- COW4flh,d from Page I ei- Jed, wi nedÑ Sche ha I'ecorne aware o Faced to swy the dqanmout moro 4osey. mid ca be epWd - re go OVerodopowffi we comb. Co% aro jlkey tè pSm vooy prosopco o $cbee - io Ojdoflco tII8t Um depmnmejo Sa bohig glyop opeca ormo t1oj y the tnsioeo Everyope loyro a aad Decoradoa Day cIpo VLW I!! sown hao its pjooa paado, orJ m Sr. jobo Ltheya5 --_l--Phurcjr, md marcbing sooth tO!r. Adalberts cemerery. You COO fall lo behind the many marching groapf apd marci, yourself aloogMiJweI,$croAymo ac. If you drai,, PrOd, carry and poU your bide oloog, you'll have, ,a menioroblr duy, which neither you nor thry will ioo. get, L etfè TO THE EO1 'Thank You 'PeaxSin; : Ibe , COullees thoPoseerogu,ep The NIfes llpgle Itas LU3 wojuleeftjl to etto &Jriflgthopaol ncItopIyesra , we greody gtacb the itegt COvcgage you have givco, oes Oigunlrarloo, Jchanofwayn u pleasure ro See our aoUcioe Ijj lije dilt Bugle, and mo ,that'thcy haveu'vbecn rewcio. feu orçnaedjted, Mru, Roben C. acei r . Left Hand Softball. . Leagué COjjtjj freer Page 1 and torb got the homers whIle Warda, Larsen, as, Marshall. and Drerleg col lecled the doubles. Lro ¡je. , cldouraUy, got 3 hits In 4 at bat, drove lu a Cmi, and acored two ruas. lor the Majors, Fn.., ge got a triple but_wan_left strapded. Bill Ufhell gar two doubles, but scureri Only after the first 00e; Coli,os also doje. bled, but wau left high Sod dry. All the runs were ear000 for both 010es which io a UlboIf, to the defenses of boil, teamo; Thomas was jost a'liflI000aglo. whop i, roaoted. , To Cooed oat the league, Ro.. mito PtumblogCampaoy's estoy is piloted by MikeLuserrB of NUes has Joe Ksminsky for mootarl Chock O'Grady leads the fIlles Lb05 Club and Main. rice Daltz fires inc furnaces of Chesterfield Reoltors. The Oornkers lead tile league with 2 wins and no lasses; Norberts Nursery kas wanlan.j;oo,555e. Olaseo slorts a i and I while thin Majors, Colr..MU lanes, and Ike Clochers boyr each . lars a game. Out theo, t; IS o young season. Thn games Ore alf yiayed at Jozsoktk Park os Toahy jas, cil Miiwatine,, Tuesday and Fridoy . ntghts find the gladiators as... neoubled for the first fray at thOO p.m. There is plsary of free seating and alare than na cough fun for everyone; so get Sn the fauily bus aodcomcover . tu the pack. Sec YOU the,' Tuesdayl at Pilles Riles Public Snhoals Spring Musir Concert and Spaghetti rOjater Soostay. May 26 al 2:00 .is.olt. will be held in the school's bau, ery Tsahy Avens,, Rites, Mr, Richard Robertson will thron, the bands and Mes. CoUcou Philiipy will dlrcc Ute Choral groups. Cene,Oidm,s, vlan *.s 50 Adtdts; 25 child. ¿a__ ...f () Gisp jefe, In hi the ooveui gyod Plico mimlees ..01 g, Cima llc&nIUO ' fIC g Public ycp.00j wan une of the first ' UChOOO WinOlOWhiCb toOk place ouMoylo, 1968 .) 963.64 Nfillu Our . Lady O..Ransòm... .... Launches Cub Pack 107 , Combining elemama of 11,0cc veuta too nimoy of Des ouborbg. Dea Plallteo,Piøeoanti Plaines, toaneparatin,, Srp Park luogo, the Dog Lady uf Illuparit of PJlleo Chatimap of Ranoop, Rarnoncati,szinqg Actitlileac Vincent CarUso et Holy Name Socinjy lmonlje,j De0 Plomes, Aoaispog to Au- cub PogJç f97 at its rnaothly Uvfliea ChßjflflOfl and Bill cornmfltee meeting Maoday ShoIly of Des PlomeO, PublI.. May 7th, For the present oici Ad. - .amaryk oíNUeoQlothe Adilog Streogly ouppaace,j by encol- Cub Mamar along with his ro.. leut gola, Poalllnn uf Aootnhiot Cob era and AOOlnWnt DenMothero. Maafer. Mrs. Jabs Srotelzaco the rnecttog woe devoted to the of Rilan is the Ifoecoilve Ad. tottttiog of woe detto aed the vlaor to Mr, Cjsnaij, aooigo,og of the new robbers . , ja a don, The De Mothers from NIh.o - are; Doria Baamharr JieÍj memuer Leonard Sayiflanehi øffinoto ut the panic worn lattai, Rooettw ' Powers, Lop. Member iouuetivii. rheeI httrndaced by Bob Crog,aj of rabio Schaefgeo apa MorlonStrreM,hflnyt, --$ldo- $tleo1 who Is ipoUtsUu ro. Wolff. ' . Wollçn 7 Goobage Ptsp000l Preoentative. Otherofllrers Chal,,,t ...eouao, 5ayotagok Hunts Srhoefgeo of Piileo,rhof,s. AddiUnj ae8ioaqce fruto Member EtlWagd Nerkowaky mou, Bob Childers of Pack those interested In oeruing on Metubur Robert B. Weste the officer eem.,.n... n nf Park Ridgt, tio den motherw', PIjB1c nsi.îy BUILDIfGS unce, Luida Caso ofNlleo,Fao.. oled. Coorac: Mr, Cro,ofaJ at ' OIOUN1)S ouf Contact, ChoctçtJoto00o 855.6419. The pack hopeo to be Cbafljosn Edwoed Btrfawoky Pjiç lldge, A4vanrornog, Jeu In tau oporailnp by the fall Member Santo S. ßrnno ßrineto of NUes, Spaniel rd.. school term, Mombur Leoriorti Szynwoeki , Fly lIP ÛFMà%Ialr PiRE PEPANThRNT - . , J wuniivip Chelmaun Konneth R.Schoe4 . Member Sauta S. Brj,ì_o biombos. Angelo MrclteogIg i'OUCR DEPARTMENT Chairman Sonto S, Boema Member Kerotetlt R. Scheel Member Angelo Marchesglti . For Brownie Troop 279 '' _, und leaders joined the sistees Nohabogoso, Chairino og the freshmeots and foe. Mrs. Muck braod..eew Girl Scouts in re.. loo wos titen act aside as proud anti Mrs. Robert Strehjnw their leaders, Mro. RslphJ,go parrots and relatives, filando were owOrded their Wigs; and World Priendottip pino by symbollc of Ply..IJp; GIrl Snout junior Girl Scooting. Ha5iog Mrs. Herbert Hètzoer Aduyi- ta receIve Wings, Oie troop ro. CIted their laws yod premin in a comlle.4lght service atol c5tttpleed their reqwremeots tres and Haad*crafts. Troop 279 gathered ty holticees Mro. Ray HeIdor.Tressj. emanino for "flyjog.sp" iyta Mrs. Virgil Wilnoo, Secretary our commynjy ay Tooaday em. the Troop Comjyj« ere; Mes, eoIng, «May -14, wbeoBrowjue MsuRooeoberr, CaChsirm Was O orejo. nf eacitemeot lo ovogf, Other members nf The volçptniy nf the nrcos. Grenj,og leiobts Pleldhoose lCOOt W chairman fortitney.. Strohjow, Domo Wilson, and Disae Zuclçcrmao,- Majgaret Obtrmaier, Holly Ro- Lederer, Phyjils Marder, Jill Mirsky, Cathy Nahabediar, senberg, . Joan Soby, Anita firl Sçst are: Barbara Boas et,. Laijrie GremIvI, Deborah iluward, Korey Jooge, Debbiy Herder. Janice Hetzeer. Linda draws rs a clase, s Fareweti Party will be aje May 29, The School, will attend a Coah..o0; May 22, ao4 an the school year at Comp Pine ou Wedo,sday, Troop 279, opsnonred by 04 Çab Begins Service ' . - Ike NUes Piaste Cab bao Jost started u service which Uit village of Nibs haubotuloneeti al for qsite time. Radio tiisplahed uslts a5c ,sw available lar -all of the cototosulty On o 24 hoar basis. Tbo NUco Flash Cab Poople pl - i'PS Concert & Spaghetti : ' Djnné, Sunday ren atol 25 Preschoolers o- ncr tnekets will not be avail.. able at the door, but can be obtained th,s.ont sâhaol office) Before and after Caucert, gUcsts will be invited ta view au art eshibit of Pohlic School chilttreo, which bao bce,, aoTostgod by Miss C,E, Leo. art depogjovent, PMNCE. SPECIAL ASSESS MENIS, CLAIMS&TAEES ChIrman Kenuéth R. Scheel Member Edward Berboweky Member Angelo Marcheocbi LICENSES & PERM1 Cb4ilaman Agolo Marcheuchi Member Robuts H. Wenta Member Santo S, Brano Plate, Snbdtvtolpno ........7 ;sts Chalemun Robert H, Woote . Mpmb er Leortaud Snymanoha Member Edward Beijeowuky W*RANDSEWER .' . . . .. 9!Jnan lobees H, Weure Nues Caeudar of Evejmts Møy 27 . Hiles Curb Echoes rebohrne at OreaDa,, Heighta, se1dltattoe - 7:45 p.to. if your Valve wuald enhance the qual.. fly of thjo group d yao are intelwueod.inporticlpatioo,ca,,, . mtl Vlv Egeo, 823-9431. May 30 - Memorial Doy. Pleine. have a sodo and happy teolidoy, NiÏes Flash - -- weson .5 15e Vltlage uf C cv with the tasi nourtooso , I and efficient service, . Fa this type uf service coo 11 tact tho P11305 l°leh Cab, Riles h 7.8777, ..e . b, 4oth Madmjkt Hll ThIUC UßftAgty , -7944W Iggosfld. NIP- Soddenly wrueemuabecugg , lfladelU5eOftOOboOOCjf, cuso. Jumes T. aernlj lu bis SlENCE Oj' IIST0EY nsu once pIare to $hidn Loolan'o Soigbbocizoad o CMca$o'u math olde. Hermou Cqgun'o ChICAGO; A PjcFoli JIJ. TORY corchoy au the groat - god goose of the orØaJl - joy. mn:'to in Chgcogo'5 Idutory, Iry Kupclnet CMcapo' y. I troylte newapapnr,jta_,. i tOw,, and TIF peroopsnn, oçft,. 803 In the bpeezy ulpio thor jos pisde Ms syoWcgredSny.5 coIwnu os Widely rood, p-o.. sesta IfUP'S CHICAGO ou on. Ip be cynid booty lt. Everspge he bega,j writing Knp'e Co&9m5 almos; twooty yaara upu Roy Jtoo been Nutchlj;g the ¡toyd Pressure sud ;sMng the poise , 'P thIs Ptuirio Giogo, CMçâpn, a city which he CO9Oldery tre Boot Wldafl'Sed, nlsonaero stood metropolis Ip the Wørld, l'ram the otochyogyin 6 pljoh euec9tive aultoa PCumhId!oow to the Cold Coast, Roy has raine to bpaw lnurn8My ttp many iscoo of Chicago, o cIty he bpu,vs, He bus rcPOtOd murders, marrlqgeo, sporta, Pretfllores, and natln,ta.$ psa. tIraI r050eutlous. He has beep ap3tieed intrigued. ePthra14ot and eupuperate4 by ;ti Jomo town, In lisp etcsherajjç anti perceptiva bunk, 'Mloter Chi- rigo" lilmoell cupeep jtp whit the "1901dm" storlps nu pot anti present sporto ¡taliçite, bIg business oled $taw bynipess lIterature, lan4marks, pight spots ond reotuyraota, onduyey We ooderwpel of the "City of Big Suelders,!' aUsog thp way Ruy pangNroo a Seto tPYthO suri, as the ol story that Çhi. Cago Is the crlWo Copied ai the world. Here for the first tIme he toUo thecspqSoteory of how Ejoepitywo almsot be- Came p Democepuc presI- teflUa OoWlflee lii 1948. vyo are scoepu and storIes ou Ilaf- ry Trpmo,00cha,.,Daley,, horN an4 P.1g. Wr4gley, Bill Voock, SldLocbmuo,Carl5and. burg, Sos Hestet, the Marshall Field Eornlly0 Jack Spotty and It9odrpss of other personazltiou who hpve pluyed p part 4p ChI- eago's çlfo an4 Koy!s oso, As Woiterouf ope othoNp...ry4 tiowsyaper festeren in the csseru.y and so star of u pop.. plyr Tif taucossiop progçam, Ruy Is eminepily qoslifled ta feu Chicago's story, l4o is- llghtiul cylepy. and cots- teOVerolal diuc000loos ore io- aeQuo no; oply for tIto pawn thpy report, bot for the nons they make. Ip hin colpmrj Ruy has coy4ogted sliggesofol crusades to olp the poso, the Oppreosed, the forgotten. ¡tilo TV show bus wa,, tour Emery swaudo Ip futer years and Ruy himself nap an Emmy as Chi- rags's Teleylo1u,, Mao 0f the Yes; io 1961. MW's ChiCACO will Prove 5f special valse to all visitors av a guide io Chi- cafu's wining auS dining piscos opti historical sights. Clticagoaoo atOEjfno-thigag000g alIce nitauld filai lt a prava- Cailye asti eulsgbtoeig mor of Amer,ca'o sonanti largest city. Another Chicago reported Robert Hardy Andrews. from aosfher Clucsgo newspaper, the Da,ly News, has alss wrlUot, a rollicking romembuaoce offra- aeg Orneo be ¡but famous ltg. A COyj4Ep OF CHICAGO o a ydrounol Clt5OflItl Of A,- drep's remarkable eupflleuces 13 the years wheo Prphib,t,00 qoor rep down the alleys anti unge; was tbe rewautjforboy. of;,. Wid5IfubJ3rEneeo,ee '°h and free.. [JL srvjr tue village of N ' ' VOL. 0 NO. 47 '' '"'' , . O9 UCC . [ H Ne '4.* W4piw . ç.f1.n_iv . D :o ': ' ' . p 1bIilk, Thmy, Me3, 2, ¡963' ' ..,,._ .,, R1.EN .._ ÍND': Í1fl1. ' st, John Bribeuf tilas,.. s, Of 19Ó3 r: Fi f. (' 1 / ( (-i I ' {( . hi' Graduation exercises for the the Postor, Ruy, Jobo Plan. Li, Rober! Pucker, Ir. Cury gloso of 1963 of St. John tsço- agau, tellowlng the Moss. TIte Dp.qck, Lç. Apopy ars,ciIt, heut School wlllhegiowlchMasn f0fbmb1 boyo will reco4ve o- Lt, Jarbes Ruccogila. Lt. RI- and Commuolon at 9:00 s.s,. Irol 'imsrdo for Faithful ser- chard qlsb. Lt. Efaorf Zaini, on June Ist. vIce çhrooghsol the yryr; Capt.. l.t. MhIchell Retch, Lt. Ro- llr4an Bruckner, CapÇ. Poliert bort Grnsher, L. Etsln Ke'ly, Dlpinjeas and qwardo wIll be RastOyt, Lleoteqsttt Lt. palicri Calongalp, LI, ice. pre000ted to ¡41 graduares by Gregory Lutiner, Lç, AvIo pipe .9olpobI. Lt, Bobera Biel- Saouders. Li. Eogc9n Mqcnolt, sb4, qpf I-i. Reberç Vogel. Ndes DO h© Park Teen Mr. & G'. © 963 Dance Jn® 00cc aguiq this ycurchetilles the number of cerero served Days CommIttee will honor au will also be given p-lots. Ike Blies Park DIstrICt outstandleg nato und maman by papCe wIll be held at cite Bank- eonslog them Mr. and Mre. Many poInts will be gveu ¡sr cr MIll Country dab on Jpae Nibs of 1963. Qualificatlxusfor threc catggorieslntowhlcli ysor 14 begInning at EVO P.M. AU thls tide are litaI candidates candktste might-fall; eatsiutul- Çeeos Ils ihn park district are malt love io Nilcs butt! have a log act of coorage reopitlag lv gardiolly InvIted. Ttekcto far sincere and active interest Ip the nsvlug of life or property, thIs affair are fece but niust the growth el the community, IndIvIdual csolribulioo ta the be picked op prIor to the date Three arclsdlvltiaaluwardn sed Nibs commopity not atfllialed of tite dance. No eue wfil be nominations are far ont name. with any establIshed organIza- admlticd te Ute donne without N._. lion and for belog che Good a lickot. The cltarge will be You are Invited lo submit Neighbor overyoqe tunis to iii $1.00 at the door. in writing yaOr choice far each time of emergcecy sod Is al- of these awards. not ucc0555no ways avaIlable fur whatever Vsa may pick op your tick- Ily husband epd wile, to kirs, Io needed. ers at the Recreattop office. Prank Hansoo. 5028 N, Wisner. 8255 N, Obole, or at clic go' NUes 48, lllIools Tbeoeleetiss blast residents have a friend sldetite ai Mrs. Dorothy lias year colli be modc on u or neighbor they paticalurly Schçelncr, 8238 Osceuta. pulsI syslem. Be sore to io- admIre (or choIr contrIbution dude lo ihe resome ei your IO tIte growth of ROcs sod bere hurtful freso lo not tite sÇ- nominee of the currently actiur 15 5 ChanCe 15 flume your fu- tire hut the hayo are requester! ergaoleatlono 01 which ho 00, varIce. Lecter of namlouttan to wear costs anti ties and she lo a member, spcclul cots- most be In the bauds of Mto. gicle. p5sse, no slackS. mllteeo, the number of terms hanson no lacer chap Jyly 6th of 01lire or cltslr,000shllt and CO be ellplltlo for the final The Apolles. lormerly the wbetber lie or she is a founder jodgiog. I oukli t yen like w Relcecs. u flue combo (toni or charter member 01 each h responsIble for brisglugcldo NUes, will be feotiwedaedpmo cmiii tiflmec il Llcetiso Or au- house to o dnoecvlog residenl vide the muulc for lIce Dance. Openings For 1O5 5 Yeaiì' OW,s Ploltici f3 odhool sppnrs-. "tode!,! Jim fipgg salf Mypidu IRIP! there ¡ u "Pussiltøity' ludegqneq poplis inno pu to xctaq 19e ' tplJ year In 1983-64. psgg said it 5u been the Bosril's au well yo ¡4s os4. faseye;, In aenwpirçpg quespoiyo froto the apdlepcp, ¡je null he plId put yaptÇ tq epiff noch u psgra,optd thcqrnpwn to the present bslf-yeqr tçeg- tout. If stood nproflppnpt 143.. .jresued, tlaggnalpç there eoll he rooy for 9811 kiufergaricit n4f4drep lu illee' grapperar ee14uolsçiin dintolcI. lItern uçe prrseplly 75 c4dldrep uptlelpated 5r the Cumleg year.hasedsp reg4spç- lisps Cecelveil apd espeeçed, Teno uclisals, Oak qpd Neloqp, wIll put be able ca ucca43uelqle nil eopected k4ptlnrgqrçep oils- fr4340, qpo4 tiers 43agg soif pe excess studepçs wuplf 4qve Ça In gqtooçl4eruc14ualslpÇltnfiof.. rItt. andthqÇpqrepiÇsmao4tÇave w prqvÇeÇe trqpspurqçlpp foi Pieni. lin piso suM late ço' g(sçraptu wpi4f ho çiw cldlfçep who espyld he ncqç .lo ocÇpeç sdhaslu.. As p4 nuco ÇÇ ko ois' petçed Ibol 14 cfldenjp feo!? OsÇo SçhsoÇ apf 49 Ironi Nhioon mopdd be sep; IoynolÇtrrschooÇ. The l3uIIrtl, blurb Twa4 Waohfngçon and Woodpoeo '.YÇ - 009 Schools wptff oli lisse rooni ovqllable. unf çboMe5nrScltuaÇ may hyve ao mipy so 12 opep. ifIs tar the klotlepgarlen miel'- l other Msodpy 01Okt spi jouI board urchins, itiuog recni4- iflnudgd thy; Ihn Baoudcoosjfcg iptopediaÇe4y che p500IbIlIÇy of boildiog another ¡jiolar Çag14 school, aloeguldo hie presepI ncÇtooÇ, Ijie soif Çi;e hcoilp,g plouc ip the present bo4ltifp,g Çs lauef D ils pnadiyatv. opti lije lncgeaxe4 enrolÇtsnpts as of enstyearwarrants the secood school. ..,,Tltt search tor oli Aonio- tunÇ Soperinleodnot (fog cago rlcaluppp-o rep-one Mc, Boil- enwohi, lshelugcanUnged,tlagg said the ove quslltlet! my,, who they eapecict4 co accept the po- silbo, wlÇhdrew ca malsy u ido prescol post Ip Slecator, lIlloals, tioarfmemhegNaÇhan- sop said he wants to inlexvttw lIte .nste bimsell before hIeing. Qagg felt fc ma, ooecesoaoy mImo chore Io only one cuti- didale, bnl Nuthssoo's loste- :'e rneçcvIÇ14 Çbe uppoppa14 coulinuctiot, l'ago £2 polnluipi'ptotocaltwrdvu!hi of68ies? ' . _ ,,.,,,, -s. I$m....T. .. . eftB L1 E611s, telbve County Board preuldeitt Sep- mear Sçmçn has noted I5stmpsr Chicago-sp.huxhs sto jipe have our air poçiouop ,ydçi,anoes, Restudy the Coimty Poswdçtan- sed an orgçi000te covelug the usincorjtonaLed neas, whIch provides 5e the Iicensug foeS barputy equIpment othet than astoçltIIes, taata, boces atol truths and aSo pot sepidards tot aWoke embobo ojal aMono na opep fires except by sPecial Perthit. Sipsoli peeptionod that the fi- Implo Gpotal i'.nsepshly_bay a blU pepdlng booep It which wap4d give the calmly the rIg5 to esf4fisi penalties fur vio- lotbipo of sorb ap padhiunce. With this lo iylittt, pe unid ho bellowed the suharçis p5lgbtsyfQ ta tctiyely opgage Is pfs IIghI The figlpt agaInst te dint lii the pic ,ao hero foygbt in Ccago ÍQ pjopy years, Yepro 9go Ipasnwlveo were pwarc Pt çjìIopruln whop ey now the soot which covered thel loundry. Bach In 1930 Chicago ha4 300 reps of 1100f fou every mooth ¡p pp oreo of ope oqoare elle, Agcordlng to the Departjpept of Mr Poflytiop CONTO!, the 1962 Çlpoe 1o43 woo par squsro Wile ¡tC WPnth. Many oclentiotu csptepf chIs palluçlnp ol the oli sboalf po- yalIy be coonlferpd pqispnIup the oir. Apd the ganosas Perle- coles ery wefi prove w have a lIpb wIth lung cerner, whiri niaoy wythorIteu It the scIe!?. ces have tlnto4 a. Other fis- ty500 opCh as aothWa, brep- chips ppd the Calflpfsn cold, aU respiratory fioeooes. !puy Ipve a definite lisle to illese air p-Issus. The w°g which blUed liso- dre4o ¡p La9fstj Is! 1962 was allego4 io be caosef ty i- Pliar floolde, p yrpillic; of co4 uni! oli copibqsilou, whldll cep he pcydpgof by bolli honte antI IntIpolyipi fprnpces as wefi yo Uifaotr4pl plapis. These pFohleWs which yre 11111 ROW, kpt WltiCli the pp44ç Is becom4tf IperosIpg1yywote of. slloulf be the coiecoen nf all lqw-psokleg hodies. ltpcel Cpçnep'o wyrsdngo nl peoUrife isogeco. opi Çlte ltstrepoeç! plu- 1er peflqdop prablpipes, Cop°etI by s!olergqqto. Indpotrlul antI lioero-050fççetergenlo! an wefi as l,,fppqfal maule. preoçqtO problomn to all of as were pot pphllc concern p$y a short Unit ago. lit ojo- suU towns we the cootrol to gegalalo yo we choose, and to control tow foe- Upes. A 'qery caeefpl otlidy oç these afore!yepilpoeil p-pb- loms are necessary t the bouilli of oar cfldccp as well so of surselpes. The Macu-Milwaukee ocrect crossieg han been a soarce of discernment to residents in this area for years. lt wasn't tos many years ago. when es- chiot Bob Roosoy balked st pIa- clog a I'lirrtean to juan the cuesco Ihrer, eslule çtddren Were goleg (lack acd lorih to school, More recently the oil- loge reqeesced the acate place a stop lIgbe at che cocner.lpnZ after a since loathe St9dy, the rOqeitsO was turned domo. Couileued on l'age £2

Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,

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Page 1: Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,

-COW4flh,d from Page I

ei- Jed, wi nedÑ Scheha I'ecorne aware o Facedto swy the dqanmout moro4osey. mid ca be epWd- re go OVerodopowffiwe comb.Co% aro jlkey tèpSm vooy prosopco o $cbee

- io Ojdoflco tII8t Um depmnmejoSa bohig glyop opeca ormot1oj

y the tnsioeo

Everyope loyro aaad Decoradoa Day cIpo VLWI!! sown hao its pjooa paado,orJ m Sr. jobo Ltheya5

--_l--Phurcjr, md marcbing soothtO!r. Adalberts cemerery. YouCOO fall lo behind the manymarching groapf apd marci,yourself aloogMiJweI,$croAymoac. If you drai,, PrOd, carryand poU your bide oloog, you'llhave, ,a menioroblr duy, whichneither you nor thry will ioo.get,

L etfèTO THE EO1

'Thank You'PeaxSin; :

Ibe, COullees thoPoseerogu,ep

The NIfes llpgle Itas LU3wojuleeftjl to etto&Jriflgthopaol ncItopIyesra

, we greody gtacb the itegtCOvcgage you have givco, oesOigunlrarloo, Jchanofwaynu pleasure ro See our aoUcioeIjj lije dilt Bugle, and mo,that'thcy haveu'vbecn rewcio.feu orçnaedjted,

Mru, Roben C. aceir.

Left Hand

Softball.. Leagué

COjjtjj freer Page 1

and torb got the homerswhIle Warda, Larsen,as, Marshall. and Drerleg collecled the doubles. Lro ¡je.,

cldouraUy, got 3 hits In 4 atbat, drove lu a Cmi, and acoredtwo ruas. lor the Majors, Fn..,ge got a triple but_wan_leftstrapded. Bill Ufhell gar twodoubles, but scureri Only afterthe first 00e; Coli,os also doje.bled, but wau left high Sod dry.All the runs were ear000 forboth 010es which io a UlboIf,to the defenses of boil, teamo;Thomas was jost a'liflI000aglo.

whop i, roaoted.

, To Cooed oat the league, Ro..mitoPtumblogCampaoy's estoy

is piloted by MikeLuserrBof NUes has Joe Ksminsky formootarl Chock O'Grady leadsthe fIlles Lb05 Club and Main.rice Daltz fires inc furnacesof Chesterfield Reoltors. TheOornkers lead tile league with2 wins and no lasses; NorbertsNursery kas wanlan.j;oo,555e.Olaseo slorts a i and Iwhile

thin Majors, Colr..MUlanes, and Ike Clochers boyreach . lars a game. Out theo,t; IS o young season.

Thn games Ore alf yiayed atJozsoktk Park os Toahy jas, cilMiiwatine,, Tuesday and Fridoy

. ntghts find the gladiators as...neoubled for the first fray atthOO p.m. There is plsary offree seating and alare than nacough fun for everyone; so getSn the fauily bus aodcomcover

. tu the pack. Sec YOU the,'Tuesdayl

at Pilles

Riles Public Snhoals SpringMusir Concert and SpaghettirOjater Soostay. May 26 al 2:00

.is.olt. will be held in the school'sbau, ery Tsahy Avens,,Rites, Mr, Richard Robertsonwill thron, the bands and Mes.CoUcou Philiipy will dlrcc UteChoral groups. Cene,Oidm,s,vlan *.s 50 Adtdts; 25 child.

¿a__ ...f ()

Gisp jefe, In hi the ooveui gyod Plico mimlees ..01 g, Cima llc&nIUO ' fIC gPublic ycp.00j wan une of the first ' UChOOO WinOlOWhiCb toOk place ouMoylo, 1968

.) 963.64 NfilluOur . Lady O..Ransòm... ....

Launches Cub Pack 107, Combining elemama of 11,0cc veuta too nimoy of Desouborbg. Dea Plallteo,Piøeoanti Plaines, toaneparatin,, SrpPark luogo, the Dog Lady uf Illuparit of PJlleo Chatimap ofRanoop, Rarnoncati,szinqg Actitlileac Vincent CarUso etHoly Name Socinjy lmonlje,j De0 Plomes, Aoaispog to Au-cub PogJç f97 at its rnaothly Uvfliea ChßjflflOfl and Billcornmfltee meeting Maoday ShoIly of Des PlomeO, PublI..May 7th, For the present oici Ad.-

.amaryk oíNUeoQlothe AdilogStreogly ouppaace,j by encol- Cub Mamar along with his ro..leutgola, Poalllnn uf Aootnhiot Cobera and AOOlnWnt DenMothero. Maafer. Mrs. Jabs Srotelzacothe rnecttog woe devoted to the of Rilan is the Ifoecoilve Ad.tottttiog of woe detto aed the vlaor to Mr, Cjsnaij,aooigo,og of the new robbers . ,

ja a don, The De Mothers from NIh.o- are; Doria Baamharr JieÍj memuer Leonard Sayiflanehiøffinoto ut the panic worn lattai, Rooettw ' Powers, Lop. Member iouuetivii. rheeIhttrndaced by Bob Crog,aj of rabio Schaefgeo apa MorlonStrreM,hflnyt, --$ldo-$tleo1 who Is ipoUtsUu ro. Wolff. ' . Wollçn 7 Goobage Ptsp000lPreoentative. Otherofllrers Chal,,,t ...eouao, 5ayotagokHunts Srhoefgeo of Piileo,rhof,s. AddiUnj ae8ioaqce fruto Member EtlWagd Nerkowakymou, Bob Childers of Pack those interested In oeruing on Metubur Robert B. Westethe officer eem.,.n...

n nf Park Ridgt, tio den motherw', PIjB1c nsi.îy BUILDIfGSunce, Luida Caso ofNlleo,Fao.. oled. Coorac: Mr, Cro,ofaJ at ' OIOUN1)Souf Contact, ChoctçtJoto00o 855.6419. The pack hopeo to be Cbafljosn Edwoed BtrfawokyPjiç lldge, A4vanrornog, Jeu In tau oporailnp by the fall Member Santo S. ßrnnoßrineto of NUes, Spaniel rd.. school term, Mombur Leoriorti Szynwoeki

, Fly lIP ÛFMà%Ialr PiRE PEPANThRNT- . , J wuniivip Chelmaun Konneth R.Schoe4. Member Sauta S. Brj,ì_obiombos. Angelo MrclteogIg

i'OUCR DEPARTMENTChairman Sonto S, BoemaMember Kerotetlt R. ScheelMember Angelo Marchesglti


For Brownie Troop 279 ''

_, und leaders joined the sistees

Nohabogoso, Chairino og thefreshmeots and foe. Mrs. Muckbraod..eew Girl Scouts in re..

loo wos titen act aside as proud

anti Mrs. Robert Strehjnwtheir leaders, Mro. RslphJ,go

parrots and relatives, filando

were owOrded their Wigs;and World Priendottip pino bysymbollc of Ply..IJp; GIrl Snout

junior Girl Scooting. Ha5iog Mrs. Herbert Hètzoer Aduyi-

ta receIve Wings, Oie troop ro.CIted their laws yod preminin a comlle.4lght service atol

c5tttpleed their reqwremeots tres and Haad*crafts.

