NEWSLETTER OF THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST SWITHUN WELLS www.stswithunwellsparish.org.uk Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No. 246871 Sunday Cycle: Year A. Weekday Cycle: Year II Psalter Week 3 4th May 2014 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Parish Office: St. Edward the Confessor Church, 191/193 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 2DU Tel.: 023 8027 3882. Email: [email protected]. Office hours:: Wed 8.30am-4.30pm Thurs 9am - 4pm Fri 8.30am - 3.00 pm. Newsletter items should be received by 9.00 am Wednesday. A LITTLE INSPIRATION FROM POPE FRANCIS: “The joy of evangelising always arises from grateful remembrance: it is a grace which we constantly need to implore. The apostles never forgot the moment when Jesus touched their hearts.The Joy of the Gospel 13. Read more at: http:/ www.vatican.va/evangelii-gaudium/en/index/html New Evangelisation in the Post-Christian Era . In a recent interview with The Telegraph, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Rowan Williams said that Britain is now a “post-Christian” country. He said that Britain is no longer “a nation of believers” and that “a further decline in the sway of the Church is likely in the years ahead.” He went on to say that “the era of regular and widespread worship is over.” It was, with the post-Christian era in mind, that Pope St. John Paul II in 1983 used the phrase New Evangelisation. He said this New Evangelisation was “new in its ardour, new in its expression and new in its methods.” In other words, he was speaking of evangelisation for a new millennium. He was aware that if evangelisation is to be successful in the third millennium then it must seek to understand the cir- cumstances of the third millennium and use the technological advances of the third millennium. The work evangelisation, of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, is the work of all the baptised. In his Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel” Pope Francis says, “All the baptised, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelisation, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelisation to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients.” All of us are to be engaged in the joy of evangelisation. At the heart of evangelisation is the person of Jesus Christ, our faith in him and having the courage and conviction to speak of him and to share our faith in him with others. Not one of us is the ‘finished article’ in faith so we need to continue to deepen our faith, our relationship with Jesus through prayer and wor- ship of him, particularly at Mass and Eucharistic ado- ration, where we believe Jesus is truly and substan- tially present. It is at Mass, the breaking of bread, that we recognise him as did the two disciples in the Gospel this Sunday. Evangelisation requires sacrifice. It means setting aside worldly priorities and setting our hearts more on Jesus and on the kingdom of heaven. Evangelisa- tion requires courage, particularly in the circum- stances in which we find ourselves where many Christians appear to be frightened of speaking out about their beliefs. Most importantly evangelisation requires faith, faith in Jesus, Son of God, Our Lord and Saviour. In the Parish of St. Swithun Wells we need to put resources into New Evangelisation and move from just maintaining what we have. A maintenance atti- tude is insufficient for New Evangelisation. Parish Faith in Action seeks to provide these resources. We cannot accept a trend of decline. We cannot accept as normal children, teenagers and families lapsing from the practice of the Catholic faith following re- ception of the sacraments. We must teach the Faith in the most attractive and compelling way possible. We must use all the modern means of communica- tion and modern technology. If people experience mediocrity and a lack of conviction from us, they are not likely to want to join us. Please pray for Parish Faith in Action and lend your support. New Evangeli- sation in this Parish depends on it. Fr. Michael FAITH IN ACTION

FAITH IN ACTION - Swithun Wells · Faith in Action and lend your support. New Evangeli- ... From CAFOD . Connect2 communities in Salvador thank you for your kindness, support and

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Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth

Registered Charity No. 246871

Sunday Cycle: Year A. Weekday Cycle: Year II

Psalter Week 3

4th May 2014


Parish Office: St. Edward the Confessor Church, 191/193 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 2DU

Tel.: 023 8027 3882. Email: [email protected].

Office hours:: Wed 8.30am-4.30pm Thurs 9am - 4pm Fri 8.30am - 3.00 pm. Newsletter items should be received by 9.00 am Wednesday.

A LITTLE INSPIRATION FROM POPE FRANCIS: “The joy of evangelising always arises from grateful remembrance: it is a grace which we constantly need to implore. The apostles never forgot the moment when Jesus touched their hearts.” The Joy of the Gospel 13. Read more at: http:/www.vatican.va/evangelii-gaudium/en/index/html

New Evangelisation in the Post-Christian Era.

