Faith United Church of Christ “An inclusive spiritual family shaping a better you for creating a better world. A place to make a difference.” April 16, 2017 Easter Sunday Sacred Fellowship 10:45 a.m. We are delighted that you are here today! We hope you will find us an affirming, uplifting, and committed family of faith. Here we work to make everyone, without any exceptions, to feel ac- cepted, inspired, and encouraged in their spiritual journey. In dialogue, we seek to understand. In encouragement, we seek to heal. In all things we yearn to live by love, for peace, with joy. This is a place where your intellect will be challenged, your heart will be nurtured, and your spirit re- freshed. Varying beliefs are expressed openly and freely, and your doubts will not be suppressed. We trust that we are all, every person and part of creation, continuing to be blessed by God’s grace; and that in community we can help each other to see this grace alive in our lives and rela- tionships. We hope to share our gifts with you, even as we pray that you will want to share your gifts with us. Whoever you are and wherever you may be in your life’s journey, we invite you to be a part of our lives and our spiritual home. Welcome! POINTS TO PONDER “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb.” — John 20.1 “What do you do when confronted with something that goes beyond your understanding? Do you suspect that which confirms your gravest fears? Do you imagine possibilities that give life to your hopes and dreams? We imprison or free ourselves, to a large extent, according to how we apperceive reality.” — Rev. Bret S. Myers, 4/12/2017 “Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. Then the disciples returned to their homes.” — John 20.8-10 “What do we expect from life? In our relationships and ministries, in our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, the nation and the world, in our own congregations and in the United Church of Christ, there are so many opportunities for new life, new possibilities, new wonders, if we dare to hope for them, to open our hearts and minds to what God can do. The wonderful writer, Mary Gordon, has written, ‘For me the meaning of the Resurrection is the possibility of possibility. The great perhaps.’” — Rev. Kathryn M. Matthews, ucc.org “Mary stood weeping outside the tomb.” — John 20.11a “Mary represents all of us. We are slow to see, slow to consider the truths that challenge the comfortable limits of our understanding. And perhaps we all need to hear our name spoken — to be called — before we can recognize the opportunity that stands before us.” — Norman Allen, “At the Heart of Easter Sunday Is a Woman” “They said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ She said to them, ‘They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.’” — John 20.13 “Still believing Jesus is lifeless, Mary wants to find his body and ensure that it is treated with dignity and respect. It is perhaps a miniscule bit of solace, but something is better than nothing. In her mind, Jesus won’t be able to do for her and others all the things he did while he was alive. But does she still “need” for him to do it for her? Will she come to discover that what she has learned from him will empower her to go on without his physical presence? Will she come to see that his Spirit, living in her, can be just as powerful?” — Rev. Bret S. Myers, 4/12/2017 “Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni!’ (which means Teacher).” — John 20.16 “Most important, at the heart of this story lies the relationship between a student and her teacher, a man who challenges and annoys and demands the impossible. Easter isn’t about the resurrection of Jesus. It’s about the enormous achievement of his star pupil, who has the courage to open her eyes to new possibility.” — Norman Allen, “At the Heart of Easter Sunday Is a Woman” Jesus said to her, ‘Do not hold on to me…. But go to my brothers and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”’ — John 20.17 “It’s a woman who rises early and walks through darkness to visit the tomb. It’s a woman who stays to mourn, unafraid of her grief. And it’s this particular woman, shunned by society, who is first called by the risen Jesus.” — Norman Allen, “At the Heart of Easter Sunday Is a Woman” “Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” — Arundhati Roy

Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

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Page 1: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

Faith United Church of Christ “An inclusive spiritual family shaping a better you for creating a better world.

A place to make a difference.” April16,2017 Easter Sunday SacredFellowship10:45a.m. We are delighted that you are here today! We hope you will find us an affirming, uplifting, and committed family of faith. Here we work to make everyone, without any exceptions, to feel ac-cepted, inspired, and encouraged in their spiritual journey. In dialogue, we seek to understand. In encouragement, we seek to heal. In all things we yearn to live by love, for peace, with joy. This is a place where your intellect will be challenged, your heart will be nurtured, and your spirit re-freshed. Varying beliefs are expressed openly and freely, and your doubts will not be suppressed. We trust that we are all, every person and part of creation, continuing to be blessed by God’s grace; and that in community we can help each other to see this grace alive in our lives and rela-tionships. We hope to share our gifts with you, even as we pray that you will want to share your gifts with us. Whoever you are and wherever you may be in your life’s journey, we invite you to be a part of our lives and our spiritual home. Welcome!


