On May 1,18 young people will affirm their baptismal faith before God and the congregation. When these young people were baptized, their parents made promises on their behalf. Now these youth are ready to claim those promises for themselves. As the congregation participates in the Affirmation of Baptism service, we also affirm our own baptisms and recommit ourselves to faithful living as God’s people. The five faith practices that we commit to are: to live among God’s faithful people Living in community as God’s faithful people is a gift of love, and an invitation to serve in mission. We are chosen not for position or privilege, but to live as faithful witnesses to the good news of Jesus Christ. In our baptism we were made children of God and members of the body of Christ, the church. God’s message of hope and reconciliation strengthens us in our faith walk. Our life in Christian community supports us as we experience the joys and struggles of life. to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, As God’s word speaks to us, it comes both as command and promise. We listen to see how the message challenges us and encourages us in our lives. We listen for God’s call and God’s guidance. The Lord's Supper stands at the center of our lives as Christians. In that meal, we receive Jesus' presence into our very bodies. We receive God's gifts of forgiveness of sin, new life and salvation. to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed As the church, acting together and as individuals, we have a story to tell. We have the story of God’s movement in our lives through the saving actions of Jesus Christ. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus is not simply a story in the Bible. Rather it’s the story of our lives and the story of what brings us life. We simply share with others how God is working in our lives. to serve all people, following the example of Jesus To follow the example of Jesus and serve all people requires us to get involved in the lives of others. Jesus valued relationships. Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman, making time for children or comforting his friends Martha and Mary serves as a blueprint for moving us beyond projects and anonymous charitable activities to relationships. Following the life of Jesus leads us into the messiness of life where lives are transformed and Christ is made known. Serving as Jesus serves brings us closer to Jesus, the one who did not come to be served but to serve. to strive for justice and peace in all the earth. We celebrate the abundant blessings that are a part of this world. But we also walk in the struggle of human existence where we face our own sin, our self-centeredness, and the collective sin of the world. Yet it is in this struggle that the suffering God meets us and sends us out to speak on behalf the poor and oppressed and promote change. Together with our brothers and sisters around the world, we work together until that day when justice will prevail and peace will reign. The ELCA defines Confirmation in this way: “Confirmation is a pastoral and educational ministry of the church which helps the baptized child, through Word and Sacrament, to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more fully in its mission.” So according to this definition Confirmation begins at baptism and ends when we finish this life on earth. What would our community of faith and your personal journey of faith look like if we understood that our Confirmation program begins at Baptism and continues until we die? As these 18 young people affirm their baptismal faith, please continue to pray for and support them in their faith journey. Pastor Erica Faith Matters MAY 2016 INSIDE In the Life of Faith 2 In the Life of Faith continued 3 Finances 4 Liturgical Roles/Membership 5 VBS Wish List 6 Family Fun Fest 7 Faith Lutheran Church Minutes 8 WORSHIP TIMES SUNDAYS9:00 A.M WEDNESDAYS — 6:15 P.M. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP CHURCH OFFICE 255 Roosevelt Street PO Box 369 Valders, Wisconsin 54245 Phone 920-775-4141 Fax 920-775-9413 Website www.faithlutheranchurchvalders.org STAFF DIRECTORY Erica Cunningham, Senior Pastor Direct Office Line 920-775-9411 Cell: 920-374-3860 [email protected] Nicole Welke, Associate Pastor Direct Office Line 920-775-9412 Cell: 715-966-5168 [email protected] Christine Olson, Adm. Assistant Faith Matters Editor Email…[email protected] Nicolle Behnke, Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator Office: 920-775-4149 [email protected] David Kriewald, Custodian Derek Luckow, Bell and Mixed Choir Director Kim Bremer, Dennis Luckow, Carol Ulness, Becky Schultz Contemporary Worship Coordinators Peggy Madson & Sue Riesterer, Organists

Faith Matters - Faith Lutheran Churchfaithlutheranchurchvalders.org/docs/1FaithMatters... · until that day when justice will prevail and peace will reign. The ELCA defines Confirmation