In a recent interview with The Telegraph, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Rowan Williams said that Britain is now a “post-Christian” country. He said that Britain is no longer “a nation of believers” and that “a further decline in the sway of the Church is likely in the years ahead.” He went on to say that “the era of regular and widespread worship is over.” It was, with the post-Christian era in mind, that Pope St. John Paul II in 1983 used the phrase New Evangelisation. He said this New Evangelisation was “new in its ardour, new in its expression and new in its methods.” In other words, he was speaking of evangelisation for a new millennium. He was aware that if evangelisation is to be successful in the third millennium then it must seek to understand the cir-cumstances of the third millennium and use the technological advances of the third millennium. The work evangelisation, of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, is the work of all the baptised. In his Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel” Pope Francis says, “All the baptised, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelisation, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelisation to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients.” All of us are to be engaged in the joy of evangelisation. At the heart of evangelisation is the person of Jesus Christ, our faith in him and having the courage and conviction to speak of him and to share our faith in him with others. Not one of us is the ‘finished article’ in faith so we need to continue to deepen our faith,

our relationship with Jesus through prayer and wor-ship of him, particularly at Mass and Eucharistic ado-ration, where we believe Jesus is truly and substan-tially present. It is at Mass, the breaking of bread, that we recognise him as did the two disciples in the Gospel this Sunday. Evangelisation requires sacrifice. It means setting aside worldly priorities and setting our hearts more on Jesus and on the kingdom of heaven. Evangelisa-tion requires courage, particularly in the circum-stances in which we find ourselves where many Christians appear to be frightened of speaking out about their beliefs. Most importantly evangelisation requires faith, faith in Jesus, Son of God, Our Lord and Saviour. In the Parish of St. Swithun Wells we need to put

resources into New Evangelisation and move from

just maintaining what we have. A maintenance atti-

tude is insufficient for New Evangelisation. Parish

Faith in Action seeks to provide these resources. We

cannot accept a trend of decline. We cannot accept

as normal children, teenagers and families lapsing

from the practice of the Catholic faith following re-

ception of the sacraments. We must teach the Faith

in the most attractive and compelling way possible.

We must use all the modern means of communica-

tion and modern technology. If people experience

mediocrity and a lack of conviction from us, they are

not likely to want to join us. Please pray for Parish

Faith in Action and lend your support. New Evangeli-

sation in this Parish depends on it.

Fr. Michael




Page 2: FAITH IN ACTION - Swithun Wells · Faith in Action and lend your support. New Evangeli- ... From CAFOD . Connect2 communities in Salvador thank you for your kindness, support and

JOURNEY IN FAITH R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of


Interested in becoming a Catholic or wanting to learn more about

the Catholic Faith?

St Edward the Confessor

Every Wednesday 7.30-9pm Deacon Paul Owen on 023 8065 8251


Held on Sunday 4.30-6pm

Holy Cross Resource Centre

On 13th July and 5th October

ST. SWITHUN WELLS FELLOWSHIP GROUP at St. Swithun Wells Church, Fair Oak

Wednesday 7th May 7.45-9pm. Discussion on Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin.

Everyone is welcome. Enquiries: Peter Baggott - 023 8069 4060

Bob Birtles: 023 8069 2416

Readings for next Sunday 11th May

Fourth Sunday of Easter A Gospel: John 10:1-10 1st reading: Acts of the Apostles:2:14. 36-41. Psalm 22 The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. 2nd reading: 1 Peter 2:20-25.


Healing Service for the Sick of the Parish on Pentecost Sunday 8th June at 3 p.m. at the

Church of St. Swithun Wells, Fair Oak. This will

be followed by refreshments. Fr. Michael will be

taking the service and everyone in the parish who

is sick and in need of healing is most welcome to

come along. There is good access for wheelchair

users and a large car park. Enquiries to Deacon

Bob Birtles 02380 692416

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 11th May CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 11th May CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 11th May CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 11th May ––––17th May 17th May 17th May 17th May

Volunteers required in all churches. Please contact: for the collection in central Please contact: for the collection in central Please contact: for the collection in central Please contact: for the collection in central Eastleigh: Eastleigh: Eastleigh: Eastleigh: John Elton 023 8061 5220 or email [email protected] or Eric Hyom on 023 8064 3457. ForForForFor Chandlers Ford: Chandlers Ford: Chandlers Ford: Chandlers Ford: Paul Carmody 02380 615373 or Sue Derby-shire 01794 512920.

This week’s Gospel:This week’s Gospel:This week’s Gospel:This week’s Gospel: Luke 24:13-35

“They recognised him at the breaking “They recognised him at the breaking “They recognised him at the breaking “They recognised him at the breaking of bread” of bread” of bread” of bread”


Wednesday 14th May 7.00pm - 9.30pm

Venue: St Colman’s, St Colman’s Avenue,


This training is open to all in the Parish. To book a place,

please contact Soraya Ciccarone on 02392 816396 or

[email protected]

May the Month of the Rosary

The Rosary will be recited before Mass for the 4 Sundays of May starting at 8.25am at St Edward the Confessor.


Hillcrest Avenue, Chandler’s Ford. MAY FAYRE - SATURDAY 10TH

1-3.30pm Please come and join us for games, races and a BBQ. There will also be a grand prize draw -tickets will be on sale after weekend Masses or from the school office. Prizes include £100 vouchers, gardening set, summer games and many more. If you could spare 1/2 an hour to help on a stall, please contact the PTA, either via the school office 023 8026 6210 or email [email protected]

14-18 YEARS OLD?

