FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

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Page 1: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes





Page 2: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes


What’s the advantage that successful entrepreneurs have over ones that are over-whelmed and struggling to grow their business? A simplified marketing plan. They have ONE complete system for automating their leads and sales.

And today, the EASIEST way to scale and automate your business is with Facebook ads.

Follow this Action Guide and take notes as I show you exactly how to create an automat-ed system that attracts leads and sales every day using Facebook ads.

Your Business Assessment

Yes No

Are you struggling with overwhelm? Do you know when your next lead or sales is going to come in? Do you want to scale and automate your business using Facebook ads? Are you looking to simplify your marketing efforts? Are you working hours upon hours on end? Are you tired of the income roller coaster ride?

What distractions are holding you back from growing your business?

What 1-2 things could you solely focus on to help you grow your business?



Page 3: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

The People You’re Attracting (Traffic)

__________ Traffic: means that you’re targeting your Facebook ads to people who don’t know who you are. People who likely have never heard of you. This is usually when you’re targeting other Facebook pages of businesses in your niche.

__________ Traffic: Means you’re targeting your Facebook ads to people who are already familiar with you and your brand. This would be people on your email list that you’ve uploaded into Facebook, people who have visited your website and you’re building a retargeting audience of, or your Facebook fans.

__________ Traffic: Can be defined as people who have previously bought from you. They’ve consumed your products or services and fully understand the value you bring.

Your Sales System (The Funnel)

Identify each step of the funnel:





Page 4: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes


Your Action Step

How will life be different when you are getting consistent sales and leads on autopilot?

Post your response in the comments at www.rickmulready.com/freetrainingvid1

Why All the Fuss About Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads MUST be part of your marketing plan.

5 new Facebook profiles are created every second.

The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes a day on Facebook.

300 million photos are uploaded every day.

100 million hours of video are watched every day on Facebook. Yes, that’s 100 million hours per day.

There are over _______________ billion Facebook users. Over a _______________ of which are active on Facebook every day.

Page 5: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

What does all this mean?

Your _______________ ARE ON FACEBOOK. And they’re _______________.

What’s stopping you from implementing your Facebook ads strategy?

Simply running a Facebook ad or two doesn’t guarantee that leads and sales will magically start pouring into your business.

It takes a _______________, it takes _______________, it takes a little _______________ and it takes a _______________ to put in the work if you want to see success.

My 7-step Formula for Putting Leads and Sales On Autopilot with Facebook Ads

Step 1You NEED to know what your goal is and have a strategy for getting to it. A great way to come up with a strategy is to work backwards from your goal. For example, if your goal is to sell 3 products or courses every day, what needs to happen in order for those sales to occur? Write your goal and what needs to happen to achieve it below:

How can you begin a conversation with and add free value to your target customers? Ideas: epic blog article, how-to video, webinars, video series, ebook/guide, coupon, download, discount code, free trial to software.


Page 6: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

Step 2_______________ is by far is THE Most important aspect of your Facebook ads. Get it wrong and you’re throwing money out the window.

Targeting Ideas:

website visitors

your email list

lookalike audiences

other Facebook pages

Grab a notebook and brainstorm 5-10 other people or businesses in your niche. They could competitors or even your friends.

Next, brainstorm 3-5 publications people interested in your niche read. This could be magazines or newspapers.

Now, I want you to think of any associations or business groups that are relevant to your niche. If you’re having trouble with any of this exercise, you can use Google to type in “biggest associations [in your niche]” or “top associations [in your niche]” for example. Do this after the video, of course.


Page 7: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

Step 3There are 3 essential ingredients to creating great ads that convert:

an _______________ or _______________ that catches attention

ad copy that piques _______________ and _______________

and a l_______________ page that _______________

Facebook is a fun and casual platform where people share updates, pictures and videos with their friends and family. So, approach your ads with the same casual, easy tone. Don’t be overly business-like.

Step 4Once your ads are running, you review your results to see what’s working and what’s not working. It’s about looking at the RIGHT stats to determine what’s going on with your ads.

Look at the metrics that are most important to the goal of your campaign (example below):

What are your 3 key metrics that will help you reach your goal?


Website Conversions







Page 8: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

Step 5

This is where you continue _______________ the relationship with your new leads -- where you’re further _______________ them up to you and your business. Once you’ve added them to your email list, now you get to continue building a relationship with them through email.

When you send your emails, _______________ yourself further so they begin seeing you as the expert you are and focus on giving them tons of value. This could be in the form of helpful articles or videos or links to a podcast episode or a webinar.

How can you help your target improve their lives? You’re solving their challenges or pain points.

Once you’ve given great content and they begin to _______________, _______________ and _______________ you and see you as an authority figure, that’s when you present your offer of your product or service and they begin buying from you.

The nurture phase is a really important one that a lot of people skip over. People aren’t going to buy from someone they don’t know and trust. Make the effort to nurture your leads so they become lifelong paying customers.


Page 9: FACEBOOK ADS BLUEPRINT FOR GETTING LEADS & SALES …Mulready+Faceb… · 5 new Facebook profiles are created every second. The average person in the United States spends 40 minutes

Step 6

Once you’re seeing good results with your _______________ and a sales _______________ that’s converting leads into sales, now it’s time to scale your ads and _______________ your results.

There are a few effective ways to do it:

Add more budget to the ads that are performing the best. So, for example, if you’re spending $10 a day, bump your budget up to $15 a day. When you add budget, I recommend increasing by 50% of your daily budget at a time.

Find additional targeting that is similar to the people or groups you’re already targeting. For example, if I’m targeting my ads to people who have an interest in Tony Robbins and these ads are doing great, well, I want to find more people who also might like Tony Robbins. So I could also test targeting people who are interested in Success Magazine or Richard Branson. Use Audience Insights for this!

Step 7

Because you’ve done the work to find what works, this is where you put things on autopi-lot and leads and sales come into your business whether you’re working or not.