“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb.”

— John 20.1

“What do you do when confronted with something that goes beyond your understanding? Do you suspect that which confirms your gravest fears?

Do you imagine possibilities that give life to your hopes and dreams? We imprison or free ourselves, to a large extent, according to how we apperceive reality.”

— Rev. Bret S. Myers, 4/12/2017

“Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead.

Then the disciples returned to their homes.” — John 20.8-10

“What do we expect from life?

In our relationships and ministries, in our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, the nation and the world, in our own congregations and in the United Church of Christ,

there are so many opportunities for new life, new possibilities, new wonders, if we dare to hope for them, to open our hearts and minds to what God can do.

The wonderful writer, Mary Gordon, has written, ‘For me the meaning of the Resurrection is the possibility of possibility. The great perhaps.’”

— Rev. Kathryn M. Matthews, ucc.org

“Mary stood weeping outside the tomb.”

— John 20.11a

“Mary represents all of us. We are slow to see, slow to consider the truths that challenge the comfortable limits of our understanding. And perhaps we all need to hear our name spoken

— to be called — before we can recognize the opportunity that stands before us.” — Norman Allen, “At the Heart of Easter Sunday Is a Woman”

“They said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’

She said to them, ‘They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.’” — John 20.13

“Still believing Jesus is lifeless, Mary wants to find his body and ensure that it is treated with dignity and respect. It is perhaps a miniscule bit of solace, but something is better than nothing. In her mind, Jesus won’t be able to do for her and others all the things he did while he was alive. But does she still “need” for him to do it for her? Will she come to discover that what she has learned from him will empower her to go on without his physical presence? Will she come to see that his Spirit, living in her, can be just as powerful?” — Rev. Bret S. Myers, 4/12/2017

“Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni!’ (which means Teacher).”

— John 20.16

“Most important, at the heart of this story lies the relationship between a student and her teacher, a man who challenges and annoys and demands the impossible.

Easter isn’t about the resurrection of Jesus. It’s about the enormous achievement of his star pupil, who has the courage to open her eyes to new possibility.” — Norman Allen, “At the Heart of Easter Sunday Is a Woman”

Jesus said to her, ‘Do not hold on to me….

But go to my brothers and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”’

— John 20.17

“It’s a woman who rises early and walks through darkness to visit the tomb. It’s a woman who stays to mourn, unafraid of her grief.

And it’s this particular woman, shunned by society, who is first called by the risen Jesus.” — Norman Allen, “At the Heart of Easter Sunday Is a Woman”

“Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

— Arundhati Roy

Page 2: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability


Please sign the registration pads at the ends of the pews on the center aisle. We ask that you please shut off cell phones and practice quietness during the service.

Please join us for fellowship and refreshments after the worship in Romig Hall (lower level of elevator or stairs).

* = You are invited to stand as you are able

Prelude Tocatta in C major J. PachebelWelcoming the Light of Love in Our Midst (acolytes light altar candles)We prepare ourselves for communing with the sacred as love’s light is brought into our awareness. The light of love burns within and among each of us, and we carry that light into our sanctuary; visu-ally reminding us of the image of the divine that lives in our hearts, minds, and souls – and that we nourish through our faith-filled fellowship. Affirming God’s Presence in Us All “You Matter!” *Hymn of Easter Joy “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” #233 *Centering Our Souls “A Resurrection of Spirit” Astonished, with the pain of Good Friday lingering in our consciousness, we awake to a new day of hopes and miracles. We sought closure for the tragedies of the past, but you now beckon us to seek openness to the miracles of the present. You have surprised us with grace, and have shown us a different future than the one in which we were convinced. We know that the good news of resurrection, as well as being a cause for joy and celebra-tion, is also a challenge to never resign our spirits to the “inevitable.” For the “inevitable” is what has been buried with the rising of the “imaginable.” The prison of death has been ransacked by the power of life…the dungeon of disillusion-ment has been replaced by the sanctuary of assurance. Resurrect our spirits and faith that we may go forth to a world in need of our good news and our good deeds, that truth may reign…that justice may prevail…and that mercy may mend all our past hurts and restore us to health and wholeness. May it be so. Our Stories of Random Acts of Kindness & Intentional Deeds of Compassion

