Entertainment, Page 12 Sports, Page 15 Classified, Page 22 Follow on Twitter: @LFSCConnection April 25—May 1, 2013 online at www.connectionnewspapers.com Fairfax Station Clifton Lorton Fairfax Station Clifton Lorton Photo contributed by Jennifer Sparks Page 17 Sophomore Jack Gereski as Harold Hill attempts to woo Marian Paroo, played by senior Katie Murray, in the South County High School production of “The Music Man.”

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ntributed by Jennifer Sparks

Page 17

Sophomore Jack Gereski asHarold Hill attempts to wooMarian Paroo, played by seniorKatie Murray, in the SouthCounty High School productionof “The Music Man.”

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For the first time since2010, Braddock Super-visor John Cook votedto approve the budget.

Board of SupervisorsChairman SharonBulova

Springfield SupervisorPat Herrity was thelone dissenter in theboards 9-1 vote for theFY2014 budget.

Media and the public attend the first FY2014 budget presentation byCounty Executive Edward L. Long, Jr. on Feb. 26.




ourtesy o

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Budget Reflects ‘Increasing Needs, Decreasing Revenues’Supervisors approveone-cent increase inproperty tax rate.

By Victoria Ross

The Connection

By a 9-1 vote, the FairfaxCounty Board of Supervi-sors approved a one-centincrease in the property tax

rate during its FY2014 budget mark-up session on Tuesday, April 23, whichmeans the average homeowner willpay about $216 more next fiscal year.

The tax rate increase equals $20.6million in additional revenue forFairfax County.

THE MARKED-UP BUDGET in-cludes a real estate tax rate of $1.085per $100 of assessed value, a one-centincrease from the $1.075 rate in FY2013. The increase is less than the

two-cent increaseproposed byCounty ExecutiveEdward Long onFeb. 26.

“This budget is aresponsible fiscalplan that reflectsour current diffi-cult economicsituation,” saidFairfax CountyBOS ChairmanSharon Bulova (D-at-large). “It helpsto restore struc-tural balance aswe continue tostruggle with in-creasing needs,decreasing rev-enues, and theimpacts of seques-tration and eco-nomic uncer-tainty.”

Braddock Su-pervisor JohnCook joined his

colleagues in supporting the “compro-mise” budget, the first time the Repub-lican has voted for the budget since2010.

“It was a tough vote. There are nogood, simple answers to the positionthe county is in. We need economicgrowth to keep what we have andwhen it stalls out, that’s a problem,”Cook said after the vote Tuesday.

Cook strongly criticized the FederalGovernment’s inaction, and noted theimpact that had on the Fairfax Countybudget.

“We should have had an 8 percentgrowth in commercial real estate thisyear. Instead we had 0 percent. We

could have done better, adding thatthe one-penny increase translates intoa 4.5 percent increase on the averagehomeowner. He noted that increasedassessments for townhouse and condoowners mean those residents will seea $700 increase in their tax bills.

“For the first time in recent memory,our citizens are seeing significant taxincreases at all three levels of govern-ment,” Herrity said. “Our furloughedresidents do not have the option ofraising revenue, they must make dif-ficult cuts in their family’s budgets andthat is what we shouldbe doing.”

Herrity said thatmany Fairfax Countyhomeowners are strug-gling as they try tonavigate an uncertainfuture.

“I am disappointedthat yet again we havebalanced the budget onthe backs of ourhomeowners,” Herritysaid. “We as a boardspend a lot of time talk-ing about helpingpeople in need, I can only say thatwhen it came time to tax them, theywere sadly forgotten.”

Cook said he advocated to keep thetax rate at FY2013 levels, but decidedthat he could be more effective workingwith his colleagues rather than simplyvoting no on any proposed tax increase.

“Had I voted no, the final rate wouldhave been higher,” Cook said. “By be-ing involved, I was able to successfullyexert some leverage on the board tohelp get the final rate reduced by onepenny. Despite some misgivings, I be-lieve this budget is a difficult compro-mise in a difficult year. That is why Isupported it.”

IN THE BUDGET, the board reaf-firmed its commitment to work withemployee groups to develop and re-fine an overall pay structure that in-vests in our workforce and helps inrecruiting and retaining high qualityemployees.

“Our employees have continued toprovide quality services to our resi-dents with professionalism and dedi-cation, even in the face of pay freezesand tough economic times,” Bulovasaid. “Their efforts have not gone un-noticed by this body. The creation ofa fair and sustainable compensationpackage for implementation in FY2015 is a critical element in the long-term stability of the countyworkforce.”

The Board of Supervisors will adoptthe FY2014 Budget on April 30. TheFY2014 Budget Mark-up as well asother background materials is postedat www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dmb/.

Highlights of the package include:❖ Increases the Real Estate Tax Rate by one cent, from the current $1.075 to $1.085 rather,

than the advertised two cent increase;❖ Increases property taxes by approximately $216 on the average household;❖ Closes a projected budget shortfall of $169 million;❖ Includes $20.52 million in county agency reductions;❖ Creates an $8.1 million reserve to address the impact of sequestration and federal cuts;❖ Transfers to Fairfax County Public Schools total $1.89 billion or 52.7 percent of total county

disbursements. The 2 percent increase is less than the school board’s budget request, but providesfunds to address their projected increase in the student population;

❖ Provides no increase in compensation for county employees, with the exception of longevitystep increases included in the advertised budget;

❖ In addition, the total number of county staff positions will be reduced by 41, which includesthe elimination of 83 positions, offset by 42 new positions.

“We as aboard spenda lot of timetalking abouthelpingpeople inneed, I canonly say thatwhen it cametime to taxthem, theywere sadlyforgotten.”

—Supervisor PatHerrity (R-Spring-


wouldn’t be in this circumstance if thatgrowth had occurred. The commercial dropisn’t because our businesses aren’t ready todo business, it’s because they are waitingfor the Federal Government to do some-thing,” Cook said. “It is a bipartisan failureof the White House and Congress, of Demo-crats and Republicans.”

Cook called the Fairfax County budget a

“true compromise.”“Not one person on the board got every-

thing he or she wanted. In tough economictimes it’s important for us all to come to-gether and craft a budget together. That’swhat we did this year and for that reason Ivoted for it.”

But Supervisor Pat Herrity, one of threeRepublicans on the board, said the board

“Had Ivoted no,the final

rate wouldhave been


John Cook (R-Braddock)

Lorton/Fairfax Station/Clifton Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic

703-778-9414 or [email protected]

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❖ Bonnie Hobbs, Centre View North: PublicSafety Writing❖ Kenneth Lourie, ArlingtonConnection:Column Writing❖ Alex McVeigh,Oak Hill/HerndonConnection:Education Writing• The HumanElement ofLearning❖ Michael LeePope, Arlington Connection:Multimedia News Report • SecretPolice❖ Michael Lee Pope, AlexandriaGazette Packet: Business andFinancial Writing❖ Michael Lee Pope, MountVernon Gazette: Breaking

News Writing❖ Victoria Ross, SpringfieldConnection: In-depth orInvestigative Reporting• Immigration

Second Place Winners❖ Jean Card, Mount VernonGazette: Page Design❖ Bonnie Hobbs, Fairfax

Connection: PublicSafety Writing❖ Louise Krafft, Mount VernonGazette: Picture Story or Essay• Mount Vernon Graduation 2012❖ Louise Krafft,JeanneTheismann,Alexandria GazettePacket:Combination

Picture and Story • Memorial Day❖ Craig Sterbutzel, BurkeConnection: Sports News Photo• Santiago Valdez❖ Jeanne Theismann, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Headline Writing❖ Jeanne Theismann, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Column Writing

❖ Steven Mauren,Geovani Flores,Stuart Moll,Laurence Foong,Jean Card, MountVernon Gazette:Special Sections orSpecial Editions• Insider’s Guide

Best in Show, Non-daily ArtworkThe top prize when the first place winners of all thedesign categories for all Virginia Press Association-member, non-daily papers are judged against eachother.

❖ Jean Card,Laurence Foong,Craig Sterbutzel,FairfaxConnection:InformationalGraphics• Parks in FairfaxCountyWin, Place,Show for AlexandriaGazette PacketAlexandria Gazette Packet reporterstook all three top spots for In-depthor Investigative Reporting in theirdivision.First Place❖ NicholasHorrock,Alexandria Gazette

Packet: In-depth or investigativereportingSecond Place❖ Montie Martin, Alexandria

Gazette Packet: In-depth or investiga-tive reporting • Guns From theSouthThird Place❖ Michael Lee Pope, AlexandriaGazette Packet: In-depth or investiga-tive reporting• Looking Behindthe Numbers

First Place Winners❖ Jean Card, Laurence Foong,Craig Sterbutzel, FairfaxConnection: InformationalGraphics • Parks in Fairfax County❖ Nikki Cheshire, Great Falls

Connection: Breaking News Photo• Rescue at Great Falls❖ Deb Cobb, Mount VernonGazette: Online Slideshow• Daily Patrols Take to the Water❖ Deb Cobb,RestonConnection:General newsphoto • Freezin’for a Reason

❖ Laurence Foong, Michael LeePope, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Informational Graphics

❖ KemalKurspahic,Amna Rehmatulla,Chelsea Bryan,Laurence Foong,Stuart Moll,Geovani Flores,Great FallsConnection:General Makeup

Third PlaceWinners❖ Laurence Foong,Alexandria GazettePacket: PageDesign ❖ LaurenceFoong, The FairfaxConnection:InformationalGraphics❖ Mary Kimm, FairfaxConnection: Editorial Writing❖ Louise Krafft, ArlingtonConnection: Sports Feature Photo❖ Louise Krafft, AlexandriaGazette Packet: Picture Story orEssay • Celebrating the Irish❖ Michael Lee Pope, AlexandriaGazette Packet: Multimedia News

Report • Schools in Crisis❖ Michael Lee Pope, Mount Vernon Gazette:Feature Series or Continuing Story • Horses andGraves Versus Road Widening❖ Michael Lee Pope, Mount Vernon Gazette:Health, Science and EnvironmentalWriting❖ Jon Roetman, ArlingtonConnection: Sports Writing❖ Steven Mauren, Jean Card,Geovani Flores, Laurence Foong,Stuart Moll, Alexandria GazettePacket: General Makeup❖ Steven Mauren, GeovaniFlores, Stuart Moll, LaurenceFoong, Jean Card, Mount VernonGazette: Special Sections or Special Editions• Children’s EditionMDDCThe Potomac Almanac, a Connection Newspaperlocated in Potomac, MD, competes in theMaryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, andwon at least six press association awards, whichwill be formally announced on May 17 at theMDDC Press awards luncheon. Susan Belford,John Byrd, Laurence Foong, Ken Moore (2) andStaff were named as winners.

Great People • Great Papers • Great Readers

Winner of the 2012 Virginia Press Association Awardfor Journalistic Integrity and Community Service




Deb Cobb





MichaelLee Pope





Award-Winning Connection NewspapersMore Reasons the Connection Newspapers are the Best-Read Community Papers

Winners of Awards in the 2012 Virginia Press Associationand Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association Editorial Contests

Jean Card








Stuart Moll


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The Lorton Community ActionCenter will host its annual Purse& Prom Sale starting this Friday,April 26, through Sunday, April

28. Find the perfect purse, prom dress, sum-mer wedding outfit and accessories whilesupporting a great cause. Whether you arean avid thrift store shopper, a collector, acasual shopper, or living on a tight budget,chances are you will find something atLorton’s Attic. Merchandise changes weeklyso stop by on a regular basis to see what’snew.

