Fabio De Colle, Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro Esquivel- The Dynamics of Internal Working Surfaces in MHD Jets

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  • 8/3/2019 Fabio De Colle, Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro Esquivel- The Dynamics of Internal Working Surfaces in MHD Jets


    Draft version August 18, 2008Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 08/13/06


    Fabio De ColleDublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), 31 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2, Ireland


    Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro EsquivelInstituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, A. Postal 70-543, 04510 Mexico, Mexico

    Draft version August 18, 2008


    The dynamical effects of magnetic fields in models of radiative, Herbig-Haro (HH) jets have beenstudied in a number of papers. For example, magnetized, radiative jets from variable sources havebeen studied with axisymmetric and 3D numerical simulations. In this paper, we present an analyticmodel describing the effect of a toroidal magnetic field on the internal working surfaces that result froma variability in the ejection velocity. We find that for parameters appropriate for HH jets the forcesassociated with the magnetic field dominate over the gas pressure force within the working surfaces.Depending on the ram pressure radial cross section of the jet, the magnetic field can produce a strongaxial pinch, or, alternatively, a broadening of the internal working surfaces. We check the validity of

    the analytic model with axisymmetric numerical simulations of variable, magnetized jets.Subject headings: ISM: kinematics and dynamics ISM: jets and outflows ISM: Herbig-Haro objects

    stars: magnetic fields stars: pre-main sequence winds, outflows


    It is now relatively certain that some Herbig-Haro(HH) jets have knot structures which are the result ofa time-variability in the ejection. For example, the ob-servations of some jets with organized structures of knotsof different sizes (e. g., HH 30, 34 and 111, see Esquivel etal. 2007, Raga et al. 2002 and Masciadri et al. 2002) canbe reproduced surprisingly well with variable ejection jetmodels. In the present paper, we study the effect of the

    presence of a magnetic field on the evolution of a variablejet.

    It is still an open question to what extent magneticfields are important in determining the dynamics of HHjets. The associated problem of radiative, MHD jets hasbeen explored in some detail in the existing literature.Cerqueira et al. (1997), and Cerqueira & de Gouveia DalPino (1999) computed 3D simulations of radiative, MHD jets with different magnetic field configurations (at theinjection point). Frank et al. (1998) carried out axisym-metric simulations of similar flows.

    The problem of an MHD, radiative jet ejected witha time-variable velocity was explored with axisymmet-ric simulations by Gardiner & Frank (2000); Gardineret al. (2000); Stone & Hardee (2000); OSullivan & Ray(2000); Frank et al. (2000); De Colle & Raga (2006) andHartigan et al. (2007). Variable, MHD jets were also ex-plored with 3D simulations by Cerqueira & de GouveiaDal Pino (2001a,b). The general conclusions that canbe obtained from these simulations is that the internalworking surfaces produced by the ejection variability arenot affected strongly by a poloidal magnetic field. On theother hand, if the magnetic field is toroidal (or, alterna-tively, has a strong toroidal component), the materialwithin the working surfaces of the jet flow has a strongerconcentration towards the jet axis.

    Electronic address: [email protected]

    Electronic address: raga, [email protected]

    Gardiner & Frank (2000) showed that in a variableejection velocity jet the continuous jet beam sectionsin between the working surfaces have a low toroidal mag-netic field, which grows in strength quite dramaticallywhen the material goes through one of the working sur-face shocks into one of the knots. In the present paper,we present a simple, analytic model from which we ob-tain the conditions under which the toroidal magneticfield produces an axial compression of the internal work-

    ing surfaces. This analytic model is presented in 2.In 3, we present axisymmetric numerical simulations inwhich we compare the working surfaces with and withouta toroidal magnetic field, showing the effect described bythe analytic model. Finally, in 4 we present our conclu-sions.


    2.1. General considerations

    A time-variability in the ejection velocity leads to theformation of two-shock internal working surfaces whichtravel down the jet flow. In a frame of reference thatmoves with the working surface, the flow takes the con-

    figuration shown in Figure 1, with material entering theshocked layer from both the upstream and downstreamdirections.

    Let us consider an internal working surface within acylindrically symmetric jet with a toroidal magnetic fieldconfiguration. The material in the jet beam cross sectionor within the working surface is subject to two radialforces: the magnetic pinch force

    Fm = B4r


    dr(rB) , (1)

    where B is the toroidal magnetic field and r the cylin-drical radius, and the force due to the pressure gradient

    Fp = dP

    dr , (2)

  • 8/3/2019 Fabio De Colle, Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro Esquivel- The Dynamics of Internal Working Surfaces in MHD Jets


  • 8/3/2019 Fabio De Colle, Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro Esquivel- The Dynamics of Internal Working Surfaces in MHD Jets


    The dynamics of internal working surfaces in MHD jets 3

    where MA v0/vA is the Alfvenic Mach number (ob-tained with the characteristic velocity v0 and the Alfvenvelocity vA = B0/

    40), Mw = v0/cw is the sonic

    Mach number (calculated with the characteristic veloc-ity v0 and the post-shock sound speed cw of the radiativeshock) and the fm(r) and fp(r) functions are given byequations (10) and (12), respectively.

