Fact Sheet: Homeland Security

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  • 8/9/2019 Fact Sheet: Homeland Security


    Fact Sheet:

    Homeland Security Risks of Lock Closure


    In an attempt to prevent the potential migration Asian carp into the GreatLakes, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and federal Asian Carp WorkingGroup are considering the feasibility of shutting down transportation alongthe Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS). Though many are callingattention to the drastic economic effects long term, and even temporaryclosures hold for the region, a substantial homeland security and public

    safety threat also accompanies this decision.

    Under normal operating procedures, the locks provide emergencyresponders with free, unimpeded access between the rivers and lakes of theChicago Area Waterway System and Lake Michigan. Shutting down thisconnection would disrupt such access, and likely require the reallocation ofemergency resources. Simultaneously, potential threats on the waterwaysand off greatly increase. Miles of backed up barges carrying chemicals andother hazardous materials pose a serious security threat, and hazardous

    chemicals and other potentially hazardous materials may be transported lesssafely by rail or truck.

    The Facts:

    Intermittent closure of the locks on the CAWS would mean barges fullof hazardous materials backed upon the Illinois River, waiting to getthrough the locks. Leaving these materials, traditionally stored insecure holding facilities, on the river poses a significant risk to nationalsecurity and the safety of the communities around the locks.

    The low accident rate for barges makes waterway transportation by farthe safest method for transporting hazardous materials. Watertransport has the fewest numbers of incidents, fatalities, and injuriesof any surface mode. (US Department of Transportation) hazardousmaterials through communities whose first responders may not beadequately trained to deal with such spills poses a serious safetythreat.

  • 8/9/2019 Fact Sheet: Homeland Security


    In order for Illinois and Indiana Fire and Police Departments to

    maintain their vital presence both on Lake Michigan and on the CAWS,infrastructure, equipment and personnel will have to be redeployedover time at additional costs to taxpayers.

    Paying to reallocate government services that rely on the river will add insult

    to injury, as the city, county, and state entities responsible for thoseexpenditures will already be facing significant losses in tax revenues due toreduced economic activity and lost property value on the shoreline. Someestimates anticipate $51 million in lost property values.(April 7, 2010, An Analysis of the Economic Effects of Terminating Operations at the Chicago River ControllingWorks and OBrien Locks on the Chicago Area Waterway

    Systemhttp://durbin.senate.gov/showRelease.cfm?releaseId=323778, Joseph P. Schwieterman, Ph.D.,DePaul University)

    A common sense, risk analysis suggests intermittent closure of the locks isunacceptable given the security risks. Furthermore, lock closure isunnecessary given that more than 30 alternatives exist to prevent Asian carpfrom further progressing, and no proof exists that current barriers have beenbreached.

    The Next Steps:

    Before lock closure is even considered, all alternative should be exhausted. Itsalso important that the public, and relevant agencies be informed of the risks

    involved with such drastic action. Alternatives to address the threat of Asian Carpexist in abundance, and lock closure should be the very last step on that long list.