Store Hours:Friday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.Saturday: 11 a.m.–4 p.m.Sunday: Noon–4 p.m.Lorton’s Attic is located at 9506 Richmond

Highway in Lorton.Questions? Call Lorton’s Attic at 703-339-

5161, ext. 130. Lorton’s Attic is operatedby LCAC and serves the dual purpose ofproviding clothes and household items tothe organization’s clients, as well as a rev-enue stream to support LCAC, an indepen-

dent nonprofit.The LCAC seeks to provide low-income

individuals, senior citizens and families re-siding in Fort Belvoir, Lorton, Newingtonand other portions of southeast FairfaxCounty with access to basic needs and theopportunity to empower themselvesthrough LCAC’s self-sufficiency programs.LCAC strives to connect people with otherprograms in the area that will have a posi-tive impact on a family’s long-term “health.”

LCAC also helps to prevent homelessnessby offering emergency financial assistancefor rent or mortgage, as well as utilities.

—Victoria Ross

Get ReadyTo Shop!LCAC Purse & PromSale starts Friday.

Photo contributed

Brenda, a regular Lorton’s Atticvolunteer, gets ready for the an-nual Purse & Prom Sale.

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Send notes to the Connection [email protected] or call703-778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Datedannouncements should be submitted atleast two weeks prior to the event.

SATURDAY/APRIL 27 Forgotten Treasures Garage Sale.

9 a.m.-3 p.m., at the SpringfieldShopping Mall parking lot, 6500Springfield Mall, Springfield.Sponsored by the Fairfax CountyAlumnae Chapter of Delta SigmaTheta Sorority, sales will includebaby items, artwork, light fixtures,clothing, shoes, and books. Theproceeds from the garage sale will beused to cover the cost to ship booksto Africa for those in [email protected] or www.fcacdst.org.

THURSDAY/MAY 9NARFE Springfield Chapter

Meeting. 1 p.m., at the AmericanLegion Post 176, 6520 Amherst Ave.,Springfield. Paul Gilbert, exe.director of Northern VirginiaRegional Park Authority, will speakabout his book “Lead Like a General.”Guests welcome. 703-569-9684 [email protected].

FRIDAY/MAY 10Rummage Presale. 9 p.m., at the

Living Savior Lutheran Church, 5500Ox Road, Fairfax Station. Netproceeds from the sale will benefitvarious community serviceorganizations including domesticviolence program.$5.

[email protected].

SATURDAY/MAY 11Rummage Presale. 8 a.m. to noon, at

the Living Savior Lutheran Church,5500 Ox Road, Fairfax Station. Netproceeds from the sale will benefitvarious community serviceorganizations including domesticviolence [email protected].

SUNDAY/MAY 12Mother’s Day Celebration. 8:30

a.m., 11 a.m. at Franconia UnitedMethodist Church, 6037 FranconiaRoad, Alexandria. Come, pray andcelebrate Mother’s Day; church ishandicapped accessible, and assistedlistening devices are provided if

needed. 703-971-5151 [email protected].

SUNDAY/JUNE 16Father’s Day Celebration. 8:30 a.m.,

11 a.m. at Franconia UnitedMethodist Church, 6037 FranconiaRoad, Alexandria. Come, pray andcelebrate Father’s Day; church ishandicapped accessible, and assistedlistening devices are provided ifneeded. 703-971-5151 [email protected].

MONDAY/JULY 15Everywhere Fun Fair Vacation

Bible Study. 9 a.m.-noon, at theFranconia United Methodist Church,6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria.Children ages 3-12 will make friends

with neighbors and discover thatGod’s love can be found everywhere;interactive Bible storytelling, globalgames, international music and coolcrafts. Register between May 12-July8 at www.franconiaumc.org. 709-971-5151 or [email protected].

TUESDAY/JULY 16Everywhere Fun Fair Vacation

Bible Study. 9 a.m.-noon, at theFranconia United Methodist Church,6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria.Children ages 3-12 will make friendswith neighbors and discover thatGod’s love can be found everywhere;interactive Bible storytelling, globalgames, international music and coolcrafts. Register between May 12-July8 at www.franconiaumc.org. 709-971-5151 or [email protected].

Bulletin Board

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By Alex McVeigh

The Connection

The Northern VirginiaUrban Leagueawarded $50,000 inscholarships to local

high school students at its annualCommunity Service and Scholar-ship Awards Dinner Friday, April19. The organization, whose mis-sion it is to enable disadvantagedyouth to achieve economic andacademic success, awarded onescholarship to South County Sec-ondary School senior TyroneSimpson.

“We need to excite our kidsabout science, technology, engi-neering and math in elementaryschool, so when they are a juniorin high school they can really learnthose areas of focus and partici-pate in related extracurricular ac-tivities, like Lego Robotics,” saidCynthia Dinkins, president andCEO of the Northern Virginia Ur-ban League. “Then when it’s time

to go to college they can seriouslyconsider majoring in one of thoseareas.”

Dinkins said the importance ofSTEM learning must be impartedby all parties in the educationalsystem.

“We need assistance from thehomes, the schools, the churchesand any other community groups.Learning starts at home, so it’supon us as parents that we encour-age children to learn things thatare different than they might nor-mally learn, to go outside the boxa little bit,” she said. “And it’s in-cumbent upon the schools to en-sure we have teachers in the class-rooms that make math, science,engineering and technology excit-ing. There are so many thingsyouth can do in those programs.”

SIMPSON HAS DONATED histime and effort to many causesoutside of school. He co-foundeda service member support organi-zation at South County, organized

a donation drive for soldiers over-seas and helped raise finds for awreath to be laid at the Tomb ofthe Unknown Soldier.

He also tutors middle school stu-

dents in history, volunteers atthe Lorton Community ActionCenter, his local library and onPotomac River cleanups.

“I haven’t decided where I’mgoing to college yet, hopefullyI can get into the University ofVirginia to study neuroscience,”he said. “Neuroscience focusesa lot on chemistry and biology,in order to be a doctor, to be-come a neurosurgeon, I need tobe strong in those fields.”

The Northern Virginia UrbanLeague also presented awardsto Boeing and Randal Pinkett,a Rhodes scholar and winner ofseason four of “The Appren-tice.”

Pinkett said that the comingyears would prove vital to thefuture of minorities in the U.S.,because they have an opportu-nity to increase their impact onthe STEM fields.

He cited the fact that whilethe U.S. population consists of13 percent African-American,

14 percent Hispanic and 1 percentNative American peoples, they onlymake up 6 percent, 8 percent and.6 percent, respectively, of the U.S.college engineering population.

Tyrone Simpson receives $5,000 fromNorthern Virginia Urban League.

South County Student Awarded Scholarship“Minorities, while we are wit-

nesses to this digital world we livein, we are not as active partici-pants in this technological revolu-tion as we need to be,” he said.“What we need is not more of usengaged in technology as consum-ers, we need more of us as activeproducers of technology, creating,designing, programming, imagin-ing, because consumers changevery little about the world. It’s pro-ducers who innovate change thelandscape and the marketplace.That opportunity is right at our fin-gertips, because young people arealready inclined to be comfortablewith technology.”

MARC MORIAL, the presidentand CEO of the National UrbanLeague, was also in attendance,and he urged the audience tomake STEM education a top pri-orities.

“This commitment to STEM edu-cation, to enabling, ensuring andequipping our children, is not onlysomething that is good to do, it isan imperative for us,” he said.“Great nations do not just buythings, great nations make andinvent things.”

Tyrone Simpson, senior atSouth County SecondarySchool, receives a $5,000scholarship from the North-ern Virginia Urban LeagueFriday, April 19.



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Send notes to the Connection [email protected] or call703-778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Datedannouncements should be submitted atleast two weeks prior to the event.

Sean Padraig Brennan, a seniormajoring in computer science at theUniversity of Rochester, has beennamed to the Dean’s List for academicachievement for the fall 2012 semester.Brennan, a resident of Fairfax Station,is the son of John and Mary EllenBrennan, and a graduate of SouthCounty Secondary School in Lorton.

Achievement Scholar awardees arethe finalist candidates judged to havethe strongest record of accomplishmentsand greatest potential for academic suc-cess in college. The 2013 NationalAchievement Scholarship Winner in thearea is Hayley V. Harris of CentrevilleHigh School.

Forty-four undergraduate researchersat the University of Virginia have beenselected for the Harrison UndergraduateResearch Awards, which allow them toconduct independent research projectsduring the summer of 2013. The re-search awards support students whopresent detailed plans for projects thathave been endorsed by a faculty mentor.A faculty senate committee selected thewinners, who receive up to $3,000.

Among the award recipients are:Kylene Daily, 19, of Clifton, a sec-

ond-year biochemistry major in theCollege, who is researching Neisseriagonorrhoeae and human neutrophils,examining the relationship between thehuman immune system and particularbacteria.

Jonathon Blonchek, 20, of WestFriendship, Md., a third-year computerengineering major in the EngineeringSchool; Shiv Sinha, 20, of Clifton, athird-year electrical and computer engi-neering double major with a minor inengineering business; Anish Simhal,21, of Burke, a third-year electrical en-gineering major; and VinayDandekar, 20, of Fairfax, a third-yearcomputer engineering major, who areseeking to develop a sensor system todetermine occupancy in study spaces inRice Hall, the newest engineering build-ing.

Pranav Aurora, 21, of Lorton, athird-year nanomedical engineeringmajor in the School of Engineering andApplied Science, and Tristan Jones,21, of Reston, a third-year engineeringmajor, are researching how to regener-ate heart muscle cells to improve cardiacfunction after a heart attack.

Joseph H. Austin, of Springfieldgraduated from Boston University witha bachelor of arts in philosophy in Janu-ary 2013.

Eleven residents of Fairfax Stationhave been named to the fall semesterDean’s List at Radford University.

They are Lisa Michelle Diana, jun-ior accounting major; Kyle PatrickFairbanks, freshman pre-businessmajor; Elizabeth Ann Haase, juniorinterdisciplinary studies major; EileenK. McCoy, freshman interdisciplinarystudies major; Ben FernandoPasquel, junior communications ma-jor; Julia Loryn Ports , seniorcommunication science and disordersmajor; Kayla Beth Reisinger, seniorinterdisciplinary studies major;Preston Charles Sellers, freshmanmarketing major; Aaron ThomasSronce, junior criminal justice major;Sarah Ashleigh Elizabeth Stroop,freshman interdisciplinary studies ma-jor; and Kelli Taranto, freshmaninterdisciplinary studies major.

Meredith Rigby, of Clifton, wasnamed to Susquehanna University’sDean’s List for the fall 2012 semester.


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The Connection Newspapers wondozens of awards from the VirginiaPress Association, with winnersannounced on Saturday, April 20,

in Norfolk.The Connection project, Insiders Guide to the

Parks of Fairfax County, published in our New-comers and Community Guides, won a tophonor of Best in Show for Art. The project alsowon first place for informational graphics.Spearheaded and researched by Jean Card,who also designed the pages, with photogra-phy by Craig Sterbutzel and map design byLaurence Foong, Insiders Guide to the Parksled judges to say: “This is chock-full of infor-mation. It probably leaves readers with nounanswered questions. Colors and typographywork well together. The down-page photo andtext wrap features are nice touches.”

