Fact Sheet December 14, 2011 SCIP – Ogumaniha: Water, sanitation, and hygiene Alfredo E. Vergara PhD 1 Lara M.E. Vaz PhD 12 azaro Gonzales Calvo PhD 2 Jeff Weiser MS 2 Meridith Blevins MS 1 This publication was made possible through support provided by the Agency for International Development Mozambique, under the terms of Award No. 656-A-00-09-00141-6 to World Vision Inc. and by Vanderbilt University through the endowment of the Amos Christie Chair in Global Health. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development or World Vision. 1 Vanderbilt University Institute for Global Health. 2 Friends in Global Health.

Fact Sheet - VUMC

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Page 1: Fact Sheet - VUMC

Fact SheetDecember 14, 2011

SCIP – Ogumaniha:

Water, sanitation, and hygiene

Alfredo E. Vergara PhD1

Lara M.E. Vaz PhD12

Lazaro Gonzales Calvo PhD2

Jeff Weiser MS2

Meridith Blevins MS1

This publication was made possible through support provided by the Agency for International DevelopmentMozambique, under the terms of Award No. 656-A-00-09-00141-6 to World Vision Inc. and by VanderbiltUniversity through the endowment of the Amos Christie Chair in Global Health. The opinions expressedin this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agencyfor International Development or World Vision.

1Vanderbilt University Institute for Global Health. 2Friends in Global Health.

Page 2: Fact Sheet - VUMC

Table 1: Household uses safe water source(s)d

No Yes(n=781) (n=2968)

Household sizea (n=3749) 5 (3 – 6) 5 (3 – 6)Children under 5 (n=3749) 1 (1 – 2) 1 (1 – 2)Age of respondent (n=3210) 29 (22 – 35) 29 (23 – 37)

Marital Statusb (n=3748)Single 19.6% (13.1, 26.2) 16.8% (13.3, 20.3)Married/Common Law 74.5% (67.7, 81.3) 73.8% (70.4, 77.3)Widowed 3.6% (0.1, 7.2) 5.1% (3.1, 7.2)Divorced/Separated 2.2% (0.8, 3.6) 4.2% (2.0, 6.5)

Length of residency (years) (n=3649) 6 (3 – 15) 5 (3 – 10)Urban/rural (n=3749)

Rural 78.5% (63.3, 93.7) 80.9% (65.9, 95.8)Urban 21.5% (6.3, 36.7) 19.1% (4.2, 34.1)

Religion (n=3434)Catholic 52.5% (44.5, 60.6) 42.1% (35.3, 48.9)Protestant 12.0% (6.5, 17.6) 15.7% (10.5, 20.9)Evangelical and Pentecostal 16.3% (9.6, 22.9) 16.6% (11.2, 22.1)Other Christianc 2.8% (0.8, 4.8) 4.8% (1.6, 7.9)Muslim 3.3% (0.7, 5.9) 10.4% (6.1, 14.7)Non Christian Eastern 3.1% (0.9, 5.3) 2.4% (1.1, 3.6)Otherc 10.0% (6.4, 13.6) 8.1% (4.8, 11.3)

Education (n=3749) 2 (0 – 4) 1 (0 – 4)Primary language of household (n=3738)

Cinyanja 2.7% (0.1, 5.4) 18.5% (7.6, 29.4)Cisena 11.3% (3.2, 19.3) 12.8% (6.4, 19.3)Echuabo 13.2% (6.3, 20.2) 26.7% (16.5, 37.0)Elomwe 65.4% (52.6, 78.1) 32.8% (22.0, 43.7)Emakhuwa 0.0% (0.0, 0.1) 0.7% (0.0, 1.5)Portuguese 7.4% (1.9, 12.8) 8.4% (1.9, 15.0)

Respondent understands Portuguese (n=3746) 48.6% (39.2, 58.0) 36.4% (29.7, 43.0)Distance of EA from health facility (km)a (n=3723) 7.8 (3.6 – 11.1) 6.4 (3.2 – 10.1)