Troop 279 gathered ty holticees Mro. Ray HeIdor.Tressj.emanino for "flyjog.sp" iyta Mrs. Virgil Wilnoo, Secretary

our commynjy ay Tooaday em. the Troop Comjyj« ere; Mes,eoIng, «May -14, wbeoBrowjue MsuRooeoberr, CaChsirm

Was O orejo. nf eacitemeot lo ovogf, Other members nf

The volçptniy nf the nrcos.

Grenj,og leiobts Pleldhoose lCOOt W chairman fortitney..

Strohjow, Domo Wilson, andDisae Zuclçcrmao,-

Majgaret Obtrmaier, HollyRo-

Lederer, Phyjils Marder, JillMirsky, Cathy Nahabediar,

senberg, . Joan Soby, Anita

firl Sçst are: Barbara Boaset,. Laijrie GremIvI, Deborah

iluward, Korey Jooge, DebbiyHerder. Janice Hetzeer. Linda

draws rs a clase, s FarewetiParty will be aje May 29, The

School, will attend a Coah..o0;

May 22, ao4 an the school yearat Comp Pine ou Wedo,sday,

Troop 279, opsnonred by 04

Çab BeginsService ' .


Ike NUes Piaste Cab baoJost started u service which Uitvillage of Nibs haubotuloneetial for qsite time.

Radio tiisplahed uslts a5c,sw available lar -all of thecototosulty On o 24 hoar basis.Tbo NUco Flash Cab Pooplepl -

i'PS Concert & Spaghetti: ' Djnné, Sunday

ren atol 25 Preschoolers o-ncr tnekets will not be avail..able at the door, but can beobtained th,s.ont sâhaol office)Before and after Caucert,gUcsts will be invited ta viewau art eshibit of PohlicSchool chilttreo, which bao bce,,aoTostgod by Miss C,E, Leo.art depogjovent,

PMNCE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENIS, CLAIMS&TAEESChIrman Kenuéth R. ScheelMember Edward BerbowekyMember Angelo Marcheocbi

LICENSES & PERM1Cb4ilaman Agolo MarcheuchiMember Robuts H. WentaMember Santo S, Brano

Plate, Snbdtvtolpno ........7;stsChalemun Robert H, Woote

. Mpmb er Leortaud SnymanohaMember Edward Beijeowuky

W*RANDSEWER .' . . . ..

9!Jnan lobees H, Weure

Nues Caeudarof Evejmts

Møy 27 . Hiles Curb Echoesrebohrne at OreaDa,, Heighta,se1dltattoe - 7:45 p.to. if yourValve wuald enhance the qual..fly of thjo group d yao areintelwueod.inporticlpatioo,ca,,,

. mtl Vlv Egeo, 823-9431.

May 30 - Memorial Doy.Pleine. have a sodo and happyteolidoy,

NiÏes Flash

- -- weson .5 15e Vltlage uf Ccv with the tasi nourtooso , Iand efficient service,

. Fa this type uf service coo 11tact tho P11305 l°leh Cab, Riles h7.8777, ..e


b, 4oth MadmjktHll ThIUC UßftAgty, -7944W Iggosfld.


Soddenly wrueemuabecugg, lfladelU5eOftOOboOOCjf,

cuso. Jumes T. aernlj lu bisSlENCE Oj' IIST0EY nsuonce pIare to $hidn Loolan'oSoigbbocizoad o CMca$o'umath olde. Hermou Cqgun'oChICAGO; A PjcFoli JIJ.TORY corchoy au the groat -god goose of the orØaJl - joy.mn:'to in Chgcogo'5 Idutory,

Iry Kupclnet CMcapo' y.I troylte newapapnr,jta_,.

i tOw,, and TIF peroopsnn, oçft,.803 In the bpeezy ulpio thor jospisde Ms syoWcgredSny.5coIwnu

os Widely rood, p-o..sesta IfUP'S CHICAGO ou on.Ip be cynid booty lt. Everspgehe bega,j writing Knp'e Co&9m5almos; twooty yaara upu RoyJtoo been Nutchlj;g the ¡toydPressure sud ;sMng the poise

, 'P thIs Ptuirio Giogo, CMçâpn,a city which he CO9Oldery treBoot Wldafl'Sed, nlsonaerostood metropolis Ip the Wørld,l'ram the otochyogyin 6 pljoheuec9tive aultoa PCumhId!oowto the Cold Coast, Roy hasraine to bpaw lnurn8My ttpmany iscoo of Chicago, o cItyhe bpu,vs, He bus rcPOtOdmurders, marrlqgeo, sporta,Pretfllores, and natln,ta.$ psa.tIraI r050eutlous. He has beepap3tieed intrigued. ePthra14otand eupuperate4 by ;ti Jomotown, In lisp etcsherajjç antiperceptiva bunk, 'Mloter Chi-rigo" lilmoell cupeep jtp whitthe "1901dm" storlps nu potanti present sporto ¡taliçite,bIg business oled $taw bynipesslIterature, lan4marks, pightspots ond reotuyraota, onduyeyWe ooderwpel of the "Cityof Big Suelders,!' aUsog thpway Ruy pangNroo a Seto tPYthOsuri, as the ol story that Çhi.Cago Is the crlWo Copied aithe world. Here for the firsttIme he toUo thecspqSoteoryof how Ejoepitywo almsot be-Came p Democepuc presI-teflUa OoWlflee lii 1948. vyoare scoepu and storIes ou Ilaf-ry Trpmo,00cha,.,Daley,,horN an4 P.1g. Wr4gley, BillVoock, SldLocbmuo,Carl5and.burg, Sos Hestet, the MarshallField Eornlly0 Jack Spotty andIt9odrpss of other personazltiouwho hpve pluyed p part 4p ChI-eago's çlfo an4 Koy!s oso, AsWoiterouf ope othoNp...ry4tiowsyaper festeren in thecsseru.y and so star of u pop..plyr Tif taucossiop progçam,Ruy Is eminepily qoslifled tafeu Chicago's story, l4o is-llghtiul cylepy. and cots-teOVerolal diuc000loos ore io-aeQuo no; oply for tIto pawnthpy report, bot for the nonsthey make. Ip hin colpmrjRuy has coy4ogted sliggesofolcrusades to olp the poso, theOppreosed, the forgotten. ¡tiloTV show bus wa,, tour Emeryswaudo Ip futer years and Ruyhimself nap an Emmy as Chi-rags's Teleylo1u,, Mao 0f theYes; io 1961. MW's ChiCACOwill Prove 5f special valse toall visitors av a guide io Chi-cafu's wining auS diningpiscos opti historical sights.Clticagoaoo atOEjfno-thigag000galIce nitauld filai lt a prava-Cailye asti eulsgbtoeig mor ofAmer,ca'o sonanti largest city.

Another Chicago reportedRobert Hardy Andrews. fromaosfher Clucsgo newspaper, theDa,ly News, has alss wrlUot, arollicking romembuaoce offra-

aeg Orneo be ¡but famousltg. A COyj4Ep OF CHICAGOo a ydrounol Clt5OflItl Of A,-drep's remarkable eupflleuces13 the years wheo Prphib,t,00qoor rep down the alleys antiunge; was tbe rewautjforboy.of;,. Wid5IfubJ3rEneeo,ee'°h and free..


srvjr tue village of N' ' VOL. 0 NO. 47 '' '"'' , . O9 UCC

. [H

Ne'4.* W4piw .

ç.f1.n_iv .

D :o ': ' ' .


1bIilk, Thmy, Me3, 2, ¡963'

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..,,._ .,,

R1.EN .._ ÍND': Í1fl1.'

st, John Bribeuf tilas,.. s, Of 19Ó3



f. (' 1/ (

(-iI '



Graduation exercises for the the Postor, Ruy, Jobo Plan. Li, Rober! Pucker, Ir. Curygloso of 1963 of St. John tsço- agau, tellowlng the Moss. TIte Dp.qck, Lç. Apopy ars,ciIt,heut School wlllhegiowlchMasn f0fbmb1 boyo will reco4ve o- Lt, Jarbes Ruccogila. Lt. RI-and Commuolon at 9:00 s.s,. Irol 'imsrdo for Faithful ser- chard qlsb. Lt. Efaorf Zaini,on June Ist. vIce çhrooghsol the yryr; Capt.. l.t. MhIchell Retch, Lt. Ro-

llr4an Bruckner, CapÇ. Poliert bort Grnsher, L. Etsln Ke'ly,Dlpinjeas and qwardo wIll be RastOyt, Lleoteqsttt Lt. palicri Calongalp, LI, ice.

pre000ted to ¡41 graduares by Gregory Lutiner, Lç, AvIo pipe .9olpobI. Lt, Bobera Biel-Saouders. Li. Eogc9n Mqcnolt, sb4, qpf I-i. Reberç Vogel.

Ndes DO h© Park TeenMr. & G'. D® © 963 Dance Jn®

00cc aguiq this ycurchetilles the number of cerero servedDays CommIttee will honor au will also be given p-lots. Ike Blies Park DIstrICtoutstandleg nato und maman by papCe wIll be held at cite Bank-eonslog them Mr. and Mre. Many poInts will be gveu ¡sr cr MIll Country dab on JpaeNibs of 1963. Qualificatlxusfor threc catggorieslntowhlcli ysor 14 begInning at EVO P.M. AUthls tide are litaI candidates candktste might-fall; eatsiutul- Çeeos Ils ihn park district aremalt love io Nilcs butt! have a log act of coorage reopitlag lv gardiolly InvIted. Ttekcto farsincere and active interest Ip the nsvlug of life or property, thIs affair are fece but niustthe growth el the community, IndIvIdual csolribulioo ta the be picked op prIor to the dateThree arclsdlvltiaaluwardn sed Nibs commopity not atfllialed of tite dance. No eue wfil benominations are far ont name. with any establIshed organIza- admlticd te Ute donne without

N._.lion and for belog che Good a lickot. The cltarge will be

You are Invited lo submit Neighbor overyoqe tunis to iii $1.00 at the door.in writing yaOr choice far each time of emergcecy sod Is al-of these awards. not ucc0555no ways avaIlable fur whatever Vsa may pick op your tick-Ily husband epd wile, to kirs, Io needed. ers at the Recreattop office.Prank Hansoo. 5028 N, Wisner. 8255 N, Obole, or at clic go'NUes 48, lllIools Tbeoeleetiss blast residents have a friend sldetite ai Mrs. Dorothylias year colli be modc on u or neighbor they paticalurly Schçelncr, 8238 Osceuta.pulsI syslem. Be sore to io- admIre (or choIr contrIbutiondude lo ihe resome ei your IO tIte growth of ROcs sod bere hurtful freso lo not tite sÇ-nominee of the currently actiur 15 5 ChanCe 15 flume your fu- tire hut the hayo are requester!ergaoleatlono 01 which ho 00, varIce. Lecter of namlouttan to wear costs anti ties andshe lo a member, spcclul cots- most be In the bauds of Mto. gicle. p5sse, no slackS.mllteeo, the number of terms hanson no lacer chap Jyly 6thof 01lire or cltslr,000shllt and CO be ellplltlo for the final The Apolles. lormerly thewbetber lie or she is a founder jodgiog. I oukli t yen like w Relcecs. u flue combo (tonior charter member 01 each h responsIble for brisglugcldo NUes, will be feotiwedaedpmocmiii tiflmec il Llcetiso Or au- house to o dnoecvlog residenl vide the muulc for lIce Dance.

OpeningsFor 1O5

5 Yeaiì' OW,sPloltici f3 odhool sppnrs-.

"tode!,! Jim fipgg salf MypiduIRIP! there ¡ u "Pussiltøity'ludegqneq poplis inno pu to

xctaq 19e ' tplJ year In1983-64. psgg said it 5u beenthe Bosril's au well yo ¡4sos4. faseye;, In aenwpirçpg

quespoiyo froto the apdlepcp,¡je null he plId put yaptÇ tq epiffnoch u psgra,optd thcqrnpwnto the present bslf-yeqr tçeg-tout. If stood nproflppnpt 143...jresued,

tlaggnalpç there eoll he rooyfor 9811 kiufergaricit n4f4dreplu illee' grapperar ee14uolsçiindintolcI. lItern uçe prrseplly

75 c4dldrep uptlelpated 5r theCumleg year.hasedsp reg4spç-lisps Cecelveil apd espeeçed,Teno uclisals, Oak qpd Neloqp,wIll put be able ca ucca43uelqlenil eopected k4ptlnrgqrçep oils-fr4340, qpo4 tiers 43agg soif peexcess studepçs wuplf 4qve ÇaIn gqtooçl4eruc14ualslpÇltnfiof..rItt. andthqÇpqrepiÇsmao4tÇavew prqvÇeÇe trqpspurqçlpp foiPieni. lin piso suM late ço'g(sçraptu wpi4f ho çiw cldlfçepwho espyld he ncqç .lo ocÇpeçsdhaslu.. As p4 nuco ÇÇ ko ois'petçed Ibol 14 cfldenjp feo!?OsÇo SçhsoÇ apf 49 Ironi Nhioonmopdd be sep; IoynolÇtrrschooÇ.The l3uIIrtl, blurb Twa4Waohfngçon and Woodpoeo '.YÇ -009 Schools wptff oli lisse rooniovqllable. unf çboMe5nrScltuaÇmay hyve ao mipy so 12 opep.

ifIs tar the klotlepgarlen miel'-

l other Msodpy 01Okt spi jouIboard urchins, itiuog recni4-iflnudgd thy; Ihn BaoudcoosjfcgiptopediaÇe4y che p500IbIlIÇy ofboildiog another ¡jiolar Çag14school, aloeguldo hie presepIncÇtooÇ, Ijie soif Çi;e hcoilp,gplouc ip the present bo4ltifp,gÇs lauef D ils pnadiyatv. optilije lncgeaxe4 enrolÇtsnpts asof enstyearwarrants the secoodschool.

..,,Tltt search tor oli Aonio-tunÇ Soperinleodnot (fog cagorlcaluppp-o rep-one Mc, Boil-enwohi, lshelugcanUnged,tlaggsaid the ove quslltlet! my,, whothey eapecict4 co accept the po-silbo, wlÇhdrew ca malsy uido prescol post Ip Slecator,lIlloals, tioarfmemhegNaÇhan-sop said he wants to inlexvttwlIte .nste bimsell before hIeing.Qagg felt fc ma, ooecesoaoymImo chore Io only one cuti-didale, bnl Nuthssoo's loste-

:'e rneçcvIÇ14 Çbe uppoppa14

coulinuctiot, l'ago £2polnluipi'ptotocaltwrdvu!hi of68ies? ' . _ ,,.,,,, -s.

I$m....T. .. .

eftB L1

E611s, telbveCounty Board preuldeitt Sep-

mear Sçmçn has noted I5stmpsrChicago-sp.huxhs sto jipe haveour air poçiouop ,ydçi,anoes,Restudy the Coimty Poswdçtan-sed an orgçi000te covelug theusincorjtonaLed neas, whIchprovides 5e the Iicensug foeSbarputy equIpment othet thanastoçltIIes, taata, boces atoltruths and aSo pot sepidardstot aWoke embobo ojal aMonona opep fires except by sPecialPerthit.

Sipsoli peeptionod that the fi-Implo Gpotal i'.nsepshly_baya blU pepdlng booep It whichwap4d give the calmly the rIg5to esf4fisi penalties fur vio-lotbipo of sorb ap padhiunce.With this lo iylittt, pe unid hobellowed the suharçis p5lgbtsyfQta tctiyely opgage Is pfs IIghI

The figlpt agaInst te dintlii the pic ,ao hero foygbt inCcago ÍQ pjopy years, Yepro9go Ipasnwlveo were pwarcPt çjìIopruln whop ey nowthe soot which covered thelloundry.

Bach In 1930 Chicago ha4 300reps of 1100f fou every mooth¡p pp oreo of ope oqoare elle,Agcordlng to the Departjpeptof Mr Poflytiop CONTO!, the1962 Çlpoe 1o43 woo par squsroWile ¡tC WPnth.

Many oclentiotu csptepf chIspalluçlnp ol the oli sboalf po-yalIy be coonlferpd pqispnIup

the oir. Apd the ganosas Perle-coles ery wefi prove w havea lIpb wIth lung cerner, whiriniaoy wythorIteu It the scIe!?.ces have tlnto4 a. Other fis-ty500 opCh as aothWa, brep-chips ppd the Calflpfsn cold,aU respiratory fioeooes. !puyIpve a definite lisle to illeseair p-Issus.

The w°g which blUed liso-dre4o ¡p La9fstj Is! 1962 wasallego4 io be caosef ty i-Pliar floolde, p yrpillic; of co4uni! oli copibqsilou, whldll cep

he pcydpgof by bolli honte antIIntIpolyipi fprnpces as wefi yoUifaotr4pl plapis.

These pFohleWs which yre11111 ROW, kpt WltiCli the pp44çIs becom4tf IperosIpg1yywoteof. slloulf be the coiecoen nfall lqw-psokleg hodies. ltpcelCpçnep'o wyrsdngo nl peoUrifeisogeco. opi Çlte ltstrepoeç! plu-1er peflqdop prablpipes, Cop°etIby s!olergqqto. Indpotrlul antIlioero-050fççetergenlo! an wefias l,,fppqfal maule. preoçqtOproblomn to all of aswere pot pphllc concern p$ya short Unit ago.

lit ojo- suU towns wethe cootrol to gegalalo yo wechoose, and to control tow foe-Upes. A 'qery caeefpl otlidyoç these afore!yepilpoeil p-pb-loms are necessary t thebouilli of oar cfldccp as wellso of surselpes.

The Macu-Milwaukee ocrectcrossieg han been a soarceof discernment to residents inthis area for years. lt wasn'ttos many years ago. when es-chiot Bob Roosoy balked st pIa-clog a I'lirrtean to juan thecuesco Ihrer, eslule çtddrenWere goleg (lack acd lorih toschool, More recently the oil-loge reqeesced the acate placea stop lIgbe at che cocner.lpnZafter a since loathe St9dy, therOqeitsO was turned domo.

Couileued on l'age £2

Page 2: Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,

Model H«9 3-1QO

1l. iiy laasaçUaa.W. i aal mq-1

a 'qa, aj ;çhz çc


' 'gyroscopk.baIaWARM AIR IVRt4Açfl

Change NOW

to money qyu


p * 4

hi;tuft,d With Ctiv. y P,ppl, Who Ciii. Ygv AiitIiI hpbfttD,.i,

atflg & Air 'Conditìoniig Iflc7,566 N 'Milwaukee Av VA 74608


,_ 9fl 6a


4fl4 "4 l,4s i»Ê96J » e

Fffiae rw I9 __y 6í

ÊVa4 acgm, wg ago,.

wa4qpMF, Y#F am»piwfly a f ¡

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HFi#n im I!Th lM Fh90F9J 9FB aM9(aM4 (9F kim,

ami flki9 9F FR llm fg ani4ylap9Fmlwl (NFffi aMmarMFa99l Wfr'9 am a! !w kg

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FI ITM9 aMa braajki OUli (9p ForwpJ 1ok IlimaFa I!A ki k ffl9FW 9mphil§ls P1999( on (avFlapinI pro»prams ol 9(O9OiO9 lar 919900"OOIIOgO 100111! Ofllll9IflM

In moiy 00000, ho oald th#oollool omniot 9099919111 910909(9 lo (9M aroo koroaoo ol

' 910 rOIOOI9099 ol oomo oOimoollopo oto(ool 10Jpi49991(909oro oki polop 10 904109F,

f090009, ho Oommonloi,oomo ol tho oomlomio (oparmomo ovo (ollo 11910 tO OOFVO

'tilo 1100(0 01 tIm torminol kio"-(Onto 0I I4990( thotlo thoo iwoo" 110 (0091011901.Ib 1( oh 000r000 h0lIl(1101 ko 900"19001911 \0191 0191m»Im

110V40090 110hi

o(clkioo to osio94or-oom=9101k corriculom WY9I001I0R mlilo 0901 tOW ooro Pr. 110ilç00' 0100010(119919001(9999001109

oot010 0190(90091319 00911 0011mo 09090110199 10 9490 01"101(909 10 (09910(109 c000"o01oiI9oo01 109 (r9(0940( 00ol»019m 110(0940111 109IÇ9II0990011 05 11010919011109 bc (4909,

IMIIOO' 01oportmm90 09 940lIm oM(, Ilmo 94401109 0(4404'klaMm aM lillo 11W( t0401 01molo(o900h

ki(1ok% ki( 00919 I"o" 1ko 9401499

01011 1cm (w 99040 90'109441 roroiM, I091109 o0441, M (90 mom"119199 ol 114o 10\109141('9 0(901ki11 99110191 ;01 c10r0( il(9molo 1190 110(14401901 3Ç01Ç01 ioa.900101 mo01tk (c4011k44( O 44010

l(k 00190211 4910901M0(99040104111m 00900 kow lm"4440(929ki(k4oo11oolo 100149( 0119901 45 44 10511100109

o94*09 444 klo cc(ocl 994 9149

14499991w444(A0990( 1o"ç14ço"14

990ki;aM9mi a a9019 1017 9994g 9499

W9o"M4. 0(10;7m&99:m" 0Om"0(m"

. . Iw.91Iyo (9um"m" 1(999110


. oØ01,9 91049F 99917 41110(101091 9t a (10(9910 9,01449141999,9431 4aM pmo" okooia 9199(99 &#011091,o o"aM4 10#019Wil90kcW ffln9p 999914999,,§9(9 091914999 4901

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4449(9910 0111999191 of9910901 49901 919(99 10(99 149010(9 0190, f191191

hbflLL09110(1 104FI990 fo 91(999 o"(9(9144 95 0(990(0 ky 91k' 01949(91(19,

Th960090(ill( ¿4900(0Ff#( 9019IJ»7N114'OT01 4/91lli#p bmoum o9Înbof0(aM4900194499 10 (9191(9 44 101i' pm"(90m, Pr, PO4*999110141104119904914 9911919f 01194499040010940191894 1000144 kc I11JO 49 00((9901ko 41999I0p4149410 0! ,40!Ì aM9191409 0044 110411 9004191009 ajolkirmiml po(rom thafmo49lw0494144916 49414414901, 4414! 091444100101 !04 loll 41109 §40019419014941 4940109 990019490,

pr, P09119f 0190 44911441 41w(999lopm9nl 04/49814499100111114101049011011 04114) 0 F4419019901919

(4114104499 4404 40041991144994941404094/ 49 111910019 homorocJln 41911§maII990011 ol01ono9 49144600919911419 00 4/91! o" liì01lvi01oal909999114191 0401 00109 F901914914ln 4449 001m1n104r10409 §M9441910F g40049r 949494909y 41441(960041044.

4loo ho orgd 9980499 U.601 41w 441101096 §900044 loI 114"§990169 4991441119W06114111p9,tl9101opor1miifoI worloIIop9, 41404

0441601941044 woî11ohopo for 41w4909110691 ojijI 4119 010991opm9414of 11914999041641041014441I414490919I4"49414118$ rplotionlI4lp,

4%4 4h9099144010440111149111044pr. P11@F 40mm9414941 Iliol hoh4141 4101 1991001801 uIl 41w 04111»44440 thaI wIll 40409 lIp In tim41914 tlffo 99090j hoI (hot II,114441 191401 to 141914149114 0411419 Im'009041410 (911119mO 9141914404109119hon01Io01.

444f wo con 01991 00009101441111with 4110m, WO will hoyo moo(60(94110. oo( 9(11' 44414011949411 wIll ho 4h14 991191 1419 II.ho 01d,

Jr Ñr M 19 jaM

Troop 84691»91071ia94. 19aIm'4y,

440444$ 1jnpy, 91914919 9191110111119T919p 841(9191110917$im14194199;, 49991w919

19 147 9im17914149199091110(9111(614/im, (9111» 9414118», L4/1J91

g9,,M190 lIlla P0(9,19,, 14414191I3lilp(9 tMihy 419011,0, '4*919,19O'91441117041, JW9i19F oi41410(49m" 414444199 04/4 10om41a PimaM.

nW 944W 0(611 949,4491 44949

1414199,44 9F91p41n9 (441ff 4191-lijo, 10141Mo f11ffi4lk941,144j1fl991144/wohl, Mlliraml Çonhllii, JaMfIll C011109419, D91m 910( 104/.491918 41119m" 141917 OojIi9499149, 14499,67 91914m111, 1491rçI91944119190 60mm 4jjij#, 11Iwíyl4,44419, 140414194/a M90(9941, 41aj144499, 1444111914 1141109 (414491. EM»911899 f14j, f11! 0f10POV0I4'414P1 0494191w, 0(nioJIo

116149149, 11119941 41(90191, 91149Voy19, 11mth1a W9ylmuI md4d601 WtwIoa, I9I419ro .419949F0. '(,1. 0P1411A mol M.44. Vopdo,


Church Picnic

Sunday, Juni 19

Tuo 44049441 (16441$ 01 N11911ommo04ty horh JI01 119401449

4hl60h 119149411 will ho hol01 on§OniI9y, Jujjo 10th (rom li 410441414194 14 p,m, it 0u01,m' Hill Po.6941 Pr948999, llrovo (7. Pn.0944099 40 4kb 44690 6044 b,10m ,i91,r oldw91l 4v,. o-4Iijno I400 flojlwqoo gilln

.. jj41 614968004, 04 molI oo ooft(rinho will ho lorniohod bytilo çhoroh, 94909 90414' pinni1444411,4 with food to b, njoy,donytimo botwmo II 000jj oriol

. o p,m., whoo 41w (14919 lii091490101,41 to ,nol. 'l'h#r'9 will b,644800 oriol omoo 19191411016941411oil om with (619411 104' lh,wln.14911. Thoi', wIll h,çonrnlrlornlfijo loi' tho 410104to. Dill 11h41.h41t, hood of tho (49490 44Om40444m' 00y4 thor ho bol 4441'9969040994 with tho m,othor'


644141 thor 0144y," 44morii OO9 440441 orlI oom41 0444(or o OIIy of ton 411141 I91lownhlpwith 90411' fri4101o,

. 'floor, will b, o9,oy,ibood0(9110r ill 944041 1h10 l44Ii to t(o11nn.

. b,} l.ç . 1'T1LE$ MEDICAL


..".. ' lh Pti1flÖ òi the'

NorthwcI°U Nwt Medical'4\ro ßui1din ' . .,

8057 N0 Mflwuuee-AvNII, Uhinola


10l9I4,L1 4mo119*l0(àQ44 ?rmh41mi149e Mhd.91Qbi911P91Q, 91191 10m"*41m

' p6J4. molP(1111, (9191°mo

.Nifr í&i Ii.

.v -? P&2109194w49 Lw j1_91 j919*4419 41p9111aM1w41 1» o lw,aM0ia91991441 co L49y99191w4404191994991 9l;19r 91(91919914491.9104111 4911999 60 10191949 M'o.no9 1491940(19M'ovilI 9141 (991 49 41,91919

.' 0((J(f141,91 1099191",' 49091 WI 491O499IJ91 wdhol-Q, 1449 (1919144 491144 In jolI.9174091 '910 ¡w,aM 19 oil ooi-441111 m'mI boki by 4149 L4/9I49IP 04441414 oUwammornhorom.fl819194941,

,Th 974911903 L44410 '4,944441900mo 4/II 10044 by ibo t449oodf 4441* 9991940 Ii Loen f1,aym(4 60 4 gor 4ko C4411091 £41441

44944140 89144100' ucd Loso.

Ill 4449 oponÎn Pmnnri9419 4044191 Iho CIOlOF ondÇßO.0440' Itmltor irollool 0 and 11m10111m LM41I 4J» 1,Iom 1. oh400(9 9104191 414 1(914441060 10149fpflowool 14m44449440191441041419491,944499,

MF. 11,,J, Groi1owobb, Pro-oId&'nt of 01w 009r4444 4h, 44444m8441(9011 L904110, imood a

\4444449494j44449 rothtui19 to Oho

Poli69 P9(444401094 tor thoIrV9I'3' fIno 90041060410w 0414 014

4h, 4101m, rujio 90(601094 1419

9l9 3 42,1n99j olllagø6J34/m91 49c91914iat9fs4r-k rb 919949914199. 11F

(04941191 9914941 lbs 49 10149 4414.401499991 914/ Ø9ØL'z 119441 a9419 113 III rmr4 91m91941849. 119'J9991,8U149414419119494oh919 9914 1794911919 94141him 9191 n&mmi 4444199

9191 nriyll.


OUTLaOTQVAfll411011 b aUlli WßlD Ul OUTOIGI

°1w;v5°4ko. 91,00 120?, 911.80

OWl UO OUII OIpillo, L w, nioi U ii

Ludio I, o, complosri, no- lInd elcell ploI, 414001414' thIck, li wentdrIp, VII Or uplettor, like ordlm.rypeloti. Jod opan the ein altIlars paIntlo

110C. $7.45 GallonuPt D PRICE


Gallon Cats,,

Na, 403wNI,


Roe. $7.23




277I Gal.



. sloe., Gal. o

WhIt. a fl ColorsRoe. $649



Is.. OLOR Gol. 9S.o091. J Con

Slnülo 08110w $2.44Uomotohad ' loa.pelond aeI.e.tin tq, lndaa,, o, ioui.lda euhleqait Wasthnaetad. wee,.jactad Oat et.t,s, b.*cman*e,tultcc4

M.de.'s aL3501.11 MIl«a,*,eAw,. at Horilamo

, NIlS. 41e 414144011 . I '. . NIIRA 14777

Page 3: Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,

1963 1963PSE S S'






.';". tisWA!JWSKI

MDMJJS[ .WOHKWeser,dce AflCometsris


Say flSby O Fsde,i

agency. Since-1S2 SverN

e9yed re-dl Idends. icey39yy. Open

accsunt SOC And,.getIflSlO gro Ing

b yrSEfet- Savings.



-ReView Of MUy- 20 Maine High -School- BOar4-JegAEftIegIdarme;thigMay

- lu tise øWce of the 9.- the TobJp High- Sce1 Hoard of EthcaAiøn co

-- ,med Abe appu1gimro of d.- v Epgthars for oS yr0- rWiagod- tosegretanjes OEil-- EEC sstodhiasa ECCqEEdliVe,re.

- OigOEEOES0 cOflSWed NevI____$Iurts. Epprovod 1963-1964- Salaries Lot odnslzslsiratoas

- OEaeSar1eE flAStOailaas 064c010tErIa wOr6ers.aadraqiaess.ed asniacanae 0100E100yEWcIaIs

- 65 cuAAwoIllasg troffic bc(oroasdaftar schoal at MaIs TowonhipHigh School East.

- Reolgoadoas fr05,, the MojasEast facojW 1Eg164e: Mr, David

- Eckly. Sayal SidOEcro Mrs.Mao-lip, Hof1s EEOAJIS6 aod

- Miss Noocy lJpsaii Girl's Phy..alcol Educadoo Mr.EckJeyhs000RpEnd o povllioo at OaklaosdColifornla. Mrs. Boils will at-

COEAEPOAAY her hosobawi W Pho

- - - 11.T_.ay 63

The - Bugle966-3910

May 3O 1963 Vol. No. 47

An lodopamlent Coinimaoicynewspaper serving Ehe Villageof Niley.- Mail CUbOCAitlOU PriCe$3.75 per year. -

Pobjtol,eot on Thnrnda3mao-viag by The Bog1e

- 8139 Mllwankee Ave. NOon,48 Illisonin.

