Bill Peng 20121007 Oral Presentation Prepared Speech Part 2

Fall 2012 Prepared Speech Presentation SGD Part2

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Fall 2012 Prepared Speech Presentation SGD Part2

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Oral!Presentation!Prepared Speech Part 2!

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About Bill!is!2011 Fall 29th President!2011 Spring, 2011 Fall Area Speech Contest Champion!Cofounder of NTUTM Campion, Family System, Mentor Mentee Platform…….!!

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About Bill!Is Not!“Experts” of Speech contest…!Absolutely Right…!Going to tell you How to do…!!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Two Weeks Ago!Script Writing, English Composition, …!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Let’s see what do you have NOW……!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

1! 2!

3! 4!Courage! Idea!

Script! Audience!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

43%!of presentation preparation!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

What’s next…!


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Bill  Peng  20121007  

5!more steps!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

5! 6!

7! 8!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Dynamic Reading Modification!

“ 5

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Dynamic Reading Modification!is to build a bridge between you and your script, changing the script from reading form to presentation form.!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  


Time & Timing!Content Density!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Pause!One Pause One Idea!!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Logic!“Partial Memorization” &Emotion Wave!Choice of Usage !

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Content Density!The ratio between your Idea and your content!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Time & Timing!Time of the punch line!Audiences’ concentration wave and resonance!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Time & Timing!NTU Toastmasters:!C1: 4’00”~6’30”!Prepare for about 5’30”!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

So your Script is OK NOW!!

NOW you can start to !memorize it!!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  



“ “

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Vocal Variety!Body Language

Eye Contact!Visual Aids!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Vocal Variety!Speed and “Tone”!Mimicking or Acting ! !: High & Diverse!Description or Plot ! !: High & Fast!Feeling Conclusion ! !: Slow & Low!Main Idea, Key Word !: Slow & Loud!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Body Language!Walking + Gesture + Moving + Others!!Interactions, Quantity, Counting, Visual implication!No Pointing, No Waving (Body and Hand) à Use walking instead !

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Eye Contact!Interaction, Confidence and Feedback, Condition Control!!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Visual Aids!Leading the eyes, !Supporting your Idea!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

The Spices of the Speech!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Pressure & Confidence !

Pre-Friendly-Audience !

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Key Points!Mentor’s Reactions!Eye Contact Practices!Examination of Punch line!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Endless Rehearsals……!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

8 Stage

Understanding!“ “

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Size!Walking Space, Line, Stage Area!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Projector & Computer!Pointer!Projector’s Light beam!Document Sorting or Distortion!Ratio between Screen & Walking area!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Mic!Gestures!Volume, Angle and Position!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Finally…..!Are you Ready?!

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In front of the


“ “

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Leading Attention!

Keep their Curiousity!!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Opening! Body! Conclusion!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Opening! Body! Conclusion!


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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Weak Opening !

Strong Opening!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Opening! Body! Conclusion!


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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Presentation:!Script and Story telling!

Story “Acting” or “Mimicking”!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Interactions:!Ask Questions!

Invite Audience to go on the Stage!Group Discussions!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Interactions:!Making “Mutual Influence”!

“Small Group Effect”!

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Opening! Body! Conclusion!


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Make the audience remember

“One Sentence” after they leave!!

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”!!

“To Start, you don’t have to be good, to be good, you have to start!”!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

One more Thing……!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

A way of viewing things!

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Resources!“ “

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http://ntutmweb.appspot.com� (Founded by Amy Chen Fall 2011, Activated Since Fall 2012 by Claire )�

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Facebook: Mentor-Mentee Platform � (Since Fall 2011, Co-Founded by Bill & Claire)�

Please Contact EVP Deputy Jack Tung�

Script Writing�

� Rehearsal�

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Visual Aids:�


SlideArtToasters FB粉絲專頁�

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簡報藝術烘焙坊 SlideArtToasters (Blog)�

Slides(PPT, Keynote…)Design and Produce�

Stage-Presentation Skills講台呈現 � � � (mid November)�

Slide Design and Revise 簡報修改 � � � (mid November)�

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SGD Handout: �

Downloaded from SlideArtToastrs�

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Time for Practice……!

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Form Groups, Each Group take turns to send a representative to go on the stage�

3 Questions:�

1.   What’s Next? � �

2.   What kind of speech is this?�

3.   What’s the Key Point (Words)?�

For Speaker’s Group: Present the elements�

For Audience: Figure out the Speaker’s Idea.�

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A Presenta)on

B Listening,  Guessing

C Preparing

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A Presenta)on

B Listening,  Guessing

C Preparing

If  B  is  correct:  A,  B  get  the  point

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B Presenta)on

C Listening,  Guessing

A Preparing

Take  Turns~~~~

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For Speaker: Read the Script in your Handout for 10 mins, take notes, and adjust the details if necessary.�


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What kind of speech is this?�

Humorous, Serious, Touching, Inspiring, Informative, Story telling�


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Bill  Peng  20121007  


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Firstly, it is torturing to listen to a terrible speech. When I was a junior high school student –It’s about 2 years ago……All of the students had to sacrifice precious sleeping time on the “morning assembly”. We stood straight in row on the sport field, having no choice but let teachers, instructors, or other evil talkative monsters bomb us with endless boring speeches. “Be polite”, “Be on time”, “Be a good child”….. There are all Cliché without main point and organized structure. What a misery.


Yi-Ru Lin, Confession,C7

[Serious Mode]

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Firstly, it is torturing to listen to a terrible speech. When I was a junior high school student –It’s about 2 years ago……All of the students had to sacrifice precious sleeping time on the “morning assembly”. We stood straight in row on the sport field, having no choice but let teachers, instructors, or other evil talkative monsters bomb us with endless boring speeches. “Be polite”, “Be on time”, “Be a good child”….. There are all Cliché without main point and organized structure. What a misery.


Yi-Ru Lin, Confession,C7

[Humorous Mode]

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1. What’s Next? 2. What kind of speech is this? Humorous, Serious, Touching, Inspiring, Informative, Story telling

3.What’s the Key Point (Words)?

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Let’s Start!!

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1. What’s Next? 2. What kind of speech is this? Humorous, Serious, Touching, Inspiring, Informative, Story telling

3.What’s the Key Point (Words)?

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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Stage 1!

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At that day, girls became the most skilled hunter, making their own chocolates and using them to attract the animal-like man. Girls also competed to each other. For how many presents they’ve got and how sweet their boyfriend is. You may hear girls talk like that: A:” Oh~ come on! I got 100 roses. That’s too much. My home has no space for them!”

B:” Oh~ that is so sad. I just got one, one diamond ring.”

Cathy  Lai,  "Daddy,  Mommy  or  Me",  C4  

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When it was the first day of my junior high school, I was assigned to sit next to a cute girl. I was too shy to talk to her while at the meantime, she was so cute that I couldn’t help but make several glance of her. As u know, she noticed my glimpse. She turn toward me, and begin to talk to me. She asked me a simple question, a truly simple question. But what she asked me was so embarrassing that I have no idea how to answer. She said: Excuse me, my classmate, u looked such like a monkey~ Can I call u monkey as ur nickname?

Monkey  Chen,  Is  Monkey  a  monkey?,  C1  

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In our lives, we must face a great number of obstacles. When difficulties come, we have two ways to deal with it—to surrender or to keep fighting. If we surrender ourselves to the problems, we may not undergo pain and failure, but we will never achieve our goals. On the contrary, if we keep fighting, maybe we are not necessarily being successful, however, we will surely finish our task in the end and the feeling of achievement will fill our minds.

C2  -­‐  Never  Give  Up,  Cassandra  Huang  

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My father is bald. Being bald is like 蘇貞昌. If 蘇貞昌has 100 hair, my Dad has 103. Thanks to his baldness, he looks ten years older than he is. I can tell by your eyes that you are jealous about it, because he could buy Playboy when he was 8. My mom is a housewife who thinks that the most wonderful thing is to sit down and watch all her children studying. My dad’s entertainment is to tease my mom, and my mom’s entertainment is to have her revenge. Such dialogue appears frequently:

C5  -­‐  Tina  Wu  -­‐  My  family  

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In my elementary school years, I treated everyone in a very kind way. However, as time went by, I started to feel that people would not always appreciate what you have done for them. It was quite disappointing and I really felt it was so unfair that I treated all of them so well but they didn’t pay me back. What I wanted was a feedback, but I couldn’t feel it. So I decided not to care about others so much anymore. As a result, I became selfish and only cared about myself. Until one day, someone changed my way of thinking.

C4  -­‐  Ivy  -­‐  Nice  guy  club  

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So, these are what I learned from my rival, Andrea, after all these years. But, there is still one thing I would like all of you to know- Good rivals are just like intimate friends. They enrich your life and help you in their own different ways. So as your family and friends, they’re also the ones that you should cherish and appreciate. Get a rival, a friend, or both at the same time, and that makes all the differences. TME.


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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Stage 2!

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So when I first got into the club, I was overwhelmed. So many speakers had different strengths that lured my attention. Some were extremely persuasive. They were good at building the atmosphere so their powerful words had a strong influence on the audience. Other speakers were good at conveying their sincerity and warmness to everyone’s heart. And still others, they had a talent for using high-tech visual aids while adding punch lines to their speech. I thought to myself, “Yes, this is what I want to become.” So I started to squeeze my brain whenever I wrote a new script. I would ask myself “Is the content inspiring enough?” or “What will the audience think of my speech value?” etc. In the end, I often felt exhausted.


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Embarrassment is the feeling of shame when you do stupid things and unfortunately get caught by others. For example, in the first day I entered NTU, I recognized one of my friends in the crowd. I cheerfully rushed to her, raising my arm and greeting her with a high-pitch “Hey~~~~~~” And it turned out that she was not my friend but a total stranger,scared by me with wide open eyes. To escape from this tragedy, I had no choice but kept yelling “Hey~~~” to an invisible person behind her and ran forward until I disappeared over the horizon from the poor girl’s sight.


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But be careful my friends, the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. Fear can also restrain you. Fear makes it easier for us to make excuses and stop us from doing what we could do. Because of fear, we avoid looking into Table topic masters eyes. Because of fear, we decline the junior cup invitation from EVP team. Because of fear, we lose the chance to get out of the comfort zone and fight for a better future. Do you really want to keep saying no in the rest of your life? Of course, no~ Then start now. Let your fear assist you rather than limit you. Let’s say yes to fear: we feel it, get used to it, and take advantage of it! And say yes to Table Topic master and every opportunity here in Toastmasters. Finally, say yes to every precious chance in your life.


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“How do you know this club?” This is a common question for new faces. Most of them have a brief and expected answer; however, mine is a long and embarrassing story. How do I know this club? In short, I walked into the wrong classroom. Yes, that’s right. I walked into the wrong classroom and didn’t realize it until end. How is it possible? Since I don’t have much time to share, I listed 2 FAQs for you. #1: Didn’t you see the name of this club hanging right outside? No, I didn’t, because it wasn’t there. The class I ran into was not the meeting held on Friday night, but a SGD, study group, on Saturday morning. Besides, I was late so I missed the greeting part.


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Now, you just step into the demo meeting room, with a dream in your heart, and searching for hope. As a new member-to-be, I believe you may have a lot of anxiety and uncertainness in you mind, and maybe some undesirable experiences about the stage in past. But right now, you are the “new”. It is the high time for you to start with a beginner’s mind. Although nothing in the world can be achieved in a day- neither leadership nor communication; and here is also not the Heaven- we cannot guarantee you anything with God-like power. But here, we shall support you, and you will never be alone, and you will find your passion and inspiration if you never give up. Today, with this story and my experiences, I wish the same for you all- Just bear a beginner’s mind, and one day, you will find the most wonderful journey in you life.


