FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2012 The right people in the right place

FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2012 · facilicom services group | annual report 2012 5 contents facilicom services group n.v. is officially a foreign company incorporated

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The right people in the right place

Page 2: FACILICOM SERVICES GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2012 · facilicom services group | annual report 2012 5 contents facilicom services group n.v. is officially a foreign company incorporated

Amounts x € 1,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Operating income 1,000,986 1,021,899 1,052,106 1,093,698 1,039,576

Operating expenses 954,572 975,820 1,005,899 1,055,617 1,019,888

Operating result 46,414 46,079 46,207 38,081 19,688

Financial result 2,553 1,234 1,067 1,426 1,571

Result before tax 48,967 47,313 47,274 39,507 21,259

Taxation 13,102 13,098 12,464 9,388 5,834

Net profit 34,638 33,299 33,885 29,008 14,649

Average number

of employees 30,135 29,782 30,051 31,350 30,343

Balance sheet total 353,146 406,712 419,833 441,901 457,275

Group equity 153,134 182,460 183,153 200,400 210,231

Shareholders’ equity

and subordinated loans 157,200 186,626 188,227 206,740 216,998

Operating capital 72,105 96,592 89,712 96,833 102,168

Current ratio 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4

Solvency as a % 43 45 44 45 46

as a %

of turnover








as a %

of turnover







3.3 %

as a %

of turnover








as a %

of turnover








as a %

of turnover









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









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2008 2009 2010 2011 2012












2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012







FRANCE x EUR 1,000

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012











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It has been some time since Facilicom just offered cleaning

services. An initial venture into security was undertaken in 1979;

seven years later, the company had become active in five different

sectors. The idea behind Facilicom was and remains to relieve

clients of as much of their concerns as possible by offering a com-

bination of general and technical services. The expansions in the

80s fit well with this aim. The new activities also provided a welcome

diversification; the company was consequently no longer exclusively

dependent on its cleaning business. A single central concept un-

derlay this business strategy: working together makes us stronger.

Working together was the prevailing topic at Facilicom in 2012 and

forms the connecting thread running through this annual report.

The economic crisis provided a good reason to re-establish the

central importance of this idea, which had once been a corner-

stone of the group. The recession has led to reduced business

activity with corresponding repercussions for our services. The

effect is further enhanced by the fact that clients are accelerating

their conversion to Flex Work, reducing the office space that they

require. This is worrisome, but Facilicom is not a company that

simply throws in the towel. By combining and integrating activities,

Facilicom is able to cut client costs while raising services to a

higher level. Collaborating with other divisions, clients and third

parties makes it possible for us to create progressively more adept

solutions that are very satisfying to clients, promote development

in the sector and enable Facilicom to provide increasingly more

added value. Since cross-selling is frequently the basis for com-

bining services, a great deal of attention was devoted to it in 2012.

The extent to which the divisions work together is also revealed

behind the scenes. Together, we are much better able to give sub-

stance to an important spear head for a people-friendly company

such as Facilicom: stimulation of the sustainable employability of

staff until their 67th birthday. Employees who are ready for a new

step or who are no longer able to continue in their current work,

will be given a new challenge or new suitable work in other

divisions. The divisions are also working more closely together to

improve CSR performances. They strengthen each other by

sharing knowledge and experiences in offering hostmanship. There

is also increasingly more collaboration with foreign subsidiaries.

All experiences accumulated together over the past decades also

constitute the foundation for a new pillar of the group: the care

activities division.

Never waste a good crisis, that is what economists say. Facilicom

has taken this expression to heart. The examples in this annual

report indicate that the company not only works strongly together

but is becoming stronger due to the collaboration.

Working together

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GENERAL REPORT 2012 17Working together: multiple divisions jointly offering a solution 17

Multi-services and hostmanship at VNG 18

Stronger focus on cross-selling 20

Cross-selling results in increased turnover 21

Joint tender for a PPP project 22

Working together: collaborating with a client to create a solution 23

Breijer increases the sustainability of the municipal monument 24

Best Practice Award for Gom ZorgSupport 26

Social return in Amsterdam 26

Working together: collaborating with third parties to implement

a solution 27

Prorest cleverly successful at ABN AMRO 28

Facilicom consortium builds Brede School 30

Collaboration between Breijer and Riksgebouwendienst 31

General and technical services for a hospital 31

Sharing knowledge also makes us stronger 32

A new building for RIVM and CBG 32

Working together: collaborating on a solid future 33

Care division: new pillar for Facilicom 34

A stronger proposition through hostmanship 36

Breijer takes a new step in an integral approach 37

Tapwacht now the largest coffee service organisation 38

One magazine for all of Facilicom 38

Trigion Safety Opleidingen increases strength 39

For decades strong in security and corporate investigations 40

Best idea for Facilicom 40

Working together: by means of substantial new contracts 41

Cleaning all the Pathé cinemas 42

Jointly achieving social return 44

Bavaria increasingly trusts Tapwacht 44

Integral services at UWV 44

Safe stations and safe trains 45

Phased renovation of Rotterdam University of Applied Science 45

Escorting passengers at Schiphol 46

Preferred supplier for Vinci Facilities 46

Security for the Belgian tax administration 47

Managing risks at Paris operas 47

SOCIAL AND CSR REPORT 2012 48Towards sustainable employability 50

The CSR policy of Facilicom 52

Systematic insight into CSR performances 52

Strengthened focus on internal mobility 53

People 53

Prorest active for sustainable food 54

Festive evening for 655 people celebrating

employment anniversaries 59

Breijer wins CSR prize 60

Planet 61

FFS "sustainable end user" 61

Prorest involves guests in Serious Request 63

Profit 64

No fattened chicken at Prorest 64

Economical driving stimulated and rewarded 65

Cycling for Doctors without Borders 67

FINANCIAL ANNUAL REPORT 2012 69Consolidated balance sheet 70

Consolidated profit and loss accounts 71

Consolidated cash flow statement 72

Notes to the annual accounts 73

Notes to the consolidated balance sheet 76

Notes to the consolidated profit and loss accounts 80

Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement 81

Company balance sheet 82

Company profit and loss accounts 83

Notes to the company balance sheet 84

Other information 85

Audit report by the independent accountant 87





T 20












T 20







RT 2


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6 M A N A G E M E N T B O A R D R E P O R T 2 0 1 2

The Group Management Board team (from left to right): J. (Jan) Lensveld, Group Director of Finance J.A. (Hans) Gennissen, Chairmanof the Board, G.C.A.H. (Geert) van de Laar, Group Director of Netherlands General and Technical Service Companies M.J.S. (Martine)Geurts, Vice-Chairwoman of the Board

The previous report by the management board mentioned the expectation that 2012 would be a difficult year. Unfortunately, this turned out to be true. Turnover declined for the first time in the history of Facilicom, and thisby 5% to € 1,040 million. The decrease occurred over nearly the entire line, and revealed that the contraction ongeneral and technical services markets is structural, encompassing all sub-markets. Profit fell to € 14.6 million(-49 percent). This was largely due to overhead costs being insufficiently adapted to reduced turnover, but therewere also incidental causes. For instance, our Belgian company displayed poor results during the integration ofthe acquired One Group and Breijer (construction and installation) suffered a loss on account of extremely lowmarket prices.

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’12Working together

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8 M A N A G E M E N T B O A R D R E P O R T 2 0 1 2

MARKET TRENDSThe recession is persistent. In the Netherlands, it was especially

consumer spending and company investment that continued to

shrink throughout 2012. Only exports demonstrated slight growth,

but provided insufficient compensation. To keep the estimated

deficit under 3 per cent, governments are also economising on

several fronts. This is not only occurring in the Netherlands but also

in the other countries where we are active: Belgium, France and


In all cases, "contraction" also means fewer employees and there-

fore fewer positions. The effect is reinforced by the Flex Work

trend, which has been visible for a number of years and results in

more and more employees switching to flexible positions. Service

contracts are being reduced because organisations are closing of-

fices. Clearly, this has immediate consequences for general and

technical service providers. The infighting for volume or at least to

maintain market share is becoming fiercer. In principle, this is an

adverse development: the pie is smaller, while no players are drop-

ping out.

However, this development also brings opportunities. Contraction

stimulates the creative capacity of companies in their efforts to dis-

tinguish themselves from the competition. At Facilicom, it has re-

sulted in an increasingly stronger focus on our unique selling

proposition based on integrated facility management. Integrating

services right down to the work floor enables us to provide unique

solutions. Many of our competitors only integrate in the areas of

management and reporting, which results in sub-optimum solu-

tions. Facilicom possesses a broad portfolio of services in com-

pany and can consequently truly integrate all its services. It was

for this reason that various large clients chose us in 2012.

Despite the strong focus on general and technical costs, large

clients in particular devote more attention during their procurement

processes to the social issues and sustainability of their suppliers,

factors that we also feel to be important. It is nice to see this recog-

nised by clients. It is for good reason that our annual report dedi-

cates a great deal of attention to CSR. Corporate Social

Responsibility also gives rise to opportunities.

Although the same trends are perceptible on all markets and in all

the company divisions of Facilicom, there were of course differ-

ences in performance over 2012. The various divisions shall be

discussed in order.

GOM EXPERIENCED A CONTRACTING MARKET AND REDUCEDTURNOVER.Vacancies in the market for office space have a strong impact on

cleaning services. There is less floor area to clean, and the corre-

sponding turnover has disappeared. Gom Schoonhouden and

Robbers Schoonmaakdiensten were also confronted with a some-

times substantial reduction in existing contracts. Whereas the

cleaning service division was still able to boast about 8 percent

growth in turnover in 2011, turnover fell by 7 percent in 2012. This

was, incidentally, partly due to the loss of the NedTrain contract;

regional cleaning service company Robbers had been under con-

tract to NedTrain for five years, during which time it was responsi-

ble for cleaning a substantial number of the NS trains. Subsequent

to a tendering procedure in 2012, this turnover entirely disap-


The cleaning services division is a good contractor and employer,

and has therefore right from the start wholeheartedly rallied behind

the Dutch Code of Responsible Market Conduct (Code Verantwo-

ordelijk marktgedrag). This was also logical; even before the Code

was established, Gom refused contracts available at unrealistic

prices. Signing and complying with the Code means that the divi-

sion shall not bid on contracts that are tendered solely on the basis

of price, as factors concerning quality should also be taken into


The rates of existing contracts are also under pressure. It is be-

coming increasingly more difficult to pass on price increases. This

has consequences for turnover, results and ultimately work oppor-

tunities, as clients want to pay less.

Alterations to services are often the logical consequence. Fortu-

nately, clients are more frequently asking the advice of the cleaning

services division in this regard in order to prevent excessively rig-

orous adjustments from being implemented, with detrimental con-

sequence for hygiene or the appearance of cleanliness. The

adjustments in contracts did however make it necessary for clean-

ing service companies to dismiss employees in 2012.

The stronger focus on sales activities is, for that matter, still bearing

fruit. Some substantial contracts were won, particularly in the final

months of the year, and they will contribute to turnover beginning

in 1 January 2013. By not offering any standard products but

listening well to the client, Gom has now become successful in

what for us are new market segment, such as retail and the leisure


The account-manager approach in these segments has certainly con-

tributed to this growth. Gom strengthens its client focus by implement-

ing account management for large clients. Account management leads

to a better coordination with the specific wishes of clients, ensures bet-

ter communication and makes it better possible to implement the

knowledge and experience in which clients are most interested. Gom

is consequently garnering increasing regard as a full-fledged partner.

The new procedure immediately provides a good example of the client-

focused work for which Facilicom strives.

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Working together means...“... collaborating with your people to create something new every day that you can be proud of...”Hostmanship is important in this regard: I treat my people as I would like to be treated.”

Cora Schonewille, Gom Schoonhouden

FA C I L I C O M S E R V I C E S G R O U P | A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 9

Clients no longer look only at quality but also measure how the

quality is experienced by employees, visitors, patients, guests and

clients. Gom delivers outstanding performances on all counts; the

company obtained the highest ranking in an independent study

carried out by the Integron Agency based on evaluations among

the end users of a building. This is also due to employees being

well trained, receiving courses in Dutch and often having been in-

structed in hostmanship. It is also important that Facilicom has the

policy of keeping employees sustainably employable. For clients

that strongly emphasise quality, experience of service and corpo-

rate social responsibility, the above constitute important added val-


TRIGION FOCUSES ON QUALITY AND CLIENT RETENTIONThe security services market is contracting, and this year Trigion

suffered from this slow down. The sales department performed

outstandingly, increasing sales by 10 percent and performing bet-

ter in terms of client retention. The demand for sales per client de-

clined however, and Trigion is very frequently confronted with a

strong reduction in existing contracts. This is reflected in the re-

sults: turnover declined by approximately 4 percent, and profit also


Trigion is working hard on maintaining its strong position on the

security services market. Master classes, workshops and training

sessions for large numbers of management, team leaders and em-

ployees have brought about a strong improvement in quality, help-

fulness and skill. The number of audits at client sites has also been

increased. They are paying off, as client satisfaction has risen to

7.4. The organisation also wishes to be helpful to its own employ-

ees, another of the outcomes of hostmanship, and the company

was successful in this respect, employee satisfaction rising in 2012

from 6.3 to 7.1. Employee motivation was also measured for the

first time, and the score for it was a pleasing 7.6.

By adopting a client-focus at work, investing in account manage-

ment and strongly emphasising contract management, Trigion

wishes to establish stronger relations with the client. For instance,

MT members are now becoming more closely involved in large

tenders. These collective efforts have resulted in new contracts

from such clients as NS, ABN AMRO, Tennet and the University of

Groningen. The company was also more successful in obtaining

the option years that are standard inclusions in almost every con-

tract. Trigion was additionally increasingly more successful in

cross-selling. The company presents itself more clearly as a Facil-

icom subsidiary because there is added value in offering multiple

general and technical services. By entering into these types of

arrangements, sales staff acquire a deeper understanding of the

activities and needs of clients. When cross-selling is successful,

Trigion also becomes more strongly entrenched with a client.

In 2011, Trigion began to place greater emphasis on growth mar-

kets. The 2012 results were varied. Trigion Toezicht & Handhaving

continued to grow, experiencing a 20 percent increase in turnover.

However, Trigion Services has had more difficulties than expected

as a result of the crisis. Due to financial considerations, companies

are more frequently choosing to station one of their own employ-

ees behind the reception desk. Trigion Event Security is also failing









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1 0 M A N A G E M E N T B O A R D R E P O R T 2 0 1 2

to experience strong growth and ways to strengthen this company

division are now being explored. Trigion AlarmServiceCentrale

recorded a slight decrease in turnover but was able to substantially

improve profitability. Hoffman Bedrijfsrecherche saw traditional

turnover from investigation fall slightly, while turnover from IT se-

curity increased. Hoffman again received a great deal of attention

this year, partly due to the conference marking 50 years of its ex-

istence. Honoured guests were State Secretary of Security and

Justice Fred Teeven and Burgomaster of Almere Annemarie Jor-


It is difficult to forecast how 2013 will turn out for Trigion. Expec-

tations are that the pressure on turnover will continue in 2013. Nev-

ertheless, management expects to improve results by robustly

addressing costs. A strong focus will also remain on opportunities

for growth.

PROREST AGAIN PERFORMED OUTSTANDINGLYIn 2012, Prorest has again achieved an outstanding level of per-

formance. The company was able to chalk up over 6 percent

growth, this while the market contracted by approximately the

same percentage. Profit, which declined somewhat in 2011, re-

turned to the desired level in 2012.

The catering company benefited strongly from the integral con-

tracts that were arranged together with other Facilicom compa-

nies. It is often the larger companies that place these types of

contracts on the market and then give the nod to Prorest, which

is still a medium-sized caterer. Noteworthy examples of such con-

tracts include Statistics Netherlands

(CBS), the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and Rotter-

dam business multiplex Willemswerf. However, Prorest is also per-

forming well on its own. Due to its strong organisation and targeted

sales efforts, the company was successfully able to renew many

contracts. Strategic operations enabled it to again win the million-

euro contract from ABN AMRO. Prorest will continue to run eleven

cafeterias at the bank.

Sustainability, health care and social return remain important issues

in catering. As a new development, the entire sector is now taking

a more critical look at schedules of requirements. Requirements

set by clients must of course be feasible. Sector business associ-

ation Veneca notes that prices is too often the dominant concern.

Veneca is therefore working on a Code of Responsible Market

Conduct (Code Verantwoordelijk Marktgedrag), such as the one

adopted a number of years ago in the cleaning services sector.

Prorest is a strong supporter of such a code.

Within the catering company, a great deal of work is being devoted

to new concepts. One such new concept, developed in collabo-

ration with competitor OSP, was also an important weapon in win-

ning the re-tendered contract at ABM AMRO. Prorest believes that

clients are interested in catering concepts that involve extensive

implementation of sustainability and, for example, stimulated the

sustainable employability of the client's personnel.

It is expected that Prorest will continue to perform well in 2013.

The many large contracts commenced in the course of the year

under review or at the beginning of this year now make it certain

that turnover targets will be reached and the company will continue

to grow. Due to the strong organisation, results are expected to

remain stable in 2013.

FFS: SUCCESSFUL IN EXTENSIVE SERVICE PROVISIONThe market for single services is stagnating or shrinking. In con-

trast, the demand for integral service provision continues to grow.

For Facilicom Facility Solutions, this development is reflected by a

rise in the number of contracts. It is striking that increasingly more

small and medium-sized clients see the benefits of integral service

provision. It is a sign that the market is maturing. So many suc-

cesses have now been achieved through integral packages and

extensive outsourcing that the initial hesitations of contracting par-

ties have virtually disappeared. Facilicom is better equipped than

any other to excel in small and medium-sized contracts, partly be-

cause the company performs all activities itself.

The market is evolving rapidly over the entire line. Facilicom Facility

Solutions had reduced turnover from many contracts while, at the

same time, achieving a notably extensive expansion of the service

provision. In both cases, the crisis appears to be the driving force

behind these changes: clients are cutting their coats to suit their

cloth, while companies are looking for optimisation by means of

extensive integration of services. There are also increasingly more

clients collaborating with FFS on the continued development of fa-

cility management and, consequently, striving for maximum value

creation for their core business. They wish to introduce hostman-

ship or Flex Work, to realise social returns or to make the best pos-

sible use of the business premises, and they understand that the

facility service organisation can make a large contribution to the

achievement of such goals.

Facilicom Facility Solutions suffered a substantial drop in turnover

at the beginning of the year, but this primarily concerned turnover

with very low added value. For that matter, the decrease in

turnover was, to a large extent, recouped over the course of the

year by concluding new contracts and expanding existing ones,

By maintaining a strong focus on costs, the substantial loss of

2011 was completely eliminated. The company recorded positive

results over the last five periods of 2012.

Of the three large contracts that came on the market in 2012, FFS

was able to win two. The company was also awarded the contract

for the construction and operation of the Brede School in Joure, a

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Working together means...“...ensuring that there is good feeling and harmony among the team. Only then can youoffer collegiality, ensure that quality and quantityare guaranteed and obtain satisfied guests.”

Nick Caseley, Prorest Catering

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PPP contract with a term of 25 years. There are a few other PPP

projects in which FFS participates, including one project on which

it tendered exclusively using its own companies. The innovative

form of integral service provision in Willemswerf multi-tenant office

building in Rotterdam is special. There, FFS works together with

other Facilicom companies to provide general and technical serv-

ices for the building's tenants. This has become a successful and

enterprising operation and one that offers new perspectives on the


HARD TIMES FOR BREIJER BOUW EN INSTALLATIEDifficulties continue in construction, and they made it necessary

for Breijer Bouw en Installatie to take measures in 2012. A sub-

stantial re-organisation reduced the number of employees from

approximately 750 to 650. It was a difficult decision that could not,

be avoided. This re-organisation did not, however, prevent the

company from suffering a strong loss. Due to the re-organisation

in 2012 and the further restructuring in 2013, Breijer Bouw en In-

stallatie is now better able to face the future.

Total turnover from Breijer in the year under review fell by approx-

imately 12 per cent. Turnover from the Projects business unit de-

clined by as much as 25 per cent. Virtually no more construction

is occurring in the Netherlands, and anything still being tendered

is subject to strong price competition. It appears that the market

will shrink still further in 2013. The focus is being placed on PPP

projects and other integral contracts. Facilicom and Breijer are also

devoting a great deal of time to a few tenders in this segment of

the market.

Breijer has the advantage over other construction companies in

the fact that it is less dependent on new construction and is more

involved in renovation and contract maintenance. Many renova-

tions in the residential market are being discontinued due to the

great uncertainty about the interventions that the government

wishes to implement with regard to housing corporations. This

overhaul must however occur, and this market is subsequently ex-

pected to recover in its own time. In the field of contract mainte-

nance, Breijer has unfortunately lost some large contracts, causing

turnover to fall by 20 per cent. Despite strong sales efforts, com-

pensation for this loss could not be achieved in 2012. At the end

of the year, a large maintenance contract was obtained from KPN,

radically altering the outlook for this business unit in 2013.

Fire and safety technology performed more poorly than expected.

The business unit was able to maintain turnover but could not

make any profit. Prices in this sector are also facing significant

downward pressure. The company suffered losses on a few

projects in the hotel sector. A boost came from the fact that British

Primark, a rapidly expanding clothing chain, has brought Breijer

Brandpreventie in as the preferred supplier for the installation of

sprinkler systems in all new outlets. Trigion Beveiligingstechniek is

profiting from the crisis, as many companies are opting for elec-

tronic security instead of physical security.