A multi-part series on immigration spear-headed by Victoria Ross won first place forin-depth or investigative writing. The Connec-tion devoted multiple pages in multiple edi-tions for multiple weeks to exhaustive report-ing on immigration. “This entry clearly stoodout above the rest in this category,” said judgesof Ross’s work. “The author portrayed an ex-cellent mix of data and human stories in cov-ering all of the facets of this topic. It was ob-vious she spent a great deal of time workingon this in-depth series. This was extremelycomprehensive, well rounded and objective.This was not just reports, numbers and databut a terrific compilation of human stories,personal experiences, challenges and a greatdeal of hope.” See the entire immigrationpackage at www.connectionnewspapers.com/news/Immigration/.

Alexandria Gazette Packet reporters took allthree awards for In-depth or Investigative Re-porting in their division, one circulation cat-egory above the Connection papers. NicholasHorrock won first place, In-depth or investi-gative reporting, for a multi-part series onPotomac Yard. “Great reporting job and ex-tremely thorough,” said judges.

Montie Martin, Alexandria Gazette Packet,won second place also for In-depth or investi-gative reporting for Guns From the South.Michael Lee Pope, won third place in the samecategory, for Looking Behind the Numbers.

Kenneth Lourie won first place for ColumnWriting. Judge’s comment: “An exceptionallyfriendly, down-home writing style. The best ofthe group without a doubt.”

Laurence Foong and Michael Lee Pope, firstplace, Alexandria Gazette Packet: Informa-tional Graphics.

Nikki Cheshire, an intern for the Great FallsConnection, garnered a first place award for herdramatic breaking news photo, a helicopter res-cue at Great Falls Park. See the award winningphoto at www.connectionnewspapers.com/pho-tos/2012/jun/11/18271/.

Bonnie Hobbs won first place for publicsafety writing in the Centre View and sec-


ARTWORK❖ Jean Card, Laurence Foong and Craig Sterbutzel,

Fairfax Connection: Informational Graphics, Parksin Fairfax County.

FIRST PLACE WINNERS❖ Victoria Ross, Springfield Connection: In-depth or

Investigative Reporting, Immigration❖ Nicholas Horrock, Alexandria Gazette Packet: In-

depth or investigative reporting, Potomac Yard❖ Jean Card, Laurence Foong and Craig Sterbutzel,

Fairfax Connection: Informational Graphics, Parksin Fairfax County

❖ Nikki Cheshire, Great Falls Connection: BreakingNews Photo, Rescue at Great Falls

❖ Deb Cobb, Mount Vernon Gazette: Online Slideshow,Daily Patrols Take to the Water

❖ Deb Cobb, Reston Connection: General news photo,Freezin’ for a Reason

❖ Laurence Foong and Michael Lee Pope, AlexandriaGazette Packet: Informational Graphics

❖ Bonnie Hobbs, Centre View North: Public SafetyWriting

❖ Kenneth Lourie, Arlington Connection: ColumnWriting

❖ Alex McVeigh, Oak Hill/Herndon Connection:Education Writing, The Human Element of Learning

❖ Michael Lee Pope, Arlington Connection: MultimediaNews Report, Secret Police

❖ Michael Lee Pope, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Business and Financial Writing

❖ Michael Lee Pope, Mount Vernon Gazette: BreakingNews Writing

SECOND PLACE WINNERS❖ Montie Martin, Alexandria Gazette Packet: In-depth

or investigative reporting, Guns From the South❖ Jean Card, Mount Vernon Gazette: Page Design❖ Bonnie Hobbs, Fairfax Connection: Public Safety

Writing❖ Louise Krafft, Mount Vernon Gazette: Picture Story

or Essay, Mount Vernon Graduation 2012❖ Louise Krafft and Jeanne Theismann, Alexandria

Gazette Packet: Combination Picture and Story,Memorial Day

❖ Craig Sterbutzel, Burke Connection: Sports NewsPhoto, Santiago Valdez

❖ Jeanne Theismann, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Headline Writing

❖ Jeanne Theismann, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Column Writing.

❖ Steven Mauren, Geovani Flores, Stuart Moll,Laurence Foong and Jean Card, Mount VernonGazette: Special Sections or Special Editions:Insider’s Guide.

❖ Kemal Kurspahic, Amna Rehmatulla, Chelsea Bryan,Laurence Foong, Stuart Moll and Geovani Flores,Great Falls Connection: General Makeup.

THIRD PLACE WINNERS❖ Michael Lee Pope, Alexandria Gazette Packet: In-

depth or investigative reporting: Looking Behind theNumbers

❖ Laurence Foong, Alexandria Gazette Packet: PageDesign

❖ Laurence Foong, The Fairfax Connection:Informational Graphics

❖ Mary Kimm, Fairfax Connection: Editorial Writing;five editorials about education

❖ Louise Krafft, Arlington Connection: Sports FeaturePhoto.Louise Krafft, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Picture Story or Essay, Celebrating the Irish.

❖ Michael Lee Pope, Alexandria Gazette Packet:Multimedia News Report, Schools in Crisis

❖ Michael Lee Pope, Mount Vernon Gazette: FeatureSeries or Continuing Story, Horses and GravesVersus Road Widening

❖ Michael Lee Pope, Mount Vernon Gazette: Health,Science and Environmental Writing.

❖ Jon Roetman, Arlington Connection: Sports Writing.❖ Steven Mauren, Jean Card, Geovani Flores, Laurence

Foong and Stuart Moll, Alexandria Gazette Packet:General Makeup.

❖ Steven Mauren, Geovani Flores, Stuart Moll,Laurence Foong and Jean Card, Mount VernonGazette: Special Sections or Special Editions,Children’s Edition.

MDDCThe Potomac Almanac, a Connection Newspaper

located in Potomac, Md., competes in the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, and won at least sixpress association awards, which will be formallyannounced on May 17 at the MDDC Press awardsluncheon. Susan Belford, John Byrd, LaurenceFoong, Ken Moore (2) and Staff were named aswinners.

Connection Guide to Parks Wins ‘Best in Show’Investigative reporting, in depth coverage,education writing, photography, art, design,sports, garner Virginia Press Association honors.

ond place for public safety writing in theFairfax Connection. Judges said: “Althoughthe cases featured in these entries were sen-sational, which made them interesting in andof themselves, the writer maintained thereaders’ interest by her excellent storytellingability. The stories not only conveyed factsbut also emotion. The coverage was compre-hensive and thorough with no questions leftunanswered.”

Alex McVeigh won first place for EducationWriting, first published in the Oak Hill-Herndon Connection.

Photographer Deb Cobb won first place foran online slide show of coverage of daily pa-trols on the water in the Mount Vernon Gazette.See it at www.connectionnewspapers.com/pho-tos/galleries and search for Daily Marine Pa-trols. Cobb also won first place for general newsphoto for her photo of “Freezin’ for a Reason,”the polar bear plunge into Lake Anne.

Mike Pope won first place for breaking newsfor coverage of “New Leadership at GunstonHall.”

Pope also won third place for continuingcoverage for “Horses and Graves Versus RoadWidening” in the Mount Vernon Gazette, andthird place for Mount Vernon Health, Scienceand Environmental Writing Portfolio.

The staff of Great Falls Connection won sec-ond place for overall excellence (generalmakeup). Judges said: “Although the tabloidformat and general design has a ‘features’ feel,this is a beautiful paper. The text, use of colorand section delineation makes it very easy toread and follow both news and features. Allcover selections draw you in.”

Louise Krafft and Jeanne Theismann, Alex-andria Gazette Packet: Combination Pictureand Story for Memorial Day. Judge’s comment:“A variety of great photos neatly presentedhelps tell the story of this important day.”

Craig Sterbutzel, Burke Connection: SportsNews Photo Santiago Valdez. Judge’s com-ment: “Great Exposure.”

Jeanne Theismann, Alexandria GazettePacket: Headline Writing. Judge’s comment:“Think you can’t say much in two words? Thisentry disproves that. I particularly like ‘BovineIntervention’ with the subhead ‘Del Ray’s HolyCow, ACT partner for local charities.

Louise Krafft won second place for picturestory or essay for her coverage of the MountVernon High School graduation.

Jean Card won second place for page designin the Mount Vernon Gazette.

The Mount Vernon Gazette won secondplace for special section for the August Insid-ers Edition, Community and NewcomersGuide; and third place for special edition forthe Children’s Gazette.

Mary Kimm won third place, editorial writ-ing, for a package of education editorials.

Find all of the award-winning coverageat www.ConnectionNewspapers.com, un-der Awards.


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South County sophomore Jack Gereski as Harold Hill rehearses with the cast of “TheMusic Man.”




ntributed by Jen

nifer Sparks

‘The Music Man’ MarchesInto South County HighCast of over 50 presentsthe award-winning classicmusical.

By Tim Peterson

The Connection

Katie Murray, a South County High Schoolsenior and Fairfax Station resident, re-members vividly the first time she saw arendition of Meredith Wilson’s classic

musical “The Music Man.”Her younger self was homesick, channel surfing, andstumbled upon the 2003 filmremake starring MatthewBroderick and KristinChenoweth.

“When it was done,” re-called Murray, “I felt instantlybetter ... for two minutes. Itwas just that moment, wheneverything was right with theworld. It’s one of those feel-good musicals, but it also has a lot of depth to itthat you don’t expect.”

Indeed, the Grammy and Tony Award-winningmelodies telling the story of the slick traveling sales-man Harold Hill and dubious librarian MarianParoo have entertained generations of theater-goers. Songs such as “Seventy Six Trombones,”“Gary, Indiana,” and “Shipoopi” are lodged firmlyin the tapestry of American musical history.

HILL, PLAYED BY SOPHOMORE Jack Gereski,is something of a lovable tramp, looking to makeRiver City, Iowa another notch on his con belt. Toget into character, “I have to feel really, really slimy,”explained Gereski. “I’m ripping all these people off.I enjoy it.”

Hill’s standard angle is swooping in on unsus-pecting townsfolk and smoothly yet swiftly plyingthem for money with visions of a starting up a grandand mellifluous boys band. Once payments for in-struments and uniforms are in hand, Hill skipstown.

However, things don’t go exactly as planned in

Where and When“The Music Man” runs Friday, May 3,

Saturday, May 4, Friday, May 10, andSaturday, May 11. All performances areat 7:30 p.m. $12, and $10 for senior citi-zens and students. Discounted ticketscan be purchased in advance atwww.southcountytheatre.org. The DaleS. Rumberger Auditorium at SouthCounty High School is located at 8501Silverbrook Road, Lorton, Virginia22079.

River City, thanks in no small part to Marian, herskepticism, and her eventual change of heart. Hillis attracted to her, despite her defensive maneu-vers, and begins to unveil a softer, more genuineunderbelly to his character.

“I re-watched [‘The Music Man’] recently,” saidsenior Whitney Turner, “and it’s interesting to seehow well developed the characters really are, eventhough it seems like such a simple musical.” TheFairfax Station resident plays Marian in this pro-duction.

“It’s the old idea ‘never judge a book by its cover,’”added Murray. “When you unravel the true Harold,

he’s a really great guy, whoreally cares about this townand these kids, and wants tohelp them in the end.”

THE CAST OF OVER 50will be clad in largely self-made costumes, and on fullchoreographic display duringa number of extended dancescenes. “There are severalbig, flashy numbers in thisshow,” said show director

and South County drama teacher KathieMcCormally. “I love the big numbers; musicals aremy favorite to do.”

This production is McCormally’s third time di-recting “The Music Man” in her 33-year career ofteaching theater. “Every time there are new ob-stacles, new challenges,” she said. Especially whenthe spring musical is open to the entire studentbody, not just drama students.

“The majority of students are from the theaterdepartment,” admitted McCormally. “But we al-ways have new ones that come up, and I’m alwayssurprised.”

One of those surprises was Gereski, who baggeda lead role in 2012’s production of “West SideStory” as a freshman. As a drama-novice choir stu-dent, the ascent was unexpected — not unlike theturnaround in this year’s role.

“The thing that sets this musical apart,” saidGereski, “is the villain is the guy everyone ends uprooting for in the end.” Whether “villain” is Hill’scondition or his identity, remains open to inter-pretation.

Lake Braddock Theatre Revisits ‘Rashomon’Director, fight choreographer both alsoworked on school’s 1994 production.

Sophomore Liam Finn (left) and senior Sarah Beck play-struggle during a rehearsal for Lake Braddock’s produc-tion of “Rashomon,” while senior Zach Newby’s charactercan only observe from the sideline.



by Tim



he C




By Tim Peterson

The Connection

Nineteen years ago, LakeBraddock drama teacherR.L. Mirabal and local

choreographer Casey Kalebaworked together on “Rashomon,”the staged version of AkiraKurosawa’s 1950 dramatic filmrooted in RyunosukeAkutagawa’s Japanese folkloricstories “Rashomon” and “In aGrove.”

Mirabal, who has been teach-ing at the high school since the1990-91 school year, was direct-ing back in 1994; Kaleba, just astudent at the time, played thewoodcutter character.

The plot of Kurosawa’s workmore closely follows that of “In aGrove,” while drawing more set-ting influences from “Rashomon.”The film director chose to have theparable center around a deadsamurai and four different ac-counts of not only his demise, butthe rape of his wife and the involve-ment of a notorious criminal—alloffered during a court proceeding.

The court hears understandablyconflicting yarns from the thiefTajomaru (played by sophomoreand Burke resident Liam Finn), thewoodcutter, the husband samurai(told posthumously through a “me-

dium”—character played by seniorand Burke resident Zach Newby)—and the samurai’s wife (played bysenior and Burke resident SarahBeck).

“In her story, she’s a liar,” saidBeck about the wife character. “Butshe tries to show off that she’s in-nocent. She likes to play games. It’sone of the most challenging roles

I’ve had to take on. Myself, I’m notactually a mean person; I’m toonice.”

TO COMMEMORATE THE40TH ANNIVERSARY of LakeBraddock, each drama productionthis year is one Mirabal has alreadydirected in his 23-year career at theschool. According to him,“Rashomon” was a solid choice torevisit and show off a tight groupof talented upperclassmen.

It was also an opportunity tobring back Kaleba, who has madea name for himself as a highlysought-after fight choreographer in

the DC-area theater scene. “He’s astand-up comedian with weapons,”said Mirabal, “making a living outof beating people up.”

Every two weeks during re-hearsal season, Mirabal has givenKaleba a three-hour session withthe cast to dedicate to the show’sdemanding choreography. Not onlyare there a number of complicatedsamurai katana bouts, but the twoveterans have staged an epic battleto open the play and give a centralset piece (the gate of Kyoto) some

context.After a motion workshop with

the entire cast, Mirabal sug-gested to Kaleba: “What aboutif we do this opening segment,this onslaught murder?” Thescene is one of several creativeadditions Mirabal has made.Others include casting entirelynew characters whose lines are

text taken directly fromAkutagawa’s original works.

These additions are “by nomeans long,” said Mirabal, anddon’t “interrupt the flow. There’s arich, beautiful description of thegate, the time period, and howpeople treated their dead. It’s help-ful to set the image of what’s go-ing on.”

“[Akutagawa’s] stuff is aboutwhere we came from and what weare, in a time period when theywere trying to be so modern, andso Western,” Mirabal continued.“People see this movie and forgetthat it’s a Japanese story. They can

Where and When“Rashomon” plays Thursday, May 2, at

7:30 p.m., Friday, May 3, at 8 p.m., andSaturday, May 4, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.at Lake Braddock Secondary School,9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke. $11. 703-426-1000 or www.lbtheatre.com.

put it in any time and any place. Iwanted some aspect of it to beJapanese. At least I can get theoriginal words in there.”

THOUGH MORE OR LESS RE-MOVED from Akutagawa’s own1920s-era Japan, his tales of de-ception, violence and honor con-tain timeless messages.

“Like for couples and relation-ships,” said Anna Coughlin, a jun-ior from Burke who is the under-study for the samurai’s wife.“You’re trying to find fault—it re-

ally lies a little bit everywhere. Youcan’t always pin it in one place;everyone’s equally guilty. Everyonewill always think they’re innocent,and go to great lengths to prove it,not only to everyone else but tothemselves even more so.”

“It gives the audience conflict,”added Finn. “[They have to] takesides: Maybe I think the samuraiis cool, honorable, but then every-thing is flipped upside down. Ex-pect the unexpected.”

And try to avoid the openingonslaught murder.


Send notes to the Connection [email protected] or call703-778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Datedannouncements should be submitted atleast two weeks prior to the event.

THURSDAY/APRIL 25Annual Spring Musical: “The

Drowsy Chaperone.” 7 p.m., atthe school’s auditorium, 6100 RollingRoad, Door 6, Springfield. WestSpringfield High School is presentingannual musical “The DrowsyChaperone.” $10 for adults; $5students. To reserve in advance, [email protected].

FRIDAY/APRIL 26Annual Spring Musical: “The

Drowsy Chaperone.” 7 p.m., atthe school’s auditorium, 6100 RollingRoad, Door 6, Springfield. WestSpringfield High School is presentingannual musical “The DrowsyChaperone.” $10 for adults; $5students. To reserve in advance, [email protected].

SATURDAY/APRIL 27Forgotten Treasures Garage Sale. 9

a.m.-3 p.m., Springfield ShoppingMall parking lot, 6500 SpringfieldMall, Springfield. Sale includes babyitems, artwork, light fixtures,clothing, shoes, and books; proceedswill be used to send books to Africafor those in need. www.fcacdst.org.

Kids in the Kitchen Spring HealthFair. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in the GiantFood parking lot, Kings ParkShopping Center, 8970 Burke LakeRoad, Springfield. Fitnessdemonstrations, interactivebooths, games, a live DJ,activities and the chance towin a Wii Fit. 703-442-4163 [email protected].

“Tea”lightful Afternoon. 2p.m., at the Messiah UnitedMethodist Church, 6215Rolling Road, Springfield. Thisevent includes a teapot silentauction of over 80 teapots fromevery day to high end items, atea accessory sales room, and atea room where you may get abite to eat; all proceeds benefitWomen’s Ministries and variouscommunity outreach efforts.Silent auction bidding is 2-3:30p.m. Reservation required. $5.703-451-2844 [email protected].

Annual Spring Musical: “TheDrowsy Chaperone.” 7 p.m., atthe school’s auditorium, 6100 RollingRoad, Door 6, Springfield. WestSpringfield High School is presentingannual musical “The DrowsyChaperone.” $10 for adults; $5students. To reserve in advance, [email protected].

SUNDAY/APRIL 28Annual Spring Musical: “The

Drowsy Chaperone.” 2 p.m., at

the school’s auditorium, 6100 RollingRoad, Door 6, Springfield. WestSpringfield High School is presentingannual musical “The Drowsy

Chaperone.” This performance is ASL-interpreted for deaf/hard of hearingaudiences. $10 for adults; $5students. To reserve in advance, [email protected].

TUESDAY/APRIL 30WSES Fundraiser at BGR. 4-9 p.m.,

at BGR of Springfield, 8420 OldKeene Mill Road, Springfield. Join theMighty Mustangs of West SpringfieldElementary School for dinner and 15percent of meal proceeds benefit theschool. 703-216-2005.

Event Planning Expo Open House.4:30-7:30 p.m., at Empire Nightclub,6335 Rolling Road, Springfield. Areavendors share information from openexhibit stations; event-planning infoaccompanied by hors d’oeuvres, andmusic from the Washington TalentAgency & Sound Center. [email protected] orwww.empirevenuerental.com.

FRIDAY/MAY 3The Music Man. 7:30 p.m., at theDale S. Rumberger Auditorium, SouthCounty High School, 8501 SilverbrookRoad, Lorton. A cast and crew of 50-plus South County students, many ofwhom made their own costumes,present the musical centered aroundfast-talking traveling salesman HaroldHill and his con of the people of RiverCity, Iowa. $12; $10 for seniors andstudents. southcountytheatre.org.Dinner and Movie: Mamma Mia!8 p.m. at the W-3 Theatre located at9601 Ox Road, Lorton. A youngwoman who is about to wed isdetermined to discover the identity ofher father; she has narrowed the listto three possible candidates—andinvites them all to her wedding,unbeknownst to each of them or hermother. $39 (includes film, dinner &soft drinks). www.workhousearts.org.

SATURDAY/MAY 4 West Springfield Alumni Fest. 10

a.m.-3 p.m., at WSHS, 6100 Rolling

Road, Springfield. The WSHS BaseballTeam holds a festival day with asoftball game, an alumni baseballgame, carnival games, raffles andsilent auction to raise money for anew scoreboard; rain date is May [email protected].

Running Model Trains. Noon-5 p.m.at the Fairfax Station RailroadMuseum, 11200 Fairfax Station Road,Fairfax Station. Cost is $5 for adults;$1 children. www.fairfax-station.orgor 703-425-9225.

The Music Man. 7:30 p.m., at the DaleS. Rumberger Auditorium, SouthCounty High School, 8501 SilverbrookRoad, Lorton. A cast of 50 presentsthe musical and ode to a bygone eracentered on fast-talking travelingsalesman Harold Hill and his con ofthe people of River City, Iowa. $12;$10 for seniors and students.www.southcountytheatre.org.

Mason Cabaret Presents: TheMillennials! 8 p.m. at the W-3Theatre, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. Anevening of cabaret celebrates thework of some of musical theatre’s newcomposers including Jason RobertBrown, Joe Iconis, and Pasek andPaul. $25 (includes planchecampagnarde).www.workhousearts.org.

Potting Party. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. atHeather Hill Gardens, 8111 Ox Road,Fairfax Station. Find flowers,vegetables, and herbs to plant in yourown container; potting soil andfertilizer provided. 703-690-6060 orwww.heatherhillgardens.com.


‘The Drowsy Chaperone’At West Springfield High

West Springfield High School presents their an-nual spring musical, “The Drowsy Chaperone.”Show times are Thursday–Saturday, April 25, at 7p.m. and Sunday, April 28, at 2 p.m. (this perfor-mance is ASL-interpreted for deaf/hard of hearingaudiences). Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for stu-dents; they’re available at the door or you canreserve in advance with an email [email protected], then pick them upat will call a half hour before curtain time. Theschool’s auditorium is located at 6100 RollingRoad, Door 6.


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‘Walking for Joe’Team Raises$8,000 forMS ResearchHannah Wojszynski, seniorat Lake Braddock Second-ary School, participated inthe recent Reston WalkMS: She is a captain of a“Walking for Joe” teamthat raised $8,000 insupport of multiple sclero-sis research. Hannah walksfor her dad, Joe, who hasMS. Her motto is: “WeWalk Because We Can!”