David ßesser Publisher,- Second elusa mail po-ini-

-Ilegen aacionrizeoj oc Chièagn,

y IlOnnin, -

Lowrey OrgansProm

$595.004eag 7i- *6V4 yf

LESSONS FOR BEGINNERSsi yn (inn,) hintracEinn AndProdilce 'lioso Io, Oar Studio

Borgoico la Used PionnoSpiseco - Grands - Uprighto

5352 Mitwaticee AvR03-61.34

nia. Ar1z. Miss Lsolt islhtg the Qdgo lo-SL

-Two oodal sdce EOEthOO5re. Mia. jouas

- PO}mOc wUt woit Ltstd herAcEio-ate st tho LladverslcycMcogoi. &S 1.Saw has accepted o postilan loMissnerl.

Newly elected longhorn ID-o-164e:

Mr. EdWOOd Arno-eIs, jr., SciOEce0 Moss. Iaosclusce of Tech-ssoisg35 Mr. George Schalls,Socio! Suches, Lake ForestCollege; Miso Lois Coertlo,laogsage, Middlebory CnflegeVermooi Mi-. John Hasogey,ln.dustu-lal Arts, Ill. Stute Nor.mal Uadversity Mino CarolynL1ndej,sel, Sacio! Studien,De-1sao Uoiveo-yiy0 Olga; Mr.Timothy Unie, Social Studien,lJsoivernity of Illinnio; Mr, R1chard Marh-lnkI, EnglIsh,Northweswrn Mr. Rosoald Ra,.thberger, IAodasUuiai Aros, Sosa-Shorn lllisooln LJnivernfty MisoJoan Sand0 Home Ecnnamics,University of Nebraska; MissDiane Scblinckert Mothcsna,.0Cv, Mao-Moo-roy Coilegel MissSuzanne StC4o-E55t Engflsh,Snuo..foFa tJAoiveroiEy, CullIno-sia.

Seo-ro-sao-Ial replacements isa-,o-lido: Mrs. Betty Jane Fish..er, secretary, Maine West A-dolt Evening Schon!; asid Mro.Dat-thy Dymond secretary,Guidance Coordhotacar. Mr. io'.win Roland will replace Mr.Charles CalSeon (deceased) ascontudias-ac Malone Easc, --

Several reorts were inonde.Mr. Rnbe Winkle, ansuccesn-fn.I candidate fnr che nchool-isard nc the April elecclnc, ad.vised Ehe h-no-d that he will oatpress Ido rrqoest to be seatedas a representative nf the tos-isrOrpnrated area and orged theheard to secare claoiftcatjnss ofthe law before th 1964 eSce-.tino, Thnsopecedewan,j,.rected ta o-notatE Segui opios.

los finos ilseOfficeofRsyPage,SaisIosn OIPAASICIAASIIWSiso, Sioeloglield, rebuTe WiDteo-eEoAiO Vg the low utolerwhich Mr, Wiathie soiaghta seat

- ondseboard. Thelosaidlsms.sibilo W clarify the matter Inquesslon beSare the sinai-nIno.tion for ociosoS taoardmeo,bers.

Mr. Ronald Touer, chairman- of the Professional Growth- Committee. reported pronao

lu the development of guidelIsses for Ehe PrnfssiosalGronusis program. Members ofthe hoard were pleased withdoemuore. it yas syggesned bydoe board Chan osoly teacherswho are dearly ootstasodlngshould advance beyond Stop 16on the ocho-dido ( $9400,00).

The Building Caoonslncee re-ported sonroso! progreso at theMaIson South site. Approval 645given ta parchase aoditnriom0504 leo-sire ball seatIng fromtIoe American Seaungcompany,New c000seling office spaceoc Maine. Went will be cnn-se--StEed by Peter A. johnneoand Syss,.

Dean Millo Company and 8e-U-Ice Foods were awarded con-U-acts for milk prodocts at thehigh school cafeteo-Sas for the1963-1964 school year os, thebonis of the low bid. -

Approyol wan giveso to a ros-.cnmmenalallns nf the StudosActivities Corparatioss fou- sto..dont insurance. The rates willbe the oame as present rates($4.50) for all stodesots except.football players. Premiosos forfoothall athletes will - be los-creased from $9.75 to $13.76and will cover 70-50% of dan-tor and haspltal bills, The a-diletes will be required In payan esto-o $3.75 rar the coroerage, the same as last year.The balance of $10.00 will betabes from gate receipts .Par-ticlpants In all other majorand. minar spnns are not rmqoofred na pay tise extra gas.

Theywlllbrcovered4tthere. -

guiar rate of $4,30, The lane-ger coverage toas approved forfoolbau after thepao-eats of In.

-lilo-od players eispo'ossed - dis.saúsfacatton wiSh settleonmot ofclaims for out.-pallesot 1ro-aa-meist h-hespSlsui*lththe

- flsldfrlynchtdsol8ofnpisnburse.melItoforIsojurfes.loscofliínis.

- e




Oss Sunday, Mayl9Eb, the PonyLeague nf NUes nfficiolly ap.coed their 1963 neasosj. Is thefirst game of the yeartheGren.Alan Height's lcdiasos defeatedthe Golf-Mil Tigers by a score-

at 9 co 0. Frasil, Mabresepit..vised all the way for the In-dIano allowing osly ose hit inseven ismings, Glen Thump..son and Franjo Mao-rese bothhad three hits. ht wan a toughssoefor the Tiger pitcher, BradSo-Coas, to lose. The Coo-nodgamine between Schmelusers RedSou and Bonby°s Dadgern hadto go isEo overtl050c lnnloor bo.fore Sthnaeder asid Hoebl of theRed Sax would beat Zimmer.man asid Zaleytci by a score of4 to 1. The third game was areal close contest ben-ero theChamber of Commerce Pock..ers who beat the NUes LiwonClub LInos by a Euro-nw comefo-oso behind orare of I to 7,Bill Eregnue was the ldttioogstar. for the Lint- by hullingtwo tremendous borne o-sos und- also Flicked astcegame.WayneKarpiosbi und Joel Friedmanpitched fou- the Packern, Thefollowing sight, Monday, May20th, the Nurnioweot InsuranceYankees wereawardndthegamoby forfeiture because nf an Il-ligaS pItched íonnd by the (101g.

Nues Pony League-

- noimbla Uuivers5yy July IS-2,: l93, -

- Sofailna of oslmlnIomsto-o,po-IntaCtos, custodIans. and

- cafgteriu wuche mero soLfasthe 1963.l964-scloeol year. In.oreases for Iloncerilfied p6Iewere un the basIs 0f thel962..1963 schedolon. Admlislstxwt9rnsalarien osto-ê us!justed keepingwIth the naines glana teachers,

MIl Tigers and wasted a -floehitting Performance by MarkLarson who hit a loop longbases loaded home esto plus

- plenty of bits from Gruenwald,Gampecro, Winchohek soldGrenoblatt, 'the game ucoreended 18 to 5 loo favoS- of theYanheen kot will ho recnrIedas a 9 to O win doe ta the fno,-.fnhture. Thursday evenIng Wet.1er and- Too-onion pitceda nicegame to win for the NUes LI-ans Club by u score nf 10 to6 over Meo-chus and Zaleshiof the soby°n Drive In ORth.gory. Saturday nvnnlngolchmei..iseo-a Monts Rod Sax niaugbol-no-ed the Golf-Mil Tigers byo score nI 28 ID 4. Home runsby Rollo and Oldfleld helpedo linde kbc.4n theeveoboog gameNorthwest- Insurance aud TheNUes Lions fnogkt to o coo-fewculled 4 ID 4 tie. 11e Schrnedaer bit a home run for the Li.0Es.

Standings-Schmeianern MeatsChamber of Commerce j ONorthwest Ins.Grennanflts.NUes Unna Club j 1Booby's Drive In 2Gof.Mil Bowl



CHAPELS- Private

: -

Display RoçrnPARKING



FiieraI Home5844 - 48 MiLWAUKEE AVio.

- ROS - SSli

Çiin Flowers - Ceo-sa: êPinrel Designs Hasse Plums

Mike's Fra1 St -

-ESSo 54, 'MIlwaukee Ave, . i

j:4.gtOO4O VE DEUS*

1Qtr Dame -


Fri''iyNiteCommnaocemast esoso-ines

will e held nL NoeroDonseHjglsSchool for Boy's gendoidilogoguiors, fairy 31 ut 8:00 -Io the

-Mos Rev, yinàent J.iMc

Mauley 00w Blnhop- of Fort Portal, Uganda, EastAfrica will be the principalo.

Glana Valedictorian, DanIelDeliRes. ranked flo-stlqIsloo-lasand alutawrian Ronald Staudtrauk4d neo-asid will also giveupeoches.

Rev. Joseph E, ÒNeilI C.S.0 PrIncipal0 mIli confer thediplomas On the neniorn,

-- Loot weekend n Communionbreakfast wus held ntthenolsoolfor the seniors End their pair.

!F1.o0 .1175

- -- HoldsParents- Night

Soi, Scout Troop 175 of St.joins Brebeuf CismareIs, Hilos0

- held a parents night meiting.on May 24, Po-eoentadon ofthe amando, pins, 0004 meritbadges for which the boys be.casino qosilfied was the hIgh..lIght of the evening. Mock-upnillustrating Sole End unsafe

- haInes and campsItes made by-

the paerobowerewspinyeoj FIreprevention poncedares ono-edn..monotrated by the scosto andboohiets were give:. nut to pass.enta,


Twätys.two boys were pro.synted with o-soso-leo for havingmaintained a regobon-attendanceat monthly Commoniss Sundayswith the Holy Nome Sochoty.Twenty..seven pins for onnyearmembershIp in scouting wore

- distributed by Scout-astes DonMOrlacIty.

The Tenderfoot pIn wan a.warded tojohnEornacker,DaveMcGowan, Broce Blanchi. BobVodleka, and Gregtesnlak.TheSecond Class Scout pin wangiven to: Fox PatrIRoso.idIColco, Russell Eolcz, ThomanRUgoso0 Bol, PlOie. und DavidLeiter1 EaglePotrolRayPo..toronne Rd Niembsiski, John O'Connor, and Dave Roth ApachoParmi-54 Modzon Jobs Zink,Alan Anderson, Reo Pasoico, andGeorge Koluai Hawk Patrol-Jomen Moyer0 Richard Savon-1,Robert Arvidsos, DieSel Volpo,Eq MIles, and Tom Keaoe; FIa-soling An-rOW PatrolLeonardXltzinger, Engene Macrob, andTom Rudolph.

Merit Badges for flretuon-ship were received by Seo Pan.Ico, Ralph Spera, Tam Rudnhph,and William Helle, A merlobudge for pets was won byDave Roth, William Hoble ro.coined a second merit budgefor Home Repair. Den Chiefawards were mude ID John O'

- Cnnseo-, Alus Anderson, RabenArvldson, and Ray Peleo-sos,

Troop 175 had u weekendcompRai at Camp Baden Powellon May 17 ta 19. Initiutlns nfnew campees was held and theosual enjoyable time was hadby - the 31 Scouts attending. OnSunday, after a thorough searchof the camp by the TeoderfootScòuts for tools such us a left-handed sky kook, smokekonder,10 feet of skore line and a.hochet of steam, the boys baa fino roast be6f dhlbocr, broke

- campsite oeil retorneS homo.

Nues NewestA new baby boy, Mark An.

drew, was horn on May 14 toMaDd Mrs. Roger Earl Detto.tilos 7553 W, Monroe. NUes,.LIEE1I Marlo weighed in at 5 lb.ilo 3/4 or. at Lsjtherams General



/VN /1 .dce . ,

Dr Harry Sirota-OPTOMETRIST -

Northwest Medical Center o? NUes - -

8057 MIlwrn4oe Ave - Tel, Y05-2200office neuen .Y*uost Anejyols ,G$aoseo PEted

By PpoJoSmmt .Cojstact .enoey .GhU4R5EyYIOOp

lnNUes'and,..,the l9HiMupleompeChest campaign wiji bi coomd%dacted jùny 3rd thrusogls jase10th It woo nìogonced.

Voluntoen- slllj be cullisg ontheir oelghboo-s \for o-entelobullons to the Choldngo Chspter

_.iPfi-w ationd-Ml4thJii90--:=cago orean, ,. -

Newborn - -

A baby boy, joseph Alan,woo bonis on May 18 to Mr,and Mrs. Lawrence L, West,Sr., of 7800 LIlI Coure, NOno,and weighed in at an estos 8 lb.He arrlvedatLueiseranGea-ai

On its way.- toyou...


your new . -


Directory -

-The Bogie. so-sdov, Maw 30.1963

I,-.ple Sckrsis Ca1ig Jii& 3-10l_ont yeso- the ChIcajo Chap.

ter opnnt 543,j79,6J on paclentseo-Ricos for 'yicilms of esosi..tIple oclocoslu. This woo inaddition to the $B6$364J omEtto the Nutionol Mtsttlplegojeu-n,.sis Society In stoppent ofeloono.ORnaI Renouu-cjo0 professionooledocotlon mmd public infoo-nvo.Upnpfoge-om,----------.: .-

1oo ChIcago Chsapter suole.tains - no Out-pollent Clinic stNonihacs UnIversity Medi.cal Club-s for OvabupUon anddIagnostic parpases, Anyoneliving In Cools, DoPage5- Kane,Lake and Will cowoiles Is el-18161e to attessI

Yolsoosteers as-e atOl neededto assist tisis year'scampalgu,Anyone Ioterestedinloejpissgcapcall Else Chapino- Office, HAss.Oloon 7-2250 and placo your000seonth000t. .

lt Is estlossoted Usai 5ßOß5Opoupin in the United States asevIctims of MS and its closelyrelated dsnsyeIiunslngdjseonen,rj-110 salutino uf multiple orE.orants through. roseareis Is thegreatest soned tond first wIsh ofevery pattent stvickon mlth tisiscripplIng and psr.ling silIcone.

i -

The BoilonoI5ocety sapporm

eoearch to Sind this sareCHAIRMEN -

Mro, Laster Kempneo-- 8945 Oak Past Ayo,Moctencruye,$ll,

Mro, LouIs E, $.edeo-ey$558 N. Oyan-, Ave. -

o,Ju ,°--- .

vl-t1t ChECK ITFop NEW


- %%náò%nwood-5(oe 'MOI'0 GO -

w ithin a day or so, you shotild receive your neW- telephone directory. -


Since May i 9, some ê200 telephone customersin the southern part of Nues hove had new num-bers, all beginning with "96T". These new num-bers are listed in this riesg directory, so be sureto check It before making a call.


If you haven't received youiu now directory byTuesday. June i please call the telephone bu-siness office - 613-9981 . . -

- -

ILLINOIS BELL ThLEPHONE- l'art el fha' Nafionwgleggfl Syateon

;- .

Page 4: Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,



NORGE AV Q 7LL3 1tizgTh 1o.



. Mo*or tuoi t1K.mD. : -

nov rø*urns hoJp tobuild new troets aiwill ai improve oldc,wi.

y supporting yourNlPi Gas Statloni,ilota tax mtay pntthere Is roturnd Inpart TO NILES to boiliod for aroot, andildowalko alio curbImprovements.

5 AN EXAMPI.EQakton Manor undGrennan FtolØflo reuldents Lc2 rocoIvid MILW4 ........ .ER VICEabout 33% rcictIanIn their oc aseis. -. - -

mente EappiyIn queitU* mcv o's tothe ofatrcocta vtro owpIe ex

JV 90 goodbuabooc b yairbusiIs!3o In Nils,It Miei Good 5mw- C«*s.I


Subo Tc Mofley --cornee hack to serveyou 1/2cent-ofevery dollar spn INNILES is returned TONUES

As AN EXAMPLE....Sales Tax returns can

purchase now siewqIksand a s;reet lighting pro-gram tor Nitos.

One moro ox'.ample why «lt's goodbsins to do yourbusies in Nitos,.,,,,lt Makes Good Ssns,,AndCti,. -



: --------

Ui5ON LUMR959 Milwaukee

24 flour Radio DI.pKhed

:1-NSJC Ne*sof Mr. I.