WE LISTEN FOR THE SACRED IN THE MIDST OF OUR LIVES Choral Anthem “Oh God Beyond All Praising” --- Arr. Dan Forrest A Time for All God’s Children Prayers

Sharing Our Joys and Concerns Silent Meditation: The Prayers of the People Unison Easter Prayer “Prayer for Abundant Living” O God of empty tombs and resurrection living:

Make us mindful of the pervasiveness of hope, the determination of faith,

and the persistence of love. In a world where suffering is ever near,

and where terrorism provokes fear, instill in us a resolve

to live peacefully, justly, and compassionately. May we be the agents of healing and reconciliation

when opposed by the forces of destruction and alienation. May we be the beacons of beneficence

when others are the harbingers of hatred. Call us to be your resurrection people:

those who trust in kindness more than might, in forgiveness more than revenge,

in gentleness more than harshness, and in virtue more than prudence.

May beauty flow forth from our spirits, truth from our lips,

and mercy from our hands. Help us to live the life that is light,

that we may, like Jesus, rise above the shadows of death and despair

and shine forth the blessings of love on all of creation. In the Spirit of the risen and still rising Christ, Amen

Choral Anthem “Joyful, Joyful” --- Arr. Melvyn Warren Scripture Lesson John 20.1-18

Page 3: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

Message “What Do You Believe When Confronted with an Empty Tomb?” *Hymn for Resurrection Spirit “The Day of Resurrection” #245


Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings Vocal Solo “Alleluia” Juliana Alfano, soprano; by W. A. Mozart *Song of Dedication Tune: Old Hundredth

Our Easter joy triumphant rings! Our resurrection hope does spring! Christ’s love and peace will ever rise, when we see through forgiving eyes!

*Unison Prayer of Dedication We are an Easter people! We believe that faith can move mountains, and that caterpillars can be transformed into butterflies. We trust that with your grace present, even the smallest act of kindness, the shortest practice of goodness, or the slightest gesture of generosity can have significance well beyond all expectations. With that faith, we rise. With that faith, we are resurrected into new life. With that faith, we give – freely and joyfully. And so now we give, out of what we have, to bless those who have not, in order to bear witness to, and to inspire, a spirit of resurrection – in ourselves, and in others. Let us flitter and fly like butter-flies on the wings of the Risen Christ, beautifying our lives and our world. Blessings be. *Encouragement for the Journey Remember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed!

It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability. It is the courage to love others, when they don’t love you in return…

to show compassion, when others are heaping judgment… to live by peace, when others are being violent… to work for justice, when others are working for wealth… to respond with gentleness, when others are reacting with rage… and to trust that life, well-lived, even if short-lived,

is preferable to longevity without virtue. Don’t remain caterpillars when you can become butterflies!

Live beautifully! Birth goodness in all you think, say, and do! For you are called to life abundant!

God’s blessings be with you. *Response of Easter Joy “Halleluja” #236; sing 2x

Postlude Tocatta on “O fili et filiae” Lynwood Farnam *The Light of Love Goes into the World Love’s light is not extinguished from our worship, but is transferred from the flame of the candles to the passion in our hearts that we may go forth to let the light of love shine through us as we go to serve in the world!


Our worship is fulfilled, and our purpose is confirmed, through our service as God’s stewards to the world and all creation.

Use the blessings God has given you as you share the joy in your heart, the wisdom in your mind,

the love in your spirit, and the peace in your soul.

Thankyouforsharingsacredfellowshipwithus.Faith UCC is an open and affirming church, embracing diversity in our congregation and community, and affirming the dignity and worth of every person. We are an inclusive community of faith that celebrates God's presence through worship and the sharing of God's word. We welcome all persons into the full life and ministry of the church, regardless of race, ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, capa-bility, or circumstance of life.