Send notes to the Connection [email protected] or call703-778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Datedannouncements should be submitted atleast two weeks prior to the event.

Fairfax Baptist Temple, at thecorner of Fairfax County Parkway andBurke Lake Roads, holds a Bible StudyFellowship at 9 a.m. Sundays followedby a 10 a.m. worship service. Nurserycare and Children’s Church also pro-vided. 6401 Missionary Lane, FairfaxStation, 703-323-8100,www.fbtministries.org.

Lord of Life Lutheran offers ser-vices at two locations, in Fairfax at 5114Twinbrook Road and in Clifton at 13421Twin Lakes Drive. Services in Fairfax areheld on Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. and Sun-days at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a.m.Services in Clifton are held on Sundaysat 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. 703-323-9500 orwww.Lordoflifeva.org.

First Baptist Church of Spring-field offers Sunday school at 9:15 a.m.,followed by a 10:30 a.m. worship ser-vice. 7300 Gary Street, Springfield.703-451-1500 orwww.fbcspringfield.org.

Clifton Presbyterian Church,12748 Richards Lane, Clifton, offersSunday worship services at 8:30 a.m.and 11 a.m. Nursery care is provided.Christian education for all ages is at9:45 a.m. 703-830-3175.

St. Andrew the Apostle CatholicChurch, 6720 Union Mill Road, Clifton,conducts Sunday masses at 7:30 a.m.,8:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Italso offers a Saturday vigil at 5:30 p.m.and a Thursday Latin mass at 7 p.m.703-817-1770 or www.st-andrew.org.

Faith Notes

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Robinson Boys’ LaxBeats Centreville

The Robinson boys’ lacrosse team beatCentreville 9-8 on Tuesday, April 23, ex-tending the Rams’ winning streak to sixand improving their record to 10-2 over-all and 4-0 in the Concorde District.

Robinson will close the regular seasonat home against Chantilly at 7:15 p.m.on Friday, April 26. The Chargers reachedthe state championship game the last twoseasons and three of the last four.

Fairfax Boys’ LaxWins Seven of Eight

The Fairfax boys’ lacrosse team is 7-1heading into this final three regular sea-

son games.The Rebels started 7-0 before losing 14-4

to four-time defending state champion Lan-gley on April 15. Fairfax is 3-1 in the Lib-erty District.

The Rebels will host Madison at 7:30 p.m.

on Friday, April 26.

Robinson Girls’Soccer to FaceOakton,Herndon

The Robinson girls’ soccer teamwill close its regular season withgames against the Oakton Cou-gars on Thursday, April 25, andHerndon Hornets on May 6. TheRams will travel to face the Cou-

gars and host the Hornets.Robinson played to a 1-all tie with

Centreville on April 17, moving the Rams’record to 6-3-2 overall and 0-2-1 in theConcorde District.

Northern RegionBaseball Top 10

The Madison baseball team remainedatop the Northern Region top 10 andVienna rival Oakton is ranked No. 2 inthis week’s coaches poll.

Defending state champion LakeBraddock is ranked No. 3, followed byCentreville (4), Robinson (5), Yorktown(6), Chantilly (7), West Potomac (8),Langley (9) and South County (10).

T.C. Williams, Stone Bridge, McLean,Westfield and Fairfax also received votes.

The Concorde District has four teamsin the top 10, most among the four dis-tricts in the Northern Region. The PatriotDistrict has three teams in the top 10,the Liberty has two and the National hasone.

Sports Roundups

By Jon Roetman

The Connection

The Patriot District championshipgame is nearly a month away,but the South County softballteam had something to prove on

Tuesday.Winners of six consecutive district titles,

the Stallions entered their latest contestagainst Lake Braddock looking up at theBruins in the standings. Lake Braddock,which lost to South County in last season’sdistrict final, was undefeated, had outscoredits last five opponents 70-0 and beat theStallions 7-5 during their first meeting thisseason on April 3.

“We knew,” South County head coachGary Dillow said, “we needed to come inand make some kind of a statement.”

AFTER SEVEN INNINGS, the Stallionshad sent a message: the path to the PatriotDistrict championship still runs throughSouth County.

Sophomore second baseman Cara Yateswent 4-for-5 with four RBIs and juniorpitcher Rebecca Martin tossed a three-hit-ter as South County rolled to a 10-1 victoryon Tuesday night at Lake Braddock Second-ary School. Yates’ two-run triple in the sec-ond inning gave South County a lead itwould not relinquish as the Stallions dreweven with the Bruins in the loss column.

“It just makes a statement,” Dillow said,“that we’re not ready to let go of the dis-trict title yet.”

Yates, who batted leadoff for SouthCounty as a freshman last season, moveddown a spot in the order for the first half of

the 2013 campaign, but recently returnedto the top of the lineup. She reached basein each of her five at bats on Tuesday, April23, including four hits.

“When you’re hitting one,” Yates said,“you know you have to get a hit because asa leadoff hitter, you pretty much determinethe momentum of the game, so you have toget it started.”

Yates led off the game with an opposite-field single to right. In the second inning,she ripped a two-run triple to center field.Yates singled in the fourth inning, reachedon an error in the sixth and hit a deep two-run single to right-center in the seventh.

“She didn’t look like a leadoff hitter to-night—she hit at least three balls right tothe fence,” Dillow said. “She’s absolutelyseeing the ball great right now and just re-ally driving the ball.”

Junior catcher Haylea Geer finished 2-for-4 for South County. Freshman right fielderCarley Kastner went 1-for-3 with two RBIs,senior first baseman Brittnee Haynes was1-for-3 with an RBI and freshman left fielderJade Williams hit a triple.

Martin earned the win in the pitcher’scircle, tossing a complete game. She al-lowed one earned run and three hits whilewalking two, hitting one batter and strik-ing out four in seven innings.

“She pitched really well,” Dillow said. “Ithink she had something to prove. Shedidn’t pitch real well against them the lasttime we played. It’s probably, really, the firstoff-game I’ve seen her have in her threeyears here.”

Martin did not allow a hit until the fourthinning, when Lake Braddock sophomoreAmanda Hendrix led off with a double.Hendrix also hit a solo home run over thefence in right-center during the sixth inning,and freshman outfielder Danielle Newmanhad a single.

“We were definitely trying to defend thelegacy we have,” Martin said about the Stal-lions’ six consecutive district champion-ships.

LAKE BRADDOCK helped the SouthCounty cause with six errors.

“We pride ourselves on defense,” Lake

Braddock head coach George Rumore said,“and [for] some reason, they just got thejitters, I guess, and they couldn’t hang inthere on defense.”

Rumore downplayed the loss, saying itmeant “nothing” in the grand scheme ofthings.

“We just let it go,” he said. “We were 10-0 … so we just go 10-0 again. So let’s justforget it and learn from our mistakes in thisgame.”

Junior Ashley Flesch started in the circlefor Lake Braddock and allowed three un-earned runs and five hits in four innings.She hit one batter, walked one and struckout two. Hendrix pitched the final threeinnings.

Lake Braddock fell to 10-1 overall and 7-1 in the Patriot District. The Bruins facedLee on Wednesday, April 24, after TheConnection’s deadline. Lake Braddock willtravel to face West Springfield at 6:30 p.m.on Friday, April 26.

South County improved to 12-1 overalland 8-1 in the district. The Stallions willtravel to face Lee at 6:30 p.m. on Friday,April 26.

Stallions sophomoreYates has 4 hits,4 RBIs.

South County Softball Sends Message to Lake Braddock

South County sophomore second baseman Cara Yatesfinished 4-for-5 with a triple and four RBIs againstLake Braddock on Tuesday night, April 23.

Lake Braddock third baseman Amanda Pattersonswings against South County on Tuesday night.

The Robinson boys’ lacrosse teamis 10-2.

Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/The Connection



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New Superintendent NamedKaren Garza selected assuperintendent of FairfaxCounty Public Schools.


The Fairfax County School Board unanimouslyapproved educator Karen Garza of Texas tobe the next superintendent of the 181,000

student district at its April 18 school board meeting.For the past four years, Garza has been

the superintendent of the Lubbock Inde-pendent School District, which serves ap-proximately 30,000 students in Lubbock,Texas. She will succeed retiring Superin-tendent Jack Dale on July 1, 2013. Herfour-year contract runs through June 30,2017, and she will earn $265,000 in herfirst year.

“I’m thrilled that we have been able tofinalize the appointment and contractual ar-rangement with Dr. Garza,” said IlryongMoon, Fairfax County School Board chair-man. Moon said several school board members visitedLubbock early last week and “all of us came away ex-tremely impressed with the community’s observationsregarding Dr. Garza’s tenure as its superintendent.”

“I could not be more pleased with the outcome ofour extensive search process for a new superintendent,”said school board member Ryan McElveen (at-large.)McElveen said one of the primary characteristics thecommunity hoped to see in a new superintendent wasthe willingness to engage with the community.

Garza flew to Fairfax last Thursday to accept theappointment in person, and toured several schoolson Friday, meeting with teachers, students and ad-ministrators.

“I am very humbled and excited to be selected bythis board,” she said. “It is truly an honor and a privi-lege to join such a renowned school system.” Garzasaid she will be “responsive and accountable” to allFCPS stakeholders and will support efforts alreadyunderway to provide FCPS students a world-class

education.“As superintendent, I plan to be very

visible. The best part of my day will bewhen I’m in schools to be with childrenand to better understand the needs of ourschools,” she said.

Prior to her role in Lubbock, Garzaserved as the chief academic officer of theHouston Independent School District, theseventh largest school district in the coun-try. As chief academic officer, the district’ssecond position to the superintendent,Garza was responsible for both instruc-

tion and facilities for more than 200,000 students.“She comes to Fairfax County with a deep com-

mitment to openness and engagement and is eagerto work collaboratively in the best interest of all stu-dents,” Moon said.

The school board will begin planning a series oftransition activities and public meetings for Dr. Garzabefore she begins her tenure as FCPS superintendenton July 1.

—Victoria Ross

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Real Estate

By Marilyn Campbell

The Connection

When a retiredcouple decided itwas time to leavetheir sprawling

suburban home, they wanted todownsize without giving upluxury. As a result, they purchaseda high-end condominium andhired Bethesda, Md., based inte-rior designer Kelley Proxmire ofKelley Interior Design to create aserene and sophisticated space.

“The couple are retired profes-sionals, empty nesters who leadactive lives and didn’t want themaintenance of a single familyhome,” said Proxmire. “[They]wanted to blend the furniture, ac-cessories and mementoes they hadeach collected. … They wanted ahome that was elegant, comfort-able, and that also allowed themto lock and leave on a moment’snotice.”

Proxmire’s clients are part ofrebound in the high-end condo-minium market. The National As-sociation of Realtors reports thatcondominium purchases are onthe rise, and says that sales are13.9 percent higher than theywere at the same time last year.

David DeSantis, a partner atTTR | Sotheby’s International Re-alty says his company has seen anincrease in luxury condominiumsales in the Washington region inrecent months. “In the past severalmonths we have broken recordsfor high-end condo prices, and werecently sold the most expensivecondo ever sold in the Washing-ton region, which was $7.5 mil-lion,” he said. “We sold a numberof condos at Turnberry Tower inRosslyn [Arlington].”