You are invited to Time-Out Zone on Sunday

11th May 7-8.30 pm at Holy Cross Resource Centre - faith, fun, friendship in informal setting.

Page 3: FAITH IN ACTION - Swithun Wells · Faith in Action and lend your support. New Evangeli- ... From CAFOD . Connect2 communities in Salvador thank you for your kindness, support and

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: St . Swithun Wells Primary School 023 8026 6210; St George Catholic V.A. College 023 8032 2603;

St Anne’s Catholic School 023 8032 8200; Charlton House 023 8067 7575/St. Mary’s College 023 8067 1267

Next week’s second collection is for


Mother and baby/toddler group

in The Cloister at St Edward the Confessor Church on

Tuesdays 10am-12noon

WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS Last week’s collections (incl weekly standing orders) St Edward the Confessor: £ 391.51 (S/O ) £771.96

Special Coll. for Easter Flowers: £191.02 Our Lady Queen of Apostles: £159.82

Special Collection for Holy Places on 18/04: £195.37 Holy Cross & St. Swithun Wells £357.54 (S/O £659.17)

Special Collection for Easter flowers: £52.51 St. Joseph’s & St. Andrew’s £692.95 (S/O £409.78)

Special Collection Easter flowers: £161.23

60 CLUB 60 CLUB 60 CLUB 60 CLUB — 12th May 2pm - 4 pm in Holy Cross Resource Centre.

We hope to go out to lunch if we can get transport. TBC Enq: Maureen Westwood 023 80 692682


Sign up for Portsmouth Diocese E-News Keep up to date with what’s happening in the diocese.

The diocesan e-news comes out once a week with latest

events, photos, videos. Sign up on the Diocese website:


[email protected]


Remember in your prayers the soul of Joan Mary

Shapter. Funeral Service at St Edward on Tuesday

6th May at 1:45pm. May her soul rest in peace.


13th June Eastleight to Southampton

The pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (the Camino)

began in the 9th century with the discovery of the tomb

of the Apostle James the Great and is now a worldwide

pilgrim destination. The Confraternity of St. James is the

official UK agency providing support to pilgrims on the

Camino. We have designed an English section from

Reading to Southampton, accepted as and official

Camino by the Spanish ArchConfraternity. If you would

like a 3 hour taster of the Camino experience please join

us. Find out more by emailing [email protected]

using the title “St. James Way 2014”.



Hiltingbury Recreation Ground Sat 10th May 2pm-5pm

Come and join in. Full teams or individuals invited. £1

per player, supporters and spectators by donation. Re-freshments available. No age limit!! Ad-

vance notice appreciated, Sarah Goodhead 02380 252405.

We would like to sell cup cakes there, to

raise further funds. All offers for baking will be gratefully accepted - just bring your cakes along. All

proceeds to Christian Aid Week.

Churches Together in Churches Together in Churches Together in Churches Together in

Chandler’s Ford (CTCF)Chandler’s Ford (CTCF)Chandler’s Ford (CTCF)Chandler’s Ford (CTCF)

is a grouping of the churches in Chandler's Ford and Val-ley Park that works to build and strengthen relationships between the churches and the local community. Each May a member of one of the churches is elected to take on the role of chairing the CTCF committee for the next twelve months. So, we are inviting members of the local churches to apply to be the Chair for 2014/15.

The Chair is responsible for chairing the five committee meetings during the year and will be supported by the Secretary, who deals with most of the admin activities, and the Treasurer. In addition, other members of the commit-tee are involved in sub-committees as and when the need arises.

As well as this role, there is an opportunity for a vice-chair who will chair the meetings in their absence.

If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact Steve Nicholls (8026 8629) - Chair of CTCF, Pam Beecroft (8026 5512) - CTCF Secretary or your church’s CTCF committee member.

THANK YOU from Moira and Tony Goodburn to all THANK YOU from Moira and Tony Goodburn to all THANK YOU from Moira and Tony Goodburn to all THANK YOU from Moira and Tony Goodburn to all the wonderful people who made their 6oth Anniversary the wonderful people who made their 6oth Anniversary the wonderful people who made their 6oth Anniversary the wonderful people who made their 6oth Anniversary such a special and happy occasion. With love and God such a special and happy occasion. With love and God such a special and happy occasion. With love and God such a special and happy occasion. With love and God Bless. Tony and Moira XXBless. Tony and Moira XXBless. Tony and Moira XXBless. Tony and Moira XX

From CAFOD. Connect2 communities in Salvador

thank you for your kindness, support and friendship. Your donation of £1,375.00 will help communities to learn to cope with changing environments and respond to emergencies.