Monthly household incomeb (n=3454)No income 24.1% (15.6, 32.6) 35.7% (29.3, 42.2)Up to Mts 200 23.3% (15.8, 30.7) 18.3% (14.8, 21.7)Mts 200–400 14.8% (8.7, 20.8) 12.2% (8.8, 15.6)Mts 400–600 12.5% (7.6, 17.4) 8.3% (6.0, 10.7)Mts 600–800 5.8% (2.7, 9.0) 3.9% (2.5, 5.3)Mts 800–1000 9.0% (5.1, 12.9) 5.0% (2.8, 7.3)Mts 1000–1500 4.9% (0.7, 9.2) 6.4% (3.4, 9.4)Mts 1500–4000 5.0% (1.5, 8.6) 8.4% (4.0, 12.8)More than Mts 4000 0.5% (0.0, 1.2) 1.8% (0.6, 2.9)

Household member has a farm (n=3687) 93.5% (90.4, 96.7) 91.2% (87.8, 94.6)Sometimes sell crops (n=3286) 58.7% (50.8, 66.6) 57.4% (49.4, 65.3)Ever sold livestock (n=3745) 17.8% (11.4, 24.2) 18.1% (14.2, 22.0)Household member owns bicycle (n=3732) 40.6% (33.2, 48.0) 43.9% (39.6, 48.2)Owns chicken(s) (n=3749) 42.7% (32.5, 52.9) 45.5% (38.4, 52.5)Household uses latrine (n=3691) 36.8% (25.9, 47.6) 36.0% (26.2, 45.8)Empowerment (score) (n=3654) 50 (37.5 – 58.3) 47.4 (33.3 – 50)Gender equality (score) (n=3725) 77.8 (62.4 – 96.5) 80 (66.7 – 93.3)a Continuous variables are reported as weighted estimates of median (interquartile range), with each

observation being weighted by the inverse of the household sampling probability.b Categorical variables are reported as weighted percentages, with each observation being weighted by

the inverse of the household sampling probability. The 95% confidence intervals include precisionestimates that incorporate the effects of stratification and clustering.

c ‘Other Christian’ includes LDS Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness. ‘Other’ includes Spiritual, Tradi-tional Religions, and Agnostic or Atheist.

d Safe water sources include public/private faucet, well (poco), or bottled water.


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Table 2: Household uses a latrine

No Yes(n=2696) (n=995)

Household sizea (n=3691) 4 (3 – 6) 5 (4 – 7)Children under 5 (n=3691) 1 (1 – 2) 1 (1 – 2)Age of respondent (n=3155) 29 (23 – 36) 29 (23 – 37)

Marital Statusb (n=3690)Single 16.1% (12.9, 19.3) 19.8% (13.6, 26.0)Married/Common Law 75.1% (71.5, 78.8) 71.5% (66.1, 76.8)Widowed 5.0% (2.8, 7.2) 4.7% (0.0, 9.4)Divorced/Separated 3.7% (2.2, 5.3) 4.1% (1.1, 7.0)

Length of residency (years) (n=3591) 5 (3 – 10) 6 (3 – 12)Urban/rural (n=3691)

Rural 90.4% (83.7, 97.1) 63.6% (39.7, 87.6)Urban 9.6% (2.9, 16.3) 36.4% (12.4, 60.3)

Religion (n=3380)Catholic 46.4% (39.6, 53.3) 41.5% (34.4, 48.7)Protestant 16.4% (10.6, 22.2) 11.5% (7.2, 15.9)Evangelical and Pentecostal 13.2% (9.1, 17.3) 22.5% (15.6, 29.3)Other Christianc 2.8% (1.6, 4.0) 6.8% (0.6, 13.1)Muslim 10.1% (6.0, 14.3) 6.8% (2.4, 11.1)Non Christian Eastern 2.4% (1.0, 3.7) 2.6% (0.8, 4.3)Otherc 8.7% (5.5, 11.9) 8.3% (4.2, 12.3)

Education (n=3691) 0 (0 – 3) 3 (0 – 5)Primary language of household (n=3680)

Cinyanja 11.8% (4.1, 19.5) 20.6% (7.7, 33.4)Cisena 16.3% (8.9, 23.7) 5.7% (2.0, 9.5)Echuabo 29.9% (19.1, 40.7) 13.2% (5.8, 20.5)Elomwe 37.9% (26.6, 49.3) 43.4% (25.8, 61.1)Emakhuwa 0.8% (0.0, 1.9) 0.0% (0.0, 0.1)Portuguese 3.2% (1.3, 5.2) 17.1% (5.5, 28.6)

