Faith in Jesus Christ speach

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  • 8/7/2019 Faith in Jesus Christ speach


    Faith in Jesus Christ

    Creemos que los primeros principios y ordenanzas del Evangelio son: primero, Fe en Seor

    Jesucristo; Segundo, Arrepentimiento; tercero, Bautismo por inmersin para la remisin delos pecados; cuarto, imposicin de manos para comunicar el don del Espritu Santo. (Los

    artculos de fe 4).

    Today Ill talk about the very first one- the faith in Jesus Christ, the mighty faith of


    If we think we have faith, we should ask, faith in whom or faith in what? For some, faith isnothing more than faith in themselves. That is only self-confidence or self-centeredness.Others have faith in faith, which is something like relying on the power of positive thinking

    or betting on the proposition that we can get what we want by manipulating the powerswithin us.

    President Dallin H. Oaks in General conference April 1994 states: The kind of faith thatincludes trust in the Lord stands in contrast to many imitations. Some people trust no one but

    themselves. Some put their highest trust in a friend or another family member, perhaps because

    they feel that person is more righteous or wiser than they. But that is not the Lords way. He told

    us to put our faith and our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    For us it requires more than recognizing faith as a gospel principle. In Bible dictionary we read: To

    have faith is to have confidence in something or someone (Bible Dictionary, Faith, 669). True

    faith must be centered in Jesus Christ. Faith is a principle of action and of power (Bible

    Dictionary, 670). It requires us to do, not just to believe. President Kevin W Pearson in session of

    General conference April 2009 says: Faith is a spiritual gift from God that comes through the Holy

    Ghost. It requires a correct understanding and knowledge of Jesus Christ, His divine attributes and

    perfect character, His teachings, Atonement, Resurrection, and priesthood power. Obedience to

    these principles develops complete trust in Him and His ordained servants and assurance of His

    promised blessings.

    In the book The teachings of Spencer W Kimball we read: In faith we plan the seed, and soon we

    see the miracle of the blossoming. Men have often misunderstood and have reversed the process.

    They would have the harvest before the planting, the reward before the service, the miracle

    before the faith. President Kimball adds Faith must come first, than follows knowledge. Faith,

    then the miracle.

    So how do we have a mighty faith and put the things back into the right places? Our desire, works,

    sacrifice and obedience have a crucial role in the process. Lets first talk a little bit of a role of our

    desire. Our faith may be measured by the amount of time we spend thinking about what we

    desire- because we get what we ask for. The Lord gives us what we truly want most- especially

  • 8/7/2019 Faith in Jesus Christ speach


    when we want what the Lord wants. Moroni wrote, I know that thou workest unto the children of

    men according to their faithWherefore thou workest after menhave faith (Ether 12:29-30).

    Talking further about our works, our faith may be measured by the effort we spend on obtaining

    our desire. We show our faith by our works. That is what James taught. He illustrated it with the

    example of the great patriarch Abraham: Was not Abraham our father justified by works, whenhe had offered Isaac his son upon the altar. Seest thou how faith wrought his works, and by works

    was faith made perfect? ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only

    (James 2:21-24).

    The author of the book 8 Mighty changes God wants for you before you get to heavenD. Kelly

    Ogden clarifies the meaning of the sacrifice as a part of faith, To exercise the faith we must be

    willing to sacrifice, to give up anything the Lord may require of us. The Prophet Joseph Smith in

    Lectures on Faith wrote, A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has

    power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation. We may not literally have

    to give up all our earthly possessions, but we have to be willing to sacrifice whatever the lord may

    ask. Abraham, Lehi, and modern missionaries are examples: when they are called by the Lord to

    do so, they leave behind every person and everything they have ever known, and they go

    anywhere the Lord sends them. Lord calls each of us to go a couple of blocks to do our visiting and

    home teaching. The sacrifices he requires of us, for our own good, include taking the time to pray

    and study the scriptures, giving up food and drink to fulfill the wonderful law of the fast, giving up

    time for our own pleasures to go to the temple and serve others. These works and sacrifices show

    our faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.

    And the last thing I will share with you is the role of the obedience. According to the scriptures,

    the results of mighty faith are mighty miracles: God has provided a means that man, through

    faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings.

    (Mosiah 8:18). Mighty faith can also result in mighty changes. When I was an investigator, my best

    friend who was a member, once told me that if I struggle with faith in Jesus Christ, I should read a

    Book of Mormon every day so I can become to know him, to love him and to develop faith in him.

    Thats what I did. I started to read the Book of Mormon every single day. It changed my heart and

    let meto hear the spirit if the church is true. And I did receive the answer. I was attending a singles

    ward every single Sunday before I got baptized maybe month and a half. In one of the sacrament

    meetings the bishop Canfield gave a speech about being worthy of partaking sacrament. At that

    moment I knew what I had to do. I knew so clearly that only by getting baptized I will be worthy to

    partake the sacrament. Since that day I know what the sacrifice of Jesus Christ means in my life. I

    know that this is the only church on the earth which represents the true church of Jesus Christ

    whichhe established when he was on the earth. I enjoy the blessings of it every single day. I know

    that Thomas S Monson is the prophet and receives the revelations for us constantly. I know that

    the faith in Jesus Christ and repentance will bring me closer to the eternal life with my wonderful

    husband and hopefully my family who are not members. I love the gospel and share these things

    with you in the sacred name of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen.