Fairy Tales by Akshara

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  • 8/6/2019 Fairy Tales by Akshara


    Fairy Talesby


  • 8/6/2019 Fairy Tales by Akshara


  • 8/6/2019 Fairy Tales by Akshara



    Thanks for taking the time to read my first book. The

    stories are about fairies and their fantasy world.

    I would like to thank all my friends who helped me with

    their stories on fairies which I have tried to recreate


    Thanks to my teachers who constantly encouraged me

    and made me write this book.

    I would like to specially thank Manohar Devadoss thatha

    for inspiring me to take up writing and drawing

    I would like to thank my parents and Grandparents who

    gave me lot of encouragement, time and had put in lot of

    effort in getting this book in the form it is today.

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  • 8/6/2019 Fairy Tales by Akshara


    There was once a lady called Jasmine. She was an actor

    in Barbie movies. One day there was a shooting in which

    she was acting as a princess. The shot goes on like this;

    'She went to her aunt's house and told her that she

    wanted to take rest for few months. Then she went intothe bedroom and was surprised to see fifty beds

    arranged in it. This is your bed said her aunt pointing

    out to one bed. She climbed up to the bed and slept

    immediately as she was tired of her long journey. After

    some time some demons entered her room. They said

    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, I am going to kill you. Hearing this

    noise Jasmine woke up and screamed'. The shot was


    She asked the director Why should we do a film on

    Barbie as princess, rather we can have a mermaid as a

    princess? The director said that he would complete the

    princess story and start with mermaid film. Jasmine

    Barbie and Fashion Fairies


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    asked about the time duration of the shoot. The director

    said that it would last for a year. Jasmine did not agree to

    this and requested the director to finish the shoot in two

    months. The director did not agree and so Jasmine was

    no more interested in the film.

    So she decided that she would no longer work in the film

    and walked out of the studio. Jasmine was no more in

    the film.

    Jasmine went to her room and informed her friends that

    she had just walked out of the shoot. Her friends Rosy


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    and Lily were surprised. They asked why she had

    walked out of the film. Jasmine said, I always wanted to

    act as a mermaid, pointing out a picture in the wall.

    Suddenly there was a phone call for Jasmine. That was

    from Nicky. Nicky was a friend of Jasmine. Nicky had

    called up to inquire about Jasmine been out of the film

    she was acting in, as the news was already on the net.

    Jasmine saw the news on the net and confirmed the


    Jasmine got one more phone call. Jasmine answered

    the call. It was from a girl named Teresa. Jasmine did not

    know any one by name Teresa and so she asked who

    the person was. Teresa replied that she was Jackie's

    friend and added that Jackie was no more interested to

    be a friend of Jasmine. Jackie had asked Teresa to

    inform Jasmine. And she disconnected the phone call.

    Jackie had been a close friend of Jasmine for a long

    time and so Jasmine was shocked to hear the news.


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    She was very upset. Ah, said Jasmine. I want to visit

    my aunt who was a designer. I shall be happy there.

    One of her friends asked why she wants to be there?

    Jasmine replied that she wanted to help her aunt in

    designing the dresses and then look out for a mermaid

    film. Other friend asked, How is it possible? Jasmine

    said that she would discuss with her aunt Maria who

    lives in Mumbai. But Jasmine did not have her Aunt's


    She went to Mumbai and went around the malls to find

    her aunt. She went around enquiring all the shops in the

    malls and finally arrived at one shop. The shop's owner

    pointed out a shop and said that was the shop Aunt

    Maria owns. The owner of the shop where Jasmine

    enquired was a lady. She also added that her assistant

    Nimmy was supposed to help her in making the

    dresses, but she is not very efficient. Jasmine thanked

    her and left the place. As she entered Aunt Maria's shop,


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    she was surprised to see the mannequin without


    Jasmine saw her Aunt Maria in her skating shoes inside

    the shop. Jasmine had carried her puppy Julie along

    with her. Aunt Maria was happy to see Jasmine. Jasmine

    asked her aunt, What are you doing? Aunt said that

    she was getting the models ready. Suddenly there was a

    thud sound. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.. Aunt Maria had

    just had fallen because she lost balance off her skating

    shoes. Her assistant came running to Aunt Maria and

    asked if she was hurt? But aunt was fine and she got up

    with the help of her assistant.


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    Aunt introduced her assistant Stipa to Jasmine. Aunty

    said, Jasmine, Stipa would be a good friend of you.

    Stipa asked Jasmine to come upstairs to have a better

    idea of the shop. Jasmine suddenly realized that Julie

    was missing. But Julie was playing with a cat in the

    corner of the shop. The cat was too frightened to play

    with a dog and was running for its life.

    Jasmine went upstairs with Stipa and she saw many

    dresses filed in the shelf. The dresses were yet to be

    complete. Jasmine went around looking at the dresses,

    and found out that all of them were in black and white

    and were dull. Why are you making such designs?

    asked Jasmine.


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    for the machine. Jasmine asked for the password. But

    Stipa didn't know the password. And added that it was

    not specified in the manual too. Jasmine went around

    and saw a beautiful lamp on the wall. She went close to

    the lamp and moved it. To her surprise she saw a

    magical door opening and there was a paper inside the

    safe door.

    Jasmine read out the paper and saw the password in it.

    It said, Press the button at the center and a box opens.

    The password has to be typed in there. And the

    password is,171717. As specified in the secret paper,

    they entered the correct password in the machine.

    There was a trembling sound in the machines, Swish

    Swash, Swish Swash, Swing Cling, Swing Sling

    and so on. After few seconds the sound stopped. The

    dull colors of the cloth were changed to wonderful

    colors. The dress was glittering in gold and silver.


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    The fairies greeted them with a big hello! Aah! said the

    two girls. Who are you? asked Jasmine. One of the

    fairies introduced herself as Twinkle and others as

    Timmy and Diamond. Stipa asked, Why are you here?

    The fairies told that this was their home and they were

    fairies without wings. So you work on these dresses?

    Jasmine asked. Yes of course replied the fairies. If you

    want us to work on our dresses you should help us to

    clean our house. Else we shall leave to our fairy land.


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    The girls asked if they were unhappy in Fairy Land. The

    fairies asked, Do you know what is in the fairy land? All

    the fairies have become fat and lazy. We didn't want to

    grow fat and lazy. So we left the fairy land. We offered our

    ears to get out of the fairy land. The girls asked if the

    fairies are deaf. Only Diamond is unable to hear. We

    both can hear said the fairies. Jasmine asked, How is

    Diamond able to trace out our conversation? Twinkle

    said that her eye sight is more powerful and so she

    offered her ears.

    Meanwhile in the shooting spot, Lily and Rosy as per

    their agreement with Jasmine went to meet Jackie.

    Jackie was chatting with Teresa. Lily asked Jackie that

    why is he still not friendly with Jasmine. Jackie was

    surprised and then refused the statement. Rosy also

    supported Lily. This ended in a big fight. Teresa also tried

    to escape from the spot. But Jackie caught her and asked

    if Teresa said so. Me! Me! no, I did not say anything

    about that. But Rosy insisted that Teresa was the one


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    Fairies? asked Aunt Maria. The fairies are in the

    machine which I created replied Stipa.

    Stipa went close to the Machine and heard somebody

    started speaking. It was Twinkle the fairy. Do not tell

    Maria about us else she would spread the news to her

    neighbors, said Twinkle. But why? asked Stipa.

    Because one of her neighbors is greedy and she would

    take us for sure said Twinkle. After hearing this Stipa

    said to Aunt Maria that the fairies are taking their bath so

    she shall meet them later.

    When Aunt Maria went away Jasmine asked Stipa that

    why she refused to show the fairies to Aunt. As Stipa

    explained, Jasmine understood. The fairies and the girls

    were talking sitting near the window without noticing

    Seema, the greedy neighbor. Seema was seeing them

    through the binoculars. She saw the fairies and became

    excited. She asked her assistant to take a look at it.

    Seema entered the shop disguised as a model and stole

    away the fairies when the girls were out to the market.


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    Meanwhile Jackie reached Mumbai. He was in the

    search of Jasmine. Julie heard a knock at the door. She

    saw through the window a huge monster and hid under

    the cot. But Julie was relieved to see Jasmine wearing

    the mask of demon. The girls had returned after selling

    the clothes the fairies made. The lady who bought the

    clothes from the girls had given ` 2000. The girls found

    the fairies missing in the machine. Stipa was shocked.

    She shouted, Who stole my Fairies!

    Meanwhile Seema started giving orders to the fairies.

    She asked them to beautify the dresses. But the fairies

    refused. Seema at once sprinkled a magic powder on

    the fairies and the fairies shouted, Aah, Ouch, Aah in

    pain. Without bearing the pain the fairies agreed to do

    the work. After giving orders to the fairies, Seema and

    her assistant left the place.

    Twinkle and Timmy spoke to each other in magical

    words. Diamond's magical powers will not work here.


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    So let us mix demon's magic power. Diamond also

    agreed. They suddenly started chanting. Sing Swing

    Chin Shin Chwing, shhhhhhhhhh.., a black

    smoke came towards them. The demon appeared

    before them. Twinkle asked the demon to give his

    magic powers. The demon asked, What will you give

    me in return? Diamond said that she is not going to use

    the power for lifetime. The Demon was convinced and

    granted his powers to the fairies and went away.

    The fairies granted Seema's wish. They used the

    demon's powers and started making the clothes. It was

    sparkling in gold and silver. Seema and her assistant

    were very happy. They let the fairies to go. The fairies

    ran towards Aunt Maria's shop and came in the hands of

    Jasmine and Stipa.

    The fairies told what had happened. Jasmine and Stipa

    soon realized that the evil neighbor is none other than

    Seema. The fairies asked them to pray to the demon.

    The girls were surprised. Being a fairy why do you pray


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    to the demon? The fairies then explained about the

    powers of the demon and how they hired his powers.

    The girls too prayed to the demon.

    The fairies uttered the prayers and the demon appeared

    before them. The fairies returned the demon's powers,

    and the demon noticed that the fairies had used only

    one power of his. The fairies said that they had used the

    power of making things dirty!!! And they had used it in

    Seema's dresses. The dresses would turn dirty after

    sometime. The fairies gave the demon a gold coin as

    large as an egg in return. The demon ran with joy.

    Jackie found a friend in Mumbai whose name was

    Itacko. He was in search of a bride for himself. They

    both happened to meet an old man who was Aunt

    Maria's husband. Jackie learnt that Jasmine was in

    Maria's house and jumped in joy. He at once hurried to

    her shop.


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    Meanwhile Seema opened the shop. All ladies arrived to

    the shop seeing her advertisements in the paper. She

    told all the ladies that her assistant would perform a

    dance wearing a dress designed by Seema.

    As soon as her assistant came to the stage with the new

    dress, a smoke with a foul smell emerged from the

    dress. The dress at once turned very brown in color and

    dirty. They were hoping that the dress would be in gold

    and silver. But by the scene, they lost hope in Seema.

    Nobody trusted her now. All turned to Aunt Maria's dress


    Aunt Maria welcomed them warmly. There were no

    dresses in the room but it was beautifully decorated.

    Aunt Maria went up the stairs and reached the top floor.

    What is this? I don't know what is happening and there

    are no dressessaid Aunt Maria. Don't worry aunty, we

    have lot of dresses, came a cool reply from Jasmine.


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    Jasmine opened the ward robe, which was decked with

    plenty of dresses. Jasmine displayed all the dresses

    and each dress was sold for not less than ` 5000. This

    was the news in the papers next day.

    Meanwhile Jackie found the shop and surprised to see

    Jasmine owning a boutique shop. He asked Jasmine,

    What's going on here? When Jasmine explained

    everything, Jackie felt sorry for Jasmine about the film.

    He went to the film makers and requested to start with

    the mermaid movie. Jasmine was very happy and

    became an expert actor.

    Stipa and Itacko got married. Aunt Maria with the help

    of the fairies flourished her business. She soon

    became a popular dress designer.

    Seema lost all her properties. She told Maria that she

    had realized her mistakes and tried to live wisely. She

    worked for Aunt Maria. But Seema was there to kill the

    fairies. She with the help of her assistant tried to poison


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    and in return the old woman gave Kitty a mirror.

    Kitty happily went to home and she took out the mirror

    and rubbed it with her hands. Suddenly she saw a lady

    appear in the mirror. Kitty was surprised and asked her

    name and the she replied, I am Daliana, the queen of

    Diamond Castle. The castle which is hidden in the west

    side of the land.

    Kitty asked Daliana, Let us go and see the Diamond

    Castle. Daliana replied, No we can't go, it is hidden by

    a wicked old witch.


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    Suddenly a dragon came there and Daliana said to Kitty,

    Hey Kitty, look it is Pasta. Kitty turned back and looked

    at Pasta. Kitty asked Who is he? He is Pasta, the evildragon replied Daliana to Kitty and also said that Hey, I

    have a story for that as well. Then go ahead and tell

    me, requested Kitty.

    Daliana said she would tell that story later. Kitty ran

    towards her home. The evil dragon Pasta was afraid to

    go inside the house. The dragon said to himself, these

    girls are well built and huge, it is better to run. Run....

    After reaching home, Daliana narrated the whole story.

    Haan! The evil dragon was made by the wicked old

    witch. She was the creator of the Diamond Castle and

    made me as the queen. But why did she make you the

    queen? asked Kitty. She was my sister, replied


    Daliana continued the story. The diamond castle was

    filled with diamonds, the chocolate named 'Flox' was

    made of diamonds. The castle was also a part of the

    family. We used to play in the garden and in the field.

    There was full of happiness in our lives.


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    I was the Queen, but I was not happy because of my

    sister. She always comes and troubles me. She always

    controls me by saying 'Hey don't sit here, don't do that!And so on'. I will teach her a lesson some time.

    But when my Birthday was approaching, she was

    surprised to see the cake. The cake was made up of

    diamonds and it was my dress color that made her more

    furious. Oh Oh Pink, said Kitty. Yeah, absolutely

    right, replied Daliana. But why is she chasing you?

    asked Kitty. You will know it soon, replied Daliana.

    Daliana continued, My sister said this is my cake, but I

    told her it is my Birthday cake. She was filled with anger.

    She blew down the diamond castle. She tried to curse

    everyone in the Diamond castle, but failed. Then she

    decided to go to different country, there she found a

    very big castle with more bad powers for herself.

    The new diamond castle was filled with dancers. She

    too was one of the dancers. She used the power of her

    dance and made a dragon out of it. She named it Pasta

    and used him for all the magical powers.


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    Now she thinks that I have the key for the original

    diamond castle. But you do not have it! said Kitty.

    Yeah, I have it, but don't know where it is. I don't know

    where the West side is and if we go there the wicked old

    witch will catch us. Then she will make us her servant.

    But we will not, said Kitty. But she will find us, replied

    Daliana. But how? asked Kitty. Because she has the

    magical powers, said Daliana.

    But there must be something to go on. I think we can

    use your sisters said Daliana. That is a good idea,

    said Kitty and added; I have a better idea than this.

    That's, if my sisters take care of the dragon Pasta, we

    will take care of the old witch. They left for the Diamond

    Castle hidden in the west side. But they could not see

    the Diamond Castle because it was hidden. Kitty asked

    Daliana, Where is it? Daliana said, Over there.

    They looked up and saw a Diamond. It was a DiamondCastle. Daliana broke the diamond. Suddenly a flash

    light appeared, it was the Diamond Castle. Kitty asked

    Daliana, Where is the old wicked witch? She is not

    here. After we enter she will come and attack us.


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    As soon as they entered Daliana's words came true.The wicked old witch appeared and started to attack


    The sisters did as Kitty told them, they attacked the

    dragon Pasta and drove him away.


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    Kitty and Daliana took care of the wicked old witch. The

    wicked old witch died as soon as the dragon died. The

    Diamond Castle was again found and those who livedthere lived in peace forever.

    As for Kitty, she returned home with a magical mirror.

    She gave it to Miney. Miney read the stories in that and

    that is what I have written here.


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    The Fairy Fox

    One day an elephant came running to the lion. He said

    that an animal has newly come into our forest and he

    also said that the animal was a female.

    The lion said Haaw, I thought a hunter has entered our

    forest. Hmmm... ok, let the new animal in.

    After some time the animal entered the forest. Actually

    the animal was a fox and was a fairy.


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    The other animals in the forest started loving her very

    much. One day a monster entered the forest. The

    animals in the forest ran. The fox was a fairy!!!

    The fairy cursed the monster that it should never enter

    the forest and this world. The monster disappeared and

    there were pink sparks dropping in the place where he

    stood. All the animals lived in peace forever.


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    Once there lived seven mermaids. Six of the mermaidswere beautiful and the last one was normal. The first

    mermaid's name was Sandra, the second was Maria,

    Third was Shiny, fourth was Cindy, fifth was Aaty, sixth

    was Bobby and final one was Stichy.

    One day their mother died in an accident. Soon their

    father also died. The seven mermaids took care of

    each other. The last mermaid Stichy was noble. The

    first mermaid Sandra was just the opposite, and the

    other five were different from these two. Bobby was

    The Seven Mermaids


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    always short tempered and so was Aaty. The others

    were noble like Stichy.

    The bad ones were Sandra, Bobby and Aaty. The good

    ones were Stichy, Shiny, Maria and Cindy.

    One day the bad ones fought with the good ones and in

    their fight the bad ones won. The good ones feltashamed and decided to make the bad ones as their

    queen. But then they had a confusion that only one can

    be the queen and whom should they choose. And so,

    the bad ones started fighting with each other to become

    the queen. The good ones came to their rescue and said


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    Do you want to become our queen? Every one shook

    their heads.

    Shiny said We all can choose one among you. The

    good mermaids stood in the queue to choose their

    queen. They decided that a good mermaid by a good

    name can only be their queen. They all had the

    confusion since that they were not good but very bad.

    Hence the good ones decided to choose the queen by

    their names instead of their nature. So they decided to

    call out for the names, whichever name stands different

    would be chosen as the queen. Bobby and Aaty were


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    scared that they may not be the queen. Finally Sandra

    was selected as the queen, but the good mermaids were

    not happy and decided to have a fight once again. Thistime the good mermaids won.

    The bad mermaids were surprised. Actually Shiny was a

    Goddess from heaven and Aaty was a demon from hell

    by origin. Her father was demon and so was her mother.

    She had a brother named Dinish. Her mother's name

    was Cayota and her father's name was Tayote. Soon all


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    the mermaids got to know the secret and they prayed to

    their God. They made Shiny as their queen, and the bad

    ones also became good mermaids. They all began to

    tease Aaty and she died with a broken heart.

    In the Hell Aaty met her mother and she was very

    furious. Aaty's father too was angry. He decided to

    destroy the Gods. He started towards the heaven. To his

    surprise he reached the heaven in two months. Thereall the Gods and Divas fought with him.

    The rakshas killed many divas but Tayote died finally.

    There was one more left among the rakshas, the son of

    Tayote. Dinish was furious than his parents because his

    sister and his father died recently.

    Dinish decided to fight on his own. His mother was

    scared that the divas would kill him too. She decided to

    fight with the help of other rakshas.

    They reached heaven soon. Soon they were fightingwith the divas. The divas killed all the rakshas except

    three Titoo, Jerrymi and Fisto. They ran down to hell.

    They didn't know what to do. So they decided to kill the

    six mermaids, especially Shiny.


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    Soon they reached the sea. Shiny the goddess knew all

    these. She knew that the demons would kill her while

    she sleeps. So she decided to destroy them at night.

    At night she did not sleep, but she hid herself. She used

    her weapon and destroyed two of them, but one was still

    alive. She destroyed him with her arms. The demon

    shouted aloud, while dying. Hearing the sound other

    mermaids woke up to see the rakshas dead. The divas

    blessed the mermaids with divine powers and wisdom.

    They lived happily ever after.


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    Once upon a time there lived a witch named Aanina.

    The witch had a magic wand. The wand fulfilled all her

    wishes. In the same country there lived a Prince andPrincess who were married happily. The Prince name

    was Indonia and the Princess name was Aashtia.

    Aashtia had a magic hand which did magic for her.

    Whenever she wanted to perform magic, she detaches

    her hand from her body and reattaches it later.

    The Witch


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    One day she found that the witch was trying to become

    the queen of the world with the help of her magic wand.

    Aashtia and Indonia went to the place where the witch

    was staying, to stop it. But then it was too late as the

    witch was trying to change all the people's mind

    according to her wish with her magic wand. The witch did

    not notice Aashtia and Indonia coming. The Princess

    quickly created a magic spell and put the spell on the

    magic wand. The magic wand disappeared. The witch

    started to glow and within minutes disappeared into

    sand. Indonia said, The witch can do nothing without

    her magic wand, she has lost all the powers and turned

    to sand.

    While marrying the princess the Indonia's mother made

    a deal that the princess should share half of her powers

    with the prince. So the prince also had magic powers.

    With this power, he took pity on the witch and decided to

    release her from the spell. And so he released her. Aftersometime they both reached their palace with the magic

    hand. The princess did not realize that the prince had

    released the witch.


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    The bridegroom was Beema. Beema was a strange

    human. His hand was as strong as the elephant's trunk. Aashtia was impressed by his strength and wanted

    Sanny to marry him.

    Sanny also thought that she would have more

    adventure marrying Beema. And he was renamed

    Itacko.After the wedding the parents of the groom and bride

    spoke to each other about their children. Itacko's

    mother shared information with Aashtia that he was

    born with a protective dress and can never be removeduntil death. 38

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    Few years later Aashtia died leaving behind the magic

    hand with Sanny. Sanny was in tears.

    Aashtia always had a doubt that the witch was alive. But

    she could not find it till her death. Sanny wanted to solve

    the doubt and said, I will find out the answer going

    around the three worlds.

    She went to the court and said, I am leaving for a

    faraway land. The courtiers were sad hearing the

    news. They wanted to see her in the queen's apparel at

    least once before she left for her adventure. Sanny

    agreed to be on the princess throne in the Queen's


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    She decorated the throne as the queen. She was as

    noble as her mother.

    Meanwhile Aanina, the witch realized that Itacko's dress

    would bring back her magic powers and the world under

    her feet.


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    Sanny along with Itacko, left the palace to find the witch

    and the magic wand. Within few minutes they reached a

    hill. The hill looked strange. It had golden flowers and

    glittering silver grasses. But Sanny was still sad that she

    could not find the witch.

    The witch found out that Itacko was nearing her place.

    She quickly made a plan and few arrangements. Sanny

    saw a cave and was hoping to find the witch inside!

    Wishhhhhhh., the wind blew. Itacko fell down by

    the force of the wind, but Sanny pulled him safely on to

    the top. Sanny put her magic hand and asked Itacko to

    come to front. When Itacko came near the cave, Aanina

    pulled Itacko into the cave and closed the magic door.


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    Sanny tried to open the magic door but could not. She

    was trying to find a way into the cave.

    By this time the witch had already killed Itacko andremoved the dress from his body. She put the dress into

    a pot. Red smoke came out of the pot.

    An image appeared in the smoke. It was a magic plant

    and the whereabouts of the magic plant was also seen

    in the smoke. It was in an Inn on another hill. The witch

    knew that Sanny was guarding the door.

    She broke open the backside of the cave and flew away

    in her magic broom.

    Aanina, the witch reached the hill and saw an Inn. Shewas excited and went near the door and knocked. The

    door was opened by a man and he was shocked to see

    a witch standing in the door step. Aaaah. he

    shouted. Witch frightened the man and others living in

    the Inn. Everyone ran out in fear. Aanina found a seedfloating in the air. She thought that this was the seed of

    the magic plant. Yes she was right.Meanwhile Sanny found that the witch had escaped

    through the backside. She saw the dead body of Itacko.

    With the magic hand Sanny brought back Itacko to life.

  • 8/6/2019 Fairy Tales by Akshara


    The witch had left the magic recharger. She could see

    the actions of the witch through the magic charger. She

    saw the witch planting the seed in the Inn's garden.And it was true that the witch was planting the seed. She

    added something to the seed. It was a magic powder.

    Soon the plant started to grow. It was called an

    improvement plant.

    The plant's power came to the witch's wand. Her first

    wish was to become the queen of the world. She

    changed the people's mind and the people's minds were



  • 8/6/2019 Fairy Tales by Akshara


    All the people bowed before Aanina. She blessed

    everyone and said, Aanina is the best and no one can

    defeat her.

    Sanny came there. Actually Sanny was an angel, reborn

    to kill the witch. So her mind was not transformed. And

    so was Itacko's. All the other Queens were dead as the

    minds of people were transformed.

    Aanina took each and everything that belonged to the

    Queens. ShwishShwish., the magic hand

    started to work. It killed the witch and there was

    brightness all around.

    Flowers showered down from Heaven. And now the

    magic wand was Sanny's. Sanny transformed the

    minds of people back to normal. Sanny and Itacko ruled

    the kingdom ever after. Peace prevailed throughout the