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On May 1,18 young people will affirm their baptismal faith before God and the

congregation. When these young people were baptized, their parents made promises on

their behalf. Now these youth are ready to claim those promises for themselves. As the

congregation participates in the Affirmation of Baptism service, we also affirm our own

baptisms and recommit ourselves to faithful living as God’s people. The five faith

practices that we commit to are:

† to live among God’s faithful people

Living in community as God’s faithful people is a gift of love, and an invitation to

serve in mission. We are chosen not for position or privilege, but to live as faithful

witnesses to the good news of Jesus Christ. In our baptism we were made children of

God and members of the body of Christ, the church. God’s message of hope and

reconciliation strengthens us in our faith walk. Our life in Christian community

supports us as we experience the joys and struggles of life.

† to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper,

As God’s word speaks to us, it comes both as command and promise. We listen to see

how the message challenges us and encourages us in our lives. We listen for God’s

call and God’s guidance. The Lord's Supper stands at the center of our lives as

Christians. In that meal, we receive Jesus' presence into our very bodies. We receive

God's gifts of forgiveness of sin, new life and salvation.

† to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed

As the church, acting together and as individuals, we have a story to tell. We have the

story of God’s movement in our lives through the saving actions of Jesus Christ. The

life, death and resurrection of Jesus is not simply a story in the Bible. Rather it’s the

story of our lives and the story of what brings us life. We simply share with others

how God is working in our lives.

† to serve all people, following the example of Jesus

To follow the example of Jesus and serve all people requires us to get involved in the

lives of others. Jesus valued relationships. Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan

woman, making time for children or comforting his friends Martha and Mary serves

as a blueprint for moving us beyond projects and anonymous charitable activities to

relationships. Following the life of Jesus leads us into the messiness of life where

lives are transformed and Christ is made known. Serving as Jesus serves brings us

closer to Jesus, the one who did not come to be served but to serve.

† to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

We celebrate the abundant blessings that are a part of this world. But we also walk in

the struggle of human existence where we face our own sin, our self-centeredness,

and the collective sin of the world. Yet it is in this struggle that the suffering God

meets us and sends us out to speak on behalf the poor and oppressed and promote

change. Together with our brothers and sisters around the world, we work together

until that day when justice will prevail and peace will reign.

The ELCA defines Confirmation in this way: “Confirmation is a pastoral and educational ministry of the church which helps the baptized child, through Word and

Sacrament, to identify more deeply with the Christian community and participate more

fully in its mission.” So according to this definition Confirmation begins at baptism and

ends when we finish this life on earth. What would our community of faith and your

personal journey of faith look like if we understood that our Confirmation program begins

at Baptism and continues until we die?

As these 18 young people affirm their baptismal faith, please continue to pray for and

support them in their faith journey. Pastor Erica

Faith Matters

M A Y 2 0 1 6


In the Life of Faith 2

In the Life of Faith continued 3

Finances 4

Liturgical Roles/Membership 5

VBS Wish List 6

Family Fun Fest 7

Faith Lutheran Church Minutes 8






255 Roosevelt Street PO Box 369

Valders, Wisconsin 54245

Phone 920-775-4141

Fax 920-775-9413




Erica Cunningham, Senior Pastor

Direct Office Line — 920-775-9411

Cell: 920-374-3860

[email protected]

Nicole Welke, Associate Pastor

Direct Office Line — 920-775-9412

Cell: 715-966-5168

[email protected]

Christine Olson, Adm. Assistant

Faith Matters Editor

Email…[email protected]

Nicolle Behnke, Youth & Family

Ministry Coordinator

Office: 920-775-4149

[email protected]

David Kriewald, Custodian

Derek Luckow, Bell and Mixed Choir


Kim Bremer, Dennis Luckow,

Carol Ulness, Becky Schultz

Contemporary Worship Coordinators

Peggy Madson & Sue Riesterer,


2 2

The 65th annual National Day of Prayer will be observed May 5, 2016. This year we are focusing on God’s continual restoration in our lives. To further highlight the theme, Isaiah 58:1a has been chosen as the Scripture for this

year: “Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.” The Board of Evangelism will once again host a National Day of Prayer event at Faith Lutheran. An informal prayer service is being planned for 6:00 PM on Thursday, May 5th. Interested participants should meet in the upper level Gathering Space. Weather permitting we will gather outside on the church grounds for a time of prayer for our world, our nation, and each other.

If you are unable to be with us in person on this evening, we are asking families and individuals to be intentional in prayer during a part of this day. Please accept this invitation to emphasize the importance of PRAYER as a testimony to who God is and what we believe.

Join us Sunday, May 1 @ 9:00 a.m. for our

Affirmation of Baptism Service. Being

received are: Desirae Behnke, Caroline

Berge, Dylan Conrad, Kyle Conrad, Hannah

Evenson, Jessica Jeske, Kolten Johnson,

Katie Kapinos, Myranda Manke, Isaac

Petska, Quinten Robley, Rachel Robley,

Erin Schwoerer, Brock Soukup, Eric

Thomsen, Tannor Wittmus, Taylor Zucchi,

Cassandra Zutz.

Youth lock-in on Friday May 13th for 6th grade and up starting at 6:30pm. Children

younger than 6th grade are welcomed to stay overnight with a parent. Please join us! The same will go for the highway clean-up, because I wouldn’t want anything to happen to anyone! We will be doing Highway clean-up on Saturday, May 14th beginning at 9:00 am. We will provide breakfast for all those willing to help. Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00 am to eat and then we can figure out how to split up into two groups. One will do HWY 151 and the other will do CTH J. I will need some adults to help drive to our starting points and back to church when finished. A sign-up sheet will be located on my door for the lock-in and the clean-up. Anyone is welcome!

Kids Day Out Saturday, May 7


Sign up outside Nicolle Behnke’s

door if you are attending.

3 3

Senior Christians will meet Tuesday, May 17 at 9:00 a.m. at Four Seasons Restaurant.

The Valders Garden Club will be

having a Garden and Bake Sale

Sunday, May 15 before and after

worship. Proceeds will be used to

purchase flowers for the church.

Buzz by and join us!

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will offer their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings at Faith Lutheran Church on 6/8/2016. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners.

Bring your coins to help us raise “S’more” money for Crossways Camp. We are raising money for four tents for camp. The Sunday School will have a coin collection every Sunday from April 17 to May 15. S’mores will be served during Sunday School on May 15.

Nine and Dine

Golfing will begin at Seven Lakes on Friday May 13 at 5:30 pm with dining after. This is open to anyone. No need to be an experienced golfer. Join us!



Donations this month were given to: Bible Camp, Quilter Fund, Library Fund, Hymnal Fund, World Hunger

and Faith’s Capital Appeal.

SCRIP NEWS It's “Party Time” so keep in mind Scrip cards when grocery shopping and gift purchases for Confirmation, Mother's Day, Graduation and Family reunions. We have Piggly Wiggly, Festival, Copps, Wal-Mart, Rob's, Kohl's, Shopko, Bath and Body Works and many others can be ordered if not on hand. (See the pew rack for shopping lists.) Plan on fishing or turkey hunting??? Fleet Farm scrip cards can help as well as purchasing springtime lawn and garden supplies. Remember pet supplies and pet food is available at Silver Lake Country Store. It's that time of the year when we “take to the greens”. Scrip cards are available for golf at Seven Lakes and Autumn Ridge. Maybe you're not a golfer but like to dine out, then we have cards for many local restaurants like Gills, Pizza Ranch, McDonald's, Culvers and Starbucks to name a few. During the month of March we had 25 families purchase162 cards with a face value of $6,755.00 giving Faith a rebate of $263.84. Remember 50% of the rebate will go to help support youth camperships. Faith members and Parents please buy scrip to help defray camp costs as well as support our program.

This month the $10 drawing went to Penny and Bryce Larson. Our next Scrip meeting is Tuesday, May 10, at 5 pm. We could use more help selling on Wednesdays and Sundays as well as your input during our meetings. Won't you please consider joining and helping us?