JOB VACANCY - Minibus driver required.

St Swithun Wells School is looking for a reliable person to

transport children from North Baddesley to the school each

morning and afternoon. Further information can be obtained

from Miss Clark, Head teacher on 02380 266210.

Coffee stop

Open every Thursday


In the resource

Centre behind

Holy cross church

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Mass Times for our Six Church Communities


Saturdays: 11.00am Holy Cross Church, 12 noon St. Edward the Confessor Church, 5.30pm Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, 5.30pm St. Joseph’s Parish Centre.

Sundays: 8.45am St. Andrew’s Church.

Malayam (Syro-Malabar) Rite

1st Friday of the month 5.00 pm The Holy Rosary, followed by Mass at

Holy Cross.

St Sw 9.30 am Monday Holy Rosary followed at 10.00am by Morning Prayer with Word and Communion (cancelled if there is a Mass at Holy Cross at 10.00 on Mon am) St J 7.30 pm Tuesday The Holy Rosary in the Oratory of Marie Louise House, Newton Lane, Romsey St Ed 9.30 am Wednesday The Holy Rosary (also during May on Sun 8.25am) St J 6.00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer with Word and Communion S A 10.00am Friday Morning Prayer with Word and Communion

St Ed St. Edward the Confessor,191-193, Winchester Rd, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU HC Holy Cross, 53, Leigh Road, Eastleigh. SO50 9DF St Sw St. Swithun Wells, Allington Lane, Fair Oak, SO50 7DB St A St. Andrew’s,Fleming Avenue, North, Baddesley SO52 9EP St J St. Joseph’s Oratory, 26 Abbey Water, Romsey, SO51 8EJ OLQA Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Martin Street, Bishops Waltham. SO32 1DN


Sat 3rd 5.00 pm St Sw Mary Webber RIP Thurs 8th 10.00am St Ed Holy Souls RIP

Vigil Masses 6.00 pm St J Elisabeth Petisfield RIP 10.00am HC Holy Souls RIP

SS Philip & 6.00 pm OLQA 10.00am OLQA

James 6.30 pm St Ed Helen Christian FM 6.00pm St J John Lapage RIP

Sun 4th 9.00 am HC Polska Msza Święta Fri 9th 10.00am St Ed Holy Souls RIP

3rd Sun of 9.00 am St Ed Bill Driscoll RIP 10.00am HC Thomas Flora Kelly

Easter 9.15 am St A Charles & Christine Blishen Wedding Anniversary

10.00am OLQA

9.30 am OLQA Sat 10th 5.00pm St Sw Patrick Lawless RIP

11.00 am St A People of the Parish St John of Avila 6.00pm OLQA

11.00 am HC Choudry Zishan (Shan) RIP 6.00pm St J Holy Souls RIP

Mon 5th 10.00 am St Ed Holy Souls RIP 6.30pm St Ed Holy Souls RIP

10.00 am OLQA Sun 11th 9.00am HC Polska Msza Święta

Tues 6th 10.00 am St Ed Florence Bohan FM 4th Sun of Easter 9.00am St Ed Holy Souls RIP

10.00 am 10.00 am


Holy Souls RIP 9.15am 9.30am


Mother of L Cantem RIP

11.30 am St A Margaret Egan RIP 11.00am SA People of the Parish

Wed 7th 10.00 am St Ed Adrian Bonetti RIP 11.00am HC Holy Souls RIP

10.00 am HC Holy Souls RIP

10.00 am OLQA

Canon Michael Dennehy 023 8061 2430 Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia (Co-ordinating Pastor/Parish Priest) [email protected]

Fr John Buckley 01489 895889 [email protected]

Fr George Lyons 023 8062 0795 [email protected]

Canon Alan Griffiths (Associate Pastor)

POLISH PRIEST : Fr Zbigniew Budyn Tel: 023 8178 6316

RETIRED PRIEST: Fr David Whitehead

Holy Cross Resource Centre & Fin Admin: Linda Roberts 023 8065 8339 [email protected]

Deacon Bob Birtles 023 8069 2416 [email protected] www.deaconbob.co.uk

Deacon John di Meo 01794 515688 [email protected]

Deacon Paul Owen 023 8065 8251 [email protected]

Deacon Paul Hollingworth 01794 524287 [email protected]

Co-ordinator & Adviser for Catechesis & Formation:

Richard Martin 023 8065 8338 [email protected] Twiter:@RichSSW

Parish Administrator: Cristina Carretero 023 80 27 3882 [email protected]


Tuesday - HC After mass, closing with Benediction at 8.00 pm Thursday - ST Ed After mass, closing with Benediction 8.30pm Thursday - St J from 12.00 noon until 6.00 pm. Friday - St A following Morning Prayer until 3.00 pm


Effective from Thursday 1st May, Adoration and Mass at St Joseph will be held in the new Abbey house.