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Being optimistic is having a positive attitude. When working on any task, our efficiency decreases with time. The longer we work the less concentrated we become. A positive attitude help us get more involved and devoted, thereby enhancing the overall performance. Keeping yourself optimistic promises you to keep your correct attitude on track. On the way to happiness, a common misbelief is assuming it can be obtained from accomplishments. This kind of paradox states: if I work harder, I will be successful. If I am successful, then I’ll be happier. Unfortunately, the statement is psychologically proven false for a simple reason. Whenever one achieves a goal, the mind changes the target. The mind will focus on new sets of competition, complains, workload, and stress.


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Bill  Peng  20121007  

Stage 3!

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……However, things just don’t always go your way. As a girl, I gradually found that three courses are actually all the same thing- you know what? Love, love, and love. Because when you told people you were busy at studying, people cared about with whom you study in library? When you told people you were attending a club, people only cared about whether you find your Mr. Right in the club? When you finally told people you were single, people just kept reminding you quickly- “大一嬌,大二俏,大三拉警報,大四沒人要” and even interpret this for you kindly: When you are a freshman, you look beautiful. When you are a sophomore, you look cute. When you are a junior, you are in danger. When you are a senior, you are just too old to be called a girl. So, because I have no boyfriend all the time, it seems that I was disqualified all the time from being a complete college student. I used to be quite confused because of the disqualification……


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Out of the room, I was shocked. Guess what? Outside the cabin, there were stars all over the sky!! They were much ,much, much more than I could ever expected which made me lose counts. I was stunned, awed in the spectacular and magnificent nature. It was so amazing that I even couldn’t utter a word! Under the stunning beauty, I suddenly realized the reason why my father insisted on my finishing the hike. Looking back on those sick years, and the hiking trips I took with my father, I found out that he had always tried to help me develop a positive attitude which was to face obstacles in my life without doubts. He taught me that there was nothing impossible as long as I took actions. Certainly, I would need help, but if I did not work hard myself, others would not know how to give out their friendly hands. I thought he wanted me to know that he could simply offer his help, but I would not grow up and I would never be independent!


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Though his voice already died away in the hustle crowds and traffic noise, the words still echoed in my mind. Weak and helpless as I used to be, it’s the cure for me to start over and have the strength to live on confidently. When I feel confused and discouraged, the belief always soothes me. The best thing that I’ve ever received. On the way of pursuing dreams, we are prone to recognize others’ expectations as our own values and put ourselves in silence. Now, I will keep on erecting my “tower of dreams”, no matter it would succeed or not. Though the foundation is slightly-progressed, I believe that every tear I shed, every hour I spent in contemplation of self-recognition, and every question I doubted, are here to strengthen up our belief from deep inside. The belief is the very foundation of my dream, the stronger, the better.


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So now comes to the magic power of the rule of 3 recommendations. If you dream big like I do, such as studying abroad, when you are making a plan, the most difficult part is setting up milestones to check your progress. When I was a naive school boy, my plan was simple. A, preparing TOEFL; B, preparing GRE; End of plan. Let’s call out audience. XXX, do you have any better plan? But now you know the rule so you can ask yourself a series of questions. Who are you going to ask for recommendations? What are they going to write? How strong are the recommendations going to be? Ask yourself, and the answers are what you have to do. So the secret behind the magic is that the 3-recommendations-rule provides you real, concrete, and tangible goals to help you imagine what you are going to do, step by step, to achieve your dream.


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Working as a translator wasn’t as hard as I thought before. Most of the visitors who came to the fair more or less could speak some English, and I sometimes felt a little disappointed because it seemed that I’m not so useful; However, felt really good when there were people who needed my help and I was also able to help them. I felt that I was like a bridge between the delegates and the visitors; the boundaries were removed by my translation. In the end of the exposition, I was totally worn out and my feet was seriously aching (really, guys, you should show respect to those women who wear high heels while working) but I still felt very content with my work and I did have a sense of achievement. This was really a fresh and worthy experience to me. If one day you would like to practice your English speaking and communication skills besides delivering speeches in the club, try being a translator. I promise that you will definitely learn a lot and have a lot of fun!