Nourishment for the JourneyMary Magdalene was the first person, male or female, to witness the empty tomb…the first

to see angels who reported the resurrection…the first to hear the voice of, and see, the risen Christ…and the first to be commissioned to go tell the others. Given her prominent place in John’s gospel as the one who first, and arguably best, experiences the risen Christ she might be considered Jesus’ most faithful follower. And the one for whom the greatest miracle was achieved.

When Jesus found her, she was claimed to have 7 evil spirits in her. She, too, according to tradition, was considered to be a woman of ill repute by society: a prostitute. If these things about her were true, then her life would have been the epitome of a despised existence in her society. She would have been familiar with heartache, ostracization, and the close-mindedness of those who thought they had a grip on reality in thinking themselves superior to her. But it was she who ended up teaching them about a different reality: that of resurrection – a life full of possibilities beyond all the prisons of our past.

From the start, in her darkest hour, she opened herself up to the message of one who told us we all have the image of God within us; and to the example of how transformative love can be

Page 4: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

when it is given unconditionally. She was on the lowest rung of life when Jesus exorcised her spirit from one of waywardness and despair to a path of meaning and purpose. She trusted that her life could be transformed through living in accordance with the values and virtues of Jesus. And that she was! Her life is perhaps the best example of what it means to be resurrected – of having abided in the tomb of social alienation until Jesus taught her the way of abundant living.

In the Bible, it is usually the “least of these” that God most seems to be able to speak to most readily. Why do you think that is? God was able to get their attention. They hear God, and talk with God, in ways that the self-assured seldom experience.

Consider that Jesus’ self-chosen disciples were hiding away in an upper room for fear that what happened to him might happen to them. But it was Mary Magdalene who had the fearlessness to venture out in public to visit Jesus’ burial site. And when she went back to report what she found, she followed the two disciples who went to the abandoned tomb to see for themselves. When the two male disciples arrived and found a missing Jesus, they assumed the worst: that his body had been stolen. Sullen and feeling helpless, they went back to their homes. Perhaps they did not want to face their sorrows, fears, and feelings of impotence. But Mary stuck around. And she wept.

Sometimes allowing ourselves to cry, openly and prolifically, opens us to new dimensions of reality that we cannot experience without going into that pit of despair. It takes courage to go to that place where we are unsure whether we’ll ever be able to recover. But when we confront the worst that is imaginable, we see solutions unavailable to our understanding when we are in denial of what is happening.

Hiding from their fears, the male disciples were closed to the initial experience of the risen Christ. They wanted to go back to their homes, to safety and security, to a place which was familiar, even if not revitalizing, in order to see what they could salvage of their previous lives. But Mary’s history of delving into the depths of human emotion opened up her heart, mind, and soul to seeing life, reality, and God’s presence in a whole new way. She was open to transformation…to resurrec-tion.

Granted, she was not quick to perceive this. She had to wrestle with what others, and her own way of thinking, told her was impossible. But when she heard her name called, she recognized that the one who had loved her for who God made her to be was as present to her as he had ever been. Her experience of his reality post-resurrection was even more enlivening for her than her prior encounters with him. She was herself given the resurrection spirit that changed her whole outlook on life.

What would get us to take this kind of life-altering chance? Would we have to be at our low-est ebb before we’d be open to the turning of the tide? Might we see, instead, that more is possible for our lives, through faith, than what we would ordinarily dare to conceive? Does the need for safety and security, comfort and pleasure, keep us from opening our lives to opportunities and possi-bilities that only those with a daring courage of Mary Magdalene can perceive?

Could it be that we, like Mary, would prefer to “hold on” to those who have made life easier for us rather than venturing out on an adventure that God is calling us to? Is this why Jesus said to her, “Don’t hold on to me?” As much as he had been a blessing to her in changing her life around, she was now a true disciple who had learned to live by the values and virtues that Jesus had taught her. She did not need his continual physical presence in her life for her to live out the lessons and

mission that had become a part of her own being. Jesus later reminded all of the disciples that he would always be with them in spirit, but he commissioned them to go out into the world and carry out his purposes without his doing it for them. They were no longer children of the faith, but adults of conviction who were to leave their houses and go out into the world.

