Faculty Senate Annual Report (2013-2014) Faculty Senate Annual Report Prepared By: Adrianne Lane, Chair Date: June 16, 2014 Faculty Senate Cabinet: 2013-2014---The Cabinet met monthly from August 2013-May 2014. The Cabinet meets on the first Thursday of every month. From August to January the Cabinet met from 3 to 5 PM and from February to May the Cabinet met from 2:30 to 5 PM. President Ono has a standing invitation to the Cabinet meeting; the time slot for President is 4 to 5 PM. Chair Adrianne Lane [email protected] Vice Chair Tracy Herrmann [email protected] Secretary Gail Pyne-Geithman [email protected] Academic Affairs Rebecca Leugers [email protected] Board of Trustee Peter Stambrook [email protected] Board of Trustee Tracy Herrmann [email protected] Budget & Priorities Adrianne Lane [email protected] Governance Sean Mangan [email protected] Committee on Committees Marla Hall [email protected] Human Relations Wanda McCarthy [email protected] Information Technology Russ McMahon [email protected] Planning Committee Jeff Tilman [email protected] Research & Scholarship Jeff Guo [email protected]

Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

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Page 1: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

Faculty Senate Annual Report (2013-2014)

Faculty Senate

Annual Report Prepared By: Adrianne Lane, Chair Date: June 16, 2014

Faculty Senate Cabinet: 2013-2014---The Cabinet met monthly from August 2013-May 2014. The Cabinet meets on the first Thursday of every month. From August to January the Cabinet met from 3 to 5 PM and from February to May the Cabinet met from 2:30 to 5 PM. President Ono has a standing invitation to the Cabinet meeting; the time slot for President is 4 to 5 PM.

Chair Adrianne Lane [email protected]

Vice Chair Tracy Herrmann [email protected]

Secretary Gail Pyne-Geithman [email protected]

Academic Affairs Rebecca Leugers [email protected]

Board of Trustee Peter Stambrook [email protected]

Board of Trustee Tracy Herrmann [email protected]

Budget & Priorities Adrianne Lane [email protected]

Governance Sean Mangan [email protected]

Committee on Committees Marla Hall [email protected]

Human Relations Wanda McCarthy [email protected]

Information Technology Russ McMahon [email protected]

Planning Committee Jeff Tilman [email protected]

Research & Scholarship Jeff Guo [email protected]

Page 2: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

Faculty Senate: 2013-2014--- The Faculty Senate met monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 3:30 to

5:00 PM. One meeting was held at Clermont College and one meeting was held at Blue Ash College. A joint

meeting was held with the Graduate Student Organization and the Student Government. An All-University

Faculty meeting was held once in Fall and once in Spring.

Chair: Adrianne Lane Nursing 558-5211

Vice-Chair: Tracy Herrmann UC-Blue Ash, Radiology 745-5689

Chair Elect:

Secretary: Gail Pyne-Geithman CoM, Neurosurgery 558-7358

Parliamentarian: Deborah Page UC Blue Ash, Foreign Language 745-5679

Ex-Officio: Santa J. Ono University of Cincinnati, President 556-2201

Board of Trustees Representatives

2012-2014 Peter Stambrook CoM, Genetics 558-6151

2013-2015 Tracy Herrmann UC-Blue Ash, Radiology 745-5689

At-Large Senators

2012-2014 Chia-Chi Ho CEAS, Chemical Eng 556-2438

2012-2014 Janine Hartman A&S, Romance Language & Literature 556-1596

2012-2014 Rina Williams A&S, Gender and Sexuality 556-3558

2012-2014 Jason Heikenfeld CEAS, Electrical Systems 556-4763

2013-2015 Marla Hall A&S, Psychology 556-5332

2013-2015 Arlene Johnson Libraries, Circulation Services 556-1417

2013-2015 Jeff Tilman DAAP, Arch & Interior Design 556-0239

2013-2015 Sarah Stitzlein CECH, Education 556-2439

Part-Time Faculty

2013-2015 Erwin Erhardt Carl H. Linder CoB, Economics 556-2624

2013-2015 Dana Griffith A&S, Judaic Studies 556-6612


2012-2014 Nancy Hamant CECH 931-6819

Page 3: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

College Senators:

Allied Health

2012-2014 Rebecca Leugers Rehabilitation Sciences 558-7480

2013-2015 Carol Wheeler-Strother School of Social Work 556-4635

Arts & Sciences

2012-2014 Mihaela Poplicher Math 556-1223

2013-2015 Christopher Gauker Philosophy 556-6333

Carl H. Linder College of Business

2012-2014 Constantine Polychroniou Marketing 556-7111

2013-2015 Ratee Apana Management 556-7074


2012-2014 John Owens Electronic Media 556-9493

2013-2015 Gwen Coleman Detwiler Performance Studies 556-5381


2012-2014 Raj Manglik School Dynamic Systems 556-5704

2013-2015 Stephen Thiel SEEBE 556-4130


2012-2014 Russ McMahon Information Technologies 556-4873

2013-2015 Sally Moomaw Teacher Education 556-4414

Page 4: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

Clermont College

2012-2014 Darrell Hawkins Criminal Justice 732-5339

2013-2015 Wanda McCarthy Humanities/SS 558-7404


2012-2014 David Varady School of Planning 556-0762

2013-2015 Michael Zaretsky Arch & Interior Design 556-4983


2012-2014 Sean Mangan Law 556-4361

2013-2015 Elizabeth Lenhart Law 556-0011


2012-2014 Kevin Grace Archives & Rare Books 556-1959

2013-2015 Edith Starbuck Allied Health Lib 558-0011


2012-2014 Caleb Adler Psychiatry & Behavior Neuroscience 558-3362

2013-2015 Robert Krikorian Psychiatry 558-4224


2012-2014 Yvette Pryse Research Team 558-5500

2013-2015 Claudia Mitchell Nursing 558-8981

Page 5: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

Winkler College of Pharmacy

2012-2014 Yuhang Zhang Pharmacy 558-0740

2013-2015 Jeff Guo Pharmacy 558-8613

Professional Practice

2012-2014 Maureen Schomaker Professional Practice 556-6048

2013-2015 Datina Juran Professional Practice 556-0328

UC-Blue Ash College

2012-2014 Margo Lambert History 936-7124

2013-2015 Amber Peplow English/Communications 745-5600

Key Activities and Key Actions of Senate and Standing Committees during 2013-2014:

Please go to the Faculty Senate Website to view the minutes of the Faculty Senate, the All University Meetings, and the Minutes and Annual Reports of each Standing Committee. http://www.uc.edu/facultysenate Dr. Richard Miller resigned as Chair of the University Faculty, effective January 2014. Dr. Adrianne Lane, Chair Elect, assumed Chair beginning January 2014 and served until June 20, 2014. Dr. Adrianne Lane resigned from UC, effective July 1, 2014. Tracy Herrmann, Vice-Chair, assumes Chair, June 20, 2014 and will serve until an election is held in Fall 2014. The academic year has been one of change. Faculty Senate has been very active. The senators have openly and willing shared opinions on many issues. Kudos to all members of the Senate. Highlights from each standing committee are now provided. Academic Affairs Standing Committee Report 2013-2014: In performance of its duties to its charge by the UC Faculty Senate, the Academic Affairs Standing Committee (“FSAAC”) has had a busy year in which multiple issues were brought forward for consideration. Below are the wide ranging issues (Prior Learning Assessment, Cross-College Curricular Coordinating Committees, Distance Education and Online Teaching, a review of the Winter Weather Closure Policy and Procedures, a review of the Advising Community’s Mission and Vision, a request regarding the procedure of awarding Emertus status, the Complete College Ohio plan, and a request to award a grade of “Not Proficient” for basic Math) upon which FSAAC discussed and acted. FSAAC reviewed the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) plan that was shared with Faculty Senate during Fall, 2013. The committee agreed that representation on the PLA committee by a member of Academic Affairs would be beneficial.