Breijer has re-designed its organisation in order to respond better

to the demand for integral service provision. Clients can now be

better served, the cost of defects is reduced and efficiency is im-

proved. The company also continues to invest in innovations such

as integrality and BIM. This all comes at a good moment.









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1 2 M A N A G E M E N T B O A R D R E P O R T 2 0 1 2

Clients are going increasingly further with regard to the integral ten-

dering of services. In recent years, this also involves the hard facil-

ities, a development that is accelerating at this time. These hard

facilities now more and more frequently form the core of integral

contracts. In this light, it is important that Breijer Bouw en Installatie

has, in recent years, developed into an innovative company that

can handle large contracts and projects and works for well-known

parties such as the Government Buildings Agency (Rijksge-

bouwendienst [Rgd]) and KPN. This significantly strengthens the

proposition of Facilicom as a whole.

AXXICOM: SUCCESSFUL AT SCHIPHOL, DISAPPOINTMENT INHOME CAREAxxicom was successful in the tender at Schiphol by Axxicom Air-

port Caddy. Axxicom has been active at the airport for nine years

and again won the new tender in 2012. The new contract has a

five-year term. It is nice to see that Schiphol, when acting as a con-

tracting party, selected the quality that Axxicom has been able to

deliver during all this time. The company division has, however,

had to make large investments in recent years. A great deal of time

was devoted to the successful tender. In addition, the client im-

posed additional requirements, making it necessary to modify the

organisation at a few points and to implement new automation.

These investments caused profit to decrease slightly, although it

remains at a healthy level. The company is examining the possibil-

ities of providing more services at Schiphol.

Axxicom Thuishulp had entirely different fare. There were good per-

formances in existing contracts with more than a hundred munic-

ipalities, and substantial growth was recorded. The joint venture

with Aveant is stable, although a re-tendering procedure is sched-

uled for 2013. The takeover of the activities of ZZG Thuisservice in

Nijmegen, with annual turnover of 13 million euros and approxi-

mately 1000 employees at the beginning of the year under review,

brought about enormous growth in turnover and ensured that the

company also achieved a positive result. This success appears,

however, to have been of short duration. At the beginning of 2012,

Axxicom lost the contract in this region on the basis of price, a

matter that is still producing negative consequences. At the time

of writing this annual report, the future of Axxicom in the Nijmegen

region is therefore extremely uncertain. The affair is, for that matter,

casting its shadow. It is clear that the second Rutte government is

going to implement sizeable cuts in home care. It will therefore be

more difficult to be successful in this field. Axxicom does think that

a new market is now created for alternative, unsubsidised home

care. With In Huis Service, Facilicom was already working on a

pilot to provide services to private individuals and that initiative will

now be expanding in an accelerated manner.

ZorgCentrale.nl, which is also an Axxicom activity, is continuing to

operate at a steady rate. About 5,000 clients are now making use

of this central point of support through their care providers, and

taking advantage of its personal alarm service, for example. The

company division is still operating in the red, but this a factored-in

initial loss. Growth is necessary to attain a positive result, and this

growth is being sought by expanding services, as well as in other


TAPWACHT IS INVESTING TO STRENGTHEN ITS ORGANISA-TION.Tapwacht Service underwent another stable year in 2012. Turnover

and results remained unchanged. However, Tapwacht Techniek

Working together means...“... jointly striving for better CSR performances. A better environment and a better communitybegin, in fact, with yourself, but you accomplishmuch more through collaboration.”

Zulema Heilbron, Facilicom Facility Solutions

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experienced a considerable decline in turnover and fell into the red.

The hospitality industry certainly had significantly less investment

in the first half of the year. There was very limited new construction,

while replacement of restaurant bars and beverage equipment was

postponed. Fortunately, the second half of the year was better.

Tapwacht Techniek has stabilised costs and was able to win more

contracts, creating a healthier situation. A few good agreements

have also now been signed for 2013.

The company continues to invest in the further strengthening of its

organisation. The new premises, which were occupied in the be-

ginning of the year, are built on growth and offer better accommo-

dation for all new activities. Organisational changes have led to a

better response to client demand and a connection to the future

of Tapwacht. External technicians are equipped with PDAs so that

they can better perform their work, and clients are more quickly

and fully informed about the executed work. The company has

also launched a fully renovated website, which is better suited to

the wishes of visitors.

In 2012, Tapwacht made large steps in the expansion of its serv-

ices. After the previous incorporation of Franke Coffee Systems,

the maintenance and service activities of Koffie Techniek Neder-

land were also taken over and integrated as of 1 January 2013.

As a result, coffee technology has now become the most impor-

tant activity of Tapwacht Techniek. The company is now the largest

independent supplier in this segment. This is important because

only a large independent service company can offer good national

coverage in the relatively small Netherlands.

VARIED RESULTS IN BELGIUMBelgium displayed strongly varied results. Gom suffered a consid-

erable loss. The integration of ACS, the cleaning services company

that was acquired at the end of 2010 as a subsidiary of One

Group, transpired with difficulty. It proved complicated to merge

accounts and the underlying computer system. As a conse-

quence, there was a time when a good overview of the figures was

absent and could not be adjusted on time. Through the efforts of

many and the help of a few Dutch colleagues, the problems were

resolved, and hard work is being devoted to repairing the operation

and restoring it to profitability. All this happened in a very difficult

market. The cleaning services company underwent another con-

traction of the (merged) turnover as a result.

Trigion Belgium was able to considerably increase its turnover. The

company did still run up a slight loss, but that was partly due to

the investments that were necessary to initiate the new contracts.

The future of the security company appears rosy. Trigion had a fly-

ing start in 2013, and it seems that a doubling of turnover may be

feasible this year. Trigion is increasingly more frequently working

for large clients, such as the KPB Bank and the Belgian Ministry

of Finance. This has resulted in the security company expanding

into a full-fledged player in its market.

Prorest remains a small player in Belgium, but was able to obtain

20-percent more turnover in 2012. This is certainly praiseworthy

in these times. Facilicom Facility Solutions also achieved growth

and is profitable. One Building Maintenance (OBM) is operating in

a difficult market, and this is reflected in the figures. Just as the









Working together means...“...jointly looking for new solutions every day.With the client, with suppliers, with co-workers.Even if an piece of equipment breaks down.Throwing something away is a waste! We always first try to repair it.”

Dennis Lakerveld, Tapwacht

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Working together means...“... providing my clients with the right care. I perform the work that they can no longer physically do, and I provide an attentive ear. In this way, they can continue to live independently, despite their limitations.”

Jannie van Looij, Axxicom Thuishulp

Dutch construction and installation company, OBM is striving to

acquire long-term maintenance contracts, and made good

progress in this regard in 2012. One Fleet Services operated at a

loss due to the initial operation of a car wash in Antwerp and the

costs of an advertising campaign. The campaign was necessary

to inform potential clients of the company and its unique service


The contract at Brussels Airport for the transport of passengers

with limited mobility was re-tendered in 2012. Axxicom also won

the contract this time and can continue its service provision at the

airport for four more years, with an option for another year. Facili-

com Belgium is investigating the possibilities of providing more

services at the airport. Axxicon was also active on the private mar-

ket during the year under review. In Belgium, consumers could hire

household help in a financially favourable and tax-friendly manner

with the aid of service cheques. Under the name Axxi@home, Axxi-

com is now offering these clients assistance in the areas of clean-

ing, ironing and shopping services. Axxi@home is currently

investigating the possibility of introducing the services of other Fa-

cilicom companies on the private market, including small repairs,

de-mossing of roofs and central heating maintenance.

Gom Belgium again had difficulties in 2013. The market contracted

significantly, which made reorganisation necessary. The other Bel-

gian companies are counting on growth. There is growth potential

and companies are set up for it. Such growth is also necessary to

compensate for the contraction at Gom.

PRODUCTIVITY RETURNS TO FRANCEDespite the extra efforts in sales, France suffered a loss of about

8 per cent in turnover both in cleaning services and security. In the

case of tenders, a large number of large contracts were not re-

newed due to Facilicom's refusal to participate in negative price

spirals. Existing contracts are now generally profitable, and the di-

vision has obtained a positive result partly for this reason.

The French market for cleaning services remains extremely prob-

lematic. Competition is almost exclusively based on price, espe-

cially in the office cleaning market. Gom explicitly wishes to remain

a quality supplier; after all, it is in this way that valuable expertise

can be maintained. However, work is now being devoted to the

formulation of more frugal services. The company is trying to at-

tract attention in specialised segments, such as health care, the

food industry and the residential market. The social housing market

requires cleaning services companies that also perform small tech-

nical maintenance and take care of the green areas around build-

ings. Gom has already been successful in this market and wishes

to further expand these services.

The market for security services appears to be improving. This is

mainly due to legislation, which now imposes requirements on the

quality of the service provision and implements strict supervision

of compliance. Many smaller companies have already discontinued

operations because they cannot satisfy the licensing or training re-

quirements. This is a favourable development for a quality supplier

like Trigion. The company was able to obtain sizeable contracts

during the final months of the year, including Palais Garnier, the

national opera of Paris. This contract requires security personnel

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who perform their work in uniform, are flexible and behave hos-

pitably during their work. Trigion was able to fulfil these require-

ments. The cultural sector in Paris certainly has an enormous

scope, and the company hopes that, due to this experience, it can

become associated with more clients in this segment.

Facilicom Conseil et Formation represents a new activity in France.

The company division will train and educate its own and external

employees and managers, as well as offer support for companies

during outsourcing procedures and the optimisation of their human

resources policies. Facilicom France has accumulated a great deal

of knowledge in this regard and wishes to capitalise on this knowl-

edge. This appears to be successful, as substantial contracts were

acquired during the initial months.

Facilicom France is doing everything possible to at least maintain

results in 2013. At the same time, the division hopes to achieve

approximately 10 percent more turnover. The company is now ma-

ture and healthy, as well as oriented toward further growth.

A GOOD YEAR FOR ENGLANDFacilicom UK chalked up a good year. Substantial growth was

recorded in both cleaning and security services. Profit was also

significantly improved. All in all, the division was able to obtain its

best results since its establishment in 2003.

Facilicom Cleaning Services increased considerably in size due to

the complete integration of Indigo Services, a company that was

taken over in mid-2011 and that now will be included for the entire

year. The merged company was furthermore able to achieve 6 per-

cent growth. The mostly larger contracts of the acquired company

enjoyed a somewhat smaller margin, but the use of synergy ben-

efits significantly improved results. It is also noteworthy that not a

single client left as a result of the integration; indeed, many con-

tracts were renewed for longer terms and often expanded as well.

Security company Trigion enjoyed a 5 percent increase in turnover.

The growth primarily occurred in the electronic security and alarm

centre services. Clients are increasingly more frequently requiring

a clever combination of human surveillance, electronics and sur-

veillance from a remote location. The company, which was previ-

ously losing money, moved into the black in 2012. Trigion is now

active in a new segment with a great deal of potential: shopping

mall security. The contracts come, for that matter, mostly through

clients that are already working with Facilicom in the cleaning serv-

ices sector.

British clients are extremely interested in multi-services and inte-

grated facility management. Facilicom can still not offer such pack-

ages in the United Kingdom, which is losing us clients in some

cases. This circumstance is offset by the fact that full FM providers

hire Facilicom to provide cleaning and security services. In 2012,

a few of these suppliers chose Facilicom as their preferred supplier,

which resulted in substantial turnover in the year under review.

The British have not experienced the contraction occurring in the

Netherlands and other countries in recent years. At worst, the mar-

ket in Britain has been stagnating. There even seems to be slight

growth at this time. Facilicom UK has a good outlook for 2013.

The business will strengthen its position by training managers and

employees in hostmanship. It is also noteworthy that Facilicom is

one of the first companies in the United Kingdom to be accredited

for the London Living Wage, a higher minimum wage than gener-

ally usual. The company is now required to negotiate with each

client in order to jointly make this higher minimum wage possible.

A liveable wage is better for employees, such is the reasoning, and

ultimately also better for the clients themselves.

FINANCIAL RESULTSConsolidated turnover fell by 5 percent and ended up at 1,040 mil-

lion euros. This was mainly the result of market trends. Many

clients are reducing their office space. Even contracts that we have

had for many years and under which we have provided services

to complete satisfaction are being reduced. We have no influence

on this situation. Of course, we also have lost contracts during re-

tendering procedures. These are offset by the new contracts that

we obtained, but if we are able to retain more contracts ("close the

back door"), we will keep up our volume better. More will be said

about this in the Outlook section.

Profit declined sharply. Operating results decreased to 19.7 million

(-48 percent) and consequently ended at 1.9 percent of turnover.

Net profit fell to 14.6 million (1.4 percent of turnover). The losses

in Belgium and at Breijer had an especially large impact. These re-

sults are far below targets and are not acceptable over the longer

term. In the course of 2012, a sizeable number of measures were

taken in order to cut costs. Our indirect costs in the first quarter of

the year under review were 17.8 percent of turnover and amounted

to approximately 194 million euros on an annual basis. They fell to

16.8 percent of turnover in the same period of 2013. This corre-

sponds on an annual basis to a decrease of more than 10 million

euros. The reduced costs are associated with a substantial loss of

employment positions, but the job cuts were unavoidable in order

to bring the cost structure better in line with the reduced turnover.

To a large extent, cost reduction continues to involve small cuts

across the board, which is to say cuts to employment positions

without changing the essential structure of the company.

There were no large acquisitions in 2012, as a result of which eq-

uity again grew and solvency increased to 46 percent of the bal-

ance-sheet total. For this reason, Facilicom continues to maintain

a rock-solid financial position.

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Working together means...“... not being a supplier but a partner for the clientand therefore successfully addressing their wishesand needs, even if this sometimes costs us turnover.”

Desi Held, Trigion Beveiliging

Investments in the new ERP system based on SAP shall be con-

tinued in accordance with the following diagram. The first company

divisions went 'live' in 2012. Investments continued in order to pro-

vide Facilicom with a state of the art IT environment over the longer


With regard to risk management, the notes to the annual accounts

shall include an overview of the most important risk control meas-

ures. The group Management Board does not discern any specific

exceptional risks in current business operations.

OUTLOOKAs indicated, the general and technical services market is again in

difficulty. Facilicom is caught up in this development and suffers

from many of its consequences. We do not expect 2013 to provide

any recovery. The financial results for the first quarter again display

a slight reduction in volume. Facilicom takes this downturn into ac-

count in many areas.

First of all, we must now more than ever be economical for our

clients. In an age when we must sail close to the wind, there is a

risk that the focus will be rigidly placed on costs and too little at-

tention paid to what the client now realistically can expect from us.

It is therefore precisely at this time that we have formulated signif-

icant targets concerning the client orientation of our organisation.

In 2015, we aim to be generally recognised as the most client-fo-

cused general and technical service provider. Ongoing pro-

grammes in many areas should result in higher retention.

If volumes nevertheless continue to be under pressure, we will

again have to cut our indirect costs. We have hence arrived at a

point where small cuts here and there no longer are enough. The

organisation is therefore being critically scrutinised, and we are in-

vestigating if whether structures and processes can be made

structurally more effective and efficient. Other circumstances are

demanding different approaches from other divisions, and these

are currently being elaborated.

To offset the contraction in our traditional markets, we began some

time ago to undertake activities on a new market for Facilicom: the

health care market. This market is also intractable. There is a large

dependence on political decision-making and a strong need for

cost-cutting. We nevertheless continue to see a good opportunity

to establish a long-term foundation for our company. This year, we

will intensify our efforts on this market.

We are also facing large challenges in 2013. Our expectations are

that the economy will not yet improve and the trend to fewer

square metres of office space will continue. This is a given. Taking

these circumstances into account, policy is being formulated in

order to limit volume reductions in 2013 and to substantially im-

prove our profit in comparison with 2012. This is a challenging

goal. To achieve it, the results in Belgium will, in particular, have to

be better and Breijer cannot decline any further. This goal should

be achievable, providing we can maintain the results of the general

and technical services companies in the Netherlands, which con-

tinue to be the backbone of the group. We will also devote hard

work to this endeavour in 2013

The Group Management Board team

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Working together

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Between 2007 and 2009, Breijer was responsible forthe extensive renovation of the premises of the Asso-ciation of Dutch Municipalities (VNG). In 2012, Facili-com was able to begin working at the location. About25 Facilicom employees are now collectively respon-sible for maintenance and the provision of general andtechnical services. The team also makes an importantcontribution to the satisfaction of VNG clients, alongwith their feeling of hospitality.

Willemshof is a sensational listed building an the Nassaulaan

in The Hague. It was originally constructed as stables for King

William II, was later established as a church and has been ac-

commodating the over 600 employees of VNG since 1975.

Breijer, a Facilicom subsidiary, was awarded the contract in

2007 to extensively renovate the 12,000-m2 premises and to

adapt the building to Flex Work. The guideline for the renova-

tion and design of the building was VNG's slogan: "Naturally


Nearly all Facilicom companies may now provide a take on

this expression. Since 2012, Facilicom is specifically respon-

sible for all general and technical service work in the areas of

cleaning, building management, maintenance, catering, se-

curity, reception services and chauffeur services. For this pur-

pose, Facilicom has assigned a team of 25 employees

composed of people from virtually all the divisions. Through

its service provision, the team makes an important contribu-

tion to the satisfaction of VNG clients and the hospitality of

VNG. A special hospitality manager trains and supervises the

employees in the ways of offering hostmanship. This should

increase the satisfaction of the end user. The contract be-

tween Facilicom Facility Solutions and VNG has a term of

three years with three options of one year each.







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Long ago, a security consultant with feigned desperation shouted:"Cleaner, mind your own business!" It is now widely acceptedthat a general and technical service provider such as Facilicomoffers all the relevant services. Indeed, increasingly more clientsare enthusiastic about the advantages of combining services. In2012, Facilicom further implemented this internally by placingstronger emphasis on cross-selling. A good example of workingtogether.

A company's employees are its best ambassadors. This is

certainly the case at Facilicom, with its long-term employment

relationships and relatively high employee satisfaction. Em-

ployees have been furnishing suggestions for new business

with existing clients for many years. This input has further in-

creased in recent years, now that the emphasis at Facilicom

is more strongly placed on multi-services and integral service

provision. There is still room for improvement, however. And

since this era is one when clients are vigorously seeking op-

portunities to cut costs and can therefore benefit from com-

bining or integrating services, this is a good moment to place

a stronger focus on cross-selling. Facilicom therefore took ini-

tial steps down this path in 2012. A special cross-selling team

supports employees and organises campaigns regarding the

topic. Employees can submit their suggestions on a separate

website within the (internal) Facilicom Portal. If a tip results in

a discussion, quotation or, better yet, a contract, the source

of the tip will be rewarded with attractive gifts, such as week-

end trips or iPads. At the request of employees, a proportional

amount of money may now be donated to a good cause. To

maintain attention on this topic, the best cross-seller of each

month will also be placed in the limelight.

TEN MILLION IN ADDITIONAL TURNOVERPlacing stronger emphasis on cross-selling will enable Facil-

icom to provide still more added value to its clients Combining

service can, after all, have other advantages, such as fewer

suppliers, one contact person, comparable reporting methods

and cost benefits. The campaign will make Facilicom employ-

ees more aware of the many services offered by affiliates. This

will ensure that they have better answers to client inquiries

and it strengthens mutual collaboration. To encourage this de-

velopment even further, the cross-selling team is asking sales

personnel to include co-workers from other division in discus-

sion with clients. These actions have been especially suc-

cessful. As many as 1,098 leads for cross-selling were

received in 2012. Together, they account for estimated annual

turnover of more than 42 million euros. Of this amount, more

than 10 million euros have been awarded, around the same

amount was not awarded, and the rest remained open at the

end of 2012.

An important success factor is that the persons submitting

tips always have feedback on the status of their suggestions.

The attractive gifts represent effective stimuli. The cross-sell-

ing team considers one of their tasks is to clarify the fact that

everyone in its network can look around and dig up leads, not

just people in sales positions.

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Working together means...“ ... accepting your co-workers for whomthey are and supporting them when necessary. In this way, you create a fineatmosphere in the team and on the workfloor, and the work will only benefit.”

Jasmijn Leevendig, Trigion Services

Cross-selling provides clients with added value, as collectively you have greater sway. This has been noted by the employees whosupply successful tips. Clients are always very satisfied that they now can obtain several services from one supplier, in part becauseof a loyalty bonus that they receive. A few examples from 2012.

Wendy Lion, sales advisor for mobile surveillance, was nominated

as cross-seller of the month shortly after she entered employment

at Trigion. Through an acquaintance, she heard that KFC was hav-

ing a great many problems with robbers. She alerted affiliate Trigion

Beveiligingstechniek to these circumstances, which issued a quo-

tation for DNA showers.

In 2009, Breijer completed the construction of the head office of

care organisation RIBW Brabant. The construction and mainte-

nance company immediately received a contract for the manage-

ment of the technical systems. The technicians were alerted. When

RIBW drew up a tender for the cleaning of five large locations,

GOM was also allowed to participate. And with success. Trigion

Beveiliging was able to issue a quotation for the personal security

of RIBW employees who were visiting clients with a psychiatric

background and furnished them with the personal alarm system


Assistant manager Ria Jansen of Gom ensured that its own com-

pany might successfully issue a quotation at the Owners Associ-

ation of its block of flats. The contract for window washing was

also awarded to Gom on account of her mediation. Breijer turned

out to be the best bidder for the major repairs. At a company on

its network, she discovered that Gom would be able to participate

in an international tender.