Respondent understands Portuguese (n=3688) 32.5% (26.8, 38.3) 49.9% (40.4, 59.5)Distance of EA from health facility (km)a (n=3666) 7.2 (4.3 – 10.6) 5.1 (1 – 9.4)

Monthly household incomeb (n=3433)No income 40.5% (33.7, 47.2) 21.2% (14.2, 28.3)Up to Mts 200 19.3% (15.3, 23.2) 19.6% (14.6, 24.6)Mts 200–400 15.2% (11.6, 18.8) 8.5% (4.5, 12.6)Mts 400–600 7.9% (5.3, 10.5) 11.1% (7.9, 14.2)Mts 600–800 3.7% (2.3, 5.2) 5.3% (2.4, 8.3)Mts 800–1000 5.4% (2.4, 8.3) 6.8% (2.4, 11.2)Mts 1000–1500 3.5% (1.7, 5.3) 10.6% (5.7, 15.4)Mts 1500–4000 4.1% (1.8, 6.5) 13.6% (6.4, 20.9)More than Mts 4000 0.4% (0.0, 0.9) 3.3% (1.4, 5.2)

Household member has a farm (n=3667) 93.4% (91.2, 95.7) 88.6% (83.9, 93.2)Sometimes sell crops (n=3272) 56.6% (49.9, 63.3) 60.0% (47.1, 72.9)Ever sold livestock (n=3687) 19.0% (14.6, 23.4) 17.0% (12.0, 22.0)Household member owns bicycle (n=3677) 36.5% (31.8, 41.3) 55.0% (47.8, 62.3)Owns chicken(s) (n=3691) 46.0% (39.4, 52.5) 44.9% (34.2, 55.7)Household uses latrine (n=3691) 0.0% (0.0, 0.0) 100.0% (100.0, 100.0)Empowerment (score) (n=3644) 41.7 (33.3 – 50) 50 (33.3 – 58.3)Gender equality (score) (n=3667) 77.8 (66.7 – 93.3) 80 (63.3 – 93.3)a Continuous variables are reported as weighted estimates of median (interquartile range), with each

observation being weighted by the inverse of the household sampling probability.b Categorical variables are reported as weighted percentages, with each observation being weighted by the

inverse of the household sampling probability. The 95% confidence intervals include precision estimatesthat incorporate the effects of stratification and clustering.

c ‘Other Christian’ includes LDS Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness. ‘Other’ includes Spiritual, TraditionalReligions, and Agnostic or Atheist.


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Table 3: Household treats drinking water

No Yes(n=3335) (n=365)

Household sizea (n=3700) 5 (3 – 6) 5 (4 – 7)Children under 5 (n=3700) 1 (1 – 2) 1 (1 – 2)Age of respondent (n=3162) 29 (23 – 37) 26 (23 – 35)

Marital Statusb (n=3699)Single 18.9% (15.7, 22.1) 7.7% (1.6, 13.7)Married/Common Law 73.0% (69.4, 76.6) 80.1% (71.3, 88.9)Widowed 4.7% (2.8, 6.5) 6.0% (0.0, 12.3)Divorced/Separated 3.4% (2.3, 4.5) 6.2% (0.0, 12.5)

Length of residency (years) (n=3600) 5 (3 – 12) 5 (3 – 10.2)Urban/rural (n=3700)

Rural 84.6% (74.8, 94.5) 56.1% (22.1, 90.1)Urban 15.4% (5.5, 25.2) 43.9% (9.9, 77.9)

Religion (n=3391)Catholic 44.0% (37.4, 50.6) 46.9% (36.3, 57.5)Protestant 15.7% (10.1, 21.3) 10.7% (4.9, 16.5)Evangelical and Pentecostal 16.5% (11.2, 21.9) 16.8% (9.8, 23.7)Other Christianc 3.2% (1.9, 4.5) 10.9% (2.0, 19.8)Muslim 9.0% (5.1, 12.8) 8.1% (1.4, 14.8)Non Christian Eastern 2.5% (1.2, 3.8) 1.9% (0.0, 4.4)Otherc 9.1% (6.0, 12.2) 4.8% (0.6, 9.0)

Education (n=3700) 1 (0 – 4) 4 (1 – 7)Primary language of household (n=3689)