    One can argue that if the dimensionless cross sectionof the jet (described by equations 3-5) is smooth, thenthe fnrm (r), f

    radm (r) and fp(r) functions (see equations 10

    and 12) will have values of order 1.In our derivation of the pressure force within the inter-

    nal working surface, we have only considered the gradientof the post-shock gas pressure. Of course, the fact thatthe working surface material is free to leave through thesides of the jet beam will lead to an extra gas pressuregradient (directed outwards), particularly in the case ofa non-radiative flow. The dimensionless pressure crosssection due to this effect is still likely to lead to a dimen-sionless force fp(r) 1.

    Setting fnrm (r), fradm (r), f

    nrp (r), f

    radp (r)

    1, from

    equation (13) we then obtain

    (M/P)nr 643M2A

    ; (M/P)rad M2w

    MA. (14)

    From these two estimates of the ratio between the mag-netic and gas pressure forces, we conclude that

    for the non-radiative case : if the Alvenic Machnumber of the flow entering the Mach disk is large(e. g., MA > 10) we have (M/P)nr 1, and there-fore the lateral expansion or contraction of the gaswithin the working surface will be governed by thegas pressure force,

    for the radiative case : if we consider jets with givenvalues for vA and cw, it is clear that as the velocityv0 increases, the (M/P)rad ratio increases (propor-tional to v0). In particular, if we have flows withvA cw, the magnetic to gas pressure force ratiohas values (M/P)rad Mw. Thus, for a Machdisk in the strong shock regime, the post-shockmagnetic pressure force will under most conditionsdominate over the gas pressure force.

    Therefore, for the non-radiative and the radiative cases,whether the jet material within the working surface ex-pands or contracts in the radial direction will be deter-mined by the signs of fnrp (r) and f

    radm (r), respectively

    (see equations 10 and 12), provided that the Mach num-ber of the jet has values Mw 10 or larger.


    Let us now consider the case of a jet model with atop hat density and velocity initial cross section, andan initial toroidal magnetic field cross section of the form

    B(r) = B0r

    rj. (15)

    This kind of magnetic field cross section has been usedin many of the previous simulations of radiative MHDjets (see, e. g., Gardiner & Frank 2000). With this crosssection for the jet beam, we have

    fnrm = 2r/rj , fradm = rj/r , (16)


    fnrp = 0 , fradp =


    2. (17)

    In other words, the magnetic pressure force is directedtowards the axis, and the gas pressure force (acting inthe radial direction on the working surface jet material)

    is zero for the non-radiative case, and points outwardsfor the radiative case.We now compute models of a jet with this initial cross

    section, and an initial scale of the magnetic field B0 = 0(i. e., a purely hydrodynamic jet) and B0 = 5 G. The jet is injected with a constant density nj = 100 cm

    3,temperature Tj = 900 K and radius rj = 2 1015 cm,and moves into a homogeneous, unmagnetized envi-ronment of density nenv = 10 cm3 and temperatureTenv = 9000 K. The injection velocity varies sinusoidallywith time, with a period = 20 yr, a half-amplitude of150 km s1, and an average velocity of 300 km s1.

    For the two chosen values of the magnetic field (B0 = 0and 5 G, see above and Equation 15), we run both

    non-radiative simulations and simulations in which weinclude the coronal ionization equilibrium cooling func-tion of Dalgarno & McCray (1972). These simulationsare run with the uniform grid, axisymmetric MHD codedescribed in detail by De Colle & Raga (2006). Thecodes uses a second order up-wind scheme, which inte-grates the MHD equations using a Godunov method witha Riemann solver. The Riemann problem is solved us-ing primitive variables and the magnetic field divergenceis maintained close to zero using the CT method (Toth2000). The computational domain of (5, 1) 1016 cm(axial, radial) extent is resolved with 2000 400 gridpoints. A reflection condition is applied on the jet axisand on the z = 0 plane in the r > rj region. An outflow

    condition is applied in the remaining grid boundaries.The time-dependent ejection velocity of the jet leads to

    the formation of successive internal working surfaces thattravel down the jet flow. It is possible to estimate theratio (M/P) between the magnetic and pressure forceswithin the internal working surfaces by noting that theshock velocity (associated with the two working surfaceshocks) has a value v 150 km s1. In other words,the value of the shock velocity is of the order of the half-amplitude of the ejection velocity variability (see, e. g.,Raga et al. 1990).