Mr«. fl,Md H9tma4, 8744 O-ám,r Meiu. M«. IiIffiol,.will beow a: Mftz,ab,crr«ai1iui4

, ijsban JwJ,b Conrgeiioi7s04, Wc Lyons rea, Moi-

J. Grove. flbb'L4wrc« ft.Cbanjgy wÑll cddreßiUwßaL-Mftzyakond deUvct thdaze.Camor Mflwm 5. Vøzcjnn willChaut 11w UUwlW yørdo» o! dw

Mx,. fbltmau ha, been pee-. -- ßldcIft et the conregatton'n

Meifn Club for Ib, pec woyearn, end Mr,. HoUmon .aebe«n actively øngeed In Sin-fexhooa ned the Selioni Boznd.

- FoUowing Ihn nerviens, Mr._,I Mr,. nehmen will boni a-ece$lon -In honor of the en.can!un. - -

Saturday nwrnin1Q;COa.n..Tr,dItIWJ4 Sabbath nervier,

- wifl be led by Robbt Charney.a,al,ted by Canter Foreman.

aabbath mereage will be dn-liverod by Rabbi Chame1. Atthe noriw Umr, on Saturday,May 25, Mr. 5nmue ¡llaaan.

ducßtlon,i Director, wflJ leadJunior Congre5aion rervineafor atudeuts 01 the religion.chinin, Their nervicen takeplaca in the Yeuth Lotmyr.

7i1 Minclia nervier,, 7:10p.m, Saturday June 1. 1963,Rabbi Charney will direct theConllrmaUon nervWeeforgheri

- manu Elsenbers, daußhter nlMr. end Mee. Gerald Eiern-

: berg, AdnU MlchnI9Kan,daugh-ter of Mi'. & Mrs. Joinpi. iCanLinda Sue Sarnel, daughtér etMp. lt Mr,. Juli,, Sarnet. and

- SnennLi6da Tnbianaky, dangb.ter nl Mr. li M. Harald To-

- biòn,!çy. Mr,. Lawt'enccChAp.nó' will dlcct tun Conïirtnandn,'

. . Cantor Milton S. Fnreman, Wutchant the Utnrgy,and the vocalaccumpanlut will be Men. Hat..old Vogel.

. The parent, will heat a ro-ception Inilowbig the neçvieCn

OnSimday,Jwle 2.thelthAnnual Dinner Ilanre will takeplàct at Th Tereace Canin,

. 0g the MnrrIsnn Hotel i Chi..cago.

: I4accabee'

:Track Meet

JUne 30-

: The 2nd Annuel MaccohenCan.e,. Track and FIeld Day)

: uponuorod by the Northwe,tSa.herba, Jewish Congregauun 01Morton Greve. will boheldlan.day. June10, l9aatMalne EaM

. HtghSchooi, DemysterandFot-ter Roads at 11:00 a.ie. TheMclablad. oyen to Jewish chU-tirent, the Northweut Suburbantiwa. was met with such zeac9thnalasmlast year. that the

. outh Loaders o thecon5rega-t1iii bave decided to wake thisan oannal sporting event.

Ali types 01 Track and Fieldryrnts wut beheld tor the tul.1QwluS 05e S'°°Ps 01 hoya and51cl.: Class . t0 10 Ii yers;Class AA, 12 to 13 yearui Class

- AM, 14 yearu;Maorso IS to15 years. .

. Trophies V.111 be awarded tothe first three pluto. in Indi-

. vidual events and relay learn. 'Olnnersa Alt entrants will re-calve Mactuber Carnes urn.patohes. iaetietpsnts wilt becb,eed S0 only as their en..try lee. Entry blanks and tue-t

. tuer intorrnuUon way beohtult5cd by eontaetingtbe f6twin

- rnòkru n the NorthwçsiS0b4uriwn Jewish Conre5ll0n

. Yqudi Csrn,siustoU rne,ssharu:. .. 'Mr. Steve RuUrnan. 77S1 Davis.

Murto, Crece. 96S902t Mn.. ' Ue.rndrd' Eats.. 934S Drenan.

. -Aye,, Atorten Croe. Sbb.IflSì. .

atiSu b1ova,.t09'Arcatha.. ' wet3e-voudrovd,96S.OZS8.

Maine Twp. Jewish: Conj Fee Schedule

- Schert Vile. Prenident ufd,n 9401 HumEn (TwIn Oaks Area)M«ine Township Jewinh Con- from 10:00 Aid. dit t2i3OP.Mgi9g3lon (Connevaftve). Jn.6 contInue at 9319 Humo Ave. on

evc6lngs Jrom June tOth thnecoining''ed zãmllyhai -l3th'eudfutukdaere;3ud16th -'nb* lll b Jetilvidaul .

10630 A.M. to 2:30 PJ4, Pur.membership 025.$wsdsyScbnal tuer inlorrnatinn may be db.will runt 45 for Ihn tirdtcbild, tuillCd by calling Dr. Norman$25 (or the necead and third Meltze at 027-6208 after' 6child. Enel. e1634 thereafter in P.M.Irre. -

' Maine Townnhip Jewish C..,.Hebrew Sclzonj co,t will be ggna, WIE hold Shevontk

$90 for the lirai child, the un- Setvtcen at the Mark Twaincoud child 945, the third child School. 9401 Handin CTwln Oak035 andnddiuonaicliudncntre. Area) nu Thoruday. May 10thMa63mam9'uWuy Membership ° 9:30 A.M. Yizkor Ser.lceuIs 9225 wllÌeh includes all lui.- begin at 10:30 A.M. and orenlion regardleun nl children eIn. children will be named duringrolled I, the rellginuu nekenlu, the-services, according teflon.

aid Eirnhner, Ritual Chairman.tteglntratlnn for Sunday and Further Inmormutinn maybenk-

Hebrew School elauuco will be tailWd by callte5 -Kiokncr at120M OC the Mark Twain Scheel 296.4695.

Maine cIfl©ç

Baccaluureate uervices foethe 1963 graduating clan. ofMaine townokipbighnchnnlEantwill be held Sunday evening,

. ibm 2, Principal Milo S. John..n:,» announced yenterday.

Tite graduoting dunn. flUlitobhtlng eppresimacely 750, and

- members of theIr fnmlilen.wlUgather in tk

- Vompster und Petter rd. forthe uervlcc beginning a; 8 p.m.

Three mininters who arelo-Cal renidents will huye chargeof the oervlceu.

Thn Reverend Erneut E. Ho-big nf SC. Lnhes Lthoranchurch nf Pork Ridge willprench the commencernnt sex-Ion. Ho ban chosen on hineut,

Strlving tor Altitude."

Tito Reverend Douglas R.''t.ujier ofRndoeMemnrlalehuntb,Chicago who lives at 731 S.Home, t'Urk Ridge, will giveIdo invocation.

Dr. Elusor A. Nel,,,,. pro-nident of the American Luther.an-church. Ililnoin dlnhaee.who

liven ut 1900 Weogwoy. PerkRldge will five the nelipture -reodin 069 the benediction.

Baccalaureate music will beprovided by the Maine corn-moncernent orchestua nod thesenior choir, The orchestra,will, Lloyd C, Spear, chairmanut the maule department, asconductor, will play twu nuns.ber, for theprocesslooal,"Ea.

Oak SEudentsTour HinsdaleMuseum

Ninety-sly tonth grade uns.dents froox the OakSchoni,7640Malo Street, Nile,, and the leu-ehen,, Miss Marilyn Magossun,Mrs. Margaret Cashman andMn's. Helen Etvin, recootly(oared the Hinsdale Health Ms.scorn. on a science field trip.

The children rcelvedannri-entailon program from Vuledo,the Ute-vize, plexiglas ligureof a 4,vornanwhsse. internal or-gand-ligh,t op nor by one us.she describes bow they fonction.They llstcoed to a d*vcoosivnby one 01 the Muscuw stuff i-struçevrs based on the Skeletoncvhibit, und they atchedapup-yet play prodaced and euuctedby members el the Junior Lea-gre Puppeteers.

The Museum has on its stalla director and r,,, science tea-chers who conduct discussions

' of interest Willi visitloggloups.' They are always lvnMng for

'new ways tu wbtcb.tolntecest -Museum visited and hove loethe public's pleasore rnany tine

- cdacatbxuat programs.' ' "

Tho two o,'rnhern nelecled(ortuo reconulonal are Elar'n

. "Pnmp and Clrcomntance' wtdthe "March" from "Athal1,"by Mendoinsoba.

- - The Senior chuir and the nr_chentra will cumbloo under thedirection nl Tabor Kelly 01 themusic foculty to prenent "Ah.lelola." by Randall Tknmn000.and "PlIgrim'u Song," byTchalbownky,

The oodienco will $010 Inthosinging nf a hymn, "O Cod,One Help in Ages Posh" byWnita and Craft. '

trance and Morel, of Peern,"from "lolnothe," by Sullivan,Und "The H000 Lnglon/' byVnoce,


Phone Rook Delivery

StartsJ,,ej. -

Wo that time of tu.. yearagain whet*rynne aad hisbrndHte,wlUì-ø,9ined Celepbnnenumber con see their names in'a brood new book . this year'stelepidone directory for SkohieLincnlnwood, Moreno GroveondHiles,

Delivery of the ne-directorybegin, Saturday, June J, orn.

' ranting to CI.. Ball, IllinoisBell Manoger.

Dresned in' O colorful newcaver,the directacy reapires aCable et contents on ¡be lirotpage, newly deoigned to kelpeastomer, find specific 1,10e-motion Sn the front poges n..bout how ro 00e theIr telephone

; hóob,

Boll pointed to the insidebock coder of the directorywhich contains o list 01 morethan 400 ull-oionber prelisesand the communities In whichthey are 0,06, The line, lo-

eluding mont lomma,aiIies innortheaster, lilluola and LakeCOOagy, tuoi,, gu'wn In iJnpnr.ronce met, year aad more aolmore customers lecelve newntylo all nmober prefixes,

Directory deliveries armons.molly- completed In o week'«time, Boll Id, Cuuto.oecswbóhayo questions oboat their dl-rectory shauld contactthebast-.ness «fice, .

Fnr Ozone whonecalliugneedsesteod beyond the local direcs.-tory. die maoagerremiudedu,atthe following dirctorieu oreo-voilubie from his nUIre oC no

- _çhargo: the Chicago directory,ond Chleago Supurbaix North,Sooth and West sedilonaldlrec-tecle, which 'rever the entiremeeopofl areaoatuide,.cago indlnding.C.iomet andin-Ret region cnmmanitles, Db.rectorleo 01 other cities maybeobtained for a oumluap charge.-


'o Our







-houle chaim Ô. 94 SIìJLADÍES'ÖFTHIS ARÉA""''YOU HAVE the-'opportunity to meet her personally and to

Join Bobbie Shaler's 1O.wee1 Training League

' startingTuesday: June 4th at 1:00 P.M.:

Page 5: Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,


Troop 62

Scout O RamaPertormlog before thoimand

the Uoethwest SuburbanCow,cII Scout-O-Rama the 113.dMn DancerofTroop62,NijesJilinuls thrIlled yoeeg and oldwIlli aotheoik Indian daiwlngthis as1 week-end ai (YflareField.

Wlth their colsadiJcosnlhfenredleduog the splsii of the daS.ces. the youngsters iwíscedlu0130dand gyrated co the throk-bing L'dacofthc com-conis. From11m beandfig Eagle MaclogDance, through the lnwlcaceßelcDance, co thefalo Huo the boys acted likethe anelenc Indians at yescea.-year. Led by Seontmaster Ceo-ego Nlesen the boys rehearsedfor theA- public perfonnance,the lass two months as partof theIr regular scouting pro-cram. .

Troop 62, of the NUes Coos.mlwity Cbarch, regularly lo-dreno the scoots lo IndianLore. Indian Customs and In-dino DancIng. Before a occuro, tills troop Can become a

. member of the regular IndianDance Troupe, be musc arralothe rank of Ffrc Class Scootand make his own original la-dian rouanne. Recouse or tilepublIc Interest and the desireco bave all the scoura at thytroop PartIcIpate, all boys ofthe weep were caught the basicsteps and each boy was ranghibow to make his own costume.The reoulcs of their offertowere WelL received by the pub-lic. as evidenced by the ais.plause and accolades of thepubUc.

The Indian Dance Programwan brought to a fittlog cid-

-mow no Suoday afcern000 asEagje Scouts Alan Rlngquiscand Pani Niesen, oarrnundedby the complete Indian dancetroupe, recited the LorlsPrayer In Indian sign languagebefore a ached and appreci..alive audience.

lo on loceresting sidelightco the lodlandancers, theChiofoPanni of Troop 62, Champsof Molne..Rldge District FirstAid Meet, competEd Is theN.W.S.C. First Aid Meet at Scout..O-llama to determine thearea..wIdO champion. Led by big MikeTracy, Potrei Loader, theelybi

boys performed Ukeysung Dr.Caseys und Klidares as tb-vhandled problem after probletwith ali the hnowledge of theIrfirst aid Scout skills. -

Mirroring their dlsappotnsment, when he winners wereommwlced, Ic was gonorollya..greed ameng the judges pro-sont rhat these boys were thebest disciplined potosI rompes.Ing and cello-led Sieur creditspun themselves their teenyand the Moftre..ftidge Disirict.

teAs Mike Trocy said when theWinner was annoUnced, Wegave it our hesi, hot we'll bebach next year for the bluerIhloo. ' -

Bradke 25th. . M



Mr. and Max. Joseph S. Isfltudthe of 8250 No. Osceoln OAvo_ NÜes, Ill. will celebrate Wtheir Si1er Woddiog An..olsersary. us May 30, l963. JU

A Maos st TItod-ogixiog will5b- eeldtowted by Rex. Father A5fl.nmax Bradibs., o Sephew of 2flMr. licadike. at iD-s-clock, at BoSe. Joim Brejieel Chsreh Ojo, Jo

The Bogie, Thzrsdoy, May 3f 1963

Garden Club Announces15th Flower Show WinnersA gsod aBondance marked

the FUteeiIth Flower Show,"Village Vignette," wblchcom..memorated . CRENSJMdHE1C5n CIAJB WESIÇ rslay12 thou IB. The 01mw was heldfOt two days May 16 hod-li,at Nifes Community CJturclFlower show chairmen Mrs.H, Soppan and Mro. E. Bash-am eopress appreciation to themembers and gaestswho cou-trlhnted theft time and effortsco the success of the eeent

The Ontacandlag Award, aTrI-cotnr rIbbon, was givrasco Mro. E. Basham loi- bertable netting of an Informalhaftet fou' toar. A Tel-docwoo also aoanled co the Clubfer escelleoce In the JaMarsections. SpecIal awards,greenribbons, were given for theild-ligation and Conservation seo.lions and gar the stagIng of theshow, The Awanl of Merit, anOrange ribbon, lo hortdcnlwre,was preseaced to Mrs. RoUge.nano for her TI plant.

The lint of wthneru lo asInflame: ARTISTIC DESIGN-Class I- lsvlcationajt first, DesPlaines Canteo Club, Mro. H.L. HamljtoW ShaMe GardenClub, Mrs. Sargis, Secondtilled. Morton Grove GardenClub, Mrs. Johns and Mro.Meves1 foarib, Edison FarleGarden Club, Mrs. A, Hollandand Mrs. M, Joboxou.

Class ll..-ROUGH AND REA..DY lot, Mrs. Henry Sogpaiy2sd, Mrs. Joseph Zabn, 3rdMro, Seht. Wente 4th, Mrs.R. L. Dedekind.

Class Jlt-GREENTHUMB3 IstMrs. Henry Styrpao; 2nd, Mro.Joseph Zahn; 3rd, Mro. FrankLawrence; 4th, Mrs. StephenSiles,

Class 1V- SIMFL4ÇITY INREVERENCE3 Ist, Mro. j.Frich, 2nd, Mro. Harry Mey..ero; 3rd, Mro. Frank Lwresge41k, Mro. Lee Bijeger.