COMMUNITIES LIKE theOronoco in Old Town Alexandria;Market Street at Town Center inReston, and Quarry Springs in

Bethesda attract those who wantboth luxury and convenience. “Theappeal of these buildings is the factthat you’ve got these large apart-ments that are like homes exceptwith a health club and conciergeservice,” said DeSantis. “The close-in suburbs are good places to live.There are good stores, good res-taurants and you don’t have theissue of a long commute to work.”

Realtors say that properties closeto public transportation are in de-mand. “Reston is on fire. The con-dos are turning very quickly therebecause the Metro is coming,” saidGreat Falls-based realtor DianneVan Volkenburg of Long & FosterCompanies. “Reston is one of theplaces where inventory is ex-tremely limited, so you’re gettingmultiples offers over list price.”

Alexandria-based realtor AllisonGoodhart of The Goodhart Groupof McEnearney Associates, Inc.said, “Sales and showings for prop-erties have really picked up acrossthe board in Alexandria City. TheOronoco is all high-end, one-levelcondos near the Old Town [Alex-andria] waterfront and those areselling very well.”

Bob Wulff, Ph.D., director of theCenter for Real Estate Entrepre-neurship and the master’s in realestate development program atGeorge Mason University inFairfax, says there are two primarytypes of buyers who are drawn tocondominiums. “There are firsttime homebuyers and move-downhomebuyers who’ve sold theirlarge suburban homes,” said Wulff.“Move-down buyers are lookingfor luxury in a walk-able neighbor-hood that is near mass transit.”

DeSantis agrees. “A big portionof those clients are the empty-nester crowd,” he said. “Their kids

have graduated from college andthey are looking for a lifestylechange. These people were notpinched by the recession, but italso wasn’t a good time to sell theirbig house in suburbs.”

In addition to empty nesters,DeSantis says that high-incomeprofessional singles and couplesoften choose luxury condomini-ums. “Those two groups are lead-ing to the up-tick in sales,” he said.

Walter Molony, economic issuesmedia manager for the NationalAssociation of Realtors, says the

What Housing Slump?Real estate experts explain the risein luxury condominium sales.

See Luxury, Page 19

Bethesda, Md., based interior designer Kelley Proxmireof Kelley Interior Design decorated a luxury condo-minium for a retired couple who wanted to downsizeafter selling their suburban home. Real estate expertssay high-end condominium sales are on the rise.



by A

ngie Seckinger

To honor Mom on Mother’sDay, send us your favorite snapshotsof you with your Mom and TheConnection will publish them in ourMother’s Day issue. Be sure toinclude some information aboutwhat’s going on in the photo, plusyour name and phone number andtown of residence. To e-mail digitalphotos, send to:

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Falls Church/Rt 50 $244,950Renovated to Perfection

Spectacular lake front end unit condo w/ 2 pat-ios, lovely hrdwd flrs, cozy frplc, remodeledbath, updated kit w/ newer appliances & light-ing, loaded w/ moldings, new windows & sliders,replaced HVAC, washer, dryer & water heater,shows like a model, plenty of parking, commpool, walk to rec center & only 1/2 mile to I495.

Fairfax Sta/South Run $839,9505,000 Square Feet

Huge Newport model w/ 5BR, 4.5BA, 2 frplcs, finwalkout bsmt w/ wet bar, 2 recreation rms + aden, SUNROOM, 1/2+ acres, loaded w/ hrdwdflrs & moldings, eat-in kit w/ granite cntrs, SSappliances & tile splash, MBA w/ jetted tub &sep shower w/ new tile, dual zone HVAC, freshpaint, replaced roof, siding garage drs & more.

Burke/Longwood Knolls $549,950Multiple Offers Received

Sunny home w/ rear entry 2 cargarage, dramatic fmlyrm w/ cathedralclngs & windows on 3 sides, hrdwdflrs, fin walkout bsmt,3.5BA, kit w/new SS appliances & corian cntrs,MBR w/ sittingrm & walk-in clst &MBA w/ 2 sinks & sep tub & shower.

Fairfax Sta/South Run $849,950Open Sunday 4/28 1-4

Sunny Berry blt home w/ 5BR, 3.5BA, screenporch & deck overlook stream, huge finwalkout bsmt w/ bar & dance floor, dramaticLvrm & Dnrm w/ vaulted clngs, updated eat-in kit w/ granite & new appl, library w/ walk-in closet, MBR w/ sittingrm, MBA w/ doublesinks & sep tub & shower & more.



Burke $739,950Dramatic 2 Story Family Room

Sunny open floor plan w/ 5,200+ SQ FT on cul-de-sac backing to dense woods w/ SUNROOM,screened porch, 5BR, 4.5 BA, huge fin walkoutbsmt, gas frplc, skylts, loaded w/ hrdwd flrs, eat-in kit w/ new SS & blk appliances, MBR w/ sit-ting rm , MBA w/ jetted tub, library, sec sys,sprinkler sys, replaced HVAC, roof & siding.










Call Specific Agents to Confirm Dates & Times

When you visit one of these Open Houses, tell the Realtor you saw it in thisConnection Newspaper. For more real estate listings and open houses, visit

www.ConnectionNewspapers.com and click on the “This Week in Real Estate” link.

Centreville13605 British Manor Ct.......$689,900..Sun 1-4.............Margo Lockard..................ERA..703-359-7800

Chantilly42344 Astors Beachwood..$800, 000..Sun 1-4...............Chris Pezzana...........Weichert ..703-447-1662

Clifton7242 Archlaw Dr..............$1,075,000..Sun 2-4.......................Pat Fales............RE/MAX..703-503-436512403 Clifton Hunt Dr.........$949,000..Sun 1-4......Carol Hermandorfer..Long & Foster..703-503-181212421 Clifton Hunt Dr.........$945,000..Sun 1-4......Carol Hermandorfer..Long & Foster..703-503-181212602 Clifton Hunt Dr.........$939,000..Sun 1-4......Carol Hermandorfer..Long & Foster..703-503-1812

Fairfax6119 Queens Brigade Ct......$619,900..Sun 2-4.............Carrie Shokraei............RE/MAX..703-297-2109

Fairfax Station7612 Rustle Ridge Ct..........$849,950..Sun 1-4 ......Kathleen Quintarelli...........Weichert ..703-862-8808

Franconia/Kingstowne6186 Windham Hill Run......$619,950..Sun 1-4 ..Tom & Cindy & Assoc..Long & Foster ..703-822-02076509 Birchleigh Way...........$374,950..Sun 1-4 ..Tom & Cindy & Assoc..Long & Foster ..703-822-0207

Lorton9040 Swans Creek Way....$1,050,000..Sun 1-4....................Dane Work............RE/MAX..703-869-4567

Springfield7415 Jervis.........................$524,900..Sun 1-4.........Christine Shevock............RE/MAX..703-475-3986To add your Realtor-represented Open House to these weekly

listings, please call Steve Hogan at 703-778-9418 or e-mailthe info to [email protected]

All listings due by Tuesday at 3 P.M.

Walk with Us!5-K Walk to benefit children in foster careWhat: 5-K WalkWhen: Saturday, May 18,

2013, 8:30 a.m. –1 p.m. (Registrationfrom 8 to 8:30 a.m.)

Where: Lake Accotink Park(rear entrance) 5660Heming Avenue,Springfield, VA.

Cost: $30 registration fee/Picnic lunch provided

Steps to Walk – or Support the 5-K Walk1. Log on to: www.fairfaxyouth.org/events.xml to register2. Create your own team or join our Fairfax Families4Kids team.For more information, visit the Web site atwww.fairfaxcounty.gov/ncs/fairfaxfamilies4kids.htm or contactBeverly J. Howard, Fairfax Families4Kids Coordinator,703-324-7518, TTY [email protected]

Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in allcounty programs, services and activities. Reasonable accommodations will beprovided upon request. For more information, call 703-324-4600, TTY 711.