Cinyanja 14.1% (5.3, 22.8) 22.2% (4.5, 39.8)Cisena 13.6% (7.5, 19.7) 6.8% (0.0, 14.2)Echuabo 24.9% (15.7, 34.1) 16.4% (4.1, 28.7)Elomwe 42.4% (31.2, 53.5) 25.4% (7.9, 42.8)Emakhuwa 0.4% (0.0, 1.1) 1.3% (0.0, 3.6)Portuguese 4.7% (1.5, 7.8) 28.0% (13.4, 42.7)

Respondent understands Portuguese (n=3697) 34.1% (28.5, 39.7) 65.5% (57.3, 73.7)Distance of EA from health facility (km)a (n=3675) 7.2 (4 – 10.4) 3.6 (0.6 – 9.3)

Monthly household incomeb (n=3428)No income 36.1% (29.8, 42.3) 16.0% (8.9, 23.1)Up to Mts 200 20.4% (16.8, 24.1) 12.5% (2.9, 22.1)Mts 200–400 13.7% (10.6, 16.7) 7.7% (1.5, 13.9)Mts 400–600 8.3% (5.9, 10.6) 15.1% (10.6, 19.6)Mts 600–800 4.1% (2.8, 5.5) 5.3% (0.3, 10.3)Mts 800–1000 6.2% (3.7, 8.8) 4.0% (0.0, 8.2)Mts 1000–1500 5.0% (2.8, 7.2) 12.9% (4.0, 21.8)Mts 1500–4000 5.4% (3.4, 7.3) 21.1% (9.8, 32.3)More than Mts 4000 0.8% (0.3, 1.4) 5.5% (2.1, 8.9)

Household member has a farm (n=3662) 92.2% (89.1, 95.3) 88.5% (81.1, 95.9)Sometimes sell crops (n=3268) 59.7% (53.5, 66.0) 45.9% (27.2, 64.5)Ever sold livestock (n=3696) 17.9% (13.9, 21.9) 20.3% (14.3, 26.3)Household member owns bicycle (n=3685) 41.4% (36.7, 46.0) 55.7% (45.8, 65.5)Owns chicken(s) (n=3700) 46.1% (39.7, 52.4) 42.3% (29.8, 54.8)Household uses latrine (n=3663) 32.1% (26.1, 38.1) 59.9% (34.9, 84.9)Empowerment (score) (n=3625) 50 (33.3 – 50) 50 (41.7 – 58.3)Gender equality (score) (n=3676) 77.8 (63.3 – 93.3) 85.2 (73.3 – 96.1)a Continuous variables are reported as weighted estimates of median (interquartile range), with each

observation being weighted by the inverse of the household sampling probability.b Categorical variables are reported as weighted percentages, with each observation being weighted by

the inverse of the household sampling probability. The 95% confidence intervals include precisionestimates that incorporate the effects of stratification and clustering.

c ‘Other Christian’ includes LDS Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness. ‘Other’ includes Spiritual, Tradi-tional Religions, and Agnostic or Atheist.


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Table 4: Head of household washed hands yesterday

No Yes(n=292) (n=3412)

Household sizea (n=3704) 4 (3 – 6) 5 (3 – 6)Children under 5 (n=3704) 1 (0 – 2) 1 (1 – 2)Age of respondent (n=3168) 32 (24 – 42) 29 (23 – 36)

Marital Statusb (n=3703)Single 34.8% (22.3, 47.3) 16.4% (13.3, 19.6)Married/Common Law 61.0% (49.1, 73.0) 74.6% (71.3, 78.0)Widowed 2.8% (0.0, 5.7) 5.0% (2.8, 7.2)Divorced/Separated 1.4% (0.4, 2.3) 4.0% (2.0, 5.9)

Length of residency (years) (n=3605) 7 (3 – 24) 5 (3 – 11)Urban/rural (n=3704)

Rural 83.5% (67.6, 99.5) 80.2% (66.1, 94.2)Urban 16.5% (0.5, 32.4) 19.8% (5.8, 33.9)

Religion (n=3394)Catholic 46.8% (29.0, 64.7) 44.3% (37.9, 50.7)Protestant 14.1% (5.4, 22.7) 14.9% (9.9, 20.0)Evangelical and Pentecostal 15.3% (5.1, 25.5) 16.6% (11.6, 21.6)Other Christianc 3.2% (0.3, 6.1) 4.5% (1.7, 7.2)Muslim 7.6% (1.6, 13.5) 8.9% (5.2, 12.6)Non Christian Eastern 0.4% (0.0, 0.8) 2.5% (1.4, 3.6)Otherc 12.7% (4.2, 21.2) 8.3% (5.3, 11.4)