Clyss V .. ttANG-CLANGGOES THE FIRE BELL; lot,Mro, Wm. Leldner -2nd, Mro.Ersest Velico, 3rd, Mro. Don-old Becker; 4th,Mrs.Wm,cno-tin.-

Class VI - PENNY WISE;st, Clara Duod; 2nd, Mrs. Bue..uro Larsen; 3rd Mro. jobo

I°rlck, a....c _ Eroeut Vebes.

Summer -


Class VIS - ¡rs NEWS TOME; ist, Mrs. Frank Lawrence;nd, Mrs. Ostur Meyer; Sed,

Mrs. F. LuSoroUa

Cluss VIII NEWCOMEInst, Mrs. Robert .Kozao-cbl;sd. Mrs. Roland Hentschel;cd, Mro. Roy Fungro 4th,'rs, j. Elder.

Class lx - MOUNTING TAX.ES; lot, Mrs. jorome Hopeo;Zsd, Mrs. Anton Frange; 3rd,Mis. flay Fosgrati 4th Mrs.Leon Frledmuo,

ClassX - CALfl'lON WO..EN WORKING. 1st, Mb. jo-

opte Sclmirvr, 2m], Mro-, Ed.ushom; 3rd, Mro. Eroostebro; 4th, Mrs. Vincent Volpe.

Class Xl - ON THE TOWN -

t. Mrs. John Prick; had, Mrs.cor Meyer 3rd, Mrs. Gene


NIOB SEcflcy

ClussXfl- YOUNG........0 S to 7; lut, Naitcy Suppan;d3 Mike Soppen; 3rd, Robertbedo; 4th, Richard Bobuht, -dy Brlegec, Gary KOZaoekt;unie Ranker, Mary Shea andneo Weol- Ag, S to lOt Ist,iO Suppan 2nd, Debhi Hop..

3rd. RonnIe Friddmop 4th,Cr HohaIo.JohnEder.Teo-


PrIck, lUcky Meyer andreddle Parker.


!4a, D000p 12aM and RabeeS3nkowskti 2nd, Scotc }ltQba,Bbwyrly Larhojy 3rtt, MaureenCaer. Ricky WenXe,ROOaIIeZo-komMa. -


Class XIV EARlY RISERi -lot, Mrs. Antan Prang 2nd,Mow. Arthur .Treidler Sot,Mrs. Ernest V.11cc; 4lIl Mro.Robert Larson.

Claoo XV - AND ONE WGROW CN; lot, Mro. Ray Fun-gral; 2nd, Mea. Henry Siçpan,3rd, Mrs. Jerome HoyIto andMrs. Robert Itoranecki; 4th0Mro. Stanley Strzalka.

Glass XV! - I63NSY. I'MBRINGING THE BtS HOMEFOR SUPPEL Ist, Mro. EdBasIn 2nd,Mro.Vl.orentyol_Pe; Sed, Mro, Lynn 0Mg 4th,Mrs. Robert Weste,

Clans (Vll'-EVEpJIj63STAIJet, Moo. John FrLCh, 2nd,Mro.Mro. Froidi Luwrence 3rd,Mrs. Joseph Zahiy 4th, Mro.Fred Zakowoki.

Class 201W - HOW LONGCAN VOLI STAY WITH tE?ist, Mrs. Wm Leldohe, 2nd,Mro. Steven SIles; 3rd, kirs.Wm. Cortio 4th, Mro. Don-aId Becker.


CoSy the blue rIbbon win.sers (flrnc place) are takenfrom the list of 527 entrIes Inthis seccon

SPEcIMEN BLOOMS: Mrs.Stat4ey Ryczewlcr, Mro. J.Slnrzega. Mrs. Wte. Shea.

FLOWERING SIIItIJBSt Mrs.Steven SIles. FLOWERINGTREES; Mrs. Ray Fangrat.FERRENJL; Mrs. Roy. Fon..grat. HOUSE FLAWIS teiço.C. Bobota, Mro. Lee Briegor,Mro. J. Elder, Mrs. Jerome -

Hnpho, Mro. Robt. Kozaneckt,Mro. Froide Lawrence, - Mrs.Reggo Futignono, Mro, ErnestVehes, Mes, Vincent Volpe,Mrs. Lee NIemanD Mrs. Won..derlach, Mro. Aothony Jansen,Mro. O.Glover, Mrs. Wm,Shen,Mrs. Henry Soppan and Mro.Wm. Lelditer, -

WMTH Takes

WMTH.FM will suspendkrsudcusffitg for the sommerVacation, Mr Jck Cosmhe,station manager, has annotas.red. The 'Rodio Voleo of MaineTownship," with studios atMalteo Tswcohlp High Schoolsund West, will closebroodcose.Ing octivities on Muy 31. The

fsooyear-old station has, thispast your, served Maine Town..ship with a stuff of forty sto.doots at the main studio andtwenty-five at the Maine Westremote studio with corneronssports events of the two schools,Informuttve curreoteveoto pro-grams and ontertaloheg music.WMTH is a member of tite No..tional Aosoçlotios of Ectoca..dosai Broadcasters Radio Neu.oncle, which sopplies tito sta.clos with such interesting ps-s..pasos as "Debrieflog."

World of the Paperhaeh'Story of the TheatreS" and

many others.

WMT1d-FM will roturo in theair neat cc000 its assign-ed frequency of 88.5 megacy..clos. Mr. Coomhe and all thestud-nc staff members thach themany loyal listeners of thinpost year aild encourogu allee.Oldeilts of the MaIne Tossnubjpr:?! ° Usc to WMTH In the

Ne. Hartem Ave, N1ICO

A dinner will follow for the PaImmediate mernbersofthofans_ bat.Uy. - Joel

'yThr casçse wiu he hosts at

an open InusebeldInu,frhomatheoweeI13gforthelrfrleo.j Q

andthtuwu. Age . .

. Bombers In FrBy virtue of -a 26 to 8-.

no, ll!n mc faathall.-win oVerN,otert°o Nursery, the RilenBaqtbero wich a 3 and O recordare In ole possession aillentplace in tho tilles Men's SoIr..ball l.eagse. The Bomber? iou.Sack was led by BIll ICeotnedywho got 5 fori.Inteludlng ahome rim and adonble.-Alth.Ing In the daughter were TonyFlnwern with 4 for 6, BobDéering with 4 for 6, und RayThomas with 3 foi 5. Thomaswas also the winnIng pincher.For the lasers Bob Pos hod2 tor 4 and Mickey Sb-ia 2(or 3. Carl Gryzik was the lo-sing pItcher,

In a somewhat tighter ballgaine on FrIday. May 24, theCIieocerrjed Realtoro squeakedpant the huskies from BlasenTavern by u acore of 8 to 7.Fetiz got the win, Terpinasdie loss, There were no hans..

ers In the game, bat Shaman,HarrIson, and Goldfozbgocdou-

- blm for the winners; Blasengot only one entra base blow3a double by Fred Topp. Thelosers left 6 men niranded onthe bases, and that doesn't winball games.

Then there was the contestbetween the Bank al NUes andRonds. Fintnbam0 which thelatter cook by u ocore of 19co 13ahi there, George Ha..las. Strangely enough therewasoolyonehomermInthegae,and that game off the FlIckingof-Len Fowlak when Mike Ko.cese, short step for the win..nero, hIc for the cIrcoli. TheRemItO palverleers got 9 menos buse berouso of errors, andthur omartsl The Bunkers gar.Ocred 9 nIno lo the firot ito.oliW and hod o 13 tu 8 leadgoing Into the OnveneJt....bat whata sevanthl The Plombers ocos.ed Ii runs on 9 hIts3 and thatwas the ball. game.

In- the early game on Fri..day, George Romana pItchedthe .00lf.Mtl Lanes to a 16 to9 wIn over the NUes Clinch..erse and Pep Welten. Weltoncontributed two doubles to bIoown Cause, but lt wasot enoughbecanse Ed Fublo, Leo Bred-n,and Jim Moneo all bomereti forthe witwers; ayd Bob l3eFraateseseo collected a triple und ad-obi, to slob the Golf-MUnine, The Isoors punched out.6 doubles, bot couldn't neemta keep op enough steam todown their opponents.

lnoake.up gsmenplayedthispast weak, JorrySMaoas'sMo--

Joro heatMaorjceDlf.O Ches-

forfleld Realtors 16 tnl3; FrankId-reap's Cllncliero pasted theBankers of Jo Fnmlnsky 13 to7. fo standIngs look

11V¡gibo Bombers 3 0Romita Plumbing I O

Golf-MilLones -1

NllesMnJora. lhigieJd1lealw S

f(arbertaNuroery 1 -

Riles Chochees 1 2Blases Tovhon O 2Bankofldlico O 2NIlesLlonoCIub O O

Ibore ohoald be a botterOperad In the otandlngs afterWednesday, May 28. when tIteNifes Lions meet Blanes Tao-ero. and the Hiles Majors ploythe Bnnk of Riles. On FrIdaynight GOlf-Mil Lanes cake onCheste«leld Really; the hIghIlyltig Bombero lussIe with tIteCllocliern; and the men of Ro.mIto tangle with Norberto Rats.

- sery., So, you'll come ami notfar peur favorites, -

-Frank. Parkinsón

- 8238 N, Oconth -

VOl-5545.RTAvg FARMbono. hoeeh.o!


TAKE VOIK2 rJ!cnksiaDrupoalcs - So!d Dii4

To riWthtdirOVyIN &If

Servi''LEtcndrfr-o Strand rrno Wodtstn L Ip.,

Q44 13UC0 t



GoiiMiu.STATEn... c;-OI.:N_MI LL.DftN h 100* FERNerY coo.ohitiy latir

'. - oo, iuta SHOSNNO coNan-tootH MAta$244356 - HillS 40, 1150015



- Monday Tnmday Wed. Thnr.doy Fdduy lufold-y- CioleS 9.2 -

9-2 9.2 s,. Waih 9-2Io t 912.3O- rig- -


2.5 I 2.5I 9.2 2.5 2-5 i2t3O2Mucha, F.d.,et nanas, Sy.t.o.

#Ño,b, Sedsont Depslitt soin, m Cstpoemlnn

32 Lanes -Antenagc PoiSpotters

Cocktail Lounge -Restaurant.


Summer Leagues Now Forji.

OPEII 24 *011118 A DAYAir-Coflditioned Banquet HeU

N1L' BOWL7 *utwA! £ 1H.: I T.7à



LIa? 0).jUú

ipBobble Sbalcr0 Issuitetceas

cl Glasslo Boot, woo thy Nw.lISsaI Bomloro Tltlolnut week.tard. defeating hindou LOdeWIS.IditsIor mode scores 01 197-VB218-206 givIng ber o serlesci 843 tor the toar gomas.

-fdlas Shnle,r citrrestlylssldelIte Chlcogo City Match Game5101e and the all-events cip-lOnwMp, "Bobble Shnyfs roeCord now escablisltos her osthe svorWn greatest womanbowler of tudoy," said Jleony

'-Jtronsoo of Classic Eswl,whoreBobble has been engaged to runo Wa-week ladles' tralnlatglea.yac, owning Tuesday, Jane 4that l;OO F.M.

- "The Women of this oreoshould flood the ClassIc Luttesin enjoy the sypornatlty to gettItis help from this grout bowl-Ing celebrIty," said Asossoit.

- IF







ygoucte OP SPSL2AL ELEC-

56312cR IS JIEBEBY GIVERthat n opeelol clecdsa has beencaUOdOttdOIILbOheSdJitOodloe School Olotrlgcfftnnber 7Iof IIIOCOsqZyOZCOOSSnOSMEof 11115051. cn SSWhdSy JbsvIs, 19630 cicohlch elciglontherewill be submilted to the legalvocero of sold School DIstrIctlIte following propooliloll, vlz.

Shall tIte Booed of EducatIonng School DistrIct Rumbee 71.al the County of Cook and Stateat lllMaS0a build a new nchoolboilding on thopropertyheretn..gore aCqUIred4IS tt oddidnnalsghoolltsose sIte, conslstlog ofupprosimotely ten 00) acreo5and located en dio south sideof Oaktun Street, between Wuu-kegan Rood and Caldwpli Ave.nues and Issue hnnds of soldSchool DIstrict In the amountof Seven blendend Ninety Thou-sand Dollars (79O,011O.OS) farthe purpose of paying the costof buildIng nod eqsippIsg socknew ochool buIldIng, sold bondstu bear Interest at u rote ofnot to enceed four and ene-half percent (4 V2%} per ottenom0 payable semiannually?

That. for the pttxpone of thiselectIon, thefallowlngltreclnctaand polling places aro hereby



Precißtc Namberl shall rom.prIse that part of School DIO.oUst Number 71, Cook County,Illinolo, lyIng south of HowardStreet. -

- PolIjog Place

elect Rumbee i at which allThe polling placo for Feo. Barbare W®D &I1 lihbit

légal vutersrestdlngwlthlnsaid -

be locatedatthe RIles - -- ff ©J - - -

Prenoti Number 1 ohall vote.

O'ublle SCItOOl BW50U15, - On-Barbara F, Wmsoly nl Wild- dIce bat will 019° Include see-c_ at 6935 Tolohy Avetse,

Wood, till-ein wIlI present on eral ohotracts for the fats oclo the Village 0f NUes, InexhibItIon el her oil polnllotgn. modern artSyheol DiolrlctNwnberit,CaahIn the Golf Mm Thenire duos'County. Illinolo.Ing the mondi of June. The rUst has enhlblted her

- - - paIntings lo the past chu-ouSte-FREclNCl NUMBER 2Mrs. Weasels studIed, at tbo est the mIdwest Including- tIte

School of the Art Institute and Swiss Chalet Galléry, the WIngPrecInct Number 2 shallprIvately aMor Mother Mary ond FIn Club In McHenry3 thecomprise that part st SchoolWlnifrod of Rome. Italy. Her Churcoal Heme in WaohegonDistrict Nomher 71.CookCson-showing at the theatre wIll fo. and the Bren Leek Coontry Çlobt?. IllinoIs. Sykes north of How..vor clowos and cltoracter otto- lu Groyslakc,audltroot. -

In the Village of Nlles,lolchootDiltrtct Number 71, Cosh Coos.tylUiotois.

The polly ut sold election willho opened al l2;OO O'clock noon-usi clonditut 7;OO o'clock P.M.

Voters must vote at the pol-llngplace deoignatod for the e.lectloo precinct wItWe whichthey Inside

BY ORDER of the Bçyrd ofEdocation of Schoql DiOtrict

The NUes Flee Departmentand the Mobil Oil Compooyconducted tiret PIre Trainingcinas ter MnbllDealeroatLass.renceweod Mabil Service Sta..lIon. George Rasch, Chief ofthe Rilen FIre DenarirnesLand

Nurnoer it, l;oot Losttty. ta010m015. .

trip to e distance of 1Cl miles- -

from home for each doy of vo-Dated this tweotyfoorth doy catibo you plontu take, There.


otMOy. 1963. fore, U yen hove a nne week- Vocation. QlOO yoor trIp rs n

Rods1P1 A, Hill location withIn 700 miSen ofPresident, BostiofEdscaUon heme. If yno hove a two week

- Duvid Hoppo vacatIon, -limit year plans tuSecretury.BourdofEducotiou Somewhero wIthIn a l,4e0mile

tadins.LutheraíiChurch . DrIver fatigue ii an Import-Of Resurrection ont lutter in preventing scei.- - .

dents, according tu Chief Em.The Lstheran Church of the Mason. Lung hours- of drivingeoorrectlon hoIdSondoySee. couse your eyes to focus lofced at 9:30 AJeS,, with study fixed sturo os the highwaygroups for children and udolts oead, Instead of the prefer-at 10:30 A.M. A nets-Seep lops-u-. SéI method tif scpenlog the en-vided at both times.Pasturlte.. ripe road antthloeroWtdlngarea.Ven Mimphy's ser-seo tepic for He said It is O good procticeSitnduy1Jone . l:ot tu step eoeJ?t t6 boors srU On. l Intdtporurll

leOs for uttetuP or espResurrertlot? 4 collee.40.ls

-?gond 4eu

-d&ngat GorodoSChn5l.loswplpbJiygecoai940).Woukegan,..SdOStOnThe pastut's phonel 966-8452.

need for thIs type of traInIngan lt provIdes essentIal koste..Iedgeofwbat tudolothellrsmoments of a flee, The MobDealers attending wero IreNIles0 Glenylew, l4ucolnwaeand Clddogo. They receIved lo

peon/dry chemical type of eso.helped tu develop the program ------- 5----'Captain Charlen hi;ii strltctlon lo the maintenonc RIles.