Address ................................ BR . FB .HB ... Postal City .... Sold Price ... Type .......... Lot AC . PostalCode ..................... Subdivision7700 KINCHELOE RD ..................... 5 ... 3 ... 3 ........ CLIFTON ....... $1,290,000 .... Detached ........ 5.00 ........ 20124 .............................. WYCKLAND12725 CLIFTON HEIGHTS LN .......... 5 ... 1 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON ....... $1,160,000 .... Detached ........ 1.00 ........ 20124 .................... CLIFTON HEIGHTS7330 WOLF RUN SHOALS RD .......... 6 ... 6 ... 0 .. FAIRFAX STATION . $1,100,000 .... Detached ........ 5.00 ........ 22039 ............................. TRADITIONS8104 VISTA POINT LN ..................... 5 ... 5 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $950,000 .... Detached ........ 5.68 ........ 22039 ............................ SHADOWALK9280 BLU STEEL WAY ..................... 4 ... 5 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $905,000 .... Detached ........ 0.83 ........ 22079 ............................. REMINGTON10113 COMMUNITY LN .................. 5 ... 4 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $875,000 .... Detached ........ 3.90 ........ 22039 .................................. OX ROAD7500 TUTLEY TER .......................... 4 ... 4 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $838,500 .... Detached ........ 0.89 ........ 20124 .................. BALMORAL GREENS7513 SOUTH REACH DR ................. 4 ... 2 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $820,000 .... Detached ........ 0.64 ........ 22039 ............................. SOUTH RUN6811 OLD STONE FENCE RD ........... 4 ... 2 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $769,500 .... Detached ........ 1.04 ........ 22039 ................... ARDMORE WOODS10800 MOUNTAIN DULCIMER CT .... 4 ... 2 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $724,000 .... Detached ........ 5.39 ........ 22039 .......... BEECHTREE AT THE PARK7416 SOUTH REACH DR ................. 5 ... 3 ... 0 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $720,000 .... Detached ........ 0.67 ........ 22039 ............................. SOUTH RUN6413 MELSTONE CT ....................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $696,000 .... Detached ........ 0.24 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN7233 CLIFTON RD .......................... 4 ... 3 ... 0 ........ CLIFTON .......... $690,000 .... Detached ........ 5.00 ........ 20124 .......................... CLIFTON OAKS7123 IVAKOTA RD .......................... 4 ... 4 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $667,000 .... Detached ........ 5.00 ........ 20124 .........................CLIFTON RIDGE7701 TIFFANY CT ........................... 5 ... 3 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $650,000 .... Detached ........ 5.01 ........ 20124 ........................ NOBLE ESTATES11512 CLARA BARTON DR .............. 4 ... 2 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $646,100 .... Detached ........ 0.65 ........ 22039 ....................... FAIRFAX STATION10721 GREENE DR ......................... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $635,000 .... Detached ........ 0.50 ........ 22079 .......................... HARBOR VIEW11215 SEPTEMBER LN ................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $632,500 .... Detached ........ 1.50 ........ 22039 ................... WHISPERING HILLS6241 STONEHUNT PL ..................... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $586,500 .... Detached ........ 0.28 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN12912 CLIFTON CREEK DR ............. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $585,900 .... Detached ........ 5.00 ........ 20124 .............. CLIFTON CREEK RIDGE7354 CLIFTON RD .......................... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $580,777 .... Detached ........ 2.99 ........ 20124 .......................... WEDGEWOOD6430 BATTLE ROCK DR ................... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $576,000 .... Detached ........ 0.24 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN6115 UNION VILLAGE DR ............... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $562,000 .... Detached ........ 0.20 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN6324 DEEPWOOD FARM DR ............ 4 ... 3 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $560,000 .... Detached ........ 0.21 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN10726 ANITA DR ............................ 4 ... 2 ... 2 ........ LORTON .......... $560,000 .... Detached ........ 0.52 ........ 22079 .......................... HARBOR VIEW13907 SPRINGSTONE DR ................ 4 ... 2 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $550,000 .... Detached ........ 0.22 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN9691 SOUTH RUN OAKS DR ............ 4 ... 2 ... 1 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $550,000 .... Detached ........ 0.27 ........ 22039 .................... SOUTH RUN OAKS13909 SPRINGHOUSE CT ................ 5 ... 4 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $532,000 .... Detached ........ 0.24 ........ 20124 ................... LITTLE ROCKY RUN8104 ARCADE ST ........................... 5 ... 3 ... 0 ........ LORTON .......... $510,000 .... Detached ........ 0.50 ........ 22079 .......................... HARBOR VIEW13300 COMPTON RD ..................... 4 ... 3 ... 0 ........ CLIFTON .......... $504,000 .... Detached ........ 5.00 ........ 20124 .......................... IVAKOTA FARM13923 WHETSTONE MANOR CT ..... 5 ... 3 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $501,000 .... Detached ........ 0.20 ........ 20124 .................. COMPTON HEIGHTS9157 STONEGARDEN DR ................ 5 ... 3 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $475,000 .... Detached ........ 0.06 ........ 22079 .... LORTON TOWN CNTR LANDBAY9623 MASEY MCQUIRE CT ............. 3 ... 2 ... 2 ........ LORTON .......... $450,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.05 ........ 22079 ......................... GUNSTON HILL5860 NICOTINE TRL ....................... 4 ... 3 ... 0 ........ LORTON .......... $449,000 .... Detached ........ 0.40 ........ 22079 .................... GUNSTON MANOR8886 CALLA LILY CT ....................... 2 ... 2 ... 0 ........ LORTON .......... $414,000 .... Detached ........ 0.09 ........ 22079 ......... SPRING HILL SENIOR CMP7849 DOGUE INDIAN CIR ............... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $383,990 .... Townhouse ..... 0.05 ........ 22079 .................... MASONS PASSAGE7796 GRANDWIND DR ................... 3 ... 3 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $380,000 .... Detached ........ 0.06 ........ 22079 ... LORTON TOWN CTR LANDBAY13524 GRAY BILL CT ...................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ........ CLIFTON .......... $370,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.04 ........ 20124 ................ CENTREVILLE GREEN8823 LAGRANGE ST ....................... 4 ... 2 ... 0 ........ LORTON .......... $365,000 .... Detached ........ 0.24 ........ 22079 ....................... POHICK ESTATES7337 ARDGLASS DR ....................... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $360,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.04 ........ 22079 ........... WORTHINGTON WOODS8907 JANDELL RD .......................... 2 ... 2 ... 0 ........ LORTON .......... $345,000 .... Detached ........ 0.24 ........ 22079 ....................... POHICK ESTATES7816 LAMBKIN CT ......................... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $340,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.05 ........ 22079 ...................... SHEPHERD HILLS9732 PLASKETT FOREST LN ............ 3 ... 2 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $330,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.03 ........ 22079 .................... MASONS PASSAGE9210 GILMORE DR ......................... 3 ... 1 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $316,000 .... Detached ........ 0.60 ........ 22079 .............................. WILDWOOD8817 LAGRANGE ST ....................... 3 ... 1 ... 0 ........ LORTON .......... $282,000 .... Detached ........ 0.24 ........ 22079 ....................... POHICK ESTATES11421 FAIRFAX STATION RD ............ 2 ... 2 ... 0 .. FAIRFAX STATION .... $280,000 .... Detached ........ 0.57 ........ 22039 ............................ STATION HILL7563 ASPENPARK RD ..................... 2 ... 3 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $276,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.03 ........ 22079 ....................... POHICK VILLAGE8339 STATIONHOUSE CT ................ 3 ... 2 ... 1 ........ LORTON .......... $276,000 .... Townhouse ..... 0.03 ........ 22079 ................. PINEWOOD STATION

Home Sales

Copyright 2013 RealEstate Business Intelligence. Source: MRIS as of April 15, 2013.

In March 2013, 56 homes sold between $1,290,000-$131,000in the Clifton, Fairfax Station and Lorton area.

This week’s list represents those homes sold in the $1,290,000-$276,000 range.For the complete list, visit www.ConnectionNewspapers.com

Page 18: Fairfax Station Clifton Lorton - Ellington CMSconnection.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/news/... · 4/24/2013  · Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection April 25 - May 1, 2013

Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ April 25 - May 1, 2013 ❖ 19www.ConnectionNewspapers.com

9040 SWANS CREEK WAY, LORTON, VA 22079 $1,050,000




Dane WorkRE/MAX Preferred Properties



OPEN Sunday 1-4 pmIncredible craftsmanship and designer décor. A must-see with all thebells & whistles. New solarium addition. .90 acre lot adorned withextensive hardscape & landscaping, 4 bedrooms + lower bonus room,4.5 baths, stunning gourmet entertainment kitchen, wide plank oakhardwoods, 10-ft ceilings on main level, 6,100 finished sq feet.3-car garage! Come see one of Lorton’s premier communities.

Call Dane Work, Re/Max Preferred Properties, 703-869-4567.For photos e-mail: [email protected]

From Page 17

Real Estate

Housing Market Blossoms in Area—Andrea Worker

Andy Krum, ABR, GRI, CDPE/KellerWilliams Realty—Reston, 703-679-1700

“This past February, the market bloomedwell in advance of the cherry blossoms!Sellers are more than likely dancing ontheir roofs. With low inventory, priceshave been climbing. Not only are mosthomes selling fast, lucky sellers may seemultiple offers—some including escalationclauses as well. For the Reston market, thelong-awaited opening of the Wiehle Avenue Metro stop laterthis year has not escaped notice. More buyers are looking hereknowing they can avoid the Rt. 7 traffic or the toll road.Interest rates are still good, but there is competition. Buyersneed to do their research and be ready to act when the righthome becomes available.”

Andrea Karalyos, realtor, REPcoordinator, Prudential PenFedRealty—Reston, 703-716-2900

“Right now is the best time to sell or buyreal estate in the Reston area. With theopening of the new Silver Line Metroapproaching, we have seen an enormousincrease in sales. The median sales price isup by 7.4 percent compared to last year. Ifyour home is priced well and shows nicelyyou will have no problem selling. Restonis focused on the future yet still manages to stay true to its coreprinciples of “Live, Work, Play and Get Involved.”


boost in condominium sales isthe result of a stronger economy.“It is part of the rising tide that isfloating all boats,” he said. “Afterfour years of a sluggish economythat impacted people’s confidence,affordability conditions have im-proved and people have thewherewithal and the confidence tobuy. There is less inventory in thelow-end market, and there aremore buyers than sellers, which isdriving demand up.”

DeSantis said, “For the mostpart, the Washington, D.C., areawas not hit as hard, so we’re com-ing back faster. One of the thingsthat we’ve seen in the real estateindustry is that there’s no short-age of people in this market whohave the resources to buy high-endhousing. They held off on buyingwhile the direction of the economy… was unclear, but people are nowwilling to spend the money thatthey’ve had all along.”

LuxuryCondos inDemand

NEWSINTERNSEducationalopportunity towork withaward-winningeditors onlocal newscoverage,including poli-tics, elections,communityevents, localinsiders’guides, newsfeature writing,website andonline newsmanagementand more.Internshipsrequire a com-mitment of atleast six weeks,16-40 hours aweek. Pleasee-mail a state-ment of inter-est and aresume [email protected]

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20 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ April 25 - May 1, 2013 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com


On Thursday, April 11, 30 children fromThe Apple Tree School of Fairfax had theopportunity to paint alongside Kelly Ann, a17-year-old Asian elephant with theRingling Brothers and Barnum and BaileyCircus, at the George Mason University Pa-triot Center. Involved in the YoungRembrandts program, an after-school art

enrichment program, the students werethrilled to meet the elephant. Kelly Ann hasbeen with the circus since her birth and is aRenaissance woman who, in addition topainting, is athletic and musical, playingfootball, basketball, and also the harmonica.This is the first year she has painted withstudents from Fairfax.

Elephant Artist Inspires YouthKelly Ann, a 17-year-oldAsian elephant with theRingling Brothers andBarnum and Bailey Circus,paints with one of hercolleagues from the circusduring a class with studentsfrom The Apple Tree Schoolof Fairfax, at the GeorgeMason University PatriotCenter on April 11.

Kelly Ann, a 17-year-old Asian elephant with the Ringling Brothers andBarnum and Bailey Circus, shows off her football skills in front of agroup of students from The Apple Tree School of Fairfax, at the GeorgeMason University Patriot Center on April 11.Kelly Ann, a 17-year-old Asian elephant with the Ringling Brothers and

Barnum and Bailey Circus, shows off her mad basketball skills to stu-dents from The Apple Tree School of Fairfax, at the George Mason Uni-versity Patriot Center on April 11.

Photos by Deb Cobb/The Connection

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22 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ April 25 - May 1, 2013 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com

Zone 2 Ad Deadline:

Tuesday Noon


Zone 2: • Burke

• Fairfax • SpringfieldClassifiedClassified


3.4 AC - only $34,900Open & wooded parcel close to 200 acre

lake. 90 mins DC Beltway. Public road frontage. Ready to build or use. Lowest

rates ever on EZ Financing.Call Now 1-800-888-1262

4 RE for Sale 4 RE for Sale

Greenwood Yard Sale!!Join us this Saturday,

April 27th from 8am-1pmfor our community yard sale! Huge selection of

home furnishings, baby items, yard equipment,and more!

Location: From Springfield I/C go S. on I 95 approx 1 mi then E. on Franconia Rd for

approx 1 mile and take rt on Seatrend Way GPS : 6621 Debra Lu Way Springfield Va. 22150

28 Yard Sales 28 Yard Sales

FREE ATTORNEY CONSULTATIONon issues of Auto Dealer Fraud; Lemon Law;

Identity Theft; Fair Credit Reporting andForeclosure Defense.

Law Offices of E. F. Robinson

(703) 970-2080

109 Prof. Services 109 Prof. Services

26 Antiques

We pay top $ for antique furniture and mid-century

Danish/modernteak furniture, STERLING, MEN'S WATCHES, jewelry

and costume jewelry,paintings/art glass/clocks.

Schefer Antiques @703-241-0790.