Capital Appeal

2/29/2016 Denmark State Bank Loan Balance $390,624.14

Monthly required payment $ 3,350.00

Additional payment for February $

Total March payment Principle paid $2,080.27 Interest paid $1,269.73

3/31/2016 Denmark State Bank Loan Balance $388,543.87

Operating Expenses - March

Benevolence $ 2,484.34

Board & Other Expenses $ 9,688.52

Personnel Salaries/Benefits $ 15,749.70

General Fund Expense $ 27,922.56 $ 29,741.90 $ 88,606.80 $ 89,225.69

Dedicated Expense $ 890.25 $ 2,553.25

Total Expenses $ 28,812.81 $ 91,160.05

Year to Date General Fund Net Income : -6,471.35

General Fund Checkbook: $ 58,346.49

Income - March Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget

Envelope Offerings $ 22,210.00

Other Income and Offerings $ 5,393.60

General Fund Income $ 27,603.60 $ 29,880.85 $ 82,135.45 $ 89,642.54

Dedicated Income $ 780.75 $ 2,570.60

Total Income $ 28,384.35 $ 84,706.05


Liturgical Roles


Baptized ................................................................ 877 Confirmed ............................................................. 667 Families ................................................................ 178

Acolyte Schedule

5/1 Acolyte: Aric Olson Crucifer: Chase Wilker 5/8 Acolyte: Angelina Junk Crucifer: Kristin Pederson 5/15 Acolyte: Gracie Mulhaney Crucifer: Kai Meyer 5/22 Anthony Zucchi 5/29 Autumn Robley

Head Usher Schedule- Sunday

May ................................... Matt Krogh and Paul Franz June ............................................................. Mark Zutz

Pastoral Acts

Baptism .......... Aubree Haberman and Sawyer Wenzel Funeral . Norah Bratt, Marlyn Evenson, Janice Jandrey


Liturgical Roles ~ Worship Responsibilities

Worship Attendance

Sunday Wednesday Total 3/20 216 216 3/25 Good Friday 4:00 171 7:00 44 215 3/27 Easter 7:00 192 9:00 163 10:45 75 430 4/3 145 48 193 4/10 146 77 223


5/1 Connie Hoyer 5/4 Laura Halverson 5/8 Bob Argall 5/11 Julie Endries 5/15 Jenniffer Zutz 5/18 Sharon Pruitt 5/22 Ava Ulnes 5/25 Carol Ulness 5/29 Stacy Wilker


5/1 Don and Delores Johnson 5/4 Tim and Julie Endries 5/8 Kyle and Dylan Conrad 5/11 Brian and Michelle Bilke 5/15 Don and Delores Johnson 5/18 Judy Valleskey and Jill Backus 5/22 Nicole and Taylor Zucchi 5/25 Don and Nancy Christianson 5/29 Dennis and Marlene Evenson Ushers

5/1 Lee W. Evenson, Loren Ulness Rolyn Jorgenson 5/8 Keith and Audrey Lippert Wayne Huske 5/15 Mark and Jenniffer Zutz Family 5/22 Bryce and Penny Larson Scott Zucchi 5/29 Gary and Tricia Olson Family

Communion Servers

5/1 Connie Hoyer and Kate Greif 5/4 Steve and Laura Halverson 5/8 Bob Argall and Larry Madson 5/11 Julie Endries and Cathy Luckow 5/15 Earl Griffin and Jan Mulhaney 5/18 Judy Valleskey 5/22 Carolyn Hallberg and Nicolle Behnke 5/25 Don Schreiner and Nancy Christianson 5/29 Bobbi Jo Robley and Joyce Sorenson

Altar Guild Servers

Communion: May ............. Marlene Evenson, Chair (Committee #1) June ................... Bev Torrison, Chair (Committee #2)

Sound Operator

5/1 Erin Lenzner 5/8 Lyle Roehrig 5/15 Cheryl Domrath 5/22 Terry Huske 5/29 Loren Ulness


5/1 Judy Harris 5/4 Talon or Cody Meyer 5/8 Lyle Roehrig 5/11 Talon Meyer 5/15 Cassie Zutz 5/18 Kayla Hildebrandt 5/22 Taylor Zucchi 5/25 Nate Bremer 5/29 Eric Thomsen

Video Operator

5/1 Jake Kaderabek 5/8 Bryce Larson 5/15 Don Domrath 5/22 Roger Hallberg 5/29 Jason Robley


VBS Wish List Vacation Bible School is coming up June 20-24th. We are starting to collect/borrow supplies for

decorations and activities to help reduce the costs of Cave Quest. If you are able to donate/borrow

any items, please drop them off in Nicolle Behnke’s office at church as soon as you have them

available. Contact Chloe Cigler at 775-4417 if you have any questions. Your support is greatly


Donations Needed:

24 one pound boxes of corn starch

Brown paper grocery bags

Rolls of brown craft paper

Green Christmas Tree garland

Sheets of Styrofoam (6-8 feet tall)

Re-sealable plastic sandwich bags (250 total needed)

Two 5x18 inch foam cones

Packing peanuts

Roll of duct tape

Fluorescent rocks (available at Science stores or online)

5 bottles of vinegar

$30 in Wal-Mart gift cards

Pure acetone 16oz

Red glow sticks

Glow paint

Aluminum foil

Latex gloves

2-rectangular, aluminum disposable trays or pans at least 3in deep

24in piece of foam

Items to borrow and return (please label each item with your name so we can be sure to return):

4-5 large glow in the dark stars

Large blue tarp

4-5 battery operated pillar candles, between 4 and 6 inches tall

Diffuser or vaporizer

Handheld UV Lights

12 Hammers

2 Spray water bottles (need to use them to “mist”)

Colorful umbrella

Hula Hoops (5)

Long fluorescent light bulb

Wool blanket

3 handheld mirrors

Toilet plunger

Caving gear/Helmet


Harness or ropes

Safety goggles


For the past six years, Faith’s Hands on Mission Committee has organized a very successful Fall Harvest Fest. The

success of this event was determined by the weather as well as other already scheduled school activities and

community events.

This year we have decided to go in a different direction and have organized a Family Fun Fest. It will follow Vaca-

tion Bible School and is open to all of Faith’s members as well as families from the community. We will be featuring

many of the same popular activities as the Fall Harvest Fest and have added a few new things.

The event will offer a potluck supper along with hot dogs, a silent auction, dunk tank, bounce house, water slip &

slide, water balloon volleyball, and for us less active people-Bingo, with lots and lots of prizes. There will be no

charge for any of these activities and all of you are welcome to come and participate. So, save the date!

Once again Bingo is on the

schedule of events for the Family Fun Fest. If you have

any new or gently used items that you would like to do-

nate that are suitable for bingo prizes, please place them

in the Stewardship cabinet across from the church office

between now and June 24.

Hands on Mission is looking for com-

pleted theme baskets to be used for a

silent auction on June 24. Hands on Mission is moving in a different direc-

tion this year with the silent

auction; rather than hosting the live

auction and silent auction like we did

in the fall. The silent auction in sum-

mer will coincide with the Family Fun Fest culminating on June 24. If you have a com-

pleted basket or items to donate for a basket, please have

them ready to go by June 1. They can be dropped off and

placed in the fellowship hall at any time before June 1. Bid-

ding will begin on Sunday, June 5 and com-pleted during the Friday Family Fun Fest on June 24.


Stewardship –Bryce presented the March financial statements and noted that although income was good it was not enough to cover

the monthly expenses, and another $320 was used from the checkbook balance to cover the shortage. Total YTD expenses are now

$6471 greater than income. Bryce reminded the board that the expense for the Associate Pastor will vary each month as it is a

percentage of total compensation, which may include education & medical expense reimbursement, etc. and not just monthly salary.

The church was previously overcharged for offering envelopes, and Christine was able to obtain a refund which is reflected as a credit

in the March Offering Envelopes total under the Board of Stewardship expenses. The Lenten coin offering net was approximately

$1000 after factoring in the cost of the cards and the mailing of cards not picked up at church. Options will be looked at for next year

to reduce the cost and simplify the process for the money counters. Bryce reported that the $5000 goal was reached for the scripture

reading/matching funds challenge and that money will go into the Capital Appeal fund. Bryce asked for clarification from the BoD

regarding the Thrivent Choice dollars and was given ongoing approval to use those dollars for mortgage principal payments as the

money comes in. The Capital Appeal balance sheet was reviewed and Bryce presented a recommendation from the Stewardship

Board to pay an additional $15,267.86 on the mortgage principal this month. After discussion, a motion was made to do as

recommended by the Board of Stewardship and make the additional principal payment. Motion carried.

