Faculty of Econ. & Business - Univ. of Alicante - International Policy

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A description (June, 2010) of the internationalisation policy at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Alicante, Spain

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2. The Faculty An overview 3,610 Degrees in Business Administration6,320 613 Degree in Economics 1,058 Degree in Publicity students 293 Degree in Sociology 746 Degree in Social Work University: 26,040 Applied Economic Analysis; Communication and Social Psicology; Economic Policy and 9 Applied Economics; Economic Analysis Departments Fundamentals; Finance, Accounting and Marketing; Management; Social Work and Social Services; Sociology I; Sociology II 3. Faculty of Economics and Business - Structure Dean (Prof. Juan Llopis) Degrees Associate Deans General Associate Deans Economics 1 International Relations andMobility (JM Casado - Daz) Business Publicity 1 Internships Sociology 1 Secretary Social WorkCoordinators 1 International Relations and Mobility (Consuelo Daz) Other: Infrastructure, Postgraduate Studies, Teaching Innovation 4. Our international dimension Student exchanges Europe: LLP-Erasmus US: SMEEE program China University of Alicante (UA) exchange program with non-European universities Exchanges with other Spanish universitiesCourses in English Regular courses (Degree in Business Administration) International Business Programme Summer Business Program (with University of Missouri-Columbia, US)International internships Very limited (but growing) experience at Faculty level (a different Associate Deanship is in charge). More experience at University level (a central office deals with Erasmus-internships and Leonardo, among other programs)Research internationalisation The Departments are in charge of research issuesCommunication Policy 5. Students exchange 1. Europe: LLP-Erasmus 2. United States 3. China 4. UA non-European program of student exchanges 5. With other Spanish Universities (SICUE program) 6. 1. Students exchange- Lifelong Learning Program (LLP)-Erasmus ERASMUS seeks to enhance the quality and reinforce the European dimension of higher education by encouraging transnational cooperation between universities, boosting European mobility and improving the transparency and full academic recognition of studies and qualifications throughout the Union. ERASMUS: 27 Member States of the European Union, the three countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), and Turkey. 7. 1. Students exchange- LLP Erasmus The University of Alicante (UA) signs vis--vis agreements with other European Universities stating (a) field of exchange and (b) number of students (c) eventually Teaching Staff mobility is also included. UA selected exchange students pay their fees here and study abroad for half/whole year. Students receive a scholarship funded by the EU+UA+private sponsors+(eventually) locality of residence (circa 400 per month) Before leaving both the student and the Faculty sign a LEARNING AGREEMENT which contains the list of (a) modules to be followed at host university (b) UA modules that will be recognised in exchange when they return The learning agreement also includes the signature of approval from host university 8. 1. Students exchange- LLP Erasmus 2008/92009/10 2010/11 97 outgoing 132 200(of which 27 outgoing (ofUK, 15which 27 UK, 18outgoingNetherlands,Netherlands, 1613 Ireland, 11Finland, 14 Italy, 30011 Ireland)Sweden) 296 incoming 291 incomingincoming(est.) 9. 1. Students exchange- LLP Erasmus OUTGOING STUDENTS The Faculty (Associate Deanship for International Relations and Mobility) mainly ACADEMIC ISSUES: Promotes the program among Faculty members Proposes the list of partner institutions (multiple-year agreements): currently we operate with circa 150 partner institutions Selects the students (ranked by marks; but considering specific-language requisites). All have a minimum level B1(proved through external certifications, a UA specific test or by attendance to specific language courses) Assists the student in choosing the modules to be attended at host university, and approves the LEARNING AGREEMENT Makes the conversion (credits and marks) when they return 10. 1. Students exchange- LLP Erasmus OUTGOING STUDENTS The central office (Secretariado de Programas Internacionales y Movilidad) mainly ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES Deals with formal procedures associated with the signature and following-up of exchange agreements. Makes sure that all candidates meet foreign language requirements (organises tests and language courses) Communicates the list of exchange students to partners (who send them the application forms directly or through that office) Deals with financial issues Other administrative steps 11. 1. Students exchange- LLP Erasmus INCOMING STUDENTS The Faculty (Associate Deanship for International Relations and Mobility) mainly ACADEMIC ISSUES: Assists the student in choosing the modules to be attended at our University, and approves (signs) the LEARNING AGREEMENT 12. 1. Students exchange- LLP Erasmus INCOMING STUDENTS The central office (Secretariado de Programas Internacionales y Movilidad) mainly ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES Deals with formal procedures associated with the signature and following-up of exchange agreements. Receives the list of incoming students from partner institutions and deals with formal registration at the University of Alicante Co-ordinates Spanish courses for incoming students Other administrative steps 13. 