithin the logul hours, J

ONE HAY MAKE,iovlodon us llio pn>|>«>rty of J. \V. Loganit llio suit of 12. W, Marshall it Co,, as-,igticns.'JYrina Cash.

L. P. GUl'TIX, A front. jSliPrlfT'.s OIBw, )! j2StllNO\*. 1K7'5. Ji {

Grecian Chamber Suits,fcTHW A XI) HEAUT1FTL at i^ J. J). CHALMERS & CO. <

Oct. 25,1876, tf.- -

f0>> <>" ~ mmVMK*"**' .rBACON,


BARRELS choice Northjm\W\9em apple*, consisting oriiaidwJu, North Spy, Dettoit Reds 20ouncePippins, Ac.150 barrels Northern Irish Potatoes.100 barrels Selected Northern Cabbage.50 barrels Northern Onions.10,000 ibs. Dry Salt Sides.25 tierces Hams.100 kegs, tubs and buckets Leaf Lard.50 packages Selected Goshen Butter.100 boxes Cream and Factory Cheese.100 barrels,} barrels and kits Mackerel150 sacks of Fue and Coarse Salt.50 sacks Rio Coffee.100 barrels Famjjy Flour. ,*-«%.

100 boxes Family Soap.AI.SO,

Barrels Sugar House Syrup, Extra ...

C and C Sugar, reams Straw Paper,cases Oysters, Sardines, Pickles, Lobsters.Peaches, Tomatoes, boxes SodaCrackeis, Giugers, Lemon bracken,Centennial and imperial Crackers,v.Starch, Soda, Candles and Pfpae, box-oh itizg vunoy anu ass+orvea chickCandy, boxes Lemons, boxes ChewingTobacco, caaea Jolly, eaaes Bitten*, .

Kico, Iln-jgin;* oud Ties, &< , «tc. N

Theabove stock Is all fresh, having"just arrived.

Prices guaranteed as low as Charlesionor Willmintfton. ftC. J. IAUEEY,Commission Merchant.

Columbia, 8. C., Oct. 18,1876, 3m


rum ptiiiiitimttun.

i TIR Con*f»vtitty Adding to Tholr','\ Already Varied iStoek of (JeuernlMerchandise, *;.

v. rt *:> 1-, if «

They Kcceivc this Week. ,

SUGAR,r# i


, T '


of all Kinds.And next wook, a full line of

DRY GOODS,Boots and Shoe*.

Nov. 22,1«76, tf '

Emporium of Fashion.. r9

FALLS ' WINTER.I w / .. ihii

1876. OPENING 1876.OF A

New Stock of NoveltiesIN yuv*

Millinery, Dress Goods,Fancy Dry Goods, *

^* %ry

And Ladies Cloaks,

OUR Stool; Ka* been selected with- a great deal of earo, ami will lit)

instantly replenished. It will Cum*priHo KpeeiuUies in every departmentof elioicLMt .styles, quaUiieiiamlHlfadetf,suoli >ih ure uhi\h11v displayed at ourwell-known Ladieu hmporium.

Jas, A. Bowie,Agent Emporium of F&fchtan.'

Nov. 14,187U.

Take Notice.m m v r'

AIJj iieamnB Indebted to the undernignedniUHt scUlo the huhm^IivI lie (irstof next month, longer indulgencewill not he given. X ulbo detrfreto wiy to my friend* und ouatomeratliut after thin dale

No credit will bo given toany one before the 1st

of March next.I will KflI only for cash and at the

very lowest prieea. '

W« Rosenberg.Nov. 16, 167G, 3t

Tie State of Mb Carolina,County of Abbeville,

Sheriff's Sale.David Iiowio, Plaintiff1,

against THarrison A. Visannka, Defendant,

Wolf Kosenherp, UuM|toniiont, .

agalnatDavid Lewie, Appellant.

BY virtue of the judgment .of foreclosureof the C'iruuit Court In theformer eaae, mid of tho Supremot'ourt in tho latter cane, I will bell, asthe property of the said Harrison A.Visanskn, on Halo Day in Januarynext, at Abbeville Court House, thot met of land, known ils the

BELCI1ER PLANTATIONsituate in Abbeville CdUnty, adjoininglands of Thomas Thomson, Mrs. MtvComb, mid othora, containing onethousand and fifty acres, more or lensTerms of Hale..One-fourtJi of the

purchase money to lie paid in caeh,and the balance, with interest fromday of sale, to be paid annually withintwo years from the day of salo, andto he Bceured by bond with personal *

security, aud a mortgage of the premises.L. P. GUFFIN,

Sheriff Abbevillo (bounty. !i

ShorifPa Office, Dee. 0, 1870.

Sheriffs Sale.Klla. M. Harrison, et al,

VB.John Harrison, ct al.

Order of Prabate Court.

BY virtue of an Order to mo directedfrom his Honor 8. J.Douthut, Judge of Probate Greenville(bounty, in tlie above stated cane, Iwill sell to the highest bidder, at PublicAuction, within the legal houra ofside, at Abbevillo Court House, oilMonduy, the fiirst day of January, A.I). 1S77, the following described property,to wit: All that tract or parcelof land, situate, lying and being Inthe Village of Phoenix, in the Countyof Abbeville, South Carolina, oon-laiuiiiK »'iv ui*iU| IIIWIU in itnw,

TERMS..One-third cash remainderon a credit of nine month* fromday of sale to Ik; secured by a mortgageof the jtftmilbcs and two personalsecurities.

L. P. OUFFIN,Sheriff Abbevijle County.

BhcrHFs Ofticc, D«e. 0, 1870. 41.

COKESBURY CONFERENCE SCHOOL.('okcsbury« Abbeville Co., 8, C.

Eijjiity-first Session of Twenty WeeksIji'giiiM on (li« Fir-'l Momlnv Sii


P. A, CON'NUU, Hector | (i. L\ HODGES, ProfKX l'KSTHKH,

Tuition, Primary Department. ?12..V);rnternuHliato, ?2(t,00; Senior, $gf».Q0; boanij: 12.00 por mnntli. Sons of Ministers ofConference Hoc of tuition. Of other tlelotninutions,half roto.Location proverbially healthy. Knsilyiceessiblo by G. A V. K. It. CommunityiitclliKOUt, refined and moral. Free from

Irani shops and gaming saloons.Oct. 1,1876. 2m - .