If God let you know your life could be transformed, would you take the offer? If it meant trying new things? Helping those most in need? Serving those who might not appreciate it? Putting yourself at risk or in harm’s way?

Mary Magdalene teaches us the lesson about how we all, even the least of us, can be trans-formed and resurrected into an abundant life of love, peace, justice, faith, kindness, hope, compas-sion, and gentleness. These are the qualities and character traits of Christ – the things we need to live by and follow if we are to be true disciples rather than pretenders.

If Easter is not about the transformation of each of our spirits, then we are underestimating its power. It was not just about Jesus. It was about Mary, who was one of the least of us. And this is good news; for if resurrection could be about her, then most certainly it could be about each and every one of us. – Rev. Bret S. Myers, 4/12-13/2017 Prayers for healing and wholeness: Linda Merchant, Susan Meyer, Lisa B. (JoAnn’s daughter), Brandon G., Lisa Neidigh, Bun-nie Hartswick, Katelynn Wilson, the Family of Jean Dreese, Darlene Ripka, April S., Randy Brown (Aimee’s Dad), Sheila W., the Parrish Family, Robert Zupp (Eileen Pfaff’s nephew), the family of Ruth Tressler

Page 5: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

Welcome to all first-time (and returning) guests to Faith UCC! We would like to get to know you and for you to get to know us. Join us after worship for coffee and conversation. There is free parking on Sundays at the meters and at the McAllister & Pugh Street parking garages – so, we hope you’ll worship with us again next Sunday! ------------------------------------------------- Electronic Giving Options: During the of-fering time in the service, you may place

your offerings on the plates the ushers will bring around. If you prefer to give electronically simply scan the QR code with your smart phone to be directed to our online donation page.

------------------------------------------------ April Special Offering Hoffman Homes for Youth serves boys and girls ages 6 to18 with mental health diagnoses by pro-viding behavioral and cognitive therapy¨ physical health care services education spiritual nurturing and a safe and comfortable home for up to 141 children.

Make checks payable to Faith UCC with “Hoffman Homes” noted in the memo line.

• April 2 3 Second Sunday of Easter • April 29 Movie: “No Impact Man” 6pm • April 30 Third Sunday of Easter • May 2 Trustees Meeting, 7 pm AB room • May 7 Fourth Sunday of Easter

Get In Touch with Us! Faith United Church of Christ 300 E. College Avenue State College, PA 16801 Tel: (814) 237-3904 Websites: www.faithucc.info facebook.com/SCFaithUCC Church Office Email: [email protected] Pastor’s Email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays

Please make an appointment with Rev. Myers if you would like to meet with the pastor. You may call the church office, or his cell at 608-370-9472.

The Iron Bridge Dinner Theatre, Central PA’s Premiere Pro-fessional Dinner Theatre Experience, is proud to present THE ARK, a comedic yet thoughtful look at the trials, tribu-lations and joy found in the journey that Noah and his family endured. Playing now through April 30th, we bring to the stage this endearing musical comedy that is sure to be an

audience favorite! Visit our website, www.ironbridgetheatre.com, for more information about the thea-tre, group rates, showtimes and more. If you have any questions please call 814-505-2551 or email [email protected].

On Saturday, April 29 at 7:00pm, critically acclaimed Canadian faith-based drama troupe, Theatre of the Beat, will be presenting This Will Lead to Dancing, a play about wholeness, belonging, and LGBTQ inclusion at at University Baptist and Brethren Church (411 S Burrowes St, State College). Admission is free; donations gladly accepted. All are welcome to come for a thought provoking theatre experience that explores this conversation through creativity, hu-mour & sincerity.

NEW EVENT! KHALEEJI NIGHT – Celebrating traditions, history, food of the Arabian Gulf/Arabian Peninsula nations (e.g.Emirates, Ku-wait, Saudi). If you are interested in learning more about that part of the world, come to this event! Bryce Jordan Center on Saturday, April 15 – starts 5:00 pm! FREE EVENT – Children Welcome! – Middle Eastern

Page 6: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

Dinner Included! Housewalk to help provide affordable housing in Centre County Sun. April 23rd at Tudek Park. State College. Reg starts at 1:00 and walk starts at 2:00. Sign-up sheet on Gathering Space table.