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FSAAC reviewed the plan for establishment of permanent Cross-College Curricular Coordinating Committees. This plan was met with much enthusiasm from the FSAAC as members felt strongly that this plan addressed an academic need and the implementation of this plan would facilitate communication between colleges for the betterment of curricular and ultimately student outcomes. FSAAC supported this plan and recommended that Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force. After thorough review of this document, FSAAC proposed a motion to the Faculty Senate for the creation of a faculty taskforce that would continue the work of the above taskforce to develop a list of best practices in distance education and online teaching, as well as work to address preparation, training, and curricular development, faculty workload, evaluation and assessment. FSAAC recommended that the composition of the task force members include faculty with significant experience in developing and leading online education courses and/or programs, and included faculty from a variety of departments and programs which may have diverse perspectives. This motion passed and the task force was created through appointment of members by the Chair of Faculty Senate. The FSAAC also reviewed the University of Cincinnati Winter Weather Closure Policy and Procedures. This academic year has been one in which the university was closed several times and had delayed starts several times due to severe winter weather, and thus the request to review this policy and procedure. A few editorial comments were offered by the committee for improvements in wording, but no substantive changes were recommended. FSAAC reviewed the Advising Community’s mission and vision statement, copied below: Mission: The UC Advising community engages and supports students through teaching and collaboration to achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals. Vision: The UC Advising community will advance a personalized educational environment in which: • All students achieve their goals through exploration, reflection, and engagement. • We are committed to inclusion, teaching, and lifelong learning. • We are global leaders in advising practice, scholarship, and innovation. FSAAC supported the mission and vision statement and brought this forward to Faculty Senate Cabinet for support. Additionally, the FSAAC reviewed a request by the Emerti Faculty regarding the procedure of awarding Emertus status. FSAAC reviewed the University Rules (30-28-04), which has been copied below for clarification: 3361:30-28-04 Retirement: emeritus status. (A) "Emeritus rank" of a faculty member, librarian or other academic officer of the university is defined as a non-salaried, non-official position and academic title of honor, usually corresponding to that held in the last period of active academic service. (B) Full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, associate librarians, associate senior librarians, senior librarians, deans and other academic administrative officers as determined by the appropriate provost and the president shall be eligible for appointment to emeritus rank. Appointment to emeritus rank shall be made through the same channels as regular appointments to active status. FSAAC deliberated about the suggested procedure raised by the Emeriti faculty, and determined that FSAAC supports the idea that Emeriti status is an honor, that there should be clear procedures developed and communicated to faculty as to how faculty might move into Emeriti status, and that each academic unit may wish to develop these procedures for their faculty. However, FSAAC was not supportive of dictating procedure

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that is covered by the AAUP contract. FSAAC received a request to review the “Complete College Ohio” plan, and the committee discussed this plan vigorously. The committee ultimately supported the plan with several contingencies and additions that were sent on to the Chair of Faculty Senate to be included in the plan. FSAAC also requested that the “Complete College Ohio” plan be brought before Faculty Senate with the revisions submitted by FSAAC. FSAAC received a request from the Director of the Undergraduate Studies, Psychology to review the awarding of “Not Proficient” for Basic Math and to review/develop policy specific to awarding “Not Proficient” grades to other foundational courses throughout the university. The FSAAC Chair spoke with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Psychology to clarify the request and to determine the rationale for the awarding of a “Not Proficient” grade rather than having the students utilize the already established mechanism of grade replacement. Additionally, members solicited input from the math department heads at regional campuses to determine if there was a need or desire for this type of grade. The feedback received was distinctly unfavorable from the math department. One comment, from the Adjunct and Developmental Mathematics Program Coordinator University of Cincinnati Blue Ash stated, “my feeling is that there does need to be the accountability of a true grade for our developmental courses. We already have difficulties with attendance and students taking these courses seriously -- I believe a grade of NP would only worsen these issues with less accountability.” Given that FSAAC did not find any support for the “Not Proficient” grade from the math departments that teach developmental/basic math, we do not support the awarding of a “Not Proficient” grade for Basic Math or other courses. In conclusion, the FSAAC had a productive year and the members are deserving of gratitude for the service they extended to the University. The committee has completed all tasks for the AY 2013-2014 and has no remaining issues to carry over to the

following year.

Budget and Priorities Standing Committee Report 2013-2014:

1. Reviewed Committee charge, Integrated Decision Making Model (President’s website), and the Budget as found at http://www.uc.edu/content/dam/uc/af/budgetfinsvcs/docs/budgetbookfy13.pdf . Committee charge on the website is incorrect: it ends with ‘academic affairs’…it should read ‘budget and priorities’. Request made to Patty Gilbert, FS Admin, to correct. 2. The Committee invited Kathy Qualls to present. Kathy Qualls brought copies of the FY2014 PBB Progress Tracking Year‐End projections based on August PBB Reports draft, dated 9/26/13, for each UC College (see attached). She ‘walked’ the committee through the report line by line providing explanations for each. She shared these reports are available in November, Feb/March, and end of fiscal year. These reports can be requested from Kathy Qualls, Neal Stark, or Lee Mortimer. In her review she stated that Summer is the leading term for PBB purposes. 3. Key areas to review for the committee included: a. ARPT: ‐ hiring of FT, tenure track faculty (and metrics of faculty turnover?) ‐ impacts of salary increases on colleges' and Deans’ willingness to promote faculty b.. PBB impacts and jurisdiction: ‐ vs academic unit size ‐ extension to the department level ‐ inclusion of research and teaching quality assessments ‐ whether Athletics is include c. Escalating fiscal impacts of the Athletics Department on UC's programs and mission: ‐ disproportionate growth rate of the AD budget and fiscal deficit ‐ fiscal burden on student fees ‐ costs to UC for financing and/or contributing directly to AD capital construction (i.e., Nippert luxury boxes).