Email:[email protected]

116 Childcare Avail.

BURKE Childcare avail in my home,OFC Lic, FT & PT, days,

evenings, Back-up care & special needs children

welcome. Large yard for lots of fun! 703-569-8056

21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements

CANAM HARVESTING LLC / HARVESTER OPERATORS: 12 temporary openings in DE from May 05, 2013 to June 30, 2013; Housing provided at no cost at: 213 S. Main St, Bridgeville, DE 19933 & all worksites w/in reasonable commutable distance from housing. Du-ties: Inspect field, identify harvesting con-ditions, locate electric lines & obstacles; Adjust height, speed & other functions of custom combine harvesters to max opera-tions & ensure safety; Harvest sweet peas using combine harvesters or other farm machinery according to soil conditions and supervisor's instructions; May drive combine harvesters from site to site up to a distance of 30 mi; Responsible for rou-tine maintenance & repair of the combine harvesters incl. performing inspection of harvesters before & after each shift, verify oil, mobile pieces, & others; Perform emergency repair of harvesters as need-ed. Requirements: Valid driver’s license & 1 yr of experience operating large farm machinery; Demonstrable ability to oper-ate & drive highly specialized combine harvesters; Ability to understand operation & secure handling of complicated hydraul-ic & electrical systems; Good health & able to understand/follow supervisor's in-structions. Conditions: $15.81/hr in-creased $1 per yr of exp, up to a max of $24/hr; Scheduled workweek is 40 hrs (may exceed 40 hrs depending on field/crop condition); Required to work day, evening and/or night shifts; Employer guarantees to offer workers employment for at least 3/4 of the workdays; Tools, equipment & supplies provided at no cost; Housing & cooking facilities provided at no cost; Transportation &subsistence ex-penses ($11.42 daily w/ no receipts, & $46.00 daily w/receipts) to worksite will be paid by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract, or earlier; Em-ployer will comply with first week wage guarantee of $ 632.40; Return transporta-tion and subsistence is paid upon comple-tion of 100% of the work contract. The employer may terminate the work contract if, before the expiration date specified in the work contract, the services of the worker are no longer required for reasons beyond the control of the employer due to fire, weather, or other Act of God, as de-termined by CO. In the event of such ter-mination of a contract, the employer will fulfill a three-fourths guarantee for the time that has elapsed from the start of the work contract to the time of its termination. The employer will make efforts to transfer the worker to other comparable employ-ment acceptable to the worker, consistent with existing immigration law. If such transfer is not affected, the employer will (1) return the worker, at the employer’s expense, to the place from which the workers came to work for the employer or transport the worker to the worker’s next certified H-2A employer, whichever the worker prefers; (2) reimburse the worker the full amount of any deductions made from the worker’s pay by the employer for transportation and subsistence expenses to the place of employment; (3) Pay the worker for any costs incurred by the work-er for transportation and daily subsistence to the place of employment. To apply, re-port in person or send resume to nearest State Workforce Agency & provide copy of this ad & job ref. number indicated below. Delaware Department of Labor - 4425 North Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19809-0828. Tel. (302) 761-8116, Ref: DE158089.

Zone 2 Ad Deadline:

Wednesday 11 a.m.


Zone 2: • Burke

• Fairfax • SpringfieldEmploymentEmployment


Must speak English.M, W, F, 9am-12pm.


Call for interview: 703-250-4405

Great Job Opportunity!The high volume Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant(George Washington’s Mount Vernon) is seekingWait staff: Food Servers & Host/ess staff.Free meals, uniforms, parking, and flexiblescheduling. Email: [email protected]

Director of NursingPaul Spring Retirement Community is

seeking candidates for the position ofDirector of Nursing. We are looking for anindividual who enjoys responsibility andpossesses strong management and commu-nication skills to oversee and manage thenursing department.

Minimum Qualifications:• Current Virginia license as a Licensed

Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse.• Minimum of two years nursing experience,

preferably in a long-term care setting.• Basic computer skills, including e-mail

and Word.• Ability to be on call during nights, week-

ends, and emergencies.• Must be compassionate, caring and enjoy

working with seniors and their families.If you enjoy managing people, team build-

ing, and making a difference in the lives ofyour staff and residents, we would love to talkwith you about this position. Experience inlong-term care and management is preferred.

This full-time position offers a competitivesalary along with a complete benefit packageincluding health, dental, and life insurance,paid time off, and 401k plan. For considera-tion, please complete our online application atWWW.RUI.NET and submit with resume andsalary requirements. Paul Spring RetirementCommunity is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

SERVERSEARN UP TO $750 a week!

Not just a Diner anymore: our new Fresh &Local Menu is bringing in guests & SilverDiner Merrifield need to add to our team.We offer excellent pay, medical/dentalinsurance, 401K, Meal Discount and promo-tion from within. Apply in person at SilverDiner Merrifield or on-line atwww.silverdiner.jobs

NATIONAL CHILDRENS CENTERNo sell! Salary + Bonus + Benefits!

Weekdays 9-4



A great opportunity toWORK AT HOME!


CLASSIFIEDDEADLINESZones 1, 5, 6.....Mon @ noonZones 2, 3, 4.....Tues @ noonE-mail ad with zone choices to:

[email protected]

or call Andrea @ 703-778-9411

EMPLOYMENTDEADLINESZones 5, 6.........Tues @ 11:00Zones 1, 3.........Tues @ 4:00Zone 2...............Wed @ 11:00Zone 4...............Wed @ 1:00E-mail ad with zone choices to:

[email protected]

or call Andrea @ 703-778-9411

ZONESZone 1: The Reston Connection The Oak Hill/

Herndon ConnectionZone 2: The Springfield Connection The Burke Connection The Fairfax Connection The Fairfax Station/Clifton/

Lorton ConnectionZone 3: The Alexandria

Gazette PacketThe Mount Vernon Gazette

Zone 4: Centre View North Centre View SouthZone 5: The Potomac AlmanacZone 6: The Arlington Connection

The Vienna/OaktonConnection

The McLean ConnectionThe Great Falls Connection

Newspapers & Online


Part-time Positions2013-2014

School YearLead Teacher,Assistant Teacher,Administrative AssistantWonderfuldevelopmental,Christian preschoolseeks qualifiedcandidates to work in amorning preschool. Send resume and coverletter to:

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Preschool6509 Sydenstricker

RoadBurke, VA 22015

NATIONAL CHILDRENS CENTERNo sell! Salary + Bonus + Benefits!

Weekdays 9-4



A great opportunity toWORK AT HOME!


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Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ April 25 - May 1, 2013 ❖ 23www.ConnectionNewspapers.com

Zone 2 Ad Deadline:

Tuesday Noon


Zone 2: • Burke

• Fairfax • Springfield

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24 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ April 25 - May 1, 2013 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com

Richard [email protected] is the difference I provide

Come to the HEARTof Real Estate, since 1980Proudly Serving Northern VA

KAY HART, CRS, GRIAssociate BrokerLife Member NVAR Top [email protected]

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BARBARA NOWAK& GERRY STAUDTE“My Virginia Home Team”703-473-1803, 703-309-8948

[email protected]


JUDY SEMLER703-503-1885

[email protected]

MARSHA WOLBERLifetime Member NVAR Top ProducersTop 5% of Agents Nationallywww.marshawolber.comCell: 703-618-4397

Sheila Adams703-503-1895Life Member, NVAR Multi–MillionDollar Sales ClubLife Member,NVAR TOP PRODUCERS


True cen-ter hallColonial isbeautifullyupdatedand offersboth spaceand con-

venience! This wonderful floor plan features 3 finishedlevels to include 5BRs, 3.5BAs, 2 FPs, multiple living-entertainment areas & walkout LL. Nice yard backingto trees on cul-de-sac. Close to metrobus, VRE, GMU,shopping & top rated schools!

Burke Centre $634,500This home went under contract in less than one week.Call today for details on other homes in Burke Centre or amarket analysis on your home.

BETTY BARTHLE703-425-4466

38 YEARS’ EXPERIENCEE-mail: [email protected]: www.bettybarthle.com

JON SAMPSONjon.sampson@longandfoster.comjonsampsonrealtor.com703-307-4357

Alexandria $482,500Classic colonial in Mt. Vernon Hills *3 finished levels * 4 bdrms * 3.5 baths* Wood floors * Fpl in family room *Large deck overlooking fenced backyard * Easy access to GW Pkwy, OldTown, Airport, DC, scenic hike/bikepath along the Potomac River.Call Judy @ 703-503-1885.

Falls Church $615,000Beautiful Updates in a Spacious Home. Sunny, clean 5 BR, 2.5 BA housew/2-car garage. Updated kitchen with new cabinets, granite counters andSS appliances. Updated baths, too. Freshly painted. Beautiful sunroomoverlooks level lot. Easy access to East Falls Church Metro, only 2.3 miles.

SpringfieldComing SoonManyupdates inthis large, 4level, 3 bed-room, 3.5Bath EndUnitTownhousein popularneighbor-

hood. Updates include newer windows, new paint,roof, appliances, and more. Master Bedroom has 4thlevel loft. Please call for more information.

See the Best Clifton has to Offer!These Stunning Homes Open this Sunday 1-4

12403 Clifton Hunt Dr. $949,0005 acres with sparkling pool

12421 Clifton Hunt Dr. $945,0005 acres backs to Bull Run Regional Park

12602 Clifton Hunt Ln. $939,000Spacious Classic Elegance


The Belle ofBonnie Brae!Gorgeouscontempo-rary withwalls ofglass, soar-ing ceilings,

in ground pool &upgraded throughout!Under Contract in 3 Days!www.seetheproperty.com/108010 to see why!


$1,399,000Amazing 5 acreestate homewith 2 cargarage, 4 bed-rooms, 4 1/2baths in themain residence

plus an additional 2 room and full bath guest house over adetached 3 car garage. Stunning, luxurious master suite plusa gorgeous custom kitchen, custom library and separatesunroom. Regulation sized tennis court, swimming pool, hottub and 1/4 mile sports tract. Beautiful decking and balcony.

David [email protected]

Whether you are buying, selling, or rentinga home, my expertise as a full service realtor

will help you accomplish your goals.

Fairfax Station $722,900Beautiful contemporary 3 BR, 3 baths, with a gorgeous poolon 2 private acres with a park-like setting, located in theheart of Fairfax Station. Home has been updated throughout.Gourmet kitchen, hardwood floors & new carpeting.

High KnobA Gated

MountainCommunityNear Front

RoyalA short, scenic 50miles from the Heartof Fairfax Co, thisChalet is a tranquilretreat for year round

living. New Kitchen with Granite, 3 Lvls, 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 3 car Garage onan acre. OPEN Sunday 1-4. MUST CALL KAY HART first for GATE CODE703-217-8444. On lockbox also. From Centreville, I-66 to Linden Exit, Leftto Rt 55, Right for 4 miles, Left into High Knob - must have code.



Ann Witherspoon, CRSAssociate Broker

[email protected] Member NVAR Top ProducersLife Member NVAR Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club

Fairfax StationCROSSPOINTE

$799,900Seldom SeenCross Newport-Deluxe-Expandedin sought afterCROSSPOINTE.Updated/Redesigned

Kitchen, Hardwood Floors & New Carpet – Main Floor “Breezeway”Study – 5 BR/3.5 BA – Back Staircase to 5th Bedroom & 3rd BA LargeDeck backing to Trees – Freshly Painted – Beautifully Landscaped.PROPERTY WEBSITE http://8404-CROSSLAKE.lflisting.com

CALL or Email ANN WITHERSPOON -- 703-503-1836OR [email protected]

Lake Manassas$999,998



BOTH FAMILY LIVING AND ENTERTAINING!Elegance is the hallmark of this exceptional property, both the Residence,Lakes & Golf Course views. Custom built in 2004, this expansive homeoffers over 5600 sq. ft. of luxurious living space w/High Ceilings and thefinest of Millwork. Designer Kitchen, Breakfast, Morning Rm, 3 MasterBRs, 4 1/2 BAs, 2 See-thru FPs to Stone Covered Terraces - LL Fam. Rm,Media Rm, Exercise Rm, Game Rm & Office.

Call Sheila Adams for private Appointment 703-503-1895

Burke Centre $519,900Granite and stainless kitchen for inspired cooking withadjacent family room for casual entertaining. Four bed-rooms, 2.5 baths, full finished basement, screened porchand lovely landscaped yard. Walk to bus stop, minutes toVRE station. Robinson Secondary School area!

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