    With this value of v and the initial jet density andtemperature, we can compute MA = v/vA 31 (wherevA = 4.8 km s

    1 for our B0 = 5 G value and our initial

    jet density), Mw = 150 (for an assumed post-coolingsound speed of 10 km s1) and then we use equation(13) to obtain (M/P)nr 0.02 and (M/P)rad 103.Therefore, the magnetic force should have little effectin the non-radiative simulations, and result in similarstructures for the internal working surfaces in the casesof magnetized and non-magnetized jets.

    Figure 2 shows that our numerical simulations do showthis effect. In this Figure, we show the density stratifi-cation obtained for non-radiative jets with B0 = 0 (left)and B0 = 5 G (right) after a t = 90 yr time-integration.It is clear that though the details of the flow are affectedby the presence of a toroidal magnetic field, the generalfeatures of the two working surfaces produced within thecomputational domain are quite similar in the magne-

  • 8/3/2019 Fabio De Colle, Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro Esquivel- The Dynamics of Internal Working Surfaces in MHD Jets


  • 8/3/2019 Fabio De Colle, Alejandro C. Raga and Alejandro Esquivel- The Dynamics of Internal Working Surfaces in MHD Jets


    The dynamics of internal working surfaces in MHD jets 5

    Fig. 4. Density stratifications of the knot seen in the upper halfof the t = 90 yr time frames shown in Figures 2 and 3. The non-radiative models are shown on the top, and the radiative models onthe bottom. The non-magnetized models are on the left, and the

    magnetized ones on the right. The displayed domain has an axialand radial size of 7.5 1015 cm. The density of the non-radiativemodels is given (in g cm3) by the bar on the top right, and thedensity of the radiative models by the bar on the bottom right.

    found that a condition necessary for the development ofthe pinch instability is

    d ln B

    d ln r>

    2 + 2

    , (18)

    where = 8P/B2. In the case of a radiative work-ing surface with a post-shock region with 1 (corre-sponding to the condition (M/P)rad 1) this conditionreduces to Fm < 0.

    4. CONCLUSIONSIt is a known result that internal working surfaces in

    radiative, MHD jets with a toroidal magnetic field con-figuration form dense, axial structures, which do not ap-pear in unmagnetized jets. We present a simple, analyticmodel with which we show that the strong jump condi-tions (applied to one of the working surface shocks) implythat the magnetic force dominates over the gas pressureforce within a radiative working surface and that the gaspressure force is dominant for a non-radiative workingsurface (provided that one has a shock Mach number of

    at least Mw 10 and an Alvenic Mach number whichdoes not exceed M2w).

    Interestingly, the radial dependence of the toroidalmagnetic field within a radiative working surface dependsonly on the cross section of the pre-shock ram pressurepram(r) = (r)v2(r) impinging on the shocks. Fromequation (10), we can see that if we have a pram(r) that

    decreases towards the edge of the jet faster than 1/r2

    ,the magnetic force within the working surface will be di-rected outwards, and will tend to increase the width ofthe working surface.

    We have run four simulations (with a top hat cross sec-tion for pram, that results in an axially directed magneticpinch within the working surfaces), therefore in completeconsistency with our analytic model. We find that in thenon-radiative case the presence of a toroidal magneticfield has very little effect on the structure of the inter-nal working surfaces. We also find that for the radiativecase, the presence of a toroidal magnetic field producesa strong axial compression of the material within the in-ternal working surfaces (see Figure 4).

    The analytic model presented in this paper can then beused to decide what ram pressure and toroidal magneticfield cross section to use in a magnetized, radiative, vari-able jet simulation in order to produce internal workingsurfaces that show narrower or broader structures thanwhat is obtained in non-magnetized jet simulations. Thismight be a valuable tool when trying to model the knotsin specific HH jets, and might provide a possible methodfor constraining the strength and the configuration ofmagnetic fields within such objects.

    AR and AE acknowledge support from the DGAPA(UNAM) grant IN108207, from the CONACyT grants

    46828-F and 61547, and from the Macroproyecto deTecnologas para la Universidad de la Informacion y laComputacion (Secretara de Desarrollo Institucional dela UNAM). This work is supported in part by the Eu-ropean Communitys Marie Curie Actions - Human Re-source and Mobility within the JETSET (Jet Simula-tions, Experiments and Theory) network under contractMRTN-CT-2004 005592. We thank Enrique Palacios,Martn Cruz and Antonio Ramrez for supporting theservers in which the calculations of this paper were car-ried out.


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