2. Students exchange US (SMEEE) Project funded by the European Union and the Government of the US through the Atlantis program: SMEEE: Consortium for Small and Medium-size Enterprises and Entrepreneurship Education (Oct. 2008-Sept 2012). LINK This project is a follow-up of our very successful SMEEE consortium that was originally funded in 2003 under the EU- US Mobility Program Both programs personally leaded by the Dean, Prof. Juan Llopis (Management) 3 US partners (Appalachian, Clemson and North Florida)+ 3 EU partners (Alicante, Liege and Bamber) exchange students (US towards EU and vice versa). The Faculty sends students equivalent to 16 semesters 14. 2. Students exchange US (SMEEE) OUTGOING STUDENTS The Faculty (Associate Deanship for International Relations and Mobility): Promotes the program among Faculty members Selects the students (ranked by marks; considering specific- language requisites; personal interview). Assists the student in choosing the modules to be attended at host university, and approves the LEARNING AGREEMENT (at least one module on entrepreneurship is mandatory) Makes the conversion (credits and marks) when they return Deals with administrative issues related with funding and other 15. 2. Students exchange US (SMEEE) INCOMING STUDENTS The Faculty (Associate Deanship for International Relations and Mobility) mainly ACADEMIC ISSUES: Assists the student in choosing the modules to be attended at our University, and approves (signs) the LEARNING AGREEMENT The central office (Secretariado de Programas Internacionales y Movilidad) mainly ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES including registration 16. 3. Students exchange - China Faculty promoted specific bilateral agreements signed in 2008 with the Shanghai International Studies University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies with the support of UA Center for Western Asia Studies (CEO). 4 students each side per year (2 UA-Shanghai + 2 UA- Guandong) Funded by the Faculty with own financial resources transferred from UA budget Selection of outgoing students by the Faculty (average marks, English and Chinese skills, personal interview) Rest of procedures as in Erasmus (with the support of CEO) 17. 4. UA non-European program of student exchanges Bilateral agreements signed at University level (mainly US, Canada, Mxico, Chile, Australia) Open to all UA students. The Faculty exchanges circa 15 students per year Students selected by central office (ranked by degree- corrected average mark) Funded by the UA in partnership with private sponsors Scholarships distributed accordingly to Faculty size in terms of full-time students (e.g. our size is circa UA therefore our selected students receive circa of total budget distributed in individual scholarships). Some students are exchanged without financial support other than fees exemption at host university once they are paid in Alicante Rest of procedures as in Erasmus 18. 5. Non-international student exchanges: With other Spanish universities (SICUE) Bilateral agreements signed at Faculty level stating (a) field of studies and (b) number of students exchanged 2010/2011: 50 outgoing students Scholarships funded by the Spanish Department of Education (SENECA program) Somestudents are exchanged without financial support other than fees exemption at host university once they are paid in Alicante Rest of procedures as in Erasmus 19. Programs in English 1. Regular courses (Degree in Business Administration) 2. International Business Programme (IBP) 3. Summer Business Program (SBP) with University ofMissouri-Columbia (US) 20. 1. Regular courses in English (Degree in Business Administration) All incoming (and UA) students can participate (no fees apply to exchange students) 2010/2011 Introduction to Macroeconomics Introduction to Microeconomics Introduction to Econometrics Mathematics I Mathematics II International Economics The choice will increase progressively (rest of modules in Spanish; also the above-listed can alternatively be followed in Spanish) 21. 2. International Business Programme (IBP) Established at Faculty level in 2005/2006. The choice of modules progressively increased. In 2010/2011: 11 courses per semester. All courses approved by CECLEC (a UA central office which assess, approves and assigns credits). Each course: 5 ECTS credits. Open to UA students (options within their curriculum), visiting students and exchange students. Fees apply to all students (this program works on a self- funded basis): 150 per course Program totally managed at Faculty level. Each year a call is made to the Departments, who offer courses and lecturers. The Faculty selects and assess quality. A course is offered the following year depending on previous-year recruitment and students assessment. 22. 2. International Business Programme (IBP) 2007/8 2008/92009/10 392 course 520 course 619 courseregistrations registrations registrations 23. 2. International Business Programme (IBP) 24. 2. International Business Programme (IBP) 25. 3. Summer Business Program A joint program organised by the Faculty in partnership with University of Missouri-Columbia since 2004/2005. From 2006/2007 with the administrative support of UA Rafael Altamira Summer University. A summer program taught during 3 weeks in July (12-30 July 2010) 60 contact hours 80 students per year (of which 40 US students) Two modules, one offered by the University of Missouri-Columbia and one offered by the University of Alicante. Each module comprises two courses; students participating in the program must attend one course of each module. Courses 2010: Current Issues in Marketing (Missouri) Topics in International Business (Missouri) Business Consulting (UA) Marketing Applications Tourism and Pan-European Marketing and Brand Management (UA) 26. 3. Summer Business Program 27. Communication Policy With partner institutions With incoming studentsWith outgoing students 28. Website 29. Blog 30. Facebook 31. Twitter 32. Thank you