Facebook Ad’s Reloaded A complete Guide To Creating Leads with FB Ad’s

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Facebook has spent a lot of time and money making it’s platform very Advertiser Friendly The trick has been to make sure the user experience does not suffer because of advertiser’s Facebook will CONTINUE to tweak and alter it’s News Feed Algorithm to better serve the user’s content they are interested in

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Facebook Ads Reloaded A complete Guide To Creating Leads with FB Ads Why Facebook Ads? In years past we spoke about Numbers Threw out statistics like 174,000,000 U.S. users The average user is on 20 minutes a day Facebook has spent a lot of time and money making its platform very Advertiser Friendly The trick has been to make sure the user experience does not suffer because of advertisers Facebook will CONTINUE to tweak and alter its News Feed Algorithm to better serve the users content they are interested in The Genius of what Facebook has done is make sure advertisers can target an audience very precisely The effect is the advertiser can get their product or service in front of people most likely to be interested AND Serve only the ads a user is likely to be interested in Now add these elements together Millions of usersit is more UNCOMMON to know someone who does NOT have a Facebook account (most of the people near you) The more Facebook makes the News Feed awesome for the user, the more time people spend their (20minutes on average) You can put a very specific message, in front of a very specific person Heres the Kicker It is cheap pricing with massive return on investment (when done correctly) Facebook Has made some changes since we covered our 3 Step Funnel and Facebook Ads Decoded classes These changes require we Reload our Facebook Ads strategy The following is a complete Guide to using Facebook Ads to generate Mortgage Leads 1 st You Need a Landing Page that has your offer You can have this your Website Weebly Site WordPress Site Agent Marketing Landing Pages This page has a little more supporting info about your offer What you have to offer How this would benefit them How they can take advantage of it The conversion form on the first page should be very short NameAddress Phone Number (not required) Use words like download, cheat sheet, checklist in stead of submit or sign up Ideas Reverse Top 10 Myths about Reverse Mortgage VA Veterans 0 Down Home Buying Cheat Sheet 1 st Time Home Buyers Check List Having your page ready will do 2 things 1 st Make it much easier to create the ad (how to entice your audience to want it) 2 nd Set up the second part of making ads WORK with Facebook Website Custom Audience Create a brand new WCA each time you are doing this The WCA is for this conversion page ONLY If you have placed the WCA pixel on your site before you do NOT need to do it again If you have NOT 2 nd Start Driving your audience to your page Remember only 3% of page visitors will take any action the first time they go to a website This first ad and pages goal is not to convert a lead, but create a prospect The WCAs and how you funnel the prospect will convert the lead Create an ad that provides value to your target Template 1 Reverse Mortgage Template 2 VA Loans Template 3 1 st Time Buyers Template 1 Reverse Mortgage Template 2 VA Loans Template 3 1 st Time Buyer The beginning of any ad you must monitor You can not set up part 2 until you have at least 20 visitors to your website This will not take long if you have set up the ad correctly Even if your landing page stinks, you will still be able to get website page visitors If you are not getting website visitors..look at the FB statistics for your ad If you are getting impressions, but no clicks, edit your ad Your image is usually what creates the clicks Use images that will catch the eye, not necessarily what goes with the ad Remember you are getting the ad in front of people who are more likely interested, just need to catch their eye Get this part implemented By next week your WCA will be over 20 and we can set up Part 2 Make sure to get part 1 set