District Manager Peter Yperlaan of Prorest ensured that the Mu-

nicipality of Leusden included Gom in the tendering procedure for

the cleaning services, and it became a contract. When the munic-

ipality quickly required a receptionist, he made contact with Trigion

Services, which could supply one. In the case of the Centraal

Boekhuis, he alerted both Gom and Trigion to a tender. Both com-

panies won contracts.

District Manager Han van der Vegt of Trigion, accidentally heard

that the University of Groningen was going to re-tender security.

Trigion was not invited to tender. This nevertheless occurred due

to Han's mediation. Trigion was awarded the contract.

Reintegration Manager Rob Hoogendijk heard that rental housing

organisation Mitros in Utrecht has problems with the security of

asbestos in residences to be renovated. He proposed deployment

of the Trigion Quick Response Team. Mitros responded enthusi-

astically. This resulted in a long-running contract for the Quick Re-

sponse Team.

Through a personal contact, Manfred van Rhee was able to bring

Trigion to the attention of DJL Zwolle. This led to a substantial con-

tract in which Trigion could employ a large number of colleagues

full time for a number of months. There is now even an expansion

of the contract.






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Facilicom is one of three parties selected for the dialogue phaseof the PPP project regarding Bezuidenhoutseweg 30 in TheHague. This concerns a DBFMO with a 30-year term. Exceptionalis the fact that Facilicom wishes to implement the contract usingexclusively its own companies, a combination offered in whichFacilicom is unique. Only the architect is being hired.

The premises at Bezuidenhoutseweg 30 in The Hague must be

made suitable for the office of the Central Planning Bureau (CPB),

the Social and Cultural Planning Bureau (SCP) and the Plan Bureau

for the Living Environment (PBL). Contracting Party

The Government Buildings Agency (Rgd) is compositely tendering

the renovation, financing, interior layout, maintenance and facility

services for a term of 30 years. Facilicom has proposed the com-

plete renovation and operation using its own companies. A partner

has only been brought it for purposes of design: Claus en Kaan


Facilicom has already been successful in PPP as a single party.

The company joined exclusively with other group companies to

form the consortium responsible for the construction and operation

of the tax office in Doetinchem. A third party was only used for de-

sign in that project as well. It continues to be unique in the Nether-

lands and, as far as we know, in the world that a single party is

able to assume virtually all the responsibility for a DBFMO contract.

Facilicom has always been convinced that there is great added

value in combining all hard and soft facilities in a single company.

Single-party PPP contracts are the ultimate proof that the concept

is successful.

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs is housed in a historical

building listed in the National register of monuments at Bezuiden-

houtseweg 30. The renovation must convert the 21,000-m2 prem-

ises into the knowledge centre for the Dutch national government.

The task is not to make it into an average office complex but a

think tank where high-quality research can be carried out and stim-

ulating debates and seminars can be held. This ambition must be

reflected in the architecture, the facilities and the service provision

for the building. The Government Buildings Agency (Rgd) and con-

tracting party CPB are now in dialogue with three selected appli-

cants, a mandatory element in each PPP procedure. The dialogue

phase is expected to conclude in mid-2013. The contract award

is scheduled for the end of 2013. The premises are expected to

be ready by the fall of 2015.


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Working together

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In the restoration of the listed Building C of Erasmus Universityin Rotterdam, Erasmus Facilitair Bedrijf, CEAC Design Consortiumand Breijer Bouw en Installatie have agreed to employ the latestinnovations contributing to improvement of the environment. Theoutcome was successful, as the energy performance label for thebuilding was upgraded from F to B.

Building C was constructed in 1968 and is a municipally listed

building. With 23 classrooms, a 15-metre high and over 100-

metre long hall, as well as offices for university employees,

the building is in use every day. The aim of the renovation was

to restore Building C to its original condition. At the same

time, Erasmus University wished to preserve the building in a

robust manner. This was made possible by the intensive col-

laboration among three parties. The energy performance label

of the building was upgraded from F to B. Sedum was planted

on the 3,300 m2 roof and acts as insulation. 290 m2 of solar

collectors provide all the electricity required to power the

lights in the classrooms. Air condition units recycle heat. Air

quality is strongly improved by a renovated climate control

system. All technical systems were replaced by energy-effi-

cient variants, and windows are better insulated. All this has

not only made the building more sustainable but also much

more comfortable.

BIM AND INTEGRATED WORK PRACTICESBreijer used a 3D model of the building or Building Information

Model (BIM) during both design and construction. This tool,

which up to then had only been used in the construction of

new buildings, made it possible to reduce the cost of defects.

BIM therefore increases the sustainability of the construction

process itself. Breijer profits more highly from BIM's aid be-

cause the company possesses expertise in all the trades and

is consequently able to build in an integrated and therefore

more efficient manner. This has now been scientifically

proved. A study by the Technical University of Delft, TNO and

the Municipality of Rotterdam demonstrates that Breijer's in-

tegrated manner of working during the restoration of Building

C had a positive effect on CO2 emissions. The approach used

in this renovation scored more highly than other projects.


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Pieter-Jan van Hooijdonk (General Manager of Breijer)

and Kees Lansbergen (Managing Director of Erasmus Facilitair Bedrijf)

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These days, social return is required for government con-tracts greater than 250,000 euros. To properly meet this re-quirement, Facilicom companies are constantly seekingcollaboration with the contracting authority. Such was thecase in Amsterdam, where Trigion is involved in a specialproject in the Amsterdam Woods (Amsterdamse Bos). It couldeven result in work for at least 88 young people.

Trigion has been taking care of the security for about 30 city

locations, since the fall of 2011, providing security officers, re-

ceptionists, fire surveillance, mobile surveillance and alarm-call

response. With regard to social return, it has been decided

that Trigion shall, for the duration of the contract, participate

in a special project for the Amsterdam Work and Income Serv-

ice (DWI): the Amsterdam Woods project. This project shall

provide young people who have been unemployed for a long

time with employee skills. They shall then be trained for the

service professions. Entry of these people into the employment

market has always been very difficult in the past. The intensive

collaboration between DWI and Trigion is now turning this tide.

The young participants are carefully selected and prepared for

full-time work in an intake stage. They then move on to a

preparatory phase in which they are groomed by a Trigion field

supervisor for another two months to make them ready for

trainee work in security. Only then do they begin the security

training and enter the work-study programme.

The project will last at least three years. A new group of young

people will enter the program every two months, total enrol-

ment involving 144 people. The aim is to have 60 percent, or

88 young people, exit the programme into jobs. The City of

Amsterdam and DWI are enthusiastic and wish to expand the



Gom ZorgSupport and Meander Medical Centre jointly sought to re-organise the cleaning services at the top clinical hospital. Thechosen solution was to the satisfaction of all parties involved. The initiative merited the Best Practice Award from the Facility ManagementNederland (FMN) business association.


Gom ZorgSupport and Meander, which operates in Amersfoort

and the surrounding area, have more closely coordinated cleaning

with the primary process. Employees and patients can have an in-

fluence on the cleaning work. The facility management company

is still monitoring the budget and the practices applying to infection

prevention, but Gom management and employees are now going

to discuss cleaning needs and quality directly with the care organ-

isation. The number of extra tasks is consequently minimised, and

there is increased satisfaction about cleanliness among patients

and employees. Cleaning staff members are also enjoying their

work more. The new procedure is entirely compatible with the idea

of hostmanship.

The panel of experts associated with the Best Practice Award was

full of praise about this innovation, which makes a discernible con-

tribution to a more effective cleaning process and, in particular, the

relationship between facility services and the care organisation.

The award is granted once every two years. Gom ZorgSupport

and Meander Medical Centre received the prize during the FMN

Gala on 29 November 2012.


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Prorest is growing strongly, even on its own. The company wascleverly able to obtain an important contract with ABN AMRO. Toaccomplish this coup, Prorest joined forces with another catererat the bank, OSP. The collaboration is unique in the cateringworld.

In a single action implemented on 1 January 2008, Prorest

took over all the restaurants at ABN AMRO locations with less

than 800 employees. A few large restaurants went to fellow

provider OSP. The contract was again put up for tender in

2012. All large caterers were interested in both packages. By

joining together, OSP and Prorest were able to submit an eco-

nomically strong proposal. In the new contract, both compa-

nies were able to keep their locations. No employees had to

be transferred, there was no unrest among workers seconded

from ABN AMRO and the restaurants did not have to be refit-

ted. Investments, knowledge and experience are, in this way,


By collaborating, OSP and Prorest were able to develop an

entirely new restaurant concept: "rOsa’s". This concept fully

satisfies and sometimes exceeds the wishes of ABN AMRO.

For instance, the bank desires that at least 70 percent of the

menu consists of sustainable products and a quarter of them

are to be produced within a radius of 162 km. The bank also

aims for a still higher degree of satisfaction among guests.

This must arise from the concept but also from an attractive

extra: a special food app that Prorest and OSP are going to

develop for all ABN AMRO employees. The new contract

comes into effect in spring 2013 and involves four restaurants

operated by OSP and eleven run by Prorest.

Evert Kersten (General Manager of Office Service Partners) and

Dick Bennink (General Manager of Prorest).


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Working together means...“... being able to trust the efforts of oursuppliers so that ordered materials are delivered quickly and in good condition. In this way, we can together keep ourclients happy.”

Remco Groesbeek, Breijer Techniek

In January 2013, it was announced that a consortium led by Fa-cilicom would be allowed to build the Brede School in JoureSouth. This construction involves a PPP project in which the con-sortium not only takes care of design and construction but alsomanagement.

To design and manage a school, along with the landscaping of the

associated outside area, is not one of Facilicom's everyday activ-

ities. In this PPP project, the company is intensively collaborating

with Bureau Bos on the architecture, construction company Pe-

likaan and landscape designer Kragten. The management of the

Brede School Joure South shall be turned over to Facilicom sub-

sidiary Breijer. The contract is tendered by Gaasterlân-Sleat, Lem-

sterland and Skarsterlân, three municipalities that will merge to

form the Municipality of De Friese Meren on 1 January 2014. The

Brede School Joure Zuid will give this future municipality a better

and broader range of education on offer at this location, along with

facilities for students and local residents. Construction will likely

start in July 2013. Users will be able to occupy the new building

one year later. The old school building at the same location will

subsequently be demolished and the grounds further landscaped.


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Breijer is going to work together with the Government BuildingsAgency (Rgd) to develop a 3D model for the operation and man-agement of buildings. Such a computer model has already beenused for some time to construct buildings in a more efficient man-ner and to avoid cost resulting from defects. Breijer and Rgd seehowever other possibilities.

It was officially announced at the Bouwbeurs trade show in Feb-

ruary 2013 that Breijer Bouw en Installatie was going to collaborate

with the Rijksgebouwendienst in a unique manner. Construction

companies are increasingly making more frequent use of a three-

dimensional model known as BIM in order to build more efficiently

and to reduce the costs of defects. Breijer has long been con-

vinced that BIM could also be used in the operation and manage-

ment of buildings. Rgd also sees such possibilities and, since

2011, has been requiring BIM in a few DBFMO contracting and

main contracting pilots.

Breijer is now going to create a BIM for the tax office in Doet-

inchem. In this way, Facilicom can improve its own processes in

the corresponding PPP contract. Rgd can simultaneously gain ex-

perience with the implementation of the Rgd BIM standard in an

existing DBFMO contract. Characteristic of these types of con-

tracts is the fact that they have extremely long terms: up to 25

years. Making the management and maintenance under existing

contracts more efficient and enabling better monitoring will provide

a great many benefits.

Breijer is enthusiastic about the collaboration and sharing of knowl-

edge with such a prominent party as Rgd, as well as with the in-

novation that is thus made possible. The construction company

believes that the collaboration project has a great chance of de-

termining how the market will have to apply BIM to management

and maintenance.








Facilicom cannot and does not wish to do everything on its own. For this reason, collaboration is frequently sought with reputablepartners. For instance, the Admiraal De Ruyter Hospital, Strukton Worksphere and Facilicom shall jointly form a company thatwill perform the general and technical services at the Zeeuw Hospital.

The Admiraal De Ruyter Hospital (ADRH) has locations in Goes, Vlissingen, Middelburg and Zierikzee. To improve the quality of the

services provided by the general and technical service organisation and to reduce costs, the over 350 general and technical service

employees of ADRH shall transfer to the new joint venture. Their knowledge and efforts will be used as part of this collaboration,

christened Bestevaer, in combination with those of the facility service professions of Strukton Worksphere and Facilicom. Bestevaer

will be responsible for the cleaning work, maintenance, technical services, room assignment, food services and logistic employees.

For the employees of the general and technical service organisation, nothing will change in terms of their employment contracts.

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Facilicom tenders for PPP projects as a single party but also participates in consortia. Such is the case for the project to constructaccommodation for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Medicine Evaluation Board(CBG), two divisions of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The consortium in which Facilicom participates was selected as one of three parties to participate in the dialogue phase.

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is contracting

new premises for RIVM and CBG. The location is the Sci-

ence Park in the Uithof of Utrecht. The premises shall con-

sist of 60,000 m2, as it will house laboratories in addition

to offices. A number of these labs require strong security

and include high containment facilities. Approximately

2,200 people will come there to work.

Along with Facilicom, Macquarie Capital Group Limited

and VolkerWessels Bouw & Vastgoedontwikkeling are

partners in the consortium, which has been named In Om-

nibus Omnia. Van Berkel en Bos UN Studio was ap-

proached as the architectural firm; it is a firm that is active

around the world and is well known for its elegant and

trend-setting designs. The contracting authority for the

PPP project is the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

while the Government Buildings Agency (Rgd) is acting as

the tendering agency. The DBFMO agreement covers the

design, construction, financing, provision of general and

technical services and maintenance for a period of 25

years. Three parties were selected for the dialogue phase

in August 2012. In Omnibus Omnia is one of the parties.

Completion of the dialogue phase shall occur in the sec-

ond half of 2013 and the contract will be concluded in the

spring of 2014. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

wants to occupy the premises in 2018.


Sharing knowledge with each other also makes us stronger. Fa-cilicom has been convinced about this for some time now. A fewyears ago, initiatives were launched that included the FacilityKnowledge Centre (Facilitair Kenniscentrum). Meetings were heldwhere experts, certainly not just from Facilicom, could share theirvision on current topics in the field. In 2012, a great deal of attention in the Facility Knowledge Centre was devoted to hostmanship.

Hostmanship is current. Many companies and organisations want

to raise hospitality and service provision to a higher level. Facilicom

has already embraced hostmanship a few years ago and is now

developed into an authority in the field. This was also revealed by

the session on hostmanship organised by the Facility Knowledge

Centre in November 2012. Interest was so great that it had to be

switched to another external location: the Dutch Mint in Utrecht.

Approximately 150 visitors came there to listen to presentations

by Geert van de Laar from Facilicom, Erik de Bruine, General Man-

ager of NEVI and former Director of Facility Management at

Rabobank, as well as hotel consultant and TV personality Willem

Reimers. The questions from the room and the discussion after-

wards during refreshments provided a lively exchange of ideas and

interesting new contacts among visitors. Admission to this Facility

Knowledge Centre session was free for everyone interested in the

subject, wishing to acquire some knowledge about the topic or

just wanted to talk about it.

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In 2012, the decision was made to have Facilicomenter an entirely new market: health care. The Careactivities division must grow into a new pillar for thegroup. Facilicom has already been active as a generaland technical service provider in health care, but thecare activities divisions has a much further reachingambition: the company wants to become active in theprovision of primary care.

Gom has been present in health care as a cleaning service

provider for decades. In 2007, these activities were consoli-

dated under Gom ZorgSupport with the explicit intention of

eventually offering more than just cleaning activities. This had

been realised: the business unit provides increasingly more

care-support services in the Erasmus MC and the Admiraal

De Ruyter Hospital in Zeeland. However, despite the in-

creased added valued that Gom ZorgSupport offers and the

extent to which the clients are satisfied with these services,

they remain within the extended scope of traditional general

and technical service provision. The applies equally to Axxi-

com. With Axxicom Airport Caddy, Axxicom Thuishulp and De

Zorgcentrale.nl, the division is fully represented in sectors re-

lated to health care. The company does not however offer any

care services but exclusively general and technical support.

With the establishment of the Care activities division, Facili-

com is taking a big new step.

OFFERING PRIMARY CAREThere are already other general and technical service

providers active in care, but Facilicom wishes to do some-

thing entirely different. While most general and technical serv-

ice companies approach care still in the manner of a service

process, Facilicom wishes to be active in primary care and

therefore actually offer true care. What type of care that may

be is still to be investigated. Because Facilicom only pos-

sesses limited knowledge of care provision, the company is

seeking a partner that can contribute knowledge about care.

The company wishes to link this experience to its own oper-

ational knowledge, logistical processes and the deployment

of people. These are competences that in the eyes of Facili-

com can add a great deal to the care process. This is impor-

tant now that care organisations wish and have to work in a

more efficient and more effective manner. Together with a

consultant, a determination is now being made of what the

proposition must precisely be, which segments of care and

which partners are best suited to the competencies and am-

bitions of Facilicom.


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Facilicom continues to invest in employees and in service provision. For instance, Facilicom decided in the fall of 2011 to make host-manship into one of the spearheads for the organisation. All members of management underwent training in 2012, and employees atspecific locations received workshops in “the art of making people feel welcome”. Facilicom now is known as an authority in the areaof hostmanship.

In 2012, approximately 3,000 employees were made familiar with

hostmanship in workshops. All members of management have

now been trained. In the case of operating employees, it will be

determined if such training suits the client and the type of work.

Hostmanship is a clear reinforcement of the Facilicom proposition.

In the past, the focus was always placed on operational excel-

lence. The clients now consider this quality to be standard and re-

quire it as such in the request for tender. With hostmanship,

Facilicom employees can offer significant added value. This comes

at the right moment, now that clients are embracing Flex Work,

that many more of them are paying attention to experiential factors

and that requirements in this regard are more frequently being in-

cluded in tendering procedures. Since Facilicom claimed hostman-

ship at an early stage, the company more than any other can earn

extra points in relation to this matter during tendering processes.

AUTHORITYLarge articles on Facilicom and hostmanship have appeared in at

least fifteen trade journals during the past year. As a result, Facili-

com is regarded as an authority on hostmanship. People such as

Geert van de Laar are also regularly invited as speakers on the

subject of hostmanship. Consultants from FFS also often more fre-

quently received requests to advise companies in introducing host-

manship in their own organisation. Even clients such as ABN

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Breijer Bouw en Installatie strongly believes in the integralapproach to the construction and installation process. Work-ing integrally makes construction, renovation, installation andmaintenance more efficient, such as demonstrated in DBFMOand other projects. Breijer has now taken another step in thisregard and is also going to work integrally in its own organ-isation. The more intensive collaboration will lead on allfronts to profit.

Breijer is unique because the company has nearly all the trades

for construction, renovation, installation and maintenance in

company. This is the reason why the company has always

been able to undertake integral construction. To make integral

collaboration even better, all trades are now assembled in

three BVs: Projecten, Contractonderhoud, and Brand en


The employers are also physically brought together. This

strengthens the collaboration and the involvement , as well as

ensures that much more work can be done integrally than in

the past. Collaboration is also strongly stimulated by shared

interest. Other significant advantages include shorter commu-

nication lines and smaller chance of error and miscommuni-

cation. Superfluous processes that do not add value, such as

internal invoicing, are no longer necessary.

With this change, Breijer feels that it is better able to meet the

increasing demand for such an integral approach. In addition,

projects on the construction market are becoming ever more

complex, and technology is playing an increasingly more im-

portant role. Through this new form of organisation, Breijer

Bouw en Installatie is better equipped to respond to these de-

velopments, as people are now able to better combine their

specialist expertise.




AMRO have sought discussions with Facilicom on this topic. Dur-

ing the Facility Knowledge Centre session on hostmanship that

Facilicom organised in the fall, experts stated that "the art of mak-

ing people feel welcome" directly leads to increased turnover and

more cross-selling. In the eyes of Facilicom, hostmanship begins

with a new manner of dealing with each other, and this internally

as well. The result was employee satisfaction and, in its extension,

customer satisfaction and, ultimately, more turnover or at least the

expectation of it.

CULTURE CHANGEHostmanship requires a culture change. That does not, of course,

occur from one day to the next. However, Facilicom has made

substantial steps over the last year. During workshops, open in-

terviews are held with each employee and each one is asked about

the obstacles that he or she experiences at work when implement-

ing the principles of hostmanship. In this way, the satisfaction of

each employees is, in fact, measured individually. The interviews

take time but also yield a great deal. The evaluation system has

been adjusted in response to them. Management now focuses

more on the competencies, behaviours and attitudes of people. In

evaluation interviews, it is again important to ask about the obsta-

cles that people experience in performing their work well and

therefore introducing hostmanship into practice. This helps host-

manship become truly rooted in the organisation, and enables Fa-

cilicom to maintain the lead that the company has with regard to


PROMOTING HOSTMANSHIP BY MEANS OF THE EXPERIENCE GAMEFacilicom has now grown into an authority in the area of host-

manship. Customers therefore come calling ever more fre-

quently with questions about how they might implement

hostmanship and hospitality. Facilicom Facility Solutions has

therefore now developed a board game. The Experience

Game. The game prepares people from Facilicom to enter into

dialogue with customers who wish to give hospitality a clear

and discernible place in the facility work field. The implemen-

tation of hospitality often remains limited to one of a few fac-

tors, while hostmanship demands an integral approach. The

game helps to make that clear.






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For years, Facilicom has enjoyed success with in-house magazines Veilig! Schoon! Smakelijk! andSolide! Now, there is only one publication that appears in print: Facilitair! This is more efficient, thetarget group is large and it is possible to highlight the joint proposition provided by all the divisions.

Facilitair! must make it clear that Facilicom and the Facilicom companies have taken the lead in the modernisation of the general

and technical service sector and constitute, for example, the party of choice for integral service provision. The publication is more

than a standard in-house magazine. It is also an important platform for knowledge sharing. The reporting is not only about Facilicom

but also explains trends and developments in the industry, as well as outside it. Facilicom wishes to use this publication to present

itself as an opinion leader and, in particular, make it clear that the company is an attractive employer. Facilitair! is distributed in a

run of over 20,000 copies to clients, partners and people working in general and technical service provision for buildings and fa-

cilities. All the articles can also be read on the website www.facilitaironline.nl, where visitors can also access all types of additional

information. The website is regularly updated; for instance, stimulating blogs appear on the opening page from prominent Facilicom



Tapwacht has developed into a complete suppler for the hospitality industry. The various company divisions together present a substantialdegree of collective reinforcement. Due to a takeover, the company is now the largest coffee service organisation.

As at 1 January 2013, Tapwacht took over and integrated the

maintenance and service activities of Koffie Techniek Nederland.

Through this acquisition, Tapwacht is now also the largest inde-

pendent service organisation for coffee systems in the Nether-

lands. A few years ago, Tapwacht became actively involved in the

service and maintenance of warm beverage machines and, con-

sequently, coffee equipment. The acquisition of the maintenance

and service branch of Koffie Techniek Nederland constitutes a fine

addition to the portfolio; the employees are particularly specialised

in the maintenance and service of the better coffee machines on

the market. The acquisition and integration provides an increase

in the number of employees, an enlargement of knowledge and

improved national coverage.

At the beginning of 2012, Tapwacht occupied new premises in the Spaanse Pol-

der of Rotterdam at a clearly visible location near the A20. The move involved an

existing building that has been entirely renovated. The office part included a bar

with the ambiance of a grand café: an atmosphere and environment in which

Tapwacht's clients and partners feel at home.

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Working together means...“...consulting effectively with clients. A hospitalityservice provider is concerned about its guests.Maintenance of installations is part of this, butyou need to perfectly coordinate when it is to bedone.”

Peter Brenters, Tapwacht


Trigion Safety Opleidingen was able to strengthen itself by ac-quiring the Zaandam company Safety Control. Through themerger of the two companies, Trigion Safety Opleidingen wasable to double its market share in the training segment.

Safety Control Veiligheidsinspecties & Veiligheidsopleidingen B.V.

(as the company is named in full) has made a name as a flexible

training institute in which companies and their employees could

undergo quick, economical and official training for certification.

Companies could also seek advice in the area of security. All these

activities have now been added to Trigion Safety Opleidingen. The

acquisition was completed at the beginning of January 2012.

Safety Control's activities were fully integrated as of 1 January

2012. The thirteen employees of Safety Control have been trans-

ferred to Trigion Safety Opleidingen.






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In these times, Facilicom is looking for new markets and newniches. In 2012, crowd sourcing was implemented; employerswere asked for ideas about new business. The response wasgreat. Management has now decided to further investigatetwo ideas.

The initiative provided eighty ideas in a month's time. They in-

clude many ideas that can be further investigated within the

divisions. Some plans for activities were already practical. Six

ideas have ultimately been selected for further investigation.

Of these, two ideas have been ultimately deemed to have a

chance of success: the offering of professional logistic services

and the provisions of flexworkstations for flex workers and sole

proprietors. Facilicom already offers logistic services but does

so together with third parties. Management does indeed see

opportunities for Facilicom to start offering such services on

its own on a broad scale. The offer of flexworkstations was al-

ready being investigated, but the input of two employees, each

of whom came up with the idea separately, was valued and in-

cluded in the investigation. Facilicom is very satisfied with the

results of this short-term campaign. The crowd sourcing has

provided a new dynamic among our staff and mobilised within

the company a collaborate force that had remained untapped

in the past.

The security division of Facilicom consists of two companies: Tri-gion and Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche. Together, they can vouchfor an enormous quantity of experience; the history of Trigionruns back more than 100 years, while Hoffman celebrated its 50year anniversary in 2012.

The acquisition of Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche in 2011 represented

an enormous strengthening of Trigion. Thanks to this takeover, the

security division has become the leading provider in the field of

investigations. Hoffmann is the market leader in the Netherlands

in investigations and consultancy, and has been building up a very

good name since its founding in 1962. It is exceptional for a com-

pany to work so long and with so much success in a sector that

can unquestionably be labelled sensitive. Hoffmann celebrated its

50-year anniversary in June 2012 with a large conference in which

all current trends and topics were discussed, such as the gap be-

tween classic security and IT security, the risk of increased fraud

during a recession, and the security risks of Flex Work.

Speakers and honoured guests included the State Secretary

of Security and Justice Fred Teeven and Burgomaster of Almere

Annemarie Jorritsma (where Hoffmaan has been established for

decades). Historian Maarten van Rossem was invited to qualify all

the talk about risks with his somewhat well-known irony.

In September, there was an anniversary celebration for approxi-

mately 100 employees. In the same month, the company pub-

lished an extra edition of the in-house publication Hoffmann-Tips

about "A half century of Hoffmann", which includes a description

of the history of the company and numerous cases and tips from

the past.

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Pathé operates cinemas in nearly all the large cities of the

Netherlands and is also the owner of MustSee and Minerva

cinemas. Together, all the cinemas accommodate 25,000

seats. Pathé wishes to offer the top in film entertainment,

therefore its service, comfort, projection and sound must be

of high quality. Optimum service also includes good cleaning.

Therefore, Pathé requested tenders for the cleaning of all its

cinemas in 2012. Peculiar was the fact that the chosen party

must first perform the cleaning service for two cinemas in The

Hague as a trial. Should this prove unsatisfactory, Pathé

would move on to the next provider. Gom had to compete

with providers that already had a great deal of experience in

the cleaning of cinemas. The cleaners could, however, make

use of the expertise that colleagues from the Belgian affiliate

have in this area. Since Gom made a plan that was completely

tailored to the wishes of Pathé and in which, in addition, client

focus predominates, the company finished as the best

provider. The cleaning company was able to live up to its

promises in the trial period, and has now become responsible

for cleaning all Pathé cinemas under a contract for an indefi-

nite period. A nice windfall for a cleaning company that has

come to view the leisure sector as an important growth mar-



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4 4 G E N E R A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2



The Municipality of Gouda wished to achieve social return in its

"Huis van de Stad" (city hall). Promen, a company that helps peo-

ple removed from the job market to find work, therefore received

the contract to provide the catering. Since Promen has no expe-

rience in catering, it called on Prorest, which then assigned a cater-

ing manager and three catering employees to the project. Promen

provides the cook and three other employees. In addition, the cook

is a reintegration supervisor. The team now operates a restaurant

which serves approximately 300 guests, and a coffee corner where

visitors are welcome throughout the day. The supervision of the

Promen employees is intended to be so successful that the num-

ber of "able-bodied hours" can be reduced over the long term and

the number of "disabled hours" can be increased. It is even hoped

that Promen employees can become full-fledged catering employ-

ees at another Prorest location. Promen sees the value of a long-

term partnership with Prorest. Gouda is so satisfied that the

municipality wishes to convert a single year into multi-year con-

tract. Prorest is proud of this special collaboration, which is viewed

as social return 2.0.

Facilicom Facility Solutions (FFS) has been responsible for the gen-

eral and technical services at all 47 UWV locations in the northern

half of the Netherlands since 1 January 2013. Services include

catering, cleaning, window washing, washroom facilities, land-

scaping and gardening, pest control and a part of the facility man-

agement. UWV has posed special requirements in the area of

social return, social involvement, service provision, hostmanship,

professionalism and future-oriented enterprise. The provider of

general and technical services is regarded as an extension of the

organisation and must have demonstrable added value in the

achievement of the objectives of the UWV. A cultural fit is therefore

also important. Decisive in choosing Facilicom was its qualitatively

high-grade service provision based on operational excellence and

the integral approach to the provision of services. Since Facilicom

uses its own companies for almost all services, it is possible to

create true integrality and to realise demonstrable operational and

financial benefits for the client. FFS is extremely happy with the

three-year contract with an option for another year. Due to the dy-

namic work environment and the critical nature of the client, FFS

and fellow companies are forced to develop creative ideas and in-

novative service provision concepts.




Dutch brewers continue to have a strong relationship with

the cafés that serve their beer. This is the reason why café

owners that have Bavaria on tap could until recently call

directly on the brewery in Lieshout for the maintenance of

beer and cooling installation, as well as support for break-

downs. They can now more frequently rely on Tapwacht.

Tapwacht took over a large part of the maintenance and

repair activities in the east of the Netherlands in 2011. For

Bavaria, this was a test to see if the relationship with and

loyalty to the brewery would not suffer as a result. There

was not a single complaint from approximately 300 hospi-

tality service companies, and Bavaria was subsequently

compelled to also allocate the hospitality service compa-

nies in the west to Tapwacht as of 1 January 2013. This

doubled the number of Bavaria customers for the com-

pany. Tapwacht now also has the largest geographic area

for Bavaria under its management. A unique step for the

nearly 300 year-old Bavaria and therefore a new success

for Tapwacht.

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Trigion has been working for Dutch railway company Nederlandse Spoorwegen for many years. During the last tendering procedure,

the security company was unfortunately cast adrift. This changed in 2012. NS re-tendered the security services for NS stations

and Ned Train locations in that year. Trigion won the contract for the largest package, North Netherlands, and now provides sur-

veillance for various stations and a few problem lines. Security officers also respond to alarms, not only in the case of a burglar

alarm but even when travellers are locked in toilets and lifts. They also open and close stations. The NS makes a further call on Tri-

gion in case of events such as home games of SC Heerenveen and the extra security at stations during Queen's Day. For instance,

an additional 160 Trigion security officers were employed on the Queen's Day 2013 in Amsterdam alone. This European RFP was

distinguished by the fact that it involved a purchase of services. Its most important feature is that the contracting party does not

prescribe what the provider has to do at the beginning but primarily examines the results of the security efforts. The procedure

was also one of the first large tenders in which the applicant has to submit a Risk Analyses Value Added (RAVA) plan. The contract

has a term of seven years.


The Rotterdam University of Applied Science occupies the former

head office of Unilever in the Museumpark in Rotterdam. The listed

building required thorough renovation. The most important aim is

the substantial improvement of the climate on the premises. This

requires systems-technical as well as engineering renovation, such

as the replacement of all external window and door casings and

insulation in the roof. The monumental façade shall be renovated.

Breijer Bouw en Installatie was selected as the most economical

applicant. Breijer possesses all the mechanical, electro-technical

and engineering expertise and can therefore integrate all speciali-

sations. The contracting party therefore has one contact person.

Breijer is experienced in working in built-up areas. This is very im-

portant because the building has various users and a great deal

of pedestrian traffic. The renovation therefore requires the contin-

uous provision of information for users and clear partitioning. The

school places high demands the need to limit inconvenience.

Noise nuisance may only occur before and after study hours, large

operations must take place on weekends and during holidays. To

better meet these requirements, Breijer has, at the client's request,

drawn up a work schedule divided into phases to be carried out

over three years.






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In the United Kingdom (UK), the demand for integral service provision is growing. Full FM providers are therefore searching for

reliable partners to realise their proposition. An example is Vinci Construction UK Ltd, one of the largest construction companies

in the UK and a supplier of a number of additional services, such as maintenance, energy management, interior design and facility

management. Facilicom Cleaning Services has already worked for Faceo FM, a company that was acquired by Vinci Facilities in

2011. The cleaning service company was therefore eligible for two large contracts that Vinci had to award. Facilicom won both

tenders and now provides cleaning services at both locations, supplies sanitary products, assigns a full-time handyman for the

maintenance of the toilet blocks and is, in the case of some premises, also responsible for the window washing. There was a

certain need to make the contracts into a success. Too many employees were used at both locations and the work was poorly or-

ganised. Facilicom had, in particular, to introduce culture change because the teams had to start working in a performance-driven

manner. The transition has become a success; results are significantly improved and customer-satisfaction has risen. Vinci facilities

has now stamped Facilicom Cleaning Services as a preferred supplier.

Axxicom Airport Caddy has been operating at Schiphol for nine

years, providing transport and escort services for people with lim-

ited mobility and unaccompanied children. The company works

under contract to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and home carrier

KLM, which are jointly responsible for this passenger escort. The

contract was again put up for tender in 2012, an all or nothing

process for the Facilicom subsidiary. Fortunately, the company

won the European RFP. Axxicom Airport Caddy did not only offer

the best price-quality relationship but was also able to maximise

quality. The tendering procedure was certainly not a walk in the

park, for the contracting parties imposed two important require-

ments: employees had to receive new uniforms and the back office

had to implement a new IT environment. The new contract has a

term of five years with an option of an additional year. The award

meant that the approximately 300 employees of Axxicom Airport

Caddy could continue to provide their unique forms of service. In

this way, they duplicated their Belgian colleagues, who won the

re-tendering procedure at Zaventem in 2012. Both Axxicom com-

panies hope in the future to be able to tender for more activities at



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Although Trigion France may, at this time, still be a relatively small

player, the security company has extremely well known clients,

such as the Opéra National de Paris. In 2012, Trigion won the Eu-

ropean RFP for the security of two opera houses for this famous

culture institution. Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille, both located

in the heart of Paris. The people of Trigion now provide security for

both opera houses 24 hours a day, 365 day a year. The security

officers received special training in handling culture lovers and

wearing tuxedos when performing their work during events. The

organisation behind the operation must also make special efforts,

for the contracting authority may, at the last minute, have to indi-

cate that two to three times as many security agents are required

during an event. It is noteworthy that a relatively small security

company such as Trigion France could meet the strict require-

ments stated in the tender. It is even nicer to see that the company

made good on all its promises; in particular, the Opéra National de

Paris is very satisfied. Facilicom uses the contract now as a refer-

ence for other potential clients in the still sizeable French cultural


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In 2012, Trigion Belgium trumped all large Belgian security com-

panies by reeling in the contract of the Belgian Federal Public Serv-

ice of Finance (the Belgian tax administration). This is a large

contract with a term of five years for a client with a great deal of

prestige. Due to the strongly quantitative selection criteria, only the

largest players could apply for this European RFP. Since Trigion in

Belgium is still a relatively small party, the company could only meet

the size require by jointly tendering with Trigion Nederland. It should

be noted that Facilicom already has a good name at FPS Finance,

as the Gom cleaning company has been working at the govern-

ment agency to great satisfaction for two years. Trigion was also

able to offer the appropriate quality. The pricing was also good.

Approximately, 35 security officers are now guarding the two North

Galaxy towers of the FPS Finance in the administrative hear of

Brussels night and day. The public service has also awarded other

temporary contracts to Trigion. Unusually, there were only two days

between the contract award and the commencement of the con-

tract. And these two days also fell on a weekend. Nevertheless, it

went well. Both the customer and the transferred security officers

are satisfied.


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4 8 S O C I A L & C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E P O R T

Since the 2008 reporting year, Facilicom reports each year on the objectives it has achieved in the field of CSRpolicy. Our reports are prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Facilicom’s Social and Corporate Social Responsibility Report indicates how the divisions have performed againstthese specific objectives, but is also designed to provide insight into other initiatives that have been taken or objectives that have been achieved.

Performance indicator GRI-standardPeople Staff number (LA1)

Staff turnover (LA2)Absence due to illness (LA7)Training and education (LA10) Employee satisfaction (LA12)

Planet Fleet energy labels (EN29)Environmental incidents and fines (SO8)

Profit Net turnover (EC1)Profit (EC1)Solvency (EC1)Staff costs (EC1)Client satisfaction (PR5)Complaints (PR8)

In 2012, Trigion, Gom, FFS and Prorest obtained level 3 on the CSR scale.

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Working together

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TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYABILITYThe Facilicom companies work in explicit collaboration in order to achieve CSR.In 2012, the focus is primarily directed at the CSR factors that are extremely im-portant for such a people-friendly company as Facilicom: the sustainable em-ployability of its staff. in addition to the absenteeism policy existing in the yearunder review, a start was made on the implementation of a health care policy.

Facilicom has a good policy for dealing with absenteeism. It focuses on repression. When

employees report in sick, everything is put in to operation in order to return them to work

in a quick and responsible manner and, if such may not occur, to at least focus attention

on the return to work. Little is being done in terms of prevention and the avoidance of illness

and absence. This fails to occur, even though its omission is bothersome for the employees,

the operation, clients and Facilicom. The ultimately responsible HR officers from the various

divisions have therefore formed plans that should result in the sustainable employability of

staff members until their 67th birthday.

HEALTH CARE POLICYHR officers no longer speak about a policy on absence due to illness alone, but also about

a health care policy. In future, this must generate a policy more focused on sustainable em-

ployability. The emphasis is then more strongly placed on the prevention of illness and ab-

senteeism, as well as on the employability of staff. Such may, for example, occur by properly

examining the physical and psychological load that a task entails.

A work group has now begun to formulate load capacity profiles for various groups of em-

ployees. By taking account of such factors when recruiting and selecting employees, future

problems may be prevented. An examination will also be made of specific risk groups

and/or when they should be incorporated in a regular medical check-up, so that the em-

ployer may take appropriate measures on time.

HEALTH CARE INTERVIEWS AND EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEYS.Pilot health care interviews were introduced in 2011 at Prorest for employees who are fre-

quently absent. This pilot will be continued and expanded to include other target groups.

Trigion is now organising health care interviews for all employees aged 55 and older. All di-

visions are conducting more frequent employee satisfaction surveys. More attentions will

also be given to life style by adding the so-called BRAVO elements. They are questions

about activity, smoking, alcohol, food and relaxation (in Dutch: Bewegen, Roken, Alcohol,

Voeding en Ontspanning). In 2012, Gom focused on these elements in workshops. At Tri-

gion, a newsletter informed employees about the impact of BRAVO on health and well-

being. If employees fall nevertheless sick, Facilicom will then still better investigate the

employment activities that still may be possible. This does not occur equally well every-

where. Gom began a pilot regarding a central reporting point for absence due to illness in

2012. It has specialists who can better determine if they can keep people at work at least

part time. Facilicom has also launched a mobility centre in order to help people return to

work who can no longer perform their current work.

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5 2 S O C I A L & C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E P O R T


The CSR performance scale is based on international guide-

lines for sustainability (ISO 26000), stakeholder management

(AA1000), and indicators along with reports (GRI). The certifi-

cation meets a need to make socially involved sustainable de-

velopment concrete, objective and demonstrable. The

management system makes it possible for Facilicom to gain

systematic insight into CSR performances. The system helps

to make CSR into a permanent item on the agenda for stake-

holders. The aim is to manage and secure mutual expecta-

tions, as well as to raise them to a higher level. The system

identifies seven key issues and uses 33 indicators, of which

22 relate to the People category, extremely important for such

a people-friendly company as Facilicom, eight others fall in the

Planet category, and three concern Profit.


In 2012, Facilicom was certified at level 3 of the CSR performance scale. The management system provides systematic insightinto the performances of the company in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

ACCOUNTABILITYCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is inextricably linked to the

culture at Facilicom. Caring for people, the planet and profit fits in

with a policy geared towards continuity of the business, employ-

ment for our staff and provision of a service to our clients. Since

its establishment in 1966, Facilicom has been a standalone busi-

ness, independent of external equity providers. There is no pres-

sure from outside to achieve profits in the short term, so the

company’s policy focuses on the long term.

This is the definition that Facilicom uses for its CSR policy: "The

development and pursuit of a policy, within the categories of Peo-

ple, Planet and Profit, that focuses on sustainability and a long-

term contribution towards social welfare, whilst taking the relevant

stakeholders into account." Since the 2008 reporting year, Facili-

com reports each year on the initiatives taken and the objectives

achieved in the field of CSR policy. Our reports are prepared in ac-

cordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

The report is made at GRI-C level. Facilicom also subscribes to

the principles of the Global Compact Initiative of the United Na-

tions. These principles have been applied of the company by, for

example, being translated into the company and procurement

codes of Facilicom.

In order to embed our CSR policy in the organisation, a compre-

hensive management model has been implemented at group level,

which corresponds to the existing certified ISO 9001 management

system. The CSR policies are assessed each year against the cri-

teria of ambition and realisation. The divisions set at least two spe-

cific targets each year, based on the group’s level of ambition.

Facilicom’s Social and Corporate Social Responsibility Report in-

dicates annually how the divisions have performed against these

specific objectives, but is also designed to provide a picture of

other initiatives that have been taken or objectives that have been

achieved. This is certainly not a complete picture.

PERFORMANCE INDICATORSThe recurrent theme underlying this Social & CSR Report takes

the form of the performance indicators derived from the GRI guide-

lines. We have, of course, borne in mind their relevance to the

company’s operational processes.

The table shows which GRI standards were used in 2012. This re-

port also provides an account of the standards derived from Fa-

cilicom and its divisions’ mission, strategy and values, the

company’s involvement with society and the standards that are

applied in the market. This report is not actually intended to be ex-

haustive, and initiatives and developments launched in previous

years are generally not mentioned again in this report.

MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSIN 2012, Gom, Trigion, Prorest and FFS were certified level 3 on

the CRS performance scale. The certification meets a need to

make socially involved sustainable development concrete, objec-

tive and demonstrable. The resulting goals are included in the an-

nual plan for the divisions. The objective is not only to manage and

to secure collective CSR ambitions, but to raise them to a higher

level. The CSR performance scale complements existing manage-

ment systems concerned with quality, environment, safety and

conditions of employment that are applied within Facilicom. The

table on page 54 shows a summary of the most significant certifi-

cations, standards and codes that are applied in managing the


AUDIT FIGURESThe annual report is a part of the audit of the annual accounts for

2012 as performed by Grant Thornton Accountants en Adviseurs

B.V. The report on the annual accounts for 2012 has been included

on page 87.

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Facilicom strives for long-term employment, partly because it

is good for organisational continuity as well as stability in the

operations for clients. The policy has certainly been successful

among management. Among the largest group of manage-

ment, employees between 35 and 45 years old, the average

length of employment at this time is 10 years. To prevent jobs

from becoming routine and people from becoming unhappy

or bogged down in their work, Facilicom wishes to encourage

increased internal mobility. With its range of activities, Facilicom

also has the capacity for this; management members can re-

ceive new challenges and continued growth by transferring to

another division. The basis was consequently laid for an annual

management review in 2012. This will make it clear to Facili-

com if people are performing at or under their level, and if they

are ready for job enrichment, a horizontal or vertical move, or

participation in a (high) potential programme.

MOBILITY CENTRETo maintain the vitality and work commitment of operational

employees, Facilicom has also set up a mobility centre. The

Facilicom Mobility Centre provides guidance for operational

employees who are ready to take a new step in their career,

who are without work because of workforce reduction or over-

capacity, or who cannot perform their current duties for all

kinds of reasons. Operational employees will also benefit from

the fact that Facilicom has so many divisions and specialisa-

tions. The company therefore offers many opportunities to find

a situation where these employees with all their qualities are

properly placed and can make a fresh start to their careers. If

there are no possibilities within the company, the Mobility Cen-

tre will then search for a suitable position outside Facilicom.

The aim is always to enable people to move from one employ-

ment position to another.


Facilicom endeavours to ensure that staff are sustainably employable until their 67th birthday. Internal mobility is an importantfactor in this regard. The various divisions are now more than even pulling together in this respect by stimulating career devel-opment, job rotation, promotion and retention of work.

PEOPLEAs a “people-friendly company”, Corporate Social Responsibility comes as second nature to Facilicom. Our employees are our most important asset and the company therefore does everything it can to promote thehealth and welfare of its staff. Facilicom firmly believes that corporate social responsibility can secure loyalty tothe organisation and succeed in retaining people within the organisation.

STAFF COMPLEMENTIn 2012, Facilicom employed 30,343 permanent staff, of which

20,423 in the Netherlands, 4,232 in Belgium, 3,508 in France and

2,181 in Great Britain.

STAFF RETENTIONFacilicom endeavours to provide long-term employment. After all, that

is the best way to retain valuable knowledge and experience, and

guarantee continuity for clients. Long-term employment also formed

one of the specific objectives of 2012 for four divisions in the Nether-

lands. With the exception of one, they managed to exceed the target

and employed 87 percent of staff for more than one year. The per-

centage of staff employed for more than ten years is 34.8 percent

throughout group companies in the Netherlands. Breijer Bouw en In-

stallatie is counted separately and achieves an even better score of

over 40 percent. The fact that Facilicom has always endeavoured to

employ people for the long-term is demonstrated each time at the

traditional staff anniversaries evening. In 2012, 539 employees cele-

brated their 12.5th anniversary, 113 employees celebrated 25 years

with the company and three employees marked their 40th anniver-

sary. In keeping with tradition, they were thanked for their years of

service to the company by the founder of Facilicom, Mr J.G. Geurts.






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5 4 S O C I A L & C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E P O R T

Most important certifications, standards and codes

Division Certification / standard / codeAxxicom ISO 9001:2008

Breijer Construction ISO 9001:2008and installation VCA** / Sector-specific Railway Infrastructure Requirements

Erkenning VastGoed Onderhoud (Property maintenance certification)CCTV installation companyBRL3201BRL6000 part 1 up to and including 5, 7 and 8BRL6010The “Safe Living” hallmarkLPS 1233 fire extinguishing installations (sprinkler and extinguishing gas)Criteria for surveillanceBGB Toezicht Brandveilig Gebruik Bouwwerk (Fire Safety Use Construction Surveillance)BORG national evaluation guidelineSTEK company certificateFSC - Chain of CustodyF-gas regulationBMI installation companyBMI fire detection companyBMI Schedule of requirements writer

Facilicom ISO 9001:2008Facility Solutions CSR performance scale - level 3

Prorest Catering ISO 9001:2008 including certification scheme Contract cateringHygiene code for contract cateringISO 14001CSR performance scale - level 3

Cleaning ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2004VCA** (Gom Schoonhouden en Gom Specialistische Reiniging) 2008/5.1BTR 2004/2.1VCA* RobbersOSB hallmarkOSB hallmark window and exterior wall cleaningNEN 4400-1CSR performance scale - level 3Code of Responsible Market Conduct

Security ISO 9001:2008 VCA*VCA** (specific buildings)Security certificate from the Dutch security sectorECABO certificateBorg certificateEvent security certificate from the Dutch security sectorCCTV certificate (camera surveillance in public spaces)Private investigation agency certification from the Dutch security sectorCSR performance scale - level 3Social business operator performance scale - level 1

Great Britain ISO 9001:2008ISO 14001:2004NSI Gold, now including BSSafe ContractorRegistered Waste CarrierSSAIB (Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board) Accreditation in respect of Intruder, CCTV, Access and Control

France ISO 9001NF Services

Belgium ISO 9001: Facilicom, Gom, Prorest, Trigion, FFS, OFS, OBMISO 14001: Gom traditional cleaningVCA**: GomVCA*: AG Window Cleaning, ACS General Cleaning, Production Services, Building Maintenance, OFS

STAFF RECRUITMENTOur employees always have first refusal on any vacancies that

arise. We are also stepping up our internal search for employees

who are ready for a new challenge, because Facilicom places great

value on internal progression, even between the group’s divisions.

External recruitment often takes place via the Internet. The aim is

to fill 60 percent of management position internally within Facili-

com. The rate in 2012 was 38 percent. Applications are generally

submitted on electronic, easily completed application forms. All

the divisions use the same system to manage vacancies and ap-

plications, which makes it easy for them to refer applicants from

one division to another. Selection procedures are always geared

towards finding the best candidate, irrespective of gender, nation-

ality or fitness.

In 2012, Trigion Nederland became the first security company to

obtain the PSO certificate, level 1. PSO stands for Prestatieladder

Socialer Ondernemen (Corporate Social Performance Scale). The

certificate is intended to demonstrate and to stimulate social re-

turn. The Security company was involved in the development and

continues to be involved in the further development.

Facilicom France devotes a great deal of effort to the integration

of individuals with a disability. The division signed the Charte de la

Diversité in 2011. The company is now also actively striving to en-

sure that staff properly reflects the diversity of society.

ABSENCE DUE TO ILLNESSIn 2012, the percentage of absenteeism displayed a very slight re-

duction of 0.03 percent in comparison with 2011. Facilicom con-

PROREST ACTIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE FOODProrest has joined the initiative “Samen active voor duurzammer eten” (Collectively active for sustainable food)and also supports the website www.duurzamereten.nl. Thesite directs people to sustainable food products and meals.

The initiative is unique in Europe because all the parties in-

volved in the food chain are collaborating: farmers, market gar-

deners, manufacturers, wholesale and distribution, and

supermarkets, as well as speciality shops, caterers and hospi-

tality service providers. Veneca, sector association for caterers,

is also closely involved in the initiative and Prorest has joined in

the endeavour. The website offers visitors insight into sustain-

ability processes that are involved in agriculture, horticulture,

the food industry, supermarkets, the hospitality industry and

catering. With this information in hand, consumer can make in-

formed choices for more sustainable food products.

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Number of training and education courses

Division Training course Participants 2012Axxicom Thuishulp Labour law 9

Hostmanship 61TIBI test 920Train the trainer workshop: working safely and healthily 11BHV 4Home-care coaching course 8

Airport Caddy Basic PA training 147PA lifter underneath 147Platform training + C-max 53TA lifter above 57PLAM (riding on platform) 20SCW reception desk 14STA 3A-compagnie/services 3Hostmanship 36

Breijer Construction VCA Basic safety 21and installation Safety for operational managers 15

Emergency services and first aid 74Various technical and specialised training courses 386Organisational skills 50

Prorest Catering OCC Catering Manager B 32Prorest Instruction on Introduction (PIBI) 21Passion for service 79

Facilicom Emergency services 5Facility Solutions VCA 4

Time management 8Fork lift 1

Facilicom Advice skills 33Services Group Executive modules 18

Potential programme 11Induction day 63Management skills 36Time management 26High Potentials 5IFM workshop 25Hostmanship 350Hostmanship: Train the Trainer 24

Cleaning GIBI training course 2264SVS educational programme 70On-the-job vocational training 156Basic training 246On-the-job vocational training in external cleaning supervision MBO level 4 93 Hostmanship 259Client management 8Dutch language training 3

Security Front Office Manager MBO level 3 604Employee supervision and safety MBO level 2 64Employee Maintainer Supervision and Safety MBO (intermediate vocation training) level 3 2325Security officer 2 223Centralist private and government buildings 12ISPS harbour security 43Client friendly action / security 88Dealing with aggression 137Safety Host 19Security Host (training on the job/refreshment/coaching TL) 276Hostmanship 458Search and bomb detection 3Search and X-ray 10X-Ray and radiation hygiene 21AED 431VCA in Basic Safety and full VCA 20Company emergency response team member 741CER team member refreshment course 4Fire alarm systems warden (trained person) 49First Aid 3014CER team leader 105Private investigator training course 6Specialised training courses 18Detail/generalising training courses 12

Belgium Management skills 36Language and computing skills 14Trigion specialist training 40Gom specialist training 38Prorest specialist training 57Other specialist training courses 41

Great Britain 3 Day First Aid 14BICSc 22FIBI 926Safety harness systems 4Health & safety introduction 430Health & safety on-site accident reporting 430Fire warden 5BTEC level 2 (CCTV operations) 9BTEC level 2 (Cleaning and support services) 14

France Gom Process 33Other operations techniques 307Safety / Security 174Trade 43First aid 102Personnel development 10Others 74

cluded 2012 with 5.16 percent. The target of 5 percent absen-

teeism over the first two years of illness was therefore not


Just as the rest of the Netherlands, Facilicom is struggling with

persistent long-term absenteeism. This is partly due to an increase

in the average age and the fact that employees are more frequently

having to deal with physical or psychological limitations.

Facilicom's own Reintegration department and its health & safety

services are working together with the divisions on reintegration.

The focus is placed on returning employees to their own work and,

otherwise, to another position with another employer. Certainly in

this difficult age, it is important that people go from employment to

employment. Working together with the Dutch Ministry of Social Af-

fairs, Facilicom seeks collaboration with other companies to guide

employees from job to job. Sustainable employability is the guideline

in this respect. Collaboration with collective care insurers is sought

in order to launch initiatives with collective health insurers.

The health care interviews that the HR department of Prorest Ned-

erland conducts with employees who are regularly ill have proven

extremely successful. Among the 22 employees involved, the av-

erage number of times that they reported ill fell from 2.1 in 2011

to 0.6 in 2012 The employees also generally indicate how nice it

is to be able to determine their own vitality and value the support

from Prorest. This procedure has now been introduce in other di-


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United Kingdom2,266
















Personnel services2,799







2,567232 0







Construction andinstallation
















Construction and installation

Facilicom broad

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012















Facilicom Cleaning Security Catering Construction andinstallation



7.0 7.1 7.07.3 7.3 7.3






Construction and installation

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Norm 85%




Personnel services 75.0%

Facilicom 39.95%

Cleaning 35.8%

Security 40.3%

Catering 47.7%

Construction and installation 43.8%

Personnel services 14.3%

Belgium 8.0%

France 18.0%

United Kingdom 13.8%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4545 50

0 20 40 60 80 100100 80 60 40 20

% part-time % full-time





Personnel services

Construction and installation



United Kingdom










0 2 4 6 8 101 3 5 7 9




Construction and installation


Facilicom Facility Solutions 7.77




Belgium 7.50

France 7.15

Staff complement in the Netherlands on 31 December 2012

Absenteeism due to illness in the Netherlands

Proportions of full-time and part-time employees in 2012

Client satisfaction 2012 Percentage of employees employed for more than ten years

Percentage of employees employed for more than one year

Employee satisfaction score in the Netherlands

International staff complement on 31 December 2012



5 6 S O C I A L & C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E P O R T

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0 20 40 60 80 100



Catering 65%


Construction and installation 95%



Facilicom Facility Solutions 99%


Axxicom Airport Caddy 98%







Facilicom 4.25%

Cleaning 7.00%



Construction and installation 4.50%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Norm 5%





2008 2009 2010






2011 2012







Performance and assessment cycle in the Netherlands

Number of wage corrections

Private vehicles with a green environment label (A, B and C)in the Netherlands

Euro unleaded Diesel oil LPG

CO2-footprint vehicles (in tons)










2011 2012

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Facilicom is a member of a wide range of

associations with the aim of sharing knowledge and keeping

up to date with developments.

Division MembershipBreijer Construction Uneto-VNIand installation FSC agreement partner

WVB (Property maintenance companies)VBR (Association of certified concrete repair companies)FOSAG (Business organisation for the painting, maintenance metal conservation and window glass sector)VEBONNVDO (Dutch Association for Effective Maintenance)GBO (Window glass sector association)VNO-NCWBouwend Nederland (Construction Netherlands)VLA (Air Technology Equipment Suppliers Association)Vernieuwing Bouw (Innovative Construction)

Prorest Catering Veneca (board position + a number of committee members)Facility Management Netherlands Food Service NetworkFood XLHet Convenant Gezond Gewicht (Healthy Weight Covenant)Netwerk Herformulering productaanbod (Reformulating Product Offer Network)Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel (Sustainable Food Alliance)

Facilicom Facility Management NederlandFacility Solutions Dutch Green Building Council

F-MexNFC-indexPPS Platform

Cleaning Services Business Organisation for Cleaning and Security Services (OSB) (administrator position + a number of committee members)Facility Management NederlandAssociation of Cleaning Research (VSR)(administrator position + a number of committee members)Young Food ManagementStichting Schoonmaakkwaliteit (administrator position)Partner of CSR Netherlands

Security Dutch Security Sector (administrator position + a number of committee members)Vereniging Beveiligingsmanagers Nederland (Netherlands Association of Security Managers) (President)Vereniging Beveiligingsmanagers Nederland (Netherlands Association of Security Managers) (Member)American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS International)Facility Management NederlandConfederation of European Security Services (CoESS)Aviation Security Services Association International, ASSA-IWorld Association of Detectives De Normaalste Zaak (The Most Normal Business)College van Deskundigen PSO Nederland (Netherlands College of CSPS Experts)Nederlandse Veiligheidsbranche sectie POB (Netherlands Security Sector, POB DivisionNorea Beroepsvereniging IT-Auditors (Norea Professional Association of IT Auditors)CISA Certified Information Systems AuditorThe Hague Security DeltaCISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Belgium Cleaning: ABSUFFS: IFMATrigion: BVBOProrest: Comeos

Great Britain SIABICScNCCA

France FEP (Fédération des entreprises de propreté et services associés)GENIMARSEG (Association des Directeurs et Responsables de Services Généraux)MEDEF

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Working together means...“...ensuring that guests always feel welcome andhave the choices they desire. This can only happen if you collaborate effectivelywith your co-workers and suppliers".

Irma van Hintum, Prorest Catering

SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYABILITYFacilicom endeavours to ensure that staff are employable sustain-

ably. The basic principle of that policy is that the company and its

employees share joint responsibility for ensuring that work remains

both physically and intellectually manageable up to the age of 67.

That is why the existing absenteeism policy is being changed into

a policy focusing on sustainable employability. The new policy is

necessary because the staff complement is ageing, the pension

age is being increased, the government is making cuts and the

population has a more unhealthy lifestyle. All these factors result

in a higher rate of absenteeism at Facilicom.

To enhance the sustainable employability of management at job

level 4 or higher, work was performed in 2012 to introduce an an-

nual management review in which use is made of the so-called 9

box grid model. Facilicom wishes to use this system to determine

if people are performing at or under their level, and if they are ready

for job enrichment, a horizontal or vertical move, or participation

in a (high) potential programme. The Facilicom Mobility Centre was

introduced for operational employees. This in-company Mobility

Centre provides guidance for operational employees who are

ready to make another step in their career, who are in danger of

becoming unemployed due to workforce reduction or overcapacity

or who cannot perform their current duties for all kinds of reasons.

In connection with this policy, various divisions introduced BRAVO

in 2012. In Dutch, BRAVO stands for Bewegen, Roken, Alcohol,

Voeding and Ontspanning, which may be rendered (more) move-

ment, (stopping) smoking, (moderate use of) alcohol, (healthy) food

and (sufficient) relaxation. An unhealthy lifestyle is certainly one of

the largest causes of (chronic) disorders that result in absenteeism.

At Gom, tools have been developed and workshops given with re-

gard to BRAVO. Employees have responded positively to these

activities. Trigion has directed attention to the topic in newsletters,

in which tips and tricks were also provided. The security com-

pany's Employee Motivation study of 2012 included lifestyle ques-


In response to the result of the employee satisfaction survey, Gom

has developed the Gom work triangle, a tool that can be deployed

to identify, discuss and avoid excessive work pressure.

The French divisions have commenced a study into stress at work.

Risk groups are identified. Examination is now being made of the

stress factors and how they can be reduced. The cleaning service

company in France has joined the sector initiative to improve er-

gonomics during work. In France, no less than 96 per cent of oc-

cupational illness in the cleaning sector is caused by

improper strain on muscles (at Gom France, the figure is 98 per


EMPLOYEE SATISFACTIONAs a ‘people-friendly company’, Facilicom places considerable im-

portance upon employee satisfaction and, in particular, employee

motivation. All the divisions conduct employee satisfaction surveys

for their entire staff complement at least once every three years.

Low scores are addressed by means of clearly formulated action

points. Extra attention is then paid to these points for improvement

during the subsequent survey. In its investigation of employee sat-

isfaction, Gom explicitly examined work pressure. Trigion now or-

ganises an Employee Motivation Study each year.

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TRAINING AND EDUCATIONThe programme run by Gom to provide all indirect managers with

training up to senior secondary vocational education level 4 is

being rolled out ever further within the organisation. The company’s

own Cleaning Basic Training course has proved to be a success,

155 new employees following this programme in 2011 and 246

obtaining a diploma in 2012. Following the lead of Gom ZorgSup-

port, Gom has now also begun to provide custom language train-

ing in Dutch.

Employees with a good command of the Dutch language feel bet-

ter and healthier, and are more widely employable.

The training programme of Trigion Nederland, the Trigion Academy,

is regarded as the largest On-the-Job Vocational Training pro-

gramme in the Netherlands. Around 1,300 security officers and

team leaders follow a course at senior secondary vocational edu-

cation levels 3 or 4.

The first master class completed at Prorest Nederland in 2009 led

to a rewarding promotion in 2012: one of the participants was able

to step up to the position of district coordinator. Prorest is proud

of the fact that the internal training has borne fruit over the long

term and that a 56-year-old employee was able to obtain the pro-


Breijer works together with Savantis to offer employees the oppor-

tunity to obtain an experience certificate based on the national

"Recognising and obtaining competencies" procedure (Erkenning

van Verworven Competenties). In this way, they strengthen their

position on the employment market. Employees who master all

the competencies may request an official certificate of proficiency.

At Axxicom Thuishulp, working safely and healthily was a central

topic during employee meetings in 2012. A pilot group of home-

care coaches was set up in the Randstad. In total, eight home-

care employees were trained as coaches. They coach new

employees from the Helping Care & Well Being course, (opleiding

Helpende Zorg & Welzijn) and employees who enter employment

from the SROI programme (social return on investment). The pilot

was successful and will be given follow up in 2013.

The French division initiated a management development pro-

gramme for staff members at the beginning of 2012. At the end of

2012, an ambitious assessment programme was launched for the

most important fifty managers.

Facilicom UK is proud of the fact that two area managers com-

pleted their potential development programme. Thanks to the

competencies that they have further developed with this pro-

gramme, they were able to achieve promotion during the year in

review. In 2012, the British division also gave trainees the oppor-

tunity to gain head-office experience. Selected cleaning staff can

now further develop their expertise at Telford College, with BTEC

Level 2 training in Cleaning and Support Service Skills.

HOSTMANSHIPIn autumn 2011, Facilicom began a comprehensive programme

to train staff in hostmanship. By offering hostmanship, the Facili-

com companies are able to meet current needs of clients with re-

gard to general and technical services more effectively. Facilicom

also uses the hostmanship programme to create a positive culture

and atmosphere within the company. Hostmanship should encour-

age staff to feel at home at Facilicom. In this way, Facilicom wishes

to maintain its position as best general and technical service em-

Of the 655 celebrants, as many as 113 had been in service for

25 years, and there were even three celebrating their 40th an-

niversaries. Celebrants, their partners and their supervisors

were honoured on 22 November in the Broodfabriek in Ri-

jswijk. Mr J.G. Geurts, the founder of Facilicom, acted again

this year as the MC for the festive evening. He made a speech

and congratulated all employees celebrating anniversaries. It

is the decided conviction of Mr Geurts that these (frequently

operational) employees "are the stars that allow Facilicom to

shine". And he wishes to thank them personally for this.



