FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION Thank you for your interest in the St. Cloud State University Wind Ensemble! The Wind Ensemble is the Music Department’s upper level band, and is open to music majors and others on campus seeking to continue playing their instruments in a concert band setting. Both new and returning members should plan to audition to confirm your placement and for initial chair seating. Audition music is provided to assist in your preparation as well as provide some uniformity for evaluation. This is a chance for Dr. Bushman to meet and visit with you prior to the start of rehearsals and get a sense of your abilities. It is understood that many people are away from their instruments over the summer and selections have been made with this in mind as well as help you prepare for a successful semester. Auditions will take place Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, August 21, 22 & 24 in PAC 113. If you need assistance obtaining a school instrument, please visit Carroll Fisher in PAC 101. You may sign up for a time at the web link www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0A4FAAA92EA7F94- fall. The schedule will also be posted on the band board outside PAC 113. PLEASE COMMUNICATE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT AUDITIONS TO DR. BUSHMAN AT [email protected] or text 320-200-9716. Audition preparation tips: Begin preparing as soon as possible. Practice in short sessions more frequently rather than long sessions right before the audition. Include a proper warm-up each time you practice. Wind players, this includes long tones and breathing exercises. Playing long tone warm-ups on your scales is a great way to accomplish two tasks at once. The scale sheets provided are a guide. You may play a different rhythm or articulation. Scales do not need to be memorized. Pay attention to the key and time signature on each selection. Choose tempi that are both achievable and fit the style of the piece. Always perform with a steady tempo. You will be more successful with a steady tempo that is slower than marked than with a sloppy performance at a given tempo. Look up reference recordings (University library catalog, Youtube, Spotify) where possible to study the context of the piece, style and other performance factors (articulation, phrasing, etc.). Direct any questions about the selections to Dr. Bushman. Good luck and have a great audition. I am looking forward to having you in the band this year! All players should prepare: 1. Audition music for your instrument (provided) 2. Major scales (student choice, 2, see scale sheet) 3. Chromatic scale (minimum 2 octaves, also on scale sheet) 4. Sight reading (at the director’s discretion-may be used if callbacks needed)

FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION - St. Cloud State UniversityTRUMPET œ 1. Excerpt #1 2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee SEE NEXT PAGE 3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts An Outdoor Overture

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Page 1: FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION - St. Cloud State UniversityTRUMPET œ 1. Excerpt #1 2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee SEE NEXT PAGE 3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts An Outdoor Overture


Thank you for your interest in the St. Cloud State University Wind Ensemble! The Wind Ensemble is the Music Department’s upper level band, and is open to music majors and others on campus seeking to continue playing their instruments in a concert band setting. Both new and returning members should plan to audition to confirm your placement and for initial chair seating. Audition music is provided to assist in your preparation as well as provide some uniformity for evaluation. This is a chance for Dr. Bushman to meet and visit with you prior to the start of rehearsals and get a sense of your abilities. It is understood that many people are away from their instruments over the summer and selections have been made with this in mind as well as help you prepare for a successful semester. Auditions will take place Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, August 21, 22 & 24 in PAC 113. If you need assistance obtaining a school instrument, please visit Carroll Fisher in PAC 101. You may sign up for a time at the web link www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0A4FAAA92EA7F94-fall. The schedule will also be posted on the band board outside PAC 113.


Audition preparation tips:

• Begin preparing as soon as possible. Practice in short sessions more frequently rather than long sessions right before the audition.

• Include a proper warm-up each time you practice. Wind players, this includes long tones and breathing exercises. Playing long tone warm-ups on your scales is a great way to accomplish two tasks at once.

• The scale sheets provided are a guide. You may play a different rhythm or articulation. Scales do not need to be memorized.

• Pay attention to the key and time signature on each selection. Choose tempi that are both achievable and fit the style of the piece.

• Always perform with a steady tempo. You will be more successful with a steady tempo that is slower than marked than with a sloppy performance at a given tempo.

• Look up reference recordings (University library catalog, Youtube, Spotify) where possible to study the context of the piece, style and other performance factors (articulation, phrasing, etc.).