Parish Fellowship –Jan questioned how it is determined who receives the Living Lutheran magazine and if someone checks on this

each year to be sure people want to continue receiving it. The office will follow up on this once the new boards are in place, as

currently the church pays for a subscription for each board member.

Property – Church clean-up was held on April 16th and with 12 people helping a lot of work was done. Lights in the sanctuary were

recently replaced and some fixtures cleaned. Discussion was had regarding the possibility of switching to LED lights which would

require replacing the fixtures as well. As requested by a member at the Annual Meeting on April 17 th, an inspection will be done

regarding the effect the large cross has on the roof issues. Due to how the cross is currently integrated into the roofline it may be more

complicated than simply removing/replacing it.

Christian Education – S’more Money for Camp has kicked off and two “noisy offerings” will be held as they attempt to raise $680 to

purchase four tents for the Crossways camps. May 15th will be the last day of Sunday School. The plan is to serve s’mores, sing camp

songs, and present a preview of VBS to get kids excited about attending. Invitations to VBS will be published in Faith Matters and the

Valders Journal.

Youth Ministry – Stacy reported that Kid’s Day Out was again well attended. A lock-in is being planned for May 13th with highway

clean up on May 14th. Options are being considered for summer activities, possibly being held after Wednesday evening or Sunday

morning worship.

Pastor Erica – In reviewing the Annual Meeting process Pastor Erica commented on the following: 1) Ballots should be handed

directly to each voting member when voting is to begin; a listing of current committee members and nominees for each board should

be provided for review instead of the ballots. 2) We need to be sure to allow nominations from the floor. 3) The room set up will need

to be reviewed to be sure everyone can hear, and speakers need to be told that they must hold the microphone up close and speak

directly into it.

Pastor Nicole –Follow-up has been done on the pledge cards the youth filled out last fall as part of the Stewardship campaign. The

youth have been fulfilling their pledges by participating in worship, making cards for others, baking for events, etc. She and Julie

Endries attended an Evangelism live-streaming program at the Synod office in Appleton. Plans are to release the four segments that

were presented and Pastor Nicole encouraged everyone to view these.

Youth & Family – Nicolle Behnke will be completing her last segment of Youth Ministry schooling May 16-17. Four youth are

attending the upcoming BYG with Mike Lenzner and Nicki chaperoning. Sign up for the July mission trip is currently taking place as

early sign up will ensure space for anyone wanting to participate.

Old Business – Jim Schuessler received detailed information from the Praise Band regarding a potential equipment upgrade. A

proposed mixing board and Wi-Fi router would allow performers to control sound themselves, and cables and microphones are nearing

the point of needing to be replaced. The new equipment could also be used to enhance other aspects of church services, thus after in

depth discussion a motion was made & carried to allocate up to $3000 from the Expanded Ministries fund for the equipment upgrade.

He provided further information regarding the Youth Frontier Leadership Conference that Valders High School would like to hold in

conjunction with ten other area high schools. The ten schools are required (collectively) to have $10,000 underwritten by their

communities, and then each school pays $300. A total of 300 students will participate in the conference. Lengthy discussion was had

regarding how the Capital Appeal funds can be used and it was decided that this is part of the community outreach ministry we

committed to with the Capital Appeal. Motion made and carried.

New Business – Questions from members at the Annual Meeting were reviewed—a member questioned reducing the benevolent

amount currently being given to the ELCA (5.5%). Since this amount is what was voted on as part of the 2016 budget it was decided

to leave the 5.5% as is for now, with consideration for changing this amount being given when Stewardship is preparing the 2017


Respectfully submitted,

Kerry Schnell

Faith Lutheran Church Minutes April 18, 2016