Education (n=3704) 0 (0 – 3) 2 (0 – 4)Primary language of household (n=3693)

Cinyanja 7.2% (0.0, 14.7) 15.6% (6.2, 25.1)Cisena 19.6% (8.1, 31.1) 12.2% (6.2, 18.2)Echuabo 19.5% (6.3, 32.7) 23.9% (14.6, 33.2)Elomwe 52.2% (36.7, 67.8) 39.2% (27.6, 50.7)Emakhuwa 0.0% (0.0, 0.0) 0.6% (0.0, 1.3)Portuguese 1.5% (0.0, 4.2) 8.5% (2.2, 14.9)

Respondent understands Portuguese (n=3701) 27.4% (19.2, 35.6) 39.6% (32.8, 46.3)Distance of EA from health facility (km)a (n=3678) 8.9 (5.9 – 12.4) 6.6 (3.3 – 10.3)

Monthly household incomeb (n=3430)No income 48.5% (33.4, 63.5) 32.5% (26.3, 38.7)Up to Mts 200 9.3% (2.4, 16.2) 19.7% (16.2, 23.1)Mts 200–400 15.8% (7.2, 24.5) 12.6% (9.5, 15.8)Mts 400–600 9.9% (0.0, 20.4) 9.2% (7.0, 11.4)Mts 600–800 5.6% (0.0, 13.3) 4.3% (2.8, 5.7)Mts 800–1000 4.1% (0.0, 10.6) 6.0% (3.6, 8.4)Mts 1000–1500 0.8% (0.1, 1.5) 6.4% (3.3, 9.4)Mts 1500–4000 2.8% (0.0, 6.3) 7.9% (4.1, 11.7)More than Mts 4000 3.2% (0.0, 6.9) 1.4% (0.5, 2.3)

Household member has a farm (n=3664) 90.4% (84.0, 96.7) 91.7% (88.6, 94.8)Sometimes sell crops (n=3267) 56.2% (38.7, 73.8) 57.9% (50.6, 65.2)Ever sold livestock (n=3700) 5.5% (1.7, 9.4) 18.9% (15.1, 22.7)Household member owns bicycle (n=3688) 34.5% (15.9, 53.1) 44.0% (39.5, 48.4)Owns chicken(s) (n=3704) 32.3% (18.4, 46.2) 46.0% (39.2, 52.9)Household uses latrine (n=3664) 28.3% (17.0, 39.6) 36.7% (27.4, 46.0)Empowerment (score) (n=3628) 33.3 (25 – 50) 50 (33.3 – 58.3)Gender equality (score) (n=3680) 71.9 (60 – 86.7) 80 (66.7 – 93.3)a Continuous variables are reported as weighted estimates of median (interquartile range), with each

observation being weighted by the inverse of the household sampling probability.b Categorical variables are reported as weighted percentages, with each observation being weighted by

the inverse of the household sampling probability. The 95% confidence intervals include precisionestimates that incorporate the effects of stratification and clustering.

c ‘Other Christian’ includes LDS Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness. ‘Other’ includes Spiritual, Tradi-tional Religions, and Agnostic or Atheist.


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Figure 1: Boxplots of Education for Key Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Indicators

No Yes



Safe water




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Use latrineE





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No Yes



Treats water





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No Yes



Washed hands








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The edges of the box are the first and third quartiles, with the median marked by the center line. Whiskers extendfrom the box 1.5×IQR (interquartile range; length of the box). Data outlying the whiskers are marked with points.

Actual values are overlayed to demonstrate the whole distribution.


Page 7: Fact Sheet - VUMC

Figure 2: Barplots of Portuguese Understanding for Key Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Indicators

No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes



ent u



ds P



e (%









Safe water Use latrine Treats water Washed hands


Page 8: Fact Sheet - VUMC

Figure 3: Boxplots for Distance of EA from health facility (km) for Key Water, Sanitation, and HygieneIndicators

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No Yes



Safe water



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om H


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No Yes



Use latrine



e fr

om H


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The edges of the box are the first and third quartiles, with the median marked by the center line. Whiskers extendfrom the box 1.5×IQR (interquartile range; length of the box). Data outlying the whiskers are marked with points.

Actual values are overlayed to demonstrate the whole distribution.