-'-ated, thero in on urgent



Polling FIace tk8h ItsODIF - -

FrOecOffeejo served every-- -----: IINI IlDulrhJ evening in tee lunacy coter iv0. 0.. 15..... lodournofthoGòlfMillePheutra.

-In saltI Frecinct NntpberZ stessi ... ___5_-------------vote, shall he 1dated at the Chief Claretce Erns-Ikoon of the Best Acier Award 1er. bIsNidos Public LIhwry Bolidlog the Nilex Polis-i Deportment raie la thIs pIrrare.located oc 7944 WasdeeganRood, tudoy pledged cooperation with

the Governor's Committee onTraffic 5afety io y vacation saledriving campsibo. Chief Emrih.son yald the s-1510k traffic dealttoll reqotres effort so the portof all motsrists to muke d-iv..ing safer, He pointed sot theneed for further poblic loins-to-atinn concerning traffic boo..uris und promised stctctereu. -

forcement nf olI Itaffic lowsin the Interest of safety.

"A good role of thosob inplumIng u vocation", suyo ChielEwrlkoon, "is to limit your

".5 rv..ee s- ..... go3- - - Tkearrent film ut the hteotrNmnbcr ?d:t: Safety rroram


cv 6.4100 - MATINIB DAILY



liso, 3:20, 5:40. 8, 10:15

Sulordoy . 5:20, 7:45. iikio

Sos - 1:40, 4:50. 7t45, 50310

CHILDRENS SHOWSstnrday - i P,l.

'The Master Of-The World"

Curtoen 1:80 - Feature ll3(Over 4 P.M..

Art EsIol144yBorbaACRES O FOCE Pv5)P-fl

tingidober. The program wanconducted by haylag each deal-er actually extlogulob o smallgasoline fire, Chief Posee lorecommendIng thin type oftrainIng for all servIce sin-lIons personnel throo5hçot

Because of the socceos of thepu-ogres., WIllIotu A. Greeley,Divisos General Monager nfthe Mobil 019 Company, lodi-.rated the tu-olidoS waold becoto.tinaed by the company untIlall 'Mobil Doalero wko choose_m partIcipate bave completedtralnieg.

Mr. ohn A, Jeokinaon, Bato-ty Dlredtor and his ehoistantWilliam A, Burned-Il, woro thyInstrocturs for tito MobIl OilCompany.

- wii. labil .9,,SeeafinF eom/o.,

Friday ibru ThursdayMn3. lIst Ihn, June 0111


0:30. 9:55Soiturduy 3:35, 3:01. 19:25Sunday 3hS. 6:30, lO:BO

- AND-.






IN muLOta Osa GINEMASCOPE--- - . -

e Weekdays 5:25Saturday 5:25. 0:50

- Sunday 1:35, 5:00. 8:30

biltIren'a SOIUItlosy MatineeTIlE TOMBOY AND TIlECHW' -

Stiels Ike pig.tasled poideol theTesas liiIn, -

Entro Added .e.Three Stooges Short -

Proni-alti Begins ni IriS p.m.Glilldren'a Entcrtainnwuik. Evq,$$ INaibpee,,






You can hOVe all tisestep-saving cònven.fence of att OXteTISIOIS

for onlypennies a day.Ask your telephone.mon, or ehe call yourIllinois Bell buoinessofflee. Do it today,,


ib -------et-..5-e-. ino

Nues Fire DepL, Mobil Oil Conduct Class

Page 6: Faced re go OVerodopowffi Lady Í1fl1.evanced.nileslibrary.org/research/Newspapers/NilesBugle/1963/05_30... · -were go OVerodopowffi ... draws rs a clase, s Fareweti ... May 22,

t. 1 - -



10125 HIGGINS EGAl)CAlL SE.2161 AFfEN 6 PM,. U 4-1


5 room apartment. 2 bedrooms, tiled vanft)rbath, kitchen built-Ins, large wardrobe dosein.Close to schools, transpoctatlon and chopping.Off street parking. $178.


DELUXE 2 BDRIL A!'T.3 blocks from downtownDen Plaines. Utilities(except electric). Kit, ap.pItances Included.$150 475 Laurel

Call 296.5131-: - dJ614

4-1/2 em. dolose opart-ment. 8625 Milwank svr.Heat inclndrd. Mslw pce-(erred0 CaR 823-8503. -

Large airy room. Mjo-cent bad,. SemI-privaroen-tronce. Gentlemen. 825-6253.

3..flosm Wanted

KRESGE assistant mer.needs sleeping room withor without kitchen priv!-leges, VicInIty 58 & 83.Cali Mr. Knupp 437-0836.

6h!!- ASSISTANT store mgr.

needs steeping res. withor without kitric. priv!-legen. Vicinity Routes 58& 83_ Call Mc. Smith,437,5329,- 4) 6/4

USED $AME os meistfile cabIneta. EN-Mil.


il-Wanted t Buy

96-Slthailoo Wanted


To do In my home or-any kInd 05-typIng out.

sIde of home a 15w boues

In the evenIng. can Mi-5272. miht!

Handy man Worts parttime work. BotIdtog meir,-te03500 enperience. Phone967-5753.

ISA- limlag


J & R MOVERS178-5011. & Ot SiNS

24 hone a.sssearingaccola


tI'ORAGE D PAcKINGMaterIal Avallabla


Filly loomedi 2zo M,


- man and van with- snd iqst$opft b.- litt

CALL 589-5811 DAYS

- A



NO MONEY DOWNAny elze job t our .


Ask for Mr. MartinS k H paxcnn.me

500 E. NOrthwest Huy.Palatine

- dJtf

AUTOMATIC- Transmissions-Alt Makro. ISach.nged.

Repaired, Adjusted!!inancing Available


7401 MIlwaukee :

NI 7-9659bIS




Perfect work. Fast Seco-ces. Pticed right1515 Park Pl. Des Moines.VA 7-Sin. Ank for BudJuki.

Sl-Semsd.flag ll-iteroodeU.sq


- - "!iruly Uomo Sweot Homes"CSTOM HOMES


- :mrBuftdln59- AU lYPm-RIodrtI.gAil Vesy mpmiUveb, PrIced - CaP Today

tOT Pine Ummnt on Ail Your Building Needs1978 Bethee6 BiviL Zion, BEmolo

Phone TR 2-8519

E-A--PIo fooling

dl ti

DUS'fl.EE floq esndlngand reilnlabjg. Etnll5ctonnaI. 743-4059.

Eavg ur t2b z=ctm SMSI2. Will mmtr togegr ll= ft9 StIlaffl Or0In59 gaomélit tG0 tow Zc 'tA 5-CH.


-o.t and VotCS-r-- Mole tomcatgrey A WhIte, large. Vie.Diamond Lake, Reward,Mi-5949 alter 4 PM.

ml 5/27


Two BRSID SlEW Mthrob stromwith M4J) a4j &simio; automatic recordcbang& Pitied IncmedIate aale. Call 594.

. Staiiowlckl TV.



Delivery After 6ml6/3

MAGNAVOX combina.«on P.M. A.M. rodio. 4Speed - phonogroph, 2"TV: mssl. cond.; blondoak. 5960 or best offer.9695912 days. Ank forMop. Merrill. 966-3401 ev



New, sized at discountprtce. 12' alum. boato,$159; 14 alum. boats,$189. et0 See its beforeyou buy.

lID WENDTComplete Marinp Center,Hwy. 12. RIchmond. HLDaily, 9-8; Sun,. 10-6.

815-678-8331- mi7/1


6 with bench, unfin-lobed. $1AOO

BARGAIN BARN_3b block -west of Ht. 21

and Center St,Grayslake, Ililnois

BA 3-8491mIS/Si

FURNITUREBuilder sellIng completeturniablnga from his four20Oo00 homes, WIll sep-arate, 50-59% reductIon.Free delIvery. Cmb ortenons. IN-8310. ml-6/3



30-Po. late-... MIoeefls'o

SPINET PIANQ fob se.Can be seen locally.Tots Is a VeIçy fine plynoand real 4pportupty.c4th, or - as6ume pay-nicola of $I658. WitéCredit Dept. Langloi6ffan. Inc., 1717 Mon.roe St. Madison Win.

ml 6/3

-i-Used caes ton Sefa

1960 Volkswoge,, sedan.'Excellent 000,liIlns, RadioutIItgwaIls. 823-89j5.


SALIS - BAIN -_- Cionu Iii osid 129192e Mound

OiSn 20 A.lt! to 0:20 P.M.ibelday!h 'itilffto50. Ssturdaya

lavyn cbslnh 050d29 P575, Inrnitur thebentnblPh 6110114 !050, bES: dbhm, rpdlo. TV'tantiqtlr3. Dscblø Cuy brd O mettc O29;ECtIsSlill r3i l211ez 1O,C5; o3ffe5-59ti dmIschairs, toys, umozdp bois clothilig, mens suIts,ladis' dromes, -cbDdrcrs -clothinO men's andlndI shomi. Ali cmin2bL3cpdgsiL

KANGAROO BM.1I SHOP'8015° Milwaukee Ave.. Hiles3 Blo- Ntittf o! Dom

1958 WIP2ER motor bIke.Good running condition.$50_ VA 4-2553. di 5/30

RUMMAGE SALE - St.Stephen'a School Moli.Ash and PSonpect Ave..Saturday May 25th. 9A.M. to 32 noon. di 5/28

NORGE 26" gas range-950_ Coldspot 26" windowair condItioner, s, H. P.,950_ VA 4-8075. di 6/4


$3.95 tJI'hoover LewytAirway Eureka

Westinghouse G.E.Trade-Inn andDemonstratorsFilter Qucea


121 5. MlwaukeeAve.,Liberty-i-nIle

-ml 6/3

GUN DELUXE-S O W,K 22, LIke new. $80

824-8223- - 616/4

BUIthER SELLING corn-plete Surnishlnor fromhis 4 330,6to homes, witiSeparate. 50 to 611% re-docIles,, Free del. Cashor terms. 358.621s,

. mli!PHILCO


call 2583o5o-


TOP CASH PRIcEOctenmi roFbench furnhturn. oldItwe1r ID 2.0590 tinylime. 1011!

FRENE CUT home grownosporoguaior freezing oreatIng; wholesale or re.tall. Cali 392.3910.

dl 6-13

MATTRESSES - Boxsprings. chest or draw-ers. kitchen sets, tuant-em, vacuum cleaner,swivel chair, eIer. carpetsweeper.- 296.4728,

dj 5/28

POWER DRIVEN rotary21" Turf Master mower;I yr. oid. Cost $139. ask.Ing $35; good cand. 2992773. dJ 6/4

2 ALUMINUM dra.Hingen on right Side.31"uIO', Four, like new,MichelIn X tiren.

PA 4.7437- - 616/4

PAIR MMiOGANY leath.er step tables; ItalianProvincial; like new. $25pair. Square mahoganylamp table, $15, 2994189.

- di 5/28

31-For SaI&-Hoopphold 3l--Fot SOto-40aqiihold

- - -

: CARPETS.-RUGS - -. -

Used RuguFrom $1.00 Sq. Vil. «he cleaning chsrge) to $5.00 Sq. 1d.For theBeut I)aml Rugs in Perfett Like-New Condition.

Used Rugs and Reminunta Up to Sista 12'x 23'Remnants Up to 15' x 21' -;

50- Oz. Rubber Coated Pad $1.00 Sq. Yd. With PurchaseOPEN8 AH-5,10 P.M. MON. THRU- SAT,



- - PHONE : 815 - 318.1000

RECREATION ROOM SPECIALIDecorator Celllflg Tile. Sc tq ft. Random HoledAcoustical Ceiling Tile os low ea 12e sq. St!

- AU Ffrat Line Materials,-- AM)jRIOMI MkJE! - -

- Fece DeIheiy In LakqCouniyNQ11'r17 OHICAGO LUMBER


DES-0245 .-- - -

CARPETS-RUGS -Quality carpeting in wools and nylons, F x 12samples. This month's special while stock lasts.1? rolls of continusun filament syios, regularValue $12.00 a aqç yd. Now $8.85 a sq. yd. In.stalled over heavy sponge pad. 15'xlp room,

- $275 tO, including tax-_everything 90 days semean rash. Free parking.-

..TIDYCARPETSAND RUGSJusr. Rosten 120 and City 14, Woodstnr,, Illinals-., - 8lONE: S5-338-1ED - -

-, ççç ''çç-,- - /ç t-ç;- ml 7/2


MAPLE RANCH STYLEsofa bed $50,5 (t, ¡np.asese . wall murais, sis.Fornitra top base raid.nein; ceib, bug67, VA 7.5376. di6/4

AUTOMA'1'CWAIHEN_$25. Occasional chair, .54.Crib, $7. Stroller.

-296.47l9. -.."016/4

It's easy to do. Júst call u for expertadvice on the type of gas heating unit bestsuited to your needs. Theohange-over itselfgenerally takes less thin a day.

lt's smart to do lt iow. You'll beat thesummer rush and be on your way to real,long-lEDge SCOflOIS. Your savings with gaswill soon the nonina1 -cost of convey-

eion. -With.gas heat-you'll be way aheadon -

- ,nomy, coñvenience and cómfort.

óUbÄ%: nI-ç

:'-.sçb -

395 se?GAS FACE - -

This Bryant equipment assures youtop value for : your heating dollar.

- - It offers completely automaticheating convenience, with many ou

ç semiiding features (or comfort and'- . economy. -

Here is truly compact, efficient- - -

heating for- ,the modern home.

- i_---- CALLYODAYFOR A FREE EeTiv*ye -

- ml7/

dJ 6/4

!-RI .

43.EEIfli 7O32AIiforDiethedisl comp groundcottages. General iloose -

cleanItilL 67.25 hr., plustravel ollo-nyanee. NoInemuraty to be Method.Ist. tH F.- kant; WE55r27. . -

- dJ614


'N Milwauken. -

NEED DEPENDABLEwoman Loi reday; gesioeal cleaning. call EM -

2-7892 evor. aftor 6. .

mItt-SWBD. RECE?. traInee-. -

$75. ItS gr.; earn & learn.Key, 4006 Ii. Milwaukee.sp 7.0661. at 6 cornees

- dJ5/30



ON ALL SHires8 A.M. to 4 P.M.

4 P.M. to MidnIghtMidnight to S AM.Call or Apply To

MRS. HACKE CV 6.2266-

CONEX DIViSlOIllinois Tool Works, Inc.

_1801 S. Mt. Prospect Ed..Des Plaines

. An Equal OpporlunityEmployer

FREElobo for secretaries, typ.Ints, clerks and person.nel In Elles t, adjocen) çsuburbs, Call Karen at

Abbey EmploymentServire,

762036 ' Milwaukee- Ave.

E-Mu4t Iosbms



Values up ,to $3.400SpecIal -Prices $569 IYp

, - New Spiñets 88 7101e- - $495 Up

New Orass,'- -: .

Accordions . $19 ljpConvenient Terms


0415 Eiiinwood Se.,Dea Plaises, Ill.

616/4PIANOS A ORGANS -New a Used. 5350 N. MU.waukeo Ave.

PIANOS WASTED. High.or prIest RO 3.6735 ..

. bit34-latalmi toale

Guitar - OrganDrums

-e Lessons sPhee Eoes tot

chIldrenHLEcHRO voicoORGAN. *519.00fleISch IfleIudnd -

THE MUS BOXa's-- - M0lt,2.Ie30 . ç

