[1] Fall CALENDAR2012

Fall Calendar 2012

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SouthLake Students Fall Cal 2012

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C a m p

Super Summer, 2012Super Summer started off a little wet and soggy, but ended up being a life changing week for hundreds of students. There is nothing like spending a week with friends from our youth group plus meeting new friends from churches all across the state of Florida!

Whatever you do - don’t miss Super Summer!

S e e Y o u A t T h e P o l e R a l l y

C U @ The Pole is September 26. Meet before school around your flag pole to pray for your teachers & friends.

That night we will gather for a multi-church wide rally kicking off First Priority Clubs. Details TBA

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R o c k T h e U n i v e r s eThe Songs that move you. The faith that lifts you. And the rides that thrill you! It all comes alive in one place, Rock The Universe, Sept 8th.

Cost: $60

Details: Sept 8th :: Meet @ church’s parking lot at 2:30

Sign up no later than Sept 5th. Reserve your spot on the party bus.

Join thousands of believers for a night of soul-stirring concerts from some of Christian rock’s brightest stars including Switchfoot, TobyMac, Relient K, and more!

Your ticket to RTU means even more than just music. You get full access to Universal Studios rides and attractions. You can even pick songs by your favorite Christian bands to rock out to while you’re flying at 65 mph on Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket!

RTU Lineup This year, experience an even bigger FanZone where you can sing along with your favorite Christian rock songs. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends to come, hang out, have some fun, & hear some good music.

w w w . r o c k t h e u n i v e r s e . c o m


R - T - U

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T h e P a u s e . L e a r n i n g t o s e e k G o dYour generation is busier than any generation before

you. Generation Multitask would be a fitting label. School,

band, sports practice, volunteering, jobs, and simply

spending time with family and friends all create a

tremendous drain on your time.

Even when you are not doing any of these

things, you are being bombarded by the

overwhelming media at your fingertips. Here’s the

deal, even when you are not busy, you are not

resting. And sadly, most of you aren’t stopping to spend time

in meaningful connection with God. Jesus teaches us that

hitting pause in the midst of our busy lives is crucial

to having a deep connection with God. We are

going to spend the weekend hitting pause. We

are working on cultivating our relationship with


Cost: $50

Signup by: Oct. 17th

Disciple Now WeekendWHAT IS A D-NOW? Glad you asked. D-Now is an in-town weekend retreat that happens in homes around our city.

There are times of large group worship and small group discussion. You will stay up late, eat lots of food, and have tons of fun.

D-Now is a great time to learn more about God and grow closer to each other.

“Even when U R not busy,

U R not resting.”

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S u r f s U p ! C r o s s w a v e s

We had a great time at

Crosswaves back in July! Let’s

do it again. Have you ever

wanted to learn how to surf? Well, this is your chance. We are

headed back to Bethune Beach

to hang out with a group of

surfers called Crosswaves.

Food :: Surf Lessons :: Fun

Sept. 22 7am - 7pm

Cost: $10

Modest swimwear pleaseNo speedos

No bikinis

F a m i l y D a y @ B e a c h Families are more than welcome to join us on Sept 22 for a day at the beach. We will meet at the church’s parking lot at 7am and return by 7pm. It will be a full day of fun, sun, and surf! We are partnering with a ministry called Crosswaves. They put on an awesome surf festival with food, music, and a Gospel message. We would love to have you come with your student(s).

Contact the Student Ministry office for more details: 352-243-1155


Crosswaves Sept. 22

Sign up by Sept. 12

1. Make sure we have a release form on file for you and any friends that may be attending.

2.Make sure we have a release form from Crosswaves.

3.Pay your $10 to help pay for gas and incidentals

4.Show up at 7am on Sat, Sept 22

Parents - we need your help getting kids to the beach. Contact the office 352-243-1155

w w w . c r o s s w a v e s w e b . c o m t o d o w n l o a d r e l e a s e f o r m

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B r o c k G i l l . . .The Illusionist, Brock Gill will be performing for

us on October, 30th! Brock has for many years

set the pace for a new generation of edgy,

daring illusionists as he amazes audiences with his unique stage show,

dry wit, and mindblowing escapes. Brock

has released four full-length DVDs that

feature big stunts, such as “the bullet

catch,” as well as pro skateboarder Tim Byrne, X-

Games gold medalist freestyle motocross rider

Kevin Johnson, and other artists. He has been

featured in numerous organizations and he

has performed live on national TV. Brock uses the medium of illusions and

entertainment to communicate the most

transforming message of all time - the

story of the Gospel.

C h e c k o u t : w w w . b r o c k g i l l . c o m

B r o c k G i l l . . .“Brock Gill’s magic was amazing. He owned the room the moment he came out....” Mark Hall Casting Crowns

“Brock Gill is an illusionist in the most seasoned sense of the word. Combining a fearless attitude, charismatic performance style...he blows away the sea of shoddy Vegas sideshows...” Billy Graham


8/22 Switch to Wed

8/29 Sumo night

9/5 The Gospel Pr

9/8 R-T-U

9/22 Crosswaves

9/26 Youth Rally (TBA)

10/26-28 D-Now

10/30 Brock Gill

10/31 Costume night (favorite superhero)

10/18 Turkey Bowl

Oct. 30thMore details

coming soon..........


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Here’s the deal... We are

looking for a handful of High

School students who would like

to push the boundaries. We are looking for some students who

would like to ask hard questions.

We are looking for students who

want to be equipped in Biblical

theology, apologetics, &

hermeneutics. We are looking for

students who are ready to be

challenged. If you don’t know

what those words mean, but

would like to, then we are looking for YOU!

T h e G o s p e l P r o j e c t

The Gospel Project will help you develop a bigger perspective

on Scripture and how the story

of Jesus Christ ties it all together.

Every week, in every passage,

you will encounter the gospel

through the in-depth study of

biblical theology, apologetics,

missions, and

the grand

narrative of

Scripture. Because

nothing has

the ability to


your life like

the gospel.

W e d n e s d a y N i g h t s

The Gospel

project will begin

on Wednesday

night, September 5th. & will run every Wednesday during

the Fall. We will start at 5:15 and

go until 6:00. Afterwards, we will

go to our normal youth group

night where you will have

specific roles and responsibilities

to serve other students.

S t e p I t U p

We are needing some high

schoolers to step up and lead.

If you sign up for the Gospel

Project, then we are going to expect you to be fully engaged.

That means, we want you to

show up ready to roll. This time

together will be well worth it!

There will be some surprises

along the way, good

conversation, spiritual growth,

and equipping. We look forward

to seeing you there.

H I G H S C H O O L W e d n e s d a y n i g h t s 5 : 1 5 - 6 : 0 0

P a r e n t s“Keep your eye on the ball.” As a baseball

coach, I hear that advice on a regular basis. When it comes to most every sport, keeping

your eye on the ball is the key to success.

Focus & concentration will lead to a favorable outcome in most every arena of life.

What if we were to give that same advice

to our children? “Keep your eye on Christ.”

“Focus on what really matters.”

C o n t a c t I n f o .• [email protected]• 352-243-1155• www.churchatsouthlake.org

F i n d u s o n F a c e b o o kwww.facebook.com/SouthLakeStudents

SOUTHLAKE STUDENTS332 Mohawk RdClermont, FL 34715(352) 243-1155

...Jesus is the point of the