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4. In December the Committee invited Jim Plummer and Bob Ambach to present about the budget. Jim distributed and reviewed the University’s Budget Calendar noting the guideline to share the Working Budget with FSBPC in Mid‐November and share the FY2015 Budget and FY2014 projections in Mid‐April. Jim further shared 2 scenarios for FY2015 Working Budget. Jim reviewed the Working Budget line by line with explanation to and discussion with the committee. Jim shared that the new SSI formula at this time is advantageous to UC. He stressed that the All‐University Town Hall meetings in December/January are open to all. Bob Ambach and Jim Plummer returned to the Committee in April to present the proposed university budget. Both the fall and spring presentations by Finance are designated as a component of Integrated Decision Making and Shared Governance. 5. The Controller’s Office notified previous Chair, Dan Langmeyer that, due to a change in the UC budgeting process, the office has quit printing the “Red Book”. Past FSBPC chair, Dan Langmeyer, tracked schedules published in the “Red Book”. Carol Metzger, the Controller, invited Dan Langmeyer, Adrianne Lane, and Richard Miller to meet with her and 2 staff members to review which of the schedules in the “Red Book” would FSBPC need on an ongoing basis. The listing of these schedules is available in the FSBPC Minutes of 12/11/13. 6. Whit Babcock, Athletic Director, was invited to present. Whit resigned from the University. Such presentation was deferred. 7. The Committee wrote a white paper specific to faculty recommendations relative to the University budget. The white paper was supported by Cabinet and by the Faculty Senate (4/10/14). The white paper is available on the Faculty Senate website and attached to this report. 8. The FSBPC had a very active year. Kudos to all members. Thank you for an excellent year! For 2014-2015 the FSBPC recommends the following topics:

1. 2014-2015 agenda item recommendation includes proactively championing a campaign focused on creating a budget with costs and goals prioritizing faculty salaries and benefits. 2. Request Faculty Chair follow up on Budget and Priorities White Paper supported by Faculty Senate on 4/10/14 and sent to Bob Ambach and Beverly Davenport on 4/11/14.

3. Invite Bob Ambach and Jim Plummer to return and discuss capital/construction debt commitments of the university, including the Nippert renovation.

Committee on Committees Standing Committee Report 2013-2014: The Spring elections were reported as the following:

FACULTY SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Charge: The charge of the committee is to make investigations and recommendations for Faculty Senate action on educational or academic policy or practice Membership: 6 members with 3 members elected each year to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate. 2014-2016: 2013-2015: Chia-Chi Ho (CEAS) Beverly Riegle (Nursing) Kathryn M. Rafferty (A&S) Rebecca Leugers (Allied Health) Deborah Page (UCBA) Lisa Beckelhimer (A&S) FACULTY SENATE BUDGET AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE Charge: The charge of the committee is to examine financial matters of the university and recommend to the Faculty Senate ordering of priorities.

Membership: 6 members with 3 members elected each year to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate. 2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Kent Lutz (UCBA) Thomas Ridgway (A&S)

Steven Boyce (CoM) Anastasios (Tasos) Ioannides (CEAS)

Peter J. Disimile (CEAS) Chia-Chi Ho (CEAS)

FACULTY SENATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Charge: The Governance Committee shall be responsible for on-going review of and revisions to the by-laws, clarifying and strengthening the

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involvement of faculty on university committees, assuring training for faculty serving on Faculty Senate and other university committees, monitoring

governance policies and practices and recommending new policies and practices to ensure effective involvement of faculty in university decision making.

In addition, the Governance Committee shall be available to assist faculty with governance issues occurring within their college or unit.

Membership: 6 members with 3 members elected each year to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate.

2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Heather Moore (UCBA) Arlene Johnson (Libraries)

Carlee Escue Simon (CECH) Cynthia Ris (A&S)

Lilit Yeghiazarian (CEAS) Suzanne Bradshaw (UCBA)


Charge: The charge of the committee is to monitor existing practices and policies and recommend new policies and practices to ensure a supportive

environment for women and minority faculty and students.

Membership: 6 members with 3 members elected each year to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate. 2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Jennifer Ellis (UCBA) Ionas Aurelian Rus (UCBA)

Donna Shambley-Ebron (CoN) Manoj Sharma (CECH)

Carrie L. Atzinger (CoM) Wanda McCarthy (UC Clermont)

FenFang Hwu (A&S)


Charge: The information technology committee shall formulate and express faculty views on information technology issues. Matters requiring faculty

action shall be sent as recommendations to the faculty senate. The committee will recommend electronic voting procedural standards and tools that

assure security, anonymity, and faculty control. The committee will offer consultation and training and when asked to do so may assess the legitimacy of

software employed for soliciting faculty votes.

Membership: In addition to members from each college, libraries, professional practice and 2 ex-officio members, there are 4 at-large representatives elected to serve 2 year terms. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate. 2014-2016: 2013-2015:

David Hartz (UCBA) Andy Curran (UC Clermont)

Michele Griegel-McCord (A&S) Rachel Frankel (UCBA)


Charge: The charge of the Planning Committee is to consider all aspects of planning, both curricular and physical.

Membership: 6 members with 3 members elected each year to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate. 2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Claudia Mitchell (CoN) Frank Wray (UCBA)

Thomas Osborne (ProPEL) Janine Harman (A&S)

Rina Williams (A&S) Laura Nabors (CECH)


Charge: The Research and Scholarship Committee shall consider all aspects of research and recommend policies, processes, or procedures designed to

enhance the role of research and scholarship in the university. The committee shall make recommendations concerning the development and

implementation of problems designed to support and reward research and scholarly activity. In addition, the committee shall examine, review, and make

recommendations about proposals initiated by the administration and other parties.

Membership: 6 members with 3 members elected each year to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election. The chair of the committee is appointed separately by the Chair of the Faculty for a one year term and must be a current member of the Faculty Senate.

2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Kevin Li (Pharm) Arlene Johnson (Libraries)

Lilit Yeghiazarian (CEAS) Rachel Frankel (UCBA)

Gail Pyne-Geithman (CoM) Daria Narmoneva (CEAS)



Charge: As recommending body to the Academic Operations Committee (AOC), the Academic Coordinating Committee (ACC) serves as a university-level

governance committee charged to generate and to review newly-proposed policies, procedures, and programs that bear on the University’s teaching,

research, and service missions. The committee interfaces with the Fiscal Coordinating Committee and is also responsible for advising the AOC and the

Provost regarding the University’s UC|21 academic priorities and monitoring the next re-accreditation visit by the Higher Learning Commission of NCA.

Page 10: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

Membership: In addition to appointed members, 2 faculty members are elected to serve a 2 year term. One member--elected in odd years--is elected to

represent the uptown campus and one member--elected in even years--is elected to represent the regional campuses. Retiring members may run for re-


2014-2016 (Regional Rep): 2013-2015 (Uptown Rep.):

Janice Denton (UCBA) Marla Hall (A&S)


Charge: The Diversity Council serves as the All-University Governance Committee charged with building an institution-wide capacity to meet the needs of

an increasingly diverse campus that embraces diversity as one of our core values, infusing every aspect of campus life and purpose, and every measure of

success. The Council recognizes a very broad and inclusive concept of diversity that includes commonly recognized considerations such as race, ethnicity,

gender, age, disability status, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, sexual orientation, religion and regional or national origin. It will guide the

University’s efforts to conceptualize, define assess, nurture and cultivate diversity and inclusion as institutional and educational resources at the


Membership: In addition to appointed members and the chair (or designee) of the Faculty Senate Human Relations Committee, 3 faculty members are

elected to serve a 3 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2017: 2013-2016: 2012-2015

Page Beetem (UCCler) Constance Cooper (LCoB) Natalia Darling (UCBA)


Charge: The charge of this committee is to provide advice, as requested, to the Vice President for Research, regarding intellectual property including

patent and copyright policies.

Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 2 faculty elected to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Peter M. Burrell (LCoB) Tom Osborne (ProPEL)


Charge: The charge of the committee is to focus on all areas of international affairs. For more information go to


Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 2 faculty elected to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Constantine Polychroniou (LCoB) Dennis O'Neill (A&S)


Charge: This committee is charged with the oversight of the University’s efforts in removing hazardous and unhealthy conditions from the work


Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 3 faculty elected to serve a 3 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2012-2015: 2013-2016: 2014-2017

Mary Justice (UCBA) Dominic Boccellis (CEAS) Virginia (Jennie) Russell (DAAP)


Charge: the committee reviews applications of nominees and recommends potential recipients of the award to the President of the University.

Members: In addition to appointed members of the committee, 2 faculty are elected to serve 2 year terms. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2016: 2013-2015

Deborah Schwytzer (CoN) Marla Hall (A&S)


Charge: The charge of this committee is to select the annual award recipients for the George Rieveschl Award for Creative and/or Scholarly works.

Membership: Members are primarily award winners from the most recent 2 years. In cases where there are fewer than 6 members available from these

winners to serve, additional members will be elected.

2013-2015: 2014-2016:

George Deepe (CoM) Award Winner Bruce S. Alt (A&S) Award Winner

Douglas Knehans (CCM) Award Winner John E. Hancock (DAAP) Award winner

Jason Heikendfeld (CEAS) Elected


Charge: This committee is charged with providing guidance in the management of conflicts of interest arising from the activities of the University and its

employees, and ensures that relationships between the University, its employees, and outside entities have been examined and will be conducted in a

manner consistent with institutional guidelines and all applicable law.

Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 3 faculty members are elected to serve 3 year terms. One elected member will come from the

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College of Medicine, one member from the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and one member at-large.

2012-2015: 2013-2016: 2014-2017

Jintai Ding--A&S (at-large) Anastasios (Tasos) Ioannides (CEAS) Jeffry Strawn (CoM)


Charge: Make decisions on students' appeals for tuition refunds.

Membership: In addition to appointed members, 2 faculty are elected to 2 year terms.

Meetings: meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month

2014-2016: 2013-2014:

Loxie Kistler (UCCler) Marie Garrison, Nursing

UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE--2 year term--will elect 1 person to a 2-year term and 1 person to a 1 year term in order to re-

establish the rotating schedule.

Charge: The charge of the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee is to provide leadership and oversight to the university’s emphasis on excellence

in undergraduate educatio; Develop goals, strategies, and timelines for implementation aligned with the Academic Master Plan; Work in coordination

with Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) and Council on Student Affairs (CSA) and other appropriate groups to determine and accomplish an annual

UG agenda and assessment plan for continual program improvement

Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 2 faculty elected to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2016 2013-2015

Marla Hall (A&S) Janine Hartman (A&S)

UNIVERSITY BRANDING COMMITTEE--2 year term--Will elect 1 member.

Charge: The charge of this committee is to monitor brand compliance; offer branding/design consultation; encourage deeper brand adoption (extend

beyond high-profile communication); make decisions regarding brand policy and rule exceptions; identify branding opportunities; and

celebrate/congratulate branding successes.

Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 1 faculty elected to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.


Kathryn Lorenz (A&S)

UNIVERSITY CALENDAR COMMITTEE--2 year term--Will elect 1 member.

Charge: The University of Cincinnati Calendar and Examinations Committee (C&E) is responsible for developing the university’s annual per-term

academic calendar and examination schedule. The calendar created by the C&E Committee becomes official once approved by the UC Board of Trustees.

The C&E Committee reports to the Senior Vice President and Provost. The calendar created by the C&E Committee does not apply to the academic

activities of the College of Law and the College of Medicine (M.D. programs). Academic calendars governing the College of Law and the College of

Medicine are developed independently by those units.

Membership: In addition to other appointed members, 2 faculty elected to serve a 2 year term. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Chia-Chi Ho (CEAS) Tom Osborne (ProPEL)

UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COUNCIL--2 year term----Will elect 1 member.

Charge: The University Graduate Council is to consider matters pertaining to the policy of the Graduate School and presents recommendations to the

graduate faculty. The Council, through the Dean of the Graduate School, enforces the rules and regulations of the graduate faculty. It proposes and

considers measures and policies for the improvement of graduate education. It assists the Dean of the Graduate School, as needed, with issues of

discipline and in deciding on petitions of the students and staff. It evaluates new graduate programs and recommends to the graduate faculty their

approval or disapproval. Members of the Council are responsible for keeping the groups they represent informed of the policies considered and business

transacted by the Council.

Membership: In addition to members representing their colleges, 2 faculty are elected for 2 year terms. Retiring members may run for re-election.

Members elected by the senate must be members of the graduate faculty.

2014-2016: 2013-2015

Raj Bhatnagar (CEAS) Anne Sisson Runyan (A&S)

UNIVERSITY LIBRARY COMMITTEE--2 year term--Will elect 4 members.

Charge: The University Library Committee shall advise and assist the Dean and University Librarian in the establishment of library policies, acquisitions,

services, and facilities as they affect the library user.

Membership: In addition to appointed members, 8 faculty are elected for 2 year terms. All faculty are eligible to serve on this committee except for

those from UC Clermont, College of Law, and UC Blue Ash. Those libraries report to their respective deans and have their own separate library

committees. Retiring members may run for re-election.

2014-2016: 2013-2015

Pamela Greenstone (CAHS) Kevin Grace (Lib)

Michele Griegel-McCord (A&S) Michael Hegener (Pharm)

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Stephanie King (CoN) Manoj Sharma (CECH)

Ratee Apana (LCoB) Jon Lee (CECH)


Charge: This committee is to advise the Vice President for Research on funding decisions made for several university programs that sponsor faculty and

student scholarship and creative activities in the areas of 1) Arts and Humanities, 2) Physical Sciences and Engineering, 3) Life Sciences and 4 Behavioral


Membership: 2 faculty are elected from each of the four areas for 2 year terms. Retiring members may run for re-election.


2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Amy Lind (A&S) Janine Hartman


2014-2016: 2013-2015:

Peng Zhang (A&S) Heng Wei (CEAS)


2012-2014: 2013-2015:

Yuhang Zang (Pharm) Marsha Gaston (A&S)


2012-2014: 2013-2015:

Rebecca C. Lee (CoN) Susan Allen


Charge: UC Child Care Center has a long history and partnership with the University of Cincinnati and is affiliated through the Division of Student Affairs

and Services. The center caters to UC students, faculty, and staff and is also open to the general public. It provides training opportunities for UC students

in the Early Childhood Development program. The center also partners with the Arlitt Child and Family Research & Education Center Head Start program

and supports research activities.

Membership: In addition to appointed members, 1 faculty is elected to serve a 3 year term. The faculty member filling this position preferably will have

an interest in Early Childhood Development and Grant writing experience would be a plus. Retiring members may run for re-election.

Meetings: meets the first Tuesday of every month at 3:30pm


Tiffany Roman (UCBA)

Governance Standing Committee Report 2013-2014: No Report Human Relations Standing Committee Report 2013-2014: No Report Information Technology Standing Committee Report 2013-2014:

Heard from CIO Nelson Vincent on the state of IT @ UC, Mark Faulkner, Sr. Associate Vice President, on UCIT-Innovation and Partnerships, UC Library on the development of UC’s Digital Repository initiative, and Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo, the assistant director of CETL, on the new Blackboard trial, rollout, and training as UC’s new eLearning eco-system, Canopy. No recommendations for follow up next academic year.

Planning Committee Standing Committee Report 2013-2014: No Report Research and Scholarship Standing Committee Report 2013-2014: We had the first meeting on Dec 12, 2013. We introduced each other, and learned about our Committee charges given by Chair. (Note: Professor Richard Miller was the Chair at that time. Currently Professor Adrianne Lane is the Chair.). There are two charges: UC Travel requirements during the academic year (per Ohio Ethic Law), and UC Research compliance requirements for faculty. We started to collect questions and concerns from faculty members in different Colleges, and compiled a list of questions. It is going to submit it for University General Council consideration and response. Later, we invited Mrs. Christine Ackerman, Director of Internal Audit, to share and discuss about University

Page 13: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

compliance policies. We had discussed many current compliance policies related to research and scholarly activities. Because Mrs. Ackerman is expert on financial/workload related compliance policies, the committee plan to meet with one or more administrators who can share what they expect faculty to know about regulatory issues and what training is already available about research related compliance such as HIPAA, Ohio Ethnic Law, export control, etc. With more future meetings, the committee will be able to determine if the available training is appropriate and

just under-utilized or if new/better training is required. Since there are many compliance policies that may

impact on research & scholarship activities, we research faculty may need to learn more about them such as

Ohio Ethnic Law, Export control, HIPAA, etc.

Report and Recommendations of the Budget and Priorities Committee (Passed by The University of Cincinnati Faculty Senate --- 10 April 2014)

In performance of its duties to its charge by the UC Faculty Senate, the Budget and Priorities Standing Committee

(“the Committee”) has invited presentations from selected members of the UC administration, and reviewed its

past, current and prospective priorities. Below are summarized the mission of the University of Cincinnati, the

Committee charge, priorities of the Third Century initiative, and major fiscal commitments that UC has made

during FY 13-14 that impact its central missions in education, research and clinical care. This report concludes

with recommendations of the Committee.

The mission of the University of Cincinnati:

"The mission of the University of Cincinnati is our written statement of our core purpose. The University of

Cincinnati serves the people of Ohio, the nation, and the world as a premier, public, urban research university

dedicated to undergraduate, graduate, and professional education, experience-based learning, and research. We

are committed to excellence and diversity in our students, faculty, staff, and all of our activities. We provide an

inclusive environment where innovation and freedom of intellectual inquiry flourish. Through scholarship,

service, partnerships, and leadership, we create opportunity, develop educated and engaged citizens, enhance

the economy and enrich our University, city, state and global community."

The Committee charge:

“There shall be a standing committee known as the budget and priorities committee. It shall have seven

members elected by the faculty senate, serving two-year staggered terms. The chairperson of the university

Page 14: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

faculty shall annually appoint an individual who is both a member of the committee and a member of the faculty

senate to serve as the chairperson of this committee. The committee on committees shall nominate, when

feasible, two persons for every vacancy of the committee. The budget and priorities committee shall examine

financial matters of the university and recommend to the faculty senate ordering of priorities for new funds and

for reallocation of present resources, including specific dollar amounts. As feasible, the committee shall also

suggest possible sources for new funding. One or more of its members may serve as faculty senate representative

and liaison to all university committees responsible for budgets and priorities.”