The fact that Facilicom is actually doing something about long-term employment is demonstrated by the number of anniversaries.There were again more of these in 2012, namely 655. They were placed in the spotlight at the annual employment anniversaryevening. The turnout was large.

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ployer in the Netherlands. The company hopes that the practices

of hostmanship will make it better able to attract new employees

and retain existing ones. This is important in view of the ageing of

the population and the threat of increasing competition in the em-

ployment market. In 2012, Facilicom management followed the

hostmanship workshop. Operational employees could also attend

the workshop at specific locations. Hostmanship is now also a

subject of work meetings and is incorporated in the evaluation sys-

tem from team-leader level up. At Prorest Nederland, hostmanship

has been made a part of the "Passion for service" training pro-

gramme. Just under eighty employees and managers completed

this training in 2012.

HEALTH AND SAFETYHealth and safety are permanent parts of the induction process

that most employees are required to follow at the start of their em-

ployment. However, health and safety deserve and receive con-

stant attention. The cleaning division in the Netherlands issues new

employees with information booklets about working in a healthy

and safe manner. In 2012, Facilicom France began to compile an

inventory of the risks that employees run with potentially hazardous


STAFF EXTRASAll employees in the Netherlands contribute to Facilicom Social

Funds. The funds offer financial support to employees that require

it. This support would be the type that is not provided or is insuf-

ficiently covered under normal government legislation on social

benefits. The Facilicom Ombudsman – a position entrusted to one

of the lawyers from the Legal Affairs department – assists employ-

ees with legal issues pertaining to their personal circumstances.

People who are facing difficulties with debt can contact NIM-BMW,

an external organisation that assists employees in rescheduling

their debt responsibly and coaches them in how to manage their

money more effectively. The Facilicom Advantage Programme of-

fers employees attractive discounts on insurance, such as a col-

lective healthcare insurance policy and an insurance package that

employees can compile themselves, including cover for cars,

home, contents and liability. The Advantage Programme also in-

creasingly includes discounts on products, subscriptions and days


In France, there is a bonus system that applies to all employees.

The amount of the bonus depends on the results obtained in the


In 2012, Facilicom UK dedicated a great deal of time to the prepa-

ration of a new pension system, which will come into effect in

2013. It provides all employees with the option of accumulating a

pension, in most cases partly paid by the employer.


Breijer was honoured with the Greater Rotterdam CSRaward on 14 December 2012, being selected over 41 othernominated companies. The construction and installationcompany was especially praised for its chain of respon-sibility.

The Dutch construction industry produces twice as much

waste as all households put together. Sustainable business

operations can therefore have a large effect in this sector.

For years, Breijer has been implementing a great deal of

lean construction, reducing the costs of defects, investing

in waste separation and recycling, and making construc-

tion more sustainable by considering how to reduce en-

ergy consumption during the design and construction and,

subsequently, making more efficient use of the premises.

The construction company also has all its partners in the

construction project participate in these practices. It is this

manner of working that resulted in Breijer winning the pres-

tigious Greater Rotterdam CSR award. Thanks to this ho-

nour, Breijer will now be recognised for two years as the

business with the best CSR policy in Greater Rotterdam.

General Manager Pieter-Jan van Hooijdonk of Breijer Bouw

en Installatie accepted the award from Rotterdam Member

of Council Jeannette Balijeu at a festive gathering on 14


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PREMISESThe head office of Facilicom is equipped with two special wind tur-

bines that are sufficient to supply around 10,000 kWh of electricity

per year. The building, which was completed in 2006, was the first

private office building in the Netherlands to achieve an EPA A++

label. Facilicom has introduced Flex Work in several regional offices

with the aim of using the available space more efficiently, estab-

lishing a familiar and pleasant working atmosphere and creating

flexworkstations. In 2012, it was decided that the Flex Work

scheme should become an option for all FBD staff; if work permits,

staff may spend 20 percent of their hours working from home. This

pilot turned out to be successful and many employees now make

use of this option.

At Facilicom UK, continuous efforts are being made to improve the

sustainability of the company premises. The head-office operation

has been officially CO2 neutral since 2011.

MOBILITY All the divisions endeavour, as far as possible, to allow their staff

to work in the vicinity of their home. The companies all recommend

cycling as the ideal means of transport for travelling to work, with

a view to promoting health and considering the environment. The

divisions encourage this by offering employees the opportunity to

purchase a company bicycle with the benefit of tax relief. New

company cars have been required to have an A, B or C class en-

ergy label since the start of 2009, and 95 percent of the fleet now

has one of these labels. Employees also have the option of choos-

ing a hybrid vehicle when choosing a lease car. Model calculations

are also used to encourage employees to choose a vehicle that is

more energy-efficient, emits less CO2 and results in a lower addi-

tional tax liability. They are also encouraged to choose a smaller

vehicle than the one to which they may be entitled: they receive

most of the benefit in the form of a mobility supplement. A car

dashboard has also been introduced in order to monitor employ-

ees’ driving behaviour in relation to its environmental impact. The

dashboard now allows insight into the performance of each divi-

sion and even of each employee. The Facilicom driver with the

most sustainable driving record is placed in the spotlight each

quarter. The target of reducing CO2 emissions by at least 10 per-

cent was reached in 2012. As a result of the more flexible home-

working policy that was introduced in the Netherlands in 2012, the

number of kilometres travelled between home and work will most

likely decrease drastically.

At the end of 2011, Trigion replaced a portion of the mobile sur-

veillance fleet with vehicles that drive on green gas. At Schiphol

Airport, the company operates three electric vehicles. In 2012,

nearly a quarter of the surveillance kilometres were driven using

green gas. The company provides compensation for all emissions

that the mobile surveillance vehicles emit. In 2012, compensation

was provided for 1,428 tonnes of CO2, 269 tonnes being offset

by driving on CNG.

In France, attention is being paid to the energy consumption of

new vehicles. Carpooling is being encouraged for large meetings

outside the office. The fuel consumption of each vehicle is analysed

monthly. Employees are constantly receiving tips about new driving

practices., which involve maintaining proper tire pressure and re-

duction of dead weight. Great Britain was able to vastly exceed

the target for reducing CO2 emissions from the vehicle fleet. The

goal was 5 percent, while 11 percent was achieved by modifying

the fleet and encouraging different driving behaviour in drivers.

PLANETIt should be the objective of every company to minimise its impact on the environment and to preserve and cherisheverything that the planet offers as much as possible. If environmental impact or damage does occur, then or-ganisations must try to reduce it as far as possible or offset it in some other way. Facilicom’s policy is geared notonly towards corporate social responsibility, but also towards encouraging other parties in the chain to employa similar policy.



Facilicom Facility Solutions is one of the first companiesin the Netherlands to sign the Code of Conduct for Sus-tainable End Users. The code of conduct is an initiativeof FMN and the Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC).

The purpose of the Code of Conduct for Sustainable End

Users is to stimulate sustainable practices in the work en-

vironment and to accelerate the implementation of sustain-

ability techniques in buildings. With the signing of the code,

FFS indicates that sustainability of the work environment

will be included in the policy of the organisation. Manage-

ment of FFS also views the code as one of the many build-

ing blocks needed to create awareness in employees and

to communicate the concerns of the company.

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Working together means...“...collaborating with clients to find solutions.Such as at a school in Zaandam where thewindow washing was not going well. We resolved the problem by consulting. Then you are really working together.”

Dennis Aalders, Gom Specialistische Reiniging

6 2 S O C I A L & C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E P O R T

ENERGYFacilicom has been exclusively buying sustainable energy since

2007. Wind turbines on the roof of the head office in Schiedam

supply a proportion of the energy that is used in the building. The

offices of Breijer Bouw & Installatie in Rotterdam use geothermal

energy amongst other sources. Electricity is also generated using

solar power. In most of the premises, climate control and heating

are adjustable for each room, so that no energy is wasted if the

room is not in use. Light bulbs are energy efficient and often fitted

with motion sensors so that they only switch on if someone is pres-


In 2012, Prorest Nederland invested in a new industrial dishwasher,

which is used for the off-board catering of the Thalys high-speed

train. The new machine consumes less energy, whiles savings on

quantities of detergent and salt amount to 60 percent.

Breijer has been installing solar panels on private premises since

2012 as part of the a large national initiative. More than 500 house-

hold were equipped with solar panels during the year in review,

and more are being added every day. There are also initiatives to

collaborate with other parties in order to improve the sustainability

of company sheds, site huts and construction sites by installing

solar panels on containers, for example.

MATERIALS All existing programmes for using sustainable materials were con-

tinued in 2012. It is standard practice to print double-sided, emails

are no longer printed and documents are increasingly only stored

electronically. An increasing number of publications of Facilicom,

such as the annual report, brochures and magazines are (also)

published in digital format and many thousands of wage slips are

still exclusively sent in digital format. This reduces the consumption

of paper and ink.

The introduction of SAP in progressively more divisions will reduce

the flow of documents. In the cleaning sector, inspections are mak-

ing increasing use of a tablet. Copies are only made available in

digital form. Customer satisfaction surveys are now only occurring


The international tender for all cleaning materials and agents has

resulted in less environmental gains than expected. The market for

eco products is evolving rapidly but dosage systems for products

are not keeping up to pace. The differences from current systems

are too large to realise environmental gains. At present, the effect

will even be counter-productive because logistic movements will

increase due to the fact that larger numbers of litres will have to

be transported. The cleaning service companies continue to ac-

tively monitor and investigate. Environmental savings can certainly

be achieved by introducing vacuum cleaners with removable cords

that require substantially less maintenance and repair.

Prorest has rationalised the product range by looking for duplica-

tions. The number of suppliers has also been reduced as a result.

The catering company has been able to substantially reduce the

environmental burden of paper serviettes. New dispensers always

only issue one serviette, causing paper consumption to be lowered

by 30 percent. The serviettes are manufactured from 100 percent

recycled materials, are fully bio-degradable and result in at least

42 percent less CO2 emissions.

Breijer is a partner to the covenant of the Forest Stewardship

Council (FSC) that encourages responsible forest management,

maintains bio-diversity and strives for the proper treatment of the

local population.

As far as possible, Gom Belgium uses ecologically responsible

cleaning agents. The cleaning company in France does the same

and collects plastic packaging for re-use.

The Orbio system was introduced at a number of clients in 2012.

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This technology uses electrolysis to mix water and salt in a sus-

tainable detergent that can replace a large number of conventional

detergents. In 2012, the company introduced tablets as a useful

paper conserving tool during inspections.

WASTE Waste is collected, separated and processed throughout the entire

Facilicom group. This is also the policy at many sites where em-

ployees of the cleaning companies or Facilicom Facility Solutions

are responsible for waste processing. The basic principle is that

waste must be collected, processed and recycled as sustainably

as possible. The cleaning division was again able to substantially

reduce the quantity of packaging materials used in 2012. This low-

ered the consumption of plastic bags by 14 percent and the quan-

tity of packaging cartons by 16 percent. Following a test in 2011,

the wrapping plastic used by suppliers is collected in order to re-

cycle it into plastic bags.

During the rationalisation of the product range, Prorest also took

a look at packaging units. As a result, less packaging material is

being used.

Breijer has a contract with SITA and other waste processing com-

panies in waste prevention, re-use and energy recycling. A saving

is therefore achieved in terms of CO2 emissions. With a still more

efficient waste policy and far-reaching innovations in the area of

recycling at construction sites, there will be still more environmental

gains obtained over the coming years and fewer natural sources


ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTSNo environmental incidents occurred during the activities of the

Facilicom companies in 2012.

AN APPROACH FOR THE CHAINFacilicom is aware that the companies form an important link in a

business chain. The aim is therefore to encourage sustainable op-

erations throughout the entire chain by projecting the standards

and values of our CSR policy on to our suppliers and clients. The

Facilicom companies accordingly give preference to suppliers who

operate sustainably. The procurement department assesses our

suppliers for the environmental impact of the raw materials used

in the products they supply to us. Suppliers are also required to

comply with the procurement code employed by Facilicom. One

of the requirements of the procurement code, which fulfils the prin-

ciples of the Global Compact initiative of the United Nations, is that

suppliers must never use child labour and animal testing. The Fa-

cilicom companies also impose requirements on clients with regard

to People, Planet and Profit, at least where these involve the ac-

tivities of Facilicom employees. It goes without saying that our op-

erating companies also comply with the CSR requirements

imposed by their own partners, clients and suppliers.

SUSTAINABILITYBreijer Bouw en Installatie was honoured with the Greater Rotter-

dam CSR award in November 2012. Breijer can call itself the most

socially responsible company in Greater Rotterdam for two years.

It therefore provides an example for the entire region.



In 2012, Prorest performed some work on behalf of 3FM Se-rious Request. In the days before Christmas, catering employ-ees asked all the guests of the restaurants to make avoluntary donation. Prorest collected all the donations anddoubled the amount.

With Serious Request, 3FM devotes itself every year to an un-

noticed disaster. In the week before Christmas, three DJs

locked themselves into a glass studio for six days. They did

not eat anything and broadcast live radio and television, and

could be followed online. The young people's station works

together with the Red Cross in these campaigns. In 2012, the

target was infant death.

Prorest Catering was eager to provide support for this initiative.

In the days leading up to Christmas, catering employees asked

restaurant guests if they would like to donate to this good

cause. In total 2,250 euros were collected. Prorest doubled

the amount and rounded it up to 5,000 euros. In 2012, the

DJs from 3FM collected a total of over 12 million euros for Se-

rious Request. As a result, the Red Cross can now make a real

difference in the fight against infant death.

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NET TURNOVERThe total turnover for 2012 amounted to 1,039,576,000 euros.

The breakdown of the total net turnover by commercial activities

is contained in the explanatory notes to the Consolidated Income

Statement. The net turnover per employee for 2012 was 34,260


PROFITThe total profit for 2012 amounted to 14,649,000 euros. The profit

per employee for 2012 was 483 euros.

SOLVENCYFacilicom’s solvency stands at 46%.

STAFF COSTSThe total staff costs for 2012 amounted to 727,328,000 euros.

CLIENT SATISFACTIONAll of the divisions measure satisfaction among their clients once

every three years. Of course, the divisions continually monitor

whether the services they provide achieve the desired level of qual-

ity. An evaluation interview is held every six weeks with the person

in charge at the client company. The prepared evaluation reports

constitute the basis for any required improvements.

In Gom's client satisfaction questionnaire, there is a specific ques-

tion concerning the need for corporate social responsibility. This

revealed that clients are placing increasingly more emphasis on

the people side, and there is a great deal of attention devoted to

factors such as training, social return, HR policy, work pressure

and compliance with the Code.

COMPLAINTSFacilicom companies meticulously record external complaints and

deal with them in accordance with the complaints procedure. The

company keeps the complainant informed as to how long it will

take to settle complaint. A satisfaction rating that is too low, or the

frequent recurrence of a particular cause of dissatisfaction, is dealt

with as a formal complaint. In the event that employees wish to file

a complaint, they can approach one of the nine trusted employee

representatives in the company. The number of reports in 2012 fell

slightly in comparison with 2011 from fourteen to twelve reports.

The complaints committee received a single official complaint both

in 2011 and 2012.

INTEGRITYFacilicom has a company code containing clear guidelines on in-

tegrity. The company code constitutes a translation of the princi-

ples of Global Compact initiative of the United Nations. The topic

of integrity is also given a prominent position in the compulsory,

group-wide training programmes. The divisions have also supple-

mented the general company code with guidelines that apply

specifically to their own sectors. If any agreements with regard to

integrity are breached, the companies will take immediate and sys-

tematic measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. A whis-

tle-blower scheme is also in place, which allows employees to

report any abuses, without running any risk of compromising their

own position.

Both companies in the cleaning service division obtained the OSB

hallmark in 2012. By means of this hallmark, the sector business

association is responding to developments in the cleaning service

market such as reduced cleaning budgets, stiff price competition

and short-term contracts. With the introduction of the OSB, the



Prorest wishes only to use chicken meat from chickensthat have had a humane existence. Prorest announcedthis in 2012 in response to the "Stop the fattenedchicken" campaign.

Prorest attaches a great deal of value to sustainability and

also has understanding for the social discussion concern-

ing animal welfare and the growing issues of products with

a higher animal welfare standard. In Protest's eyes, the

"Stop the fattened chicken" campaign of Stichting Wakker

Dier (Animal Alert Foundation) plays a big role in creating

consumer awareness about animal welfare, therefore also

among the guests of company restaurants. The catering

company applauds this development and regards the

Wakker Dier campaign as an inducement to stop the pro-

cessing of fattened chicken.

PROFITHealthy returns are necessary to allow continued investment and to guarantee the continuity of the company andthe employment it offers. However, the P for Profit stands for more than that: it represents Facilicom’s efforts, notjust to achieve a healthy financial result year on year, but also to contribute towards the welfare of society andplay a positive part in this.

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Facilicom rewards people for choosing a smaller and therefore

more economical car. Employees can also just select the more

economical vehicle in each class. By focusing a great deal of

attention on the rules of the New Driving Practice in recent

years, employees have learned to reduce consumption. There

is now even more emphasis placed on this, since the company

is now also rewarding economical driving.

Driving economically saves the environment and costs. It is

therefore logical that Facilicom encourages economical driving

practices in all possible ways. This can still become better now

that Fleet Management uses special software to record litres

of fuel added, kilometres, CO2 emission, fines and damage.

Based on this information, employee consumption is precisely

calculated. To encourage economical driving practices, Fleet

Management announces the top 3 most economical drivers

each quarter. The person in first place is rewarded with a

restaurant coupon worth 100 euros. It therefore becomes a

competition to consume the least amount of fuel.


Motor vehicles remain a necessity at Facilicom. However, the company is doing everything to make harmful emissions as smallas possible. There is a new initiative every year. In 2012, a campaign was launched to encourage and reward economical motorvehicle operation.

Working together means..."...making clear and transparent agreementwith clients. Being able to build on the expertiseof our suppliers. And making sure that there is a good feeling in the team, for we are collectively responsible.

Joost Postema, Breijer Schilders

hope is that there will be more transparency on the market and re-

sponsibility will be taken for the develop of sustainable market con-

ditions. The OSB Hallmark is therefore important and consists of

three parts: First, the NEN 4400-1 standard, which is intended to

reduce the risk of redress and fines from the tax administration,

labour inspectorate or other government agencies.

Second, the Code of Responsible Market Conduct, which is

specifically aimed at the improvement of the working conditions of

employees. To provide support, a self-declaration is formulated

and there is a check-list used to examine in consultation with

clients to determine the position of both parties involved as well

as the points for improvement that can be implemented.

Third, there are specific OSB requirements relating to the commu-

nication with employees, quality assurance of the work, arrange-

ment for sufficient liability insurance and compliance with the

collective labour agreement.






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Working together means..."...strong collaboration with our suppliers. They provide a substantial contribution toour portfolio and work diligently togetherwith us to provide the best possible servicefor our clients."

Wim Gruyters, Facilicom Facility Solutions

DIALOGUE WITH STAKEHOLDERSFacilicom has always felt a strong involvement with society and

the general and technical services sector. The divisions enjoy

membership of numerous organisations, often playing a prominent

role within those organisations when it comes to introducing im-

provements and innovations. The table contains a summary of the

most important organisations to which the Facilicom companies


PROMOTION OF KNOWLEDGE Facilicom has developed a considerable amount of expertise in the

fields of general and technical service provision, outsourcing, man-

agement and matters such as integrating personnel following

takeovers. The company shares this knowledge in the Facility

Knowledge Centre. This provides interactive sessions at which

clients, students and other interested parties are welcome. One

session was held in 2012 on the topic of hostmanship.

The feedback group was established in order to share knowledge.

The feedback groups consists of twenty important Facilicom busi-

ness partners with which ideas are regularly exchanged about cur-

rent topics regarding general and technical services. It forms an

ideal platform for finding out about the wishes and expectations

of clients and other contacts as part of an open dialogue. It also

offers Facilicom an opportunity to harmonise its own vision with

those of a number of market professionals. In 2012, the intensive

discussions of the feedback group included the question if clients

require specialist or, in fact, integral general and technical service


Facilicom also boasts an in-house knowledge centre. Four issues

were covered in the past year in courses in which 181 employees

took part. The topics were: Say yes no longer, How do I become

a rat, How stressed are you, and Improvising communication.

Trigion has entered into an intensive joint venture with ROC Twente

in the context of the Trigion Academy.

Breijer, together with Woonstad housing corporation and students

of the Zandkine College and Albdea College, has made a renova-

tion plan for residence in the Rotterdam Tarwe district. The first

buildings were successfully renovated in 2012 under the project

management of an HBO student.

Many of the companies create internships for managers, general

and technical services graduates and operations employees at all

levels. Gom, Trigion, Breijer and Axxicom are approved work

placement companies.

INITIATIVES IN THE EMPLOYMENT MARKETGom provides support to people with a disability in numerous

places across the country, with the aim of enabling these people

to enter the mainstream employment market. What is more, Gom

is involved in the ‘Startbaan’ project, a joint initiative of the Munic-

ipality of The Hague and the Employee Insurance Agency that is

intended to provide long-term jobseekers with the training required

to become cleaning assistants, for example.

Gom and Prorest are involved in the realisation of social return in

the new Gouda city hall (Het Huis van de Stad). Cleaning and

catering are outsourced to Promen, an organisation that is spe-

cialised in helping people with limitations to re-enter the job market.

Promen engaged Gom and Prorest for the specific expertise and

for (a part of) the assistance and the support of the Promen em-


Trigion has become a member of the Normaalste Zaak (the most

normal business). This is a network of companies that find it "the

most normal business" that everyone receives the opportunity to

participate in the job market to the extent of their capacity. The

members share knowledge and skills with each other.

The construction and installation division works in collaboration

with various schools in order to promote interest in the construc-

tion and installation sector amongst youngsters.

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In collaboration with Jinc, four times a year Breijer welcomes students

for a "lightening work placement" aimed at children from the region.

Breijer also collaborates on social employment positions and gives

the long-term unemployed a chance to re-enter the work force.

Axxicom works together with dozens of municipalities to generate

social return on investment (SROI). The collaboration helps Axxi-

com to obtain the suitable employees, ensures that people on as-

sistance can return to work and gives municipalities the

opportunity to allow the long-term unemployed to again participate

in society. In conducting the intake of SROI candidates, Axxicom

Thuishulp participates in various work/study programmes for

Zorghulp or Helpende Zorg & Welzijn. Various collaboration proj-

ects were carried out in 2012, including ROCs, Zorgwacht, Flux

Werkt and regional UWV Work Companies. Special mention

should be made of a project in the Municipality of Groningen where

97 percent of the intake of new employees consisted of SROI can-


MAKING ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE POSSIBLEWith the Green Selection Programme, Gom offers clients a total

concept that consists of environmentally friendly cleaning, reduced

environmental burden from consumer washroom items and utili-

ties, and separated waste processing, including the separate col-

lection and recycling of plastic coffee cups.

Clients may include the measures that Gom implements under this

Green Selection Programme in their CSR reports. After all, they

ensure demonstrably better environmental performances.

Facilicom Facility Solutions provides and manages all the general

and technical services at the head office of Albron. FFS helps the

company caterer with the introduction and implementation of sus-

tainable development by integrating CSR in the service provision.

This is realised by, among other things, the installation of non-

touch taps, the switch to sustainable office materials, setting the

climate control system for greater energy savings, installation of

motion detectors, reorganisation of waste flows and advice in the

area of fleet management. Partly due to this input, Albron was the

first Dutch food service organisation to obtain ISO:26000. The

British Facilicom Cleaning Services has an excellent chance with

the self-developed concept for Carbon Neutral Cleaning. The pilot

at BlackRock Investment Company was continued, after which the

results were even improved. The concept was rolled out at three

new clients in 2012, as a result of which 300,000 m2 are now

being cleaned daily without any CO2 emissions. In this initiative,

Facilicom UK is working together with the independent Ethical Na-

tional Limited.

OFFERING HEALTHY AND GOOD FOODProrest offers a wide range of healthy nutrition and promotes pur-

chase of it. Food labelling helps in this respect. This system was

introduced at many locations in 2012 and the roll-out should be



Nine Facilicom employees are going to participate as ateam at the Tour for Life in the beginning of September.This arduous cycle tour is a means to collect money forthe Dutch branch of Doctors without Borders.

Doctors without Borders has been offering emergency

medical assistance to the victims of disasters, wars and

epidemics since 1971. Its employees provide all necessary

medical care, administer vaccinations, distribute emer-

gency supplies and ensure that there is clean water. More

money is required for these activities, and this money must

come from donations and events such as the Tour for Life,

a cycle tour of no less than 1250 kilometres from North

Italy to Valkenburg. Cyclists ride various classic stages and

conquer the Alpe d'Huez among other peaks. Each team

must assemble 15,000 euros in sponsorships. In 2012,

the 700 cyclists and over 300 assistants collected 1.6 mil-

lion euros. A team from Facilicom has also registered for

the Tour for Life 2013, consisting of nine cyclists and two

assistants. Facilicom obviously supports the event and

has, among other things, ordered a special uniform for the

team. The aim, of course, is to collect more than the re-

quired 15,000 euros. At the end of April, nearly 13,000 had

been pledged. The cycle tour takes place from 1 to 8 Sep-

tember. Everyone can support the team on its web page,

which can be found by googling Tour for Life Facilicom.






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completed in 2013. The labels clearly list the ingredients in the

processed and ready-to-eat products and indicate if a product

contains fish or meat, as well as precisely which type of meat. Bi-

ologic and vegetarian products have different labels. All products

that are compatible with a healthy lifestyle shall be provided with a

label demonstrating this fact. About 10 percent of the Prorest

product range is now sustainable. In the case of dairy products,

this is now already 19 percent. All apples and pears and constantly

more lettuce, tomatoes and, for example, strawberries are all bear-

ing the environmental mark. All 1.6 million bananas sold in 2012 in

the Prorest restaurants were FairTrade. Prorest does no longer

wish to offer any fattened chicken and the preparations for this

purpose were implemented in 2012. The catering company has

begun to offer vegetarian croquets that include, among other in-

gredients, oyster mushrooms cultivated on coffee dregs. Prorest

has even developed a number of new vegetarian dishes, which

were actively promoted on World Animal Day and are now stan-

dard entries in the recipe database where catering employees can

access them.

SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTIONBreijer Bouw en Installatie will implement more integrated solutions

in construction by using BIM (an integrated 3D Building Information

Model) and by working in a more rational way in accordance with

the standards of Lean Construction.

The company allows its clients to share sustainable expertise by

offering "sustainability scans". Breijer also supports the "Leading

Principles" initiated by various construction companies and sup-

ported by Bouwend Nederland. These principles encourage pro-

fessional, sound, socially responsible, transparent and sustainable

actions. The company is a strong supporter of improving the sus-

tainability of the exiting property inventory.

For the second year in a row, Breijer organised the "Sustainable

construction of the future" conference in the Civic auditorium of

Vlaardingen. The subjects discussed included: "BIM from restora-

tion to management and maintenance", "The added value of sus-

tainability label BREEAM" and "Security and criminality".

Facilicom Facility Solutions is a very active member of the Dutch

Green Building Council (DGBC). This organisation promotes the

improvement of sustainability of the urban environment on many

fronts. With its membership, Facilicom plays an active role in pro-

moting sustainable new builds, making existing buildings more

sustainable, operating premises sustainably and undertaking sus-

tainable demolition.

GOOD CAUSES At the end of the year, Facilicom always lends its support to a good

cause instead of sending client gifts. In 2012, the good cause was

CliniClowns, the same as in the previous year.

Management of Gom ZorgSupport undertakes structured volun-

tary work for the customers of clients.

In 2012, Prorest sponsored the Roparun and the Spoorwensda-

gen (Railway wish days), and collected in the restaurants just under

2,500 euros for Serious Request, an amount that was doubled by

the company. A campaign was conducted at ABN AMRO loca-

tions for a team of bank employees that participated in the Alpe

d'Huzes cycle event. The money collected in this event was also

doubled by Prorest.

Breijer held a warehouse clearance in 2012 and used the proceeds

to support Ipse de Bruggen, a care institute for the mentally dis-

abled. Clients of the institute were also involved in the organisation

of a flea market.

Just as in 2012, Facilicom was a co-organiser of "Waterweg Be-

weegt" in the year under review, a public fitness event for the whole

family involving walking, cycling and running. In an internal cam-

paign, employees were also encouraged to join in the activity. Man-

agement and staff members provided a good example. In total, 79

employees participated. Thanks to the proceeds from the event,

the Vlietland Hospital is able to invest in new medical research


Working together means...“...working together with co-workers to ensurethat our team operates as a well-oiled machine.If we don't do that, the result could be that passengers for whom we provide support misstheir flights.”

Denny Perré, Axxicom Airport Caddy

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Consolidated balance sheet 70

Consolidated profit and loss accounts 71

Consolidated cash flow statement 72

Notes to the annual accounts 73

Notes to the consolidated balance sheet 76

Notes to the consolidated profit and loss accounts 80

Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement 81

Company balance sheet 82

Company profit and loss accounts 83

Notes to the company balance sheet 84

Other information 85

Audit report by the independent accountant 87

Working together

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(X € 1,000) 31 DECEMBER 2012 31 DECEMBER 2011


FIXED ASSETSIntangible fixed assets – –

Tangible fixed assets 108,083 104,850

Financial fixed assets 6,747 5,057

114,830 109,907

CURRENT ASSETSStocks 6,080 5,448

Trade receivables 196,305 191,843

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income 21,487 23,439

Liquid assets 118,573 111,264

342,445 331,994

457,275 441,901

(X € 1,000) 31 DECEMBER 2012 31 DECEMBER 2011


GROUP EQUITY 210.231 200.400

PROVISIONSPensions 708 1,095

Taxation 6,005 5,099

Miscellaneous 54 146

6,767 6,340

CURRENT LIABILITIESDebts to suppliers 41,373 41,941

Tax liabilities and social security premiums 64.182 67.171

Debts in respect of pensions 2,765 2,507

Other debts, accruals and deferred income 131,957 123,542

240,277 235,161

457.275 441.901














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(X € 1,000) 2012 2011

OPERATING INCOME 1,039,576 1,093,698

OPERATING EXPENSESCosts of (auxiliary) materials 63,562 81,925

Outsourced work and other external costs 139,432 169,273

Staff costs 727,328 724,160

Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 16,721 16,928

Other operating expenses 72,845 63,331

1,019,888 1,055,617

OPERATING RESULT 19,688 38,081

FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSESInterest income and similar income 1,315 1,304

Interest charges and similar charges 331 293

984 1,011


Taxation 5,834 9,388

14,838 29,704

Results from participating interests 587 415


Share of third parties -776 -1,111

NET PROFIT 14,649 29,008





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(X € 1,000) 2012 2011

CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIESOperating result 19,688 38,081

Depreciation of fixed assets 17,160 17,324

36,848 55,405

Changes in operating capital:

Trade receivables -4,462 390

Stocks -632 -755

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income -2,284 -10,318

Current liabilities 5,314 -1,550

-2,064 -12,233

34,784 43,172

Financial results and taxes

Interest income and similar income 1,959 1,294

Interest charges and similar charges -164 -293

Dividends received 350 330

Profits tax -2,852 -10,616

Change in provisions 427 1,265

-280 -8,020


CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIESAcquisitions of group companies -4,297 -12,462

Disinvestments in financial fixed assets -401 7

Investments in tangible fixed assets -21,993 -30,299

Disinvestments of tangible fixed assets 1,600 1,765

-25,091 -40,989

9,413 -5,837


-2,462 -1,149

NET CASH FLOW 6,951 -6,986

Liquid assets gained in acquisition of group companies 179 1,436

Exchange rate and conversion differences 179 191






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RISK MANAGEMENTThe Board is responsible for the internal risk management andcontrol systems and ensures that these systems function ade-quately. The systems have been designed to manage significantrisks and to achieve operational and financial targets. Optimumrisk management encompasses the timely identification of risksand the management of risks that could affect our operating ac-tivities in the short and long term. The system ensures that pre-dictability improves and adds value to the company. The keyassumptions are as follows:• The most important basic principles are as follows: It is only

sensible to take a business risk if the likelihood of this risk arisingand its potential consequences do not pose a threat to the con-tinuity of the company. In general, the company takes a cautiousapproach with regard to accepting operational and financial risks.

• The Board - at all levels of the organisation - identifies, analysesand manages the risks at operational level, within the areas ofresponsibility assigned to it, in such a way that these risks aremanageable and are in keeping with the objective of the com-pany division and the business in general.

• The relevant legislation and regulations and the internal rules ofconduct are complied with as a matter of course. Stringent qual-ity standards are in place that are based on internal rules and ex-ternal bodies, such as ISO/NEN certification and so forth atoperational level and (for example) the Horizontal Monitoringcovenant at financial/taxation level, as well as internal and exter-nal (accountant) audits of operational processes, managementreports and annual accounts.

•Risk management is of crucial importance to the organisationand has been embedded as such into our company structure.

Doing business is inextricably linked with taking risks. The risksthat exist in relation to our company are not of a special nature,nor do they differ from what can usually be expected in the sector.The Board declares that with regard to the financial accounts risksthat the internal risk management and control systems provide ahigh degree of certainty and that the accounts do not contain anyinaccuracies. Please refer elsewhere in this document includingthe section entitled ‘Financial risk management’. The aspects ofrisk management with regard to the operational situations are de-scribed within this annual report.No significant changes were made to the control systems in 2012.However, the optimisation of the systems continues to be a recur-rent area for attention and consequently the systems may be sub-ject to further refinement and/or additions.The organisation is working on the implementation of a new ERPsystem for the entire organisation. As part of this, risk managementand the provision of timely, sufficient management informationforms an important precondition in the implementation process.The first company divisions were converted at the beginning of2012, in which staff are now working hard to bring the internal riskmanagement and control systems to the level desired by the com-pany.

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES USED IN PREPARING THE ANNUALACCOUNTSThe annual accounts have been prepared on the basis of historicalcosts in accordance with Book 2, Title 9 of the Dutch Civil Code.

CONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLESThe consolidation includes the financial data of Facilicom ServicesGroup N.V. and those participating interests in which it directly orindirectly holds more than 50% of the share capital and over whichit has effective control. The consolidation is based on the parentcompany’ s accounting principles for balance sheet valuation andthe determination of the result. The results from acquired compa-nies are included in the consolidated profit and loss accounts fromthe date on which they became part of the group. The main sup-plies of goods and services provided between group companieshave been eliminated from both the turnover and the other figuresin the profit and loss accounts.In accordance with the Annual Reporting Guidelines, related par-ties of which Facilicom Services Group has predominant controlare also included. The company Facilicom Bedrijfsgebouwen B.V.is not directly associated with the group in a legal sense; the groupcan, however, exercise predominant control and has granted aloan facility to finance the tangible fixed assets that it leases. Thecompany’s operating activities chiefly entail the letting of propertyto the group.

ACQUISITIONSFacilicom acquired the home-care activities of ZZG ThuisserviceB.V. on 1 February 2012. They comprise a portfolio with a turnovervolume of over EUR 13 million a year in the Nijmegen region andstaff numbering over 1,100 people. The activities were integratedinto Axxicom Thuishulp B.V. Legal and economic title was acquiredon 1 February 2012. The figures were included in the group annualaccounts of Facilicom from that date.The activities of Koffie Techniek Nederland were acquired by Tap-wacht Techniek on 31 December 2012. They were integrated intoTapwacht Techniek B.V. in early 2013.

Facilicom acquired a 30% share in RCCS Holding B.V. on 2 April2012. This holding company possesses, in turn, the shares inRCCS Waardetransport B.V. The activities of this BV consist oftransporting valuables in an ingenious and very efficient manner,while the risk for the customer and the transporter are reduced toa minimum.

In 2012, the construction division of Facilicom acquired the shareof Safety Control Veiligheidsinspecties & Veiligheidsopleidingen B.V.in Zaandam. This involved a small company with turnover of overEUR 1 million and a staff complement of six employees. The legaland beneficial ownership was acquired in January 2012 and thegroup took responsibility for the results with retroactive effect upto 1 January. The figures were included in the group annual ac-counts of Facilicom from that date.

All takeovers were financed entirely from the group’s own funds.

FOREIGN CURRENCIESAll entries in foreign currency are converted at the exchange rateon the balance sheet date. The employed exchange rate of theeuro against the British pound was EUR 0.81633 on the balancesheet date 2012 (2011: EUR 0.83530). Exchange rate differencesare charged or credited to other reserves.

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INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSGoodwill represents the difference between the acquisition priceand the net asset value of the acquired subsidiary or participatinginterest at the time of acquisition. The fee paid in connection withasset and liability transactions that cannot be attributed to individ-ual assets is also classified as goodwill. Goodwill that is paid ischarged in full to shareholders’ equity.

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSTangible fixed assets are stated at historical cost, less straight-linedepreciation calculated on this basis. A company building is in-cluded under ‘Company buildings and sites’ that was made avail-able to a client pursuant to a DBFMO agreement. The asset wasdesignated as property for the purpose of private use in connec-tion with the provision of general and technical services stated inthe agreement. The book value on the balance sheet date wasEUR 25.3 million.

FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETSThe participating interests are valued on the basis of cost price ornet asset value. This is calculated on the basis of accounting prin-ciples that apply to the whole group. Claims against participatinginterests and loans to them, as well as other claims, are includedwhen first processed at fair value and are then valued at amortisedcost, which is equal to the nominal value, less a provision for un-recoverable debt if necessary.

STOCKS The stocks of tangibles and goods for resale are stated at thelower of cost and market value. The valuation of stock takes ac-count of a risk of obsolescence.

WORK IN PROGRESS FOR THIRD PARTIESWork in progress for third parties are valued at cost price plus at-tributed profit, proportionate to the progress of the project, subjectto deduction of foreseeable losses and invoiced instalments. Thecost price encompasses all costs that are directly connected withthe projects and the directly attributable indirect costs on the basisof normal production capacity. If the profit of a project can be reli-ably estimated, this is reported in proportion to the work com-pleted. If it is likely that the total project costs will turn out to behigher than the income, the full expected loss is included.

RECEIVABLESReceivables are included when first processed at fair value and arethen valued at amortised cost, which is equal to the nominal value,less a provision for unrecoverable debt if necessary.

LIQUID ASSETSLiquid assets are stated at nominal value. Unless stated to the con-trary, these assets are readily available.

PROVISIONSThe provision for pensions is based on an approximation of the li-abilities. The provision for taxes relates to potential tax liabilitiesthat will arise in the future, due to differences between the valuationof certain assets and liabilities for commercial and tax purposes

respectively. These liabilities are calculated on the basis of the taxrate at the balance sheet date. The other provisions are formed inrelation to risks associated with the business operations.

DEBTSThe long and short-term liabilities are valued at amortised cost.


OPERATING INCOMEThe operating income included in the profit and loss account is theincome originating from goods and services supplied to third-par-ties, less any discounts granted to clients. Invoiced turnover oncurrent projects is accounted for as turnover to the extent that itcan be regarded as realised, taking into consideration the currentstate of progress of the work.

DEPRECIATION OF TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETSThe depreciation of tangible fixed assets detailed in the profit andloss accounts are calculated on the basis of a fixed percentage ofthe cost price.

FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSESInterest income and interest expenses relate to the interest re-ceived from or paid to third parties.

TAXES ON THE OPERATING RESULTCorporation tax is calculated on the commercial profit before tax,subject to tax-deductible items and costs that are non-deductiblefor tax purposes. The difference between the tax on the profit ac-cording to the profit and loss accounts and the tax on the taxableprofit is debited or credited to the appropriate provision for taxes.The tax liability in the various company divisions is in accordancewith the usual applicable rates.

CASH FLOW STATEMENTThe cash flow statement is prepared using the indirect method, inwhich the operating result according to the profit and loss ac-counts forms a basis for deducing the change in liquid assets. Thefinancial implications of group company acquisitions are reflectedin the item ‘acquisitions of group companies’.


PENSION SCHEMEMost of the pensions of the group’ s employees in the Netherlandsand abroad are administered by industry pension funds. Imple-mentation agreements have been made at central level with theindustry pension funds in which the employer cannot be held liableto make good any deficits that may be accrued, other than possi-bly by way of higher premiums in the future. It turns out that thefunding ratios for most of the industry pension funds do not fulfilthe criteria imposed by De Nederlandsche Bank. The formulationof any recovery plans does not have a direct impact on the em-ployer’s contribution. With regard to companies not subject to asectoral scheme, the pension is mainly administered by a life in-surance company on the basis of a Collective Defined Contribution

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scheme, under which the group cannot be held liable in a materialsense for making good any deficits during the contractual periodwith the pension insurance companies. All of the aforementionedschemes qualify as a defined contribution scheme in which thepension contributions paid are included in the profit and loss ac-counts as a charge.

POLICY GOVERNING SPECIAL ANNIVERSARIESWith reference to the social and corporate social responsibility re-port, Facilicom employs a policy governing special anniversariesthat singles out employees with a long term of service to theirname by celebrating the occasion and awarding a bonus to showappreciation.The amounts involved do not substantially affect the presentationof the annual accounts and therefore the annual accounts do notcontain a provision for this. The special anniversary costs arecharged to the profit and loss accounts in the year of expenditure.

RELATED PARTIESIn addition to its shareholding interest, Facilicom Services Grouphas a business relationship with most of its participating interests.This also applies to these companies in relation to each other, withservices and/or products being procured from the companies inquestion. These business relationships are always based on (con-tractual) arrangements for which commercial conditions have beenagreed. The company Facilicom Bedrijfsgebouwen B.V. owns much of thereal estate in use in the Netherlands on behalf of Facilicom ServicesGroup, and leases this property to the group. The leases are con-cluded under conditions in line with the market. The policy of thecompany is also determined by the Board of Facilicom ServicesGroup and the company has therefore been included in the scopeof consolidation.

The business activities of Aveant Thuishulp B.V. are closely relatedto the shareholders, in that Facilicom undertakes the managementand is responsible for performance, while Aveant B.V. is the onlypurchaser. In 2012 the services accounted for EUR 8.2 million. Thepricing is set in accordance with market conditions.

AUDITOR’S FEES In accordance with article 2:382a of the Dutch Civil Code, the in-dependent position of the audit organisations involved in the auditof the annual accounts has been clarified. Of the amountscharged, which totalled EUR 635,000, the audit of the annual ac-counts and other auditing tasks accounted for 71% and 17% re-spectively, tax matters accounted for 11% and other servicesnon-audit services made up 1%.

FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENTFacilicom recognises the financial risk factors with regard to cur-rency, interest, price, credit and liquidity. These financial risks arenot of a special nature, nor do they differ from what can be re-garded as usual in the sector. Facilicom employs a strict policy thataims to minimise and manage these risks as much as possible. Tothis end, a range of general management measures, such as in-ternal procedures and instructions, specific measures and financialtools are used. These measures are accompanied by proper re-

porting systems and short lines of communication. The financialrisk factors of Facilicom, the management measures and the resid-ual risk are explained in greater detail below.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISKS Facilicom operates in the United Kingdom. The profit and share-holders’ equity of Facilicom is therefore subject to fluctuations ofexchange rates. In general, Facilicom operates in this market vialocal subsidiaries and this minimises the risks associated with cur-rencies, in view of the fact that most transactions take place in thesame monetary unit. The associated translation risk is not covered.With regard to the financial instruments, Facilicom primarily runsrisks associated with currency in the financing ratios in Britishpounds between the Netherlands and the subsidiaries in theUnited Kingdom. The risks are not covered. However, the effecton the profit and shareholders’ capital of Facilicom is limited.

INTEREST RATE RISKSFacilicom’s interest rate is related to the interest-bearing claimsand liquid assets on the one hand and interest-bearing debts onthe other hand. In the case of variable interest, Facilicom is subjectto a cash flow interest risk. In view of the funding ratio within Fa-cilicom, whereby shareholders’ equity is largely used as the sourcefor funding and (bank) credit is only used to a limited extent, therisk associated with interest is minimal.

PRICE RISKSThe price risks of Facilicom are related to the purchase of raw andauxiliary materials and the outsourcing of work. The difference ex-ists between the market price at the time of outsourcing and thequotation of the project and/or service and that at the time whenthis is actually executed (purchased).The aim of Facilicom’s policy is to agree on the option of indexationat the time of outsourcing/instruction. Framework contracts arealso used with the most important suppliers. Although the effectof price fluctuations can never be entirely excluded, Facilicom be-lieves that the most economical decision can always be made inthe course of business operations and as such risks are limited;they are therefore generally not covered.

CREDIT RISKSFacilicom is exposed to credit risks by reason of financial assetsincluding (trade) receivables, liquid assets and deposits with banks.The credit risk from claims is monitored by the subsidiaries involvedand at central (staff) level. The creditworthiness of clients is strictlyanalysed beforehand and subsequently monitored during the proj-ect/performance of service.The cash, cash equivalents and deposits of Facilicom are held withvarious banks. Facilicom limits the credit risk of liquid assets anddeposits held by banks by choosing to do business with bankswith respectable reputations. Facilicom’s policy is to limit the con-centration of credit risks of liquidities where possible by means ofprudent distribution and active treasury management.

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INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 1) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

GOODWILLBalance at the beginning of the financial year – –

Acquisitions 4,297 10,152

Debit entry against group equity -4,297 10,152

Balance at the end of the financial year – –

The group’s policy is to charge the goodwill purchased in the year of acquisition to group equity.


Company buildings Equipments Other fixed Assets in

and sites and installations assets construction Total

BEGINNING OF THE FINANCIAL YEARPurchase value 65,907 32,881 82,121 10,069 190,978

Cumulative depreciation -15,418 -19,956 -50,754 0 -86,128

Book value 50,489 12,925 31,367 10,069 104,850

CHANGES IN THE BOOK VALUEInvestments 1,612 3,000 13,315 4,066 21,993

Disinvestments -6 -151 -1,443 – -1,600

Depreciation -2,184 -2,948 -12,028 – -17,160

Balance of changes 578 -99 -156 4,066 3,233

END OF THE FINANCIAL YEARPurchase value 67,469 35,213 90,432 14,135 207,249

Cumulative depreciation -17,558 -22,387 -59,221 – -99,166

Book value 49,911 12,826 31,211 14,135 108,083

Depreciation percentages 0,0% - 20% 10% - 33% 10% - 33% 0%


Other participating interests Other receivables Total

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 496 4,561 5,057

Share in result 402 – 402

Dividends received -385 – -385

Changes 5 1,668 1,673

Balance at the end of the financial year 518 6,229 6,747

The other receivables include a sum of EUR 4.8 million in deferred tax receivables, valued at the nominal tax rate.

The receivable will be realised in a period of 5 years.

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Tangibles and goods for resale 6,080 5,448

Work in progress for third parties – –

6,080 5,448

The balance of Work in progress for third parties of EUR 3.0 million is included under short-term debts. An amount of EUR 12.0 million

is included in the balance of Work in progress for third parties (at the end of the previous financial year EUR 22.4 million) under projects,

whereby the invoiced instalments are higher than the attributed debts.

The balance of work in progress for third parties

can be broken down as follows:

Costs incurred including attributed cover 62,293 271,896

Invoiced instalments 62,467 269,547

-174 2,349

Value of Work in progress 2,854 4,185

Balance at the end of the financial year -3,028 -1,836



Balance at the end of the financial year 204,139 198,513

Provision for bad debts -7,834 -6,670

196,305 191,843

All trade receivables become due and payable within one year.



Other receivables 10,809 12,580

Prepayments and accrued income 10,678 10,859

21,487 23,439

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income mature within one year.

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Cash, bank and giro account balances 118,573 111,264

The above includes escrow accounts pursuant to the Wages and Salaries Tax and National Insurance Contributions (Liability of Subcon-

tractors) Act up to an amount of EUR 1.2 million (end of 2011: EUR 1.5 million). These are not payable immediately. In addition to our

claims against the institutions, the maximum credit available is EUR 43.9 million.

GROUP EQUITY 8) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 200,400 183,153

Goodwill paid -4,297 -10,152

Conversion differences for foreign participating interests 179 191

Total direct changes in equity -4,118 -9,961

Transfer from net profit in accordance with proposed

appropriation of profit 13,149 26,108

Total result 9,031 16,147

Change in third-party interests 800 1,100

Balance at the end of the financial year 210,231 200,400

The group equity includes the third-party interests of EUR 13.9 million (end of 2011: EUR 13.1 million).

The exchange rate differences reserve amounted to EUR -0.9 million at the end of the financial year (end of 2011: EUR -1.1 million).

PROVISION FOR PENSIONS 9) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 1,095 1,322

Changes -387 -227

Balance at the end of the financial year 708 1,095

This concerns a transition and supplement scheme for an existing early-retirement plan in which a group of employees receive a

supplement on the pension date. However, the supplement is not payable if the employees leave employment prior to their retirement.

PROVISION FOR TAXES 10) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

The provision for taxes pertains to differences between accounting

principles for commercial and tax purposes respectively.

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 5,099 3,514

Change relating to difference between commercial

and tax result 906 1,585

Balance at the end of the financial year 6,005 5,099

The provision for taxes is calculated on the basis of the tax rate on the balance sheet date and is long-term in nature.

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OTHER PROVISION 11) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

Balance at the beginning of the financial year 146 238

Changes -92 -92

Balance at the end of the financial year 54 146

All provisions are of a long-term nature.



Debts 40,446 39,796

Work in progress for third parties 3,028 1,836

Accruals and deferred income 88,483 81,910

131,957 123,542


Long-term obligations have been entered into in connection with tenancy and leasing. The annual obligations that arise from these

amounted to approximately EUR 9.2 million at the end of 2012 (end of 2011: approximately EUR 8.8 million).

Bank guarantees have been issued to third parties up to a sum of EUR 8.4 million at the end of 2012 (end of 2011: EUR 16.9 million),

as well as an unlimited guarantee for self-insurance of various operating companies under the Invalidity Insurance Act/Partial Capability

for Work Act.

At the end of 2012 (replacement) investment obligations were entered into for approximately EUR 15 million (end of 2011: EUR 10 million),

including a new ERP package, as well as the acquisition of a 30% interest in the share capital of Traffic & Travel Group B.V., located in


At the end of the financial year, various claims and/or issues of liability were submitted by clients and on behalf of Facilicom. To the

extent possible, the outcomes and/or scope of these issues are stated in the annual accounts, but there are also still a number of issues

for which outcomes cannot be predicted. For this reason, there could be no evaluation of them. The possible consequence could be of

material influence.

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OPERATING INCOME 13) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

Net turnover 1,040,768 1,090,494

Capitalised in-house production – 3,170

Change in work in progress -1,192 34

1,039,576 1,093,698

Operating income can be subdivided into the following

activity areas:

Cleaning maintenance/hospitality services 412,724 427,976

Building and technical maintenance 112,750 137,066

Surveillance and security services 328,993 338,473

Catering management 38,258 38,711

Staff services 44,770 31,258

Facility management 102,081 120,214

1,039,576 1,093,698

Net turnover was generated in the following countries:

The Netherlands 783,776 833,816

Belgium 147,919 153,182

France 72,898 79,317

Great Britain 34,983 27,383

1,039,576 1,093,698

STAFF COSTS 14) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

Wages and salaries 559,827 557,173

Social security charges 112,322 110,031

Pension contributions 31,042 29,561

Miscellaneous staff costs 24,137 27,395

727,328 724,160

The remuneration paid to the Board of Directors during the year under review was EUR 856,000. This includes an amount of EUR

52,000 for final assessment of payroll tax. The Board of Directors does not consist of an even distribution of men and women.

The Board is aware of this fact but does not foresee any changed in this respect over the short term.

The average number of people in permanent employment of

the group companies was 30,343 in 2012 (in 2011: 31,350).

This figure can be broken down as follows. 2012 2011

Cleaning maintenance/hospitality services 17,390 17,964

Building and technical maintenance 703 754

Surveillance and security services 7,661 8,642

Catering management 763 755

Staff services 2,502 1,856

Management and administration 1,324 1,379

30,343 31,350


Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 17,160 17,324

Profit from sale of tangible fixed assets -439 -396

16,721 16,928


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Change in Withdrawal by Change in

annual accounts group companies cash flow Total

Trade receivables -4,462 – – -4,462

Stocks -632 – – -632

Other receivables, prepayments and accrued income 1,952 – -4,236 -2,284

Current liabilities 5,116 47 151 5,314


Change in Withdrawal by Change in

annual accounts group companies cash flow Total

Interest and similar income 1,315 – 644 1,959

Interest and similar charges -331 – 167 -164

Dividends received 385 – -35 350

Profits tax -5,834 – 2,982 -2,852


Change in Withdrawal by Change in

annual accounts group companies cash flow Total

Acquisitions of group companies -4,297 – – -4,297

Investments in financial assets -1,690 – 1,289 -401

Investments in tangible fixed assets -21,993 – – -21,993


Change in Withdrawal by Change in

annual accounts group companies cash flow Total

Dividends paid -1,500 – -962 -2,462


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(X € 1,000) 31 DECEMBER 2012 31 DECEMBER 2011


FIXED ASSETSFinancial fixed assets 20) 8,642 18,179

CURRENT ASSETSClaims against group companies 168,219 149,714

Other claims 6,827 7,451

Liquid assets 15,775 15,524

190,821 172,689

199,463 190,868

(X € 1,000) 31 DECEMBER 2012 31 DECEMBER 2011


SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITYIssued share capital 21) 59 59

Share premium reserve 29,529 29,529

Other reserves 22) 153,623 131,633

Retained profit 13,149 26,108

196,360 187,329

CURRENT LIABILITIESOther debts, accruals and deferred income 3,103 3,539

199,463 190,868

Schiedam, 3 mei 2013

Board of Directors,

drs. J.A. Gennissen

drs. M.J.S. Geurts

drs. J.G. Geurts

drs. W.P. Geurts


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(X € 1,000) 2012 2011

Results from participating interests 14,581 28,685

Results of Facilicom Services Group N.V. 68 323

NET PROFIT 14,649 29,008

In view of the fact that the financial data of Facilicom Services Group N.V. is included in the consolidated annual accounts,

the company profit and loss account has been summarised pursuant to Book 2, Section 402 of the Dutch Civil Code.


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FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS 20) (X € 1,000) 2012 2011

PARTICIPATING INTERESTS IN GROUP COMPANIESBalance at the beginning of the financial year 18,179 29,455

Goodwill paid -4,297 -10,152

Share in results 14,581 28,685

Dividends received -20,000 -30,000

Exchange rate and conversion differences 179 191

Balance at the end of the financial year 8,642 18,179




Authorised share capital 91 91

Capital not paid in and not issued 32 32

Issued share capital 59 59

The issued share capital comprises 1,250 ordinary shares

and 50 priority shares, each with a face value of EUR 45.

2012 2011


Balance at the beginning of the financial year 131,633 109,809

Goodwill paid -4,297 -10,152

Exchange rate and conversion differences 179 191

Profit appropriation from previous financial year 26,108 31,785

Balance at the end of the financial year 153,623 131,633

OFF-BALANCE SHEET FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONSPlease refer to the notes to the consolidated balance sheet with regard to the long-term obligations.


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Group companies at year-end 2012 Registered office Holding

Facilicom Bedrijfsdiensten

CleaningGom Schoonhouden B.V. Schiedam 100%Atris Groep B.V. Nieuwegein 100%Atris Haaglanden B.V. Rhoon 100%Robbers Schoonmaakdiensten B.V. Nieuwegein 100%ACS Cleaning Nederland B.V. Harderwijk 100%Gom Distributie- en Dienstencentrum B.V. Schiedam 100%

SecurityTrigion Beveiliging B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Services B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion AlarmCentrale B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Event Security B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Safety B.V. Schiedam 100%Hoffmann Bedrijfsrecherche B.V. Amsterdam 100%

CateringProrest Catering B.V. Schiedam 100%

Staff servicesAxxicom Personeelsdiensten B.V. Schiedam 100%Axxicom Airport Caddy B.V. Schiedam 100%A Company B.V. Schiphol 100%Zorgcentrale B.V. Schiedam 100%In Huis Service B.V. Schiedam 100%

Home-care activitiesAxxicom Thuishulp B.V. Schiedam 100%Aveant Thuishulp B.V. Utrecht 51%

Catering servicesTapwacht Service B.V. Schiedam 100%Tapwacht Techniek B.V. Schiedam 100%

Main contractingFacilicom Facility Solutions B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom PPS Doetinchem OG B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom PPS Doetinchem Exploitatie B.V. Schiedam 100%

Management and administrationFacilicom Bedrijfsdiensten B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom Wagenpark B.V. Schiedam 100%

Breijer Bouw en Installatie

ProjectsBreijer Bouw B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Schilders B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Ventilatietechniek B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Betonconservering B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Bouw Huizen B.V. Huizen 100%Breijer Techniek Midden B.V. Woerden 100%Breijer Techniek West B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Techniek Zuid B.V. Schijndel 100%Breijer Installatietechniek B.V. Woerden 100%

Fire and safety technologyBreijer Brandpreventie B.V. Woerden 100%Van der Velde Firepro B.V. Woerden 100%Trigion Beveiligingstechniek B.V. Schiedam 100%Trigion Safety Opleidingen B.V. Woerden 100%

Group companies at year-end 2012 Registered office Holding

Contract maintenanceBreijer Contractonderhoud B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Loodgieters B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Glas B.V. Rotterdam 100%Asset Facility Management B.V. Rotterdam 100%

Management and administrationBreijer Bouw & Installatie B.V. Rotterdam 100%Breijer Holding B.V. Rotterdam 100%Schaap & Woudsma Beheer B.V. Huizen 100%Van der Velde Groep B.V. Woerden 100%Materieel Beheer J. van Heeswijk B.V. Schijndel 100%


BelgiumFacilicom Services Group Belgium N.V. Antwerp 100%Gom N.V. Antwerp 100%Prorest Catering N.V. Antwerp 100%Facilicom Facility Solutions N.V. Antwerp 100%Axxicom N.V. Antwerp 100%Trigion B.V.B.A. Aarschot 100%Facilicom Wheels B.V.B.A. Antwerp 100%One Fleet Services N.V. Antwerp 100%One Building Maintenance N.V. Antwerp 100%One System Services N.V. Antwerp 100%

FrankrijkFacilicom Services Group S.A. Paris 100%Facilicom S.A.S. Paris 100%Gom Propreté S.A.S. Paris 100%Trigion Accueil S.N.C. Paris 100%Trigion Sécurité S.A.S. Paris 100%Axxicom S.A. Paris 100%Facilicom Formation S.A.S. Paris 100%

United KingdomFacilicom UK Ltd. London 100%Facilicom Cleaning Services Ltd. London 100%Trigion Security Services Ltd. London 100%

Management and administrationFacilicom Beheer B.V. Schiedam 100%Facilicom International B.V. Schiedam 100%

Other participating interests at year-end 2012H.O.D. Nederland B.V. Utrecht 50%H.O.D. Presentie B.V. Utrecht 50%Schoonzorg B.V. Amsterdam 49%RCCS Holding B.V. ’s Gravenhage 30%

Related partiesFacilicom Bedrijfsgebouwen B.V. Schiedam 0%

A declaration of joint and several liability within the meaning of Section 403 inTitle 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, has been filed for all Dutch groupcompanies with the office of the Trade Register of the companies in question.The above list only includes the active companies; a comprehensive list isavailable for inspection at the Chamber of Commerce.



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Text: Frank Bokern, Weergaloos met Woorden, BussumDesign and production: John Roobol, FacilicomPhotography: Concpt, Henk Jan Kamerbeek fotografiePrinting: MediaCenter Rotterdam

CO2 neutral production

PROFIT APPROPRIATIONThe Executive Board has proposed the incorporation of the net profit of EUR 14,649,436 as follows:

Dividend payment EUR 1,500,000

Addition to the other reserves EUR 13,149,436

Provision regarding the appropriation of profit in Article 23 of the Articles of Association:

The profit stated in the adopted annual accounts shall be entirely at the disposal of the General Meeting of Shareholders.


The foundation Stichting Administratiekantoor Facilicom Services Group held 50 priority shares at the end of the financial year.

The Board is constituted by J.G. Geurts.

A number of special rights under the Articles of Association are vested in the holders of the priority shares. The meeting of priority

shareholders shall be entitled to determine remuneration and other conditions of employment of the Board. It shall also be entitled

to approve decisions of the Board, to be laid down in a specifically described decision.

The issue and repurchase of shares requires the approval of the meeting of the priority shareholders, which accordingly has a

pre-emptive right for the acquisition of such shares.

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FA C I L I C O M S E R V I C E S G R O U P | A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 8 7

STATEMENT REGARDING THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTSWe have performed an audit of the annual accounts 2012 for Facilicom Services Group N.V . in Schiedam contained on pages 70 to 86

of this report. These annual accounts consist of the consolidated and company balance sheet as at 31 December 2012 and the consoli-

dated and company profit and loss accounts for 2012 accompanied by explanatory notes, which include an overview of the accounting

principles used for the financial reports and other notes.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARDThe Management Board of the entity is responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts, which provide a fair and true presentation

of the capital and the profits and losses, as well as for the preparation of the annual report, both in accordance with Title 9, Book 2 of the

Dutch Civil Code. The Management Board is also responsible for such internal management as it deems necessary in order to enable it to

prepare the annual accounts without substantial discrepancies as a result of fraud or errors.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AUDITOROur responsibility is to provide an opinion on the annual accounts based on our audit. We have performed our audit in accordance with

Dutch law, which includes the audit standards applicable in the Netherlands. Consequently, we are obliged to comply with the applicable

ethical guidelines and we are obliged to plan and perform our audit in a manner providing a reasonable degree of certainty that the annual

accounts are free of substantial misstatements.

An audit involves performing activities in order to obtain audit information regarding the amounts and the explanatory notes in the annual

accounts. The selected activities depend on the opinion formed by the auditor, including an assessment of the risks that the annual

accounts may contain substantial discrepancies as a result of fraud or errors. When making these risk assessments, the auditor takes ac-

count of the internal management that is relevant to preparing the annual accounts and to the true and fair nature of these, with the aim

of undertaking audit activities that are appropriate in the circumstances. However, it is not the aim of these risk assessments to express

an opinion with regard to the efficacy of the internal management of the entity. An audit also involves evaluating the suitability of the principles

used for the financial reports and the reasonableness of the estimates made by the entity’s Board, as well as evaluating the overall impression

from the annual accounts.

We are of the opinion that the audit information that we have obtained is sufficient and suitable as a basis for forming our opinion.

OPINION REGARDING THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTSIn our opinion, the annual accounts provide a true and fair representation of the size and composition of the capital of Facilicom Services

Group N.V . as at 31 December 2012 and of the profit for the year 2012 in accordance with Title 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code

DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO OTHER REQUIREMENTS SET BY OR PURSUANT TO LAWPursuant to Article 2:393, paragraph 5, subsections e and f of the Dutch Civil Code, we declare that we have not, as a result of the audit,

become aware of any deficiencies, as far as we can determine, with regard to the preparation of the annual report in accordance with Title

9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code and with regard to the inclusion of details required in Article 2:392, paragraph 1, subsections b through

h of the Dutch Civil Code. We also declare that the annual report, insofar as we can determine, is reconcilable to the annual accounts, as

required in Article 2:391, paragraph 4 of the Dutch Civil Code.

Alphen aan den Rijn, 03 May 2013

Grant Thornton Accountants en Adviseurs B.V.

M.Baks RA J.Verkade AA RV

(external auditor)



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Head OfficeKarel Doormanweg 4

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tel.: 0031 (0)10 298 11 11

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Head Office BelgiumAvenue Building

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tel.: 0033 (0)1 49 82 85 00

fax: 0033 (0)1 49 82 85 90

Head Office UKSargasso Level 2

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Kent DA14 5AE


tel.: 0044 (0)20 83 08 50 50

fax: 0044 (0)20 83 02 58 49


Facilicom companies

Facilicom Facility Solutions

Trigion Beveiliging

Gom Schoonhouden

Prorest Catering

Axxicom Personeelsdiensten

Breijer Bouw en Installatie

Tapwacht Service en Techniek