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Remember the other M? It’s music. I ‘m wondering have you ever learned a musical instrument when you were a child? Yes, some of your mothers, including mine, may believe in the advertising slogan: “Kids who learn musical instruments would not turn into bad kids”. So, I began to play the piano from 6 years old and stopped at 12. Everytime my friends hear about this, they always say ”Oh, Serena, then you must be a good piano player!” However, the answer is NO! Let me tell you the story. In the beginning, I practice every day and was deeply in love with the beautiful melodies and wonderful sounds of piano. However, as time went by, I found I no longer had interest in music. Because of my mom. She always asked me to be perfect, which gave me a great pressure. And most importantly, she would pinch my thigh and knock my fingers as a punishment in front of the class. I started to feel that I didn’t play the piano for myself but for my mom. I lost the confidence to play gradually. Music no longer comforted my heart. Finally, I cried to quit it and wanted to leave it behind.However , When God closes a door, he always leaves a window open. (How to Continue?)

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……In my junior high years, a teacher taught us to appreciate different types of music . In that period, I found that music express my feelings as well emotions in a pleasant way. It helped me release my sorrow and lighted up my teenager life.


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After that I went back to my place and started my work. Our job included helping the delegates to promote the school. Since I had the experience of promoting our club in school, I thought that I could do it in the same way, so here’s what I did: “Hello! University of Oregon! Welcome to take a look~ Hello! University of Oregon~” I was the only translator who did like this and I filled the whole aisle with my voice, making a good use of my vocal variety. But I didn’t walk too far from my stand, or other translators would be mad at me. Or I don’t know, maybe they were already mad at me. I was quite satisfied with myself. After a while, one of the school delegates, Korey, spoke to me. “Joyce, I think you are doing a good job,” “Oh, thank you!” (I knew it.) “There’s just a little problem: you are doing quite well on introducing our school, but it seems that you’re not introducing us. So maybe you can bring the visitors to us, and help us with the translation.” I suddenly realized that I kind of forgot my delegates, so I immediately changed my way: “Hello, do you have question to ask our delegates? I can help you with the translation.”


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Some believe life is a cruel battlefield where people are all selfish and intend to fight against each other in a society for a better life, a more comfortable life and a more accomplished life. Be strong and strong so that you can stay competitive and get what you desire through social power and money. Sometimes, you are taught that this is the only way to survive the dog-eat-dog world. You might become cynical and hate the way the rule goes. So you start to tell yourself to get into the top of the pyramid of this hierarchical system possibly not too much out of your endless ambition, but out of the fact that you want to be those who can give a hand to the poor. You see there are countless unfair practices going on in the world while the justice always gives way to the powerful men. The rich control the largest part of the resources while the poor could only suffer in silence. Therefore, you find yourself struggling all along in your life, believing there should be a time when the good will finally prevail against the bad and believing you are able to do something to make this world better, even just a little bit better.

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Three years later, however, I became the school team of my senior high school- again. But this time, I changed my thoughts from competition to playing. The speech title I got was “The Essence of Reading (讀書的真諦)”In order to playing with those judges, I created a lecture that was grammatically right –that was what they wanted, but the content inside was totally nonsense. I said:“A great Austrian Philosopher, Acetylcholine, once said:“When you read a book, just understanding the words and phrases is not enough; you have to read into the book and figure out the real mean-ing behind the words””it makes sense, right? But maybe you don’t know, while the proverb itself was created by me, the “Austrian philosopher” didn’t exist, either. Does anyone here know who “acetylcholine” is? That would be strange if you know this person because the word “acetylcholine (乙醯

膽鹼)” is the name of a molecular that functions as a neuron transmitter to deliver the signal from the neuron to the muscle.