During FY14, the UC administration has outlined the Third Century initiative (www.uc.edu/thirdcentury) that

includes five key areas:

1. Investing in faculty and staff. (e.g., Cluster hires of prominent faculty)

2. Leveraging research. (Three tracks: A (STEM), B (Humanities & arts), C (Tech transfer and commercialization)

3. Reimagining the student experience. (e.g., Scholarships and Fellowships, experiential learning, and cultural


4. Excelling in e-learning. (e.g., Focused faculty development, and distance learning infrastructure)

5. Building the resource base. (Fund raising partnerships, largely through the UC Foundation)

At the time of this Statement of Recommendations, the objectives of Third Century initiative are nearly finalized.

During its meetings and deliberations, the Committee has identified the following priorities for review:

1. Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure:

a. Hiring of full-time faculty in the qualified and unqualified tracks

b. Impacts of shifting the fiscal obligation for salaries to colleges and the corresponding willingness or

reluctance of deans to promote faculty.

2. Impacts and jurisdiction of Performance Based Budgeting (PBB):

a. Influence on academic unit size.

b. Extension to the department level.

c. Consideration of research and teaching quality assessments.

Page 15: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

d. Inclusion of the Athletics Department under PBB.

3. Fiscal impacts of the Athletics Department (AD) on UC's central missions:

a. Growth rate of the AD budget and fiscal deficit.

b. Increased student costs.

c. UC obligations for AD capital construction (e.g., Nippert expansion).

d. Costs associated with commitments for replacement or retention of the Athletic Director and certain

athletics coaches.

4. Assignment of priorities for new funds and reallocation of present resources.

In reference to priority #4, several fiscal commitments have been made by the UC administration that impact

resources available currently for the academic mission. Together, these commitments total more than $145

million, excluding numerous projects for facilities maintenance and renovation of buildings, parking structures

and other facilities. Of these commitments, the Student Information System serves directly the student body,

facilitates learning and telecommunications, and has finite costs. In contrast, while a medical campus in

Chongqing, China may ultimately lead to increased enrollments of highly qualified students, the long-term plans

and budgets (operational and capital) have not been made available within the university community for review

and comment. Contributions to Cintrifuse may serve to stimulate economic development of small companies in

the business community, but these high risk investments have no assurance of delivering any measureable

benefits to UC. During the past 2 years, UC made commitments for recruitments of a new football coach and an

athletic director, and sold bonds for the expansion of Nippert Stadium. Concurrent with these substantial fiscal

commitments, the UC faculty and staff have sustained repeated years of salary stagnation, have faced the

prospect of a significant reductions in healthcare benefits, and faculty in the American Association of University

Professors (AAUP) served without a contract from Sep 2013 - Mar 2014.

With service to the stated mission of the university as a first priority, the Committee provides the following

recommendations to the Faculty Senate:

1. Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure:

Page 16: Faculty Senate Committee Report (2010-11) · Faculty Senate support the plan. FSAAC reviewed a proposal from the Best Practices in Distance Education and Online Teaching Task Force

a. Provide greater fiscal support for a broad base of tenure-track faculty hiring. New academic

programs should have as broad a base of tenure-track faculty participants as possible.

b. Evaluate the impacts of shifting the responsibility for salary increases at the college level on the

discouragement of deans from promotion and tenure of faculty. If so, provide resources for deans to

keep faculty salaries in parity with inflation, and to reward high performers with promotions and merit


2. Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) should:

a. Be uniformly applied to, and include assessments appropriate for academics, administration and

athletics. Budgets of these areas should have comparable incentives for outstanding performance, and

requirements to remain within budget constraints.

b. Be evaluated in the context of the size of the academic unit. Smaller academic units should not be

subject to fiscal disparity.

c. Be extended to the department level to allow for evaluation of fiscal practices, resource utilization, and

quality of research and teaching among academic departments, in addition to colleges.

d. Include assessments appropriate for academics, administration and athletics.

3. Initiatives that propose multi-year commitments of more than 1% of the annual university budget should be

evaluated for consistency with the central missions of the university. Proposals of such magnitude should be

submitted for broad-based review and comment to a cross-section of the university community, including the

constituencies from among the three areas of academics, administration and athletics before presentation to

the UC Board of Trustees for approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Adrianne Lane, EdD, RN, CNE; UC College of Nursing (Chair)

Steven Boyce, PhD; UC Colleges of Medicine, and Engineering and Applied Science

Chia-Chi Ho, PhD; UC College of Engineering and Applied Science

Anastasios Ioannides; PhD; UC College of Engineering and Applied Science

Kent Lutz, MBA; UC Blue Ash College

Hazem Said, PhD; UC College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services