• Direct any questions about the selections to Dr. Bushman. • Good luck and have a great audition. I am looking forward to having you in the band this


All players should prepare:

1. Audition music for your instrument (provided) 2. Major scales (student choice, 2, see scale sheet) 3. Chromatic scale (minimum 2 octaves, also on scale sheet) 4. Sight reading (at the director’s discretion-may be used if callbacks needed)

Page 2: FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION - St. Cloud State UniversityTRUMPET œ 1. Excerpt #1 2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee SEE NEXT PAGE 3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts An Outdoor Overture


2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee


3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts

An Outdoor Overture (Copland) Trumpet in B-flat

& cq =76Ó SoloŒP

œ œ œ Jœ œ- Jœ ˙ �œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ �œ œ œ 20

Jœ œ- Jœ ˙ �œ œ œ œ œ

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˙ œ œ œ p .˙Più mosso

w w .œ ‰ Ó

cant. freely with natural expression

“Golden Jubilee” (Sousa) Trumpet in B-flat

En reli inar roun e cer ts

( h 120 )

& # Cƒœ̂ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. .˙# œ œ̂ œ̂ œ̂ œ# ^ œ̂ Œ œ̂ 3œ œ œF

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Page 3: FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION - St. Cloud State UniversityTRUMPET œ 1. Excerpt #1 2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee SEE NEXT PAGE 3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts An Outdoor Overture

SCSU Wind Ensemble Fall 2016 Audition – TRUMPET PAGE 2 3. Copland – Outdoor Overture (OPTIONAL- FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS)

3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts

An Outdoor Overture (Copland) Trumpet in B-flat

& cq =76Ó SoloŒP

œ œ œ Jœ œ- Jœ ˙ �œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ �œ œ œ 20

Jœ œ- Jœ ˙ �œ œ œ œ œ

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˙ œ œ œ p .˙Più mosso

w w .œ ‰ Ó

cant. freely with natural expression

“Golden Jubilee” (Sousa) Trumpet in B-flat

En reli inar roun e cer ts

( h 120 )

& # Cƒœ̂ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. .˙# œ œ̂ œ̂ œ̂ œ# ^ œ̂ Œ œ̂ 3œ œ œF

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Page 4: FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION - St. Cloud State UniversityTRUMPET œ 1. Excerpt #1 2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee SEE NEXT PAGE 3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts An Outdoor Overture

============================&C Major (Bb Concert)

_̂«««« «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««

q = 100

ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»œ œ_ œ_ œ__»»»» œ_»»»» »»»»œ_ œ»»»» »»»» »»»» »»»»œ œ œ œ»»»» «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ w_ll ll ll ll ll ll

============================& bF Major (Eb Concert)

œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»œ œ œ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»» »»»» »»»»œ œ œ wll ll ll ll ll ll

============================& #G Major (F Concert)

_̂_««««« _̂_«««« ««««̂_ _̂«««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»

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============================& bbBb Major (Ab Concert)

_̂«««« _̂«««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»

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============================& ##D Major (C Concert)

«̂««« «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ wll ll ll ll ll ll

============================& bbbEb Major (Db Concert)

«̂««« «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ wll ll ll ll ll ll

============================& ###A Major (G Concert)

_̂_«««« _̂«««« ««««̂_ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ «̂««« œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»» »»»»

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============================& bbbbAb Major (Gb or F# Concert)

_̂_«««« _̂«««« ««««̂_ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ «̂««« œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»» »»»»

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============================& ####E Major (D Concert)

«̂««« «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ wll ll ll ll ll ll

District V High School ScalesBb Trumpet

Major Scales
Page 5: FALL 2016 AUDITION INFORMATION - St. Cloud State UniversityTRUMPET œ 1. Excerpt #1 2. Sousa – Golden Jubilee SEE NEXT PAGE 3 USMB Trumpet/Cornet Audition Excerpts An Outdoor Overture

============================& bbbbbDb Major (B or Cb Concert)

«̂««« «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» «̂««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ wll ll ll ll ll

============================& #####B Major (A Concert)

_̂«««« _̂«««« ««««̂ «̂««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»

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============================& bbbbbbGb Major (E Concert)

_̂_««««« _̂_«««« ««««̂_ _̂«««« «««« «««« ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»

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============================& ######F# Major (E Concert)

_̂__««««« _̂_«««« ««««̂__ _̂«««« «««« «««« ««««_̂ ˆ ˆ œ»»»» œ»»»» »»»»œ œ»»»» »»»»

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============================& bbbbbbbCb Major (A Concert)

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============================& #######C# Major (B or Cb Concert)

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============================& 24Chromatic Scale

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