PASSOVER FREEDOM SEDER Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Waupelani Drive Ex-tension, State College. Wednesday, April 19, 6:00 – 8:00 pm Join in this liberally adapted Passover Seder to restore your hope and renew your commitment to eliminating in-justice while sharing a religious tradition that celebrates liberation. Symbolic foods: Wine and grape juice, main dish, matzo, and dessert will be pro-vided. Bring a side dish to share if you can (no bread or dessert, please). No RSVP needed – Though if you wish to ensure seats for a group to sit together, write [email protected] with Seder Seats in the subject line. Be sure to include your name and the number of seats you need. The Seder is fun for most ages, but childcare will also be provided. “SITTING FOR PEACE” – This month’s Interfaith Potluck/Meditation DATE: Saturday, April 22, 6:30 pm – RSVP if you wish to participate in body or in spirit, to Shih-In Ma: [email protected] Come create and share a space of Love, Peace and Silence

As before, we’ll gather with a vegetarian potluck at 6:30 pm. We’ll sit together in stillness and silence from 8:00 until about 8:40. We welcome diversity here so please do whatever silent-still practice you choose. Then we’ll con-tinue nourishing our bodies and our hearts after the sit :-) If you can’t come, please sit with us in spirit from 8:00 pm to about 8:40! If you RSVP, please let me know your 1-3 word intention/dedication/prayer for the energy of our gathering. I will send you the readings in advance and will presence you by name and intention as we start.

Meaningful Movies, Potluck Dinner & Conversa-tion (open to the community) Our next “monthly” movie is ‘No Impact Man’ - a documentary that follows a year in the life of a NYC family attempting to make no net environmental im-pact. Saturday, April 29th (the Saturday after ‘Earth Day Sunday’), at 6 p.m. in Romig Hall. Join us! Invite others to come, and feel free to bring a dish to share for a potluck dinner (see sign-up

sheet in the Gathering Space). For more about the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1280011/ AN INVITATION—If you are free on June 9-10 and would like to have a new experience, Consistory is extending the opportunity for two people to be our delegates, along with Pastor Bret, to the Penn Central Conference Annual Meet-ing at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove. As our delegates, Faith Church will sponsor you. Those who have attended in the past have found this to be an in-spiring time that lets you see the church in action. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Tina Aumiller at [email protected] by April 20.

Page 7: Faith United Church of ChristRemember that resurrection is more than mere resuscitation! It is life transformed! It is faith in possibilities, when others are convinced of inevitability

INTERFAITH PANEL DISCUSSION First Church of Christ, Scientist – State College Thursday, April 27, 7:00-8:30 pm Discussion Topic: “The Transforming Power of Unselfishness” with panelists Rev. Dean Lindsey, Rabbi David Ostrich, & Christian Science Practitioner Lois Carlson. The Women’s Guild evening group will beet Monday, April 24 at 7PM at the home of Jean Cole (131 W Marylyn Ave). Please join us to help plan for the 70th Annual Strawberry Festival to be held Wednesday, June 14. For a ride or directions, call 308.9508

Northern Association Spring Banquet Thursday, May 11, 2017 at Hartman Center, Milroy Registration: 6:00 pm Dinner: 6:30 pm Program: 7:15—8:00 pm Menu: Salad Bar, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Broc-coli, Chocolate/Vanilla Cake Cost: $17.00 Deadline to register Sunday, April 30

Is there a church or faith-related topic you're especially passion-ate about? Tell us about it, and you could be selected to lead a "Be the Church" roundtable discussion at General Synod 2017.

"Be the Church" roundtables (mini-workshops) are a great way to connect with other UCC folks in a casual set-ting to lead a discussion on a topic that's important to you.

Plus, they're. . .

• Free to lead! Just register for General Synod. • 30 minutes each. Will fit your busy schedule. • Conversational. Not a lecture. • Motivating. Put your energy into action!

Deadline to apply: April 30, 2017 For more info and to submit proposal >> http://www.ucc.org/r?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsynod.uccpages.org%2Fbe-the-church.html&e=94ec94709ec870d172300933796b4e8e&utm_source=unitedchurchofchrist&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=gs2017_btcw&n=2